?? v- u .. 4 ' v'l V mr ty . 3 ' M 1 t . & , i ' v And Now, louvtioNV thr election I I', nunn n .v. .! ........ i '" wiiir uur; ... ... cT : A V-f' INO VU Ccwmi tt COW N ( HWG tjsr HAR.0 DiiiiiiIh & Muim of Lomlon !u lliu JoIIowIdk iniirUot report ilau-d Octnbqr 25 Ah roiorli 1h1 wtjok, vry f)w lmrrol ntil Imvn biMtn offerwl for nn lu HiIh wuok In London ami ilu ijiuuitltlim nilvUtfil for noxt wcok orn not heavy. Thiirii will Ito ft Xovla SchIIiiii bonl with 30,000 ImrrrtlH, hut It will bo tho wcol( nft.tr next hfor' hor fruit will Int offuri'ti for Mtli. Wtt Iiiivk liinl hownvnr u fair iliiftiitlty of KHffor nmr ami un vory iltii!it lo confirm tiu ruinarltM In our Innl flrciilur that thero wuiiltl ho mi liiiirovitiiiiiiii In price for thU nrtlulo till wonli. Wo Hhnll wxpoct to nm n fiirtlwr Imiimveniaiit oinl lm no h(ltatlon In roconimemlliiK our frli'inlN to contlnitii tholr hli iiunit niiiiirly to hoth Lomlon nntl l.lvnrpool, tli hitter market nlrio Im Iiir much hcttur iiitthls nrtlcln, nn will h itroti from tlm prlct' ijtiotMl hnlow. With rtK!ird to llin Mvitrjiool np plo tnnrkt't, iirlnw nro cortnlnly lowor for Nova Hcotlnn fruit, nltliough Uanmllnnii hnvo ilou nll. Cullfomla "Vwtowna In hoth Liver pool(itn(l(Lytnton nro a wry ilrftKKinK 'nmfki't niul jirlnm nro iiiiHiitUfurtor)'. Wn rIvu IipIow this wcok'n juo IrUlenx: LoihIoii VlrKlnla Yorkn, IT. to 1C-C. lion DavIh. 1.1 to H.fl. Cnniiillan tlronlin?i, Vi-C; llluii hulnn, 1017; IllllHtOIIH, 10-0. Wountctieo JounthitiiN, K-U; Orlnica (iolilrn, 910; Hl'lti. 10U. Ori'Kou Nowlowiw, t) to 10. California NuwIowiih, four, 7 to 7.(5; ,iM tlor, fi-f. to . Ori'Kon Comlco ixmrn, 10 to 13 per half box. Kulffor iiimru, mnnll llnthoii river hnrrolH, I a to iart. Kylffor jivnrn, larKo HihIboii river Imrrulu, H to 10. .Kclffor poani, hoxeu, C. Mvorpool Main llnhlwIiiH, onus, 13-C to 1C H; twon, l-'-U to 13. Malni) lieu 1):ivU. 13-13-G; KIurr, 1R.j170; (IrconliiKH, 13. Cnmnii UrcuultiKn, 1I-0-K5; KliiltH, J0-G-21; Siiowh, 17-D-19-0. tCuumllitii llahlwIiiH, 1 0-1 S; Dteii hnlniii, ID-IS; DavU, K.-H. Cuiuullnii Kullnwntorfi, 1 5-3-10-3; HUiKouM, in10rt; Ornvn, 11. QiViuullun Oolilon ItunsutlH, 10-3; I'oWCuUoes. 10 to 1.1. uiorlntit llahlwlim, 13 to 143; IlviO)nvl, 1 r-n. . Virginia Yorku, tr.-n-lK; Duvln, 110, to ir0; Fairfax, 10-lfi-fl. tOroKou iXowIowiih, 70; JouuthanR, 7-MoS-O. I, Cillfornlnu Nowtownn, four, 'C-C-C! i !t .tliir, 4 to 40. ( ,Nqv(i Hcotlan KIiihb, onus, 1 19 in j twoH, 12-n to i:ia, Nova Hootlais Hlonhulma, onrs, 13 1.); twou, 120 to i;iQ. -Nova flcothui HIliBtoiiH, ouoi, 11 12(l, ,Vli'Klnlun KolfforH, 110 to 10 nor hiirrpl, 3tnto KolfforH, 13-i) to l0. OllIHgOW , Canadian HnlitwIiiH, lti-18; KIiikh, irt-aji. ,Cauadlan Cloldon HiibhoUb, ' 1C 100; ClroonliiKH, rJ-fl-lR. Vlri'lnliin YorkB, lj-tl-lO; pnnoji, 1 1; llionunrlOH 22. HtnlOH nnldwliiu, 11-0 to 13, Wonntolico jonptluuiH, 8u; Home lluuulloa, 8-a)i. ' Woimtolioo OrlmoH Cloldon, 7.085 Yorliu &'GnhoH, 0-0 to 7-0. 107 DomoinilH, ltlH Ucpnldlcnns "WABIIINflTON, Nov. n.Unoffl clal rompjli'llop. of tlo ollc pr,tlo I1011B0 liurd today hIiowh that tho noxt qhoii of tho Iioiihq wlllthuvo 07 dumporoN ami 188 vopubllcaiiH, pro1 Ki'OBjilvoa and ludopondoiitH. " '' Modfonl rntnk oompaijy' carry ft full lino of legal Ulunlta. m jig GOOD PP FOR FRUIT IN LONDON the Question Is, Vog'ftg CRXV.' VrftS'ic MftVC MOKU riPGJUrf. V.tfY,fOVvG GpTVPW 'INO t'VC COVf m.T,. OflK XX5UCH TtVSN V6'vi MSO IN 6fAONTM., i airw-l TMftV WiTit CUCTOD U'Re tlMGS To datu during Novmnlicr 2tS3 Incite of rnln hart fallen In tho vat ley wkh l nllj;litly In ndvanre of tiormnl, which Ih 1.23 for the eutlro mouth. TliD Indication am for further rutu. WVitnesijny iiIrIu .08 of nn Inch of rain fell III tint vnlley whlltt .10 full Ttionday miiklui; a total or .us for the primcut tttorin I'lowlnu U kiiii oral throuuhoilt the valley helux rhocked ill'htl tndii) owlni'. to ihe rnln. 0. A. C. CADET BAND TO PLAY IN MEDF0RD "I'lnto" ColvlK, noil of JiuIro Col vie, will ho ouu of the Ktnrn of the O. A. C, cudot hand which wilt en tertain tho people or Medford on IJij ceinher 27 and 2'J. "I'lnto' will draw rnrloonn and another well known Medford hoy, Trcd KtratiR, will he a iiieniher of the hand. The eutertalitmeiiL will he under thn ill rectlon of I'rnfcMor IJarry Heard, the well-known director, and I'rofoimor Keen will be ono of tho ttoloUu. The baud has tho routntl(u of huliic the bext coIIi'ko nuulcnl orKanlxntlon went of tho Itocklci. and a mttilc-il treat Ih promlned tho people of Med ford und vicinity. The local "iticm ber or tho O. N. C will tuher at tho performance, NASH LIVERY MOVES . TO NEW QUARTERS A. W. Walker of the Nor.li livery Wodnonday moved hi xtock and eniilpmeut Into thn new onartor on I'lr ulrciit. Tliq liiilldlui: Ih equipped ttiroiiKliout with modorii convent euceM and appliance In the hnndlliiK of tho livery btiHlnenii. A atroitft fen tore In tho f-anltnry urranKemeuta of thobulldliiB. Thirty-flvo head of homes nro now In uso In tho hiikP netui and mora will be added. Mr Walker .Iijui heon In Jhn Ivury biihl iirgn.lu Medford for oJKht yeam, and Ih well and vldoly knowns I OBITUARY The funeral HervfccK of L. K. Loo iiiIh, who died at tho Aihlaud lion pltal followlnu an operation for np pHllultU, wlU bo held from the iroo MethodUt ciiurcii Hiinaay ni -o'clock. Two hour of tho deceaHod nttuiulliir 00II0R0 at (IrCi'HVlllo. 111.. will arrive SiUurdny to attend tho lait rltoa. Audrey May Hooker, dauulitor of Mr. and Mm. llort I looker, died at Medford Thiirmlay mornlnR of np pondlcltlH, tilted C years mid 0 moutliH. Kuuoral Horvlcen will ho hold at Woolu and MeOowan com pany'B chapol Baturduy at 2 p. tu,, Uov. Iloxlo offlclatliiR. Intormont I. O. O. V, comotory. E E TABLE ROCK CnthoiiiiK In tho corn crop U tho onlor of tho day at Table Hock. Cleorito arlRHby ban loft Table ltock and hih returned to Tolo. Mr. Loaey him taken Mr. ClrlKsby'a pluco on tho WalllnK ranch, , J. A 1. llyruin lau roturn6d to Tablo Hook and roporta a foot of hiiow at Jlrldal Voll whoro ho has huon worklUK In a IokkIuk camp, Oliver Ponland Is liaulliij apples to Central Point for H. C. fmm bum. . , Culvln Noon luu loft tho lllokoy ranch ami lmt pom toCnllfovnla. All'. UIID.HU U IIUIIUIIIK l huijou uil tho proporty purchased from Mr. Col Una, Harvoy HIcharilHon and H, J. O'Doll uro unuasod in atrlimlug nu 8l NHU TUB MONTH IS 2.53 CORR SPONDENC MlDDFOttD MAIL TOBTTtfE, a ' . j'i Will Jeff Get the additional wlro to nccominodate the demand for more norvlro on tho for- ipors tclephono linn. Many yoiuiK people from thht corn inunlly atfeuded the (lance at Mr. l)oitan'n on .Saturday uvciiIiik. A nliort literary program wiih Klveu at Tallin ltock xchool on Holi day eve nl up followed liy lecture, Miihjoct, Life, by I'rof. O,' W. Davlu. Thn lecture wan alonK thoN IlneH ot the no-called "New ThoiiKbt' mid Allowed that tho npeaker had IiIh hiiIi Ject well In hand and knew how to handle It In a pli'mtlnj' and liiHtrue live manner. There will Iioji literary proKram at Table Itoek Hchool Saturday evening Nov. ICth. The ArrowIIeaiU have put In a new Htovo alid seated the went room of the Hchool Iioiihu for all publlo iiieettnr.K o that the room lined for xrliool need not he niolfstcd. ArraiiKementH are beliiK made to have Dr. Paddock of Portland con duct ti few dayH meeting! at Tablo ltock In the near future. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS JiidKU K. I. Ton Velio of Uob Lane wan traimactlitK busliieBA here Weilneday. Mrs. Krank Men of KiiRone vUltcd her nUter-ln-law, MUn Mary A. Mee and other relatives thin week. l i:. Hyheo of Jacksonville was vlnltlus In our city Wednesday. J. K. Pendleton of Tablo Hock made a hiulneti trip here the middle part of the week. J. II. Steyetm of Tolo transacted liiiHli'osn In Central Point Wednesday. Mrs. KltiKon and Mr. Storen or Medford were mid-week Ruests of Mrs. It. C. Heames of this city. Mrs, J. W. Myers who has been critically 111 with pnoumonla Is much Improved at this writing. Uov. and Mrs. Hearst, Mrs. W. C Owen, .Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. V. J. Tay lor, It. C Heames and Haymoud Taylor wero Medford visitors from here Wednesday. NOTIOK. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply nt tho regular meeting of tho city council Novem ber 19, 1912, for a llconso to aoll beer and malt products only In quantities of not less than twolvo common quart beer bottles pr Us equivalent to tho consumer from 109 K. Sth street for a period of six months. PURITY 110TTLING & SUUPLY CO. Dated Nov. Sth, 1912. " Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. for RKN'jriiiina-nRboBii FOR RKNT Lars olooplng room, J1.50 and $2 por woolc. Modorn housekeeping apartments, $10 and $13. Home phono 20U-K, 222 South Holly. ' ' FOR R12NT Modorn rurnUhed ' rooms. Hoard If desired, 314 S. Central avenue, 300 FOR RKNT UOAItn ANI ROOMS ROOM AND HOARD At "Tyrroll'a" 204 S. Central. 310 NEW TODAY An Inland store, with mnalf gen eral utocit Klglit. ropm Iioiiro In connection. Hnrn, packing houso, ami othor buildings. Four ncres of flue young commercial orchard, Irri gated and something choice, Those. trqes will iioj; tho ownor $1000.00 tjhlti your. Only flvo miles tcj rail road over Roqd ,roads, tolophono, mall, and school, You can get this yhoo pronely fdr f3,700,00. G. D. HOON Itoom V3, JhcUbou County mtk VHg, rr. rvNO I'll '" ' "" 'W m tA.., . ' t k .M m f ?Cj r wrr P,V5 i Vi 0FUt7 A holism, '-V ,; ! Ljb wilwm Got fd rvk6 5 "g V3 wD , '" MEDFOtttfc OREaON, 'rrnmStTAY, NQVBMBETl 14, $5? '? for mwri mjVtKM FOR KHNTir-Two room bachelor home, 2 14 V, 8th HL Hee White A Trowbridge. FOH HKNT-rFitmlshoil houso on Woodstock street. Will rent rea sonnbio. 8eo r. Beely or J. W. Horrlun. 204 FOR HUNT -Get our rental list Medford Realty lc Improvement Co. FOR ItBNT Furnished C room cot tago modern, 618 King St. FOR RKNT Furnlihed house cloio In. CO North Orsngo. FOR HKNT .Modern lUe-roora house, it. A. VMT, at 1L F. ft H. Co. FOR RKNT 10 room houio rear of Farmora & Fruitgrowers bank, aultahlo for business, real estate, boarding or rooming bouse. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir its. FOR RKNT Ono C room modern. Ono 4 room modern, partly fur nished house. Inqulra 714 W. Palm St. 212 FOlt K E N T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR HUNT A aulto of four or two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 720 West 11th. FOR RUNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, llfthtx gas, wood heat ers, luqulro 147 S. Central. 200 FOR HKNT FimMSlIKD APT8. FOR nENT RwHi ApU. 817 8, RlT. sa FOR RENT Furnlahed apartment now, private bath, hot wator heat. Tho Herben Apartment, 10 Quince St.. corner West Main. FOR RKNT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comrortable of rco rooms with elevator service, etcam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. - FOR HKNT MISCKLTjAXBOES . TOR LEASEFully equipped placer mine. Gold Hay Realty Co. FOR RENT Ranchea large and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray lloalty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR RENT 16 room rooming house over Elfort'8 tailor shop, 207 W. Main. Seo White & Trowbrldgo. FOR SAIJ6 liAKD FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment, 3 inllei from Jacksonville. Improvements. Address A. D., caro Mall Trlauno. 202 FOR BALK -ACJlKAaa FOR SALE lunches, acre tracts, town proporty, from $0 per aero, upwards on 6 ond 10 years tlmo. Gold Hay Realty Co., Gth and Fir. FOR SALE narjSKH FOR SALE Real bargnln, S-room now, modem bungalow and gar age, finely rurnlshcd, Including a hlgh-olass piano und a $200 music bex: located best cornor In town, east front; no reasonable offer re fused; easy terms. Call 304 South Holly, or phone 15ir 203 FOR SALE 4 room auio and lot, $000.00. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. t( FOR SALE Hero in a snap. A 0 room modorn houso and 5 lots, close, In at $S00, on terms of $7G down, nnd balanco Hko rent, The houso iilono cost more than that to build, and should ho Been to bo appreciated. Look tjjla up and apply your rent on tho purchase of thin plnco. Geo. C. Cornltlus, 123 K. Main St. 203 FOR SALE Equity in a good houso with largo lot tt&KlCiO, houso has six rooms, pantry, bath, etc., largo front and sldo porches, outhouses, SUiro house, sfablo, wood honso and. chicken hpuse Como so it and save agont's commission, Hal lanco on easy torms. Street will bo paved noxt Spring. If you want n bargain como to 401 King Btroot. FOR SALIJ-MISORLLANKOUS FOR SALE Rocloane'd sood wheat, ryo, oats, votch. Schmidt Feed Btoro, Medford, FOR SALE Noiseless, dheks and ano,io. iiottor tljan y other ducks, ready to lay. Also houso 'hold goods at bargain, C03 S. aru.uo St. -07 1 .& "-ijjj i i i - IXC TAK TMMT ) .' MOVI "1 " '"' ""'" .'', I You Conn provC rr IWon wwjiHf , ,. FOR BALK WMaCVUKSmOW FOR RALl-3 Ono player piano cost $K00, now $326 cash, used four months; also ono eectrv cost $700 now $ll0 in u ro about one year,, Address Pfcrry TcrwIUIger, general delivery city, or inquire Nosh Har. 204 FOR HALE Threo medium slxed work horseS. Pleasant Valley Farm. Rogue River. Phono 19-H. 2Q5 FOR SALE 1912 G passenger au tomobile almost new. Bargain for cash. Box 80, Tribune. FOR SALE Corn. Clancy. Inquire Dr. FOR BALE Cord and tier wood in black oak, Laurel and Fir. F. Ossenbruggo, 401 Riverside Ave., South. Phone 1941. 222 FOR SALE Mission grapes, 1 cent a pound. Geary ranch, phone 13 15. 203 FOR SALE Fancy Club Becd wheat, beardless barley, good grain and alfalfa bar, barley straw, all baled at Regar ranch, 3 miles' west of Medford. 202 FOR SALE Splttenbiirg and New town apple culls. CO cents a box at Laurel's ranch. Phono 21-F-23. 203 FOR SALE Tbroo sections Globe Wernccko bobkeaso. ono largo li brary table, china closet, buffet, large dreaor, chiffonier, two beds, complete, largo wardrobe. 227 T2. Sixth. Phone 801. FOR 8AL.E English bull terrier puppy, pedigreed, age five months. Stanton Grlffls, Burrll Orchard, phono Gll-J-3. FOR SALE Grain hay and corn. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Large heater, practic ally new, burns eithor wood or coal, also some oak dining chairs. Call at 204 S. Central Ave., phono 239-L. 204 HJCLP WANTED- FVMAXJI WANTED Competent woman for general .house work. 406 West 2nd St, 204 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Grubbing by contract from 20 to 40 acres. 'F. V. Jlolby, Medford, Ore., 45 N. Bartlett St. 205 WANTED Plain nnd fancy laundry work to do at homo. Address A. D. B., rare Mall Tribune. 203 WANTED MlSjCKIiTiAJTKOtJS WANTED To buy, land in Jackson county. State full particulars. Hox 200, caro Mall Trlbuno. 206 WANTED To rent, one work horse about two weoks. T. Hawkluson. S22 X. Central. 207 WANTED To buy, second gas on glne, 2 II. P., Falrbanks-Morso pre ferred. Addross T. Hawklnson. 822 N. Central, 206 WANTED To rent, furnished bun galow five or six rooms, for win ter, Xo children. Refcreucoa fur nished. Address K. T., caro Mall Trlbuno. 206 WANTED All tho plain sowing to bo hnd In Medford. Address F. L. W, box 150 Medford. 202 WANTED Root leak? I repair leaking roofs, rain or shine, Phono 112-R. W, H, Smith. 221 WANTED Turkeys and a good anllk cow. J. II. Lyous, Phoo iilx. WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro perty worth $12,000. Box 495, Medford. WANTED Confinement cases to nurso, no objoe,tlon to light house work. Prlco reasonable. Mrs, E. Nahss, 140 S. Holly, phono 260-NT. 310 WANTED Sowing by the dny or at home, WH1 do niomllng, darning; or hemstitching. 319 S. Ivy. Phono 28G-1C. 205 WANTED To lot contract to clear 10 or 12 ncres of laud. A. E, Hall box 55, R, F. D. No. 1, Mod ford. 803 WANTED City or country property to oxchongo for California. Clark Realty Co. 802 FOR E3.CHArcn FOR TRADE Ashland residence and cash tor good auto, Olark Realty Co.l 802 Co.' FOR EXCHANGE Improved ranfU tributary tq Meilford for proper ty In Loa Angoles, or vicinity, Ad dress 70, caro Mall Trlbuue. 203 1012. FOR 8AU5 OK KXCXAWCTal FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acre ranch Bear creek bottom $175 per acre, Clark Realty Co. 202 FOR SALE OR TKADE 1 boiler return flue, IS h. p. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p., in good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore., or call on Cbria UJ rlch, Jacksonville. 209 FOR SALE OR TRADE A good paying business, best location In tho city. Box W. A., eare Mall Tribune. 203 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 60 acres in Utah under Irrlgatien. Near railroad, D. 8: Wood, phone 18-K. 206 LOR STRAYED From my mountain ranch. Climax, Ore., one light rhesnut sorrel, gelding, 3 years old, about fVs hands high stripe in face, branded Cc. on left should er. Ono bay rilly 2 years old, white stripe in face, branded Cc. A liberal reward will be given for any information. Mrs. Clay Char ley, Brownsboro, Ore. 204 MONEY TO IX)AX. MONEY TO LOAN On city proper ty and close in ranch property. O. A. Knight, 801 East Main. 206 MONEY TO LOAN On city and close in ranch property. C. A. McArthur, " room 3, P, O. block, phone 3681. ' MONEY TO LOAN Qn real estate. Call upqn or address, me at ilqtel Medford. I am out of the city a part of tho time but a letter ad dressed mc and left at hotel will reach me and receive attention. B. L. Dodge. 227 BUSINESS lintm-TORT Accofutaata D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable llgure; your business solicited. Offiee, Medfsrd Mall Tribune' bldg; phono 6611; resi dence. phone 0302. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER 0ee Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALSY Attorneys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A, E. REAMES, LAWYER Oarnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Roowa 11 and 12 Jackson County Baak bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rlalto building, Medford, Ore. ClUaeM MutUolaes CHOW YOUNG'S Cbiaese aedlclnet will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lnng troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous allmonts. ' Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles, See me at 241 8. Front at, Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7;30. Residence phone Mala 43, Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, tor. Louise E, Hedges, Mechano-Theraplsta, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. Those systems. Including dietetics,, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation treo, 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. mj to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phope Main 4171. DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, Rooms 803-04-05 Garnett-Corey Bldg. ' Vapor baths aud scientific massage given; adviee la dietetics, medical gym nastics, bydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Horn 141-K. Main 7973. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING oivtl Engineer aud Surveyor. Water tilings and Irrigation work a.pbeclalty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blkv Medford. Oregon. 'Oraaite Works MEDFORD BRICK , COrOeo. Wt - xrwi u, v. oi. " .i O'Brien Contractors and mou- facturers of brjckj deatera l pressed brick and lime. Offiee It their brick yard, West Jaeksa at,. rkvm no; 34si, . " PTO1 HDl... rmmmmmmmmmmmmamm By "Bud" Fisher, , ( a vmm DntHerhRV ' - JsRA aVsWsRaV VERNE T. CANON Bill reetef smM iJistriDuior, aii eroera artHKiy filled. Room 29 Jackaoa Ceaty Bank bldg., Medford, Oregoa. DR. W. M. VAH SCOYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOQ DeattoU Oaraett-Cerey hAg., mtHm lit, Medferd, Oregea. Bath Pkeaea. DR. ARTEMU8 W. DEANK Deatlet. Office la Rlslte bide., 123 B. Maia. Gaa adtalaletered fir extraetlq Qt teeth Telepaeaa Mala 181. Nicht phone 4432. ' ' Sanerles QUAKER NURSERIE8 Oar trees are, budded, nH grated. Oar stock Is not irrigated. We gaaraatee verytking pat oat- Wa are net la theJ'tr'ust: II. B. Patterson.- Offiee removed io office Hotel Nasal. In side entrance next to barber aaop. GARBAGE Get yoHr areattsea cleaned up for the reamer; Call cm the city garbage wagoaa far seed service. Phoae Mala C2S1. F. Y". Allea. I r-"-"-- Notary Pattlte HELEN N. YOCKET r-etary Fab lie. Bring yoar work to taa at tke tin ef TB Mall Tribnn ' Frlaten aad rmt-Mslicra MEDFORD PRINTING CO. kaa tlM beet equipped Job office la soatfcera Oregon; book "9lndkigr tooae.Ieaf system, -cat paper, ete.,etc Fort land price. 27 N. Fir at f Fnyldaas aad Haurneoaa DR. F.- G. CARLOW, DB.i RVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physioians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg., phone 278-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Office Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19. phone 6501; residence 307 S. Dakdale," phone 7171. Home phone, reeldeaae 109. office 130. l DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD---Phystclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. p. Practice limited to diseases ef women. Offices over Haskiaa Drug Store. Offiee Phenes: M.' 1001, tendant. Residence phone Mala 5712, office Home 146, DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physiciaa and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Byea scien tifically tested and xlassea supplied. Office 228 E. Mala St. vHeura 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bath, phenea. E B. PICKEL. M. tooffle Jack son County Bank. Offiee ykM M. 432; R,es. pheae. M, 683. ; DR. MARION Physician and Sur geon, Stewart Bldg., comer Mala and Bartlett, office phone, 271; house phone, 273. ' E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to Chronic Dtoeacea. Office Hotel Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. ReMdeaee Phones; Farmer 16xx5 Bag! PeUt and Rogue River Jlae, ' ,' HERMANN F. RATTlu. K. D. Of flee over Medford National Bank. Office phqne 6701. Be., Metal Holland. l V CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D., Fra. tlce limited to Eye, Ear, No and Throat, Eye scientifically tested and glasses furnished when seeded. Garnett-Corey Bldg.. 2nd rleor. Both Phones, Medford. Ort,, r DR. MARTIN O. BARSSR Physl clan and Surgeon. Office 'Palm block, opposite Nash1 Hotel. Haura 10 to 13, 1 to 4, Phone Paeltte 1101. DR. R. w. CLANCY Physician and Surgeon. Phone, ntflee, 501; resi dence, 7241. Office hourajlO t 13, 3tp,5. i' SteBOaKafHera ELIM. H" OAUNYAW Paisa htoek. Btenographle work dose u(ek)y and well. ' , Trass4r EADS TRANSFER ft 8TORAOB CO. rwOfflea 16 South Fir, 'ru Bell 3163; Home 359-K. " F44a right. Service guaranteed, UMdHker JOHK 'JL Wti,i ladartakarr fWCMd SI '"Eft aatultaa fMtilut SB SUuttta Ti ir 7 """" .tww -" -r"- T-v- , rnvv -,- I.. I F--ci lArr Br 'rAianiOBAM iUi.ix: as SF aBj-S'4r 4ssBBsj BraaaBrBrsSaV Sj1sf ssa v C- iV- a ,v , I l