wmiS&X7r'. r . , . '.WAV . . . J.VW JiW ,'. ,'. . .IVA'J'J'.W.W r f -., BSfflii J j nf rrrbmit- ,7? Medtord Mail Tribune , SECOND EDITION WEATHER, itv Frtlr (Anlajit fil I Mut. lflr MIh. JtT. Kn-ty.i-eonil Yrr. t)ily Htivpiitti rut, MEDFORD, OiiEdON. SATUUDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 19J2. NO. 210. es AUSTRIA SENDS BAnLESHIPS TO ATTACK SERVIA Danube Flotilla Starts tor BelgrniJe Action Considered Omlnout Austrian nnd Russian Armies Up on War Basis, Germany Insists That There Will lo No Conflict But Austria's Acts Contradict Assertion. SOFIA, Nov. 23,-Wlth i heavy Bulgarian artillery Tint rnking Adrinnople, (Itn uniiounecnicnt of the fall of (lint city I momentarily ox JlCClcd. IIHDA IM.ST, Nov. ffil Ilenimlcli- iw received hero declare Unit Alban ian chieftains linvn issued a ilcelara' (mil of iiidcciidriifc. (JrniMiiy Atartiirit RKRLIN, Nov. 2.1.-Tlir (leniiuii publlti k greatly alarmed loilay mcr Hit- accounts of wttiliku preparation in Austria. A despatch from Viriuin to Ilia Tngrhlnlt say lliu situation is grave anil Hint war In excetcd. Kverylhlng, I ho il('Niali'li paid, now hinges on IIiinnIu'm itititiiilo, "Wo will not start mi attnek," i Ilia ri'iMirlcil siMtution of Atixlrinu tovrniinrnt officials, "hut wo inii-1 ho prepared for eventualities." 1'lotllU Marls DL'DA PKHT. Nov. '.a--Tin. Ahh (linn Danube flotilla, consisting oT four gunboats, two monitor mid two orHiIo boats, started toward Bel grade llik afternoon. It wits not nnniHin;rtl'tiiAl tint flotilla in on h hostile inlxMlnti, this tluwlnpmcnt in considered midiiou, Kmployos of u street railway have been ordered lo report lo re serve regiment commanders loinor row. All indications sdut to war, lint official refund to give an ink ling of what may !m expected. HKRLIN, Nov. 23.- Despite tli hurried irrMirulioiiH of Russia mnl Austria to gel their iinnica on a war basis, official of llti) German gov ernment today innistod tlicra would lut no Kuropciin rlnMi over the Bul kau situation. Thin assertion, how cier, Ik not hunia out by tba latest developments. Mnr.lul In Conference Tlio gravity of ln situation wjim indicated hero today when Field Mar hlial Khciuuit of tho Aiihlriun army arrlvinl suddenly for a conference with Field Mui-ntiiil Von Mollkc, chief of Muff of llut Cit-miuii unity. She iiiiut'H visit, following no closely upon Hint of tlto Arch Duku Ferdinand of Austria, who wnrt I'loMtti'd 1'ornuviTal lioun ycHtorduy with KaUor Wil lu'liu, iudlcnturi that trniililn In an lU'lpillt'd. AiiHtriu now Iiiih mivni of Itn niniy corpH on u war footing, nnd ltiihhia i w-oikhiK JiihI iih frantically hi lU I'ffiirU to bo rumly for any i'iiiit Ki'tuiy, Kmporor IViiiik Joseph of Aimtria, in ndmlitedlv worried over tlio hilun ii mid it in halt! liix health U bruakiiiK nndiir llin Hliahi. 1'oarn In I.tprftotl Danpllu (ho ooutliiund fililin at tlm Tuliiitljn It In cxpuetcd that Niuhn (Contlnuml on I'bko i) ' 8ANDIT KILLED IN HOLDING UP FARMER UODNI.Y, W. Vu Nov. 23.IIolil up liy two bunilltu, I.eo InHklp, h far inor, wuh ifttKKOd unit lot! to IiIh homo nuur luiro today by hl DAptorH. Hou Ihk Iimklp'a pllulit, lila lioiiHokoopor Hnroainod, nnd ono or tlio inua follud Imr with nil nxohundlo, IiieoiiHud, Inuldn innniiRt'd to loouon ono arm, with whluh ho uoUod n Hhot Kiia anil hhot ono ot tho ImudltH iloud. Tho othur iiiun oacapod. HAI.1.M, Oro., Nov, aa. llio offl uiul oluotlon count for proaldontliil oluutoru In Oregon, U today cor.ip!utod with tho roitowlnij rouultsi Kor rrosldent: AVIIhou, -17,001! ltoosovoit, a?,cooi Tm, a,73s S FROM YALE BY SCORE 20 TO 0 Old Ell Outclassed, Puts Up Hard Game Punting Duels a Featuru of Contest Crimson Takes Lead From First Play. First Touchdown Made During First Few Minutes ot Play Yale's Sorry Showing. NKW 1IAVKN, Conn., Nov. 23. OntehiHHed, hut puttliii up' a hard, li'iuii'iouH NtniKule, Yalo wai defeated by llarvaid thin nfternmiii hi (ho iiiiuual foolball uniiin here, twenty to iiolhiti. PuiitiiiK iltielti between Hynii of Vale ami Keltou of liar vnrd fiKiired IhroiiKhoul tlio Kniae. Moid limit 3 (,(HII) (M-rnouri Tilled the itrainUtnmli when (ha uhl-tln nii liouueini; Hie kiekoff wan blown, CoiiHlilerable liettlm; on llie reiiiill, with mliU at ten to eiuht. wiih ro ixiited. Ono waunr of -l 0.001) (o $11,000 wax rcHiiled, with Harvard on the lout; '"d Opeim Willi u llii'lt At the opening of (he fir( period llarxanl earrieil (be bull (o Vale' 21 yard line. A wirio of lino plunaH were died by llnrdwiek and llriekley of Harvard, which ended with Brick ley trying for u field coal, which nii-Ht'il. TJicii followed nil exeliaue of puiilrt IidIwccii Hynit and Keltou. On tho next fonnittlou l'lynn mado n twenty yard end run hut tho ball wan returned to YiiIo'h seven yard line iih ii penally for holding. An other I'liiitilifc battle, followed until (lamer of Harvard finally got u fair natch. Ha kicked lo Wheeler, ValtiV ipiurtcibaek, but (he latter fuiableil (he ball. Ktoror of IlarMird grabbed the oval and Moored a touchdown. llnrdwiek kicked goal. A punt duel followed with tho ball finally in HarxurdV poxKohioii in tho center of the field. On u eerieK of play Hrieklev and Wendell car ried (ho hall to Ynlu'rt thirty yard line, where llriekley lropkickud n field goul. There wiih no further (coring during tliirt period. Iteort to Punting The opening of the hccond Kriod found Vain in pOHHChhiou of the ball on her own fnrlj x ynrd line. Flynn liowincr, wiih iiuabfo to gnin, and oneo mole rcrtorted lo puling. On her own thirty-five, yard line, Yale wiih Mill ill iKiHsenMion of tho hall. I.iuo plunging wiik resort id to by II.Miu, Spalding mnl Cornell, who by degrecH foieed Iho Harvard playen back lo their own tliirt v-t'ivo ynrd Hue. lliieklcy intercepted a forward ptixw. 'J'ho ball accuiiwed back and forth, each tdda rchorting to punting. On her own forly-fha yard line, Har vard gained poMKiion of tho bull and fell hauk to liuu plunging. Hriek ley and Weudoll hammered tho liuu until they forced tho ball to YiiIo'h thiity-fivo yard line, llricklny at tempted to drop kirk but failed. I'lyim of, Yalo punted. Harvard mutcoedod in carrying tlm ball lo nihil ichl, uit lont it on u fum ble. Tin, half ended with tho ball in Hurvard'K territory. Flynii KnitiblcN runt llriekley of Ilnrvnrd, kicked oft at tho opening ot tho third period und u BorlcH ot puntH woro exchanged. Klynu finally (uiulilud a punt on Yulo'd flfteou yard lluo and Harvard rocovored tho bull, Ou tho first play llriekley got tho hall, clrclod Yalo'n mid und Hooreil n touchdown, Ff. tun kicked goal. I'uinpiilly replaced I'lillbla In tho (Continued ou l'ufto Four J L HAH WN NKW Y011IC, Nov. 23. llusuiup. lion of yo&tordny'ri Helling movemoui cputicd loHseH genorully nt tho open ing ot! tho Htook market today. The. woakoHt Ihsuoh woro Caundinu Pa uli'io, Amalgamated Copper and Hal tbnoio nnd Oliio, which dropped u point or more, Uiiitod Statcn Steel noon mudo up Iohhob on good Htipport, Union l'a uifio nnd Hcudiug iiIho reoovored our lior loHSoH, Tho market olosod dull. Boudu woro irrcgulnr FAMOUS OLD MONASTERY WHICH IS LIKELY TO BE RUINED DURIMR P RF.SFWT WAR S4 i ; ? 4 i i , mmlTc & 15 STOLEN FROM l.OH ANtJKMCH, Cal . Nov. 23. Their navlngK through thirteen jean of labor SIS. 000, wnn stolen from John and Jninen Ilolloul. before their departtiro t ilielr old hoiun In Hwtt xorland. according to their n-.irful re port to tho police today. Tho money wan lo-ked In n sult- co In (ho room the men, who nro brothurs, occupied, Thoy Uullovcd mi Italian with whom they hocamo nciualnted nnd guv'o n bed In their room, may know botuuthliig of thu affilr. 'ho money coniUted of eight $1,000 LIIU: I7.C0O In ISO nnd $100 bllW, Aid tho rumnlniler In gold. 'I l.o brothers returned today to their John na mllkerH on u dairy at Florence. TWELVE INJURED IN SEATTLE WRECK III.ATTM., Nov. 23. -Twelve per hoiih weie injured, nevornl falnllv when n freight train on Iho Taeomu ijealtln iiiteriirban cnitihed into the rear end of u local pm-songcr train near Itiveitou at 0:30 thin morning. The rear cur of the uitwcnur train wiih telchcoped nnd nearly exery pa neiiger wiih injured, Motorinaii Campbell of the froight is fatally hurl il i beliexed. Kvery nmbiilaucu from Scuttle win called to tho hcciio und tho wildcat eoiifiihioii prevailed. Women pinned in tho hpliutered ear became hyte.i leal hofotn they could ho rescued, Tho local wan taking on putieii gers at the Khcrlon station when tho freight running ut fifty miles mi hour louuded (ha ourvu under ait embank mciil and struck. BULL MOOSERS ASK RECOUNT OF BALLOTS 1.08 ANCIKI.KS, Nov. 23. Coin plainlH in equity lo compel u recount of tlm voles in two prceiuota South PiiHiidoua No. 1 and Loh Angeles !!) woru filed today in tho Miperior court by repiesentativea of tho pro- giostdvo coimlj orgaiiicution'M law coinmlttcu in behalf of Mts, Florence C, Porter und Mnrnlmll Stiiuboii, pro gresbivo electoral candidute. ETHEL'S BEAU FOLLOWS HER TO BERMUDA .i t HAMILTON, lldiniudu, Nov. 23. Kenneth Ii. Fills, of Mount Arornon, N, V., u Princeton nophomore, who waa MIsh Kthe WIIhou'h onoort to till tho Priucotoii football games us well uh ii initnber of Bociul fttuutfoiiH, is an arrival horo today, ProBldonl-Kloot Wilson and bin daughters nro spending n vnoiitiou hem, 18.000 1 smss MILKERS the MONA3mpv or rossicon o f T, MOt'NT VKUN'ON; Wn, Nu. -(.'otnirlion Iut" uvjst of V. .Sehncker. tho U (onner banker, pacs (he way for (ho immediate prosecution or .larob I urth. the Seat Ue milbonaiie banker and three of bin asKoeiate. in the. bvait! Nationul Imnk. nccrding to. the statement i.r I'l-osecuting Attoreey Jlrawtoy of fakapt founty. -Vl" , Tito Seattle bnuken. chnrged with aiding mid abetting Scbneker in lo erhinir leH,itg nfter knowing that Iho li (onner bank wan insohent. Schrickcr'h trial lasted four das. IHh ciiaviuliou eamo on the fitt bal lot. Seliricker'n bank failed in April in about $2.',0,U0I). I'm I It will be tiieil in lkdliiighnm, he having been granted n change of euiie. IHh plea for a hccond change of euue (o Snohomish wiih denied by (ho supremo cotir( ycntcrdn. T BY KBNO, Nc., Nov. 23.-rnlchh peritonitis deehw, Mrs. Ktell.i S. Itaggott of I.O-. Angeles and New York who was shut at Moana Spring near here, last night, by H, S. Wcenth of Hnltimore, who then com milted Miieide, will recoer, ac cording to u bulletin issued today by hospitul Hurgeons. KMtmiuu(ivii showed tho bullet lodged in the inu ulen of the woman's back after plow iug its way through tho abdmueu. Mm. Haggott was eouseious today nnd talked freel of the shooting. "Il was a dirty- cowardly 'thing," she said. "I inner gave Weems any encouragement, hut linvo tried to keep uway from him. Ilo has per sisted in forcing his attentions upon me." Mrs. Christum llarrott, n friend of tho wounded wotunti, said Mis. Hag got I onmo to Koto to jteeuro a di vorco from her husband, Leo Hag god, a New Yolk lauo iiiuiiufacliuvr. JOHNSON CANNOT SEE WHITE GIRL VICTIM CHICAGO, No. 23. Alleging that Lucille Cameron roto to friend of his claiming she was being mistreated in tho ltoekfurd jail, where slio is held as u witness, Jack Johnson, ne gro pugilist, under Judiotiuont for violating tlio fedeial nuti-whito sla very net, uskod United States Judge Cnrpentui' hotu today for permission to son (ho girl, hut Iho request wtisl IICIIUU. Tho negro then imkod if n frioud of his, Luolllo Pauielson, miglit eeo Miss Cameron, but this also was re fused. CNIC BAN FR INC IN AFTER NSOLVENCY RENO DIVORCEE HO sr anna. on mqum i athos WITNESSES TELL !0F E E INIHAXAl'OI.IS, hid., Nov, Ortlo K, McManlgal, confc.scd dyna- r.hll w.n ,,nni, ttuav nt t,n irit of uuon nlcn char(;eij wlth cgay trang,ortlnK dyiiamllo. after do ,cr,blnK bU operation! Ju.t boforo ,)e WM arrci4,od. c wl not be rc. M,Urtl , tho gland for croM oxan)1. 1 nRllqtt untU a ,coro ot othor wUneca tegifty . ' matM Atlorney M,cr .t cx. ,-...,. f.m nn -hm.. i.. ihn .,..ni ,,, 0, , ,,r,UKeraenV Magaxlnc .,i.. .in..., miiu n.i ri,.i that tho Htcol trust had Iniplred tho proaectttluii of tho union me,n. Today's w Itncesea covered tho find ing of a cache ot nttro-glycerlno at Hochester, I'n., an explosion at tho opera hoiuo In Hoton In Starch, 1909 and another at the Dodion ltouso, In Mount Vernon, III . In April, 1910. EnOR'S TRIAL IS NEARING AN END &M.UM, lnU.. Nov. 23. Hitter nrralKtititrnt of Joo Kttnr, Arturo Glovautiltti nnd Antonio Giiruso, on trial hero for thu murder at Law reneo last winter of Anna Lopltzo, a woman textile striker, was voiced to day by District Attorney Atwill In closing tho stato'a argument for con viction. "Theiio defendants woro actuated at Lnwrenco moroly by mqr cenary raottves," shouted Atwill, turning until ho faced Kttor. Tho latter redduncd. "No air," vhoutcd Kttor, "that l not true," Judgu Qtilnu will dollvor hla chnrgo to tho jury thla attornoon tin lUs Kttor Insists on making a final idea In his own behalf. Kttor mado tho fliml ploa for tho dotenso. GOMPERS REELECTED AS IDENT HOCHKSTEK, N. Y., Nov. 23. Samuel Gompers was ro-olocted this nftornoon presldont ot tho Amorlcnn Federation of Lnbor. Ilo was bit terly opposod by tho socialist dele gates in tho convention hut his ro election was never In doubt. ItOGIlKSTUH, N. Y., Nov. 23. lloforo the. election of officers of tho Amorlctin Federation of Labor 'm iho convention hero this afternoon, Iho endorsement of President Fttupiel Gompers and most of his assoiiates was ooncodcil by tlto dolegntea. Mux Uayos of Clovolnnd, socialist, lias not confirmed tlio report that he is to run for prosidont of tho fodcrn tion against Gompers, but ho iv'mita that ho tins been urged to run. FINDING AH OF NITROGLYCERIN nm : EXTEND THE TIME FOR A HACItAllKXTO. Cal., Nov. 23, Attorney General U. S. Webb trans mitted to Governor Johnson and Sec retary of Stato Jordan today a for mal opinion In which he holds It directory, and not mandatory, that the election returns shall be certified by the last Monday la November. Webb regards the language of the code to mean that the official re turns shall be transmitted to the governor In time to permit the Is suing of ho call to the electors for tho first Monday in January. This undoubtedly will bare an Important bearing on tho re-count contests that are to bo launched la seM'rat counties seeking a re-canvass ot certain precincts. Mora Mandates Hue It Is befleved at the capltol today that tho extension of time given Jordan under Webb's ruling vrlll or courago the filing of many writs of mandate with tho appellate court to compel suiiervlsorul ro-canvasees which would otherwise be "withheld because ot tho danger ot losing tho entiro voto by not getting It Into tho hnnds of tho secretary ot state before Monday, Only Los Angeles and Alameda counties were still out today. In tho 44 counties now ready for certifica tion. Griffin, (Wilson elector) baa a lead of 2C.-171 over Wallace (Roose velt elector). Los Angclos and Ala meda both arc couccdedly heavily Rooscvolt. No Jeopardy Sought While Secretary Jordan has an nounced that ho would not niako his official election certification to the govornor until tho returns from overy county nro in, ho stuted today that this would not bo extended over a period which might in auy way jeopardiie tho sitting ot thu state electoral bonrd. SIX HUNDRED WOMEN GRANTS PASS, Ore., Nov. 23.--Tho registration books of tho city ot Grants Pass will cloo Friday wight to remain closed till tiftnr tho elec tion of December 2. Ovor fourteen hundred ntimos are now on tho lists, that number having ipttilificd for tlto ballot, mnl nt least two hundred more nro expected to register boforo tho book-, close. Of thufeo registered ut noon on Thursday (300 wero women, and tho auditor's office was then filled with indies waiting nu opportunity to have their names entered. WOMAN AVIATOR SOARS TO HEIGHT OF 7800 FEET JOHANNISTirAL. Germany, Nov. 32. -Tito altitude record for women aviators belongs today to Fjubu, Gtilantchikqw, u Hussion iivittlress, hero. Soho soared to n height of 7.B00 foot. Tim flight was mudo iii'a monoplane, RE-COUNT CALFORNA WAR CRISIS IN EUROPE DRAWS NEARER HOURLY Graver Danger of General Ceflfliet Hew Than at Any Ottwr Time First Blow Expected id Be Struck by Austria or Russia... Censorship Prevents Real News trim Beceffitnii PuWIe Austria's Act Tttreatenlnj. LONDON. Nov. 23. Graver dan per of a f-oneral KnropMti war an a reiuilt ot the Ualknii-Turkish Htnue gle cxistn tonight than nt any time since the Turk and Balgar first crossed ami. The firet blow is ex pected tu be struck by either Attfttria or KtiRsia before many hoar have elapsed. Sitico early today n strict censor ship has been established over all Austrian news ionrec, and tlte'reHl intotc'tioti coming from HiHsiaaml Germany In so light that (here ,W more- limit a sup4cioH (bat the en sore thcro also are busy. Threat of Conflict Austria'.; move in sendinc a lor pedo flotilla down tlw Danube to ward JJolgrnde. while it i 8atd that no hoitfilo net is intended, is wkhont doubt n threat of actual conflict, and the report from Duda Peat that re serves are being onlei-ed to th eolor-i gives. further indication that the hour of struggle may be near. Tlio best information available is that Austria has more than 500,000 men on a war footing. Just how much dependence may be placed oh the, Gcnr.ali report whieli have been allowed t'ew-fi,erVer-' lin is wot kHown. There in' little .doubt in diploraatio circles here, how ever, that the kaiser will be found ready to support Austria and Italy if the clash comes, and the news from Bohemia that the reservist of five German army corps have been ordered to the colors is taken here as nn indication that the situation could not bo well graver. Itovtla VrepanM On the other side of the possible battle line, Russia is known to have been for weeks massing raen on her German-Polish frontier and it is not doubted that her armiea will oppose in the field the eastward march of Austria, which, if carried out to its logical conclusion would bring either tho Austrian or tho German eagles to tho Uospbortis in time. No official information of what Britain iutciidi- in the matter is ob tainable here, tho HorseeuardH and tho admiralty and foreign officers continuing their traditional policy of reticence. So far as can be teamed, France litis mado no movo toward a laud mobilization, but il is believed that both British nnd French wor ships in the Mediterranean are noti fied to be ou tho watch to at once protect tho interests of tie entente cordiale, should n clash come. LOS ANGELKS, Cat., Nov. 2.1, Thorough inspections of tho National Soldiers' Home at Sawtollu will ha mado today or tomorrow by tho sen atorial committee that Is Investigat ing cotulltlous there. Tho commit tee la comuosod of Senators Jonea of Washington, Chamberlain of Oregon and Catron ot New Mexico. Decision to make an Immediate in spectlon ot tho homo followed the testimony ot Charles (M. Carter, a votornn from tho home who said that offlcors woro busy yesterday super vising thu removal of old wattresseti whloh woro lilack and Illthy. Chair man Jonea at once Issued an order forbidding further cbaagea there un til after tho Inspection. HOME FAINTED AND FELL TO DEATH IN ICY WATERS 8BATTLR. WaHh., Nov. 23. Fall ing oft his front porch when be faint ed as the result of a suddya Ulnees, Carl Peterson Is dead here today from drowning, lie lived or Die waterfront and at high tHe'r.js a foot ot wa(er la his (rust yauL ff ft $ Jt fcf tr 4 i IL Ji ff' ft CT' Ax