- (C'f'r ('it'll '! "( f , ', r I Should Worry 3mDF0nD MATL TnTBTTNTC, MF,PT7QUT), OttKCJON, ttA'rUTTDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1012, PAGE 8EVT0H By Winsor McCay yt II i ink iu .liTvr luvi! mis lioM- PIE jlCKK (Ml III Br.Nc ( Ann cup ilk VAWay n?on it -- f i ' &f J i.aam. Ltttlllllllllllllk'"' II - - - - I I .. I - ' BANK EXPLOSION '' DUE ID BOMB frv Mirrrro! ic 'fllir YOUR IMINON MERl v 'nils mrt 'OLE- IIEY Mi&irt? ' c n mi i i. Ull I WW li I '' " II " ' W. "I1"' ' J H'f"1. "J1'"' '. I " "L': . n i ii 'i i i .i I,,. ... i 'mmwrn mss x w i7r7r;' mPWrzt WKffiWfixtt et intra KMirW C: OLD MAN' tBfflHCR, N i.J GEE' HE'S 1 ITOU LEFT IwilMljy V&Jw-JssBI PffJ&ISIEMiy .THIS 6UM0LC Y vffi ni mop , B Jbeihmd' HEY! turns V WM ' "v KW y mJ HJJLU '"'V V -iiiw-. tVY ' ? ' NouicAfd JUL 1 r J Sc: i Miyjpiyw - WELL I ) pftWT WANT IT SUV TES. I'LL GET ON THIS CAR AMD TAKE A JOY H IDC CPT Hit ci-r.iifr.vl oui. mi. Oi.KMI.Kl AND enjoy T SlGHT-i AMD OE WfU9&JWE II Yi '" fc-. f HUM' I IAN0-k'M. ED IT ALL PSMfta-s TaI K right; nai .n J? AW I .-i j"p "' SrWnraas V J ' WHAT DO YOU JCNOW ABOUT THIS (Cuiilmtii'il from I'hsu Hi.x.) HAI.I3M. Ore. Nov. . Tim ontlro viy U Mtlrroil iiji toiluy um llm roitult til dm flmllnuK of th" i.oronnr'H In-tii'Ht-, wlilnli uKmtH iilroiiKl)' Unit tlio nixjilfuloii In tlio liollnr of (lit Snivm IVmlt umt TriiHt , Coinimny. i-uiihiiMJ llii) ilotilh t thrmi i(Moii, wuk lin to ilyiniiitttn or nltruly'tr nio.. : Sf. i:. Hlarldiy nml I. A Nllrliy. I'lutluml diiRliii'tirn, itmtlarH (hat a IIIHMt iiXilol(UI or tilt holler c'dlllil i:ot littVn iiiiinikI til" itii)itaK nttiill Iiik from thin jinrth'tiltir vaiuiitroilu. Tim fnnl Hint it iiimtur, docliirliiK' tint bulliltiiK to lio unfair to orKfin- Uitit Inlmr, niUH'itrtnl I(iiikhI(Io tho cropu on tho hunk tloor u f"v luy after llm cxiilonlon, Iiiim drawn Inlmr dlrulu Into llm affair. Tito Cult t ml l.tthor roiinoll, how over,. rtlroiiKly ropiullntoil tho pontor ut tlm tlmo of IU ainmriinro. MUMIinit 77 Vkii ur In K'vn llm In latldil of III" luttil f liHriiiimV, alrio ulvw I lif iiwtiin of llti' inMllliillim - nil liiKlllii linn Him i iniw ilmir niairii iliun itnv iiiln-r III UlllM(lU tlM IHUrtltUtl MlllMtllllll (if lllH li'-iin of llilt vHllcy iunl r KiMillnril (.ri'ijiill. T.'ic n.mtdii (if 1912-13 in tint hinHl iriHiif riiim tn It h I'urwr They tvonli puiini uml (ifKHii. vii, vliilln und vlolrt. vltillnocllK. iniiitlral Miny uml lln'iirv, cliirlliil hIk (lull, lirnxH liiMlrn liiciitw. ImiiiJu. iiiHiiiiiillu, uullur, inilnry uml ilnuiHiilc ttrl. Crorx'li. llrniHii nml HtNHiilnli Iiiiikii'iki'M. nml phyKlitd mil Into. HvIiihiI rtiim wlnlwr Mint fiiiiiili)f. Willi lllC t'X4.'tlIUII (if tl.rllll VUt'NtlltllM. V.iii mImmiIiI luirn nil hIhhiI tlllK dllOll. Illtn Hh iiiHiix unit liicntlnii. Mtflturtl Coimervulorjf far Muito nnU Zmijruireat 31 M. Ura. NDMUnS 70 -What IK the ii.imik ami iifflo- nil'lri'ui- (if Hi-' mueimfiil 'i'lnl Idt in . ., i i himi' unit IIiI'ihI ff' IHHiT !(' U Ih-uIihI in n Mry Ii.iiiiI ntiinc will 1 1' or rix'iim on Hi- h.'iiiinl flngr if ii litm Mint lii'iil-fli liiilhlliiH Willi an niny I'livulur, In I In' linirt nf I hi' IiiiiiIiib UlMlrlitl. 1 1 Im Hiht-i-HM in I In' in iiiHm hi iioiinn nun CITATION. Ill llm county court of tho ntato of OruKuu, iu nml for JiiuIcmoii county, Oronii. In tlm tunttiir of tlm otnto of Anna HtophoiiH (forumrly Aiinii llrlorj, (le- I'llUKUll. .1. M. KtiMihoiiH, niliiilnlMtrutor, vx. Kntlf HtirUur. HiiInIu IIuImiI, IMIth Mnynanl, roNlilnntK of lulta, I'ratl county, KnimiiH; Clara Hi lor, Acncn llrlor, Ornco llrlur nml Carl Urlor, rt'dldtintH of HwikK JiiuIihoii coiinly, Oruimii; nil of unit iKirxoim IiuIuk nuliM or mild fHtutu; Cliirn llrlor. an Kiiurdltin of wild Akikw ltrlor. Oraru llrler und Curl llrlor. milium, and nil oilier pcrNou cIiiIiiiIiik or linvliiK nu Intorout tlmndn. To Kutln I Inciter, Hindu HoInoI, Kdltli .Mnyutird, lesldontM of liititi, I'nitl iniitity, Kan.: CJlnra llrhr, Ak nun llrler, (irnro llrlor and Curl Ilrler rcBldeiitti of IteaKln. Jncltaoii county, OreKou. all of Hold )iirK0tii helnx lielrM of Maid owtate: Clara llrlor. an Kiinrdliiii of nald Aitniti Drier. Cracc llrlor and Curl Ilrler. iitluorH, nml daily nowxpnimr puhlUhfil and of Koimntl rlriMilntloii in the city, at least tun days . htifore llm datu of unit! nieetliitf. Tlm forosoinK ordlnnncc wa pniiHCd by tlm city council of tlm city of .Miidford, Or'jKon. on tho oIkIUIi day or .N'ovombor, lOli.'. by tlm following vete: Wntt, nj'oj, Mltcfmll, aye; Cnmphfdl, nyos Jimorlck, nyo; aiim mervllle, nyo, and Millar, nyo. Approved .N'ovifmher 8, 1U1L'. 'J. K. WAIT, Attuitt: Acjliin .Mayor. K. T Fowl, Cliy It'Tordcr. L WILL TIRE OF BALLOT LOS A.NOUhUS Cn., Nov. :. -IIIh timtimiiro John Fnrlny, head or tho Itoiuaii Catholic Cliincli In Amer ica nml pnrty nro hero today. Tlmy ylll rmunlu In I -ok Amu-lim until Ttmmlny, thou ko tmwt froin Imro. Aakfil hy t woiiian ropnrtnr what ho thoiicht of miial Hiiftrmm, tho cnrdlunl uxpriMoied tho opinion that tlm homo, vrna llm right pfayo for tlm woman. "It In my htllnf.M he Mnld, "hut tho wUh may Im tut her to tlm thotiKht, that women will noon tiro or tho bal lot Iu tliu mate In which tlioy have Nocurod It, an tlmy tiro or it fimhltin, uml that It will full lulu a ittnto of InnocuoiiH ileHiietuilo." NURSE GEIS $17,283 X- h,o7,..t til.,, ,,uih rnvumtiiH 'ou,.;m il ntl'fr iinuiin IiuvIiik or clalniliiB in, im DriiiiHt in mii wen ii-'Kii'ii cir- Clfll HH Iwlnit tile IIIMHllT llf lIllM IllOfe- hIimi JIIh pmntitx, hart- cxirmlH over it SAN J08I2, Cal.. Nov. fl.- After dolllmratiiti; nIx lioiirK, it jury Imro a warded it verdict of $17,2S:i dnni ui:oh to MIkb IUIidI TowiihuiiiI, a trained nurno, In hor Hull uiiuIiihI Or. K. A. (lllopollo, Dr. Marl; Hop l;hm mid Dr, K. V. Tliouinn hecuiimi of nu lituurahlo third iIoki'co X-ray hum, .which uho received In llm oporatliu; room or n local Hiiultarliiui. Tho Injury wn rccolvod throo yoara ni;o nml tlm cimo Iiiih houirln tlm local courtn over hIiicu. NOTK'U. Not leu l hcrohy r.lvon that tlm iimlorHlKimd will npiily nl tlm regular iiiiiutliu; or tlm city council Novom hor ID, lDl'J, for a llcoiiso to null beer and mult proilunlH only In iiuautltlcii of not Ichh than twulvo couiiiioii quart huor Imttlca or Itn equivalent to tho coiiHitimir rrom 101) V Hth nt rent for n porlotl of hIx moiitliH, 1JUIUTY llOTTI,INtl ft BUUlMiY CO. . Dntutl Nov. 8tli, 1012. " Notlco to llm Pulille. Tho puhllc In lmrohy uotlfltid that tho uiidoiHliiimd, F. Klutior, linn pur tihmiotl and In now In p(iiiOHHloit of und mnuiir.liu: tho Uc Thontor, lot nattnl on Wuut Main iitrcot, Mottfonl, Oro. Tlm foroiuouio owners of unld theator nro to pay nil nutatuiidliik? bllln liiourrcd jirlor to my tnldiii; poii hohhIou, No IiIIIm I noil nod after UiIh duto will 1)0 paid iidIohh huiiio uro or dnroil oro lucurrotl by tlm tintlor ullinod, ' , Dntutl thin 7tli tiny of Kovotnbor, MUD. FIIWI) BINniOlt, Ownnr and innnnKor oC llm Ujjo Tho i ntor, Medford, Oro, . IhtIimI or mvii i'rt. ami hlo cllnnti'h' riehn Into iimny er th lit fMmlll r tin- Millry (llVti IiIk iiiiiih- ami ml lrm. Or. O. U. nattniUr, 910 Oarnctt-Corty mar. KUMDKtt 79 -tliMul nioiti-rii. wtnltiiry iiimllMR If iiim nf I In' Milium Hint Iiuh dull" hi lllllrll to in,lllllti' iiiliilirim It ml i'iimIi'IiIiiii ni in Hip Imiiiii- tircilcr in- ftvt IlilN tx'vli miuli. In lilumhliltf Until ii any ether hruncli of tlin tuillitliiR 1 1 ml' n ll,-r, In it firm of iilumln-i I hm On i In' ,rr livnl nlillllhlim H.ilUliU'K nf llii'lr wnrlt nmv t nwii In lit,' lintel Mi.lf.'iil nu. I in ui'nrly nil the prllii'llial IiiiIIiIIiikm of Hi" ll'. Tlivy lut ii u Imii 'it laiie.ttlnu Willi tiuotlier IndilKtry that (..rvruiu urn n Mllli iiliiintiliiK. Inlt In iiim iitmanre liny ur fteimrwl,' Whnt In llu Inline nml itjilrtwiri tif tlilh pluiillillut it'intmnyT Mtdfonl Plumblur Co., 40 S. Ctatral. HUHSDH 0OInmintijCi"tlmt Inmirrn Unit im tin, elifvf iiim In Hri In u cor Inlu well Itiuiwn nfflei- en the NCrnml flour uf MhIii Ktivt'l. It Iiuh lii'im li'M t tin n it hunilrnl veHiM Minor tliln nrno Him eiwniil lt.ir, ivnl u number nf KkmI rue Iiimiiiu'- -tiiti of them In tin, N'ew rk t'mlerwriiprH. llw rur nlHlii'N ult Idniltt uf liimiiuiice. I liitilltl . HCi'lih'nl. iiuliiiitoiille ulnii fiirnlKlii'M ImnilH for ult itiniMK There In no U'ller imihIiiI iiiNviruiitv limn In the city unit 0ti'r iInUh htv wife Willi him lie limkeN l( Mm tiiiNliieNN to mhi Ituit yen lire iiihiIp uf' (Use lilrt liitmu uml ml itrpHM. . 9. Btln, S Stewrtrt Block. TtUtmSR 01 t" IhlN liiliuher you lire to ulv Ihe imnie uml Imvatlmi nf u well liniiwn itrrNinki r Aiiit lallri' lull or who luwi hr imrlorH lit a iirnmlmml hiilldlhK on f"nli finer She hnN heeii ilr, KHtiiHltluK Mett-rHl ymirn In thN cltv tlin la ni ytitr nu tier own nt'veiint. nml the ImlleH kii her huy nil (he time Ami mIii, iii'nr fulls to iilei iivr uiuny ihttroiut. 8 lie In hIwuvm rcinly In i;lv her tiedlNlltiK'e nil Itliy eetiiiiie. nml wilt I n he pleiiNlire III ulvlnir oll her bli'iiH Hhe him tim) many ttrH exiuir lenre tintli In ileelKlllilK alnl I'Xi'CUllllK. nml hwr price uro nlwuyn renHunulile. linvliiK told yen mii much there will he no iiiicHlion iitmiit your illNciitcrlnit llm liletilll The lilac Im very iiIono In llm ctty'n ceitler Mn, M. S. Mytra, M. r.fc H. nidjr. MUMnnit naVhn In the limit to nro when you Imve an hlen In y.inr Insul nltniir heme niece nf furniture veil want limiler He In the hiiniUeitt unto Iu Ore- any lutercet thurolu In tho nitino or tlm State or Oro con, and by order or tho nbvo en titled court, mndo and entered on tlm 25th day of October. WVi, you and oncli or you uro Imroby cltod and required to appear on Friday, tho nth day or December, IU2, at tho hour or 10 o'clocli In tho forenoon or unld day at tho court room or unld court In tho court Iioiiku at Jackson vllln, OreKon, ami kIiow cihiko why an order or unld court nhotild not bo mndo for mild ndntliilntrntor to noil ut-private anlo to the IiIkIichI and boat bidder for caalt Iu band, or on audi loruia an tuny bu approved, etili Jcct to tho confirmation ot tut Id roiirt, nil rlKht. tttlo mid Intercut of anltl tut la to in und .to tho following iluxcrlbod roal proier:y, Hltuat.?d In Jncltaon county, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho aouthenHt ottarlcr of acctlon SO, lownahlp 34, Bouth or rniii,o -. wcat of tho Wlllamotto Meridian, all iiuti'd in Jnclmon county, OroKon. WIlnesH tho Ilouorablo J. It. Noll, Indue or tliu nbovo entitled court Villi tho Ki'itl or aaltl court hereto nrrixod this until day of Octot-or, A. .. una. (Hri,M W. It. COI.KMAN, CotMty Qlork. lly .. Ooputy. Flral publication Octohor 'Jiith, .'.12. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: Ono cent per word por insertion; 50c the line by the month. von UICNT UOAltn AM) HOOMS J UOOM AND IIOAKU At "TyrrcMV jot a. central. zu yon iiKxr nuosEa FOU UUNT Oat our rental list. Medford Ilcalty ft Improvuincnt Co. ' FOU ItK.NT Furnlahcd 0 room cot J tiiKo modorn, CIS King St. 1 FOR RENT- Furnished houao close In. GO North Orange. i FOR RENT Modorn five-room house. M. A. Radr, at M. P. & H. Co. FOR HAM5 MISCELLANKOUS FOR BAU: lf0 tons of hay ami pasture, Hclkcy ranch, Applcsato 1. ()., I). A. Wood. 133 FOR BALE 1912 5 oaasonger an tomobllo nlmont new. Uargaln for cash, liox 80, Tribune. FOR BALE Reclcnncd seed wheat, rye, oats, vetch. Schmidt Feed store, Medford. FOR SALE Jersey cow KtVliiK milk, inquire 110 V. Eleventh. FOR SALE Thorough-bred brown Leghorn spring pulletta and year old hens, $9.00 per doz. S. J. Norman, box -t'i2 iJedford. 1S3 FOR BALE Fancy Club seed wheat, beardless barley, icood grain and alfalfn hay, barley straw, all baled at Kegnr ranch, 3 miles west ot Medford. 202 FOR SALE flood second band fur niture cheap, at 737 West Clark street. Must be sold at once. 199 r'OR SALE Eight placer claims located lu Josephine county. Five gooa water rights, 1100 feet 11 Inch pipe. No. 3 (Jlant. Cnll at Mooro Hotel any time alter G:30 in evening. F. C. Clariln. 200 FOR SALE One H. 1. gxsollne engine complete with pump. Jack, batteries, etc., ready to run. Phono 807-F-12. 13S FOR SALE Corn. Clancy. Inquire Dr. FOR SALE Plga all kinds, "W. E. Rryson, Griffin creek. 19S ORDINANCE NO. 7UI. All ordinance, providing for tho construction of 8 inch Intorul newer nlong tho alley through block u I OrlKlunl Townalto from (Irapo atroet to Holly street and for tho nbaesa mutit or tlm cost thereof on tho pro perty directly bonotlted thoroby and adjacent thereto, und providing n uieutlug or tlm council to consider protcstH against nald couatructlou and ttAKeaHiiioni nml the nerving or tho owners or such property with notice theroor. Tho city or Medrord doth ordain ua follews: Qeellllll 1 It la till! llllnllllnn nf Ki'li at mililiiKlMiiuklnir He will hHi.i. pouticll In ciiihii a. litoril Kmvnr yell lu etimpli'le ymir tlt'Hlim Hinl then i l,w cotllltll to CJIISO a iator.il suwor FOR RENT 10 room house, rear ot Farmers A 'Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Cold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir Bts. FOR SALE 2 II. P. gasoline en gine, west or Snyder's dairy. West Main street. John Gilbert. zuu FOR RENT All tho down stnlra or houso block from Hotel Hol land. Call at 129 O'rape street. FOR RENT Ono r, room modorn. One 4 room modern, partly fur nished house, luqulro 714 W. Palm St. 212 FOR RENT--C room house and barn. Inquire S03 Clark street. 201 FOR RENT Fim.VlSIITClJ ROOMS! 'OR SALE llelglan Hares. Rreed er or high grade Kufus Red Bel gians, ono mllo north or Talent ou tho county road. Stock ror" sale, right price. T. F. Smith, Talent, Ore., Phone 374-J-2. FOR SALE Mission grapes. 1 cent a pound. Geary ranch, phone 13 7.. 203 FOR RENT Lntsn sleeping room, $1.50 and J2 cor week. Modorn housekeeping apartments, $15 and ! ?1G. Home p&ono 2CC-K. 22 South Holly. FOR RENT ll'KMKHKl) AITS. FOR RE,NT Smith Aola. S17 8. RlT. mitkii II fur yen itt a very miilernte price. Hit linn liell HelVlnu the people lii tliu lino fur fmi i' vi-arH. He luot it fill,) equipment that keep prelly Iiiihv nil the lllile (I mill time In tell Iiim uliiiui that t'hrlNiimiN preHent ymi witnt innilo rlRhl now liffurn tlm mMi cuuion mi He In lienilqtiiirierN fur Nlure ami off Ire fixtuu'H nml .MIknIuu furniture of every ill Hoilplliiii. (live IiIn iiamu ami lllhttVNH. E. (I. Trowbridge, Mlislon rurnitura Works, 10 H. Uolly, HUHHEE 03 - What" IN the llllllie C till,' Uf Hie HIlfCHl Itlltl milttt pKlkTt'MlllVe nml nt the Nitme time tim uf llm yuintK- I'Ml lullIlN III IlilN Nl'l'tlOll of tho Hllltl'T Th ii euplliil NlecK In KiO.OiiO.oii. The tnllil ii'MUiiii'iM nf til Ih haiili have iiuHruil tho :U0.1HIU.U(I mink. ItH ui'iiwtll Iiuh lieell Nlelllll. UinllT ri'Hellt lliniLlKellU'ttt. ittie hir;elN In UN ivputiitiuii fur atreiiKth nullilltv uml eoiiMorvulUiu, uml hum ex perience nr tin. imtiiiiKfiuenl, nml I he fact that ItH pormnuil inturcMt In the welfare uf Uh iIi'PUkIIoih umt ItH lit cllmithiti ami uhlllly to exleml tn llielit nt all timeN every piuiicr luinliiiiK tie cemiiioilalluii Iiuh niuile of Ilium flloiiilH an well im OIleiilM rnrmoric it l'riilttfrowra nnuk. WOMEN TO CELEBRATE SUFFRAGE VICTOR TONIGHT BuffraKotloH, Joyful In their vic tory nt tho polls Tuesday, will cole brnlo tonight with it banquet nt tlm Hotel Mod Cord. At tho buiiio tlmo their pltttoi' workotH for ballot equal ity throughout tho laud will fount and rojolco Iu practically every city In tho laud, Now York wonioit Will hold it moiiHlor imrndo utt ono fent u ro. Atlotriioy Clnronco Uoiuiiqb, Joint rtipronontatlvo-olect; Colonol Ton Voile, county Jutlgo-oloct M. W, Kolly, inosociitor-oloct; AugitHt Slng lor, HlmrUf'ulont) Onorgo Putiiiun mid hthui'H will bo pioaent, Atttir noy HoiuuoH will net an tonstiunatui'. Mosbi'h. ReaiueH, Kolly and Ton Velio luivo been uotlvo In espousing tho chum) ot Hiiffrago In thla county, Tho platen will bu 1 uauh. to bo constructed along tho alley through block fit Original Townalto from Grape atreot to Holly street mul to iianepa tlm coat thereof upon tho property directly bunoflted thereby und adjacent thereto. Suction 2. Tho council will hear mid consider any proteata tigulnst wild construction ami tho assessing ot an Id property for the cost thereof nt a meeting of tho council to bo held November l!Mh, 1UI2, nt 7:30 o'clock p. in., In the council chamber lu said city, mid nil property owitoru or property adjacent to aald sower mid benefited thereby nro hereby culled upon to appear before aald council at aald time mul place, ami show cause, It tiny tlmy linvo, why said construction should not ho mndo mid the cost thereof so nu aeased. Section II, Tho city rocordor Is Imroby directed to aorvo notlco there of upon the property owners ufore Hitld, by causing three copies ot this ordinance to bo posted In three pub lic places In said city, und said or dinance to ho published ouco In it NEW TODAY Jiistfono proposition today. Hero la your chitnco to farm, and farm right. 200 ncres six miles uotitli ot Kla math Falls, hulldltigH and fences. Half now tin dor Irrigation ditch. Tho rest flno hitch grass pnsturo, Tho plnco rulHCH prUo wheat this your, and only $(iri,00 per aero. $2000.00 cash will limulln it, nml party would tnkn aoum more of the lrlco lu Medford liroporty. C. D. HOON Room 1-, Juckaou County llauk Htdg. 1' OR llli N T MODSKRKKPINO ROOMS FOR RENT A suite or rour or two nicely rurnlshed housekeeping rooms, plumbod, Jlghted, lower rioor. 729 West 11 th. FOR RENT A jnlto ot four or two nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, plumbed, lighted, low er floor. 730 West nth St. FOR REN r Furnished hoiisekeep- Ing rooms, modern, 103 S. Oak dale. I'.i'J FOR SALE- Flno leather couch. cost 5G5.00 sell ror $30.00. 85 4 . Eust Ninth street. 19S FOR SALE Heavy farm team, wagon and harness. 919 South Peach street, south of 11th st. Phono 7401. 19S FOR SALE Cord and tier wood In black onk, Laurel and Fir F. Ossonbruggc, 401 Riverside Ave.. South. Phono 1941. 222 UELV WANTED FILIAL WANTED A first class house to houso lady canvasser, city work. Good money to hustler, give ad dress and phone. Hox 102, care Mall Tribune. 19S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE i room nuae and lot, $C00.00. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir, tf FOR SALE Equity In a good house with large lot 82x150, houso has six rooms, pantry, bath, etc., large front and side porches, outhouses, store house, stable, wood houso and chicken hptisc. Como nee R and save agent's commission. Dal lanco on easy terms. Street will bo paved next Spring. If you want a bargain como to 401 King street. FOR SALE OK liXCHANGB UUSI.VEKS DIRECTORY TMnriM. DR. W. M. VAN HCOYOO DR. O. C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnett-Corey bldg., suite SIC, Medford, Oregon, noth Pbonea. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANB Dentist. Office in Rlnlto bldg., 123 E- Mnln. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 6S1. NIfht , phone 4432. Garbage FOR SALE OR TItADE 1 holler return flue, IS h. p. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p., In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore., or call on Chris Ul rlch, Jacksonville. 209 GARBAGE Oct jour premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 62C1. V T. Allen. Xotarr TubUc FOll EACDAXOft FOR EXCHANGE Improved ranch tributary to Medford for proper ty In Los Airgelos or vicinity. Ad dress 7C, care Mall Tribune. 202 MONEY TO LOAX. MONEY TO LOAN On city proper ty and close In ranch property. C. A. Knight, 801 East Main. 20C MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS1. MONEY TO tOAN" On 30 or CO days time. One to five hundred dollars. Address Uox W. C, care Mall Tflbune. 19S I1USINES3 UrvtCCTOttY AccoHntaata HELEN N. TOCKET notary Pub He. Drfng your -work to mo at the slen of Thn Mall Trlniinw ISurrrU- QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guaranteo everything put oat. "We are not In tho trust H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, la. side entrance next to barber shop. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job ofRce In southern Oregon; book binding. loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir at. Physicians and Burgeons D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phone U302. Attorney C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postotfice bldg. DRS. CONP.OY & CLANCY Phyal clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg.. rooms 210-21 1-213,-Offlce phono 601.. residence phone C12. Office hour 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. 41C-417 Garnett-Cor-ey Bldg., phono 27S-1C. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS rhyalctaa and sur geon. Ofrice Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-13-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109. offlco 130. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY ft CHERRY (R. P. MUL-H KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building, Medford, Ore. Civil Engineer WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Plowing or team work. 919 S. Peach, south of 11th St. Phone 7401. 198 WANTED MWCELIiANKOOS FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comrortablo oN flco rooms with elevator sorvlce, Htoum boat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo ft Hdw. Co. FOR RENT AUSqKVt.AT'KOUfl FOR KENT Ranches large and small,- alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co,,' Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percontago. Qold Ray Realty Co. . FOR HE-NT Good barn, 3 stalls and buggy shed. Largo lot and witter. 023 Central nvontio N. 198 FOR BALT UAW1I FOR SALE ISO ncro stock much nt $35 por ncro. I hnvo renter now for 10 years nt $500 a year, cash rout. $8,Q0O down mul bal ance In 3 years. Tonus to suit huyor. Stook, Imploinonts, house hold goods, etc.. goes with place. 1. C. 1)., euro Mali TriWHiio, 198 FOR SALE Honipstontl relinquish nioiit, 3 miles from Jacksonville. Improvements, Address A. 11., euro Mull Trllium'. 202 tX)R NALh-ACUKAG FOR SALE Ranches,, ncro tracts, towu proporty, irom- $r por ncro, upwards on (i aud'lO yoara time. Gold Hay Realty Co., Gth nnd Fir. iT' . WANTED Roof leak? I repair loaklng roofs, rain or ahlne. Phono 112-R. W. II. Smith. 221 WANTED Turkeys and a good milk cow. J. H. Lyons, Phoe WANTED Canadian prairie land In exchange lor well located ranch In thla valley. What huvo you? Box 7C, care Mall Tribune 199 WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro perty worth $12,000. Box 495, Medford. WANTED Confinement cases to nurso, no objoctlon to light house work. Prlco reasonable. Mrs. E. Nnhss, 140 S. Holly, phono 2GG-X. 210 WANTED Sowing by tho day or at homo. Will do mending, darning or hemstitching. 319 S. Ivy. Phono 28G-K. 205 WANTED To oxchmigQ n desirable lot In Central Point ono . block from pavemont tor u light ranch team. Address Box S3, Coutral Point, Oro. 198 WANTED To lot contract to cloar .10 or 12 acroa ot land. A. E Hull, box 55, H. F, D. No. 1, Med ford, 202 WANTED To rent. Furnished houao for winter by couplo without children. Address Box 45, cam Mall Tribune. 199 WANTED To purehusq .clieap sub, stmitlul ono'horso spring wagon, Address 322 en St 12th St., or call nt Stall 10 Public Murkut. F. M. Lamlvum, Mudfoid, Ore, 200 LOUIS W. WHITING ctrll Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Orecon Rill Posters VERNE T. CANON Ulu roster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to disease of women. OfHcea over Hasklna Drug 8tore. Offlco Phenes: M. moi, tendant. Rcsldenco phone Main C712, ofHco Home 145. DR. J. J. EMME.NS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes aclen tltlcaily teste! and glasses supplied. Orflco 238 E. Main St. Hours 8:30 a, ro. to 8 p. m. Doth phones. E B. PICKEL, M. b Office Jack son County Bank. Offlee phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 682. Chiropractor Ult. A. U. UEDGRC. lit. Louise ti. Hedges, Mechnuo-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplats. These feyHtotns, Including dtotetlcs, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Burtlott street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to S p. ui. Other hours by ap polntmout. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 aarnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Home 145-K, Mala 7973. DR. MARION Physician and Sur geon, Stewart Bldg., corner Main nnd Bartlett. office phone, 271; houso phono, 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to Chronic Diseases. OfHco Hotel Holland, Wednesday,, 10-3. Both phones. Residence pbenea: Farmer 10xx5 Eaglo Point and Rogue River Hue. HERMANN F. RATTb, K. D. Ofi flco over Medford National Bank. Office phono 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M, D., Prac4 tlce limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyea scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor.' Both Phones, Medford, Ore. Chinese- Medicines QTTOAV YOTJNG'S Ohtneao medlcTuea will euro rhoumatlsm, catarrh, colds, golttiro, throat and lung trouble, deafuoss, paralysis, prlvute diseases and all kinds ot chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, ludlgostlon, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front at, Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phoua Main 42. - Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO,--Ceo. W Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors aud maum facturora ot brick; dealers in pressed brick aud lliuo. Office at their brick yard, West Jackuon st Pliouo No. 34U1. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Phyal-, clan and Surgeon. Office tnim block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Pitcltlo 1101, DR. R, W. CLANCY Physician and Surgeon. Phono, office, 501; real donee, 7241. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Stenographer ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGH CO. Orrico 10 South Fir. Phone Bell 3162; Home 3C0-K. Prlww right. Servlco guaranteed, Undertakers JOHN A. PERlr-r-UaderxaKer sad Bmbalmor. Office 28 South Bart lett at. Telephone; Day, Bell 471; night, realdenae, Ball 479 Homel79-L. Calls answered nigs or day. Ambulance aarvlee, ..! I , 1 ,( c. (' c