Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    medford tribunk mrdford. owwow Monday. novhmkrr , 1.012,
Mr, and Mns. M. M. Taylor nf down from Talent Saturday.
Loose leaf for trdjtet, day hooks,
journal or cash book, with or with
out hinder nt Mall Tribune, tf
Mr. nmt Mr. T. X Law nf Wit
tov ftitrliiK" shopped In Medford Sat
Jamc llrlner nnd & Webster wore
Jacksonville fepent Sunday At Ash
Hoilwlclt Macleay, n capitalist of
I'firtlAnd, principal owner of the pro
perty at ill n mouth of Hogun river
formerly ownM hy the Into It I).
Hitmk lias been stopping In Med
ford for a. few days,
Jllfcs (Trace Henry made Ashland,
her former home, a visit Sunday.
Parties calling on phones regarding
1 ltd Christmas fruit car should state
tholr phbnw number If Mr. Mcl.emon
Is absent that he may call them up.
!U JJCole wan over from Hilt, Cnl..
tho forepart of the week.
Thto Cameron of Jacksonville hat
Koao to Oakland. Cal., to pend the
wlittnr.wlth relatives. ,
W. Ennllsh of Klamath Kalla has
biynmaktnj; our city a business visit.
Arthur and Hollcn Smith were
business visitors In Medford Satur
day.. -
Trult label In any color printed
hr tho Mall Tribune. tf
John Twohy of Portland, a mem
ber of the firm of Twohy Iiros., Is
In Medford on legal business.
Tho present board of county com
missioners will hold their last regu
lar Kcsslon next week.
Mrs. Halllday-HalRht, contralto
pupil of Marches!, (Paris), Itundeg
Ker (England), Oeorge Sweet, Os
car SaenRcr. New York, will receive
pupils for vocal cultnro at residence
studio, 403 Oakdale avenue. South.
Phono Main 72C2. " 223
i. H. Mlnvr, -who was In Medford
for over a week, for medical treat
ment, returned to Gold Hill Sunday,
accompanied by his wife,
F. H. Farrar of flold Kay, the
electrician, spent Sunday In our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olnot of Ap-
plogatc made Medford a visit Satur
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Car
kin and Glenn O, Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County nank
IlulldlnK Medford.
Mrs.,F. M. Smith of Sterling under
went .1 successful oieratlon at the
Sacred Heart hospital last ' week.
Or. K. It. Scoly is In attenundce.
.Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Itader of I'hoo
ulx were anion); the many visitors
who shopped in Medford Saturday.
Tho Koto Maiden Is com Inc.
T. R. Daniels, deputy exalted ruler,
has returned from Oregon City,
whero ho officiated at tho laying of
the corner stone ol a handsome Elks
Thomas Dungey of Calls creek and
Walter Dungoy of Gold Hill were In
Medford Saturday. '
Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00
per cord. Cold Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth nnd Kir.
Duke Ha. el has returned from
Kaglo Point, where he has been en
gaged In carpentering for some time, j
Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Kentner vis.
Ited with relatives living In Jackson,
ville Sunday.
Henry andl Miss Mollle Maury
were guests of Mrs. J. D. Fay Sat
urday afternoon.
I havo Installed a cleaning plant
and am in shapo to reclean any seed
grains. Vetch, vetch and wheat,
winter oats and seed barley for sale.
L. D. Drown at Russ mill.
V. W. Usshcr, who is managing
Ashland's telephone business, spent
Saturday among his Medford friends.
Mrs. W. K. Finney, Misses Estella
Levy and Flora Thompson were
among tho many over from Jackson
ville Saturday.
Home-made mlnco plo. Manhat
tan. 212
Mcsdames It. E. Durks and C. E.
May of Spokane are visiting In Med
ford. Mr. and Mrs. It. I). Nye of nock
Point visited relatives and friends in
Medford Saturday.
Real homo-mude bread at DoVoe's.
Mra. Horace Polton of Sams Val
ley has returned from a trip to Port
land. Miss Ireno Plotuor loft Sunday for
Douglas county, her former home,
for a hort visit with relatives.
Artistically printed letter heads ou
fancy bond paper make fine Christ
mas preeuts. Let ua show you
samples. The Mall Trlbuno. tf
Mr. Fred Lewis of Wellen tarried
in Medford the forepart of tho weok.
Clinton Cook of Applate and
Clyde Lawrence of Gold Hill were In
Medford Saturday,
For goodness sake, havo R, A,
Holmes, the Insurance man write
your lusurnnco.. Ho knows how,
Claude White, Glenn Owen and
Charles. Painter of Contra! Point
were among tho Suuday visitors In
Ilnniv.mniti tiilli(i.mcAt. D.iVnnV
0 H. Hnsyc of Jacksonville nnd
Frank Wise of Grants Pass were
Mot! ford visitors Saturday.
We hnVe 14 years of actual ovper
lenco back of our business and are
able to give you the best that can bo
had Pantorlum. "J 1 1
Henry Cnllnaher, who hns been In
Rliie Ledge district for some time
past, diveloiiiiK his mining Interests
and his wife havo returned to Med
Glasses fitted without usn of
drugs. Dr. Rlckert, over Kontner'a.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Unrnes and O. C.
Purkeyplle, made Ashland a visit
during the week.
Have your last year's furs made
over Into the latest styles nt tho
Pantorlum. 211
J. J. Hrown of Central Point and
J, C. Aitkin of Rogun River trans
acted business In Medford Saturday.
Legal blanks for sale nt tho Mali
Tribune office. tf
Mr. and Mr. A. C. Allen of Holly
wood orchards were among their
Medford friends Saturday evening.
We carry a complete line of silks
and satin linings for ou to select
for tho rellnlug of your Jacket. Pan
torlum. 211
Dr. R. E. Gotden of Jacksonville
nindo a professional trip to Ashland
Vapor batns and scientific massage
$1.00 for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chlroprocter and nerve
specialist, 203 Garnctt-Corcy llldg.
Phono Home 145.
Druce Hnck, who went to Ney's
Springs, located near Slsson. Cul..
for the benefit of his health, has
Tresspass notices for sale at the
Mall Tribune office. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford and
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. It. Morvtock of
Gold Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. Crawford of Medford Sunday. So
was Mr. Crawford of Ohio, who is
an uncle of the assistant cashier of
the First National Hank, and Is pay
ing this section a visit.
Dr. R. J. Conroy baa moved his
office to the Hutchison & Lumsden
bdllding. These offices were for
merly occupied by the commercial
club. l)rs. Conroy and Clancy have
dissolved partnership.
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. llcnson of Ash-
Jaad'ore In Medford on a short bus
iness trip.
Thanksgiving is about hero let us
have your clothing to put in fchape
for the occasion. Pantorlum. 211
Miss Agnes Miller of the Lower
Applegate Is In Medford visiting
Hot cakes and maple syrup. Man
hattan. 212
J. W. Frldcgar of Dig Elk It vis
iting friends in Medford.
Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00
News. Tho party left on Monday
and expected to ho absent for ten
days or tn weeks. Earlier In Hip
nessn't the evldcnco of Jiniln In that
vicinity was 'abundant, anil various
parllrs of deer hunters reported
having shot specimens of the big
black, and brown old men of the
woods The Hatetnan dogs lit com
mon with their master possess a san
guinary repute as bear hunters In
their native wilds of Douglas coun
ty, while Hnmmersly and Young en
Joy n similar local celebrity, and tho
conjunction of 1force Is considered to
be an III starred one for brutu.
Real hand made gifts are a satis
faction, hut a difficulty. You may
get hand made bags, from shoo bags
to theater bags, towels, aprons, pil
low cases, pin cushions nnd tnnum
erable other gifts nt the b.isanr nt the
First Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Also delicious home mnde candles
and canned fruit. Tea and wafers
will be served lit n Japauosu booth In
charge of Mrs. .11. A. Lumsden, Mrs.
MncDonald will have charge of tho
luncheon tables. Salads, sandwlcha
and coffee will bo served all day. As
their nre very few duplicates It would
be wlo to shop early. 211
John A. Westerlund, member of
the legislature who N a candidate
for the speakership has returned from
a tour of the state In the Interest of
his candidacy and Is much pleased
with the outlook.
$2000.00 or fraction thereof to
loan on Improved country real es
tate at current rates. Carkln &
Taylor, Jackson Couuty Dank IUdg.,
Miss Gertrude Loralne of Riddle.
Ore.. Is In Medford for a short visit
with friends.
llrliiR that old book with torn
binding down and havo It rebound
at tho Mall Tribune office. Costs
but little. tf
John Adamson of Hilt, Cal.. Is In
Medford on 11 shurt business trip.
KAM LOOPS, n, c, Nov. 'J...-.
Twelve relative murdered in Mex
ico, Ineludlutr fnjiirr, mother, three
brother nnd three winter. ! tint
liurrlf.vimr iiiti'llttrpiicp touvuved .,
telegram lltW morning .Ml"" Clei
Irude Hock, milliner of lliit eil.y,
The tttnxMiterc was ierielrnlei' li.v
Me.Memt rebel up. occurred October
l." mi the liuieli oi'iupiid by Mi". Dock
nt I'letimint. Valley, it -luirt dMnnee
from Me.xieo I'ily, v win nu Amer
ienn citircM mid. tlii oiiilinrilics liuve
"en tryinir ti locale thu dmiulilcr
tor 11 inmilli. The mhiuv; woiiuui is
inxwtrnled ttt the terrible now.
Tlmtikgivliig tiny will he properly
oliorvei in the clly next Tluirmlitv.
Sliwf of the churches unitlmt with
the Pivhylerinn lit union hcivIcch 10
he held nl 11. in, Art'ittiut'inrntH to
IhU end were completed Sntidnv.
The iliiv will he fully observed iih n
liolldnv in the city.
(Continued from pago 1,)
Weeks AMcGowan Co.
Soy Vboat I71
Vlffct VbOMSI r, W. Wesks 1071
A. X. Orr,, J8S
per cord. Gold Ray Reatty
Sixth and Fir.
Maurlne SIcKeany, 212 S. Grapo
street, celebrated her seventh birth
day, Saturday with a Thanksgiving
and birthday party to a number of
her little friends. Thanksgiving
samea were played and tho place
cards and decorations were In keep
ing with tho Thanksgiving spirit.
Those present were Dcrtha Camp
bell, Thelma Kcnworthy, Ralph
Naglo, Thelma Ganworthy, Paul Gan
worthy, Romana Searlcs, Rudolph
Searlcs, Eunice Parker, nnd Maur
lne McKeauy.
Homo-made mlnco pie. Manhat
tan. 212
In accordance with his annual
practice, (Mr. E. O..Drown has secured
the Isis Theater for Thanksgiving
day, and on that day all children un
der 12 years of ago will be admitted
free. of charge as his guests. 213
J. H. West of Eugene left Monday
morning for bis home nttcr a two
days visit in Medford with his
nnhew, A. W. Walker.
Dr. Riekert, eyesight specialist,
over Kentner'a. No drops used.
David. Keith, proprietor of the
Salt Lake Tribune, has left for his
home after n visit with his daughter,
Mrs. A, C, Allen.
Collect those scattered sheets. of
intisjc you value and havo them
bound In book form at tho Mall
Trjbuno. . . ,tf
Judge Twphy of Spokane Is hero
attPi ding to local business Interests,
E. J. Kaiser of Ashland Is In
Mdoford on a short business trip.
Mnuy 11 garment Is ruined by some
unexperienced cleaner, why take the
chance? LQt us be your cleaner.
Panlorium, 211
Mrs. Clarence H. Eades left Mon
day far a visit with relatives In
Texas, Sh? was called by the severe
Illness of her brother.
Corn for sale at Isaacs' ranch,
Fine linen Muck stamped towels at
the Handicraft Shop, 211
Frod Untomau, of Ambrose, Doug
las county, arrived on Saturday of
last week with three bear dog In
tow, uud In company with Charley
Vomit;, of .Medford, and John
HammniHloy, of Gold Hill, Is now In
tho vicinity of McCaiPii creek above
Prospect In Quest of beur, says the
I havo installed a cleaning plant
and am In shape to reclean any seed
grains. Vetch, vetch and wheat,
winter oats and seed barley for sale.
L. D. Urown at Russ mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Williams
who formerly resided In this city are
hero from Korhurg to visit friends.
Soft wood $2 a tier. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
W. W. Cllne of Evans creek Is In
Medford, on n short business trip.
Try a Vapor bath for that cold. Dr.
R. J. Lockwood, Garnctt-Corcy Dldg.,
Phono Home 115.
Louis A. Johnson has returned
from a Visit with friends at Helena,
Mont., his former home.
Onk tlor wod for sate. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Robinson left
Monday morning for n short business
trip north.
Oak tier wod for sale. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
D. E. Raymond left Sunday for a
visit with friends nt San Gabriel,
Cal. He is accompanied by his son
C. Y. Tengwaid has been appointed
district manager for the Now York
Life Insuranco company. Ho will
leave for Portland In a few days to
make the final arrangements beforo
opening an offlco over the Medford
.National Hank.
Don't let George do It, let us do
It. Pantorlum. 211
Sam L. Sandry of Rogue River Is
In Medford on a short business trip,
Thero will bo no delivering on
Thanksgiving day. Medford Gen
eral .Delivery. 212
A contract was signed yesterday
between tho Natatorlum and Amuse
ment company and Monsieur Jean
Schlffer, representing Doyd & Ogle's
Circus, for the appearance of this
company at Medford, IJecomber 1
aud 2, of this celebrated old-stylo
ono-rlng circus with Its funny
clowns, its acrobats, tumblers, roller
flkatlng bear, "Lady Livingston," its
equestrlal goats aud "King Phar
oah," tho most educated pony In tho
Kvcryotit' is more ir le- fiuullmr
with the -torv if the llolieinimi Oirl,
Hulfe' fumou owm. Tin vri
has been Uixd for the motion pie
lure ficld.f nnd U to be ecn nt the
Mnr thetitte tnutuhl nod Tuevlny.
The storv of the nelile yirl who h
brought up by uyp-ies nnd Inler re
stored to her rank and the love In
terest which eonnrct. here nnd rt
yoimtr n.viv who nl-o tnrni out. to
he of noble birth is n lunilliiir nnd ex.
eiliup one. in iiddilimi the Star wilt
run two comedy films.
are either massed on their frontiers
or nre lit citsy striking distance uud
It Servla nnd Austria, tho storm
content of the embrogllo, rwilly- come
to blows, It in a rcrtnjntlty.that with
in 11 few hours practically all, of cen
tral Europe will be at war.
Dispatches froiu 8UUn, Hungary,
this evening report that a rumor Is
curreut In Austrian circles toat Rum
sin has suggested that she Join the
llal.'tan alliance after peace U ar
ranged and It Is reported also thnt
England probably will sanction such
a federation aw tending to check Ger
man uud Slavic expauslou In the near
Pence l'roMsN
Sofia dispatches say that the Hut
garlan cabinet is considering Tur
koy'it pence, proposals. No Indication
Is given as to what tho response will
be. The Impression In London, how
ever, Is thnt tho real danger In the
near east Is no longer dependent 011
Turkey's action, that the Sultan hurt
erased ta bo a factor and that on the
Servian-Austrian outcomo hangs the
futurn of the continent.
The (Iranii pass high school tram
ciiine litek M.uiinlny and defeated
Meilmiil lit a scorn of !i to 0 Earl
ier In ihr -.snson tho Medford hoys
beat the nnrthtiriinht nnd ao the re"
n.rdliudK n Hit Tho gnlite was 11
clean, hard fought one and thrt vic
tory w-tit to tiic Pahs biitniuu Us
team I .nl solved the riddle how to
hreal 'u tin forward pass play,
Their Justus were mnde by old fash
ioned il alOi foolliitll, Cheshire.
Teel and I'iiUI lo fur t,lie lnss played
a , 1111c .mil for Mivlford, Hill,
(laics and WIUou Htnrrrd.
A number of file yuitiger .Medford
set nre plnnnini; to enliven the social
life of the city (lii winter by u
nerie of tturlirx to be held eery
third week nl the NVntnrium hall. A
eluli luw been nnmniied under the
xiguifieent inline of "Ijje Uiivt'ler."
A lViituro nf the bth's platirt U that
daiieint; hlinll ououpy only 11 part of
the evuniiiK. the remainder heiu ylv
en over to diver onKinul entortnin
meuts. Tlir rlub mrmbcn.liip litis been
divided into five Icanis under the re
bjKTllve iiiit:iim'ie of I'hu. Heed,
I.nrl Tinny, Hurry (Jrny, Jr., ('. II.
Redfield nnd I tent Sheldon. Knelt
team will have cat ire chiiiye of one
jmrty nnd a Leeif rivalry in oriuinivt
inir novel stunts uud jrnyetie- is n-
renily evidenceil. Hen Sheldon is
netiitK 11s presjddit; Hurry Liiiday
11a treasurer.
flKN'KVA. SwiljterhMid, Nov. a.".
Frniiee todiiv orden'il her iirmy ie-M-nlsts
to he )n ivmllnoss In join the
colors on xhmt niitiee. All the rail
roads of r'rnueo have been directed to
iisseuiblc curt nt "tnilegie (minis.
IIKItLIN, Nov. li.V-It is reported
Hint here todny nennnnv is moliillx
inir Iwo army corps on the Kiilun
froiilieix. )i'Ksor, feuriiiK hos
lilitieH, are dmwliiK money from the
The Yiliniu.!iii sthoid has been
closcil for 11 week In older thnt the
huiMinc mii.v he thuroiighlv iiiinik'iU
ed, follouini; fix IC of 11 inyle
ense of s-cifleluiH. The ni'tioii wos
deeidi'd iimih ouImk lo Ihe I'net Hint
the Inst two days of Hits week me
holidays nnd Hint it proHr IiiiuIko
liou of tho luiildliiu: would rciiuito 11
weekV time.
None of Hie other xcliooU In the
eilv nre efleetcd.
Vliml for linn. Dun 11 People,
If nny 0110 perau Nhuiild know
the value of medicines It Is Ihe drug,
gist who 'dispenses them and front
our evperleiiiu i waul lo hay If
people lu this vicinity only knew the
value of Vliiol, our dulltiluus. end
liver and Iron touln (wthout oil) lit
(his season of tho year, wo would
not bo nhln to supply thu iluinr.ud.
This Is llo'ransa Vlmil Is a ciiinlil
nation of tho two must world famed
tonlm, painelv, the mcdlcluivl cura
tive elements of ends' livers without
the oil. uud Iron for tho Moml.
Vliiol tones up the dlKesllVn or
itaiispuriries and enriches thu blood,
promotes hentlhfiil sloop mid u nor
UlHl llpj.rllle.
Ol people, ilulleute rlil'dren, run
iliiwn, overworked ami tired women,
should m 11 bottle of Vlnul with tho
iiuderstnndltiR that yimr money will
bo relumed If It does mil help ou.
Medford pimrmarv
Presbyterian Church Notes
Thanksgiving service Thursday at
10:30 a. m. In the Presbyterian
church, Unolon service for all tho
churches. All are Invited.
Tho meeting of tho men of tho
PrcojcrJan church and congrega
tion., on Wednesday evening nt 8
o'clock to plan work, especially to
organise for tho evangelistic meet
ings to beyin next Sunday, Decem
ber Is',
Evangelistic meetings In tho Pres
byterian church from Dccombor 1st
to 10 th, conducted by Dr. Parsons ot
Eugene, Oregon.
The Girls' club of tho Presbyterian
church will take subscriptions for the
Ladles' Home Journal and Saturday
Evening Post Tuesday, Nov, 2C, at
the Christmas Hale held In tho chapel,
(Continued from par.e 1.)
Prosecutor Miller startled tho de
fendants attorneys by turning over
tho witness for cross examination.
This move caught the defendant's at
torneys off guard. Senator Korn
asked for a postponement but Miller
objected and Judgo Anderson ordered
tho cross examination to go on. Or-
tlo then admitted to pleading guilty
to a grand larceny charge in Chicago.
Judge Anderson this ufternoon
fixed JI. S. Hockln's bond at SIS,
000 but declined, to Increaso thu
bonds of the other defendants at tho
request ot Prosecutor Miller.
Mail .Not IUlcl
Attorneys for the defense de
nounced tho article by Mury Fields In
the Urldgemans .Magazine and which
Judgo Andomon declared was In con
tempt of court- Tho defendants, tho
attorneys said, had no connection
with tho article nnd woro not In
sympathy with It.
ho rar .Mrs. iiockln lias been un
able to raise tho Sf 0,000 additional
bond required for her husband, If,
S. Iiockln, secretary-treasurer of tho
Ironworkers' internatjonal organiza
tion who was ordered Into custody
by Judgo Anderson because tho evi
dence so furnddiliiced "showed Hock
In was not to be trusted."
Notice to Public.
I hereby give notice that my wife,
Salllo'Turnhogh and chlldron have
left my 'bod and bdard at their own
free will and I will not, bo respons.
iblo foe debts contracted by them In
the fut tiro unless I give notice other
wise. (Signed) W. TURNBOOH.
Anna Howard Shaw, this afternoon
was overwhelming re-elected presi
dent nf the National Suffrage asso
ciation, 'die liisiirgoiit candidate,
Laura Clay, of Kentucky, only got
twonty votes. On oarly ballots
Katherlno McCuljaugb. received 13
votes and Jano Addams 11, but their
iames did not appear on tho deciding
ballot, tholr votes revortlng to Dr.
Ill-Ill LIN, Xov. IM. Vogue rumors
hen Hint hostilities hetwceii A nutria
uud Servin had liegiiit caused n heavy
slump in the market. Tho origin of
the rumors bus not yet been learned.
Peace In Sight
IIKULIN. Nov. M. All iiidiwitions
here today iiite to n. Heltlrment of
nil difficulties nrisiiii; from the llnl
kun dispute without a geiierul Euro
pean wnr.
Although military prepanilions
continuo nnnbtited, Austria is hi n
conciliatory mood, and srinl.offieial
notes indicate the dnmjfr of wnr in
tlerreiiMiij,'. Whilo Germany 1ms
promised Austria its Huport in the
event of n clash with Uussiit, Kaiser
V$lhijlm hns. cmphnsi.ed the hope
thnt war Kill be averted.
Franco uud England, it in rewrted
hre, iiIho have convinced the Hns
hiau czar that il is unneeessary to
throw nil Europe into the ;reattnt
wur in history.
Contradictory rciMjrtN
PAWS, Nov. :M. Although the
international situation renllin from
tho Hlriiirglo in tho Ilnlkmi Mater is
regarded hero today iih improved,
there is II 1 1 to indication of a nettle-
It i reMrtetl (hut I?usm, Au,strin,
uennnny uud Italy have ueailv
2,M)0,Wm troops mobilized, mid 111111
their iiiivicw nre ready for nny event
uality. IIELOUADE, Nov. an. KinK Poler
presided over a cabinet council here
lodny, ni'ler whicli the government
notified Austria that Servla cannot
definitely outline her altitude until
thu end of tho Jlalkau war.
Died at the Sacred Heart hospital,
Edgar W. liromtey at 11:20 a. m.
Monday. Nov. 25, 1012, ugod 1
Ho resided at 1527 West Sixth
street and has lived hero for tho
past two years, comlmi hero from
Illinois, H .leaves a wife uid two
children, Mrs. Frank li. Thompson
or Los Angeles and Horace L. or
Medford. Funnrnl announcement
NKW YORK, Nov 2.V- Owing In
the publication of Ihe award an
nounced hv the nliiitratiou ImuimI lo
cnginecm deinaiuls since Saturddv'
close Wall Street uiim icreutly Inter-
iwted in the okhi!iiu of the flock
market here today. Ilcimur was a
marked feature nnd the lnrvet Iosoh
were in railroads. Decline- of more
llinn a point were reeordrd in lhigh
Valley, Sotilherii Pacific, Northern
Paeilie, Orcat Northern preferred
aud Norfolk and Western. Canadia',
Pnclfitt drooped I :l-H xud..
After moderate reeovrncri stocks
ilmpped abruptly iioii receipt of an
unconfirmed rrori that hostilities
had been openrd between Austria and
1. ' - . .. ...
Money Saving
Sale of
REDUCED 13, 12
Ono I a I ilc hill of iinti'iimiiod
sluipi'H, vtiliics to $7."0.
Now 9l.S
$.'15 Willow I MuiiiPM 910.85
$25 Willow IMuniPS 913.05
I Tll'lil "ITI'l"! ' I JI II' UMII
HcZalvlSljsl'iXu? 0 ."i r xHriPZll
All Symptoms IINpH'ar In n Khoit
Time, Write Mrs. .1, J, JacoU
"When Mr. Jarnbs began the iis
of Sulphiirro ho had been afflicted
with rheumatism for about two
years." writes Mrs, J J. Jacobs, of
Coupuvllln. Wash., to tho C. M. f
Stewart Sulphur Co . Seattle. Wash .
maker of SUIphurro. "Tho pain In
the sclallo nerve of tho right leg wns
very severe, causing him to limp
quite badly. Also, the ulbow Joints
were affected. It eemed as If the
cords and Joints were being pulled
out. n he expressed It.
'"All these symptoms disappeared lu
a very short tlmo after beginning to
tnko Sulphiirro, and ho has never had
tho pain since."
Sulphiirro has cured thousands of
cases of rlunimatlsm In Ihe brief per
iod It has been beforo thu public. Hy
purifying tho blood It puts nu cud to
blood, skin nnd stomach disorders
fiO cents and 11. DO, nt all drugstores.
Pit I1..JI- ln.n...l
SfflilS and moat
.'&-h hotel in tli
City. Running clLrtlHcd
ice water in ench room.
European Plnn, n la Cnrtc
Tariff un Rooms
12 rpiHiit .... Sl.OOcf.Wi
00 room .... 1 .50 rch
00 rooms .... 2.00 enrh
00 rooms 'A Hl 2.00 aeh
50 room Sk fmili tils 2.S0 oacli
30 iuitr, bvdroom, pir
lor and bulb . - 3.00 each
Tor mora Ihsiinnogucit sddSI.OO
extra to th nhovo rain lut
aril additional (iiit.
ReJuctlon by wk or month.
,tamitsattnt Chtiltr W. Ktttry
Thanksgiving Supplies
Jacksonville Brick and
Tile Company
Exnlriiiio' our jjoofls'iirfil feot our prices hoforo buying
KOIl SALK Cheap, duvonport,
couch, hod, springs and mattross,
center table, two rockers, kltchmi
cabinet, chlua
and comode.
I'honolll. 2U(trotildc INSTANTLY.
Sfany fodford pobpl wbo havo
chronic appondlcltls, which Is not
very painful, havo doctored for yonrs
for bub on tho stomach, Hour stom
ach or constipation. L. II, Hasklus,
drugKlst, Btaton If theso poopla will
try Hlmply buckthorn bark, glycorlno,
etc., uh compounded In Adlor-i-ka, tho
Clorinan appondlclthi remody, thoy
clowd, chiffonier will bo nurnrJsod ut tho OtHClf buno
M3 8. Central, fit. A SINQLK nOSB rellnveH ttieKnf
Hold Your Apples and Got Bettor Prlcoa
Wo can storo 17 enmmoro of fruit, Kates as follews:
200 boxes or loss 25c per box i'or Ihp season. All in
excess oi 200 boxes 20o I'or tho season,
Season to April 1st.
Medford Ice & Storage Co.
v v.
jtM, ' V.w