tf .1 " 9 t'; " ' f ff ( 1 I "ff f " p- tv ' Ir ' iV '' ' 'f f i J i. i tin I Should L ' - - - -- r . u , J r H.S .T ' ' " wmm a HHMHalaaMaMiM . .. , . . . - -- IlSSiwSl7!"!!? lor BRBAKIMO THE MA- RING fHE BEU fool , WW' L.W I r -?T AtfS. WV BMHE K Wl) , JAP,UWJN ClfiW TO I VcMiNCi HIT IT WITH .. GET A CKJARI GO IfiTTZal ' , SOAK II !?.?? Jf LliThiTnHr aMI I Ml Ifl' MSr mIUSmi - SlSUiSa JTFJS-B Lj -. kAU..YQUtTRKmlM l,1h IT PR CMD! i-i" .7 7 CGOOD OLD WH 5TO5H M H' ltiBiKH XsVaHk mr'trf" . . iiinruhLi' i - r ...... . . aai a" " n -. - jjjjbbm i -i- - , . ui i bh i i wm a n n bh i iwi i.i .h v m u,Jnni' ir it i. n "- w )' KA J$Li- lSTRIklNd I S JMAciiiNH.i WANT! JVjSQ WS y!-S .M r 5 m''', XZk m CZ vcTrTnmo ;lv Mii!Nc. SJWj 7ibHy.' lffj)flm - I v) m?$ W1 lH lw pp'vu ;lofm BAliuiti! qil SSiTl la KPhB I If Pt PS Ilf i umi i o wwk n ... -l,iMiriti.ii -- i' n . ,i ! , i. . - - i n .. i i i ... - I, ., ,,,,. , , i i , . . i. i i n i ' i 'r1 1 ' '' - ' ' '"- I IfYmil nnnilinm I I"1'1 conildoraUnn or all pPtUlottnlJolin Nornirtii, IwrWrltiK Mr In. I FOU tMCtf tiuUSKfe I t)H 8ALK !IKUEMA7KOU WANTED 8ITOATION8. f BUSlNEHS DIRKC3TOKV I IP M IN PW U l- II BRING YACHT HAN l-'KANCIHro. Cnl, ,Vuv. 21. "I will brltiK ft 23 motor chIUt to rni'O nt your iirrtil oxpoHllluu nKt. la In 1015, nrul 1 will holm my riKht ItiK fine nml chnlliii!;o nil the vorlil to nr for'tlio Hiiinijiloinililp of Iho Hltft." Sir TtioumM Mptun, Unix Francl co'n KtioHt, nmtln thin t(trtlon to n KUtlicrliiK of in mo than 200 ynchtx. ini'ii nt u lmnqiiut tomlnroil III in In tlio HI. Frrtiicln llotOI horo Tim oUoiiii) t'iiilrml 8lr TIioiiiam whk lirlniarlly n a ynchtiinmi, livjjry. HiIiik In cdiintictlon -with tlm hnu qui't ttnvoruil of tlio hva .the hjioccIich, tlm ilt'coratloim nuJ udii tlio uncut . hiAinoir. "Tlm opoliliiR or tlio rannl nmy nt'lS the lioKlnnlnl; 6f thh grontiiMH ot Pacific CxMHt jArhtliiK. Tlio ennui will hrliiK tliU const HO 00 m Hi in-nri'i-, tintl It will thou ho n plonii mil voyniso by jnclit from i:urou tlirniiKh tlio AWnl Imllrit lo Hmt IVnnrlwn," alil Sir TlioniaH, when calU'il on nt alio rlnuo of tlio ovmi Inpr. 4"ln iny oniio l will hrlnj; over K? Hhninriit'lc thoiiRh 1 ilon't iino'w what oiio It will lut I n in now on my Wny to ,Vcw York, whom 1 Iiopo to nrrauxtt for a rnco off Hnnily Hook In 11111." XOTH'K. All Imrhor nhopH In this city VIII oIomo nt 10 p m. mi Saturday iIIkIu IIprIuiiIiir Novomhcr 2Hrd. 210 HCWS llAItlimtM. POLITICAL ANNUNCEMENTS. l'Olt M.WOII. .1. W. .Mll.liell ItidniHiiidniit rnndldhto for ofllco f mayor of city of Mod ford. (I'ftld Advt.) W. VAtvrt In unnoiincluK my cnndldiioy for llio,offlco of mayor, I dcalro to otnto to tho voterri of Med ford Hint If oleotudl dim 1 1 eiirneiltly ciidonvor to titlllo my experience iim former elinlrnian of tho water cominltluo and iih a eouncllinan for over four years, to plnco and keep Med ford on H Hound, coiiHorvntlvo ftnnnclnl ImeU, mid to conduct an vtonumfrnl, IhihI- nenH.llke. ndinliilHlrntlon. (Paid Ad.) .1. K, Vnlt "At llio Holieiliitlou nt' miiiiy elti ?,eliH I linvii deeliluil lo lieeniini n ciin tliilnto for tlm nlTieo nl' mitym' nt tlio t'uitiiiii: election In .litiuuiry. In this coiiiieellon w'IMi to Htnto Hint If oleolfld, I will iiho my liet effortH lo k'ivo tlio city n oloiiu IiiihIucps nil inliiiHtuition. (l'ni,i Advl.) J. I. (Jates DurliiK thu liiHt ton dayu n nuinbor of eltl.oiiH liavo called upon mo, in qtieHtluK mo to bocomo u cnndldato for mayor or tho city or Medford. Aftnriduo couuldorntloii and coiiuul tntlouYwItlt cltlxonx In all llnoa of bunlucMH, I hnvo decided to nnnounco inyoclf iih a candidate for Bald office. ) theieforo prOHout to tho voters of Medford, for their consideration, my platform, wliloh la iih follows; Am honoHt, opon and nbovoboartl, clean cut IiiihIiiohh ndmliilKtratlon, A fair and Hqunro dual nt hII tlnioH, lCqiiul i'IkIHh to all, Special prlv Hokoh to I1OII0, A kouiiIiio peopled jiuhllo marlcot, Uoitnrc1liiHf thu llqlior qiiea'tlrtii. l'oiHonully I do not dilnlci novor haVo, but us loin; uu tho KoVornmout, otato nml otty llceiiHo hiiIoouh, mid under strict regulation thoy oboy tho taw, they lira entitled to protection. Hhoulil thoy jierslat In dliiohoyliiK tho law, their llcoimo Hhoulil ho revoked, A cni'oful iiccouiitlUK of nil finan ces, All 'tllnhuwmonlH HuhJcel to pub lic lUHpoation and open for pupbllou- tl9 ly H Hy i'ss. v - Worry! Dun conildoratlnn of nil pptltloiti for ami ni;nlnnt imlillc ImprovomctitD. A rlfiM praotlcn of economy, exeppt vvlitm aucli economy ttntt u tandency to rnlnril proKromi, I will further nil proKrcnnlvo mnt tom of Rcnurul Improvomeut for thu city, hut niich miiMt coma within tlio HCOPU Of KOIJll hUHlllfRII, I tihnll cmlonvor to tmo my hest offorl for tlio hooping of tlio city In n tanltnry qoiuIKIoii at nil Union. Whorcnn, aftl'r yenm of (trtiRRlo, tlio women lmvo hech kIvoii tlio prlvllrfio of iworclliiK their rllil of cltlxQUHlilp, duo coiiKlilcratlon w(il ho kIvpii tlK'in on nil mnttcrit of pub lic Importance. Hhoulil I bo elected, i nmuro uio people inni j win oe mnor In fact n woll a nnino. l will not bo tho tool of any clique,! . . . . I .. ...... ....I nnu win no inmiuncfii only ny wnni 1 bolfnve to bo right and equitable. If tho nbovo plntform mretn with your npprovnl niul jou bnllcvo I am capttblo of flllliiK tho offlco, I will nppruclnto your Niipporl. C. U. 0ATKS. (l'old Advt.) COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS U It UrinomlxTnl, Tli.u u ri-KuUr Icrin of tin? county court of Jhchkoii count), .lute of On Ron, Ik'KUIi nml IipM nt Die court liouno In Jitrknonvllla In hnld roinilN nml Hluto on Wi'ilni'mliiy. tlm Sin! ilty of IKMoInt. im:. tlm Hum flxi-il liy Inw for tlio liolillnii of nulit court. When wrrn pivtunl Hon J tt Nrll. count) JiidHf, tuiimn On kiih, count) com nilimKiUi-r J, I Hrown. iipinty i-oinnilii-Hloiifr, U'. It. Colrliian, clvtk nml V. A. Joiu'H, hln'rlff. Wlirti thu Mllowlnt IiIIIh wire nit V. J. D'tJuni. frull ItiNiH-ctoi'ii ! iiry, Hfptriniwr. t!i: tldCO XV A JoiiiH, HhiTlff miury rk-p. tillilx-r. I'Jt: 333 33 V II t'olctuiin, oltrK' Mlary. Hipti iiiIht. I1H3 :sooo rn-il I. t'olvlB ncoritiT'n Kiilnr), rft-iitfinlier. IIMS ... 3(1 J It Nell, county JmlHoH kmImd, HcpteintH-r, 1913 .... -' , 150 00 J I'crej Well", county xeliool tuiiKTliili'fulint'n fittlury. Hoptem- It, ItilS . W, T tlrlt', rtiii'inor,n milury. ttcitniiitHt, 1913 Jn t (Voni'iiilltfr, trwiHiiror'M milHry, H.-pti'iui)ir tPi: J w wiihoii. Juiittor'K Milury. HeploiiilxT. 1013 , John iiIiiimh, fiTi'in:iii' Milury. Hi'IUxIIIIm r, I HI J J N r.icf, miMrlnti-.i'tit iioor fni in, k.tiars Kihieiiilii'i lDl? Dr. Win W I'. Unit county iiliynl- clan'n milury. HpttiiilKr li'i: O W. AKMIN HCtlllOl HUplTVlHor'H 150.00 ISC 00 100 00 00.00 icce I3Q00 40(10 ISO on ISO ou Hiilliry. Hi'iili'inlier. ipi: I. t llnir) m'tiiMil ktnii'i vlHorH Milnr. H.'iiti iiiIht t'JIS II IS Morrison count) liotiltli offl- wrii miriiiry ini), aukuhi uuu Hcptrintior. 1913 ,., .- MO "I J. U llrlniH count) Hlook Innpic lorn Hilary, ku inontliK enillnu" Hi'iiL-mlii-r .111. lUl'J . 100 00 FmnV 1, (MU'inait, tlcputy iilr clcrU'n nffltv Cluirlm l'rlin iliputy liliv, clurk'n 30 00 30 00 CO 00 30 00 31.00 100 00 co.oo T5 0H 8oon 34 00 n? no 31 SO iirricu ,, li. il 1.. CiiMit, tloputy Idro r- roiilor'M off too MIUIiiil .M NNI, ilrputy hint iih- ioHNorM office . . . S, I Di'ltoliiMiui, ilcpiit) III if, M'HllOr'M Hffll'0 . ,., . . Cltniiucpy i'lon), deputy hire. an. PI'HHOr'll officii . Kutlo At, Orl'Ae, ilepuly hire ufi- nefiKor'M offlco . . I! H Hoik, ilepuly hire HHtieM HorV off(H V M J a n ne y, ilepuly hire, iikmi'h- KlIl'H Offlco II tl Hlieiiier, ileimly Mlmrirf litre Niilllu H Joiicm ilepuly hire, nlier Iff'H office W. A. JoiIik, iloputy nlicilff Idro w .. jonvH, jiuier ror Mupiembct', IUI3 1'mi lliimpliiey work mi oelln- queiit tux rolln J. II Thornton, ilepuly Hherlff hlio . . .. W. A. Jntieii, eMrn ilepuly hlie. i:. H WIIhou . ... Itoy Axlipole ilepuly Hherlff hint I). If ('itmninlller, ilepuly kIiit- Iff bin. , ' Ulrlch, wutlc on ilcllniiueiit tux rollM . Mil) o II WellH, ilepuly lille. Huhool miiih'I liitomlfiil'K of rice Jiim M. ('roueinlllci', ilepuly hire tliiiiulrei'H office I'lioenU Meieinillle Co. MiipplleH 20.00 12.00 lG.CO 27.00 N.O0 10.50 12.00 30 2R 19 CO 7 05 la.oo ir..oo 10.00 ooo coo 8.00 15.00 8.00 (1.00 18.00 10,00 42.90 16.00 4 IS 15,68 m.8B WmKh & Mcauttim Co, Coffin for loc .-urH. iviiuuiui. niiiueiu iiitiiKeniN ,. . Nanny HUemnio lek'ular IIiiIIkoiiI ullowiuue, Heplemlier, 191',' Kti'phen Cuipenier, rcKUlvr hull- ueiit ullownnco Heiitemliue IfllJ Mr. K. V Until cure of Miller riiinllv, Kopminhoi', 1913 . Alheit JohiiHton, lewulur linllKent allowance Heptvinocr 1UI3 Mih. J, r:. Tlce, leKUlur InillKeiil nllowuiicp, September, Htlii . .... Mih J, riittlK cam or MIiih Moi- eiilf, IiiiIIkuiiI N'ali'iit Moieunllln Co. HiipplleH for J. c tMlilcr. ImllKent . . O. M Itueh, Huppllea for Win, , llOKWiirilt, hiillKent Tiivldi-Wluluinii To, lOKiilnr In- illKeul ullowanccH . . Huered Heart lloHpllnl, curu of Mih It Wllcov. IiuIIkoiiI HtiOH'il .llentt IIONpllul, euro of I'. DiivlH, liiitlKmil ...'; 1))'. It. M, HleariiH, profeHSliinul MorvleoH, IiuIIki'IiI expenne UitKle i)i UK Co.i driiHH for Hawaii, ImllKent ,. , . TayhnVHIIub t'o, HiipplleH for Jail Myrtle llulen, liourd of piIhoihuw, Kopl.miber. 1013 , u lie. T T. Hhun. ilelitul vvoi k for In. mateH or county JMl i,ao 13, H, WIlMoa, lupuliu en comt luiliHo pump ... ., 1.S0 Mih. Juno JouiHton, wiihIiIiik for court hoiiHii nml Jul) ., . 6,30 riicmlcal On,, Jail ex- PMho - , , . CM" .roHnpn Martin, Jlill iWpeuhe K Tt lliniHion lUim,, HiipplleH for poor (UUU viiikmiiihiiiuim, in, 111111111111111.ini. 4iQD ' ' ' MEDFORD MAIL TRmUNig, Ihoii II tl(ikliiK, ilriiiiH. U, for liiiiiairH or Hir fiirin J. N. 1'nrr, ptipiilli'M for pooi farm, Krpiomtirr l!i!3 Tnlt til UrtiK Co, pnlniliiK fr ixir fnrin It I,. Iliinllo (.', HUpiilli-M for poor fnrm ' F T Ctuyi-i, flli, fie, for ntr fnrm N. U HIkIi, lilHrkninlllilnif for poor fnrm Cnllfornla.Or,n l'ut-r ("A, fMw rr for poor rutin, Aukuhi. mis Mt-itfont 1'rltillnit Co,, prlntlnit llowcrx vn NW l Ul Th, ,M.-ilforil rlun, prlnlliiif Co lirliri, llowiTd n. Nrll rl nl Tlm llomi" Tct'Olionp A Tt'li-urapli co. telephone 1)111 for roiinty TIi llomr Trlfiliont & Toli'crqpli Co. ,ppiliunn bill for J' J Uiiiini Tlio IIoiiic Trlrplioin' A Ti'lrcntpli i'o. iflrphoni' bill for Janitor Tlm Hoiiip Ttilfplionc TrlrtfiMpli Co, li'liyihoii" hill for ilUtrlct a Jo 3 30 4.50 t.oo S5 00 34 00 CI2& 4 S7 i.oo ii . i v. iiv) I. miin 3S.1C Tin M.ilfort Hun. prlntitiM for 2jf?r'iiUolfiiS,w,,,rnl """ Tlio Mi'iifoMun, printlni; for xeKimr'n offlco 39 25 3 25 3K25 12.00 3.IS 15.0a it eo 2 00 C73 7 02 uv,IV IIS 42 31 iU ,24.25 e.oo SPG 3 03 JuckHomiii I'o.i. prltitliiK for Coiuitv offlplnln Olutut A J'ruilliominc Co, li'KUl lilnnkM for elerU'n offlre I'ticlflc HlHtlotierv Ac I'rlntlnir On. dupplliH for hcIiooI iniprliitenil- rnrK offlcn Tin1' IrwIiflleiUoii Co., mipplliH for n)nrlfr nfflro Meilfonl Mnll TMlitinc. prlntliiK for county Meilfonl I'rlntlnir Co.; prlnlltiK for county Meilfonl Hook Hi ore. cuppllen for county . , . MeiUuril I look HI ore. prlnllnk' for BCliool miperlnti'iulenl'n office . Wcnti-rn Union Trlettrnpli Co., trlcKruiuK for ilUlrlct uttnrncy'ii offic l J O'Oura, i'XwiiK of fruit In- IHirlor'H offlco City Uruc Ston. nuppllen for county offlclnlK CIiiih 1 Dunfonl. rouil , xiieimn tltjJO, ittayuKo for lourl lioliim H. A liimley. nmlellrtl nml re palm nroiiml court Iioiiko ,. J. IVrcy WnllK. exprrxi. on office HiipplleH . , . W ll. C'nlriiiuii, expieuM on of fine KUIIDlleM I) t Henr), I'XpoitKe of cllool HIlperVlNOl'M orflCl'. AUKUHt Ultlt Hepteinbcr, 1913 (i W Acer, exiimmu of mcIiooI Htinenlitor'H offieo, September. litis . . . Juh. M. Crouciitlllor. ntampH for county . . .... , .... CrtllforiiM-Orecon l'uwer Co. elec tric lleht bill fnrrourt IiOuho W A Jonen. frelclit on offlco uppllcH fBHO. InOlRvnt I'XiH'nnt- 17.00 W A Jones, freight on xupplUn, etc " Clyilo llurnum. ilepul) frull In- Kpictei'M xalurj, K.piemb.-i . 113 (To bo continued ) 4 70 SO 00 SOS 12 90 6.41 155 t,0 Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: Ono cent per word por insertion; 50c the line by the month. FOR UKNT FUIlN18SUO MUOM0 FOR RKNT Urgu alooplng room, BO and $2 por week. Modern hoiixokoopIiiK apnrtinentx. 1G and $10. Home phono 2G(-R. 222 Houth llolb. FOR RENT FUICM8IIKD APIS. FOR RENT Smith Apia. S17 8. RIt. FOR RENT Furnished apartment now. prlvnto bath, hot wutor heat. Tho'Ilorbon Apnrtmont, 10 Qulnco St., corner West "Main. F OR REN T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT A milto of Tour or two nicely furnished housokeoptng rooms, plumbed, lighted, lowor floor. 729 West 11th, FOH RENT Threo furnished house keeping rooms, 220 S. Orupo. 210 KEW TODAY A flvo room houso with 'bnth room nml pantry, tileo lot 45x127 ft, lawn shVubbory mid ohloUon pnrk. Tho plnco lny'a uoar puvoiiiout und school mid store, mid only alx blockB from contor of city. To nmko quloU hiiIo tho fiirnltiirq coiiHlstliiK of hontor, rn'ngo, lino louiiiB, od room 'eulto luul dining room table mid chairs will bo lu ojutlQit in tho salo. PHco $950. Halt cash will hundlo It. Some house und suites to rent. RuiiohoH, liirgo mid small, In all parts of tho valley, A lioitiustond rolluqulshment q lieu p. G. D. HOON Room lti, JiH'k&ou CouutyUujikUUitf.l MEDFOUD; OTTOON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. .;i-'OIt HUNT New C room modern . .. oiMKalow, ir none a m. one. 210 KOIt HUNT Thrco room furnlBhcd Bungalow, plc-want location, cloio In on pnved ttrcct. Inquire at r,27 S. Holly or phoue Main 7791.' KOIt HUNT Modern flvo room fur nlfihcd litmgslow, every conven ience, apply 519 8 Holly. 208 FOK HUNT Two room bachelor homo, 214 W. 8th St. Sco White & Trowbridge KOU HUNT Oct our rental list. Medford Hcalty & Improvement Co. FOH RENT Modern five-room houid. II. A. JUder, at M. F. A H. Co. FOH HUNT 10 room Tjobj rear of Farmers ft Fruitgrowers bank, ultablo for bnglncts, real estate, Itoardlnc or rooming house. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir sts. FOH HUNT Ono C room modern. One 4 room modern, partly fur nished house, lnqulro 71 1 V. Palm St. 212 FOH HUNT 3 room furnished house with water, $10. lnqulro 712 nth. St. FOR RENT nOAItD AND ROOMS ROOM AND ROAHD At 204 S. Central. Tyrrell's" 21C FOR RKXT OKF1CES FOH RENT Uirge, comrortnblo of fice rooms ttlth olevntor service, steam hcot hot and 'cold wator. Low rates. Apply Mcdtord Furnl turo & Hdw. Co, FOR REXl AOHCEMiAXEOCS FOR LEASE-Fully equipped placer mlno. Gold Hay Realty Co. FpR RENT Rnncuos large and email, nlfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOH HUNT 1C room rooming houso over Ulfcrt's tailor shop, 207 W.J Main, sco Wlilto & Trowbridge. FOR SALK ACUKAG FOH HALE Ranches, ncro tracts, town property, from $G por aero, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOH HALE HOUHKb FOR SALE--Six room modern bun sn gnlntr, close In, paved street, cheap lnqulro of owner, 423 Bcatty St., or phono 2341. 210 FOR SALE 4 room nouto and lot, fOOO.OO. Gold Ray Roalty Co.. Sixth and Fir. tf FOR SALE Equity In n good houso with largo lot 82x150, houso has six rooms, pantry, bnth, etc., largo front and stdo porches, outhouses, btoro house, stnblo, wood houso mid chicken hpuso. Como see It nml ngent'a commission. Bal- lanco on easy terms. Streot will bo paved noxt Spring. If you want a bargain como to 401 King stroat. - FOR BALlMlSOKLLANEOUB FOit SALE Thoroughbred iluroc Jorsoy hogs, nil ngos, solectod for breeding purposes. Pleasant Vnl loy fnrm, Roguo River, Oregon. Phono 19-R. 217" FOR SALE 1912 5 passongor au- tomobllo almost now. Bargain for cash. Box SO, Trlbuno, FOR SALE English bull torrlor puppy, pedigreed, ago flvo months. Stanton GrUtls, Burrlll Orchard, phono Cll-J-3, FOR SALE Noiseless ducks and malo. Bettor than uny other ducks, ready to'lay, Also house hold goods. At n bargain, G03 S. King St. 208 FOR SALE Lottor honds und fancy stationery, printed, ongravod or embossed, ns you wish nt tho Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for sulo or rout sings at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Bargain, comfortablo four room house, $1000, cash or terms. 737 West 14th St. FOR SALE Fruit box labels In ono two or threo colors, prlntod ns you order nt thu Mull Trlbuno. FOR SALE Calling; curds, prlntod. ongravod or omboasod at tho Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE- llomor pldgoons at $3 lnqulro FOH SALE Two stamp mill. S50 pounds each. Practically now. AddrcsB Box CI, Rogue Itlvcr, Ore gon. 21C FOH 8ALE Ix)osc leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or made to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOH SALE: White Minorca cocker els. J. F. Rcddy, Queen Anna Ad dition. 209 FOH 8ALB Cord and tier wood In black oak, Laurel and Fir. F. Osscnbruggc, 401 Riverside Ave., South, Phono 1941. 222 FOR SALE Large fat ducks at $1.00 each; also a few turkeys. 1014 East Eleventh street. Home phone 342-X. FOH SALE 3 dozen choice R. I. pul lets, starting to lay. Addrcsu P. O. box 44. 208 FOR SALK 6 hole steel range and No. 2 Perfection oil burner and other household furniture. Apply R. W. Thompson, opposite Burrcll orchard, 208 FOH SALK At sacrifice Eastman kodak, case, etc. Economy Chief separator, used few times only. Address Box ono (1), caro Mall Tribune. 209 FOH SALE- Do you want to buy bees. Now Is thu time to place them on your orchard. Stewart tlic bco, man' breeds , .them 'and fine banded Italian's.' Phone CI 02, P. O. box C21. 232 FOH SALE Two work horses, cheap. Cll North Riverside. 20S FOR SALE LXRht hack, two scats, canopy top, poplo and shafts. Also cedar fence posts. V. J. Hartzcll. 209 FOH SALE Cheap, sectional book case, sanitary couch, davenport, dining chairs, china closet, bed room furniture, good bicycle, etc Call 443 South Central, phone 4181. 210 UELe WANTED rEMAXJt WANTED Woman to loach two children, mornings. Glvo refer ences. Address A. C. Allen, Med ford. WANTED Girl for genoral house work at once, call C01 W. 10th btrcet. Tho Cottage. 20S WANTED MlSCEL,lj.-.KOUh WANTED Treo pruning by day or job, best results In past on tho moat successful orchards on coast. Address P. O. box 7CS. 210 WANTED To buy good second hand wagon truck cheap. S22 North Central, F. Huwklnson. 211 WANTED Contract to cut two hun dred cords of wood, between Butto Fnlls nnd Medford, como with open nnd tiboo hoard proposlton or btny nwny, work to contmonco utter Jan. 1st. 209 WANTED A good fresh milk cow. Address P. O. Box, 01 or call Home phono 342-X. WANTED Old books to robtnd or unbound books to blud. All work guaranteed. Mall Trlbuno office. WANTED Up-to-dato pcoplo to In stall modern looso lent systems In their business. Any stylo and "Mndo In Medford." Mail Trl buno (bindery. WANTED Roof leak? 1 ropalr looking roofs, rain or shine. Phono 112-R. W. II. Smith. 221 WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro perty worth $12,000. Box 495, Medford. WANTED Confinement cases to nurse, no objection to light house work. Prlco reasonable Mrs. E. Nahss, 14G S. Holly, phono 266-X, 210 WANTED To rout or loaso, n liny farm for torm of ono year with privilege or two. T, J. Heady 920 North Contral. 211 WANTED Turkoj s. 1 am lu tho murkot again this year to buy tur koys, nnd will pay tho highest mar ket price, cash for dressed turkoys (or Thanksgiving to bo delivered not later than Saturday. Nov. 23, T. L. Taylor, North Medford, phono 8G-R.4. 210 WANTED Contracts for ctoarlng II ..... I. -V.. ..lAlMl .1 I I 111 . ... H I I I I I I'll land, oxcautiig, clearing, oto. Ad dress box 11, caro Mall Trlbuno. 209 WATTTBlrPro rent rmioiiTwTth prtv llego or buying or pltU'fl lo tnko euro of. Addrens bos tl, taw Mull Tribune, 3W FOH SALE Corn. Clancy. 1912, Vr,fil''vywwwM4 tf 1. Ml 1-' j . . WANTED Position as foreman on orchard, many years' experience, references given. Address R. O.. care Mall Tribune. 210 FOR KACUAWG TO EXCHANGE A Jersey milch cow for a 'team of horses Or mules. Address box 33, Trlbuno. 208 FOR SALE OH-UXCUASQM FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 boiler return flue, 15 h. p. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p., In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore., or call on Chris III rich, Jacksonville. 209 FOH SALE OR RENT Six room cottage very reasonable, two lots, lawn, fruit trees, will sell furni ture. Phono 4992. 207 LOST LOST Light lap robe, Saturday, brown and yellow check. Return to Powell Auto Co. Reward. FOUND. FOUND Gold watch. Mall Tribune. lnqulro at 20S MONEK TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthtir, room 3, P. O. block, phone 36S1. " MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. Call upon or address mo at Vlotcl Medford. I am" out of the city a part of tho time but a letter ad dressed mo and loft at hotel will reach mo and receive attention. B. L. Dodge. 227 nUSINKSM DIKtCTOKT Accoaataats D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco, Medford Malt Trlbuno bldg; phone CC11; resi dence phone C302. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco MedfOrd National Bank building, secoud floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorucys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postottlce bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER uiiAtU Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 nnd 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Itlalto building, Medford, Ore. Auto Supplies LAHER AU'lo SPRING CO. Dur big feecrot In making springs is tho tempering. Wo tiro operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped . plant lu tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others full. Sold under guarantee. 2G North ICth street, Portland, Oregon, Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNQ'S cnm.eso medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 S. Front st., Medford. Oro., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30, Residence phone Mala 42:' Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Vn , Louise E. lledges, Mechano-Therapists, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts, These systems, Including dlototlcs. cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation froo. 230 N. Bartlett stroot. next door to M, E. church. Hours, 9 a, in. to 5 p. in. Other hourB by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropructor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Vapor hatha and scientific massage given; advice la dietetics, medical nasties, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973. Civil Enmnuer LdUlS WIVOTHNGrutvil Mmglneer nnd Surveyor. Water filings ana Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, elty engineering, drafting, sewer tloslgu, coucroto wnrki pump and cauul systems, Room 2, Palm Llk., Uedlordj Oregon, mmmmMBMmJ(' M '-J rwT-TW" f ,-j- 0 a J Bv Winsnr McCav 5 - 1 ..,-. . ?- ',fiM Onurite tVorkn MEDFORD BRICK o.-tee,' ' vV Prlddy. O. D. Nagle, Gee. T. O'Drles Contractors and Manu facturers of brick; dealera la pressed brick aad line. Office at their brick yard. West Jackooa st. Phono No. 3fil M WKHw DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. O VAN SCOYOO Dentists 3araett-Corer Wdg., Suite 810, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANB Deatlsi. Office la Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Mala. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala C81. Night phone 4432. nurseries QUAKER NUHBBR1KS Our tree are budded, not grafted. Oar Stock; Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not la tho trust II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber shop. Ctarbage GARBAGB Get yoar premises cleaned up for the summer. Call oa the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala S251. F.- T. Allen. Neutrr PabHc HELEN N. TCKnCBY-i-neutry Pub lic Bring your work to use at the sltra of The.WttU Trlbuan . PHatcs aa4 Pwlstoterrt V MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the beet equipped job off.'oe la southern Oregon; book blading; loose leaf systems, cut paper; etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir sL Physicians sad Sarxeoaa DR. F, G. CARLOW, DR. EVA. MAINS OARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-417 GaraeU-Cor-oy Bldg., phone 278-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19. phone 5B01: residence .187 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, resldeaee 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyaiclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, f. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Otrice Phenes: M. 1001, tendaui. Residence phone Mala 5712, office Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oye, ear, nose and throat. Eyee scien tifically testoi and glasses supplied. Office 228 E. Main St. -Hours 8130 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E B. PICKEL. M. JD.Office Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Roe. phone, M. 582. DR. MARION Physician and Sur geon, Stewart Bldg,, corner Main and nartiett, offlco phono, 271; houi'6 phonO, 273. B. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Frac tico limited to Chronic Diseases. Office Hotel Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer lCxx5 Eagle Point and Roguo River line. UERMANN F. RATTW. X. D. Ot ftco over Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, at, D,Prac tlce limited to Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phonee, Medford. Ore. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl- clan and Surgeon. Office JPalm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone Paelflo 1101. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician aad Surgeon. Phone, oftlse, 501; resi dence 7241, Office hours 10 te , 13, 2, to 5. 8tenegrufcor ELLA M. GAUNYAW Paiw! ,!. l Stenographic work eV ijulsklj aad well., Tr4r --,-'; - Off lea 1 Soath JUr, P4 eu 3i&3 noa-e ata-K. I right, iervloe guaraaUad. jTJim J7TimZZ)Z2Sn2E$rim amtHtimer. orneo'Ji RiHtthl Uttt tt. 1talniMMa nut if 471; night, rl.leaee, n 4TI, Howe 179-L. Calls aaawerad ajfkl k'iI AathttUuMf arvlt. .--- ., ..pwwf, . MW 1 " " v "SI 0 u ! H v , n f i T7 , Al if' ff Q ! ' t i c S I