iwrti(Vwv.-k-.w.i-W4'iMV(4-'H-'-. -- -VI t'vr'r-fV'.-i ' -. fr "v-i"i -t H 1T5UB MEDFQRT) MATT, mTBTTNfo MEDKKJ OttTCaON. THURSDAY, yQYTnTTCR 21. 1012. J4ttimammiJ''-mLu- I ' '" 1 - i ' 1 i ii j -ii !..,. j. 4 i pr it fc.v 1 It l I ".( ?" ft i ! fclAJLTRIIUNI ..A btmawatle Tlmwt, Tho MArord MalVT'iij MeJfortt Tbtns. Tha south ern OrKonlitn,tThfe Athland Tribune. Office Malt Tribune nulUllnr. Ztr-ST-JI North Fir att-etts Irttono. in sosit UOIBB l, OMbnaS PUTA!, Wdltor and Manager Entered hi aecaniiiclaM matter at Med ford, Oregon, tiJer the act of March J, 187. Otflpt! Pnpr of the City of MwirorA. Official Paper of Jackson County. ftVMSCRIPTlr? 11ATH4. One jrtnr. by mall. ts.bo One month, hy mall 60 rer montti. uoiivcre,! oy carrier- in MeiUord. Jckonvllle and Cen tral l'otnt ......,,... .60 Saturday only. by wiMi, par year, S " Weekly, per year............... 1.50 1 1 1 i i SWOHN niRCtll.ATIOX. Dally averafr or 'ven montha end In NoVcMilter 30. Hll 781. rnl tmrh Wire VnttM Ira Dtpatrhvft, Th Mall Tribune U on ju at the Terry lsr Bland, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News StnnJ. Portland. Bowman Newa Co Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle Waah. MROFOHO. ORRBOV. Metropolis of Soutt.frn Oregon and Northern California, and the fatteal ftmwlnic city In Orefjon. Population U. 8. rrnaui 1910881); etimatsi. lsn to.oaa. Five humlrH thousand dollar Oravlty Water System combleted. a-Ivine flrnwt eupply pure mountain vrater. and 17.3 tnllrs of ktreeta paved. . Postofflce. recelnta for. year entllnr November 36, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oreicon Hoktj Itlver SplUenliorp tipples won sweep stakes prlte and tltlo of "Apple Ktaw cf Ike WarM" at the National Annie show, Spokane. 199), and a car of Newtown won rimt Irhn In 110 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B. C. Mr TitM te 1MX St Spokane National Apple Shew wen y carload of Kewtowna. RoRae River prar brought highest firlcea In alt markets of tb world dur nit the r-ast six Year Write Commercial Club. Incloata cents for pontnirn for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. U"v"T t -einrt ROADS AT PASS William M. CoMg president anrt manager of the lledford Commer cial club attended a good roads luncheon at Grants Pass Wednesday andnddreesed the business men pres ent at considerable length on the topic, of roads. Ben Sheldon ot this ctly also spoke. Attorney Richard ot Grants Pass, who has been prominent in tho or ganlxatlon of the association, was elected permanent president, and W. P. Qulnlan secretary and George W. Donnell treasurer. As soon as the permanent organization had been ef fected, Judge Colvlg was introduced, and explained the road work that Jackson county was trying to "bring about, and the necessity for legisla tion that -would permit the -various counties to improve not only the many lines of highway, but all the branch roads as well. Sir. Colvlg Is strongly in favor of -bonding for the building of roads, but wants the bonds placed at a figure that will permit a general improving ot the highways and not only ot a few. He said that Jackson county wanted to build two great highways, one run ning from the California state line to Josephine county, and the other tapping Butte- creek and Applegate districts. In place of the defeated jiroposed amendments that would have been ot assistance, tho Judge presented the drafting of a measure which he proposed to have presented at tho coming' session of the -state legislature. With some proposed ad ditions which will be made, the Grants Pass asoclatlon gave unani mous endorsement of the bill. PICK FACTORY MY LOCATE HERE Al n meeting of the Jfedfonl Com mercial club held Wednesday evening the mutter oi' cHtubliriliiiur u Htock medicine factory in tho valley wat dincuwed ut bomo lenjjth and a com mittee jijtpointed to investigate tho proposition. "The mutter was presented by Man ner Humes of the Corniek Stoclc Medicine tfompnny now located M Snlein. Ho proceeded to c.plnin tho lint lira mid outlook of the factory; tnid Muted that tho company desired )o locato at Mvdford on account of the neurnofts to tho alfalfa field, and for othpr rcuSoiiB. llo Minted that tho coinpuny manufactured 20 dif ferent ynritioB of stock food and 'medicine, inclttdinK chicken food, and all kinds ot medicine for tho diseiwcs of cuttle, horbcs and other live stock; that thu products of tho company are I copyrighted, and if any encour fckenioiit wns offered by tho people .'. Kopuo river vnlloy tho company ynbl loento hero iu Medford. Upon fijan Prosidept' Colviff appointed M. A' Kor, uv. Jinuo ami i-iuit JMfcKjfc-iJ. P'Gur eonimitteo Jo nii wmm the proposition mid roiwrt IUnnBliWHit jHdford PKINTINO CO. COLVIG TALKS GOOD dvh. WICK'S MORAL CRUSADE. GOVEfttfOE&lv& being abused "by tho ttosolmvg iinwsnnnnra for iiornniulhiir tho resignation of Mayor AtiVnlli wlwi nfa -mm tT tiir lMfmriotors of tilO !RoS0lMl'g luHiwory. Vocentty lrtuatleri option hvw. The governor has also ordered suit brought itf "revblw the brovcrvs lirense tor niannfaH urine intoxi- eatnig-hiitnor in dry territory. The Roscburtr eitv council replied by politely tollh .j.- ..i. ii i- " Vi me governor 10 iniiiu ins own ii. . i v . .. .i a ... . ii . nie eouns anuiiocin uie newspapei-s, aim iiy u.xuiiiiug im? niiivor. The isold fact remains, however, that the mayor has been violating the prohibition law and it certainly does not speaic wen lor a law-anuung conunuiuiy 10 nave as a chief executive an admitted law breaker. Roseburg presents the incontrruous spectacle, of a pro hibition city with a brewer nmimfaeturing beer to sell to blind pigs, as mayor. But the Rose-burg papers have no word of "censure for such conditions but blame the gover nor tor trying to end thent. GoveVnor West borrowed a lot of trouble when he undertook his cleaning-np campaign for law enforcement, that most executives would have dodged. That he acted from conscientious motives, and for the moral welfare of tho state, is without question, though many think local affairs should be left for the communities themselves for settlement. Members of the state bar association have censured the governor (who seems to have gotten in wrong before both kinds of bars) for using the state militia to suppress dis orderly resorts. The Milwaukee Club, a notorious gambling hell, was permitted to do a thriving business by the county officials of Clackamas count', who refused to enforce the law. The mijitia (the governor's only weapon) vas used to close the place. The precedent was recently followed by Governor Marshall in Indiana to close the French Lick gambling resort. The militia was also used to close the nefarious road houses around Portland, Sheriff Stevens, District Attorney Cameron and the county court refusing to enforce the law. Special prosecutors were appointed by the governor and n clean-up campaign inaugurated in Portland, which was sustained by the people at the recent election when offic ials sworn to enforce the law were elected. Mayors convicted of breaking the law themselves were asked to resign in several communities and did so. Such Changes have generally resulted in a better order of ftifairs. Repeal the laws if they at'e bad don't blame the gov ernor for fulfilling his oath of office and enforcing them for as long as he is morally right, the people will sustain him. Those vho attack him, range themselves in the class of the law-breakers whose pockets suffer by law enforce ment. t THE MONTESSORI SYSTEM. jPTJR Christian Science friends are uudulv excited over V-r the Montessori system, theory of suggestion, they declare a form of hypnotism, x The assertion is an exaggeration and an absurdity. All education is founded upon the theory of suggestion, and the more skill with which the suggestion is applied, the better the results. Humanity is still in the A B C of educational methods. The human brain is a little known subject and capable of marvelous development. The years of childhood arc years of the brain's pliability. It has been demonstrated in numerous instances, that by the power of suggestion, it is as easy to teach the child somctlung useful as it is to teach him useless play, in other words, the childs regards what afterwards becomes work, as play, as the little brain amuses itsolf by mastering prob lems instead of frittering away its energies. The kindergarten was'founded upon the power of sug gestion and the Montessori system simply carries it a stage further simplifj-ing the work for the teacher and the ptipil and attaining phenomenal results. It implies no loss of volition or individuality. There is attending Harvard a youth not yet in his teens, who is able to discuss abstruse mathematical and pcientif io problems with most advanced professors simply because in infancy mathematics and science were made an amuse ment for him. The power of suggestion diverted his mind into the study of problems as an amusement sit a time when other babies are wasting their energies in useless amusement. Almost any child of good ancestry can be similarly developed. Some day in the future, when we know a little more about ourselves, and do not see through a glass quite so darkly, the child will know more than the average man of today whose brain hardened ui-vuiupnuMn, uciorc ne realty ?l NBW YOItK, Nov, 21. Sam Schepps, ono of tho men Involved in the death of Gambler Herman Ros enthal, for which Pollco Lleutonant Charles P. Docker, is under sentenco of death and four gunmen are con victed of first degrco murder, was today released from tho Tombs and a formal chargo of vagrancy against him was dismissed. Schopps wont nt onco to tho offtco of an attorney to arrange for all jnony for his divorced wife. WILSON WINS KANSAS BY 23,47 PLORALITY TOPKICA, Kuiift., Nov. 21 Tho of ficia! complete rot urns bote today jsliow thut 'Toodiow Wildoii'H plural ity for president iii'Kuiihuh Ih 211,447. Tuft fulled to curry a single county. GAMBLE GIVEN MMUNITY BATH irnilty to yioltition o Die local 1...; i ..$:..-1.:.. :.. lhisiucks, ui nig ihh nira m 11 i ..!!!... 11... which, founded upon the and lost its best period of got aown to serious stnuy. PLANNED BY CLUB Commencing with next Tuondny noon tho Medford Commercial club will inaugurate a series of monthly luncheons of business men to bo hold, nt which represontittiveB from other parts of the county mid elsewhere will 1)0 invited ta discuss, problems before tho community, mid to nroiiwe enthusiasm in community work. The following committee was appointed Wednesday night to arrange for (he luncheons; John Carkin, chairman; A. S, Kosenbaum, 0. It, Kay, C, I). Ontcs, fJco. Putnam. Tho committee Thursday iixed the date of Ihc first luncheon on next Tuesday noon nt tho hotel Medford. Representatives of all other clubs ill tho vnlley will bo invited to uttund. MONTHLY LUNCH ON SAY, GIRtS, ARE YOU AN S. V. U. G. ? v ,M fc BETTER JOIN BEFORE CHRISTMAS Mbjt aBBBBBBBBBniBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVlV x 'HbSBbV flWv' VKBBalHnaaQflNBBBB '$' - JLbsbbbbbLbbbbbbbbbbH 'TlifrO ore nlhfbr "Spbl'V In Now York tiwltiy. lucludmt In the list la Mr. Augnit Uelmotil. I lie blcget "Spug" of them all, Mlat HlUitbcth Murlmry ami Ml Gertrude Itoblusou Smith are others. A "Spug" U.is milhln to ilo with art or nctetue Tln lortu I a routm-tlun for n new sn-lotj that .Mrs. lleltnont and tlm others furtut'd t abolish lilt- eiiwtuiu ir gltlug press'iils nil nwcssarlly at ClirHlui:i tlnti. Tlif new oraiilsmluii has the lltti "ScK'loty fur tin' I'rit'Ulltiii f I .fli-.i Ctvllig. 'Iu nIioUcu tlio ltli- the Itiltl.tU at usisl, hone S. 1. U G. Our Correspondents ASHLAND NOTES Ity Ob-en or. Mr. A. I Gall of Jacksonville came tin on Sunday morning' train to viit relatives and friends. She returned home Monday accompanied bv her niotlur who liat been making u several weeks' tit with her daughter. Mrs. Annie irensley. Donald Walker lin- returned to California nftvr a tdmrt u;?t with home folks. Me Rues to join a sur veying party. Our community; yns greatly shock ed over the death of I).0. Mills, who has been oneof Jiejproiniucnt'lmsi-ne.-s men of'AhLtiidTor a number of year. f Mr. nolle WiMt left for her home in Hornhrook, Cnlifoniia, on .Monday of this week. She hns been stopping with her friend,, Mr. and Mrs. linnet Itott'.c and taking treatment of Dr. Stinger. Mrs. Wesley Xi win lid mid lilth' daughter of Ho-eblirg nrrived on Sntur,drty orningit .trnin for u vis it with relatives. Uev. Swimley, Congregntionnl min ister, wa.s called lioinu Saturday by tho sudden death of I). O. Mill.. Hew Swimley Imt been nsf-i-ting in a protracted meeting ut Scnpoose, Oregon. L. O. Van Wgcn.cnme from the valley where lie has been running tho county road eiigiiitivnud made a short vi.it with his family. Miss Kthi'l Pat toy, Vho has been seriously ill and hud to undergo mi operation, M very much improved nt this w riling. The Siskiyou Club, n branch of the Ladies Anld, met nt the home of Mlrs. Swedt'iiburg- Just Wednesday. A couple of hours wore spent indis I'usrdni; various siibjcots, after whioh refreshments of snndwiclit'Si pickles and cot fee were served. Mr. Ilogsctt of Medford made a business trip to Ashland last Friday. Mr. Walker mid Miss Millie Hodges of Gold Hill spent Hund.iy with the bitter's aunt, .Mrs. William Myer. They were accompiiiiicd by Miss Allic Stiuili of Pilot Hock, Ore, who has been isiiing her mint, Mrs, Win. Mvor and other relatives iu Ashlnud, JackKouville a nil Gold Hill for sometime. ' MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 70,000 apple, 23,000 pear, 2000 cherry, 2000 walnut,, 10;000 pruno, extra heavy heavy" grades, ono year old trees, leading ""varieties, truo to name. Grown without Irrigation. C rogon. Adresa N. I). Ilnrvoy, Mllwaukoo, Satisfaction guaranteed, Sond for our list boforo placing your orders. Will comparo with the best trees to bo found anywjicro. I'rlcw low PLUMBING V Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work uarantMrJ Trice Ittwaonttlji COFPEEN . PRTCB 18 Xoward Block, Kattranea oa stb Ut Mom . MR5wAUGU5T BELMONT - - - - "- CENTRAL POINT ITEMS P. J. Ileckcn left lor Corning, Cal ifornia, YdiH'i.diiy morning when he has accepted a po.-ittnn ,ith A. M. Turrill, the jeweler there. Judge Hnlhroo); W'itliiiiKton made a business trip here Wedncfdaj. Mrs. Mollie Tucker, who bus been visiting Mrs. W. K. Price for several t!eks. returned to hftr homo in Oak land, California, Wednesday after noon. Jntnes McDowell, Jr., left fur Hor ns, Cnlif., Wednesday morning for a wsit mid will probably rttuniii this week. George A. lltitx of Medford was u Wednesday moniirn; visiior here. Witt rcn Men and family returned; to their home on Applcjmto Wednes day. Mrs. Newman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clins. Dark and sou, Mr. II. II. Tnttlc. Mrs. Hert Mcl.nn-r. Mrs. Smith, Jr., A. J. Diinlap, J. W. Mvers, J. A. Isaacson, It. C. Hcnme, I). II. Young were among Central Pointers in Medford Wednesday afternoon. 15 RACE SUICIDE CITY nKHIJN', Nov. aj. -That the kais er's capital is the champion nice suicide sdtv iu the world twin, in ef fect, thu declaration of Dr. Julius Wolfe, the noted German statistical niilhtirity, in the Statistical congress, which has closed a week's session. According to Dr. Wolf, Uciliu can no longer isiint thu finder of scorn at Palis. Statistics show that while the falling birthrate of I'm is from 1880 lo 11)10 was 7.(1 pur cent, (bat of Jlcrlin wns 18.4. Not only has the birth rate in Ilcrliu fallen more (limi that of Cans, but it is greater than that of any other large eilv. Famous "Pint of Cough Syrup" Receipt Xo Iletirr llenirdr nt Any Trlei. fully auarnnlevd. Mal.o a plnlu syrup by mixing ono plat of granulated (.uar, and j pint of warm wutor and stir for two minutes. Tut 2l(i ounces of pure l'lncx (fifty cent' worth) In a pint Ixittle, anil fill it up with tho Sugar Syrup. 'I Ida giyim you a family supjily of tho lnt coitglt syrup at a Mtvlrig of $U. H iicytr d)iln. Tuko a teanjiooiitul every one, two or thruo hours. 'J'lm cirittlveiifus of this ilmplft remedy la surpruiiig. U nvemn io tnko liiild in atnntly, uml wll uminlly stop tlio moitt obHtlnuto cough in "1 hours. H tonus tin tho Jaded, appetite and In Just loxu tiwt enough to bo helpful In a cough, uml bun it iilciialag tuhtc. Also excellent for bronchial trouble, throat tickle, wiro lungs nnd atthtna, and na uniialeil remedy for whooping conglt and croui. This reolpo for making cough remedy with I'lncx and fitigur Hyrtip (or strained honoy) Ih a prime favorlto In tlmiiNnndi of homes In the United States ami Canada, Tlio plan has been Imita ted, though never successfully. If you try It, Dho only peiiubio PInex. which Is the most vnlimblo concentrated com pound of Norway whlto plnp extract, and is rich In giialnrol and nil tho natural hinlug nlno clcmcntu, Oilier prcpura tlnns vIJ not work In this rechie. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or jnonov ptomplly rofuiuted, goes with thin recipe. Your drngglxt linn Flncx, or will get it for you. If not, sond to Tlio I'lnw'CWJ Vt,yryas, Ind, Don't Wear A Truss! After tthtrt VenraUxporlenco t IIve Produced An Applluncio for Men, Women or OliIUlwu That Cure a IUtptntt. I lend It On Trial. tjn hT trtnil mol vtrt'.ln elie.rom in m. Wliernnllivr tall U vrlierh 1 liT Mi)PKtelit kit tiinTiimiii'i inn ! n tivju m aiv m (ri'iT qcM. Siud llKotKit riinii tixUr nuU t will Mb4 Tim Mlint U t'. IJ. IIMinU. Ini'iltip nf ttit ..iilluiti', u Im fin nl hlui.ilf ninl ln lin iifi'n citihiK otiifr fur iiT ao jrnr. irriiilurttl,rrlt liliiilixlny. joq tio tnr llluitMtaJ tiook on litt)ta ami It cur, lmlna ., AlHw tiJ Kiting jmu (ittcttand utuiii mnr l--'! ho hit irlf.t li nj rrn tut4 ltltlnluUIpfwohlliMhi'r fall. lteuiuilHr I uilw tlrt, unburn", no llo. tirmtvn ItUI to rruva bl I , I trua, Yoa re Itio JuJ ni obch hiif trta inr lllmtntnl tKH.k tijrail ru "IU to M f)illni.lillo nt MX hun.lrtJ et tnni ti. llttr run n Uit ttiU ill oiit iff rvuiHti t rtu unit iiitlt toJiy. 11 wrll vrtlh your Hum wlielh.r Ju4 rr wf Attn mroni not, FUCK INFORMATION OUNN O-K llraotnTSI RUURiiMiL MiMtill, JlUh. rinua,iiihy mill In t'UIrt wmfMr jour lllulriJ huk n4 full Iniurnntlvii nUint four Aiuac Iwr llw ur tt tuiut. AuilrK,..,.,...,..,..,,,,,,,,.,,., ,.,.,.,,.,.., CUT, HUt. Draperies Wa carry n, very complfta Una of flrnivprlra, (acn rtirtnlna. flvliirra. ato. ami ilo ail rlaaarn of iijiholatrrlnn. A aprfllal limn to look after till work rxcliialvply ami will Klvo an aooil a.TMfrt an la imnnlblil lo K"t In avtrn tlia laritfMt ctllra. Weeks & McGowan Co. t4-H-H-HH--l-f Pictures :: Our stock is not lnro I ;: hut wo linvo u lino which T ' is tlifforcnt. Also n verv 1 A : : few miiToi's niirt serving i :: Ira vs. THE i MERRIVOLD ii SHOP i t 134 W. Main Streot. :: a.) WH HA.NDLi: ALL Magazine Subscriptions and moot nil cut or club rates which aro udvortlsed or of fered by any company. Do sides wo glvo you a special sorvlco which you do not got It you sond dlicct to publish- or,, . Jii MEDFORD BOOK STORE ijiijjij;m:h BeSt located and moat Donular izJ??'1 hotel in the City. Running disJtilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. ' Tariff on koorns 12 room - $1.00 each 60 rooms - 1.80 each B0 room - - 2.00 each CO room with pilule Utb 2.00 each SO room willi prital Ula 2.50 each 30 iultoi, bedropm, par' or and bath - 3.00 each For more than ono nueit add $1.00 extra to tho above rate for each additional gueit. Reduction by voek or month. Manuu,MmfCI,itf V. KolUi TOjnarcrorominszn -laaaati'-t-.-u. aii fcis WHXtX TO OO TONIGHT A! '11110 UGO AtiWAYH A G(HH snow The Host VOnltliitfil Thentor In Town TONIGHT Over 1000 feiit or thu best-plctureii that rim lio tlhowiin "thu CArri.i uustYiUiim flllB. You all know llollu'ii western pin- turcH tit this typo. This ono la fimu tlio phttun of Colorado with a ilitudy good Kttir behlml It, Tin: i.itti.i: oim. i:xt iihou IMIkoii Tlio rtnor mid nobler foulliiKn of hu man nature- aro given full piny In tlila feittiire film. A study Iu Juvo nllt acting. HIS I.OltDSHIO Till: VAM.T Vltugraph. Thing aro not always what they worn, liHuretilliiRly shown by this lively mid hmunrnitn comedy A I.V TI.MH IX gUUIIKU I.tlblti, If you want to laugh ami aid in gestion sou this funny roiuedy. It will motto your forget your troubluM. Good .Music ninl Hinging Hetdng la believing If yon nee our show oii can't help hollevliiK you nru getting )tiur mouey'H worth. Chtiugi ut program oVoryTiiedny. Tliursdny, Saturday and Siiitduy. Prices Always the Saiuc, lc mid 10c. ISIS THEATRE Vnutleilto mid l'botopliijri Tlieliim ll VHIIXU .V VAN Harry nr.u I'ouniU of Coni'idy renturliig tho Imly whit tho real bnrltonu, voice. 1 lllg I'hotoplny tiii: (iovuuNou Political Drama THU THOIIIHiUI) THAlIi Thrilling Western Drnuin 'Illg Split (tin" Two Hlg Itultlckiug Joy Whirls, STUIl.V PAPA And lovu's ?ii:.ssi:ngi:u Good Music Special Matlnoca Rat, mid Run. Mntlnoo prlcoo 5 and 10 cents STAR THEATRE Alua)s In Clio Lend Perfect Ventilation and Comfort. A SIHTKU'H lIliVOTIO.V It's a Klylng "A" WoHtorn thi: hi.mimj: i.iki: A Hplomlld comedy-drmiia. Huppon lugs In a vlllago grocery store, IA)VI'H TUST Iuterostliig lovo tnlo OAN.VUH HAUMONV Gut In on thin -n real laugh-pro-diicor. SO.VO Matinees Dally 2 to G p, in, 1'PHHKST nnd WOOIAVOHTH I'iuno. Driima. ADMISSION, 5c AND 10c MOMl'MllI'lt , K Coming ' TIIM DIVINH BAHAH lllMtMIAUOT In a two tool film d art of rVTOSOA'' l " flardou's Mimtorpleco, Novombor 22nd and 23rd "THU HOIIKMIAN nilll," NoYombpr Cr.tli nnd 20tb Mora Coining ..flv.- r p j4t A