yw&SmFmw f f- h- wcfoi t)0H MEDFOTW MATTi TnTTttJNR rRDFCmn, ORKflON". WMllXlfflnAY. KOVKMIIRR 27, 1012. - n h V f l fttKDFOKn Mail TiumraK HMMJWfcM'W t il nil ,! ''.I HI t JWfiKNT NKWHPAFKK BVT.HT A1TKWNOOM t' WltCIlAY ir TIIH UFOllU PMNTINM CO. Tha DemnerMlo TImfa, Thn Mrdford Mall, Th McHor.l Trllun, TM 8outh nt OrejtfliiUn, The Aihland Tribune. Office Mall Tribune IlulMlnir. SSOT ! North rir stret phone. MAin lest: numo tv. OttOftOttjnjTNAM.Kallornnd MnKr Bntertd na necond.olais mutter at Mtfirari1, Oregon, nJer the act ot March 3, WV. Official rnr ot the air of Mdfor4 Official Paper ot Jnckooti Conntr. MIHSCIIIITIO IIATR3. One rear, by mall. $5,00 One month, by mall ....... .SO Trr month, dcltvtrttl by carrier In Mfitfonl. JaoKtonvllle and Cen tral. Point.,,.,, ..., ..., ... .60 Paiurrfar only, by mall, pr yar., S. Weehly, per year. 1.80 sivnnx nmriit.ATinv. Dally avirR orlten month end' Inn- November 0. 1U. :;&u SAX FKANTISCO, Nov. 37 Mo. injr picture taken from nu ncropluno to lio tdiown nil over the world to ex ploit the 1015 o.xjKivition will bo the fttunt attempted nt tlio joint tic ili ra tion of! the New York nml Wet Vir ginia bite, which litis heen set for Friday afternoon. The co.-itiii voinpnuy is plnnniiij; to make the eere jnonicH unusually fpectneular ami in teresting in line with important states participating. Tlio Sixth nml Sixteenth regiments of Const, Artillery, four troops of cnvnlry, tlio Mgnnl nml hospital end hospital corps nnd their entire equipment will turn out for review before the New York and West Vir ginia state commihsio'ns preceding the dedication exercises. Natives of New York nnd West Virginia are coming from nil parts of the state to partici pate. Today thu commissioners were ta ken on the. hay in the state tuj; Gov ernor Mnrkhnm and shown tlio exx sitiou pito from the water. Tomor row the West Virginians will vMt Mount Tauinlpnis. WATERY MILK IS SAWTELLH, Cal., Sow 20. Fol lowing testimony yesterday that milk nerved tho veterans at the National Soldiers' Home here contained water nnd that the meal was wormy, the senatorial committed that Is probing conditions there, beard testimony oday regarding officers ot the Insti tution. Tho Rev. J. D. Hell. Christian minister, who formerly lived at tho home, testified that Captain Carpen ter, of ono of tho companies told htm that ho was required to resign because ho was "too popular with tho men." and that an officer who was popular couldn't bo effective. Tho mention of Carpenter's namo brought storms ot cheers from the 200 veterans who attended tho hear In U. They applaudod again wbcu Senator Catron suggested that It might bo better wcro tho votcrans permitted to elect their own cap tains. THANKSGIVING DAY BE ILL OBSERVED Tomorrow, TliniiVtgiviiix day, will be generally observe in jledford ns u full holiday, ill1 of t!lu hiiniiicas huiiMM (dosing for tho day. A union serviuo will be held nt the 1'resby teriaii church in tlio morning. Tho only uthlelie event of tho day wj)l be a foothull (ruino between thu high school and alumni at lliq bull park in thu afternoon. IN T NEW YOWC, Nov. 27. Irreifulur ity in prices win marked at tho open iiu of (ho fitpijk market horo toduy. Qu iui initial salu of 21,(100 shaics llendiug fell a point but rallied later five-eiu ithft of n noiut. Other chanced ivcro l'riui(ioiial, leading is-' Mien showing a mixturu ot increases and decline. llusincss was m-trltiled on account of tlio lcpoiU oojifcriiinc thu Euro peiin political silnnt'tou uud domestic nioiietfy conditions. Call money ppoiioi) ut 1 per mint. Tl ninricet closed dull. JJVHtla MWV ttvuy, mm. MOVING PICTURES FROM AEROPLANE SERVED VETERANS STOCK MM NEW RATE LAW ON1U of tho railroad commissioners in prophecy says or the newly onnotrd initiutivo rati law that it will mako a "killing" for Mig railroads, another of tho conmiiwiou eiy sin's the law is "niciuiinjjlesa"; the Portland press holds a brier for tho railroads that it will "foiinsoato'' the small road, while tho manager of a 10 mile road preaches that tho measure "will restrict" the movement of traffic hoeauso of the high rates it imposes. All this is but the delirium of en exeited imagination. mere moonshine. The Canadian commission law imposed on the railroads that thoy should filo a maximum standard rate basis above which neither -the law nor the railroads might go, but the law prescribed no limit below which the minimum rati, might bo fixed and provided for a Flexible rule for tho investigation and determination and the fixing of absolute lesser rates than tho maximum. The interstate commerce act invests its commission only with maximum rate pow ers and loaves the railroad free to establish rates below the maximum which tho commission may prescribe, but any rate so fixed is open to attack. The initiative law embodies the same principle of tho Canadian law and the commerce act in that it merely pro vides a maximum basis but does not fix an absolute rate, hence it cannot make a "killing" for the railroads, "con fiscate" their property nor ''restrict" the movement of traffic, and as it is phrased in the simplest terms possible :t is not "meaningless" unless simple English is so. The fixing of ; maximum rate by the interstate com merce commission .does not require that the carrier must revise its entire schedule of rates, but it needs only to revise the specific rate or schedule involved in the order. The only present revision required under tho initiative law is the class rate schedule based upon tho first class rate and the carload rates arc automatically made in con nection with the current classification of rates. The interstate commerce commission says "the fairest test of reasonableness of rates is earnings per car mile," and under this test and by way of illustrating the initiative Jaw the following table is inserted showing the car mile earnings, the reduction in rates to tho shipper, and the increased net profit to tho carrier, b' tho consolidated shipment under the percentage rule of the law. It is assumed tho shipment moves 100 miles and is compared with a less than carload rate of $1.00 for 100 peunds: Car Mlto Shipper Weight Amount Karnlngs per cw Founds rato per car cents cent! 100 $1.00 S 1.00 1. 20.000 .70 110.00 H. 30 30.000 .69 177.00 17.7 41 40,000 .50 200.00 20. 00 100.000 .12 420.00 42. SS The Southern Pacific company testified in court that it cost at tho rate of 1GAG cents per ton per mile to move a 100 lcss-than-carload shipment 191 miles, while shipments in 100,000 carload lots can bo moved from one to ono and one-half mills per ton per mile. It will thus bo observed that the relationship in the percentages prescribed by the law between tho 100 pound shipment and the carload 'ship ment follows a conservative provides relief to tho shipper to tlio railroad. That tho principle embodied in the law is correct anv person can prove by the application of the law to himself as a transportation agency ot winch the railroad is but an amplification, being a human invention with limitations and operated by human intellect. For instance ji person niaKing JU trips daily between two given points at a wage of $3 per day would receive 10 cents per trip, and at public hire for the carrying of goods his charges would be based on this requirement. If he carried Ono ounce a trip, the charge would be 10 cents per ounce, $l.(i0 per pound, and if he carried 100 pounds per trip, ho could carry it for one-tenth of ono cent per pound. This is the simple but basic principle by which freight rate schedules must final ly be prescribed by law, and this is the principle which the people adopted in the uniform rate bill. Tested by every common sense rule of cost and profit and the principles of transportation incorporated in the initiative law, it is a safe and sane measure. If fairly and honestly applied by the camera, it will produce all the revenue to which they are entitled, and do this without any radical revision of tho current rates. The law docs not say the railroad must apply the maximum percentage rule to every commodity uiKjcr the present ratings for less than carload shipment. TJic law merely prescribes that the railroads "must not exceed" this percentage, but leaves both the carrier and the railroad commission free to fix absoluto rates below the maximum prescribed by the act. A MODEST VIOLET IN THE GARDEN OF CANDIDATES. ' M AYOJt OKANT 13. DLMJCK of Oregon City, an nounces through the Courier of that citv, his can didacy for governor of Oregon. IWr. Dimick is not a candidate because of any wide spread popular demand for him. Ife is not a candidate becaqso his record has ipiprcssod itself so indelibly upui the minds of the people that they have called him from the peaceful solicitudes of his native city. Jfo is not a candi date because he represents any vituf principle or political revolution in the affairs of man like his fellow townsman UTfcn, who is also a candidate, and we have the word of tho Courier that JMr. Dinunick is not a candidate "for the advertising it will givo him or the help it may bo to his law practice" but "lie is a candidate because ho wants to be governor a nil you can but he has no secondary objects in view." Such modesty is dcligjitful in this immodest age and it only needs be added that all !Mr. Dimmiok has to do is to make the people want him as longingly as he wants the office ai)d l)is election is assured. CHANCE TO SECURE GOOD ROADS. UK policy announced by the new county court of help ing road districts that help themselves, commends it- eclf to nil as fair and square SAFE AND SANE. Saving to Inrroancd ! rftm Mil., lint. fit to rail road, conti 13 10.7 19. 41. intermediate line, and yet and a wide margin of profit and insuring the cxnwidi- turo of (ho'rumt money raised spout in the district that raises it. Ashland people have loudly clamored for the improve ment of tlio (Ireen Spring Mountain and Dead Indian roads. This is made, possible by a special road levy in the district affected in fact, conditions arc ncaily ideal in that district for the special levy. Tho southeast corner of tho county, including a portion of Ashland, is in road district number one. Tho assess ment of tlio district is as follews: Lands held by noiwetldents 12.1)00,000 Property held by rorimrntloiiR, such a rallroadu, telephoning etc. ns nHscssotl by the state tax commissions . t.flilo.OOO Lands and other nro'rty held by people living In tho district.. .. ilOil.OOO Total assessment of district . . it. 1 30.000 People living in the district would pay about one-seventh of the assessment, uon-rosidonts, (and .speculators and corporations, the other six-Sevenths'. Thus tho cost is nearly all borne by non-residents, while the residents, who are tho principal beneficiaries, pay but little. , If the Ashland people really want these roads improved they havo the opportunity to help themselves. Other districts have the same opportunitv. IIIOES THE GENEROUS THING vl'ortlaiid OrcftiUiMiO MKDFOIM). Or.. Nov. 2;1. (To the Editor). Your reply to the Ore goninn Friday is a strange way of pulling it. How and when uns ltooeelt the leading candidate In all belting Wil-ou was the favorite, and Mtrcly was considered to hold the leading position in the nice. Hon ever, you hae been ery nice about votir rcplic. and so 1 will pack four boxes of New towns uud send von one and one each to WiNou, Taft ind Koosevelt, o that all may par take of our littte affair. The King of Denmark purchased the pruowinniiig car last year at the SHikauo Apple show, nnd, so well pleaxed was he that his agent pur chaed another car of this year's Newtowjis, too. LAFFERTY TO BE I'OIITLANI), Nov. 27. l'.ngre,H is to be asked to stamp out the na tionwide "vice" sVNtcin, tt phme of which was unearthed in Portland in the urrct of several prominent men accused of ruining young box. I'oiignsHHian A. W. l.affertv today announced his intention of introduc ing u bill at the next se-iou which begins Jlonday, asking for a sweep-, iug committee investigation of re jsirts that regular houc are main tained by the inverts in Mime el tit-, including Sail FranuUco, New York and Chicago. Iifferty states that his plans are in the formative stage iik yet, but in sistent ri'isirls, liauked up by spccitn' statements of a number of the in verts here havo convinced him that tho propoi'uiou N something for the government to handle. BELGIUM MOURNS DEATH OF KING ALBERT'S MOTHER imrSSKLS. Nov. 27. All Mel giiim is in mourning today iner the death of I'nueess Marie, mother of King Alhcit. Death resulted fmni puuiiuiouia. Washington statu has recognized tho suffrage movement by choosing .Miss Helen J. Seott us ono of Its fourteen electors. Sho was n candi date on tho Itooiiovult ticket. Don't Blame Your Over WorRed Stomach When your stomach will not digest food, thu worst thing' you can do Is to take a lot of digestive medicines. True thoy give temporary lollef, but your stomach Is tho sufferer. Lobs of appetite, Indigestion, dyspepHln and headaches can only bu pormu-tu-ntl) rcliovod by removing thu cause. In many cases, various romudles taken to relieve these con dition!! result In ruining tho stom ach and preventing It from digesting food In u natural way. If you want yottr stomach to do Its own work proporly, without resort ing to artificial digestives or prcdl gestod foods, uso Jayno's Tonic Vol mlfugo. Tuko small doses regularly, proferahly In fore tueulu. In a little tlmo your stomach will again do Its own work uud you will oat heartily! keep well ami enjoy living, Payne's Tonic Vonnlfiigo Ih not a digester In Itself, hut It tones 11(1 tho stomach and Intestines,' giving you till tho nutriment and strength from tho food you eat. .Many forms of supposed Indiges tion aro tlio rcsujt of Intustliiul para sites, for which jjuyno'a Toulo Vonnl- fllgU IS llliHIirPUSSUd, IllBlHt on Jayuo's; ucinpt no other. .MIIIIoiih huyp prolscil It for nioro ban r'jiv yenrs. Sold by drugglM.i every- Whom, I)r o. Jnyuo & Finn, I'hlla dolphin, ia, NATION'S PURIFIER Hood liiver ha xood Newtown n p liles. but we think our me viiuil in ccry respect, although tad as well known us i. In your ho.v I will send n few of the lleuiiett apple that uc think lire the line! cntiuy npph at this time of the year. ''UU vnricty is not well known uud Ilium lire iry tew lire in this valley, but for flavor mid iieh baking tpmlities our folks think lite llcunett has all the other nnrlic beaten. 1 hapiwi to lm couple of he IV of them. Mr. llcunett . it is n em with the Wiittrp nnd the .Jonathan. I will let ou know about I he t pros later on. Thanking mmi fur our courteous treatment of me nil through out eorrepoiidem-e A. K. waiii:. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 70,000 apple, 23,000 pear, 2000 cherry, 2000 walnut, 10,000 prune. extrn heavy heavy grades, ono year old trees, leading varieties, truo to name. Orown without Irrigation. C rcgon. AdrcJS X. II. Harvey, Milwaukee, Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for our list beforo plnclng your orders. Will L-ompnra with tho best trees to ho found anywhoru. I'rlrus low. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water Hoatlng All Work ournt4 Prices IUaiODSbl COFFEEN & PRICE tS Howard Block, Intrant on flth Bl worn . Patronize Home Industry Tho Ashland Preserving company are manufacturing a high gr.idu llmo and sulphur solution which will tost .'10 llcaumu, nnd Is positively guar anteed nut to crystallite Samples ot namo may bo seen at any of our agencies. Tor prices and particular apply to either of tin following agents In Modferd: Rootle River Fruit & Produce As?'n. Producers Fruit Company, It''s a Case of Jowolry whou you conic hero to buy, for wu can show you Jowolry cumo utter .lowulry caso that will attract your admiration and hold your attention, Hero wo show you (luld and Sliver Wutchos-, Chains of all hinds and lengths, J-JiiguKeiudit and othor rings, bracelets, brooches. Sloovo Milks, I.ockoU, Charms, Ilroantplus, etc. Wo guarantee tho high (iiall ties and you will appreciate thu low prices'. Keller, the Jeweler r it .. l..l ..I I.tl.. (JJ.iw.4.. ! 1 Coiner of .Main and Vlv SUccW WE POINT OUT THE DEFECTS 1ST !gHlZ In your Teeth, show you l.tet wheie and how they can he Improi-d, and fix the Improvements for jou thor oughly and efficient In overy brnuoh of Dentistry wo etcoln fact that each of our patron has found out. Wo do piUuless lCxtmntlug, Cleaning, rilling, Crown and midge work, itiul nil l done In nu expert way that gives unbounded imtlniac tlou to our customers. We huIIcIi an early trial to give us a chnuc. to put your teeth In order fur tho hull, days. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER nu: niSNTIST Over Daniels for Duds. Cnclflo Phono 2028, llouia Chouu 3&2-IC FOR RENT TWO STORES ON MAIN, BETWEEN CENTRAL & BARTLETT 15x30 ft. oach. To lease after Jan. 1. MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M.R&Jl.Co. Hldg. fiiiin iniim itniHiw r Pictures i Our stock is not large :: hut we have a line which ; ; t is different. Also a very i few mirrors and serving :: trays. THE ! MERRIVOLD 1 SHOP i 134 W. Main Streot. I 4 I HI-H--K IKtMt H NATATORIUM Nov, 28, 8:15 Special Kiigageuient Mmo. Harriet Labadie Will Interpret I'erry MacKny's Pop ular Play To.Mtmitow t'uder tho auspices of tlio Greater .Mcdford Club Seat ale at llasklu's Drug Store Prices- $1 60, $1.00. Note Patrons are requested to be In their seats at tho tlmo advertised. I.ato arrivals will not bo seated until after Act I ST INDIES ... BAV1U1 MUAfl tad Ik rtumun tminu , J CImi. biitaf KIW, OHLMJIJ ' 11 M.N. Mruilll!MlM IU. .lll, ill ...1'1'tlO J V 14il.i.cfli-llt5nlui, 1 SnJflrllhiHrdltJ Mitt I llafUiuri':p"rl'an !-!", r .4 L-an Una 100 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cal.. or Local Agepts, Draperies We pftrry ft very .coinnleta lna of ilrnimrles. luco curtains, nvturos, Ota. ana lo till cIurhcn of iniholslurlriu. A special i mtu to look urtur thl work oxcluMvely nnd will Klva as good orvlco as Is riosalbln to got la oven tlio largest oltli-s. Woplcs, & McGowan Co. Clark Sc Wright iLAWYERS WAHUINOTON, p. O. Publlo Land Matters: Final Proof, Dceort T.nndi, Onntoit and Milling Cases. Scrip. 'iWBb i iiini3 nuto l vWBit-wJ THEATRE Wo Iftnd, olhers follow. Tndny, n progntin you can't afford to m I is 1000 feet ot film - 1000. (joirs I'xitntTU.N.vn: Plying "A" feature, dojilotlng struggle for supremacy ovflV bust career, (lienl lUeut TIIK IIAIiUA.V CltlHIS 1'lrnt newri from thu llalknu wur. taken on the tiring llo, Imiuuusu. tiii: NoToinocs oAimiitt op a I'l.V An cslimttlnunl 'o-upntior. TA.MI.VO A IIAOIIUI.OIl Soiuu Comedy Sung POUltliST and WOOI.WOUTII The Itagtliuo Wlmrds Mnlluces Dally 3 to 5 p. in, ADMISSION. 0c AND 10c ('.lining IVIday, Nov. Utl and III) 'Hill .M'CIIV" Yon hiivo all read ntiotil It In tit iiewgpHpen'. Omiip and ee thu famous 'MltWItli ItOlt lli:it" portrayed lu luutluu pictures also Kid McCoy lu his phslonl culture avhool luslructlng ouug mil lionaires lu tho niunly art of self defenne at Tin: UGO always a noon snow 'I bo lU'sl Wutllalnl 'I beater In Town rONKIIIT LAST ciia.sci: TO skk ItAMICSP.S, Hl(l or IMIVIT III to reels A production of uniKiralliiled magulflceuro, deplellujc a thrilling romance, laid In the days ot nnolunt 1'O'pt. This U ono ot tho best two reel feature photoplns over shown to the public Don't fall to sco It. t'V.VnilA'S (miSHMKNT ItdhHfii. Voti plraxlug eomudy thjji Is sec ond to none. MILL WIlXON'S OAL Vllagniph A couvluolng nnd absorbluK drama on tho evils of drink. Don't fall to see thcuu pictures and convince yourself of the- class ot photoplns wo offer to tho public (lood Miiolc nud Hinging ' SPnCIALThursdny Jlciiltig ohll drii under 12 admitted free. Coin plliuiinu of proprietor. Coming Saturday- Tho third ser ies of "What Happened to Mary." Change of program every Tuesday. Tliiirsduy, Saturday nnd Sunday. Price AIiui)h tlio Same, flc and 10c. ISIS THEATRE Vaudeville nod Photoplays DANCINO STONi: and Till: DIAMOND SISTCIIS High-Class Singing, Dancing nltd ChntiKo .Novelty Act lw-lYuliiro ' Plioloplayn -I Kxhlhltlng thu best of ,1)10 licensed pictures, which glvim you n guiirau tim of better subjects, liotter pho toguphy, tho best "actors, bar iiouu, nud a butter shqw. a 1'ia'D i.v tiii: Kentucky hills An iiniiHunlly iihu pleture, oven for a lllograph, lit It, after a fow scenes that Introduce excellently suggested types of moiiiitaluenrs and glvn 11 fow gllmpHOH of moiiiitulu life, tho action hecomus llko 11 whirlwind. It's n (treat picture, don't inlus It. A HOSPITAL HOAX Comedy Thu Dig Animal Pluturu duovsoou. , w ; 111:11 taieiui: Vltugruph comedy drama, A.VyiMNT TRMCLKS Ob' MIXVK Scuulo. (food Miislo Special .Maneo Thurmlay Pl'oo to nil children iinilcr J- yen in, Couipllliiunts ol Ml'. I. a. Drown. ft b-Kw