f : s o J. w&i set rEDKORO MATti TUTBUNT5. arTCtVFOttD, ORF.OON, THURSDAY, NOVlriWft 21, 1012. i dimes last week; now he has but one ft SCENE IN JEfl IS VICTORIES OF TOE BALKAN IMIES ' V,' .-i I, If " v.5 SILEM FOLLOWIHB HE (IMf lEIJI MAYHAVETWOOR fflfEOAliKiyil FOR BTMN I, ' . , T. A. LeMnslcr. an insurance agent recently bound over to await notion liy tlio gmnd jury on n chnrgc of bigamy line but otio wifo now, nl t hough ho hnd two Inst week when jailed. A decreo 01 divorce was granted Tuesday at Eugene whudi forever unseals the marriage bond which existed between him and Vina JoMastcr. The divorce camo but probably too Into to save him from a term in .inli. According to LcMastcr's story he wns separated from bis wife at Eu gene seven years ago and has not seen her since At the time of the separation ho gave her money with which to secure n divorce and states thnt ho supposed she had done so long ago. It seems that she did start tho suit but never brought it to a close. About a year ago LoMastcr met. wooed and won Mrs. Rose E. Loai, proprietress of El Blanco, rooming house. They were married nnd for a timo according to LcMnstcr lived happily and contented. Then fnmih (roubles arose which camo to a .crisis when Mrs. LcMaster administered i severe drubbing using a piece of hoso as a shillnlah. LcMnstcr's accounts of this epi sode is dramatic in tho extreme, ''One, evening I was seated in my chair," he states, "reading tho paVc when my wife secured a rope and be gaii lo tie mo in. She was joking and acted in a spirit of fun. I M her tie me in but asked her what it meant. "'I don't want my sweetheart to run away she answered. After she had rnc tied she suited a piece of garden hose and gave mo a bad beat ing. I was helpless. Then she threw niy- clothes into the street and told mo to 'beat it'." LoMastcr was asked what he did. "I beat it," was his answer. Mrs. LcMaster later found out that her husband had a former wif at Eugene and his arrest followed. "They have framed thw up." he declares," but I acted in aro-id faith." JMlLlllllllMMMft.fM.1. ' Jll" .. , ..''. j ".'IWfci. " VEIL i.1 .gW I J Ji . TVVJ iM Wiw "Wfrra"' Ws&5g L .1 Tl jPTWfT ft ; -tM-rTT? p-fQHl i t vx-rLS v I "-r or -n-r rprrr t-Am-G JFRU'VL-rr ror. THE CLFENCE OF CONSTANTINOPLH. . P & CANDIDATES FOR SUSPECT SAYS HE meoford booklei ai advance in prices Italians propose to i ninnnnn nr nil nxnni iiinrT nninnn mnw am COUNCIL COMING miT omc dv nMc SAILORS mm FROM DERaiCT VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 21. Eight sailors arc recovering hero today from the vffects of a ten day's fight for life on a derelict in the "roaring ionics" after sunning two ninety mile an hour gales, a mass of splin tered wood that was once the trim schooner E. K. Wood, lines the shore of Cape Cook. Tho Wood sailed from Port Town send for Sau Francisco on November C. during a heavy sjorm which grew btcadily worse. When four days out she begun to make water, and the pumps were kept going from that timo until the vessel was abandoned. A gallant effort was made to work tho vessel back to ixirt. but Sunday the second ninety mile gale hit her stripping her clean and breaking her back., rearing she would cnpMze, jho dcckload was cut away aid with it wont main and mizzenmasls. Drift ing straight onto the rocks off Cake Cook, the men gave up all hope, but at the last minute the Canadian fmli cry cruiser William Holiffo hove in sight and put a line aboard and took off tho men. A (bird storm came up before- sbo could reach port Wed nesday, tho lino carried away and tho Wood broke up on the West Bar rier reef. With four candidates actively lu the field for mayor, with prospects of one and possibly two more com ing out soon, interest In political cir cles today centered about tho candi dates for tho couucil. I'ach ward in the city has men out who aro desirous of annexing tho ?2." per which Is attached to the office. D. J, Stutl today announced his candidacy for the council from the second ward, as did Charles I). Gay, who has resided !n the ward for many years.' Col. If. II. Sargent is also mentioned for the place but has not as yet announced his candi dacy. Doubtless others will be out. In tho first ward Kd Jf. Andrews Is tho only man as yet to annoituco his candidacy. In tho third ward A. S. Hilton is out while John Dcmmcr is expected to follow soon. , Tho socialists plan to put a full ticket in the field. J EALOUS YU HOTS SUSPECT SAYS HE IS GUILTY; RICH LOOT RECOVERED Following tho full confession Wednesday night that ho was one of men who held up Warren's saloor. at Hilt. Cat., and escaped with J2G00 and several diamonds, Frank Browu lce, alias "Goldle' Brown, alias, S. O. Smith, was taken to California Thursday morning by Sheriff How ard of Siskiyou county. Tho dia monds and a portion of tho money were recovered. Drownleo's confession followed his Identification by tour of the men who wero in the saloon when it was robbed. He told whero he had left the diamonds and these havo heen recovered. They had been turned over to a woman at Ashland by Urowulco as ho was on his vay to this city. Oh ono point only was lie silent and that In regard to his part ner. Ho refused to glvo his name or tell where ho was at present. An attempt has been made to con nect him with tho train robbery re cently at Delta, Cal., but this failed. Brownlco says he can prove he was at Yreka when that robbery occurred. The Comniorciiil club on Wednes day evening decided that it wns ad visable that the community booklet be disposed of a little more liherully than heretofore, and that the secre tary be instructed to keep a supply of booklets with whatever leaflet lit erature which may he necessary en closed, nnd properly tntiiped ready for distribution, mid Hint if aiiyotio whether thoy belong to tho club or not, or wliollior.thcy aro citizens of this community or not, wishes to scud any booklet or booklets that the secretary should only require from such pcnoii the actual cost of postage. Certain fast trains operating be tween Chlcaf-Q and tfionorthwost are equipped with cledricrangcs for cooking purposes.' . " NKW YOKK. Nov. 21.- With nr advance in prices, due to a bottei de mand for stocks. condition.H in (ho stock mnrkct wero promising at tha opening hero today, ('hnugcx wero confined to fractional gains princi pally iimong standard issues. .South ern Pacific iniido the largest rise, advancing !t-t. As the day advanced spcoulatinn took on u firmer tone, numerous stocks rising one to two ixiints among them Canadian Pacific. Union Paci fic, reading, St. Paul, Haltimotc ami Ohio nnd Smelting. Call loans open ed at 5 3-1 and later jumped to six per cent. Tho market closed stropg. . Bonds wore steady. Fruit' labola In any color printed by tho Mall Tribune. tf KOMI', iNuv. 2 1. A popular aal tntlou wnn nturted In Italy for a series of rewards and promotions for tho unity aviators who played such an Important part In Tripoli during tho TurkUh-ltallnu war. ' Practically all of tho army and navy officers and privates who ill tlnKtilxlicd themselves have bucu generously rewarded. Nothing, however, bus been' dono for tho aviators, owIiik to tho fact that tho aviation corpi, being a new depnrt uteitt of national defense, no legal provision for ruwurda of merit Is yet mndo. Owing to tho luru number of voters who iniint bo roulntcrud fur tho city election, tho city council will, In all probability iiitnio two or moro roiflHtratloii honrds liiHteiul pf tho ono provided for. With tho wontyn vnlliiR between 11500 nnd .1000 lognl voters reside lu tho city and all must rcHlstnr. Tho charter provides that theno must resistor bo foro a hoard which sotii from 1 until 7 p. in. for 10 days, This would necoHHltato ri'KlxUirlng 'JKQ or :I0() cncli day which Is considered inijion nlhlo. If poiitlhla n rpttlnt ration hmird will ho niuiuid for onch ward and this will kIvo ll ul opportunity to en roll. ItoKlstratton will tint open until December II, 30 tlnyn boforo election, An olectrto lluht, which It switched on to llliimtpatn an automobile step when tho door Is oputild, luis been patented lu Knclaud. E HE FAILED TO DIE HPOICA.S'IJ, Wash., Nov, 2 1. llo cnuno ho did not did an predicted, Wllllniu Goldblntt, a Jeweler, broiiKht suit today for $1 ft, 000 nunluist Dr. O. II. Itohr hero today. He altcRc that tho doctor told him ho. was su( furlnc with cancer of tho ntomnch nnd would live only n short while, so ho sold his bimlncRt at n sncrlflcn ami waited for donlh, Watting soon be camo tlrcDoiuo unit ho comulted nomo specialist, who found that ho was In perfect health. I'lrthyferlnii Church. The "110110 Mlstdou Ktudy" still continue at thq focsbylorlnu church. Mont IntnniMltng subjects hnvu been counlderod. ToiiIkIiI -will bo tho most entertaining nnd Instructive, of all. Dr. Hearst of Central Point will speak on "Our Drifting Popula tions," and tho educational nnd re ligious questions arising In coime quenco. Kvuryhody I Invited . to come. All ovaiiKnllcnl churches lu America aro ntudyliif- ' theao ques tions this week. WIFE NEW SCH00LH0US PYTHIANS HL PRESENT MIKADO PORTLAND, Nov. 21. Because he gave way to insane jealousy at seeing his ex-wifo in another's com pany and fahot tho woman on a crowded street, Byron Jcnuisoti. 21, is today under nrrcst, and his pretty young victim is near death in a hos pital. The girl was returning lo her lodg ings with Victor Palmer, a young acquaintance, with whom sho had spent the evening, mid Jciiuisou, af ter following them for several blocks confronted them in front of tho V. Jf. C. A. building, opening fire at once, then turned tho gun on himself, but the best ho could do was set his clothing ablaze, and in this plight he ran into u policeman's nrms. The girl was rushed into the Y. M. C. A. lobby und before losing con sciousness positively identified her assailant. Palmer is also under arrest. E N MONDAY Tlicatergoers will be, pleased to learn thnt tho K. of 1 ludgu bus mado n contract with the Burgess brothers for a production of Gilbert & Kiillivau'tf uiost famous opera "Mi ',J(ndo" on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec,. 30-11, The opera will bo pro duced with u professional cast and u uhbrus of -10. Owe most commcudublo feature of (h'ti occasion will bo the special sou venir program, tho entire proceeds from, wWb will be. devoted to muk Itlg. ClirWiinufj merry for thu iMiorer tUJilNH of Medford, tho plan includ guW ejilwulid Christmus tree on Cbrifca ve with inusio and other MHjlfliiintHirril mid a Sanfu Claus to :kMH jait6, candy, toys, etc., ififiMtijUlBgl company carry blanks. L LABOR LEADERS TRIAL SALEM. Muss., Nov. '!.- As final urgumoiit on behalf of Arturo (lioy iinnitli, accused, together with Jo seph Kltor nnd Antonio (.'iiriiM), of murder grpwing out' of the Lawrence textile .fttrike, Attorney Peters de nounced hero today thnl'the "com mon wcnlthV dragnet procexs" f bringing only witnesses who would discredit the defendants and for "side-tracking witnesses tending to show their innocence.1' Peters portrayed in his speech the plot mo of twenty-five thousand starving mid freezing poisons in Lawrence, driven beyond humuit con trol. "Pa" Corbln, tho old'Valo star, is at New Huven helping tho Kls through their paces. ' School Avill open .Monday in the new school house erected in District 100 just north of the city limits at a cost of $5000. This district now has onc.of the most modern and com pletely equipped school buildings in tho county. The up-to-dutc manner in which tho school was eqmppcd is due in a great degree to the efforts of I. A. Merriman, chairman of the board of directors und Louis Bennett, clerk. These men insisted on only the best und succeeded in securing it. m5$m$mJm5$$$m5 Tl YOKOHAMA. Noy. 21. Battered by head seas from tho time sho left tho straits on tho American, side, tho Steamer Lord Ctidzon from Seattle for Orlontal ports, was towed Into port late yesterday In' a badly dauiagcd condition by tho British Htcam Trawler Mlnatour, Over forty days out, tho Curzou was sighted off tho north of Japan by the iMInatour flying distress signals, and" Captain Ilondrlckspn asked fpr assistance which was Immediately given. The condition of the cargo Is not known. X r r T r t f t r T t t I t r f If Business Is Dull ADVERTISE And Make It Better , W FACTORY OWNERS FORM STATE ASSOCIATION PORTLAND, Nov. 2 J. Pur the purpose 'of forming u State Mnnu fncturers' association, .100 Oregon factory owners and proprietors are in this city today. Bovoral prominont speukera addressed tho organization meeting on trade problems. T T T T T t f X t T f T T t T X t r T t T T Advertising is the foundation slono of the modern successful store. It 1ms created the Wannainakors, the Marshall Isolds and all the other retail merchant princes of our era, You will notice that the big city merchant keeps at it every day in the yoaiv-that is the reason of is success. -, - i He has something to sell soino store news worth imparting J,o the public, somo bargain to offer or some one thing to interest and attract purchasers. . lie makes his name' a topic of household conversation. His store news is read as eagerly as any other news. His store is thronged with buyers till seasons. V " : , He docs it by advertising not onco a week or twice a week but every day. A T T ? t ? T ? ? V ? ? V ? T T ? t t t f t T f T f 3L ri rtt i. ! '' n t t i i i -'' -a xiio'iviiyi xriounc readies practically every nomo in iNicuiora .aim surrounding territory, n you y aroVin business ;and want customers, vuse itscolunuls iliid inereaso ybiiiv business.' . If you' are acon- 'JL QtirVim. i.nii1ftifci riIvAldiuirifr' rinliiinnu mul Piti1 'Vwnl- xt'lini'v'! rv' limln ". '"', , . , fc ...' A k:u j,J ou",wi vy" '""'b wM.wjjo nwi i. uuu :, . .'. r ' nw - r -A 'r TO rl IT PAYS ADVERTISE IN t I T f t f T f t T T" T f hh Tlie Mail Tribune a ALL THE TIME ,t i f i , .'-'