- 1U '' U -J if s . KKfllC SEC MEDFORT) MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD.'ftnTtflON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1012. ' : Ml'i'lH Jl.' rrr MfrfrfrfrfrfrMfr$HK M. M. CO. FOR GOOD GOODS M M. DEP l . STORE M. M. CO. ? FOR GOOD GOODS Successors to Meekers t t t t t t X X t T X t T T f t It. ir i li ' X I I' t t t t ? V ? T t t t T Hi M I! Great Thanksgiving and v Holiday Removal Sale We have leased the entire building just east of our present location the same is under repair now, new front, everything modern and up-to-date giving us one of the best equipped stores in Southern Oregon. Between now and the date of moving we intend to clear our shelves of every article possible, as we are going to open in the new building with nothing but clean, new goods, direct from the manufacturers. SACRIFICE PRICES IN NEARLY EVERY DEPARTMENT 'V $25 and $30 Ladies Suits $14.95 Without doubt the best values you have ever seen for the prices. All Suits Cut in Proportion. 1-4 off Ladies Skirts 1-4 off V Every Ladies' Skirt in the store reduced One-Fourth. Buy now and save the difference. Ladies Coats One Half 25 Last Season's Goats 50 Off. $20.00 Coats !....: .'. $10.00 $15.00 Coats .....:...:...r;...X...J..v....y.........r..r:: $7.50 $10.00 Coats". 1 :-...1.r. 1 ' .". $5.00 $8.00 Coats .....j !. ..:.....-. h $4.00 $5.00 Coats !........... $2.50 All colors and -mixtures and sizes. Ladies Fine Shoes We nave patent leather, gun metal, suede, with the new short vamps, welt sole, newest lasts, high and medium heel $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. 1 Kid Gloves We have the short and long kid, all colors. Special prices. ' Try our heavy Street Pique Gloves, pair ....$1'.25, Wool Hose Winter Hose at popular prices. Heavy black wool 35 3 pair for -. $1.00 Heavy black, fleeced 25 $20.00 value Silk Dresses $10.00 0ff J I 1 mmm&MB a i i A&KmA lo HgHIMll I My flfl ,i ' Staple Bargains 10c Bluo Star Muslin 7 Best Calico 5c? 32Vc Linen Toweling 8 12oc Towels 1 .'. C $1.25 Cotton Blankets :....; 98 10c Check Gingham : 8c 121oc Outing fancy 10(i 15c one-pound Bats , 12f 75c Umbrellas full size 50 or m !. i nKJL .i oua jsiuwy xviuuun mj H $1.25 Bed Spreads, full size .'..: $1.00 75c Bleached Tablo Linen 50?. $1.00 Bleached Table Linen : 75 $1.00 Hemmed Napkins, tho dozen 75 G5c Wool serge 36 inch 50 75c Fancy Silks 18 inch 49e 75c Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves 50 75c Children's Bearskin Bonnets 50 Special Prices in Boys' Suits All sizes to fit the boy from 3 years to 16. Knickerbocker Pants, Norfolk, Russian and plain styles $2.00 to $0.00 Men's Shoes 75 pair Men's Walk-Over Shoes, sold everywhere at $4.00, and $4.50, this sale go at, pair $2.98 Work Gloves Men's heavy $1.50 Reindeer Gloves, full sized, pair $1.25 $1.00 Men's. heavy Bibed Ovoralls, leading brands, pair 80 Men's Clothing $30.00 Suits. Sale price :...: $18.50 $20.00 Suits. Sale price $14.50 $15.00 Suits. Sale price $10.00 Every Suits must be closed out before January 1st. i Men's Underwear We have "Union Suits in Wool and Cotton as well as Silk 65c Cotton Ribbed Underwear for Mon Shirts and Drawers 50 Mixtures. Special ,$1.00 to $5.00 Hundreds of Bargains not Mentioned Here AhJ McCall Patterns Sale Opens Saturday morning, Nov. 16 Remember our Guarantee: "Every purchase satisfactory or money refunded" McCall Patterns ! X ? X y ? I t Y T ? T ? f T t t T ? T t Y ? T t I X T T y t ? T t ? ? y T r y y f y f X T t y t y t y t y D Tl t y i & fHfM$Mx;XK: I y. V