tagtc srx: araprottp matl tkttwti), medfout), QKKfloyr, Saturday, NovTOTraft n, 1012. C Wli&t Do You Know About This? , Till) XVIN.NKIt.S J ' None of tlioso xxho ninxxcred the IcnoxxIctiKti competition ttuemlons, Woiix right In every Instance. Tho j AWnnN nrn nlluxx'ed to tlioso xxlin niisxtcrcd newest correct in the or der of correct lies. ! Tho ImjM jnttsirrin xxnt nmuo !' Mr, .loo r retry, ROT South Holly St., ; noil to licr the flnt nrlro N nxxitrded. Ttio x Inner, In order, nre: Mr, i .loo Deny, ."507 S. Holly, Miss Alloon ' Perl, JKtl Apple? Sirs. M. .1. Vllclier. wa w. i-itii; m. m. a, asw i:. Mnin. .1 J 'I onn wool THE PRIZES Tuition Piano Lessons, once a , Bedford Conservatory for iIusic vv and Languages 1 month Tuition Medford Business College t .dozen largo Photos, Alaokoy Studio ..$16.00 .$12.50 $10.00 1 gold mounted Moss .Agate, Bean's Lapidary $10.C0 NUMBER 1 What I the name f llio ptnro ill Medfonl xihleh hat In use 46. 000 square feet of floor surface? Then. In no store that approaches It In slo tills side of Portland or Sacramento. There In no mora on the Pacific const son gootit for lost price lour NUMBER 10 When you are ready to get thai "biixs xx'agoti" lions Is no es tablishment Hull will Interest you xerx-Rrentlx- Tliej hnxo liecn selling cars. Here for oxr (o yw nnil they con point to a. satisfied cttttomrr xxherexcr thoy luix'o will, They havo a garaRc iiio onict one in me cur. ami thex carry a full lino of automobile supplies, and do flrtt-clat repair xrortc uotleo xve wilil "Hrst-class." They nro cxelu slve agents for two 'noil known ma- th.it sells goorit for lost nrlce liAllftA OH 1A Tll t ritiM.l t,ftitut f lrfYt tfasl. iiuuou mv tojMioiivxi ttviv . t . ii. i ii it i ----- ------ .. .. --" lar to garret, nom Kitchen to parior. v-ium-s me " ",l,ep i wmen 101 nii economically na If you xvero a retl- i low consecutively in alphabetical rota dent of any tjf the largo cities of the 'low. The are possibly tho best mi const. TIicjni am three floor nnd n . fhlnet In their class. Give tho names I'i .m-.- .i...'lil.iuiu-, III:., inline Ol IlUK KtTMBEn 20 There t Just one itr-i-er More iiv toxxn xxliere ou will flml Hill Hres.' most excellent coffee In hull. 1 lmlK them lit hulk xou nl XX' x BOW the cost of the iMekiige The.x runce in nrleo from 30 to to eents the OounO Tills isrocery ston tiwk. t miecl.ilty of cofrees unil twin mul kuhi nnliH's nlmultite iktlifHoll)ii to nil U luiiron.i. They carry full line of Kr cerlns nmi mole .lellcoclen mul have n ( tlllH llllllhtl 0llli(1 IH llllder COVel N'nlMm, t left ,m he OlllHl.te 10 l Xurpeil Olid Wenlheiltrtleil win o ou huv lumber lure ou R ' H nn mneolli mitt oh iilinnh to, wlien ' xvim liiniiiifive- i turi'il Till It i I vol m thvl In XiiHtlx oWreelil.tl liy imulirtf' l rtlul Hlimihl I lie i)uvi. I.lt ei ,.,eiv one xxlio Iiuvm 1 liimlr They linx'e ex-nlhlnir In tut I line of hUlUllint iiui.rlrt'i nl thlM xiimI- tttth, ilonrn. lull! work "lllnt. Mine, OliiHler, rHiflnK--the wi'v I'luee In town xlicn Uulierolil ruofiiut i oo snle Tlieiv re tiling ititxexxiiy t iihk ).nl XV lux t Is the lliXine mul iuitH Mtilfonl Xuuvbtr Co.. 3nl mitt Sxor irru. UtrMJJKR ai Whiil lo x'ou know nhoiit fhlitiprooUi), for the eur 'of nil klmlK of tllieitei? it It a form of lieBl Iiir thill In mhkitiK mplil mrdles. mul It Ni.-iiuin every one in WUiu i" inuiiiinrim' vliexe mix one fmm Woiry nhoiil lluil imit of Hie new luillle 01 the new hlix iichh hullilliiK When It eoiiteH o el alli en I xvurk IIiIn enniimiiy l ilnht lieie llll Ihe unoilH, I'.eiy klml of eleelrlenl liminlliitlun Ih Hkllinilly linmtleil The eomiMiiy wiih formeil wllliin tho iiHeiit yerti', hill thex uie It. ell hl HeNilill yeniM XVImt in the tmino nmi nihil ihn uf tho louiiuinx Bouthuru Orffon lllctrlcixl ft Hcnt mi Co., n:) N. urn vs. MUMDUn 43 Tim ml iniiler III Me.l f ii id tliult a fiulifnl fleiil I'm ihiIiiiiiiik Is In line trade" that wnehet 'ihe remioe" InillV of ' ,""'' l,ffljJ,,,p XWVl:Vr llZl'XkZ the eltv HM.l then tnniu X'nii lll liviik1"0"" tissue No dnlB" "f klllxet tn for UieVln 'vuln'on "aui, itW The . J'elv Coi.i.uHuilo.w and rkaiulimlloui l.iufii.kMiit V.II fNll ..r ...lAn niiimltnn .IIkc luir.iwn. nmi furniture There company, and the location. nre scores of excluslx-o lines. H.-re nre '. Ck Motor Car .Co. 1uk( a. r.w in fnnlil vrai lo make vutv. Bartlctt. ItrldRc ft nench and Quick Meal ranKess - ., ,, aiono.Wernlckn lllftstie book cases nmi irOMBER 11 fll'.ntf enhliietn. Ln Ilrnt,' luillllK. XorR.. It has "XVliat ts tho niuno of the company? Vtatora rnraltnra t Kardwar Co. lot S. -Thlt is n sheet metal not been runnlni; nulln t hundred years hut the pcoplo behind the "shears, nro Just at eomctent as If thei liait had a century's experience XTTMBER 5 There nro Just two' They make eycrythtnir in tin. copper. c1scm of proccrs. On anls to set brass, sine and sheet Iron. "HverythlnK" 3-lch qulckhii sells tho cheap brands i Incjn.le cornices, skyllchts. rpoflnu. Kt of Roods. Th other Is not In such a lTTlnK- tanks, sheet metal windows, etc. . .-. ..I.' i..nw i-aivi.?i iii iiui jiir iin,L(iiiir They ore acents for a, number of Reed nnum is one of S letters nod the street number Is comtioted of 2 flutires luxt nllke XX'Imt It Ihe name md address? C. r. Krlbi A Co., 33 K. Or.xp. hi. Jt? ri.?fn" Ti.r...r.Vi. ir ori 500!l name mul address? It will help ou n to Jill vo fS2i.i Tinr ..'i'tiJK Ulea?r' Ulu, to kow ,,uU l'oy handle the lloek .VLii.l i.?iUi,n,"WS..,.nf'Sn,lUdn 1 "? . lrtni?tt mid other t:o. co.l "nd w.hi I hOHlInc subject This company is nai is not i s,i t no rir. Transfer St Stora Co., 1G S, liurrv h sells tho best brand nmi leaves the question of profit to the X'ol ximo of sales. This storo beloiiKS Htriclly to tho latter class. It bcpin n,.(Hf mil f filiMre itf.u C VMlrHf Brfi 3t In whero you find that excellent ' enmnrrd In . nlumblns Mii.i..ii.n n.,., wi.li. n.iiir- nmi iimnv name ami auaress? ., ...... tl ,t . r ...i.im.d i Mrdfnnl Sliett M1 X?nrV jis c r.n.1 u.iic-r ii.vnur , im i . -"" t -, 1 SUKBEB 22 When xmi mil n feie iimrni it 1. 1 ii cerv Uiut SStaZ'' I "'drl P'unks Into an automobile It Is fflAiTnM lkery' WWOBrK UUi,,d, land. land, every- " njrtt.lo tWwto look out for Its SoXibUS A eVokles?eand V-' hm bock to tho land The man xM.o JJJ SVoKh?" c.T ?-$u?VLXX.? trv of nil kinds alxvftys fresh. nloayse' a Kowl Inwttment In laud is sure "iTM " l.!VV,e "'l.Tr. "1. lm. J.u&i '.'': very temptlnc to tho aprxttte. XVhnt is " reap proriu The free lands nro all ilm "VTskt leii K, i iw.r, ?. h nam n,,.Y ini.irM. of thi store? Kone. nnd everywhere you will notice ;rem unsKllleil worktneii---ls tiefore ou Allen Qroccry Co., 30-io s. central. KTTMBKS 31 The.x do not moxe ex'erythinir. but tliex moxe anxthluK ttml Is loose nt one end t- refer to n nrnmlnent transfer rumiuinx that lias Ifwti 10 rears In the "llilekesl of the flf-hf ' TIimv 1i9t.. S wni'imit riilllm- .0... . ... f ..... ....n ..r,.(..n . ii iiiiiiiiiiKi. iiuirini. nroutm on the streets an the time. All t,.u m,u nil about It lb his been busy you nave io no is lo pp'ss tne button or I In ihU shop slnco last March What is iii'k .iiv i'iivmii- u-i .!. in" ivjii, i nev iiis name uno iitniret- iiiHKe pYmiii in miKKUtre. noilPeuoni coods. pl.ino.M. safet and heavy xvork Titer hare safe slormte. AX'hot Is the llllllM'lf xxlth lis tnts It xli Mdx'aneeil thoiisfet and mnity W tlenlH are bclm? li.,n..fliti .1 ilnllv br lis implication Tills elix has an nhM ivpn seitlntlxo of Ulilropiucile nmi Me- , rhniiii Thetitpy. Yon sre to Rlxe his 'name and locution. Ill office Is on 1 the i; round floor, und l i blv itstlntmt bx his wife The srtetiee is bused on it coiroot knotvlitlKn of the nerxes. It nil- JtiNln oil displacements and allows the are mis me free. Or. A. S. Xttdtres, 33Q X. Uartlatt. KUMnr.R 33 XvTi.' Ii the place hi Medrottl lo net n nex Ik I" spin mound xxlth In our miirmiehlir or eivrrlittfe" The tdaee xxhero the nmki it spi-elnlt) of thin xxorlt. mid xxhete lhx know hoxv to do It light. I)nt luiiHls, OiilltlHild IlKhts, side ourtnlnt, slorm liprous. cushion and Inoks m smelltx In trimmltiK deslriHl, A-0, the in.in he'll ire uiuonu the letlued muj milllliini houti'S oi tin- elix nun siitieuniiim: eouuitv XVImt It Hie unnte mid iiillixs of thin sloiX" nhteli Is Ihe lenilor In ml woods mul uitiHllo iiloltnn rmmliiK? t'oittlim ritilsliitiXH soon liellei hrlun; nut Ihiti now iileiiiin Unit moils fiamlini nmi IllIXe ItuhlUe liefoi. I hi llsh It on. hll- itnlliiK Itn In lux rrtily In time lleie win bti roumi ari Kds und nilint sup- l teS. p.lllltt, ViiU puiier mul (i Mtoek of luniitii.- -sniun or me nest initKos in Ani'.rlett. koIk on Verx etsx letiits The Art Store, U2V W. Mixlu. MUMltKH 13 Tliht'iiumbvt' lepriHelilM n luriTliaiil lullnl In Meilfniil u Inv In uulv buslneHs heiv t eurs iiko ll eaiiles Ihe UuiteM lino of woolen fnbrli'M lo be foiiml betxxeen Portland itml Haiumiietiio Xou not onlv have a lurm line In select front here hut xou have Hie skill of on. of Ihe best IhIIiii In the slate ill ynui Ctiiumnitri The onlx thine, old fashioned slHiut him Is his desire Iii ulte evrr iiinu full xsliti' f.ii his niimey Your null If in id br him xlll nnsuer us a ItoMpoit Into HreKoii's best oolet Hi will brltin out the Miles of v om Imllvld imllly and put xuu on n rooiliiK xviih the hem ilrestetl men Ip the country Half tlon Intters in his name, tllxe niinio siid inhlress W. W. lfrt, 303 W. Malli. ii. r. Acklty, 31 if. nartlitu KOTSfflER 33 "Vho i the leader Hi xxnod X'.'iirklnir of cxerx di'seriplliiu o fur us it relates In vrli'rl. s Ho Is u I xxiiKon-uinker xxho Ikim been II ers . serxlnij the iHHipIo of this valley Id mush noes nn rxtctiMve business ns o I Jobber In MiiKim-mnKtr't suppllea. He J builtlt Macohs and curr1 in.- In ordrr. tu II ima p t Tl.ln iitimliAi. VA..r.Ar,tix ,t nttlnn.nlilln tmrnm whirl. hooAlile 1L ( tC that land alues are crreplnp upxxants. I ln tnl!' number. It Is CO bv 100. no Here Is n man xrho Is maklmr n specialty "r. machine and .repclr shop tielon 1 1 mta and exchanj o? all' klndi , "' SK ? ''"' hrlcK soil cement stuff that xxlll not burn. UIHO litllldt itutomob He liixKl'S urn wheels mid does .riMlr xxurk of all klutls. Ho Is no expert on rubber tire work. The lust too or three ywtrs hss yeeu iv ureot oxnaitNlon In Ids bimln. ss. and he uotx has nn tutlabllshinent that Is luo'xerv complete. U tll l be .1 firm, it it now oxxucti uy one man nun spells ins nume iK'KinniiiK "' " letier rtKlii In Hit middle of th alphabet. Qlxe niwnm Tim firing Tdiw intaifin.. in S af yrTC8!v,?,UrndCII The i 1' to'offVr'ToTho'fo xxei.V.e? ' fe l " 1'UJ1 lA" T ftavftlftvaMta I 111. . ftt" VVXJIII 111! I- " It " coo.1 luck. IiIhvs. They hox-e complete files In their nr. m motiv nnlnln In flit, fnx'nt- flf tlllK i aOOrOSS nutnmobllc that but few people xxho In- Bianttt Invutineat Co, 103 W. Main.. jroKBJt 33 XVhnt Is the name ami I -veBtlRato hesltato to decide in Its favor J -... , Z7 location or tne oldest and largest ali- Theru has been moro machines or this i ,, uapSR 13 Before your icaxe at, struct and title ctnutKiny In Jackson inako sold In Mcdford this year than "'!? "me Is a tiakerj'-'he one that county This xxeil knotru Institution nil other makes combined. Tho new ,l" "ini.Kowti ureau. just jiko motner ' i iwrnnns awnv unci in me enrix 3U13 model ccsslti' and conx'enlcnoe, tiargain in the auto xrorl son, utx'o tho namo or also the namo of the miii. i.iu ntiin i iiuuii.-k. 1 . .. i -.. - -. ... .. i-,.,a ( - .. ---- ....., ':". , ' ..., OTCrlana. C E. QatCS. las S. Btver- I ". wvr is proo. inni mo DaKinr; nas , ii. i uey mrnimi nuximciH nmi cer-i -frtiiTrrit nn ivi,,-. i. tiii ,.,' unit .J1 , ., w . ..,.. I much In .. ilfh II. ..i.nll... nk. n... ilflerllivt l.rv nnmnllv Tl. .r..l.r. I JUJWBI. 35 XX Uttr IS IIUX Ill'W UPO !.T. ".,"":" Vi" W'.V."' .." '""i"". '. .; .-.w .... -.. .-., .modern nnrniri. with Ihe machinist III ' ' .. Thln I. .n ...a l.l.., ,.1w.. i.. .,... -i... tnPfl nt ll v.u.v.1 ......I . . .. 1 .. w..., . IU . .,. .i. i. --, ---- -- -- -. - - ... .... v. . ------ - -----.-. . -.-. . .. - - ' IU11TIUTI1.. Ill ir d for this sea-,u' an" means, but It Is one that liasje.stnte titles sjnee tho history of titles ;.y,y ',,.,,' '" mm iiiauiiiiu', :----"- ;,;', "V.""",""'- "" "'.' r .... "i "" ".." .'" ;' unit niblri'Ht? UctUord asrent, I"'""- urrau it uaseu out or Hour . seurcne.i u imo inr you u is certain ' HeSmMt' m .j,..,. Am- i, . i.t,.,.' ,i,v iuv iimiiphi .mi nil ii. o ,i.,i. Bcamiai a as XX riRlit ' shoo a sluw tliut has no su (wrier for .use. riurahliltx and slle He lias other sho.s. Ihe cream of the A tiler, lean market. There r- shoe here for the xi hole family, and nunc where these came from. They xxlll h urrlvliiK al- l iml exery day You xxill find them ice. siyi. sine, lexiure nun tvlall. Xtiat Is tho name K. CBtrl. anntCBJlR Hero Is noted a firm of from l bakery are superior. Their ' loncett name of anyboily In Hie county. ' f.'I",'' ',, ,,n?J tnuvtMni uoei ixronil implement dealers that beKan lUnB J Knn earrles them tc .every part of the . ami It Is spelled with onlv 5 bitters , ", rpmaUn"y er. YybtT knous Imdements In this city xvhllc Grovcr ' f ' , ven- day. and If yon xvant to Kel Helnir a laxyyer he serves tho coed pur- Jj,'," 1,1, ,rri! risht hlh Cleveland xvas still president. Indeed, " t"Ch with kimmI quality Just rlnrr'pose of both tho company and Its m- vou ar xx oml" rtna xtUt . the inntlVir tho family namo in this business rocs l'o Phnne or hall tho w?ko3. They vxlfi i tronR .....' 1 I Tool ihe larK.u itiirott" In loxxii back thtxi years further. Every kind "70 oxv nice they can 1m. to you. Thoy Jaekica County Alutract Co, rir and ",Ii t "(V ' of tAHrmi S ft? of a tool tho farmer or the orchardlst also hax u dellcatsen. xvlth choice ap-i Cth. "".nlr xxorlt It lKnll of brkk nnd may need will bo found at this 1. twtlxers on sal every lay. What la the , cement SllxTf., He lit ottjWnKont Vvjr implement' store. tf-therouls anythlnc ""S.?!"1, i,dJc?7 . . .. . . WITMBrR 2 Where Is It that xou anv ntitoiiiobltn. hut ktsln ivisltlf.n tb iulP AninftXtf at It- i111 nltvova Ka cim.ii on exhlblllon at this Klnre. It Is the S. Central. Hloro that sells tho John Deem line of implements, tho International Jlarxesler, mrKBSR 14 Who un U10 ieople v . a jiurxcKiijii; inacninerj', inn uonn-iiu Aiufiir now in Hie cienninr; line In lecm und Velio Wroiiirht-Iron huircles. It will not Ira hard for ou to solxo this number. ;ivo the name and address. Snbbard Bros, 33S X. Vain. cQioru aaxtrj- ana uaucxtesiea, t-el the IhI cup of coffee In town" It is not the largest reslaumnt In t.mu hut It is one of the most popular. It is 'ho same nluco Hint they make Hmre fine hot cakes There ar 6 tables apd Aunsiia s iicrc ure a tew cjciw-ii filve features that will lead you to this ' t larRo dry roo!s and general store. 1a t'orto XX'oolen Jlllls Dress Roods, Thomp koo'a Glove-nttlng corsets. Acorn waists, Butterick patterns. American la(ly and American Gentleman shoes, and so on down the line. It Is the oili est dry Reed storo in town. Has been selllnR morcbandlFO to the people of this city und alley for !0 years or more They also carry a full line of groceries and table supplies. They liaxo a large country trade as xvell as a larse city trade. They allow no one to undersell them, and It has lone been known that they sell the best merchandise. What la thd name and address of this firm? Satchlson & iumiden, 213 K. Main. this cltX? Tliev aru sunitarv nleiniert mid pretser. clesih exerjthliiK except dirty linen and bud churacter and fish. tTo tho latest dry, or French process, send for and dellve-. und cuurantce sat isfaction. Thev also do ilynlne. It Is the plncc where they clean your hat Just like new Your head la lite most nli. serx-ed part of your body for goodness sake have a cleun hat They hax'o hats for sale. They hax'e been here but thre months and they are makini; sood. What Is tho nume und address? Medford Cleaalnr & Dye Works, 140 IT. rroat. NUMBER 0 Did you ever nullce the Iiarnllel that runs alone -. Iietxx-ecn coimI. banitary plumbing' and -onnublal LIImh und luppy family traditluna If you xvant to ax-old tho divorce court Ret Kood plurnbiiiR. Hero Js a plumber nh iipeclnllzes on "quality plumblnR." That is his xtatchnord. IJo l-aOH tho quea Hon of heutlnR, of sheet metal xxurk und titiniuir, etc., all to thu other fel low. Hit puts in his whole tliii.i at plumblnR "quality iilumlilns" Ho has been enipliauUlnR tills Ifno In Medfqril for .two years past. Ho did tho work lti the Holland Hotel, mul In scores of other mod buildings and nlrn renhh.nrns Ho docs flno repair work. When In KrlndliiR plunt tlio only one Ix-tu 1-11 KITMBSS 15 Hero Is one of the lead ins KTOcery stores a store that has been saving the llx-es of many people In Mtd ford for nearly S years saving tho llvas by selling them first-class fancy and slaple groceries und table supplies I lour and feed go atone with tlio gro eerle. Jt Is tjie stor that hits the t'pper Crust flour und Monoixno coffees. You may look ex'erywhere ami find no bolter quality The name; or this gto cery Is a frv short one. There n r threo people m tii firm ami txxo of them spell the name Just nllke only fix o., letters. What Is the namo and tildrers Touts Co, 337 E. Main. NUMBER 10 iV)io Is tie scietilifio eyesight sH'iallst of Medforif Tili has reference, as ou have imtIiojis al ready divined, to the piost comnletc opti cal parlor south of Portland The fqulp ment Is the latest and mosr up to iliile in bw llrri xxill m ioiiiki H CiiiI.mIi t-lxe his natrnns ImpUrllal Infonnnlion You are to glx'o thexnuinu and Inenllon of this garago. 1 Pacific lritrhway Oirize, 27 s. xuu-ltt. 11 long lunch counter. They serx-e short ordrs al all times At noi they hoxej irUMBOn 3C Who Is II" Insiiranei dinner a dinner that would troint the . exiu-rt of Mcilfortir And where Is Iris most discriminating epicure The ! - of fleet j.,, 1IH jn nWH.ttted xvllh Ilghtful home cooking prevolts bn- ir the IH-Ofile or this elt' and x alley. In you hnx-e not been In to sample It. It Is this oupacitx, fur severul ears. He time jou xxere doing so Quick lunch Is 1 represents of the best fir.- companies the feature that domlnalet here It It doing bmtlneMK In America, such as the the only restaurant on this street Give Aetna, the Itoxal Ihe Liverpool. London the nnmn and address. A name that 1 mul Globe, Home. Hartford and others sounds like Csllfornla's erlx- dnrs "MlJBfIon Btitanrant, 30 S. Central. irouuiij a ring at Ids tihone xxlll bring , i'ortland and Sacruim mo. The ver ItiHlant rullof. Whut is Ills namo und best tf-Mt of your eyes nre made and address? Van R. Picrton, 39 K. Grape, NtTMnzR 7- Who locution of U. n Ui the tNibb:tn cuast :w Of lhj iidsS' in.Uliie T.HV" ' s the name and ut thai goes to , t ' li it- one t'.ll . , one s III ij.I'is vriili thu Mb I leu of inn ami Hi r- .. a luneh t-HIIIlJiT it.u 1 JiSjr JO,. I'.llg, fucod t xnlKhtv ! u ns t" lit and a oirvor t' aid ynn 'u,iltlng your liuri'lilly r-xuile lojlet -"J. e are Hi (join f"reilo ehali im.lt y 0 lunch count er unu U.r. -i if n'fMly all In usi- x'siievluljy ut mi n.,. Tho 'IlmierM they scrvq hero ure Eomuthlng to tall uliQut. And they aro being talked about. And tho talk Is ull praise of thu Iilelit-Ht xort. Tills restaurant lias not been running lunger than a hun dred urs. if xou try it onco you'll "como again." Manhattan Cafe, IB K. -Trout. KTITMBBB 8 It is a fact that you can tell a good liveryman tho first time, you drive out In one of his rigs There Ih ulxxuyH oomcthliig to glxu the "slip. Hhod iuiiii uxvay J.efore you huxe gone a city block. Tho liverymen In Medford who mak good ure who? They havs been associated with this clly since It Xviih a vllluKe, und they aro practical men who undciulund every pIiuho of the livery bUBlnoas. Thoy knoxv the liUHlncss from cleaning htalU to burnish "K buKBltH, Uxery thing about the "runch" is constantly under Inspection They have tho best rigs any kind you want. Wttliin a few days they xilll liovo mads ehanRcs that xvlll baffle you to Identify them, but It will be tho sumo old story in bvtter form. Glxo numu and niUlrc.su Mash Livery, 33 front. MUM8ER 0 This number Is to rep resent tlio lurgciu grocery storo In thu pity, It was vHtuhllBn,d txxo yema uKo, There uro txvo ctitrmictsMo lliu iitoio itml both lead to good Ihings to cut ut fulr prices. It Is llio pluco where they liux'u the Vacuum Real coffee the Hnoxx Hilft ami IJItio Stem flour, the l'mo rtpld butter, and the Creseo line of pure food products an Imported brand of goods f hut if? In the first iunk of ex coHence ull over tho world. It la lieic 1ho Hint yoti find the Imported Lucca qll. It is tile pnly strictly kaultury Htore In Oregon, open nt ull times for Inspection cxeiy article bold under a guaiantee. This stoio has u very lurgo rtliwik of fancy ami staple grocmles and Itible illoacleJ Tim city patrons aro HarviMl by the city .ilollyciy caimpnuy, wN lrny run n' delivery xrngon of ilicli ifin tbroUHh "' ixiiintiy. What la llio MU BHll Ul'tHIOll? Mm, Xi, seUltffellu,! 39-40 X. Cen- the clustiH 1; round Insult, thus nvoldlnc? delay. If you should lx so unfortunate as to break onn of your Jepses. sux-e the pieces and they can restore 1U This optometrist has had 17 years of practi cal experience In tho profession. Those who xvant the best serx'ice for their eye tbould bo poxteri Dr. E. D. Elwood, 301 S, Main, irtJMBER 17 Tills number holds itrBl rmiK in point of Kcnlorltv In tin drug linn In Medford It Is rial drug Hiore xvnere iney ueiignt in carrying tile M-ry best drugs and standard remedies There Is no soda fountain in this drug store, but there Is everything for Ihe health and bodily comfort. It Is the store that has the excltulvo (jln, of the fuinous Arch family remedies a different remedy for each ailment not one remedy for all Theso remedies are tho latent product of eminent skill. Tlittf drug store Is noted ror Its accuracy In filling piesailntlonH Tho name In bold leJtura ! unUri wr fuel ut the en trance, llkuwlHo the nume or Ih" owner of ho building Give tho liiime and address. Chas. Strang-, 31 E. Main. NITMBER 13 -Ktunnlng nro Ihe xxalsts they sell, retching are thnlr bon nets, fit for more than JlnKling verse wortjiy u pout's souneis And this well known house has another Halt that's nice for Hie best of goods and the latest styles they're content xxllh a mod est price This prominent fashion center has hud a career In thin city hinting over two busy ear They liavo the very lutest creations of the fashionable millinery world, And they also liuxe llio exclusive sulo of Klylecraft cloaks and stiilM There mo none superior to tJii'Hii In stvle. finish and miiilltv Whut 1s the numo und location or this store It. crowns inn mpiiaiiel Ahrens1 Cloak b Suit Uouue, 323 W. Main. NTJliaER as What Is the name and location of the liaektmllh and horse shoer xxho bat ben pounding the anvil In this city for almost 20 years'' Sled ford was a Very small village when he began He has the lending shop In the city nt this time, keeps several men em-plox-ed. and Is always on the Job him self. There Is a string of I forges right down Ihe center o.f the shop and they are all kept busy One side Is the horse Nhoolng and the oilier the general black tmlthlng There nre nlu'avs 11 few teams being shod, und frequentlj sexersl horses xvaltllig. Hxerv Job Unit gi.K nut of this shop Is done right Hint's th. reason The shop ts fully ciulDOt.il Ixvlilk mehl.ivrv and "leetrle notver ueo. T. Morrlam, 30 S. Riverside. xrUMBSR 3S XVh-it It ihe name and location of this poputur groccrx store known as "Quality mid Qumititx"- -.1 xxhero they sll lliu delleloiit coffee omimls for 11 SI? llnnv people xvlll Iihx'o no other kind for iln-lr breskfssl illlle It I" the elllle store thjl llHS the C"iitury flour 01 r ot the verv best hresdmukers in the whole Northwext Tho fct Is that all the trriHM'iies mid provisions xou buv ut this slore ar r. ppisntntlvi or thu highest class of Dure food produols. Th" owner or thl store will detil In no cheap brands or goods that Is.chesp at tho sacrifice or quality This store has lieen very busy hero ror 8 years. It is on the West sdo, W. Stringer, 137 W, Main. lie makes the buimess or insumnat. 11 study, anil Is preporiil to hmulle your risk xilth IntelllRence It Is better to be safe than sorrx He Inkt s care of ull kind of Insurance accident. health burglary, automobile. pst glass, lia bility, etc. Furnishes bonds for alt purposes He dom nothing but write Insurance. the namo. HUMTimi 44 This number IntroiliiceH one of the MCllXe tvaltv men of Xli-dfoitl - . name that inakes the Utter "" xxurk oXelllme In spelling It H Is ii Hell Knnxiii 111 ni tiuit ir tueie ate n.v bar gains laying lOiiml loose in ulther cltx or rsneh propertx this ni'in has then, Ilia JuiiRtiient of tvnmmmtlxe xulites Is unexcelled, and be ktiuxxs xihen to put a IiUck of proiertx In Hi friml Ills mil or rare is lamia. 111 this .line h Is alxvuxs tenth xxlth the umMi "If you xxntit to sell your property list it where people come lo bux If you uuit lo hu property mime xihere It Is llsletl for snlc It Is no may mime In spell, oulx one syllable, tllxe Ihe name ami uriilrc. C. a. Itoon, 13 Jackson County Bank nidi;. ItUMDHIt -It This number repre sents one uf the busiest luriunttlnl In Ktltitilons In the city It luts been ix prosperous Institution heie for n number or xeiirt It is e Itlxo of InduMlry six ihivs In ix xxeek ami glxes employment ... .. nuuilH'r or iiivii. It I provided xvlth reerv Improxetuent In the way ur ma ehlnerx Hint Will render service , builders. Thex maiiiiructiiM doors ami xvimiovxs. rrauies. ntsiiie riiiish of extr description bank, office mul slore fll HnKa. cabinet, stair nnd uenurnl mill work, etc If )u have some Ideas In xour hiHid thev u M help xuu bring them to a practical basis ami then execute them for ou lo your sntlsractlon What is in,, name mm itiiuresH. or this coin riinv Medford flaih ft Boor Co, 11th and rir. . .NUMBER 4lJ You surety I1U1M know or this ets Hint lievr brexxetl In Port land on tap exeryxxliere The Ik si ror i in- mine, us Keiicraii) kiiiii ror mitiis. uge nmi it xery gixod hesd Tlw .liS'lorH ax -for an appeiiter urlnK Hit Iwer oii eon do no xlr Therein the ex tmut or limit vou xxlll find, xxhloh Is nwii ror llie ieni snit geiii ror the mind )f slcohol there Is iiIiiionI h ilearlh. which, as xou know, further arid to lis xvorth Therefore, nix friends. If xou surrr xviih tiiirst. hiihk or this Is-er made nt Portland first XVImt Is the name of the brewery that bus Its branch here, also the names of their three brands? K. Wflntmrd Brewery, Columbia, Kiieingoiu, jtiromm. KUMSr.lt 47 These ilplug Mines uf 'skimp ami soxe" It iM'hooves the bend uf the f.inill lo miike his iiioney tlreleh as rar as isMslhle. Tlfe Neooml tpiuil itlore Is lht place where iIiIh rtt can It, acciimplltlieil l"ie Is a new second band slore Hint hat Men lining birslneei. Thev hnxe sIhiiiI exerx thing In sloc'N In go lo buiise ki.plnic, all but 11 .'Ciilltl bard inltk row It It nn luHrestliig Nlltbt lo well, rinvx'i IhtntlKh Iln-lr slo-e. and see ix luil has leeii Riitb.-reil lng.ii er You nitty be nhl- to find Ihe verv stnx'e Hint you xxant for thlt xx Inter nnd get It ut naif price. Ilnuseltfilri furni ture of t'Verv descrlpt'on. XVImt Is the name 11 nil adilrtss On th XVesl sltla. IT. D, llolntt, 34 B. rir. NUMBER 48 Who la pre-euililetilly the man to ste ror first inortRntie Iih,iik In X'etirnriP Hi. Ikih Im ell 'oaulng liinie on ItOKiie xallev lands and orehards for many xears XV Inn he takes care of )t)ur case you nexrr hnxe to xxalt The luone) Is ulwavs resdx. und nu get It with Ihe "on or before" and other nrlv- IImh.i It.. Im U ..II kMl,l nil vatuau all ite.iilres $ letters Iii spell j over the cltx and enuntr" and can trll vou very iiu'emr wimt nan ih. none ulflilint huiiiIh Ikuihc whcio .lliitv hnxu t'apps' fine lullui'ed olnlhi'r. Urn lliisliiif Inn hIiiicm, tho t.'imuui'ioi' illiri MlelHim ImtN. llio M, II Kuiltll shlllN. anil the Mavllehl Koiilueky pititlfiT Tlli'V Imvo 11 lilg Htork ot giimls hi iiien'N ftniilhh. lints (vtut lliex mo kimwii nil over the xnliei ror luxe piIiium It lw a. alujo Ihnt luui been lining bintllli'MN III II1I11 clti foe a pellud uf I veil I H, A live III m uf pntolhMil people xxho hmixv how to diuw initio and hold It The imine or Ihls sloiti In thai of i xeiy iwt'eHsao piece ur fiiuilltiie. The XVardrnlio, 310 W. Main, NUMBBR l4 'IMilH Mlote lillH teeenllX ihIHHciI timlef nexv owneiHllIp lillil coil 1 1 nl II In a xailnlv alnio- 01111 of those placet! xx hue limy keep it little Of eXeiv IIiIiik- dolls, lox'it, hone. nils, eoinlis, no tions, plnln mul iiiuei chluii. iiliiMnwiiie, Hiixviire illaillrlwnie, Ulleheii lileiislls. lollit arlleleN, etillery, posl ennlN und the In tost tiuvelllerC of nil kind The piicixs are nut confined lo A. I". ' m oxen t uelilH Hut there are Kienl bat Ktillis 10 bn foillul Iheie every iluv When mu t ti 1 11 1c of immclhlug lluil xnn want, mid linrilly kmixx xvhero to flml It. this Is Ihe store I lull xxlll collie lemllly In intuil tllve Ihe namo nnd ndiltctn The WoiuWr mote, Ulo M. Main. NUMMKH 80 -This In lit) old elHr aloro xxllh a new proprietor The Hiimlie that Iin none up from IIiIn einar sloie xxoiilil initke ,Xlt X'eHiiXlus limit flck--iiiul the smoke xxlll Inereuiie In uttiiter x oliime under Ibe nexv ami populnr mail- Hlicmchl He laities lliu Xe-x bcNl line or cigars tiibnccos mid eiltulli fl A elllb loom In o lie opened In the utif xx lisle sociability xvlll rtMCli ait ebb Hint xxlll please the Iiuvm Keep mi eye on Ibis ptnuo. Th no will be things dollIM XVhal Is the iirtliio anil mblrcNsT Charles x.. tlrlftlth, 3to X. Main. NUMBER 80 What Is Urn name of Hie biikeix III Meiironl which iiiiiIii'm thai spit mild brettd which It enlls nfler Ihe iiaine or the bakery -mid xvhlch tueniiN Ihe itiiial ur liny In end made H oti Wiinl in est Moil bteuil, life ulxlllg. nil- Jlltloun, heiillhrul bremll Voil shoubl eol ihe bread tluit eotiies rrom this nmierx You iiiiiy think Xou are rating moo.1 br. ml but If ou sii intliiir un oilier kind, xou are not eating the best Tlu-lr ilellxirj wnuiin ninkes I tilim tlnlly, mid if vou xxlll xxateh xxhero it stops yon will illiteoxer xxliere the liest fstnllles In .Xledfonl live This bakery Is III nexx hntiils. Whin Is the name of Ihe bakery, name uf new proprietor, and the ml- llretts? 1 VftrWai Bakery, 8. W. Morrlton, Main and Orape, ' NUMBER 87 Wheltt Is llio lihtro xx here thej buy ejul sell ever) thing ex en Hi short and clothes,? This slore opeueit for business only 11 fexv iiiiiiiHim iiro, 11111I It has pioitpered so Will that 11 nexv bulldlui: it beittu ereeied in aceoui. motlale the eubtrKi'ineiit or Ihe eon' or Us biiNlneNN Thru Will be (old. it a full stock of furniture and limiliolri Koodt There are scores or useful articles op ralo here xou can '! 'he chcaiest null of clothes, the vhespeal hat iialr nt mIiiiiih xou ex er boiiuhl Look thetit oxer XVhal Is the inline ami uddress' Will K. WlUon, 100 N. Vrout. NUMBX1R SS XVImt Is the nmne of I III.. IHfllS 111 itieillintl lllllt im lite , niie.i Stnli s government drpotits ami also the I'imlul Savlnits Deptitlt f mult " Aoe tird- lOK to IIN lust orflClUl SlUIltllrUI tile tolul rt mi ure. s or this Imnk exceeded Hiore or mix other iiulloinil bank In Jseksou eiinnty or In southern Oregon The tlepoNllN III thlt lmk ut Hie time or this r.tl-.uiciit tSept ugitreualetl lii;.1.'ii 15-over u hair million II docs lumliiins in a bank building that represeulN mi InveMinelit or fl0,33l Its circulating noli a to Ui amount or Muu.Qoii ure out all uvrr the Unlietl Hlutes running 11 very uhtniltlnl ml xerllseuieiit ror .Medford II ts Jill Hie I ml of it Ismk the cmitlotiN .leposltur Is In unroll or 1'lrit National Bank. NUMBBR 8 Where IN II that )ou find exerx thing for the our and lis drlxer and then souie? The miloirtntille and niuoreele men would hartlly know how to iii t ulnuu without IhU comiern It hit been a xery busy liitillutlon In this city for more Ilia 11 1 years They have the HRenry fur Hie Fix-Ion Mrrklr ami the ll.llley HuvtrinHh .Molilioycli s In the rear Ihey Iwivn a modern reiNilr 'li for motorcycles and lilevcle xx' Is III of the 320 hut etuu- W. hon for motorcycles name and aildress pany? Faclflo Motor Supply Co., Main. NUMBER CO WlTerT Is Hie dry Roods lore, mul wttat in the name, where thry haxe the exrluslve sulo of the lleuder k.ii cirrels The Henderson cornet Is the Mtmiilurd noiuilar nrleeil mihlel This tlrx RiHids "lore lint been cal.rliiR lu lh M.MI tratie or .xiniiiuru mm Miirrounuiiig count r for several )rar. the lasl two euts littler Its present etlterprisilllt maiMKcuieiii They liaxe a big trade. It is tne place xvnere iu tiyruon none re found Hie Foreal .Mills tinderxxrar. Hie New Idea and Pictorial llevlew p,i. t ma. Tiny hnxe n btfliillfiil mwuirt- ami eiilllll uf llmlr tocrnlleneo. WlnU IM lllii niiiiio mul nihil taa nf IIiIn iimiltel. nlMir Ihe itdtlreMM or Hie luitlljill jnarlW'tT ilomioiuy Market, uua 11. Main,. HOB It. Mnliti , HUM mm on -Win., IH llm limn who pnllNhcM the bcuulirul slumm Unit ynii 1 1 ml nniuni! Metlinnl 11ml ,ilViM llieiit suoli mi oxiillltritn nelllllg llo liHN bi'i'H lumv with hU Milmlltut nmi imllrili UK luucliliu'iy for I xx 11 yours- hii buity lull ho nevii' Iiiih IHU' for iiiixIIiIiik iImo lie Iiiim it full eipilpiiii'iit or iiiiiiililiiery pii.pcllcil li),IJie eliolilit .Juice Tho lu nI eqtilppeil iuphlitfv 011 llm toiin. Ir xou have pleltvd UP mil. iimili'M In I he ptiNt ami liuxti been it-hi lllg I" IlixX'n II 1 pnllsheil mul mmiiili'il mijv In 11 itoml lime 111 liuxe it tioim hurorn llni nnlHliiiiif iiinIi I'otueH tin lie xvlll bn uliiii In nlve ion iiilvlee und. Informa tion What Ik Mm name uinl iilldri'tirtf If mi imii'I tinNXVi'i' IIiIm imo you ihiu'l kiiovt beans, I., n, Beami, 190 XI. Main. MUM1IBR 07-vTin7uv these liullllnris Ot'tillHlH who ton mil of loe old rtil4 mid tunellri llm luodcril I1U11I Of ileiillalr.T To bo up In dale )uu iiiiinI find out Ih xvIiiiih this number iifeik 'llmio Im U oki en In oxeiylhllig elnii, XxhJ" I It mil icuttinntilo niiit oihlenl fur elifiiKra in Pimm m ilemie-ttyT Tiinso dentislH have been serving u euimtantly In eieaslng illeiittle In ibis clly fur more Hum n yetir ihinI They nre mnplv skllletl and seliooleil llulroilMhly ecitl flciltul, lllnler lb' Hlole'N rlUhl wtlllUteN. They muke 11 spetllalty of retlmlilloii pin 1. t. fiowns mid lirlilaeH pioperly lliade Thex ale till ili'lllnlS XVjm malm nu Ntilllii tllve liniuii mid liildrusH. Br. r. 8. Itatber, Main and Cutrl. NUMBBR 00 Whure do tltnue peo ple xv ho reulli npprri'liilo film xxorlt Hi pbotnurupli) pit for thflr pholmtraphsT To xxhiim do ibi iiii when they xvlNh, not JiiHt iv good iiliiiiiigmuhi hi)', ibui supeilut iptalltx of w'tnl. Xvlllull l n.iii.ul mil fi.liil Hie fttllltlll of 11 icul iiriui The iiliiirui'tir of the xvurk bete In lu 11 cIhss by Itself 11 ml Ih iipp.o. elui.il by nil vliNt'rimliiulliiir., I,?"l,l1; The simiiii is lotJiUitl ijlii In llm heart of the siiopiuuu iimii'lut. oreiiiiyhm seX" etal iittwh Miulpiitnl iiinii.a, nit tint mm' mid Hour II has beep miller th ,prH enl xery efflelunl iiuvnnkeiuiinl is Xeitrw. I'm bun mid sepia iinrlraltK, In tetlor umt roiiiineriliil work, ilevebipluu ami riiilnhlng. A umuu Unit in emu. IKiKetl of li lellern begllllllllK xvllll W "'I let in ihe middle of the iilphuhtil Ulo mime ami uddrtHS n, o, MAky ntii'tio, 804 n. mmu. NUMUlin 09 The Xeniler of fliiwerH mid phtiils mtiiil be an ntllsl to be Nile leVurol II. r. Is a florlHl wIiiikc iiilllie Is luriliallxe of suierlor luleiil und lliu mime be lias i-slablrhrri lu all Ibis seellnu or Hie Kittle an a fliiiUI In cci lalnly xery eompllmenlnry He h evu vvlieti iillntctid the utti'litloil of nil who have ariisile eyes In the Hue m tuniulHul vffeets xxlth f lowers II" 11111K.1. a speebillv uf Interior ilecorul lug for leas, rani iwrtliHi,. lunelieoiiN, dinners, birihdsvs and vvetldlnitN. Al xvtiys hut, a hlK x-arlely or eul rlowerH mul plunm Choicest u"(irlment or bulbN that ix,r eame In Medford Juhi nirlved Hat larue Kretihinie abd it ventral iIiiimi lowii store Has be,y In Hits profesitlou ror over ii ears. (live the numo and down tmxn liHtalloit J, t. BrOAdUr, M. P. x it. Co.js tor. NUMUBR 70 Thin imtkrs htmi"S happy seinltmtiiiK happiness Xrtltcx fur Ivvu t-rtrn organs uiul inuslitil Is Hie stole Unit lias been din In this oily mid Thy sell pianos. Inx!riilitiiil. Tint R. A. Holme. 10 Jackxou County Bank uuwaing. NUMBER 37 Wlws Is Hie name or Hie best fence imimifaii Kreil The lestlumny or one ntltllon farmers has put this rem. on IIiIh exalted Iwib-sliil It has the stariilinl of ilimlltv iteruandeil by the f M, kuvi rntiieiil. Treiiietulo'i ImiHlle Htri'iillli. Kivol eliiNllcllr hesix aalxuiiUIng, k. cure weave, uxlreme dur iihllllx. ecoiiomx In ereetbm. portabllil - iliese iirf' smut or the reatures Hint liaxo mutle this fence Hie standard everywhere This fltip la the dlstr'ln. lor ror thk feme In sou I hern Oregon and northern f'.illfornut. They havt their heatlqunrti t Ih Meilforri and have bianch aReiicbs in otker towns. For the mini who Inti nils m use a ft nee I hey arc Hie most liilereMiiiig iteople Iii the IhIi lo talk with XVhnt la Ihe name of this fence, ami the Mum- of the firm? Fag-c renco, Qaddli It Dixon. NUMBER 19 What Is the name or this Institution or lutnest endeavor, Where young people In nil hUHlpt-Hs melh oria un inude clever? Having rinluhed In tjie laboiutory or buylpes.i perplex ItlcM made plalp, the offlce man Is very anxious llielr eei vices lu .obtain, lis thoiougliness In. training Is known rar Hlid wide through the lunfltlencv of Its m uric 11 in, by the public xvell tried. In mentioning Jledford's fpHtltutions and their qualities rulr, this one, In Its class, lukes u rront chulr. It IncreusvH enroll ment each year of lis oxlHti nee, which, you may knew, ts u rcoult of honest la bor una pcr.ilHtencc. -Io.wlio unrollu With llits school In coimlilcrcd xvlse. nnd In loll the 11111110 und Iniallou nuy nn nlHt in winning 11 liiiliilHonic pilze M.dford Bu.iu ColUge, 31 K. arnue, .. NUMBER 27 Wl.-r sU're In the oily to buy men's slioeN' It Is; the Mime place xvhT thev have thu im.tn.itatr. reiuilr shnn xvlth electric mil. ehlnery and everv modern facllllv It It no rast NU3IBER 38 lie fore your gaze ut this time is a p ferepee ( a very prom inent bakery that liu;l been multlnu Ihlngs llvly for ihe broad, luikc and trio outers around tbj oily for onlv a few weeks Uhriet (lib) limiingeiiieill Tim lirellil. Dies. L'Hkia. winkles, ell-. that Is tlw liesl slim 1 come from IIiIm 'imkery writ Just like sue nun He has ait office on tin third floor uf a verv prominent building. Take the . lexnlor ami he will ulve vou Mil the In- rormallon vou waul soy lime XVImt la his nume tnil Hiiarest' James Campbell, 330 Oarnott-Cory Bulldtnff. III! Illlt XI. till. lu hnrtiese li ,the place where thev carry a Hill n'mk or Irani' r noin xor ureas ami wora sums and mako them up to order 'hwi de sired III men's hhoes thoy error the Kelley.Huller shoe rtnil gutiniptoe Idem lo give absolute sutJsruclJnn Tjmr re pair work In known all ov'cr the valb-x as being or the hotter class, and still Llhelr tirlces nr no higher. You will not nnd this -Hiore on Main street. What Is the nmne ami locution? Model Boot fc Shoe Shop, 19 S, Cti-tral. inoi.'ier used to ludo wiam good NUMBER 38 "XX'oinan's crow nlng glory Is her hair" verv emphatically so In these latter days Its cure und irtat ment are subjects ypon which ull wpnwn are critical. Who Is authority In that lino In this city? She ims been conduct ing toilet parlors here ror about 2 years Ilor fucltllies for hair dressing, mani curing, racial massugi, houip treatments, skin bleaching, hand moulding, chiropo dy, and fine hulr work are vciy com. plete, und shr caters to lite higher class or patrons Here are round all the es sential requisites and Hie most advanced skill In the giving or treatments She manufactured 11 splendid line or toilet preparations Jlukex children's hair cut ting a specialty What Ih tho nume and address? Madamon Roodo, Beauty Shop, 3D Jackson County Bunk Bldg. NUMBER 30 Hero Is tho grocery store where ciihIi talks In loud tone or voice. To draw ti cOrlulu down a little more will suv that It In the store wliero they keep Gold Medal creamer) butter It has ngt been umlor the pres ent management more than a hundred )curs. limy fell heir to 11 trudo when they bought In, und it Is growing so fust that it taxes their energy lo Keep up , Willi it. It Is tlu storo xvhero thev hu'.e such a nig line ur ciocxory 11 is tin 1.. ....... i..., 1..... .1... ........4,.., , .- iltilO tin, lion tou sic.. tn. iuijiiii 'in fioiu Greenwich. If )ou euro lo flKure it out, thai xvjiy. They liiivu everything In groceries' und table rieliciiniuK. 01 vo tho namo unit aunress. b, ft O. Cxb more. Inc., Oeo, T, royci, 323 W, Main. - NUMHim 30 All Limber var.la lenl: 11 1 lid) to llinst people, hut hern Is One that la dlffciviit, Tlio wlivlu stytU of luck. Hveryl.iiilv loves a good thing. and that I why Ihi Ir (raile Is Increasing Their goods have a wide rr-:.u- lallon for excellence. Their dcllvtry Is 'Illicit and regular heoau.se they have it horse that never nets tired. XVe allude to the baker) that bakes lh fai nun White Lllv bread Glvo the naiui and auuress or the i.itkiiy. Model Bakery, C0C E, Main. NUMBER 3911. c. In it esiiile Nture Hint has not tsen open ror busii.eH nuire than 11 hunlnd yetirs but II linn inmli booiI It bus Ho. finest Hoda fiiun- talu lu tho clly. tnlf.rncd xvlth a laigu oval minor- ami i, tho rionr there are a lot or illamii. iU Tlielr show cases and shelves are fun or Hie very choices! HWeetM, frcHh "ml tempting to ull who 1 nter At noon mint iney serve a tie llclous luncheon TlioV ur cuti rers here to the tauten of the belter class of peopn , or which Medrorri has suoti a large portion This store lina a numu ,11101 indicates Ms diameter. You me to give this name, also the numo or the prourlctor, iml Um- street number Valnce of Swutf, R. N, roatcr, 317 E. Main, ' NUMBER 40 Vvho"lH the watohinti. ker and Jeivehr who Ih nlxvaya "real" lo give you mi honml opinion about your timepiece, its ii'ih and lla jtijiilre 1 (Hints, without cliurg)7 Think of It xour balautu xvin ,1 io your vvuieh niukos 167.r.80.uoo. million 'revolutions in a year's Umt" wimt about nnglectlng ti. oil It? You will flml tlilH vvatoliiiiuker mid Jcivcli c In oni of III" most cenlrul Incutions Ho Iiiih been hem 6 ymrs Hi bus Llbhy und llaxvUus cut glass lu large tarltdy lius Fall-rax Sleillug su vt'r and novelths L'urrlcs u nlco Hue or diamonds, and Jewelry tiovellles Mullen a sneolully or wulehcH (Hid blocks and lenalrlng. What Is tho numo ami mhli i'iis' Martin J, Zteddy, 11 N, Central. NUMBBR -11 LiKllt und heat go lo ffclher hand In hand at tills shop They uic klriilnd huhlcets. iinguglng llm Mime meiihuulcal nt 111. TlllH conjpur" are the oxtierls in 'bow iieuiiiii- -llRhtini; Ono iii!in'..uj,erliiV'r'. nnd r.urlcH out im clt-cirlca) xroik mid the liihur iillemlM lu tin hifilliig, Hlemn oml hoi nn Inr ht'iiiiiiR Iiiih Iickii iiuule a study by him foi muiiy years, uiul he hut muntm'd. U eo- a to La; ublo (0 NUMBER 13 Who Is who bar he11 10 Vi-itn .Xleilford? He has a lars- table mid diHfs a IiIk hiisliiess An) kind or a II K ou want may be roumi lu tills stable He bus Hit kind of loirees that are n ft and sane" ami still thev go along without ihe oxatloiiM "pushing on tin lines." Id- knows Ihe liver bllslllerS from slurl lu fl'ilh, nnd niu are t ways safe on aetil-ig rirsl-nlusH servji from this Iwrn lie also doea air n tensive feed honloess. mid M H HIIC.St- rul veterinary wHh 11 large pruelli, X'0111 liursex will uIwhxs get their "dm when you pill I hem up here Also dm s hutiv) liaullng and rrxlRhtlng. Give turn and mlrir m Chat, Till!, 30 S. Orapo. NUMBER CO The Molcnee o reittor liig health is no longer dependent on materia medlea ami surgerv The peii ilulum Is swinging the other way. ami In the numerous mrlhmlN or treating dtst'ONe Hint or Chlronriietlo l 01m or tin most popular H Is bused on a cor- ntt kpowletlRi or Die brain, rlilnul chord, and the in rvea emanating tin r rrom. lime Is leprvsentd ai Ipsllttllbm that glxus advice lu dlettitlos, mcillCiil gymnaHtirM ami livdrothermiv. preNldeil ovt r by a thoroughly qtiulirintl ("lilro praetor In coniuullou Im Rlxes baths and auleutirir masNiiL'e Hun 11 uloelv etpiippcd IiinIIIiiHoii xviih a luily iittmi dant. A Clilropraelor so thoroughly till tleralanils Hie methuiilsui or Ihe human body and Ohlropractlu scleucp that they ntmi rlngl) lovale Hie cause of your tiouble without iiHldng vou 11 question. What la Hie name um! uddresH of II1I11 Ghlropruulor? Dr, Robert j, Ziookwood, 303-0 Onruett Corey Building. NUMBER 01 Here H Ihe best place in town to gut tluit swiwi tooth onrd -hut they do not giiarmilen It lo stfiv ciiiiul. II Is tin svveetesl slorv ever told. It falls to thu lot of .Xrtiilforri lo liavo lliu imulest nmi most eomtriute candy slore and factory In the Whole const region It Is llm place where they make those fine t hocolates, creuiu eura mels, fancy noiigalH. elc Thev make almost everything Iluv sell at IIiIh slore Their leu creams, slieibuts and other tiiii-i) ilulnthjH have 11 local reputation nil Ihelr own. It is llm place where llm people who know get their tllniu'r ritni rirtH, llielr party nfiiMluni-iilH, und im on down thu line The storo In 11 bower or bentily, an Inviting place or rest mul plepxuro. What in the nuiiin mul ml. nresHT . B, McBrld fc Co., 339 B, MaIu, NUMBBR 03 Where Is tm luirdwure slore whcie you can get "XVhal you want, When you want ft?" ThlaiNloie Iiiih not been doing business In Mrfilfotil mom tliiin a huiidied years hut It has made good It Is one or Hie neiltesl, cIcuiichI sloeks or hitrriwmi lu the ituli It Is llm ston- wheiu vou iilwuvs get Ihe prompt mul Huiisruelory imrvlce --xvhero they huvo the big slock of shcir ''viulldeiii' hmdwuie, the Our ! ' roves mid imigi's. Hie Cluilt. ell coal oil lauires. Hie Annul Oiililllv Miliiis, thu Uliiinund IMgo oiiilmy ami tools, mul inmiy other excelling feu. linen Wlm 1 s Hie nn mi. nmi address? 1". W. Eiinplelffli, 3(1 a. Central. NUMBBR 03 Willi I "is llm (Kllllc mill uauivsu of llilti clgtiitiiii una uici.'a fur- ment of full ami winter dry eisMlt ftirnlslilnUH What Is Ihe nume and siltir, mm- II. If. Moo U Co, 138 B. Mala. NUMBER 01 What Is lliu name and location of a certain cigar store lu this clly which Ihe sold name Is that or a hrldfli ? The concc utraliHl smoke that has none out rrom this clRiir store dur ing the I years of lis enrei r would muke I lie volcano or X'esiixlus bsik sick The) have Ho I'hole.'Ht hranris or tohacro nnd clears, the rinesl 1 iimlli mul the moti roihI clu.r 10 Me.ironl ll Is tvli. re everybody Roe when thev want a good Miiuke The Mime has onlv bei 11 In lis presi ul slmiil hIkiiiI one year The pro prietor s limue Is one lllill eoilles cIihm lo lb. bottom ulpliabelliiill) xtrx prtimlMlmc In a prertblenllal wuy (live Hot IIHIUC it (be HlUle und the locillloil. ltallto, 110 B. Main. NUMBER 03 WhTre" Is "lb" home t.r lieltir elullits- -wli.in nnlhliig rouult but qiirtVty''" This ret'irs lo 1111 SH ur. sslve i slahllsliiiieut Hint beRnu btisl- ncee lu this city less Hwui J moiilli uro. but xvjiluli tins tiiiiile a piste fur Itseir niuoug tne dlsrrtuilnatlug puipln who want the beat service In euslmii lullor lug Thill tallorlnK Ih done rlubl nt home ami anllsrucllon Is almoluiely n rured The) take cart of cveryllilng In the lallorlng Hue uImo oleanliig, press ing, ri'lialrlug mid itllernlluni. Glxu Ihe Inline of tie-he pstldrN, IX I hi, the M'ttllo or llu firm AIno glvo slinel iiumhi r X'ou will find them upstairs The Medford Tailors. Xleln k BchuU. 130 T.. Main. NUMBER 03 U'haT Is the liultm or llm stole Hint In eouslmilly tinder Hi" Niipervlslon or all contractors mid hiillriciH? Why ImeuUNe If there Is miyililng new mining mil In the line of luipiovemi'iiis ami nimcIiiIUIin. this sloro very soon rcIs it on exhibition They 'leu I In niu li things as metal lath, (leadening quilts, uIiins, palutN, oils, wall paper ile Tlmy are the ixcliiiilvc illslilliulois for I 'it 1 1 oil's Hiin-I'loof palnlH iiiim better made Tlicy have 11 roll Hue or brushes mid ilcooraHvo sup plies evciytlilng for the painter. TIiIh store has been busy In Meilfiiril ror two yen in I'liwt As llio holliluy mciisoii ap proaches It wmiluil he well to kicp one eye op llmlr art department. Glvo Ihe name ami iiddiusa, Building- Hpeclaltlea Oo,, 310 II, Main, NUMJ1ER 04--What In the tirpne of Die oldest mid (argent Imiili lu Meiirmd? This bmiK Iiiih Ik eu 11 blllwurK III the riiiunchil hlHlory or Houthviu Oregon slneu hu cully days lis lust orriolul report nIkivvh tot it 1 rcHourei'M uppivxl. mating ciRht hundred thousand dollars The ciipliul stock Is Jioo.uao 00, with a auriilmt Hint Iiiih irrowu In iinwarilH or SNO.ouu On, Tim iicpoHliM Iii ihlk hunlf agglegiile HI0O.0PU.O'). Thuio Ih Iii t-on-iieullhii vvllh tho bank 11 modern nufu 'H-poHlt ihipuitpifiii, vvllh boxes ul 11 nominal rental In a iiimlciu bank building Tim ' bank wiih cHtuhllHhcil uwny hack In INKH--whcn IliuU iiaril soii xviih pieslilulit of ihe United HI 11 1 on, Four per rein liteient paid on Hum ile- POMIIH. , Jackiou County Bank', NUMBER 00 Iii this number we Hiig Ki'iH it nn a, iiiurlmi xvhero they do Ihelr own liuiclicilng. Their incuts uiu "red (mm. iiuniiitMi rigm, mil jikiii. , suiu jlglii" Tim iiiidu of IIiIh niiiiiicl Is fur leuchlng. both wlioli-H.ilo mid iniull. It la u uiarki't that appeal a no iivut mul rli (in tliut a look IiihIiIc Ih mi aid lo llio upiKilllo Thoy have nice show cuhch mid a full equlpjiicnl In every way -llm only llilng thai Ih nilHslng Is Hie old time "niual inuiket smell,'' Tim best rm stock lluil Ih riilHcd In Hotiliicni Oicgou Ih liiiidheiiu) by IIiIh fit hi. Tlnrir ruiiilly Iiiidu Hii'clullll('H have inililc IIiIh iimiKut fwniou In JuvIshuu vouuty, 011 uv IxefM k I'uiiit piano Is In exblenee. here, but tin) will sell )oii so M Sehulla or choice of a long II Ht of niitkcN, anil Kuar untee svillNfitt-IIDlj In evrry tiiNtuiioe. The) will .ll vou an liistrumeiil mul allow you lo pay fur II while )oil itss It No iiwf Hailing IIII you rend 1 "llm html of preity s4ton" Ytnii- fmnlly xHI le crown Hon. mid xMi will not liuv.t n.e.l of Ihe piano nfler that, ponslbl)' "Ho it now" is 11 motto thai ouKhl if KO III Ihr pluiiti piirehltse Sea llm'lilg nimoial sale uiinoiimeiueiit of planot elsrnhete lu lb In paper tllxe the llllnil ami uibireN of this boue Aim annul" fur Willi sow Ipg xaehltie B, t. ralmor, Central and Hlath. NUMBUH 71 A larse dry KiaelK (.lure is ln-rorc you lu this number II l win re ilir) have the II S, tl corcKtN, Ibe McCull imtteriiM. Ihe Ituncon blank els the big HtiMk or iiilllllicrv' llelng I'limnl mil. t'lirbmit 'ivvrulls ami ut.ivit nmi score or oilier attraction!.. Their In it big skyliRht lu the rear at this slie to )i. 1 the ibtjllk'til lulu lb" il.nkesl part or Ihe room Their rimmIs will iHtir Hi- siiululit. ror II Is a ell known furl thai Ibis store sells the very best inetohmullre III ull 1 1 Ilex Tlielr NttK-k or dry uiwul. ami fiiriilNhlnRH em brace sluiiHit everything Hint tutu or women, r the i'lillilrii. ntpstl TJiX' plahe quality the wolehworti prlcT Hlo se.Kiutl eotisidetiitliiH, ullhotlHll It al ways low XVhal Is the name mul ml tires "The Ioiik slute vvllh llm short prices " M. M. Department tltort, Ine,, S30 B, Main. NUMHBH 73 -Here Is w mime that Reis yerx rlote lo lle hiairl r every mun who In bent on liuylliR a new suit or clothe... a new hat or llm luteal stylo furnishing goods or every ilesurlplloii. It Is 11 name that does not neeensarlly sugaeat peisouallly. hill It MlwUiwlM HihnI goods al io(M'r prlCet. The sloiti be Hull ItN carrel' here over rive .IHM iMi-k. ami ll Inih bteti riowIiik lu ruvor eoullnliallv II is where llioy I111X11 Hie lllrNii.XVIckvvIre floe tHlloretl iiletheN: 11 1 so Hie enc.ltfiil product or Mluhaul Sleiirn A- t'o-the Knox halN; Hie I'llbe llix hiiNlHi), Ibe WHiem Itnot shlrls. tlm Viisftnir tmloii viiIIm, Hie It & XX', Iteil. mini ioIUis -'.' for 34. We nilRht Ro on ami inenllon many suprilur Hues, bill thlt will put you on tpii 1 ruck. Give namo mul itdilresN Mnritl Clothing Co,, Inc., Main and Bsrtlett. .. NUMBER 73 When you're blue, or robl. or Nhtver with the grippe. Ihe 1 hills, or llvtr, when III" doclor'H milii nIuiuIn iM.rui.. your ilijor; lie II wrlto down hihiiI mul pluln HlAdiims I lull oajui your pmn unu say, "get tins maim 11 1 quick at 'a drug slore," This til 1 j g stoiu Iuih been serving tho people for SN years It Is the host atpilpp.Hl drug Kliire lu thu oily. No old puNse goods on the shelves here, everything la ficsh ami iip.lo.daltt. It Is I Im place win re llley liiivu the tUiyJli slve sale or N)al's f(itnll)' remettfeN XVhal In Hie name mul uililnau? Ilnaklnu for llsalth," 014 B, Main, NUMBER 74--Hero ' In u slijro for laillrs mid Reiils. miythliig xou winIi for .. or l cent -If ror IIiIh it nun not bo Mien possibly ll s there fur oiily IS: uml If for this It 1I01-H noi nt ilvc xv (( uro sure II xvlll roiito ror not over 2C croilury mid kltnlieiiwuro, hooks nlnl eyes, every bud) 's rlhboiiN, youiiR iimii's nccklles toys uml ciiiiiIIch, IiIIIIomh mul rollme buy nil you wInIi and huvo your iIiiIIkih It Ih onn of Ihe Rrcnttuil pIiicih In lowii lo Ret big values ror a row cuius You will bo MiirprlNcd to mco lie imige or vmleiy In this hIoid. II Ih under now iiiamigcmeiil a new broom geiminlly swcciih pintly ulciin, Glvo ihe nmne mid mlilt hh , MoClulre'a (M0.S3 cent atort, 130 B. Main, NUMBBR 70 Jltpru In vvhero thu nip. lion plulureN ure round In suuh pcrrcii. Hon evciy nveuing nn Ikuii-'h niiiRiiiri cent primrum ror only Hi iiciiIm. 1'onh. t till- you huvo mil nrqulrcri tlm habit of going In lliu Pleiiin Hhuiv, ir not you nhoiilil In Rettlnf Um habit Mr It Ih onn or the iildril eneliaiilliig pnslliiieN ror yoursnir ami fniiilly, 11 Ih nli lungur uccoNNmy ror ) 1111 to tidtii 11 (rip uiouml lliu xx 01 hi Tlm wot lil with Its hcmitl rul hoi m ry. lis pcoplu la iicilon, am broiighl rlKht lu your door. II In lmii uilueatliig uml eiiii-iiiiliiliig, Vu inn icf. crlng in llm theater whom tlmy Imvo hiioIi goori iuuhIo mul viK'til solos, tlm ono Hint has 11 numo llml prlgliiutva In llm licuvoiiH above Glvo iiuiiiiirr' mar Theater. NUMBBR 7fl--0ct Roori bliuhbliiir, Iny dear man, If you waul lo liiivu ctmlniil. Ilietit iiii; hiippluesH lit yrmr home. Your wire xvin nut elopp xvllh 11 limuUoiimr iuiiii r you iunk 10 Dm plumbing mul heating oompiitiy Hint hIiiiiiIh ror tlm IiIrchI cIkhh vvmk. Thoy never let 11 luh go half (lone. Ilcfoic Hiny eay t, vim limy ho sure It In well iiom. nin llinioiiglily Hiinlliiry , They 1110 iiInii ex iieriM In hot water, alt am mm hot xxiiler ,l,,'.ul"r V.W, ''"V'fH Hlmp thai tiuiH down below llio Hlieul, In ono uf tlm llugdHt hiilhUngH of thu ulty. (llvo'iunim and nihil nan, and ever urtorwuiil yuu will ktiinv, how in imilm n eupltai fn' uml u,eiiiliiil "l," ' vniiui v.. Coffuon U Prlqe, Utli wtreot, "7 (CoiiUiiuiid 011 miiT). "' ' A i'p.y'.rvjy'g'?A?'3(ij. m i,lr ' - ' - Mrt-oMi,oivvuwii.--x..' MflMaajjft-MajjHHBiaBaaaajMajMfttftfftaftialftHft