9 a c, ' PXGE StX M LEADERS : ATTACK I. MEDFORti ArATL TJRTBUttlJJ, OTDFOTU1, OREOOtf, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 111, 10,12. coinnterclnlUed over tho lnr. The hours nro short In which n man ntny KHsewewee Slfff?? rrsr W.W. ftOCUKSTIM, N Y., Nov. 111. The executive eoniinittco of; the Amer ican federation of Labor hi'ttfc report attacked the "policy tuid mUrcpro Hcntntion of the liulustriAt Workers of tho, World" in (heir public nttUmlo. toward tlio federation. Tho report dcijicH cliHtvctt made by the. i.W. W. lenders (lint the federation is? "un yielding 4iod autocratic, and did not keep pnee with tho development of labor." Tho rointuittcc nNo denied thnt iho federatimi f oppo.-ed to tin ionUin ns ndvocaled by tbo I. W. W. Tho report ndds: "Them mut be, however, some de cree of discipline for the progressive nnd orderly conduct or unions. Wc muni declare timnbdnknhly thnt it is the. morn) duty of our organization to live, up to Agreements nnd respect the decrees of the federation ns a whole and of' its affiliated orgniitrn tions." Thq report reviewed trade, condi tions and recited the accomplish ments of labor during tho yenr. It urged the r-MnblKdimcnt by the gov ernment of adoptmcut nnd the pns Mige by tbo uennte of the Clayton aliti'injunctiou bill which has already passed the house, and a jury trial for contempt proceedings resulting from labor dispute. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I SCHOO Charles B. Stevens et ux to Louise D. Gleason, lot 1, east fraction part or lots 2, 3, 4 and 8, block 17. Phoenix; 1 10. W. K. Smith ct ur to Isaac C. Moore ct ux, land In township 39 S., range 1 E. Robert Slewing to Nora Slewing, lot C, block 54, Med ford; also lot 5, block 3. Palm's addition; 91. Albert II. Lawrentz to C. Mer rick, land la township 3? S., range 2.W., 17 acres; 10. S. A. Pattisoa ct ux to E. It. Glea son, portions of lots 12, 13, 14. 15, 1C, block 2, Central Point; 11300. John Owens and Louise Owens to G. D. Richmond, 16b acres In town ship 35 S., rango 4; $3000. Ti. L. Baldwin et ux to F. L. Cole man ct al., lot 7, block 3, Lewis subdivision, Jacksonville.; ft. i Lewis Ulrlch et ux to Fred Loclt ley. lots 10, 11 and 12. Hoi man's addition, Jacksonville; $75. Louis Lager to C. A. Drawn, land in township 38 S., range 1; $10. Earl It. Fohl et ux to W. II. Ever hard, portion lot 2, Constant addi tion. Central Point; $1. L. L. MuIIt et ux to J. W. Ed wards, 3.9 acres fn Pclton, Hosier Nell addition to Ashland; $10. J. J. Fryer et ux to Fred Heath, property In Eagle Point; $250. J. J. Fryer et ux to Fred Heath, property In Eagle Point; $250. Gust Fasko et ux to E. C. Gleason, lot 12, block 73, Mcdford; $10. O. W. Dewey et ux to Pold Hull, property In 'Medford; $10. Sherman Morehouse ct ux to Car rie H. Morehouse, lots 30 and 31, block F, Railroad addition, Ashland; $10. Sherman Morchouso ct ux to John A. Harvey, property In Ashland ;$10. Charles 'iX. Wolgamott ct ux to Mrs. Lois J. Evans, land In section 24, township 37 S., rango 2 W.; $10. A. C. Hubbard et al to Mary A. Bradshaw, lot 12, block 1, Whitman Park, sec. 30, twp. 37 S rango 1 W.; $1. C. S. Sanderson ct ux to B, L San derson, lot 5, block 24, Central Point; $1500. Monroe Creel List to Hannah L. Stewart,- 15 acres In sees. 14-23, twp. 39 8 rango 1 E.; $1300. John A. Harvey et ux to Sherman Morohouso ot ux, portions of lots 9, 10, 11, Railroad addition, Ashland. Alfred P. Olson ot ux to Fred Singer, lot 5, block 5, Ross addi tion. Mcdford; $10. ABbury Bcull ot ux to Porter J. Ncff, lots 5, G, 7, 8. block 48, and lotH 1, 2 iu block 63; lot 4, block in, Contriil Point; $100. F, M. Amy et ul to Karl W. Hunt ley, lot 5, part of lot 4, block 1, Wllloko's addition, Mcdford; $10. Nicholas Wolter ct al. to Mrs. M. J. Powell, lot 33, block 1, Tuttlo'B Second addition, Mcdford; $10. George w, Lance, Sr ot ux to Marlon Lanco, half Interest In lot 1, block 32, Gold II til ; $10. V, K. Censor ot'ux to W. II. Bul lock, lot 8, block 3, Frultdalo ad dition. Medford; $10. Edward 0. Welch et ux to J. II. Cooloy, ItiO acres iu twp. 34, rango 2 W.J $1222.16. II. J, Holmer to IJ. II. Buttorflold, lot 6, block 2, Whitman Park; $600, W. V. Taylor et ux to George II. Harvey, 1 BrC acres Jn towushlp 39 (., range E.; $1. V,,W. Thaler at, ux to Florence A, TWler, lot 6, block 2, Frultdalo addJtW. Medford; $10. . & W. MotipHHld ot al. to Mary L WINS STATE PRIZE It is doubtful It tho cltUeus ot Medford nro nwnra of tho class ot work tnat Is being dono In tho Mod ford high school along the lines of sowing, cooking, manual labor, phy sical culture, drawing and. music. The board ot education belloves thnt there. Is more than one sldo of hu man nature thnt should be develop ed, and lutend that the graduates should know something more than to write a sentence correctly or mul tiply and divide. Recently that do mestic art department Bent some of their sewing to the state fair nt Sa lem and came homo with the bluo rlbbou and a sewing machine as first prize, and In addition took two sec ond prizes and ono third prlxc. This department is now making tho costumes for tho high school production of "Pinafore" which will be given at tho Natatorium Monday and Tuesday nights, November 19 and 19. lite public wilt not only hear their music but sec thnlr handiwork. M SOCIETV IS nra bo privileged to drink, being limited from a. tit. to 10 p. " First vlo latlon rarrten n duo ot $200. Nearly 100 former residents of tho stnio ot Iowa who now make their homes lit the city nnd valley met Tuesday evening and organized a local Iowa association. Tho society will meet at Intervals to talk ot their former home. C II. AuslKcr was elected presi dent. Mrs. F. W. Mcara vlce-preaP dent, Helen N. Yockcy, secretary ami Dr. R. W. Stearns, treasurer. Nearly u hundred thousand . em ployes of I ho United States Steel corporation In Ohio ntll bo Insured against death and Injury under tho workmen's compensation law when negotiations now ponding between representatives of the corporation nnd tho Htrtto liability board of awards are consummated. mn'inw.i rrrsct-rjrT-rrr :U - 1 ': NO SOFT DRINKS IN section 24, twp. 36 S., rango 4 W.; $1251.90. E. E. Miner et ux to Albert Law rentz. land In twp. 37 S., rango 2 W.; $1500. E. R. Gleason ct al. to Central Point Stato bank, property In Cen tral Point; $750. St. Anthony, Inc., to Mcdford Realty & Improvement Co., lots 1, 2, 5. S, 9, 10, 11, 14. 17, IS, block 3, Queen Anne addition to Mcdford; $10. C. E. Leathcrman to I. M. Huff ct ux. lot 10 block 2. Palm's addi tion to Mcdford; $10. United States to P. J. ityan, land in section 34, twp. 34 S., rango 1 W.; also In twp. 35 S., range 1 W. Weatonka Tribe. No. 30, I. O. R. M.. property In Phlpps Reserve, Mcd ford; $1. GRANTS PASS, Ore.. Nov. 13. A new city ordinance regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors has been passed by the council under tho emer gency clause for tho purpose of regu lating liquor trltflc ns directed by the recent election In which the town went wot by a majority of 87. Tho new rculatlou Is different from the general run ot ordlnanco usually enacted to control tho sale ot liquors. Tho applicant must bo u whlto male citizen of the United States and the placo of business must front on a public street with a frontage of not less than 20 feet and not more than 50 feet deep, and with only ono en trance or exit and that from the front. Tables, chairs, pictures and rt lutings and dice boxes must be cllcilcatcd. Tho room must be open, with clear view from the streets at all times; singing, music and the )lko come under the ban of tho law as well as the proprietor treating, or his employes. Soft drinks, and imitations are not permitted to be sold, and all In toxicating liquors must be four years or ago he fore being allowed to bo A Wonderful Tonic That Aids Digestion Thousands nro unnhlo to digest certain kinds of food, lit most cases It Is not tho fault of tho food, nor tho stomach. It Is proablo thnt tho stomach has been abused. Many resort to prc-dlgostcd foods and vnr lous kinds ot medicines to got relief front dyspepsia, Indigestion and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. It your stomach was In perfect con dition you would not need medicine to digest tho foods jou eat. Jnyno's Tonic Vermifuge Is a stomach regu lator. It gets -tho stotnnrh In such a condition that It will digest food without other nsslstanco. It over comes the acidity and stimulates tho coating of tho stomach and Intestines so that they will properly absorb and asslmllato the nutriment from tho food eaten. Sufferers from dys pepsia and Indigestion will find permanent relief In a short tlmo af- jior beginning tho uo of tho tonic. For children, the addition of a little sugar will make it most palatable. Many forms ot supposed Indiges tion aro tho result ot Intestinal para sites, for which Jayne's Tonic Vor mlfugo Is unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayno's; accept no other. Millions havo praised it for more than eighty years. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayno & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Healthy Women Scarce Is Tho Ycrdlcl of Scientific Invcill gallon How tunny women do you know who nro pertootly wall, strong ami healthy nH a woman should ho? They may not ho sick enough to llo In hod but they nro run-down, thin, nerv ous, tired nud devitalized, Women nro so active uownilnyH, nnd ho much Is expected of them, that they constantly overdo nud mil for front headache, backache, nerv ousness and kindred Ills. Such women need Vlnol, our deli cious cod liver nud Iron Initio with out oil which wilt create an appetite, tone up the digestive organs, make pure blood and create strength. Mrs. W. U. Ritchie, Pntchogue, N. Y sns; "Vlnol la certainly the best tonic t have over laken, I wns run down and tired all tho time, but, thanks to Vlnol, I itm fooling all right again.' Try a bottle or Vlnol with tho un derstanding thnt your money will bo returned If It does not help you. Medford Pharmacy. lMIMMIIIHMMUMIHH i ARTS and CRAFT JEWELRY This is the finest line of : Arts nnd Craft tTowclry ; ever shown in Medford. The designs m;c dainty '. I and prices right. THE MERRIVOLD SHOP i 134 W. Main Street. n Street. I 4h$M$HMMMHmmmJ Mng 4fyZh4Z4HHty X Znmm'HX m Pr . zH Ww T zw mr -z zmi-M zzzzarw " zz ,zv ? . zzzza l. -w zzzi zzcazrk izt m. Y T r Thanksgiving Sale of Linens Admirei-s of fine linen will find this department very interesting as we are selling for the Thanksgiving trade finest qualities at the lowest possible price. Each item listed below the best procurable at the price. ? T T t t T t 75c MERCERIZED DAMASK 59c 64 inches wide, 8 in. border, perfect bleached, superior quality mercerized Table Damask, in several leaf or, floral designs; our regular 70c value. Tlmnksgiviug Sale price, per yard....59p $1.25 LINEN DAMASK 89c 72 in. Humidor all linen Table Damask, extra good weight and pure bleached, floral designed centers, deep borders to match. Sale price, per yard 89 $1.75 LINEN DAMASK $1.39 72 inch satin finish, good weight puro linen Table Damask, one in plain satin stripe center, & large rose design border, a reliable and attrac tive Tabic .Linen. Our regular 1.75 grade. Spe cial for Thanksgiving linen sale, per yard $1.39 60c Unbleached Renfrew Table Linen, Spec. 48c Extra heavy quality all linen and will bleach out when washed; regular 60c. Extra spec. 48 ? t ? t T t y y t ? y y t y y J f 1.ESS 20 Napkins to match all our Table Linen at a dis count of 20 from regular prices. See the new and extensive showing of real hand drawn work, embroidered linen centerpieces, luuch cloths and doilies. Just received a large linfe of imported Real Cluny Laces, both Bands and Edges, which we are glad to show. THANKSGIVING SALE OP READY-MADE AND SEMLMUSLIN UNDERWEAR .$1.00 stamped Semi-Nightgowns, made from fine soft Honeymoon Nainsook, price 98 1.75 Stamped Semi-Slipc, made from Honey moon Nainsook with extra deep and stamped flounce. Special priced $1.20 2 Wf kIuiw .i enmnlnf.n iuv Hum ni' Am-min I'm Thanksgiving, prices 25 to $1.50 FOREST BHLLS KNIT UNDERWEAR It is important to know what to call for iu buv- mg Jvuit underwear as it is in choosing any y t y t y i y y y v y y y 5! other article of dress. Forest Mills hand finish- cd, in (lie new fine weaves fills everv need and rcquirenient of the woman who knows what is necessary for comfort, for appearance and for solid satisfaction. Note all the styles we carry in stock, Dutch necks, low necks, hiirh unckn. nllinvv sleeves, long sleeves, short sleeves and sleeveless X knee lengths and ankle lengths Union suits, Vests and Tights are to be had in both weaves prices ,..50.? to $3.50 LADIES' SAMPLE SKHtT SALE $3.98 The styles, richness of fabrics, and exclusive modes urge your immediate selection at these Sample Skirt sale prices. $6.50 to $8.00 blue and black Serge Skirt $3 98 A handsome, all wool unvy bluo and black serge, diagonal, plain and pleated; also habit back; reg ular $8.00 values. Special $3.98 $5.00 TO $8.50 FAttOY MIXTURE WEAVES $3.98 Some of the latest models, made of fine and rough weaves, button trimmed, diagonal waist front, side-front fastened; worth up to $8.00. Special $3.98 Union Cooking Bags Package 1 9 tents Throo slzos assorted, 30 bags to paokago The only authorized bag for Soyen Paper Hag cookery Economical, labor sAving, hygeuic, bet ter food. Special for Thursday only. Houaohold Wax Papor, 36 foot Rolls, each 10 3 for 25tf 100 pieces Fancy Burnt Wood Boxes, while they last, choice, each 25tf VIOTQR Fool, Halls, thu usual $1.50 to $1.75 qimlitv, Here tomorrow, each, $1.00 UNDERWEAR We are closing out our line of Ladies', Misses' and Hoys' winter weight Vests, pants and Union Suits. '.If we have what you want you can save money on these. All strictly Al quality. Men's and. Hoys' Canvas Gloves, tight wrist, a pair 10& 3 for 25 Boys' and Ladies' Gauntlet Leather Gloves, n pair, 50t and 75c Men's heavy Leather Work Gloves, pair 50J Men's heavy Leather Gauntlet Work Gloves, a pair 75t Choice of all our Men's $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Leather Work Gloves and Gauntlet Driv ing Gloves, pair .. . ..$1.00 3000 yards Linon, Torchon, Vol. and Oluny Laces, Insertion and Boadings. Salo prico, a yard , .1 and 5t HUSSEY'S y t X Y y & 11 ' A ' 4$ jC H. N. Moe &Co. The Store Where A Dollar Does Its Duty rA. rr f J J I J y 7 7 y y t 7 J The University of Oregon Corrospondonco School offers, KltUi:, with tlio uxcoptlnn of cont of pottrtRp on imperii nml coot of Urn Unlvomlty Kxtptidloti llullniln, to CITIZHN8 OP OltCOON, fprty UNI VmtSITY COUHHICS l.y MA Hi. Ability to profit l.y tho couritcz aolcctcd la tho only requirement for enrollment In the Corronponrtenro Uonartinuiit. CourntH nro offered In tho rieimrlmmilH of Itotnity, DclmtliiK, KconomlcH, Kducntlon, KIrctrlclty, KiiKllnh Mtornttire, KukIIkIi Conipottltlon, lllntory, MathomntlcA, Mechanical OrnwInK, I'hyilcnl Kducntlon, Phynlcs, Diysloloicy, I'ltychology, Sociology nnd Surveying. Write to tho Seerotnry of the Cor ro8iondenco School, Unlvornlty of OroKon, Kucono, for Information nud catalogue. COUKSKR IS Ili:8IUi:NCi: at tho Unlvernlly prepare for tlio Profci. slonz of ICNOINICMHINO, JOUHNAI.ISM, LAW, MICDICINU, nnd ti:acii INO. Tall wmeutor openz Tuomlay, Septoiubur 17. Addrezz tho HorIm trnr for cntaloRiien deierlptlvo of tho CoIIoko of KiiKlnnurliiR, tho CoIIoro of Liberal Artz, tho Schoolz ot Education, Coinuiurco. Luw, Modlcluo and Mtmlc. i Automobile Owners Attention BEAR GREEK MOTOR OAR GO. Gornor Eighth and Bartlett Sts. Do first class automobile renair work and guarantee it. We employ the best mechanics in the city, Havo a completely equipped machine shop and make cast ings and bearings of all kinds. Now is the time to have your ovorhawling done. We can do it cheapest and best. Ojir garage is open all the time and-our floor men competent and courteous. Cheap storage rates for tho winter. Why let your car stay out in tho rain? See us about our now and convenient gasolene propo sition, it is a saving to tho owner. Wo will soon have in a full lino of the 1913 Cadillac and Buick em's, tho best cars on tho market for tho'inonoy. Bear Creek Motor Car Co. ., , r-. Mlll Burlac Direct from Our Factory tot Cuk "" "i t-OKOSS TAVtt D00RBMa.il mi'i wHr KiiarmilrKil. in nm nl.. fl,40 CKArTHMAK INTERIOR- DOOKB-l'uncU lt ulufk, lint lumildoil, flnvly (liil.tinl ami inai'liliio mihIciI .... . . . . . .9I.7S QOTTAOK WIND0WSVry miMl iilally w(li raucy ilratgu tuiL fl.76 up: laln ti. It 1 1 (rum . , ... ....i....... 11.60 OAHEUKNT 8AIK, 4U ut anil IU iloaLfua. tor carli ! iii frcin, .....to t 'Id In. up rruiii . ....,. ..... Hq INSIDE riHISK In ! Ilnl In a IiuikIId, nu HU.IC. HT Ml ...I..... .IOO INSIDE DOOR riNISU, nn Ma niiir,,,00a WILttAMS' "OOLD DEAL" ROOriNO l-riy, ir roll of ins '. ., fl.ts s-I'iy, ir toil ur ion f. tt , ii.bo a-i'i, r ion of iun.. il,,, ., fa, oo ASK rOR OATAL0O NO. 81 IV mII anroho mul lilii(mrywuut, Ouaiirlco luall. tluarMUiufl.aiNucllonuuuiufuuMihir)', lot ft 4UYvrii isubajviBiou,; om "Witon ", ' '$