Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 27, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    wFiniptj mi m '" i 1 t -Vi i'ITAV . V.VT .'i.;.'". JJ.VAW W!
"tss; sss
Medford Mail Tribune
Fnliljr fair tonight May.
.W; .Mln. 27.
PnrtjMircniHt Tmr
Dully Mnvenlti Vr,
NO. 21a.
General European War Seems Inevlt
ntile Austria Declines Germany's
Siiimestlon to Submit Dispute to
Arbitration Troops Heady,
Germany and France Ready to Take
a Hand Situation Most Threat
nilnn. I.ON'DOS'. Nov. 27.--While the
llrltiilt iirtmN mill llrilUli lntemeii
pniiprnlly piodiut Unit by Himn mentis
Kurnpn will do prevented from cugng-
tiig In ii general war as mi outgrowth
or Austrian nml Servian dlfrioultii
over mi Ailrintio seitmit, opinion Im
Iiv no ineHiis niri here lluit tin' nilnn-
IIimi today Ik nmlly iliutgomuw- mure
dmigoroim limn ii ha mit been since
Turkey flrwt chudied with llu lliilkiui
Ili'lgrtidc dispatches nay thnt Ser-
in U culling lur troops buck fi"iu
Turkey to defend her own territories
ngnliMit Austrian invasion, lite re
ported dolonnlnntinit of lluiin to
HiipMirt Sen in 'under inly cirouin
Miiiicim," the repotted iiiohilirnliou
of troop in Ati'tnii, Germany nnd
ltiinin nil nre Indications that grout
inenU prohnbly nre urnr.
.Mnlng of lreiuii Troos
N'oL u slngln Juridriil to show how
nenVnlPKiiropo Ih to wnr ii regarded
lv mllltnry observer here iim more
significant Hum the mistaken muss
nir of roHorvlulM lust nijtht on the
l-'iencli border. The error of n com
mnnding district otfieer, while it win
luiincdinlely rrpuireil, was the firM
H'lil iiitliiiiitlini that rmnee I on the
uleit for inciineing liiiior nnd thnt
if thnt iIhiiuit eoineri, Aw will strike
nulek nml luirtl nt Germany, should
the Utter, in sho surely will, support
her kIIIiw, Austria nml Itnlv in Hi'ir
ileterinlnutloii to keep Kusslu nml her
practical viihhuI, Sen hi, from n
warm water port on the Adriatic
llrlinln to ,sM
I'miiooV prepnteilne for wnr in
igHidcd here n giii'iix the firnt real
iiiliiuution of what Itriluiu's stund
will lie, llltheito it bus Im-cii doubted
thnt Kugluud uotiltl take u firm stand
nvuiiikt Austria nml nenunuy. It Iiiih
heeti believed thnt France nml Kng
loiiil Voiilil strive to loeulue the, con
flint nml allow Itussiu nml Sorwu on
Iim oiio hum! nml Austria nml Italy
on the oilier to fight out their ipiuirel
alone. Ki unco's, piepurediich, how
ever, Im now taken to mean nothing
else thmi that a definite undoi'slnnd
iug with Miichilid Iiiih boon renehed
nml thnt the impending Kiiropeuii
eonfliel will he. as much n war to otiih
mid eheek Gorniiiu imwor n to put n
luilt to the aspirations of the Ah
tiuim for moie lenitorv.
Tim Hunl rejeetlou hy Aiixtiin of
(leniiuiiy'H propoMtil that Kuiporor
1 inn. .loHiif Hiilmnl Iim Adrmtie
I'lniiiiH to an iutornntiounl trihtiunl in
helioved hero l prncllenlly cloio tli
door lo further uttemplK to mediiito
lie (J"' kuUcr. Thnre h in diplomntie
eiieles u feelint; that miiuo meuint
mnv rt he found In nvert Urn cIumIi
of wur hut how UiIh Ih to he ilono no
(Continued on unco a.)
SAN FKANT1SC0, Nov. 27-108-Went
C, C. Monro Iiiih rceelvi'd word
from WiirIiIukIoii Hint Mlniftlor J. J.
Loudon linn ol'fielully notified the
hlnto dopurlineiit thnt Holland tut
' cojiIh (ho Invitation of rrexiilmit Tuft
to purtielimto in tho 1015 uulverHiil
e.pohlt!on. MlulNter Loudon will ar
rive in lliirf iill.V on Di'i'i'iutnif II and
williin it l'nw tin.VH uftor UU urrlvul
will dedii'uto tho Hito fur Holluud'r
purtieip'utioii hi tho o.poiliou,
llolluud in (ho Iwimly-Hci'ond for
eiuu nation In nciiept (ho invitation
of participation In tlio eumhif; world'H
Sclf-Confrxjcil Assassin Leaves the
Stand His Narrative Unshaken hy
Cross-Exaniluatlon Efforts to
Confuse. Iho Witness Fall.
Did Not Cam When Arrcstrd-Ex-prcted
It at Any TimeNever Act
rd as Detective,
INIMA.VAPOI.IH. Iml , Nov. 27.
Ortle I!. .Mi'MuiiIkuI, nelf-ronfeioieil
ilynamltnr, will leuve tlin ilatul proli
ii lily late till nftornoon, hln cronn ri
ninlnntlun emleil, with hlfi Mtory of
nlleKcd eouutrywliln dyuntnltliiRit
prnetliKill)' uiiilmkoii,
OtIIk'h niiHWcr to tho iincNtlofiH
iroioiimleil hy Senntnr John W.
Kern, chief of rounnel for the union
men un Irlul here for llloKiilly tratm
porlliu; ilyiiHiulte, have been nhnrp
ami clear. Kfforl to conftuo the
vsltneiot liasn failed, tm he muck
clonely to the ili-talU of liU ronfen
xloti all almiK llo Ji roved a plim
dld wltnon.
KeCril ,rret
"I did not care when I wai ar
renteil," ald McMinlgal today.
"You eo, I had been expectlnic or
rent at nny time. I commenced to
feet Indifferent to nrre-t after the
Time InillilliiK at I.oi AnRelvt wqh
Mo.Manlcal ItnllKiinutly denied to
Soiiitir Kern tba. he wpn ever em
ployed by any detect ho aR)iicy or
that he accepted money from tho
National nrectotV annoclutlon.
I.xroit for McManlKnCa ready re
idlea to Kenator Kern'a iui'ntli)iiK,
the croM examination of the wltne
Iiiik been without featuem, Tho
croM oxntulnatloii wiih Interrupted
thlri nflcrnoou lo allow ltneiUH
from Detroit, to dcicrlbe explosloiiH
there, which were Intended to Im
plicate. Ilocklu.
Troubln Oter llomti
Trouble over the bond of the do
fendaiita wiih revived thla afternoon
when JuiIko Audernnu announced
that tho Indemnified bomU are In
valid, llo Maid If bondmnen wore
protected from Iokh "any defendant
could Hiinp IiIh fltiRer at tho law and
Jump hU ball without trouMo to hU
Defeiiiie Attorney llurdltiR admit
ted he wiih partly Idemulfled for tho
IioikIh he had fiirnUliod and other do
fciiKo nttorueya mndo altnllar ihIiuIh
kIiiuh. Judxe AnderHon then nil
jiiurued court until Inter In tho af
ternoon to allow the dnfcudant'it
a eliaure to meet tho courfa Inter
pretnllon of whul coiiHtltuteH ii valid
bond. It wan reported that n dnten
of tho defendant!! are In Imiuedlatu
dniiKer of IohIuk thlr liberty.
WASHINGTON, Nov, S7 Paulino
Wnynn, presented to President Toft
by Honntor Htephennon, of Wlneon
uln, will ceiiHe to bo tho White lloiuo
cow on March -I, With tho Incom
ing of flovernnr WIIhoii her post of
4 ---- -.
SAN FltANTISfO. Nov. J7. Rim-
pocti'd hy tho police of imirdorinj' hiit
UKod niothor, Jus. Lena Jonas, hero
yosterduy, Joseph Joiiiik, tailor,
wim Buhjeelcd to "(ho (bird dojrri'o"
today, but no coufcH.sIon wiih obtain
"I did not kill mv inothor." insist
ed .Ioiiuh, "It is truo tbut wo (piiir-
relod frciiuoully nbout hor property
vulucd nt :U).00(l hconus'o she would
not improvo it, but tho thought of
murdor novor outorcd toy mind, I
(lonld luivo Kecured hor tiny numhor
of teuiints hud 8ho ilono as I Hutr-
KChtud) but flm refused nml llm prop.
erly renmiuod tinoeoupji'd."
JonuH was uoi'VOUH tlirounliout (ho
oxmnluatlon but Hluok to bis Blorv
iibuul roturulii); homo mid i'iudini; bia
There will
Nnrim I'amIiii, for Turkey, flnlly re
jected today tho llul;urinn pence of
fer after which (leuernl Pavoff, the
Hulf;iiriau !cuiotciiti:iryt nj;recd to
consider eouuter Tuikixh piopnnl-.
Tho tniiicctn of mi nn'oment nre
eoiifidercd Hli(jlit.
It Ik umlerxtood heie that Uuluriu
Ik williui; to ;ie Tm key no territory
in Luropo wive the eity of Constauti
uoplo unit iiomiuiil Mioreij;iity oxer
LONDON. Nov. '". That effotln
to penuindo tho Halkuu allien mid
Turkey to oKree upon pence terniH
will fail is snivel y fen red here todnv.
The ucKotiulorH nre milking' no icnl
( omlitionft in ('nimlnnliuople nre
iuiprouui;, ami Turkish ri'iuloive
lueuts nre arriving from Amu. Thw,
it is believed, in eucourniuK the
Turkish riiilomiriort to delay settle
ment. H ix nlho feared that the jjend
lock will he hard to hrcak.
distinction will fall to 'Nena of
Avon, a ri'Klsterod nnlmal, snld to
ho valued at $5,000.
Noun will bo tlin gift of William
(lallowny, of Waterloo, town.
niother dend, her body eovorcd with
n blanket.
Investigation showed rH. Jonas'
livlnjj room litleicd with her belong
inj;H, Tho son's properly wiih un
toiadicd. Costly trinkets scattered
about (ho )bieo ennviueed (ho police
(hat robbery was not the motive for
tho crime.
Ouo of (ho most important factors
in (ho case, tho police say, is tho (lis
nppearnnoo of tho need womnu's will.
Jonas allowed ho saw her writo up
tho document four yours nuo, mid
that bo was tho chief beneficiary, A
charred paper was found in tho
kitchen Blovo, and (bo polieo boliovo
it lo bo (ho misslutr will. Tho bits
of paper nro under mk'rin.uopio ex-uiuinittion,
Ready for the? Turkey Feast
lw no lone of thc;all Trllmue.TlianUifilrliiK tay
LOS ANCJBLKS Nov. 7.- With
nltiiont the entire back Held crippled,
tho OroKon ARricnlttiml pollcKe fool
hall (hhiii nrried Jirre. today for to
morrow'H const ehiiuiploimhip nnie
of Auierioau foothnll with Oecidvulnl
The Akrjps will enter the gumc
with nlmost mi entire suhxtitute hack
field. K)cnduu. hackfleld star. i
out with n bl ruined toinluii. He will
he replaced v niinu)M'U. lllnek
well, left half, with a sprained ankle,
Iiiih jjhon wav to Hiohardson. Dewey,
Munrlerbiiok, will ho kept out of the
lino lib n ili'ciplimiry meiiMire, ae
eordinj; lo t'onch Dolun. .Mny. tackle,
hits mi ahccM. on liw hnek mid eiinuot
piny. MelCouxie will take hi- place.
Oceiileulnl will take the field with
the htroiiest Ime-up of the seuson.
Tliev were tophi. nv favorites in the
OIIKQON CITV, Ore., Nov. '27.
Sirs, Kit to L. Nctn today filed her
petition ns cmiiluiiito for the oflico of
mayor. It is hinted sbo has a pood
chance njjiuiiht Lunt K. Jones, the
present incumbent,, Orant Dnnick
hnviujj decided not (o cuter tho moo.
Sirs. New (on, ulthoujjh not active
In KitffriiKO circles, hns been at the
head of various ciwo lnoveiuents and
is well ipmlificd (o fill (ho position,
nueordiiij to her friends.
ST PETEHSH17RO, Nov. 27.
Strlkos nro bolut; declared today In
various parts of Huasla as a protest
against tho action of tho Kovernnicnt
In oxocutliiK cloven mon of tho lilaek
l3oa fleet for liicltln mutiny. Tho
condemned mon soiu ahot at Snbua
topol. Tour huailrod sailors from
tho floot uro ln'lii trnnsforrod to
Hnva) and Yludlvoutok,
NKW YOIIK. Nov. 27. Latest
nvnilahle fi);urcs on the popular vote
in the recent presidential election
show Wo od run WiNon received 230,
IIM votes less than Urynn received in
100S, mid that the combined vote of
Tnft and Roosevelt wns 333.11J left-,
than thnt received hy Tnft in 1008.
The fijeures KiIled throughout the
country ive Wilson 0,150,7-IS;
llnosovelt 3,.rJS,H0, mid Taft 3.37U.
122. With tho MH'ialist count still
uiifiuislicd in Mvrn stntes, Debs'
ote stands t 873,783, and that of
Chufiu, tho prohibitionist candidate.
at 1110,01 1.
Mryan's popular vote in 11)03 was
,31)3,1S2, mid that of President Taft
in that year 7,37,07tl. The figures
in tho 1912 election am based on both
ofticial and unofficial returns.
Cohan mid Harris nro to revive
"Stop Thief 1"
LONDON, Nov. 27. A remark
nblo theft of 150,000 taken from a
shipment of $1,000,000 disappeared
from tho Dank of Knglaud to tho of
fices of the Credit Lyonnals at Alex
andria Is bewlldorlng tho police of
KiiKlaml, Kgypt and tho continent.
Tho crlmo Is believed to bo tho
work of n gang of International
thieves to whom Information of tho
Intended Bhlpmont leaked out. Tho
clovornoss of tho thoft is rovealed In
tho fact that although twolvo days
luivo elapsed sluco tho dlBcovory of
tho theft It Is not yet known at what
point on tho trip tho gold was stolon.
Tho most unusual feature of tho at
fair Is that whoa tho cases containing
tho gold wore opened In Alexandria
tho heavy seals put on In London
woro apparoutly Intact.
Tho specie was dlaputched from
tho Uauk of England on November
12, It was packed In bans, $5000 to
tho bag, which were placed In cnaos
and sealed, Its removal was super
intended by three representatives of
tho Credit LyouuaU. Tho cases
Woman Who Confessed to Murdering
Two Women Ordered Acquitted by
Judge Who Holds There Was No
Proof Except Her Confession.
Second Case Dropped for Lack nf
EvidenceWill Return to Los An
geles. KHDALIA. Mo.. Nov. 27. I'mlor
peremptory instructions fiom Judgv
II. It. Sliain, the jury in the enso of
.Mrs. I'nnsy IkIi today .returned a
verdict of not guilty of Ilia charKo
of murdering Mrs. Qnnintiincc. Pnis
eetitor O'Hnniion miiiounced he would
file no information ng:iiiift Mrs. Lesli
in the Coo Miisoniiig oiise, mid she
was rvl wised.
Mrs. Iesh surrendered to the oIiec
in Los Angeles some weeks nj-o, con
fessing thnt she hud udministcrcd
imisou to both Mrs. Quniutnnce and
Mrs. Coe.
In his instructions to tho jury
Judge Shaiu snid a corpus delicti
bad not been established by any evi
dence except Mr. Lesh'? confession,
and that this fnct rendered the con
fession invalid. Tho court wroto the
verdict mid it wns signed hy the fore
man of Jhc jury. ..
Mrs. was calm throughout
todnyV proceedings, freipiently as
serting her willingness to pjjy any
pcnnltv demniided. She tbnnked (lie
jurors for their labors- mid nunoiiiieed
she would start tonight for Jackson
ville, III., to visit relatives. Mrs.
Lesh plnns to return to Los Angeles
within two weeks.
"1 can see my boy there once in n
while," hhc said, "even if 1 cannot
regain possession of him."
Sentiment here is overwhelmingly
in favor of Mrs. Iesh. During the
trinl church people frequently called,
but Mrs. Lesh refused to see them,
saying: "Now is not tho time for
church people to offer aid. Tho time
when I needed help was when I was
a young girl, alone ,nnd friendless.
They cared nothing about me then."
NKW OULKANS. La., Nov. 27
Hound for Now Orleans, tho fourth
division or tho Atlantic fleet, headed
hy Hear Admiral Fletcher's flagthlp,
the Minnesota, entered tho Mississip
pi at South West Pass this morning.
Tho officers and sailors will spend
their Thanksgiving In this city. Tho
fleet will remain a week.
OF $50,000 GOLD
woro hauled to the dock In a van and
placed In charge of tho otflcors of
tho steamer Schwalbc and placed In
tho room of tho ship to which there
woro two keys, onp to tho outer and
oi)o to tho Inner door. Thu captain
had one key and tho first officer the
other, so that nclthor could enter
(ho roonl without tho other. At
Uro men tho specie was taken ashoro
In a specially charted tug in order
to catch a train. On tho train the
guard in the bnggago car was changod
four tlnios. At Trieste It was takon
aboard the ship notation and It was
on tho urrlval of tho ship at Alexan
dria that tho theft was discovered.
All tho cases had been packed tight
with tho liags In London, When
wolghed nt Alexandria tho wolght
was correct uud the seals seemod In
tact but It was discovered that tho
contents of two of tho boxes woro
looso. On opening thorn It was dis
covered that ton bags woro missing
and that bars of lead had been sub
stituted, It Is believed that, tho sub
attutton took pluco on tho train be
tween Uromou and Trlosto,
Special Election for $200,000 to Start
Construction pf Road to Crescent
City to Be Called Subscription
Started for Draper Ri(fht-of-Way.
Dr. Reddy of Medford MovIiiq Spirit
In the Enterprise Speedy Action
A plnn to bond the oily of (I run Is
Pass for .f 200,000 to start conM ruc
tion of a railroad from Grunts Pass
to the const nt Crescent Cily, was
publicly launched nt n tnnss meeting
held Tuesday evening at the opera
bouse, Grants Fn. The meeting
was well nt tended mid considerable
enthusiasm devclo-tcd.
Dr. .1. P. lleddy of -Medford is re-s-ionsiblc
for nnd tho moving spirit
of the movement, lie bold nn option
on the socnlled Draper surveys, made
in 1008 and used as n basis of the
Ilildreth report on the proposition,
including a deeded right of way for
lo miles from Grants Pnss to Hays
Hill, and n 27 ncre terminal site lit
Grants Puss.
To liny IlruKT Surrey
Tho commercial club of that city
recently appointed a committee to
tnko uti tho matter with Dr. Itcddy.
The. committee reported -. nt lt
night' meeting recommending the
purchase of the surveys and properly
and plans for initiating n movement
which it is hoped will result in a rail
road to the const.
The committee has caused tho or
ganization of n holding eorjxirution
named the Pacific Interior company,
to purchase tho Drnjior holdings with
a view of turning them over to n
construction corporation later. K. T.
MoKinstry, Geo. Colvig and W. P.
Qiiinlnu are the incopomtors, capital
stock $100,000, par value $10 each.
Tho price to bo paid for the Draper
property is stated at $33,000, the
first $0,000 payable Dec. 1, and sub
sequent payments every 00 day
Call Horn! Klcctlon
K. T. McKinstry presided nt tho
meeting nnd strong speeches were
made by K. K. Dhinehnrd, Mnvor
llobt. G. Smith. IL L. Gilkey, I)r! J.
Y. Heddy nnd others. Mr. Gilkey
recommended the plan of calling a
SMeinl election to provide for tho
bonding of Grants Pass for 1200,000,
and bis suggestion met with un en
thusiiistio resixinso from the meeting.
Mayor Smith nminuuced that ho
would cull tho city council together
within a few days to provide for such
special election.
A subscription for the purposo of
meeting tho first payment on tho
Draper option was started and nbout
$10,000 subscribed on tho under
standing that tho money would bo re
funded out of tho proceeds of bond
sales, should tho voters adopt thnt
Two llrhlgcs Proposed
It is proposed to use a portion of
the remainder of this $200,000, after
purcluising, surveys, etc., in building
a combination wugou and railroad
bridge over Koguo river, and Jose
phine county will be asked to build
n similar bridgo over tho Applegalo.
Dr. Heddy assured tho mooting of
substantial support from Crescent
City and tho timber Interest adja
cent thereto; referring o tho 12-mllo
(Continued on page 2,)
Rovisod ricures. unofficially tabu
lated at noon today by State Statisti
cian Crotnln gave Wallace, progres
slvo elector, n load of 147 over Grif
fin, democrat. These figures In
clude tne official count for all conn?
ties except Alameda and Los Anx
los and the unofficial winvsss for
theso two,
f n