$TJES ' vmm sec OTpronrc sum: mmum, mxmmo, okecios, msnOTinxv. ttoTTTNmttrc 27, iota. " .1 nf -r-t-r PROPOSITION GOOD FI IAFI AMDS NATATORIUM MEDFORD SAYS COMMITTEE m M ON QUALITY 'SF L E 'IM AWARDS PACK PRO ESSOR EB MY THEIVES TO ADDRESS LAD ES RAYNOR UNERA SUDDENLY A 1; i i The cntmnillrc nppoinled liy llic Medford Commetvlni cluh to InveMi Kiito tlio proportion mihmitted by C. .1. Korinck to estnblUh 11 Mock medi cine fnetory nt Medford hnvc mnde tlio following retmrt: Medford, Nov. 25, 1912. To Whom H May Cencern: Thu committee Appointed by tti Medford Commercial clul to examine Into tho merits of tho stock food and medicine manufactured by Dr. Chan. J. Korlnek of Salem, Oregon, wishes to stnto that they nro In ovrry way as represented by Dr. Korlnek. Aside from tho merlin of the arc lick's manufactured by Dr. Korinck, wo wish to Rtnto that it would bo Reed, business on tho part of the Commercial club of Medford to make It possible for Dr. Korinck to build n manufacturing plant In this city. In tho first place, the stock fooda nntl medicines contain alfalfa products. Alfalfa grown In tho Hoguo lltver valley could bo utilized In tho process of manufacture. Tho possibilities of a plant making uso of alfalfa arc far reaching In that many human foods nnd condiments may ho made from It. Tho building of n plant to consume our local product would bo of ad vantage to tho alfalfa grower. As wo understand It, Dr. Korinck In not asking for charity hut seek a encouragement from tho business and rnonled Interest of the valley. Wo hellcvo that tho purchase of stock In this plant would bo a paying Invest ment, as tho profits In tho manufac ture of stock fcods and medicines are such as to warrant paying dividends, 'ihero Is a constant and Increasing demand for stock foods. P. J. OGAHA, Chairman of Committee. II. 11. Tnmon of KorIo Point hits returned from Hip Portland lnnd pro duct show where he entered omo of Ins rnncv Spitsenberj tipples in tlie four box pIiixx. Uo "soy": "Tliero wprc 18 entries in the eln. I entered. 17 of I Jinn from Hood River. I lost the award mi the pnek nut llu njinlity of Iho npiJe wit'eh was unsurMiod. I took no Hckcr witli mo to repack tin fruit after shipment and the judges ucd n leel sipinre for nlignmont nnd found one of tho apple in the top row. tho only one 1 (Hiked at, ntt eighth of an inch out of line which put me nut of the running despite the fuel thnt my ap ples were finer thnu tho-o that woni sweep-dakes at Spokane. "Mv Spilrcnliergs were I fit only ones displayed linwni: the true Spit".- tT'ierg shape the others were round, nnd flat on the rnds. But the judg. did not consider this at all." JUMP-OFF-JOE MINES IN FULL OPERATION MADERO BREAKS UP !E LAND TRACTS WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. To carry out pledges made when he as sumed office, President Prnncisco I. Madcro of Mexico, plans the distri bution of more than 2,000,000 acres or land nmong small farmers, accord ing to consular reports received at tho Mate department from Chihuahua and Conhuila. More than 1,700,000 nures nro to ho distributed in Conhu ila alone, nnd at least 500,000 no res will be divided in Chihunhun. At the outset of his rebellion against Por firio Dinz, Miulero promised to break up the concentration of land among a few big owners. MITCHELL WILL EXPLAIN HIS VIEWS AS TO MARKET Dorausc many of tho people of tho city bavo gained a wrong Impression of tho views of J. W. Mitchell, can didate for mayor, as to tho public market, Mr. Mitchell today an nounced that ho would prepare- a sta'tement letting forth his views In dotall which will bo published In the near future. Ho asks the public to withhold Its opinion until they have read lis statement. Mr. Mitchell states further that bo believes that IiIh remarks before tho (Jrcaer Med ford club Monday were misinterpre ted, (Paid Advt.) O. E. I lowland of (Irants Pns re )orts that all of the Jump-Off-Joe plncer mines are either nl ready t work or thnt they will begin opera tions before tho end of another week. Sufficient water for plncer mining was nvnilnblo this season much earl ier than usual, uud Mime of the mines wore not ready to mnko use of the first flow. The giants of the Sexton and of tho II. & C. nro notive now, however, nnd tin- three giants on the Swastika will commenco wash ing out the gravel next week. The Jack's creek mine is installing n gasoline engine and hoist, and will use the outfit to lift some of the heaviest boulders out of the way. The miners are all euthuintic over tho outlook, and with tho early coming of the wnter anticipate a most profitable season's run. COMMISSIONER CLARK GETS ANOTHER 7 YEAR TERM WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. K. E. Clark, interstate commerce comm'w sioner was reappointed today by president Taft for another 'seicii year term. Clark'. preent terra will expire next month. DISSOfiLTIOX XOTICK. Talent, Oregon, Nov. 26, 1912. Xotlco Is hereby given that by mu tual consent of both parties Welborn Bec&on and C. T. Lester heretofore doing a general nursery business un der the firm name of The Wagner Creek Nursery and Orchard com pany. Js hereby dissolved. C. T. Les ter continuing the business under tho firm name. AH debts owed to the company nro payable to Ueesan & Iester, all debts contracted pryor to Nov. 23, 1912, nro to be paid by Ileeson & Lester, all future debts and obligations to be met by C. T Lester. 215 WKLDORN' UEESOXV ,C. T. LESTER. TRASK IS APPOINTED ART DIRECTOR AT FAIR PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 27.-John E. VA Truhk, secretary of tho Penn sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, is today appointed director of the fine nrts department at the Panama Pu cifie International Exposition, ac cording to announcement here. Tra&k will leave for Chicago to imil row to meet olhots interested in thu exposition urt exhibition. FIRE RAGES ON FAMOUS BOARD WALK, ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Nov. 27. Firo which broke out on the Hoard iMill; here today destroyed mbro than half u block and caused damage to the extent of $50,000. kaempf Re-elected as speaker german house IJEHLIN, Nov. 27. Carl Johannes Kaempf, member of tho imperial par liament, is today ru-elected ns speak er of tho houso, MARRIED. Friends of George Itcnstrom and Helen Mlcrs will he Interested to hear of tholr marriage. The bride will bo remembered here as the charming nurse at the Southern Ore gon hospital in 1910-11. While act ing In that position she met tho groom who was a patient thcro. It was tho beginning of the romance which cul minated in their marriage In Yreka, Nov, 20. The groom lived horo for sometlmo where ho was prominent In baseball circlet). Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains MM! C. MAlinxr.r, of '.T06 K. St., W.WuIiiugfeu, J,U..tilr "I uf ferwl litiiiicuin.ilUui (or flia )un ul I liio jiul (Hi bold ( your Uul luut, iumI fi I Uouo iuq murh Ckk1. j know dci nol lulu uU im auclliUK iiu guu." Quiet tho Nerves Jim. A.WniDHiy, of va Tbompn bu, iliryrllU), Ito wrlut I TU ixrto la in I2 111 dtro;e.i Ufa jcari njoiuul left lue will) jtrkloz at ulslit to (tut I could uot lxrij. A f rival told lualalr jour Uoiuicnt kiid liow I could but du wllhout It. I Hud nl lor It tuo 1 can ilp." SLOANS LINIMENT "Iia good Liniment. I keep it on hand all tho time. My daughter sprained her trlt and ued your Liniment, and it has not hurt tier since." Jorp Hatch, Of K'lina, N, O., H.V.U., So. 4. M Ml Dealer! Pric 25c, fiOc., 51.00 siMii't l on uora, tAttle. Iuf uul puultr atal (roe. Ad4icM Dr.f EarlS. $iihr Jim. iffrJmk vm Sloaa, Ootton, Mm. A special mpetlnpc of tho Greater Medford club will bo held next Mon day when Professor George llobeo vf tho University of Orogon will address the ladlpH on civics. A full attend ance Is reijuoRtcd. In a report of tho recent meetlnK namtiiR tho various departments Into which tho club has resolved Itself tho Home Kcotiomlca division was mult- ted. Mrs. J. . Schmidt has charrto of this work. Legal blanks at Mall Tribune. WASHINGTON", Nov. I!". Willi l'n'iident Taft, jutlt,o of Iho sit promo court, members of tho senate and house, beside, many foreign dip lotnatu, in nttendAiiee, the funeral of United States Senator Nldor Hnynor of Maryland was held Iipit this nf tonuunt rtt 2 nVloek. Chaplain Pierce of the senate preached the funeral sermon, and tlio associates in emigre- of the dead stateoman bore his hodv to the jinive. Inlenuput wns in Hook I'reek cemetery. A number of people In the city will bavo turkey for Thanksgiving If theft of the popular birds reported Wednesday morning Is nny criterion. Several complaints wore made today of tho loss of birds duo to loio their necks this mornlmt. In mm Instaucn four fltio birds wore stolen. I'or sometlmo chicken stealing which previously flourished In tho city has apparently been stamped out but Tuesday night the lull In tho business broke out afresh hut this 1 1 mo tho thelves sought turks. . ,. , , , a IK it. - '.v -:; - ' iff; - ;. ' - . ''ism ' ; s .". BOB CROWDER' At Public Market Booths 11-12 . . v, f , Wishes to thank tho people of ' Medford and valley for past patron- .. y T age. Hereafter, until further notice, . . ' his stall will be open on ,-. fl ' ' SATURDAYS ONLY l -- uV As Mr. Crowder will bo busy on his farm. All who have stock, cows or calves for sale, phone 272-Z, Home phone. 1 V " 4?" ' f". '" .-i&f&W 1 J Write Ideas for Moving Picture Plays! You Can Write Photo Plays and Earn $25 or More Weekly WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW If you luivo ideas if yon can THINK wo will how you the soorotH of this fascinating new. profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence nec essary. No "flowery language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufactur ers are "moving heaven and earth" in their attompts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100 and more, for singlo scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, tho buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on tho spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of phots arc wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters from tho big film manufacturers, such as VITAORAPIL EDISON, ESSANAY, LTJBIN, SOL AX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION, COMET, MELIES, ETC., urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of. success. We are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for publication." Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25., a low figure, YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORKi FREE Send your name and address at once for free copy of our illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Don't hesitate. Dou't argue. Write NOW and loarn just what this now pro fession may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHOR'S INSTITUTE 1543 EROADWAY NEW YORK CITY W. I). Morrlrk, Malinger SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT . At n Ureal Cost of tho KniuoiiH BOYD AND OGLE (Hit Time Oni'-llliitf CIRCUS SUNDAY, DEO. lot, and MONDAY, DEC. 2nd Hl'KflAli MATINT.i: St'NHAV, llWVAIIIKIt 1ST, 11.00 I1. M. lueludluit KtN'O I'llAltOAK Tho must educated horso In tho world. Tho homo with tho human bratu. rrofossors are xpcclally luvlled to mm this wonderful act. Tho hurso will answer all uuestloim put to him, Will pick out tho most beautiful mid also tho ugliest lady la Iho audience, I.AHV MVINtSNTO.Vi: The Holler Skating Hear TltAINIMl AVOOItA OOATS In Ihunrdous Keats of KouostrliinlMn lAN IIAKT Oldest Clown hi Amnrlru, and Ills Kamoits 'Crick Mulo ntor. ntKit hi:v Tho Marvel and Idol of tho Athletln Universe SMAIIlt ItUAt'TV Tho Acrotmtlu Arabian llorso I) 111(1 ACIH On account of tho upper floor helm; too small Iho circus per formance lll ho given at tho skating rink door. IIIHMIHKA'IS ItOO.M IHlt Alili II1MI0 .HUATH ADMISSION !!.V, .too. ItlCSKHVKU HI UTS 7n At tho matlueo children will bo admitted all over at Hf.c. Tho Univorslty of Orogon Gorrospondbnco School offers, PHUn, with the exception of cost of postage on papers and cost of tho university intension liulietlu, to UlTl.KNN ()!' OHKdON, forty UNI VnitHITV COUHHKS by MAIIj. Ability to profit by tho courses selected la tho only rcuiilrcmont for enrollment In tho Correspondence Department. Courses are offered In iho departments of llotnny, Debating, Ucouoinlvs, Kducstlon, Ulectrlclty, Uugllsli Literature, Kngllsh ComiKisltlnu, Htotory, Mnthomatlrs, Mechnnlcnl Drawing, l'hystcnl Kduciitlon, l'h)Nlcs, I'hyslology, l'sychology, Sociology and Surveying. Write to tho Secretary of tlio Cor respondence School, University of Ureuon, Uugoiio, for liiforiuittluu mid catalogue. COllitRKS IN' HKfllDIC.S'Ci: nt the University prepare for tho Profes slons of KNtUNUKHINU, JOUHNAMHM, LAW, MUDIl'INi:, and TI.'Afll INll. Kail semester opens Tuesday, September 17. Address tho Itogln trar for catalogues descriptive of tho Collogo of Kuglneerlng, the Cullegn of Liberal Arts, the Schools of duration, Commerce, Itw, Medicine and Music. --'-- - l Who Cut Meat Prices? Who was It that gavo tho people of Medford cheap meat through the public marketT Who fought tho meat trust and forced prices down throush out tho city? It I am forced out of buitnesi, prlros wilt go up. People stay by your friends keep meat cheap. niX.K I'OltK All kinds of steak lile n , Prime roast .. ....tr.c 1'nl fnl.t lln ItOaSl HHHHIMH4WIHHII.HIIIHlt)( Ul IIIAKb IH.U..M4.MIH.IMMI I J U Kor boiling .. loe "h'o m.w... .iac Stuw .......... m..m... H'o Hog Heads ,......, .,....,, He MUTTON Front quarter ....IOo Mind ipiarter lU)Jc Stow fur tMe , Chops Ifio I buy Jackson county beef, mutton, pork and veal. Home Plionn -i-.'i'V, CROWDER Booths 11 and 12, Public Market F5M V ,Xi: w a . u NflF SE i Htiom " BfBltvlas 1 Direct from Our Factory fcfCaA . i-CHOia rANCL DOOHS-iUl and ijnilllr uaraulrr.1. 1.1 tl .,. 11.49 CtlAI-TSMAK IKTI.HI0R DO0I1S- I'aiwla aliar IMa, iwxiMxl, Sil flnl.hrtl aul marltht anUi .. . ... II 71 COTTAOC WINDOWS- nt Snnl iMtllljr illh faiwjr ilr.lfu lop, It.Tt V ilaln Ion. i fmui . ,, i It. 19 CASEMENT SASH, in l ail l .1.l". tut rarli plir, lii Iruiu ... ...t.ll I'laln. up ff"M . ... Iia INSIDE riHISH In Ml Itnl In a !m,. II. no nail.- ir t .. .... ... ...I9 INSIDE DOOn riNISII, .- !! mil Ka WILLIAMS' 'OOLD SEAL" KOOI1NO I I'ljr, fwr roll i.f w ., lu ... ... .. .11.11 3 fir. wr rvll i( Iuk i. fi . . tl.io .'M'b, f full f Urt H II , , 11.00 ASK 10 K CATALOG NO. W allan;ui ul Hirif)fwl.rft, Ouaprlra tualU UualaulraalllalluuauiMli.rMr. jgJll Nearly a quarter of a eontury under tho Bamo nmnagomont THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Orogon It has succeeded becauso of Boundnoss of principle Economy of nmnagomont Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtcr .President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier