X2 H HrEDFQTID MAIL TRIBUNrc, MEDFORP. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 22, .19.12... -ii -rw air p , MIIISIERTMEN SCHRANK INSANE tl TO MEDFORD JAIL DECLARE MEN 10 RELEASED ON. BOND EXHED KM URKEY MARKET 7 RED WATSON 12, (1. J. McAIIUtnr of Porllftnil, Ollll lit till) ll'IKllllH dtloiimyM of OlO Mii, for ymim Knnurnl coiunml for till) HIlil-KltloOII ll'IIKUO, II ll()llllllllt Jiiniultur of tlit I'oimliti' (lovoiiiniDiil I.cnKiH', mid wull liuitwii ih no urn tor on nodal uml jiollllcnl toplr wun In Itoii from train I. 'I Tliurmlity nflor nonii hy Chief of Pollen Hltlxoii tiioii n tfli!Krnilic r(-iiict from tlm iIIh trlcl ntlornny or Multnomah county nmt lot'liiMl In tint city jull until cmhIi tioml for $10110 hint .hoed Iium11oU liy IiIh jmrliior nt Pnrllaiul. Mr. M-Alllxlt-r Ih wnnti'il In connection wltli tho Juvnlle court Imiiiliy Into tint I'ortlnnd' vlco rlnw. Mr. MoAlllHter linn been nt Coon Tiny for tlm jiuhI week, nml tliu wain ilnl lirolte (luring IiIh nlmonro, llo ildclurcM IiIh Innoconcn nml iiIIok" Hut ho Ih tliu victim of n friiine-iiii nml c n ciiHlly clcnr liliimelf of tliu mtrloiiH (ihurci'H uKitlimt htm. llo ilcoliiri'M time ho wmh ciirontu to AhIi liiinl on iMiiHonnl IjiikIucm nffnlr hint Inn! no Intention of cucupliiK over tin mule lino, llo wiih highly IiiiIIk limit nt IiIh nrrcut, ileclnrlni; IiIh con flnnnieiit In tint city Jull mi oiitriiKU. nmt .tlutt If kIvcii mi oiiortiiiilty, lie conlil nrrmiKo tun tlmcH the riMiiilrwl tmll liy wire. I'ortlnnd offlcnrit wired Murli field for MnAllUtur'H nrrest. Tho tiifimstiKo vnn deluycd mid tlm offi cial! went notified from Miimliflelil (lint McAlllHter hud lefl on (ho rt'KH Inr mornttiK Imm for (ho month of the llinijini river, In time to coiuient , with MtiiKo for lirnln. nt which tho Kolltlmrii Pmilfk Ih iuIkmi. Mr. .McAllUter Ih woll known In Medford -wliuro ho cuiiductcd the rnK for tho mitl'xnloon IcnKiic In Ih nttcmi(H to innko Mcdford dry. Jle linn n conRplciiotiH jiemoimllty, U hIx feet In IicIkIiI. waIkIm 'i"U pound clemi ulinven, wenrn allium, mid wiih wearhiK n vivid nreon milt, llo wna Implicated hy (ho ronfcsnloiiH of nov um I hoyn niiiile to (ho Juveiilln court mid Ih ncciued of tinprlntnhle crlniPH. Mr. McAlllHtor left on tliu SluiHtn Limited for I'ortlnnd l'rldny mom In i-:. MIMVAUKW3, Win., Nov. 2!!. AHonlKtH who' oxnmlned Joint Huhrmili, tlm mmaHMlii who nttemptcil tlm llfo of Oolonol ItooHuvell, offi cially dccliireil (ho prlHitier Iiiwiiio lioro loduy. .IiIiIko AtMdinlit llnokiiR of the miiiilclpnl Court committed Huhrnnk to the fltnto hoHpllnl for urlmlnnl In (utile nt OhIiUokIi. Tho julitonor will ho liilien to the tiio'liiin tomorrow. 'Clio report of the iillenlntM wild: "Wo find: Klrnt, John SclirniilH Ih Hiiffcrlnt! f i or ii Iiihmiui deliiHloiiH, i RrnndloHo In nlminclOi, nml of thoi HVHtemntlzotl vnrlety: hocoiiiI, In our ' opinion, ho Ih Iiikiiiio nt the prffient time; third; on nccoutit of clono re IntloiiH hotweun IiIh IIIiihIoiih mid tho tu'tn with which ho ultuiilii oliurjuul. wo hifllnvo lilm iinnhle to confer In tolllKcntly with coihihoI or to con duct IiIh dofoiiHo. (Hluucd) HV. I'. llliCKI-Ht, Chairman, "ItlOHAHIi IH5WKY, "I). V. IIAHltl.N'O, "PUA.N'K WVUDUKY, "WILLIAM I WUfKli:. C!ouimlnaloticr." STRONG AT 25 CTS. "With n henvy offurluK the lurlfoy mnrltol ou tho eve of TIihiiI(hi:IvIii dny IioIiIh mIiomk nt lib emita'a poimil mid It Ih not oxiiedtod thnt tm prlco will wonliou until nftor t)i6 hollihtyx. Hiiipllon nro plenllful nml lint row of tlm hlrdH will ho Hlilppud In. A InrKO iiuniher of I ecu I people nro plmiului' to net thulr TliiiiilfHjUvlnn cut In tho time honored method--hy HhootliiK Ilium, A liionMer tur key uhoot him licen nrrmiKed nt .InchHoiivlllii for Hatiinlny and nuother nt llnncom Huud;i. ME BEAT OAKLANM), Cnl.i Nov i'l IlAforo tlm W'CHt OnkTnlld Allilntlc clnh Innt nlulit Hed WitHon nml tlnle I'Icnto wont ten rou'tidHWo n drnw In (ho iiiulii nvoul bonMJf the ovonliiK. AltljoniJh ' Itofcree Jlnrry Koloy cnlli'd It u drnv, Hip lurRo crowd nliowml Itfl d(Hiprova) hy hoittlliK the doolMloii (1M the mnjorlty of the oiitlmMiirttH IliOiiRtH thnt f'lcnlo waH outllleil to tllo doclitiou hy n wide niarln. I'Icato had n clcnr load In every round of Hi" ijjtht. II vax ctnlrely too clnvor for Walxon mid tho lattar lmilld odircoly n demi lilow. " ' " ' Wntiion when ho round tlint ho could not Innd on I'Icnto, Tiuorted to rough tncllcH, ami wan hjioied ro pentudly hy tho Kllery. Ilmo nnd again I'Icato led with Htralglit left nnd followed tip with terrific right nnd toft tiiiprRiit)t which Jarred the Htocky Wntwrttj. " .!.. llnd Wnlflou not rojieatodly hoid on nnd used rough tactics throiiKti out thf cllnchun, J'lcnto wotild have won heroro tho mill went half tho Bclioduled dintntico, tied Wntson wh to hnvo hccit tho next opponent fftt WiNiiriH for' liwedjrt' AlMtMwwNjIfpWit on hln showlnn lMt nfftitt a4n Mk) font tctl( ho uil;!Mflnir, Kriaklf LMwnrdft will innko ntrMi wtl to securo I'Icato lor AftdoruflM a4 aH eel Watson'H cnscaiwnaat. Legal Idankn at MaTTrl W i'l h . ...i;.1 ,.i..it.rmmtssmmmmmm OLD DOC COOK TO LECTURE ON COAST HAX l-'HANCMBCO, nl Nov. 22. Dr. I'roderlck A. Cook of North Polo fame will lecture hero Decem ber -I. according to miuoiiucemnnt made today. Dr. Cook recontly nnmideted n lecture hinihoii In CIiIciiko. He Ik' now toiirliiK tho uorlhwoHt. Lour Inland linn n hcIioo! in which rorty women nro lonmliiK to hvcomo curpentorH ami hilcklnyerH. 200 Pieces TJEEAD PAlS, CAKE PANS, BAKE PANS, KITCHEN UTENSILS, AND ODD PIECES OP DINNERWARE, REGULAR 15c TO 25c QUALITIES, TOMORROW 10c EACH HUNDRED YEAR CLUBS SAM SCHEPPS BARRED FROM HOT SPRINGS HOT BI'UINHH, Arlc., Nov. L'2. Tlej?rnphlc InntructloiiH to Htny nwny from Hot KprliiKH, uud that hu would not 1x permitted to live lioro wero iiont in tlaiu Schoppn In Now York today hy Mnyor Wntem of Hot Hprlnitx. , Hrhopps, one of (ho four men ro lciiKed In Now York yenttirdny for tlielr toHtlmnny In tho Itowcntlial murder enno had mtnotinced IiIh In teiitlon of mnklufi IiIh homo lioro. MARBURG oFbALTIMORE MINISTER TO BELGIUM WABHlNtirON, Nov. 22. Theo dore MnrhtirK of llnllluioro wan ap pointed today milliliter to Ilolr.liiiii to Hiieroi'il Liirx Andcmon, who hiic ropilH ChnrlcH l'nuo Ilrymi, hh United Htnteg nmhauHndor to Jnpnu. lli'llexe Lift" Muy Ho l'rolniiKil. Men who uro devoting tUilr lives to tho ittudy of loiiKvlty liolleve thnt ' In dnyn to cxtmo u inun of iilnnty j will ho In lilx prime, mid old ago will liegln Ioiik piiHl a hundred ycurn. . HclentUtatiavw-,'prov!d4. Hint the Hlmplo life, touipornto hnhltH, exer cUo, mid mi uctlvo mind are eon tlul lo n lenj: mid huppy llfo. When the blood koIh thin mid hIiikkIhIi mid creep" Inzlly through (ho voIiih, nnd (ho arterlcM "IickIii to harden, there Ih nothing Hint will enrich the hlood, Improvo tho circu lation and rout ore. ntreiictli to every bacl(-nlldliu: orKitit In tho body xo Miilclcly iih our dollcloim cod liver mid Iron tonic Vluol. lioro Ih proot. Mm. Michael Illoom of I.ewJHtoii. I'n., at 83 yonm of nj;o wan no weak n)io had to bo wheeled around In an IiivhIIiI'h chair alio wrlton thnt nf tor (nkli)K a fow bottles of Vluol hIio could take lout; wnlks mid do hot hoiiHinvork. Thnt tiliowa how Yinol HtreiiKthciiK old people, Try Vtnol on our gunrmitco that It will o you Kood or coat you nothing. Medford I'hnrmacy. TURKEY PLATTERS Extra.laro si'i', vox ular 50c lo $2.50 iial iticH, in plain while and decorated. Kale price 25 io $1.25 eacli "Kull size solid copper )iickt )l:(0(lTea Ket tje, refill 'r $1.50 qual ity ever.vvhere. Spec ial for Satni'day $J.OO each Wo are closing out every piece of Ladies', Misse3' and Boys' Underwear in tho store; regular 40c to $1.75 qualities, in Vests, Pants and Union Suits. Sale price, each 25 to $1.00 MEN'S GLOVES Up to $1.50 a pair qualities in Men's leather Work (1 loves and Gauntlet Driving Gloves, sale price, pr. 50S 75, $1.00 BOYS, and LADIES' Leather Gauntlet Dri ving Gloves, pair. 50, 75, $1.00 Men's and Hoys' Husking Cloth Gloves 10 pair ? pair for 25 f HOSIERY Infants' Stockings, 15c quality, blue, tan, pr lOr Hoys' and Misses' J lose, 25c worth of wear, all sizes, pair 15 Men's and Ladies' senufless Black TlosC, pr. 10 Men's Socks will outwear any 25c Hose in town, all sizes, black, tan, 15 pr, 2 for 25 200 Copyright Books, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 quality, by standard authors, and heavy cloth bound, Boys' and Girls' Books, sale price, each 50 HUSSEFS Sehieff elms Sanitary Grocery . . . . . BOTH PHONES f These Cash Sales will be held twice a wcekt until further notice. Cottolene, 55c nnd $1.30. Standard lard 50c and SOc nnd $1.50. Arniour'a Hams Vic. Standard Karon 22c. I.otf Cabin Maple Syrup :, CO and $l.2'i a k lllue Label Kara Syrup 30c and SHc. Avondnlo MoIakhgh 'A cans for 2fic. Pure Maplo Sugar .'SOc a pound. lilticfttoni Flour $1.25 a nnck. Quaker Itollcd OntH $2.00 for 00 pounds. H pound Hiicka arc, 4 pound package 20c. I pound pnckaKo Corn Klakcs 25c. Oroon Ollvos $1.00 slzo, 75c. Oreen OIIvcm COc hIzc, 4,"c. Clrcen Olives S'nf hIzc, 20c. '', vacuums JCInRforda Olosa Starch 2 fie. Rice fc pur pound. Itoynl Cluh Catsup 20c. S. & W. finlad OrcHSlng 13, 20 and 25c. Walnut JCc tier pound. T'ntatouH tiftc pr hundred, OnlonH SOc per hundred. Cabbage In 2f .pound lota l'c r, barn Cryatal White Soaji 2fc. t caim I'olly I'rlm 25c. I'lnk Reana 2S poundit for $1.00. Hulk Macaroni and Spaghetti :!Vi lbs, 2Cc. Krmllnh Jlreakfant Tea 20c. Oun Powder Tea SOc. Illondcd Coffco 23e. 2 pounds puro Coffee 55c. Our LatcM-.SMiuncnt of ClUCfiCA VASVY fiOODS llns .Irrived, Call and See Tlicm. Schief felin s Sanitary Grocery Write Ideas for Moving Picture Plays! You Can Write Photo Plays and Earn $25 or More Weekly WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW If you have ideas if you can THINK we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence nec essaiy. No "flowery language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufactur ers are "moving heaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good, plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering. $100 and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, arc located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot, and knowing at all times .just what sort of phots are wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received manv letters from the big film manufacturers, such as VJTAGRAPII, EDTSOX, ESSAXAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION, COrET, MELTES, ETC., urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach 3-011 the secrets of succr. . ' (Ve are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for publication." Perhaps we can do the. same for you. If you cau think of only one' good idea every week, and will write it out as 'dfrcetcd'by us, and it sells for only $25., a low figure, . 7 YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORKi FREE Send your name and address at once for free copy of our illustrated booki "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRiTING." , ' Don't hesitate. Don't argue. "Write NOW and learn just what this new pro fession may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHOR'S INSTITUTE 1543 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY ZltlfyllllW ? y r & M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE SUCCESSORS TO MEEKER'S Thanksgiving and Holiday Removal Sale Continues $H.OO and $:).50 Swea(ers, all wool, gray, red, white $1.08 Ladies' $3 and $:).f)0 Lace Shoes, sale $1.89 $20 and $LJ5 Silk Dresses, all new styles $10 Baby Robes, blue, pink, dainty figures 35 fiOc, and 75e Dress Goody, HO inch, side 39 LADIES' SKIRTS OFF $5.00 Skirls $(.00 Skirts S2.50 $3.00 tMl in proportion. 10 OFF ALL BOYS' SUITS New goods just arrived, - , O'ie House Lining, bolt price 4' CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS i2 OFF--$lt00 TO $3,50 ,12i Linen Toweling, on s?do S 10-2 Bleached Poppovnl Sheeting, . n Saturday only 22 9-4 Bleached Popperal Sheeting, Saturday only 20 MEN'S DRESS PANTS OFF $2.00 Pants , ,.,..,Y,.fl.50 $4.00 "Pants ...;.......?3.00 $6.00 Pants $4.5 All others in proportion. '" Men's $4.50 Walk-Over Shoes,. last season's styles $ 1.96 Biggest value ever given. . ' Every Item in Our Stock Shows a Saving ol 1 0 to 50 to You. Everything Goes to the People Your Choice of any $25 (Ladies Tailored Suit in the Store $14.50 1 ? t 1 v Tr3 1 M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE $Mfc c 0 a 1 i i a &