.- W ' f IL : i"iwr - f MEDtfORD MXTh TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREQON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1912. pxnE frrmFK BUD MEM duel-what PUTS HP IN PLAN 10 CLEAN UP A Hndilnr am) wlsnr trio of sum tiling artists nnil u badly ImttitriMl nx-star of Ui n )n)KlllRtlo Drinnintint Wffl, wnndltiR tholr way mil of .Med ford today after leaving u bank roll cstltnnt'iil itiiywliuri! from $1200 to 2f)(M with M'tdford' boxing faiiH ii ful nil uncntixii Duty OioiikIU Med ford wiiit a hush town hoimlnit jcrmit bunch of rubes who know lit tit or nothing of tlin fight Kiii And pit tint othur hnml Iliiii Anderson, lightweight champion of the north west, U experiencing Din pleasure of ii decided nilviiiirii In hid stock. " it wns it himlitlftil little K"iH' hut It did not work. And here's tho way or It. For several months Ilutl Anderson )iiih Itcitti making hi wuy step hy Jttep toward tho top of tho Unlit weight hitch. Near-stars galore invo conic lit from the (loldon (Into to stop Dip youngster but one mid nil' they have rt'liirnt'd sadder nnd wiser as well an Imdly beaten, lint did, tlioy admit III tho miuny south land that Hud wuh n comer? They did not. They told of rolton slims, of lucky. punches mid (Hit. Wle Hoy fit') lliiMjr ' Now It M happened that the wro hoys heard of Ibis. Komti eitsy inouey wan their thoUKht, Ho they Intuitu! one up. 'Twa not long ufter Din framing was done thnl Franklo Kdwardu Dm local boxing Imprwiitarlo received n wire asking him to arrange a hoot between "Freddie Corhett" and llutl Anderson. Tint match wan made and In dim course of time "Freddie Cor be,l" arrived In Mi'dford nnd went Into training And still no unto ward ocuranco spoiled Die frame. Things wended tholr serene and placid course' until the night hoforo Die mill. l. Two I.lve )iip Arrive. I.lttltt irittrest had been displayed In netting circle until train No. 10 rolled In 'Monday evening. Thon off or Dm train stepped two, Strang or who quietly Inquired for thn Nash Hotel Dtey wero well posted In re- gF'US.JLllS,1". KIwrDitR map. Onco at mi) .Mftii limy conunoniou wim much iioIko upon tho coming bout odd hinted that they might hot a lit tie money on "Freddie Corbett." Yes. ihoy'd lake a chance oh "Freddie" wan a Reed boy uud they knew him by record In the nouthlund. Then came the. Medford fans In tlroveit and liovad 2 to I uoney ut tho strangers. 'Tin hinted Dint the waKern wero or Roodly alioV hut they did not noem to dlinlnln'h tho bank roll carried by the strmiRor. When Dm Mod lord fit n h, eager to put money nt S to 1 on Anderson, seemed to hedtato thn KtruiiKera bocrnn 0KKrcntve. Thny ecnred money by ndvaucliiK the oddM to 10 to 7 nnd then 10 to 8 nay ho enn o anywhnro mid mont tho bent oiivk, Thn lout wan well itttetiilud mid well worth neelnR. It wutf clean from k"B to KOUR- I'ri'ildle Anderson defeitted Yoiiiik Mcdoverii In it hIx ronlid irelmiiiiry. Yoiiiir Auderitoii had n hard time hoIvIiir IiIm mull lis MrOoVurii Heemed rontunt to simply tfiver up mid let I'rliddlo come, on, Jitt'lt pverdorf refereed In an lie ceptnblii iiiutinor and it nil times demotintrntcd hU ublllty to bundle thn bout. SPOKANE APPLE HW OPENED BPOKANIC, Wash., Nov. 1.1 "KIiir I'lp V's" royal apple Mhow Is what DioiisuiiiU of townspeople uud visitors to the national apple show nre today cuIIIiik Dm exhibit. It U estimated that 3,000,000 up pies, rnuRltiK ft oin u (Ivo carload lot to n plate coutululiiR exactly four upples are on display, Tho five carloads ore from Dm Ynkliun Val ley fruit Krowcrs association and con slst of NuwtowiiH, HpltxonberRS, Wlnesups, WMlalfers and Arknimns Hlacka nil Krown In Die Yiiklma val ley. Tim Weiiatchee Valley fruit Rrow ers ussoclntloii bus two cnrlouds In Dm display, and the number or ten box, five box and one box exhibitors Is fire titer than ever before. Tim ithow watt opened by (lover nor Hay, nsslsted hy .Mndaum Johan nn Oudskl, the noted sliiKer mid President Htruhorn or tho apple show, show, n WOMEN MAHATW mid finally, about doon Tuesday or- ferod oven monoy, ' Tim HtrupRcr I'Ucctl limn tho local fans bean a perus al 'or record books wherein Is tubu lated records of many men, And u light dawned upon thorn. It hud been a frame up alrliht, hut when thu mysterious "Freddlu Corbett" wait known to be n scrapper with a record they continued to waRor tholr coin. Tho dark horso mlRhi ho n good ono Init Anderson was bettor. "Freddlo Corbett" wns DoorRo Momslc, a man who wont 20 rounda with Joo Clans and who stayed 0 rounds with Champion Ad WolgaHt on Mnreh 17, 1011. nnd evon then was not knocked out hut who woh all In when Dm cops took a hand. And .Momslc won near tho top once. yVjio rramo-iip to grab a lot or enHy loimy ran oIour woll splendidly In fucViintll Dm tap of tho rook which sent tho hoyH nwny. Then tho plans or tlid rrameru wont sadly amiss, ' ; Aiidenon AM tho Wny It was Anderson nil Dm way. In Dm Drat, ho spent hit time lit foolltiB MemJlo out. In thu second Momslc cannV'up MtfopR and held his own but itr'tor Dint Ifc'wnu it walk away, AndorHon never (ourIU to bettor advuntnijo than ho did Tuesday ovon Jiir and cniu'q oui tipHcathod. On tho other hand ho cooly nnd steadily shipped hU man. Blunt Diuoh Mem sib wau on tho mat uud finally .in tho biRlith ii rlRht Jab to the pit or tho utomnoh put him down for tho ratal ton bwIiikh of Dm roiorooV arm. An ilorHon domoiiHtruted moro oloarly tliun over that If (tola heuton It will ho4by tho boys nt tho top o( tho pile. ''. ' llnnl HoHil for Meptslo lt'wau u badly bpaton MeniHlo thut iofttho rliiR. He wna out fought and out punched but not out gamed. )lo travolod u raiiRh uud stony roud. ' Tim two with Dm roll woro Reed losorM. They confenaod rrtnkly Dint tlioy had jiluyod with what tlioy lliURht WC8 nn nco tho halo hut vJliqn Dm card cumo up It proved tho riMi'cQ, Th6y, oh vel us MoiubIq, have atrouB pralso for Audornou and BAM-:.r, Ore., Nov. 13. Attorney flenersl Crawfbrd ruled today that the woman suffroKe amendment bo- camn effective as soon as tho polls closed on election day. This opinion Is basod on n provision or tho consti tution which saya: "Any measure rerorrcd to Dm people shall take effect and become Die law when It l "approved by a majority or all Dm votes cast there on, and not, otherwise." Whom tho election might ho so close that Dm result would not bo known until the official count wits mndo Is not considered In tho at torney general's opinion, neither does ha say by what authority ono Is to know that nn Initiative measure has passed. MA BANQIJE I OF BIBLE CLASS Tim Men's lllblo class or the Methodist episcopal church held Its second minimi bumiuet Tuesday even ing at the church tabernacle. Tim folio wing program was rendered; Music by the Hunday school or clirsjrn, Voral duet", "Tarry with M" (Nl coll), Mrs. W. M, Van Beoyoc, F. C. I'M in eo des. Meno duet, "Tho HoeDo's Danco," Mrs. C, J, Knslman, Mrs. VV, A!. Van Kcoyoc. Musln by Hominy school orchestra. "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" (Hchnecker), Mis HaxelrlgX, Mrs, Holms, Louis llennett, I. C, Kd meades. Music, Hunday school orchestra. After Dm program there was a general ri-coptlon, rollowod by Dm bun'itiet In which seventy-five mem bers participated. The (aides wero handsomely derorated with chrysan themums mid other fall Dowers and each guest was given a beautiful r,osebud for u buttonhole bouquet. A menu served by Dm ladles of Dm church wasms follews: Itoiiht Turkey with Dressing Mashed Potatoes Cnbhago Hnlad v Cranberry Banco Celery Pickles Corfee lea Cream Citke Bourn or the football critics are claiming thut Pennock, the Harvard lineman, Is All-America material. MANY EXCELLENT POSITIONS OPEN New Federal Law ConiMls Vossf Is (o Have Miut',VlrclcN Oprratont Many good posltloua aro open to young men and young women In Dm field or "Wireless" nnd commercial telegraph service Tho passage 'of tho Now Federal law, effective Octo ber 1, compelling all sea-going vcr sols to bo equipped with wireless Instruments and manned hy two com potent operators, hart created n great demand for oporntortt In tho marina wlraless service. Federal laws now require railways to uso moro opera tors than over boforo. Tho Morao Telogaph company, opposite tho Or phoum Theater, Soattlo, operates In clouo connection with wireless nnd commercial officials, and can place graduates In Reed positions, It will pay you to wrlto for full particular. After the banquet J. C. Matiu tid ed as toastmaster. Ho v. Poor of Ashland gave the Invocation. The following toasts worn given: "Welcome, Men." K, W. Jlralnerd. president, "Our Class Future," It. II. Ilon nctt, teacher. "Tim Hiuidny School'! Man." C. A. Meeker, superintendent. "Fellowship," II. A. Canaday. "Tim Coming Man," Itov. W. H. Jeffries or (J ran In Puss. "Men ami Their Work," Itov. Poor ol Ashland. Tlio men's Dlblo class or tho M. K. church was organized In January, 1010. having fifteen members, with It. II. Dennett, p'resldont; J. K. l'uslc man, vlco-presldont; E, W. Hralnord, Becrotaryr Bchttrman, treasurer; Kd 8tecp, teacher. Tho class has grown steadily and 200 men have been enrolled alnco that time. The class at present consist of 110 mem bers, with K. It. Hralnord, president; ,11. Schurman, vleo-prcaldettt; V. J'. Townsend, secretary; N. J. "Wiley, treasurer, and It. II. Bounott, teacher. WORLD GREATEST CATARRH REMEDY Just breathe llooth'a IIYOMKI for five minutes and tho penetrating an-tl-Koptlc air from Dm ICucalyptus for ests or Atpjtrlalla will soothe tho sore Catarrhal membrnno nnd give wonderful relief. Doing such nn offlclont romedy; absolutely free from harmful drugs Chits. Strang Is willing at tho mak ers' request to guarantee HYOMHI for Catarrh, Croup, Catarrhal Deaf ness, Coughs, ColdB, Soro Throat and llronchltis or money back. Tho lit tle book In oach package tells how slmplo It is to get rid of all these dis tressing diseases. Compioto . I1Y OMKI outfit Including pocket In haler. $1.00; extra bottles, CO centn at dealers ovorywhoro. DUNN INTERCEDES FOR BERT GREER Dert It, (Iniof, editor or tho Ash land Tidings loft 'Monday for Mus kogee, Oklahoma, on o business trip thut will keep, him tliero for some time, Mr. (lreur Informed friends that he libs prop-red bond which will he filed Jn cn" the grand Jury finds a true bill ugalnxt htm on the charge or criminal llbe' for which he was bound'over to appear beroro Dint body at it preliminary examin ation before 4, Justice Taylor upon complaint filed by F, h. Ton Velio. Judge O, W, Dunn spent Tiieaday ill Medford nnd made the suggestion to Col Ton Velio that Dm libel milt ftgftliiwt l-Mllor (Irenr bo dropped tin a means at uniting the communities or Dm valley In harmony. Col. Ton Velio stales that ho has no Intention or dropping tho prose cution, which wns not brought for political effect but becnuso or slan der and libel, and that the vigorous prosecution of Die case will do much to restore harmony In Dm val ley by preventing appeals to discord and libelous attacks, and make It possible for a citizen to be it can didate for ofDce without his char acter being assassinated by the press, , , Makps ri k m nomedaKing Easy aritl Profitable Royal BakincPowder Adds HealrhfuIOualHiesloiherood ThecnlyBaKingPowdermarJe jromnoyaiurape ereamoj Tartar. Urn Phphmt Mum na: '.! ST INDIES j tt. PANAMA CANAL X CralM. l4tiM WW OkUAWI fiB. . KroBprUtfJfiBi rttV, ,lu. S3. ..rnh.10 Ht--WJ,,J" ICO Powol St., Sari Francisco, Cal or local ngont, MM i.jtun y oiari aB lfJiTlWUKrM r i u rMki ; 7u , j.kjv inasnn:3.c I lir Day .alK Perfection lksMSMawl1 Si n I Hi" r Wann With a SLEEPING with the windows open is a "first aid" to health and beauty. But it makes getting up in the morning a chilly ordeal. With a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater you dress in comfort on the coldest day. A touch of a match, and the Perfection is aglow in a minute. Later, you can carry it to any other room, and breakfust, read or sew in comfort. In fact, avPerfection Heater is just as good as a fire, and much cleaner and more convenient. P,tftton, r wilf fr Jttctiptiv fl'l". STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUfMBU) 4(1 Mwk.t Sti.. S FrcUc The drunkard will have none of me. The heavy drinker says "no" when my name is mentioned. The man who craves rough strong whiskey passes me by. All this. is as it should bef- as I myself would wish it. I am nofr for them. '! Cyrus Noble W J, Van Sobuyver & Go,, General Agents, Portland, Specific JBloodPoIsoh veryeme realizes Dint this disease ia a Wood infection ol tfce MostMBif crful nature, the virus of which po tbototighty poisons tbe corptiftolwl ol Diecirciilntloti that its Kymptonis nre manifested over almost the eatira. body, IMrst comes a tiny sore or pimple, then the month ad throat ul cerate, glands in Die Krolri swell, the hair begins to fall out, kH dineWH lircale out on Die laxly, nnd even the bones nche with rheumatic fxtiM, Only a real blood purifier can have any curative effect on a blood poison so powerful as this. S. 8. S. is Die greatest of all blood purifiers; it goes into the circulation and by thoroujfhly cleansing the blood of every fsKtl cle of the Insidious virus makes a permanent and lasting cure of Specific iJiowi l'oison. II you nre suiTcring with Una discaM fl. S. S. will cure you because it will purify your blood and enrich its health-promoting corpuscles. S. S. S. is to absolutely safe and certain in its results, that every one may cure themselves at home and be assured the cure will be permanent and lasting. S. S. S. Is a purely vegetable remedy, being made entirely of roots, herbs ' antl barks, ana it will certainly cure Specific Blood Poison In all of its forms and stages. Home Treatment Hook and medical advice free to all. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COv.ATLANTA. GA REMEDY What was you sayin awhile ago, Bill, about 'sparin' the rod'." "What you cot It In for us kids for; wasn't you a kU ' once yourself?" "We get enough of the rod all right enough wllhout,, you comln' along and boostln' for It." " Ufl FRUIT MEN Hold Your Apples and Get Better Price We can store 17 cars more of fruit. Rates as follews: . 200 boxes or less 25c per box for the season. All in excess of 200 boxes 20c for the season. Season to April 1st. Medford Ice & Storage Co. fySuars OvMWK,&t - T?,5. Much of tho taste and plcasuro It. eating good food deponda on tho sugar and syrups used. Think of, the finished delight given to your mornlug meal when tho syrup used with your cakes is pleasing to your taste note that dellciousncss when yon drink well made coffee with the right kind of sugar in it. Small matters ycd but It Is just thoso small matters that make llfo a complete success or a round of annoyances. "Wo bavo studied the question we pride ourselves on our attention to details of tho kind. KvorytltliiK lit Cltolcot mid Best Fruits and Vegetables. ALLEN GROCERY CO. Who Cut Meat Prices? Who was It that gave tho people of Medford cheap meat through tho public market? Who fought tho meat trust and forced prices down through out the city? , -f( It I am forced out of business, prices will go up. jt,reople jt'tay by your friends keep meat cheap. ' , , .,, vt ov1?' I1KKF All kinds of steak , 18c l'rlino roast 18c Pot roast lUac For boiling 10c Stow toe roitK Chops ,.,:..,..... ;...t8e,nt? Roast .:,., :..:.....'.... .'..t5o SIdo ; v. , ;.,..iajio Hog Ifeads ;.........;.;.'...i.U....'8o i , ' I' V mutton ., ;. , ' Front quarter ....,10b - Hind quarter iiiafio Stow a for aae ; Chops , , .lSe . . x h buy Jackson county beor, mutton, pork and YD' '" v r, Home Phone 272-S5 ' .W i ,' ! - CROWDER Booths 11 and 12, Public Marlwt 5 &. u jvvjgZ&K&wr..Timmm r3. 1 i V K