'" I, r 1 : i . U M 1 Is. ; M i i r.yi pj i ,-rs i I 3t- I PAG1 TWO in MEDFdRD MAIL TRTBUNE, MrcDFOUlV OK1WON, WEDNESDAY, NOVUM BlfiU 10, 1012. ! '. jV'aV Pf V ii.jr! CAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. E. Wotti uf ttio Ccu tral J'olnt district are siidiuHiik u fow tjaya In Modrprd wlUt frlqmls, The tradRy Btthool InMttuto Is In nwlon, tt the Proebyterkui church. The ImrtUiitft la by nit the churchca ami Sunday Meliorate 6f Medford. In atfWorri of oxjKTt h Sunday School work .and roetnad are hers. The session this afternoon was at 2 '.30. Tlio nyc;lnK It, Is at 7:30 and all the people' ra Invited. "Phopnho. Nut Hrown Mont (the meat of wheal) a lirwtKfast cereal. Sehleffolln'a Sanitary Grocery. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Williams of Trail week are In Mcdford on a short business trip. Mrs. ItalUday-HalKht. contralto ,puiIIot .Marchcsl, (Paris). Itandogj- gar (England), qeorKO sweet, os car SAonRcr, New York, will receive pupils (or vocal culture tit residence studio, 403 Oakdale avenue, South. Thone Main 72G3 233 Mrg. Sarah W, English left Tues day evening for a visit with relatives at Seattle. For goodness sake, have R, A. Holmes, tho Insurance man write yasr ilBBurancc lie. knows howl Mr, aad Mrs, W. D Tateaons ot Sacramento. Cal.. are In MedTord for ,a short visit with friends. J. E. Evans of Waldo Is In Med ford on n mining deal. Vapor batns and sclenllflc massage ,$1.00 fpr men and women. Dr. It. J.,Lockwood, chlroprocter and norvo specialist, 203 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phone Home 145. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cox. who have beea spending the past season in Klamath county, are guests of T. E. Pottenger and family. They are on their return to California, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Knlghten of Eagle Point wero recent visitors In Med ford. S. A. Novell, ladles' tailor, 4 th floor M. F. & H. Bldg. .' Mrs. M. L. Alford visited relatives and frlends livings at Ashland Tues day. Mrs. I. L. Hamilton has returned from a trip to San Francisco. Oak and hardwood 94,59 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Hay Realty Co.. Sixth aHd Fir. John' McDonald, who Is interested In the Itboten mine with S, W. Mc-CJaBden.-JwlH-retHrnito-hls'homo Is Toronto, Cal., soon. They were lfi Mcdford Tuesday. Mrs. George Carter haa been vis iting Ashland, her former home. Mr. Loud of Hoguo River motored to Med ford Tuesday. Glasses fitted without use of drugs. Dr. Rlekert, over Kcntner'a. S.A. D.'Pnter of Portland was In Medford and Jacksonville recently, on land business. Joseph Morris of Spokane, who has extensive Interests in the Siskiyou copper belt, Is In Mcdford, en route to his mining, property. Oak and'h.ardvood $4.50 and $5.00 ,per cordjt.fGold Ray Realty Co., Sixth -and -Fir. - ftf J. C. fAltkln, and J. C. Williams of Woadvillo precinct were among the many who had business in Mcdford Tuesday. Miss Emma Warrington of Eugene is -visiting in Medford. ,I)r,-Rlekert, eyesight specialist, over 4Centucr's. 2s'a drops used. II, U. Coje, of Colestln was in Mcd ford and Jacksonville one day this kweek, looking after business affairs, Sam Stoy, tho well known Insur ance agent, was on the northbound train Tuesday evening, on his way from San Francisco to Portland. $2000.00 or fraction thereof to Jean on Improved country real ea tato at current rates. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson County Dank Uldg., Medford. " Mrs. W. R. Coleman of Jackson vllle was among her Mcdford friends Tuesday afternoon. A. S. Furry and At Hearn were up from Phoenix one day this weok.'So was Jesse Adams of Talent. Try a Vapor bath for that cold. Dr. R, J. Lockwood, Garnett-Coroy Uldg., Phono Home 145. Dr. J, F. Heddy went to Grants Pass op Tuosday. ciunlng's motor. S. C. Whltllngton of the Roguo Rlvor Valley Abstract Co., was a business nlsltor in Medford Tuos- duy (afternoon. ,1 Cliff Hnzulwood of Evans creek Is tailing his uncle, George I.uldloy of Medford, t J, Rt Flynn of Albany Is In the valley, transacting business (or the iiake,",McKall company. Wuii Nellls and linn family re turned from Arizona Tuesday and win go' to their homo on upper gue rlvor In a few days. m Uk Ui Norton., the Grants Pass at torney was In Medford and Jnrkaoiv UlHn Tuwday. He. has about, for saken tho practice of law-to engage In farming and ow'ns two ranches, located on Wlllhuna and I.uckcr creeks respectively. Tho funeral of U. K. I.oonus which was to have been hold Wednesday afternoon haa been deferred untlt Sunday In onfor that the twTo young er M)im may arrive from Illinois whore the.) hnvo been attending school. ' t U, n, Uaber of Grana PnRf, the votenin turfman, spent Tnoaday In Medford. Col. J. n. Eddy of Portland whs In Medford and Grants Pass Tuesday, oh business for the S. P. Co. , James Morcom of Jacksonville has gone to Richmond, Cal., and may lo cato there. The Knights of Pythias gave an elaborate banquet at the Nash Grill Tuesday .evening and a most enjoy able time waa had. Tho decorations were very elaborate. ' Dn R. J. Conroy has moved his office to the Hutchison & Lumsdcn building. These offices worn for merly occupied by tho commercial club. Drs. Cotfroy and Clancy have dissolved partnership. George , Dinn of Ashland was a Medford vIsRpr Tuesday, GeorKO A. Gardner, county clerk- elect, tarried In Medford Tuesday af ternoon 4"Mrs F. W. Caraahan came down from the Dlue Ledge Tuesday. Fv W. Mears made a professional visit to Ashland Tuesday. D. H. Harroll or Elliott creek Is In Mcdford for a few days. Mrs. S. E. Dunnlugton, Mrs. t. C Brown and Mrs. John Dunnlugton were over from Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon. V .Horace Pelton of Sams Valley transacted business In Mcdford Tues day. Henry Payne came down from his Roguo River ranch the forepart of tho week. Capt. R. M. Collins of the Oregon '?lArnnl f?itnt wptlt InennA $1ta tnfll company of coast artillery this even ing. Tho Medford commercial club will hold an Important meeting this even ing at the city hall. Harry Pellet of Ashland, formerly a resident of this city is moving to Mcdford again. Ha will open an automobile sales shop here. Traveling Passenger Agent Jenkins of the Southern Pacific ts in Medford on business. 7''Hr . . 4 III'S IfflflllN of i tans iv'; n 1 1 1 . 4- - .J J. E-TO-BE SHOOTS MOTHER ON TRAIN TRENTON, N J.. Nov. 13. As the result of a shooting fray aboard a Pennsylvla railroad 'train near here this, morning, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers Is dead and the police are holding her daughter Gladys IS years old, pending an Investigation. Gladys and her brother, Rappo Myers, planned a. double wedding, and moth er and. daughter were en route to New York to purchaso tho girl's trousseau. According to Miss Myers' story, her mother awakened her suddenly and tho girl,, mistaking the woman for a burglar, fired a bullet Into Mrs. Myers right lung. , The mother was rushed to a hospital here, but died shortly after her arrival. jjtb 'H , '.V hS I j WwKsAMcGowanCo. . UNDERTAKERS " pt Nil . MM MisMst . w. WMka aert AJMt Al 4m S SNNm tMX Basket Ball Begins From present itidiciitioiiH banket bull fuit( uro (!UU,K l hUC i-oniu faht gamett tliin iteiimm. The hih M'liool boy elected their ninnuser Friday and basket bull is now well under niy. They liato nlrcndy recoil cd heverul cliulli'iien, but arc not oiug into tho fray until Hiiro of victory. The boys lire fortunate in having ouo of the beht nmuteur coaches in the wj;st. Couch Jewell is un old hand in tlio (time, mid was conch of the KMkitiio nortliwt'ht winner for two year, lie is entlmsiafitie over tlio local situation, and piomineti ome xurpribCb for riv'al teams. "Pa" Corbln, the old Yale star, Is at- Now Haven, helping tho Ells through, their paces. zn too lATET0 cussi fv FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas, wood heat ers, inquire 1 17 S. Central. 200 WANTED-rTo buy, land In Jackson county, State full particulars. Box 200, cure Mall Tribune. 20(1 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. Cull upon or address niu at Hotel Medford. 1 am out of tho city a part of tho jtlmo but a letter, ad dressed to me and left at hotel will reach mo and receive attention! D, L. Dodge, 227 FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE CO acres In Utuh under JrrigUtloil, Js'oar rail rpad. D. 8. Wood, phono nS-K." ' 200 FOR RBNTr-Modora furnished rooms. Board If desired. 344 B, Xentral avenuo, 20(J "God's Cnrlnon or the Nations, A Piophetlf Picture," ws tho subject of tho sermon at tho eviutpellsUlo mooting Inst night. 'I he speaker first showed tho (oarutl rcponalbltt placed upon, tho rpm'oI ministry. Tho minister Is cpmpnred to watch man stationed upon the wall of a mty Should an enemy approach and the watenman sound nu alarm by blowing tho trumpet, any soul that refused to heed tho warning was him self rwJponslble If overtaken by the sword. If, however, tho watchman saw the danger but refused to sound the alarm, tho blood of tho peoplo would bo.rrqtilrc-d at his hand, So tho minister-that falls to warn hla flock -of God's impending Judgments will lo held 'responsible for the blood of aoulsi. Eao. 33H-3 For God will brtng no calamity upon tho world but ho will first reveal his se cret n his wervsnts, tht prophets. Amos 3.7. And those things nro re vealed to us that wo may bo obedient j to his law. Dcnu 29:29. f After showing that tho unveiling, of future events through tho pro phets Is a lovelatlon of God's char acter of Infinite lovo tha speaker, proceeded to explain tho symbols of tho seventh chapter of Daniel. The most .solemn scene In tho prophecy wag( tno Juilmcnt the result! of which Is tlui giving nf tho, domlii Ion of tho earth (from alt tlnjao pow ers and giving It to God'a oppressed pooplo with UioAHon of tnan n,ithelr klnK. l subject tonight Is "Tho Living Word." ROBERT G. SMITH NAMED TO RUN FOR REFLECTION (IIIANTS PASS. N". Kl. ltrt lions iHiuiinntinu Uolieit (?. Smith for a M'cond term s minor of Hie city of (Irniita lahH were tiled vvillt City Auditor .lohiitttuit Tiit'sduv huti nliur. They were endon-cd by 1 00 leptl vo ters or the"inumfiniity. 'IU, rt ,ulnM nutnber of sijtiiers is fifty. DEMOCRATS R OF EXTRA UJ1 ( SESSION 1MUNOKTON, NVJ.t Nov. 13. Opllilons of prominent democrats re garding the advisability of calling an extra session of congress to rodtico tho tariff wore sought bore today by President-Elect Wpodrow Wilson. Sountor-Klect Hughes and Congress man Tuttle, of Now Jersey, favor tho oxtrn session. National Committeeman King of Oregon Is expected horo this nftor noon to confer with Wilson. .iiptooRE Cough.Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Liniment gs quick relief for cough, cold, hoarseness, soro throat, croup, asthma, hay fever and bronchitis. HERTS PROOF. Mb Albert W.Piuce.of FredonU, Ku., wriirt : Wo cm Blcvin' JJnl Bient In tlie (amlly nJ ttal it n ex eIIvnt relief inrcuM ml hr lent attack. ItftotuicaiutdjurBaagueci- SLOANS LINIMENT RELIEVED SOW. THROAT. Mm. l nRicwiin,otMoJiln,F7., VTltn: " I tmucht one b.ttlo of your Liniment ami Itdfdsntial! tho poo.1 In tbe world. 31 j" throat rry ton, anj It cored moot mf troalto." GOOD FOR COLD AND ROUP. Ma. W. It. STRXync, 3721 Elrawiwd Amnn, Chl(C. III.. WTtt "A Ut tt boy nvit .kxir lukl frotr 1 (i th mother 8kn Liniment to try. Bh kt hlu thrr drop on ofrir txfora colng to txnl, ami he got up without tb croup la th roornlug." Prlcm, 25s. t SOa.$ $t00 Sloan's Trcatis on the Horse sent free. COMIC OPER IN TWO ACTS Produced by MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL luIaMflt ( Mhe "Stutlent Body; 5 ' VHAJATOmUIIM0NDAY AND TUESDAY November 18-19 Jm Special scenery liy Kluni - ajJwtue4,'madSiljy Dontic Ait tUnturtinvut - M GO-People in tlw Cnst-00 Dirvolioii nf Andrews and W'iImhi Ortli!trii of rouitcvii pioccs under Jlr. Ilnwull I(cervcd' t-cut Too nnd oOc, ohililron Uoc. Kecorvo opens nt Hnbkiu Stiturdny, Novcmlicr 10th at II n. in. JS. rfr--; SB MANN'S CENTRAL AVK. NKAR POSTOFFICE TKiirsday Specials EVJJRYilTEM A MONEY SAVER OOTTONBATTS &&& y Dr. rvTlafyWrS' Sn VV JM llr ri'V B,'on. wTI msf i . FRUIT Established 1878 Incorporated 190i ' mil' 5' .D.CROSSLEY k SONS Commission Merchant MI Franklin St., New York One SieclaJty APPLES and PEAE3 We have our own houses In XKjryOKK, UVKRrOOIi, tOXllO.N ANO,aU8GOW DlrcctjConBlgimonU solicited ome our Roguo Rlvor representative CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon OHALLIES . Jtesk qualily roi'bmror i (Ql'&UiVUrd 1 ' ' '5c' SHEETS 72x1)0 blwu'hed. (10. gnitlo. SptH'inl price, oa. 48c BED SPREADS ,l"till size, $1.25 grade, oneli, 98c OIL CLOTH Best quality, colors only a yard 19c WAISTS Made of French fltuiiid, $2.00 grade 1 flood jiuIity worth lll.Sj)ocial,aroU PILLOW OASES I2and'J5 inch; worth 18. Spotiial, each 12i2a OLOVE Women 'h (iape 0 loves, $ t .00 grade, u pair 69c , NIGHT GOWNS Afade of heavy Ouiing; 70c grade, each 59c $L48 i i NEW FIRM E. R. Peck & Co. has purchased the West Side Meat Market and are now in charge. 1'licy carry tho CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS, POULTRY, ETC. That can he had on the markot, guarantee satisfac tion and make prompt deliveries. Give ihe new firm a trial ostler., Both phones. West Side Market Write Ideas for Moving Picture Plays! You. Can Write Photo Plays and Earn $25 or More Weekly WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW ' , Tf you Jiave ideas if you can THINK we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence nec essary. Xo, "flowery language" is wanted. .The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufactur ers are "moving heaven and earth" in tlieiir,attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100 and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. . s Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of phptophtys, are located in. or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on tji0 spot, and knowing at all times just Avhat sort of phots are wanted by the producers, our .SALtftt PIORARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. , . : .We have received many letters from the big film manufacturers, such as VJTACUUPir, J3DTSOX, ESSA.NAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, RI3X, HRLTANOB, CHAMPION, COMET, MI3LIER, ETC, urging us to send photoplays to them, We want more writers and we'll gladly' feuyh ydii the secrets of success! " we are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for " , ' publication." ( Perhaps we can do the same for you. Jf you can think of only one good idea every week, and will write-it out ,as directed by UH a,lu M Hol,f for (),,'y Pn u low Pmf ' . ' ' -, I YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTH FOR SPARE.TIME WbRKi FREE Sond your namo and ad'dress at once for free copy of our illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAY WRITING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new pro fession may moan jl'or yoi and yoti future. $ " . ", ') NATIONAL AUTHOR'S INSTITUTE l ! ' 1543 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY GLOVES Women's cashmere Gloves, a pair 25c BURSONS HOSE for women; 2oc grade,jt pair ISc . MESSAUNE SILK All colors, 75c grade, a yard PETTICOATS Made of good mcssaline silk, $1.00 grade, each $1.98 COLGATE'S Talcum Powder, ti can, 12c 48c WAISTS Children's knit waists, each ioc CHILDREN'S .Fleeced Vest and Pauls, each 25c Warner's Kust-proor. ' Special, each 59c BLANKETS !Kor Hath ItoDcs. Spec ial, A pair $1.98 FREE WM. ROGERS SILVERWARE FREE niiHHtmmniiiiiuitmmiintiiintitiMu FERNS FERNS Wo have Hie finest lot of ferns over irrown in Med ford. Prices nro right. ? Cut flowers that are fresh. .Bulbs, Koso Bushes a fine line. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Phono 3241. 923 E. Main; oMmnnmwM Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DRAIN TILE STANDS ALL TESTS Examine our goods and got our prices beforo buying Elsowhore'. ' Nearly a quarter of n contury under tho samo management .i 'l -U THE . . Jackson County Bank 'Medford, Oregon It has succeeded becauso of Soundness of principle- Iconomy of mantigemont Safety of inyestmont Courte.oua and liberal treatment ,. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtor ,PreHidont G. R.Xindloy, Vice Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier H v 1