Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    -, ,
Medford Mail Tribune
WrnlliprMAV, n7 Mn.
27. Hlimvcra lonlmht.
forty. Hironil Yi'r.
tllyMitvi'iitli Vt(r.
.itV - '
SOFIA, Nov. 11. Hi-M.rl Hint
tin iiuwont plmi to limil liliH'jiii'kittM
ami iiuinni'S at CiiiiHlniitiiioiiln to
l;oi'l llio Hnlj:r troop-i out of lli oily
11 ro univcly ilinliirliiiitf nlTiciiilH Ihto.
11 in loured Hint if Hut jmwor npMm
tlm lliilpuinii i-iilry, ( IVnlimiii
will Ini 111111I1I0 to control lii troop.,
who will innirft on nltiii'lauK Hu
furt'OH of tlm ponorn.
TI10 iropon to kIvh Turkey 11
trip of tnrrilory nlonj; tlm Mintliern
roiiAt of Turldty linn lingered the
wliolo (if Hiilj,'iirin, tlio country he
lievint; Hint Hiicli nn oiiteonm to the
Hlniulo would leave Hie vietorrf no
hetter off than if lliey had not fought
til all.
Joint Ot'iiipailnii I'lnniud
I'AHIH, Nov. ll.-.lolnt no'iipii
Hon of ColiHtantinoilo hv liluejack
elH, from UritlHh, Kieneh, (lernian,
HiiHslun, Austrian and Italian war
nhipH, now l.viiic in the .Moslem liar
lior, osteiihilily for the proleetion of
foreign rottiiliintrt, hut in reality to
keep nut tlio HulKiirinii force now
HtormiiiK H10 nity, In the reported
plan of the poWurs, aeeord'uiK to te
liahlo infornialion ohtaiued here to
day. Tho Turkixli (,'overnnienl, it in
said,' litiH approved of the temporary
joint (looupnlinn.
Crar Ferilliuiud of lluliuint who
peiHoiially in leading; the axRaull on
Coiifitnntiiioplo, would hardly dare, it
i pointed nut, nttempt the occupa
tion of the city if Hindi a movo weiv
nppiiHod hy Hie hluejaeketri lauded hy
Hie powiU'H. Tho IiuhIIiik of foreign
forecH, it is helhivod lierc, will kooii
bo lirdurcd.
ICvcn ItiiNslii 1'nvoi Movo
Kven ltuMHln.admitb that perman
out oenupaHon of CouHlautiuopIn in
not (loHiral)lo, Ozur NjclmlaH of Huh
hIii now fuvoi'H Ihu move, realizing
that ouefl (ho HiiIkiu-x take Ihu city,
it will ho extremely diffieult to din.
lodtfo thorn,
Huports of n Chrlrtliitn initHHaoru
in f'oiiHtantiiioplu Saturday nro not
oreditod here. JateHt denpaleheH nay
Hie Kovurumunt h disarming tho
)ouilauo,hut tlm fact that KukUhIi
and Anunieai) iohIiIoiiIh Are entrench
ed at KoliQrt college, un Aiaorican in
Gtilutioiij in uoiiBldurud Hiualfiumit,
HHBaalilllllllllllllllllllllr jMtr Sr t JHUbI illllliHillBiHw fllffHb'kiH v ? ' 4 ku a j -, wg i iBBiB'illHlHlilllflllllPr"9H4r.rdit?l' HUlllllllllillllllllllllllH
illlHiiillllllllllllllllllV SvjbvFt'-v' .njT''iHH illlllilllllllillBHF BuiiK v ?ir . i' iiiBiLSw M JBf iiiK -. '9Bti :".BiillilllllllllllllllllllllllH
I 7 T(w7. w r avm P H P) J"illidm Ouizer in jus ifome. (- ,-mJKmP Kk. , JflHHKyflByMf
fotK MtvALo K I. " 'JV Pcftlc C? I 4 , mii " " mBL XCrpt j t-I n, cf tJK.iiffliMWrmn
etNuiCAri: .. X" -' - el T . l JsJ 1 neodore Joo3eveli. M .J i,
DuLbAKo rKUIVI WIIH AKIV1Y IU mr JflBunk, $J,ra nMi i mc nw ncrcATcn uucu
I Joint Occupation ly Blue Jackets Is Heir to Throne Confers With Emuer- BMHIHPyll
jf' Mi .HiiiiuiriiMaiiitr rn tiiiiniiii uiiuiiiu vvxt wuhhu-h iniiiiutMiuv -t .HiuiUTvyih ,;7wrnMma a.. . I'lnH . .
1 !$ to Control Troops If Opposed- Advance Int. Servian Territory Is BJMHHBBBKiCTjBB Suicide by FMng Revolver Into
Turkey Approves of Move. Rumored. I Mouth-Leaves Note That Strug-
Pxesiden-t Taf-t. f- ge S Not Worth While.
y Hope Is to Prevent Seizure hy Balkan Unconditional Surrender of Constan- !Lwo22.LrK,s cw,Na-
::r wm"" Dc Hnr" ,o r Dt"""BI or sul,a" uy bryan asserts' socialists in
IllfDA I'BST, Nov. 1!. Arch
Diiko Kraut Kenllnniid, heir tn tlm
throne of Aimtrln ltnimnry, arrived
hero tmlny from Vlounn ami lield.n
hurried coimnltntloii with Hmperor
Knuix JoHof. The war Hltmitloa Ih
ri'K'iriU'ri iib jtravc.
VIKNXA, Nov. II. Ah a roMiilt of
tlm Hilda Pent conferenro today be
tween ICmpuror Kruiu Jouof, ami tho
Arch I)ul;o Prun Fortllniind tho
wildcat rumorri aro IiuIiik circulated
hero concerning tlm protinoct of nil
Imniedlatu AiiHtrluii ntlvnuco Into
.Servian territory.
After IiIh uudlouco to Krnuz For
illmtml tho munornr today rocolved
I'reiddoiit Uuuoff of tho HulKiirliui
parliament, who U omlenvorliiK to
incillatu between Austria add Servla.
LONDON. Nov. 1 1. JuHt what
niuwer tlm Ilalkan uIIIoh- made to
Turkcy'H roipicat for ponco tcrniK In
not known. Ah flKhtliiK In In pro- today along tho Tehatnljn
forlH, It Ih hellovod tho allloH. do
mamled tho uucomlltloual aurronUor
of ConHttintlnople,
Niulm Pasha, commanding tho do
fenderM of tho MoHlem capital, Ih
not scrlotiHly roHHtlng tho HulKiirlan
attack, evidently hollovlni; tho rail of
CoiiHtuiillnopIo Ih certain,
More HattlCNlilpN I'uhh
Tho llUHulan liattlouhlp HostUluv, the
llrltUh armored cruluor llampahlro
and tho AuHtrliiu scout Bhlp Admiral
Bputtii, piiHucd through tho Oarda
iioIIoh today, tlm Port having grnntod
permlHHlou for tho puBHlng of a hoc
ond waruhlp of eaoli of tho powers,
Tno admittance of tliene additional
vohhoIh means that tho Sultan fours
1111 uiitl-Clirlatlan upilslng noon.
uunouneud today that tho United
StatoH Hiipremo court would tuko 11
reeesH from Novemher 18 to Decem
ber 2. Today wan tlm fourth "do
oiHiou day" of ho fall tenn, No
opluloiifi wore auiiDiineod 011 tlio tin
tluaclto coal Inmt and tlm railroad
rate oiihoh, whloh aro under oonftid
oration hy the court.
& a h a v h a ma m & k
riuuiLooiLo 111 HuoiniH ncruoi i
WASHl.NOTO.V, Nov. 1 1 Un
route to Miami, Florida, where ho
Intends to spend tho wlntor, William
J. llrynn Ih hero today visiting his
Hon, William. Ho will remain In
Washington several days to confer
with democratic lead era hero.
"ProgroRHlve democrats will con
trol tho next congresH," said IJryan,
In anlntervlow. "Every democratic
senator and representative olocted
last Tuesday stood upon tho Haiti
more platform, and thorn Is no rea
Bon to liellovo they will repudiate
tlm platform. Tho stamp of pro
grenHlvolmu was put on tho demo
cratic party at llaltlmoro while It
wiih whlto hot."
Askod If ho thought tho democra
tic majority were not too largo and
unwieldy, the Commoner said:
"I would rather havo n surplus
than a deficit to do business with."
NF.W OHLKANS, I.u., Nov. 11.
Ninelcen pvittoiiH were killed and fif
ty four others, mostly women and
children wero injured in 11 rear end
collision at Mnuchno near hero today,
Thirteen persons wero killed out
right, tix later dying nt tho Charity
hospital here.
Tho dead include seven whito per
sons, tho test being negroes. Tho no
oidoul, it is sniil, was caused by n
misunderstanding of orders. Tho ox
ouibion train hud stopped at u tank
for water, when up express freight
train, running fifty miles an hour,
crushed into tho rear end. Three of
tho oxcursion coaches were telescop
ed, tho onino grinding thirteen per
hoiiB to pieces. Tho injured include
ehjhluon women and twenty children.
OKKflOtf, MONIMV, XOVKMHIW 1!, 1912.
VIKNXA, Nov. 11. Social demo
crats conducted n jjivat nnli-war
demonstration throughout tho pro
iuecs of Austria and lutiKiiry, nrj;
i'iik tho to hamper any mili
tary num'incnl nnil tn Miihmit ki
Hively tii capture if they are milled
out ns part iif the nmiy. They ile
clarc that Hunivinds of workmen in
ltitsMu will net ia the Mime way if
tho two powers como to blows.
Military men are moit indignant
hero today at Servia presuming to
defy Austria's warning not to pro
ceed further inl Albania and tn keep
her luiiulri off Durnzzo, the Adriatic
port which both 'tk-.iro,
lteports that Kaglaud has ipiietly
mobilized her fleet have nNn nrtmcd
tho wnr party, ami it is believed that
only (lonnany's influence is prevent
iiig Austria proceeding to nj:groMve
WASHINGTON", Nov. 11. Aboli
tion of the court of commerca and n
change in the political complexion of
tho interstate commerce commission
will bo important results of tho elec
tion, it was pointed out today by
Iraffiu experts hero.
Tho death knell of the commerce
court was sounded with tho democra
tic, landslide. Democrats will also
control the interstate commission
within two years.
Tlm life of tho commerce court is
now limited hy net of congress to
March -i next. This court, tlio pot
project of l'rcsiilent Tnft, is bitterly
opposed by doinoerntiij lenders,
SALK.M, Ore., Nov. 11. The state
railroad eonimisfion has notified the
larger carriers in tho ht.ite that tlm
Medford traflie bureau rate bill has
apparently carried and if so, it is in
force, ninl that the carriers arc liable
to a penalty for every shipment they
make not in conformity with the
rates proscribed by the law.
"1 don't care to discuss the merits
of the bill," said Clyde B. Aitchison,
state railroad commissioner, "be
caiiM (hat feature is now entirely
closed by the affirmative vote of tho
people. Tho commission expects to
enforce tho lnv in case tho carriers,
do not voluntarily comply with its
provisions. It is manifestly impossi
ble for them to line up their rates in
stantaneously ns tho bill affects the
entire traffic Mructnro of the state.
Tho curriers have promised to inform
us as promptly as possible what lino
of policy they decide upon."
Declaring himself one of. the threo
bandits who held up the Shasta
Limited Friday at Dolta, Cab, n youth
giving the namo of Qoorgo Malno Is
hold by tho police hero today for
further Investigation,
Malno walked Into tho po'.lco sta
tion and gave an accurate descrip
tion of tho holdup, Raying ho es
caped on horseback to Davis. His
companion, Maine states, Is hiding
near Sacramento.
Tho third bandit, killed by Uruko
man YoaUum, has beon identified by
a minor, Oscar Hicks, as 1 Martinez.
Hicks deolurod ho know the doad
bandit in Maricopa, Mexico,
Federal Prosecution Blamed by His
Friends Others Say Brooded Over
Wife's Death.
GIKAItD. Kan., Nov. 11. "The
struggle under the competitive sys
tem is not worth while. Let It pass."
This note was found here today in
tho home of Julius A. Wayland, own
er jpf the "Appeal to Reason." a so
cialist publication, who ended his
Hfo hero yesterday by firing a revol
ver into his mouth. The note was
in Wayland's handwriting.
Friends here believe that federal
prosecution of Wayland and Fred
Warren, editor of the publication,
and of E. L. Phlfer, an editorial
writer, prompted the action of Way
land. The threo men were to have
been arraigned at Fort Scott today
on charges of sending obscene mat
ter through tho malls.
The "Appeal to Reason" went to
press yesterday Just before Wayland
killed himself, and contained an al
leged exposure of a plot to wreck
tho paper. This included an al
leged affidavit by A. W. Lovejoy,
declaring the department of justice
bad authorized him to secure evi
dence against tho publication, but to
manufacture evidence, If necessary.
Tho article alleged tho government
hoped to indict Eugene V. Debs,
Wayland, Warren and IMilfor. It
also assorted that the Los Angeles
Times planned to dovoto one edition
exclusively to charges against tho
"Appeal to Reason" and to distri
bute It throughout the country.
Other frlonds say that Wayland
brooded continually ovor tho death
of his wife, who was killed tn nn j
automobile accident a year ago, and
that this moy havo had something to
do with tho sulcido.
ROCHESTER, N. Y Nov. 11,
With every btnto in the union repre
sented, tho nuuiiiil convention of tlm
Ainoriciiu Federation of Labor, was
called tn order hero today by Presi
dent Samuel Qompers. This morn
ing's session was devoted to formal
addresses of welcome and responses.
Tho repot ts of President flompers,
Socretary Frank Morrison and others,
will ho read to tho convention this
NO. 100.
Administratis FaHs t;JMi-Ma-
sure and Will Resign ami AjiJHMfJhB
Country Cause Likely Lost In Pa
litical Turmoil Following.
Defeat Comes on Question of Provid
ing Funds for Ireland's Defic
iency. LONDON. Nov. 11. Although de
feated on a division in the House of
Commons today In an opposition
proposition that Imperial aid to Ire
land's finances should be limited to
S 12,000.000. Liberal leaders an
nounced this evening that the gov
ernment will not resign.
They contended that the vote was
not truly representative but was a
"snap" division engineered by the
anti-home rulers.
Notwithstanding the announce
ment, however, it is the concensusof '
opinion that their loss of prestige
will forco the cabinet to reslgu.
LONDON, Nov. 11. Tho liberal
administration was defeated today in
the ho u so of commons by a vote of
22S to 20tt on tho ftuanclal clause In
the Irish homo rule bill, if the
usual course is followed, the ad
ministration will resign, appeal lo
the country and it goneral election
Unless this election results In a
victory for the liberals, home . rule
will be lost. If tho cabinet rcslcnH.
It means an entirely fresh start will
bo taken in tho new parllamout.
Tho house of commons adjournod
amid great excitement."
Tho voto of defeat for the govern
ment camo on a question offered by
Sir Frederick Uanbory, conservative,
providing that in case Ireland was
unable to support Itself by locul tax
ation and was forced to ohIc the as
sistance of the Imperial treasury the
amount of relief should ho limited to
Premier AsquUh said this amount
was too stuml, and that J30.000.000
might be needed.
PORTLAND, Nov. l A wedding
of intorest which took place at Hotel
Oregon Saturday wn Hint of H. A.
Jurgowitz and Miss Katheryu R.
Shook, daughter of Mr, and .Mrs. I. V,
Shook, of Ashland, Or. Miss Rose
Patterson was bridesmaid ami C, H,
Williams noted as best man, Mr.
Jurgcwitz is malinger for the flood
year Tire & Rubber cowiwny, of tkw
city, After a shoU wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. JurfeMwiU will wmU Uir
home in Portland.