Ll P.1 11 -l u ; i Jeff Gets a Ofi l 6Q6 rue- 6RCBKS thm- YOU CfUj rZ.. MlfcLUii,. J r""?" i.;' :UI ON tnc 'vs-' 'T QUfeTieM-.b Thorn will lf. two boudliiR prnpoiil tlous Hiiliinltto.l to (liu voturri of (ho city of ArIiIiiiuI nl Hpcclal aloctloiiH to lio liolil on Iho iluto of tint roKiilnr municipal ltctlou, Tiicmliiy, Dncoin lor 17, ItilS. Om In for llin oIiir of $25,000 iiililltlonnl vlt'ctrlc Unlit IioiuIh. Tlmy will licnr 5 per rrtu Intent niul nro to bo tiRcit to IjiiIIiI mi iiuxllliiry liolil I'lnnt ana iut In iiililltlonnl citili infill. Tliu other Imiio It (or f rt.000 nml U for tliu imrpow or ImijIiir nu iuitotno tilln flro truck, fully uiiuliuicd, nml TiUO foot nililltloiinl hose. Umliir tliu charier It Ih also nl nvcry clortlon nrci'iTanry to tin bin It (tin qiH-atlou of whether or not h loon uliiill bo llcoiiKiMl In the city. NEW PATES ENJOINED 81MtlNriKI.I), III., Nov. 22. All Injunction loalrulnlni; tlio cxucutlvn offlcvm of tlio 'Moilcrn Woodmen of Amcrlcn from puitliiK Into effect the muosiil rnto liicrojuo m k runt ml to "limurKciil" iiiiMiiutir of tho or Kmiltntloii hero toiluy by County .tuilfto Itoburl tihlrluy. Tho hend itunriorii of tho orKniilzntlon nro lo cal wl In lllliiolri. Tho ilocUlon affectn n mlllloii i cm bora itcnttcrod throughout tho country. Tho "liiNtirxents" nlloROil that tho head en nip puimed tho proponed ntto with lens thnu two-thlrdit utcn. I CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. C, S. Knmleixin, J. K. HokwcII nml (Inn Mm i is pent tho iimldlu of the ttcolc in .liKikHoiivillc. Hotilliern I'acilio coiiipiinv mo put tiiiK in ii piihhiiic truck on Ilia u-xl Hide ol' the iniiiii I nick here. Kiiiiiuo Lew in, Lawrence Kieliols, Koy Duviilsoii, IIiikIi Porter ictinncd Wednehduv ecniiiu' from llicir duck limit in Khiiiiiitli country. Mru. (loorj-o I'olikcj, Mi-h. .1. ('. Ilerrinj;, Mr. Henry, .Mr. Moultl, J. V. Myern mill II. C. Hciimo spent TliiirMilay afternoon in Mcdfonl. Tho Juveniles ore uiitieipntiu u erv eiijoyulile n t lair nliieli ulli lie a iceeplioii lendincil by the .Itmior LriiKiie, Hiipei'iiiteuili'iil, Mix, IT. K. Alilricli. This must pIciiHinj,' at fair v.ill ho iield in the V. M ('. A. Hat tirduy, Noveinlier 'J.'l, Jllll!. Card of Thnn'kN. ,Wo wind horohy to oxpresH our heartfelt 1!iiiiiIh to tho many Iclud friends and iielKhhorM for their man IfotUtloim of unbounded sympathy and liolpfuluuHH, nnd for their tokeim of rpapoet to uh durliiR our preuout horenvomoiit. SOU MUS. h. K, LOOMIH, FllANK K. LOOM 18, . '. LA VKUNIJ AV. LOOM1S, OAIU)IlI M. LOOM1S. Nolleo to Public. 1 hereby give notice that my wlfo, Sulllo Turnbogh and children hnvo loft my 'bod and bourd at tholr own free will and I will not bo rospoiiB Iblu for ilobtB contracted by thoiu In thtf fuluro unless I glvo nolluo olhor wlno. (Signed) W. TURNBOGH. 214 POLITICAL ANNUNCEMENT8, Vi)ll MAYOR. J. W. Mitchell - Independent cmullduto for offlco lit hiuyor ot city of Mcdford. (Paid Advt.) W, Y, lilfwt n miiioiiiicliiir ' cftruUdaoy for ASHLAND JO VOTE I BOND SSUES WOODMEN'S Taste of the Horror of War i . I cmmr. i& ths Fort. J -nwi pRoceeoeo t -7 twusu I , tuukstodo I -- - . .. t " v -"V" , i. . .""T .flMfcv ( . I a - THAT YHK I S '! L i-uxi.u W I .AIs. J T I I ,2rw,LD MNt you ow w JJJ , -SIIfca j KS w iinoui i v -.r i 'am. x. -i - ' '" -- v - . nn i w iwricv tho office of mnyor, I dcklro to ntnto to tho volern of Mod ford thnt If ducted 1 hhnll rarncitly oodonvor t6 utilize tuy experience oh former chnlrmnn of tho wntor coiiimltt6o mid nu n coliiicllinnn for over four your, to plnco nnd kcoi Mcdford oti n noiind, coimorvatlvo flnnnclal bnnlii, mid to conduct nn ctonomltnl, hiinl tipnii'llko adinlulntrrttIon, (I'ald Ad.) .1. i:. Wntt "At lio Hilicilulion of many titl eH I have decided to become n can ilidule fur the office of mayor at lliu coiuiu clcctidii in January. In IIiIh couiieelion I winh to ntnte that if elected, I will UH) my bivt cffoitn to Ktvn Ilia city a clean btihincK ml iiiiniNtratioii. (l'nid Advt.) C, K. (In ten DurliiK tho Inst ton days n number of cltlzenn hnvo called upon me, re qucxtlni: mo to becomo n candidate for mayor of tho city of Mcdford, After due consideration nnd consul tntlou with rltixniiR In nil linos of btiHluexN, I hnvo decided to nnnounco iu)Hclf ait n candidate for Raid office. I therefore prenent to tho voters of Medford, for their consideration, my platform, which Is ns follews: An honest, open and above-hoard, clean cut business Administration. A fair nnd tititiro deal nt nil times. lentil rlKhts to nil. Bpcclnl prlv IIckcs to none. A Keniilun peoples jmbllc inurlcot, IteKurdliiK tho liquor tioHtlon. I'orsoiuilly I do not drink, never have, hut ns Ioiik ns tho government, ntnto mill city HceiiHo snlooiiH, nml under strict regulation they obey tho Inw, they nro entitled to protection. Khould they pcralkt In dlrtolicyltiR tho law, their license should ho revoked. A careful nccotintliiR of nil nuan ces. All disbursements subject to pub lic lnnpcctlo;t nnd open for pupbllcn- tlou by the city press. Due consideration of nil petitions for and against public improvements. i A rigid practice of economy, except when such economy has n tendency to retard progress. I will further all progressive mat ters of general Improvement for tho city, but such must comu within tho ucopo of good business, I shall endeavor to uso my best efforts for tho keeping of the city in n sanitary condition at nil times. Wherens, nflor jo.irs of struggle, tho women hmo been given tho privilege of exercising their rights of cltUolishtp, duo consideration will bo given them on all matters of pub lic Importance Should I ho cloctcd, I nssuro tho pooplo that I will bo mnyor In fnct as well ns name. I will not bo the tool of nay clique, and will bo Influenced only by what I bolicvo to bo right nml equitable. If tho above platform moots with your approvnl and you bollovo I am cupuhlo of filling tho office, I will npproclnto your support. C. E. GATES. (lald Advt.) .NOTICE. All barber tihops In this city will clone nt 10 p. m, On Suturday night. Boglnutng Novotnhur 33rd. ' 210 BOSS BARBERS. NEW TODAY A flvo room house with lath room and pantry, nice lot 45x127 ft, 'lawn ahruhbory and chlckon iwrk, Tho pluco lays near pavomont mid school and store, mid only ulx blocktt from center of city, To iniilto quick milo (lie (urnlturo consisting of heater, range, lino luiiniH, tied room finite and dining room tablo and chiilra will ho In cluded In tho sale Price. $9D0. Half .cash -will hii'.idlo It, Some liouuca and sullen to rout. Itunclioa, large, mid Biuall, In all parts of tho valley, A homeutoad relinquishment choap, C. D. HOON Room 18) Jackson County Bank Uldg, . JVfEPirORD MATL TRTBONE, f TM"C GREEKS H0 TH 1 C Awn tmum APTR.tH J r - .. i n I ' roil KENT I-argo sleeping room, $1.50 nnd 2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, $15 mid SIR. Home phono 20G-K. 222 Houth Holly. -X lOlt KENT FUlt.MRIIEIl AITS. KOK RENT Umltb Apt SI7 8. RU. FOR KENT Furnished' apartment now, prlvato bath, hot wntcr heat. Tho Herhen Apartment, 10 Quince 8t., corner West Main. POM KKJi 1 UOUSKKEKriNU IlOOMfl KOll KENT A sullo of four or two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 72D West 11th. FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, 220 8. Ornpc. 210 KOK l(KNi ROUNKk FOR RENT New 0 room modorn bungalow, 10 Rose avenue. 210 FOR RENT Thrco room furnished llungalow, pleasant location, closo In on paved street. Inquire at f,27 S. Holly or phono Main 779 1. FOR RENT Two room bachelor home, 2H W. Sth St. Sco White & Trowbridge. FOR RENT Get our rental list. Mcdford Realty & Improvement Co. FOR RENT Modrn five-room house. U. A. Rader, at M. F. A H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room hons rear of Farmors & Fruitgrowers bank, tiltnblo for business, real estate boarding or rooming house Gold Rny Really Co., 6th and Fir its FOR RENT Ono C room modern. Ono 4 room modern, partly fur nished house lnqulro 714 W. Palm St. 212 VOn ItKNT ItOAUU AND ROOMS ROOM AND BOARD At "Tyrrell's" 204 8. Central. 216 FOR HK.N 1 UM-ICKS FOR RENT Lnrgo, comfortable of flco rooms with elovntor service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low ratoo. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. KUIl 11EN1 MIHCKMjAXHOUM FOR LEASE Fully equipped placer mine. Hold Rny Renlty Co. FOR RENT Ranehos large and small, alfalfa and cardoa lands. Qold Itay Ronlty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on porcontago. Gold Itay Realty Co. FOR RENT- 16 room rooming house over Eirort'H tailor shop, 207 V. Main. Seo Whllo A: Trowbridge FOR RENT 290 acres, cash or grain rent, about ono half cleared. Requires two teams. Addross "Eaglo Paik" BiowiiHboro, Ore, or call ono mllo west. 21 1 Fun HALfc ACTtKAGB FOR SALE Ranches, noro tracts, town proporty, from SG'por aero, upwards on C nnd 10 years time Gold Hay Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR SALE noUSKM FOR SALE Six room .modern bun galow, closo In, paved stroot, cheap Iuqtilio of ownor, 423 Beatty St., or phono 2341. 210 FOR SAL'S 4 room tiuaw and lot, $000.00. Gold Bay Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. tt FOR BALE Equity In a good houso with largo lot 82xlfi0, house has six rooms, pantry, bath, etc., large front and side porches, outhouses, storo houao, etablo, wodd hoime mid chlckon hpuso, Come aoo It and save agont's commission. Bal laucp on easy terms, Stroet will bo paved noxt Spring. It you want a bargain comoto 401 'King HtrcoL iii FOIt SALE M1SCRLLANKOU8 t'Oft BALE Thoroughbred SALE Thoroughbred Duroe Jersoy hogs, all uioa. seloctod for breeding, purposos. Ploasant Val ley (arm, uoguo uior, uregon. Phono 19-It. l 317 FOR SALE1912 6 passenger au tomobllo1 atmoBt new. Bargain for (nnh. Tim RO. Trlbllnn. mi SALE Biigllah bull terrier l i-' " iail.",j"Ul'M,jj""i'r 'f'i n puppy, pedigreed, ago flvo monthu. Stauton tlilfflB, Burrlll Orehurd, nlimui It 11 -.!!. Volt ALhl Oorn. lnqulro pr. Oluuoy. FOR HALE lioniur pldRooiiH ut U por doou, Phfiiio OStl-J't. t MTODFOTID, KKaON, TTODAV, NOVEMBER 22, FOR BALE Letter heads nnd fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, hs .you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Loftal blanks, tresspass notices, for sale or rent slnga at the Mnll Tribune. FOR BALE Bargain, comfortahlo four room house, $1000, cash or terms. 737 West 14th St. FOR SALE Fruit box labels in one two or three colors, printed as you order at tho Mali Tribune. FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mail Tribtino office. FOR SALE Two stamp mill, 850 pounds each. Practically new. Address Box 61, Rogue River, Ore gon. 216 FOR SALE Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or made to order by tho Mall Trlbuno bindery, FOR SALE White Minorca cocker els. J. F. Itcddy, Queen Anna Ad dition. . 209 FOR SAL: Cord'and tier wood In black oak, Laurel and Fir. F. Ositonbruggo, 401 Rlversldo Ave., South. Phono 1941. 222 FOR SALE Largo fat ducks at $1.00 each; also a few turkeys. 1014 East Eleventh street. Home phono 312-X. FOR SALE At sacrifice Eastman kodak, case, etc. Economy Chief separator. used-Jew times only. Address Box-alioTT). caro' MnIl Tribune. 209 FOR SALE Do you want to buy bees. Now Is tho time to plnco them In your orchard. Stewart the bco man breeds thrco mid flvo handed Italians. Phono 0102, P. O. box '621; 232 FOR SALE Light hack, two seats, ennopy top, poplo and shafts. Also cedar fonco posts. J. Hartzcll. 209 FOR SALE Cheap, sectional book case, sanitary couch, davenport, dining chairs, china closet, bed room furniture, good blocle. etc. Call 443 South t Central, phono 41S1. '' 210 HEia WAKTHU VMAUI WANTED Girl for general houso work at once calf 604 AY. 10th street. Tho Cottage. 20S WANTED MlSCEZOiANKOCt) WANTED (las cook stove, sulky plow. Glvo description mid low est price. Address C 00, caro Mall Tribune 210 WANTED A work horao and gentle pony for their feed this wlntoV. Not much work for eltjipr. Call nt now house on corner of Jack- ' son nnd Welch streots, or address W. C. Mlllor, Phoenix, Oregon. 210 NVAN'I'ED Troo pruning by day or Job, best results In past on tho most successful orchards on coast. Address P. O. box; 768. 210 WANTED To buy good second hand wagon truck cboapy 822 North Central, P. Hawklnson. 211 WANTED Contract to, cut two hun dred cords of wood, between Rutto Falls and Medford, como with opon and above board propoalton or stay away, work to commonco attor Jan. 1st. v 209 WANTEI A good Iresh milk cow. Address P. O. Box; 61 or call Home phono 342-X. WANTED Old books to rehlnd or unbound books to bind. All work guaranteed. Mall Tribune office WANTED Up-to-date peoplo to In stall tnddorn looao leal systems In their business. Any stylo and "Mndo In Medford." Mall Tri bune iblndory. WANTED Roof leak? I repair leaking roofs, rain or ahluo. Phono ll--R. W. II. Smith, 221 WANTED To borrow $4000 on "pro porty worth $12,000. Box 490, Medford. WANTED Conflttom'ent cases to aurse, no objection to light house work, Price reasonable. Mrs. E. Nahss, 140 S. Holly, phono 2G6-X. 210 WANTED Turkeys, I 'am In tho market again this year to buy tur keys, and will l')' tho highest mar hot price, cash for drossod turkeys for- Thanksgiving. to ho delivered not lator thnn Saturday, Nov. 23, I", L. Til) lor, North Modtord, phono 80-fl-L 810 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent or lease, a hay farm for term of ono year with privilege of two. T. J. Heady 92 C North Central. 211 WANTED Contracts for clearing land, excavating, clearing, etc. Ad dress box 11, caro Mall Tribune 209 WANTED To rent rancu with prlv llego of buying or plnco to take caro of. Address bpx 44, care Mall Tribune 209 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Position as foreman on orchard, many years experience, references given. Address It. O.. caro Mall Tribune 210 FOR SAliE OH KXUlIAif GB FOR SALE OR TKADE 1 boiler return flue 15 h. p. l engine (At las) 12 h. p., In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore, or call on Chris Ul- rich, Jacksonville 209 LOfTT IXST Light lap robe Saturday, brown and yellow check. Return to Powell Auto Co. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3681. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate Call upon or address mo at Hotel Mcdford. I am out of the city a part of tho time but a letter ad dressed mo and loft at hotel will reach mo and receive attention. B. L. Dodge 227 BUSINESS DIMftCXOIlY Acccantants D. n. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable lignre; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phono 6302. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E, REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERnY (R. P. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, RIalto building, Medford, Oro. Auto Supplies LAHER AU'tU SPRING CO. Dur big secret In making springs Is the tcmporlng. We aro operating tho largest,, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwcbt. Use our springs when othors fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North lGth Btreot, Portland, Oregon, Chinese MeUldac CHOW YOUNG'S Cntnese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ot chronic and norvous allmonts. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles See mo at 241 S. Front fit., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, in, Louise E. Hedges, Mecbano-Tboraplsta, Chiro practors. SnondylothoraDistB. These systems, Including dietetics, cura-J ete, produce results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. E30 N, Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a, m, to C p. m. Othor hours by ap polutmont Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOUKWOOD. Chiropractor, norve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Vapor baths and Bclontltlo massage given; advice In dletotlcs, modlcal gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Horn 14E-K. Main 7973. , Civil Engineer LOU18 W. WIUTINO oivll Englueer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, cJtx engineering, drafting, sower design, coiicreto work pump and eanal systems. Rnnm 2, Palm tilk., Mwdford, Oregon. , "" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Granite ftorlu MEDFORD BRICK Cl.-Oeo. W Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors- and, manu facturers Of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson at PhonA No. 2481 lenrtsii DR. W. M. VAtl BCOYOO DR. O. C VAN 8COYOO , Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 816 Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist Office in RIalto bldg., 123 E. Main Gas administered for extraction ot teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. Wars tries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree, are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantor everything put out. We are not it tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Offlct removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop Garbage GARBAGE Get your premise cleaned up for tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagons foi good service. Phone Main S251. F T". Allen. .Votary rubTh. HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lie Bring your work to me at thf Icn of Th Mall TribnriA Printers and Pumbhera MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cat paper, ete, ote Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians and Surgeons DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.. phono 278-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon, uuice Jiicicson uouniy uans Bldg., rooms 17-18-19. phono 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130, DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices ovor Raskins Drug store Office Phenes: vt 1001 tendant. Residenco phono Main 5712, offlco Home 14&. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye par, no30 and throat. Eyes sclen tltically testoJ and glasses supplied Offlco 228 E. Main St. Hours 8:30 a.' m. to 8 p. m. Both phones E B. PICKEL, M. to Office Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 682. DR. MARION Physician and Sur geon, Stewart Bldg., corner Alain and Bartlett, offlco phouc, 271; houso phouo,)73. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac- tlco limited to Chronic Diseases Office Hotel Holland. Wednesday 10-3. Both phones. Resident phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eaglo Point and Roguo River line. HERMANN P. RATTly, M. D. Of- itco ovor Mod ford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res.. Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prac .tlce limited, to' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor Both Phones, Medford, Ore DR. MARTIN O. HARDER Physi cian and Surgeon. Office Palra block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4. Phone Pacific 1101. DR. R. W. OLANOY Physician and Surgeon. Phono, offlco, 501; resi denco, 724 1. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. , StoitograpTkctk ELLA M, GAUNYAW Paim block Stenographic work done qulcklj aud well. - 'TransHT ' ' y BADi TRAKSFlrt' rif0RAaJ'C(y Office 16 South Fir. r Pbo Bell 3153; Home 350-K. Prlew right. Service guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PEItL-lWeruner alft Embalmer. Office 28 South part lett at' Telephenes: .bay BeH 471;1 night, residence, Bell 471 Home 179-L. Calls answer slgfc' fir dajr. Ambulauca enls4 M It ... .. . - ,Ti PAD! SBTBH t3f N & By "Bud" FisKcr -,- leietifei ManyWlw lad TiWrcirtik Tto who suffer tr6m CinumpllnB ar (rmTillr tronbln) with nlelit wMl, ferer, Iom of trenstb ana lit its or. no appetite. Friilj air, rood food, aed.lbe proper err of tlio tiody art hi salial to a rrcorrrjv but Ih manr rrn omethleg; elio la ncill. Kckman's AI trilr It a mmtlrtun wblcb ban bn taott iiCCTfnl In tftpiIn(r nlnlit airruin, redscin: fever antl promotlDB appetite, and many wbo bare naeil It. tlerlurn It rn tbrlr lira. InTf Jtlffal wbat it did la thin c: , "Oesileraen: For four yrar I waa troubled with roach, which gradually bfmi worw; I bad niaht awrata and palna In air cht. I wit Inning mr ap- rtltft and iA become ro thin and weak could not attend to my bnuaebotd du ties. A phyaldan pronoanred my en Conitimptlou. Not belnic tlfied, I wn examlnl by the phratclanx of tho I'oly cllnlc Uoapltal. They alao proiiosnreil tho dlwate CoBnBiptloB, which was pro Ten later by an examination of apu mro. a TnberciIoeU IIacIIII were found. I waa nntercd to a C'oimitnptiTe' Htn. pltal. My nephew would not allow me to go until I bad tried Kckman'a Alter atlre. Before I had taken the medicine three weeks I bad marked relief, night aweats cooaed, pain In tho breait re lleTed, couich ticearae loone and eaay, ferer left me and I commenced getting well, ity beattb became normal. I am In excellent health now and bare bn-a completely cured for ten yean. I strong ly recommend It." . (JinS.) MARY WAS80.V. OreEd.flreen. .urj 8. 17th St.. I'hlla.. ln. Brkmun'a Altera tiro la efTectUe In llron--blti. Aatbma, Hay Ferer; Throat and Lunc Tronltle. and In npbnlldlnfr tbo ayitctn. Does not contain mliiona, opiates or bablt-formlnir dni. Aalc for booklet telltag of recorerlen and write to Kckmaa Laboratory, rblladelpnla. I'a.. for erl deaee. For tale by alt leading drugglata MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 70,000 apple, 23,000 pear, 2000 cherry, 2000 walnut, 10,000 prune, extra heavy heavy grades, one year old trees, leading varieties, true to name Grown without Irrigation. C regon. Adress N. D. Harvey, Milwaukee. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for our list before placing your orders. Will compare with the best trees to be found anywhere.- Price low. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Ourante4 Prices ReaaonabU COFFEEN & PRICE S Sowar Block. Xatxamca om 6th . Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. , Publlo Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and HiHlug Cases. Scrip. Draperies W carry a very complete Una e draperies. fca curtains, flvturea. eta, 'and do ail claaaea of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclusively and will aive aa seed service aa ia possible to get la even tho largest cities. Weeks k McGrowan Co. WE HANDLE ALL Magazine Subscriptions and meet all cut or c)ub rat-as which are advertised Or of fered by any company. Be sides Svo give youa speelal Service which you do not get It you send direct to publish ers. " , 4 v -W! f -r MEDFORD BOOK. STO&E t 4 iVii m.iii m ' m Se V ., 'Si I irm ' f & A