Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 09, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Quito it iiiiiiilnii' of rosldonlH of
tlnld lllll viuo III Medford Kilduy In
Ihn rolo of wllncniu'ii In tin: tnsu of
HiihIrii 'n, Vnii lloiilon, IiivoIvIuk ii
itlluh, .Hint was trUul In J untied Tuy
InrV 'cuurl. AnintiK thoin woro II,
I). Itoml, .1, 13. Davidson"! .1. II, lien
iniiili Itnlfilt liurlliiK, J, II. lltH'iuitii,
A, 10. KcllitRH nlid H. T. IIihIiu-h. A
dismissal wan (inlfireil.
To nil Interested owner Mini Hiomi
c(iitttiiiilalliiK huylliR ii player piano.
I am In a n'nMllon to assist you, In
Him diminution of nil iiicchaulriil of
feel of iilnyliiK )'unr player iiIiiiiq. I
have, secured an export tltttiiontttru
tor of player pianos, who vt III ox
plain to yon nil the phmsliiK, accent'
Iiik nnil expression of player pianos,
Onn store open ovniitujts frnni 11 to
H:30 p. in. Palmer's IMnno Phuo,
-mi door north uf poht office. IDH
"Mr, mill 'Mm, J I'. Croy, of Croy,
Cal., nrrhed In Meiifonl Krldny for
a visit to their Moii-ln-lnw ami (IiiiikIi
ler, Mr. and Mih. It Handera.
I'or KootlneiiB sak havn It, A,
llolineH, the Insurance man writ"
yonr liiauraueo. Ho knows how,
I., W. WhltliiK, civil eiiKlnuur, ro
turned n few days nio from n hunt
neitd vlntt to Ban I'rnnrlNco and Hod
llluff. Mr. Whltlnii la nuporlntend
Iiik the puttlm lu of a liirKo
liiK plant east from Ited llluff.
Vapor lutein nml scientific massage
$1.00 for tnon nud women. Dr. It.
J, l.ockwood, chlruproctor nml norvo
specialist, '-'03 Uiirntitt-Corcy Illdi.
J'lioiH) Home HS,
MM, P. Kinllh of I'hoenlx, wan do
Iiik shopping In Medford Friday,
i Mm. It, I,, (llhiioti of Cortland In
In Mrdford vtdtluit relatives,
tfpo M. I & II. Co.'a special nd
vorl!siii)rut, pajto 2
Mr. HiikIi Price of Central Point
nna I 1 1 1 n K Meilford friend. l-'rlday,
J, V. Hanuurs trnvolhiK represent
ative for Armour & Co.'it meal husl
iioan In Southern Oregon, lefl Kntur
day for n snort tninlausa trip to tho
H. A. No well, ladle' tailor, 4 th
floor, M. 1 & II. HldK.
II.'U Itohlnnon left lrdy even
liiKfor' Portland, -shorn hn j-oc to
look after Mm, Itohlnnon, nho la III
In (tint city. Mm, Robinson under
went a nurclcnl operation al tho
Hacrcd .Heart hosTdtnl In Medford
to months mko, She luiprovcd
greatly after the operation and went
to Portland for a visit, bill she Krew
".rUULy1" Mn U iMi thought heat
to itriiiR hor homo ngalii.
I,VW. Tarbell nud family of pallet-.
(Brecon, went lu Medford a few das
thin urek. .
Miss lllaltciidt, a trained nurse,
who has been lu tho city on profes
sional business (or several weeks re
turned lo Portland Haturday morn
Oak and hardwood H.fiO and J.1.00
per cord. Gold liny Itcnlty Co.,
Sixth nud Fir.
A. !'. Noth, tlckot uent for tho
Southern Paclfle In Medford loft .Sat
urday (o Join Mm. Noth at Cottar
drove, where oho hnn been visiting
Iter pnreutH for a week or more
They aIII return to Medford Tuesday.
Illasscs fitted without iiho of
ilniK. Dr. Itlckerl, ovor Koiitnor'a.
T. C. Law or Willow Springs dis
trict .was iiiiioiik tho mnhy from olso
where lu Medford Friday.
Henry Orcgory and Al Turplu of
lllg 'Htluky woro In Medford during
tho week,
Co in I iik, IiIkkokI hit of tho yoar.
luiddo hURohnll. Watch for his
Kaino hntweon llonlon and Now York
nt Medford Hook Htoro.
Hen l.nmpuiuu of thu Cold Hill
Nnwii and I.. W. Smith trammeled
huflnoHH In Medford Friday.
Unk nud hardwood H.tiO and $r..00
per cord, Gold Hay Itcnlty Co.,
Blxth and Kir.
fluorKo A. Mo roe wan down from
'I'ulonf. Frldny.
J. W. Myem, county fruit liiMpeo
(or, uud It. II. Ilcamua, of Contiul
Polnjt ftpout Friday In Metlfonl.
$2000,00 or fraction thereof to
loan, on Improved country roul on
tnto at current rntoq. Curkltt &
Taylor, Juukuou County Hank Illdg.,
Mr. Webster, omployed In tho
llotol Nnnh harhumhop, cut ouo or
iila (lukem ho unvuroly Friday that
ho will not ho nhlo to work for uov
oral diiya,
Mm. O, HnrlmiiKh nud Mm, I.U
.le VorI or JankHouvlllo woro nmom;
tholri(Modrord frlonda Friday,
Url'Illokurt, oyoHlBht upoolulUt,
over. Kentnor'H. 'No dropu iiHud.
U, ,11, Stout, uiuator or rouatructlou
or tho Pauflo & Kuatern, waa lu
Mudford Frldny, on lila way to Juok
Say Vhoat M71
Hlfbt Vkoscil . W. Wka 1071
A. M. Oit NN
ayor Canon will leave Portland
touluht, acconlliiit to word lecolved
lodny mid hrlnit home with lilin liln
hop, Fay, who wnn leeently iieilotmly
Injiirnd In mi hxpIohIoii at Hllvcrlon,
Oitroii, Fay la IiihiiovIiir alowly
hut Jh now nhlo to malm tho trip,
Mayor Canon Iiiih Imiuii at Portland
hi ii ce election day,
.1, II, Aiiuear. of Moulder, Colo,,
wiih lu Medford mivoinl daya thl
week, Mr. Aunear loproHcutH the
Aninrleilu HmeltlUK eompnuy mid la
nrrnuKluK for the cMnhllHhmeut of
an (i r n office In Medford. He will
return lo the city lu a few daya
with UiIh object lu view,
A, N, HolhiH, of Ontario, Oienoii,
arrived In the city Kntutdny for a
few houm vUlt to hla pareuta, Mr,
and Mia. I), II, HoIImn, at ID7 North
Onkdalo avenue, Mr, KoIIkm, Jr., In
a unlive .Incknon county boy hut la
now practlcltiK nw lu Ontario.
I), W. Ileebo and family of Anale,
wore lu Mudford Saturday doliiK
H. K, Van Autweip, formerly n
Medford hoy, now or Heattlu, la lu
the city on IiuhIiiohm,
Mm, Marniet Tiro ruturiied Hat
lirtlay from n vlalt to her Kon-lii'law
mid dniiKhlor, Mr. and Mm. Irn
PhelpH, who fonueily rexlded lu
Medford and wan euiinKcd lu tho
liewHpaper liurlium, In now uiuniii;er
or it telephone office In Lebanon,
Watcbea repaired. Reo Carl
Jeaehko tho old reliable watch
milker In room 10, Palm bulldliiK.
opposite Naah Hotel, 317
llothrook WlthliiKton mndo Cen
tral Point a profeaalonnl vUlt one
dny Ihla week.
ThoniAH Kcott of (ileiidalu, S. P.
roailniOMter, for thin dUtrlct, apeut
Frldny In Medford.
Mm, Fred t.olv of JNckaouvlllo
tarried n tihort time lu Medford Frl
dny, Sheriff JoneH waa over from Jack
aonvlllo Frldny afternoon on official
Tho county commlKHlonera' court
wna lu kc'nIoii nt Jnckaouvlllo for
two dna thla week.
"Shorty" Harbor made a bualnera
trip to Jnckaonvlllo Frldny after
Dr. nud Mm, Kmiueua are rccelv
Iiik congratulation-, from their frlenda
upon tho lit th of n hoii thla week,
nt tho Bucred Henri hoapltnl.
Try n Vnpor bath for that cold. Dr.
It. J. I.ockwood, Unruutt'Corey Illdg.,
Phono Home MD. .
Mr, uud Mm. W. II, Norcroia of
Central Point motored to Medford
I)r Svely mndo a bualncaa trli to
Cold Hill Thuraday.
Mm. 12. 0. Pcrhnm nud her aon
Joln-d!r,Merhftnilnt ' Jlodfbrd 'Fri
day afternoon.
Mr, nud Mm. Ilonry W". Torrnnco
of IIokuo Itlvor apent Snturdny In
Medford on bualnoKa,
T. M. Pcolor of Flounro Itock Ik
lu Medford on n short biialncaa trip.
He U a KieHt n( tho homo or J. F.
M. 11. Chnao of CrautH Paaa, wna
In thirdly Frldny.
Karl U. Austin, or MlnueapollH,
Minn., wna rcKtatorcd al tho llollnud
Hoc M, F. & II. Co. 'a special ad
vertisement, page 2.
School Superintendent uud Mm, .1,
P. Wolla wero In Mcdtord Friday,
en route to .luckaouvlllu from Aah
Member of (ho Chrlatlau church
will pleno bo nt service tomorrow
murulUK, Important biiHluoHa, tUN
Chnrlea Dunford nud hla danuhter.
MIhh Floaale, of JnekHonvlllu went
to (iraiittt Paaa Frldny, to vlalt roln
Uvea. Thoy woro accompanied by
Minn ThrnMhor who hnn beon via
ItltiR them,
Mm. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville
visited friends IIvIuk lit "Med ford
Mr. nud Mm. W. Gotcholl and P
KiihoIo woro over from Jacksonville
Mm. It, 12. Hanoy la tho Rtiest of
hut- parents, Mr. nud Mm. A. Schmltt
of Jacksonville.
W. W. Uaahor, who has boon con
nected with tho telephone busluoas In
Medford for Homotlmo, baa boon ap
pointed innunKor of tho PnclHo's or
rico nt Ashland.
II, r, Mulkoy has koiio to Indiana
on loKnl husluosH, mid will bo kouo
aovornl wooks.
Miss Kthol Klfort haa roiiu to
IlOBoburj?. on u visit to rolatlvea.
Prof. O'Onru, county putholoKlst,
wiih nt Aahland Friday, on official
W, T. AudrowH mndo a trip to Tul
out Frldny.
Homer Porut waa down from
Sterling Friday mornliiK,
PHUSCi:TON7Novr 0, -Woodrow
Wilson Intonda to follow out his lis
tening policy for sovoral wooks bo
foro mukluK any unnouncoiuouta of
Importance, Ho said ho bud docldod
to co away next week on u vacation
of throe or four wooks, durlni which
tlnio ho would bo out of reach of
political callers. Several tolonrnma
woro rocolvod today, ono rrotn Mu
Keno Chaflu, prohibition candldato
for tho prosldouoy, Ho wlrod hla
conKi'utulutlonH and udded: "I niovo
to muk.0 It iitifttlltnouB,"
POItTIAM), Oic, Nov, -That
tho dairy slock to ho entered nt the
forthcoming I'aclflu International
Daliy Show, lo he hold al the Port-
hind Union StotkyardK November
IK-Hil, will represent tho host In tho
country, la shown by the wlunliiK of
a larno number of prles by Pacific
uoithwcHt stock at the National Dairy
Show at ChlcaKo the past week.
A lo'oKimn from CIiIciiko advises
that the Hnrolwnod herd receUed 1!
firsts, !) seconds, '.i thirds, and H
other, liicliidlni; awards for
senior and niinid champion row', for
Junior hull, for aged herd, first and
second dairy herd, breeders youiiK
herd nud cnlf herd, also grand for premier mid exhibitor, This
entire herd of Holstelua Is entered
for tho Portland show mid Motstelu
hreedeis throughout the west will
hove an opportunity to compare
their own stock with thin champion
herd. It Is considered blithly pro!)
nble Hint there may be better dairy
stock on the coast than that mmt east.
O. M. Pliiiuiuer, manager of the
show, haa received teleKraphlc en
tries rroui Phoenix. Arlr... frnm hrccd
ers ho will cuter ouo herd or (iiieru
sea and another of Ayershlres. This
la the first time that livestock has
hi'di secured rroin the southwest for
a show or any kind In thla territory.
Pror F. I.. Kent, of tho Ore?on coHoro. together with
Mr. Ilotholl, or the Acrleulturnl I)e
tinrttuent nt Washington, D. C, will
hmo charcc or the milk, cronm nud
rheesn division. Pror. Kent hna Just
returnrd from tho National Dairy Chicago.
ICutrles for the combination sale
of pure bred and hlKh-Rrndo dairy
cattle nre coming In freely. Dates or
Hie salo nre Nov. so, 2, 22. Hnnk
ora or tho Interior nre Interested In
this, expecting In some Instances to
rurnlsh dairy rows to their custo
mers, tukliiR notes lu payment. Some
or tho owners or large tracts or
logi'ed'orr Innil are flKiirliiR on atock
Iiik their holdings to secure an lm
medlulo Income and nro hIiowIiir
much Interest (u the coming miction
of Veil bred stock. '
FOUTUND. Ore.. Nov. . If the
olghl-hour law passed nt tho atate
election last Tuesday shnll bo found
to apply to tho local fire department
this city will fare tho most serious
situation that haa confronted tho
municipal officials hero for years.
So momentum:;; Is tho Interpreta
tion or tho law Hint Mayor Hush
light today directed City Attorney
(Irani to file without delay an opin
ion with the city council, stating
whether or not tho provisions or tho
net are applicable to Portland dro
mon. If so, the city may have to
go without fiio protection for tho
coming year unless public-spirited
citizens contribute nearly u million
dollars to the city treasury.
Tho controversy between tho
theatrical sxiullcates nud thu Amer
ican Federation or Musicians, which,
for a time, threatened trouble, Ips
been adjusted.
The D-,lly Hint trim Tarln.
I.I.V,lWll. 111 S UnUOaKW
Oulil him wimu tirociiOo wnliit tiuwa
coaiblaei) with nliuUnw )!! aui Uc
IjliuulJuta tuapoJ la while tulln. WlJt
ban J oa ckourv of lace lined with cob
tliut s'1'1 oiulnuulvrcil wltb Juol si
ioa"t.M4iuti Tobuun,
mJBJiWlFlWyCfc -r r aH
I' " "f
At the Churches
I'resbyteiJan Chnrcli
A sermon lo tho young people by
tho pastor. Till" wrmon Is ono of
tno Illustrated sermons mid (ho Hiih
dey school mid the congrcgatlou'wlll
help to Its development, it wl.l he
Interesting to '"' 'I ho music ror
Hie moriiliig wlll bo as follews: 71io
ircheslra nud chorm with tho regu
lar hymns; cunrlot, "Snnrtus," by
Ooiiuod. Tho liiKr nro Mr, nud
Mrs, (ioorgo Andrews and Mr. nud
Mm. K. K. dote, with MIbh Flora
Hrny at tho organ; violin solo, "Not
Itirtio," by MonJolsohn and plnyed
ly C. W. Janes, soprano solo,
Cpnlo Unto Mc." by Concn and
jiiiik by Mm, Ocorgn Andrews,
Tho evening fcrvlce will bo dlf
forcul, but no less Interesting. Some
special features In the evening that
wo nro not nhlo to announce yet.
Tho Preshytorlaii church we'iomes
any eltlrcn or Medford to Its serv
ices and nlso tho stranger that may
ho In our city.
First (liiirth of ( hrNt. HrlcntM.
Sunday morning service nt eleven
o'clock, subject or lesson-sermon:
"Adam nnd Fallen lan." Wednes
day evening meeting at seven-thirty.
All arc welcome, Sunday school at
ten, All under the age or twenty
nre Invited to tho Sunday school.
Itendlng-roont hours, two to Hvo
p, in. dally except Sunday.
Church edifice North Oakdnlc.
Ion Lutheran
At ZIon Lutheran OIC W. 4lb St.,
there will bo no morning service.
K veiling service (Kngllsh) will be
held nt 7:30 o'clock.
Illblo school (Kngllfth) nt 10 n. m.
Conrad Wllkcf. jmidor.
Services In the Ilaptlst church
Sunday as follews: Sunday school
9:45 n. ui. Men's Illblo class same
hour. Preaching 11 a. m., sermon
by the pastor. Junior meeting at
3:00 p. m.: B. V. V. I'., C:30 p. m.
Dr. S. U. Heading of Seattle will
prouch In the evening at 7:30 Spe
cial music. All are Invited. A. A.
Holmes, pastor.
.Music at MrtlMHlM
At tho morning icrvlco at II a.
m. tho choir -will clng tho chorus
from tho Holy City. "For God So
l.ocd tho World." The subject for
tho morning sermon will bo "The
Supreme Ambition." At the evening
service nt 7:30 p. m. the choir will
sIiir "O. Taste and See. by Marston.
Tho subject for llo ovonlng sermon
being "Hlblc HcTlgloii." Alt arc
most cordially welcome to worship
with us.
Methodic Kplviwtl
Church corner of Fourth aud Bart
lett streets, K. Olln Kldrldgo pastor.
Services Sunday as rollews: Preach
ing 11 a. m. nod 7:30 p. in., sub
ject, morning, "Tho Supreme Ambi
tion," evening, "Uodrock."
Sunday school nnd Dlblo class
UM. a. nt. Kpworth League 6:15
p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening, 7:30 p. in. Splendid music
b dtoir under direction or C. F,
Kad mead.. You nro cordially In
vliei, to all these services.
Cslliolie '
Musses S and 10:30.
services 7:30.
(ny A. C. Howlott.)
The liiht time I wrote mv pnper
K'tvo out belore I had written nil that
I wanted to, o will eomineueu jut
wheie I let t olf.
I wits civiuu' uu uceouiit of what
I miw i heanl on my way I nun
Pilot Kt('k to Fnirvicw, On reueliiiiK
Futrviuw 1 i met 'ut the train b.
my daughter, Mr. Tuviu Shuw. uud
wo woro mioii on our wuy t her lioiuo.
luotieed Mime rhuujw in tho little
villugu t'or the better. Tho town hull
had been eoiupltted so fur ni the
outhidu work ii eotieerned. The
liuvo it urrnngvil to hk to have a
council winn, a room for the potd
office, tho oiilnbeosu ami somu ox
tru toonih for btinoss offices uud
by tho time it w finished will bo an
ornament to the place nml it mi ar
ranged that it will bo tiuito u luiMiiess
center. The town of Fuirviow is
tiuito highly favored in tho liuu of
tritiihporlution, Imvlnjj tho O. W. It.
&, N. ruih'tiud iasitiK th rough it oil
tho north hide nnd tho cleotrio ear
lino pushing lliiiMisli tho south hide,
whero u cut pasM'h from I'ortlntid to
Kntieuda every half hour from -I u.
ui. until 8 p. m. nud by that menu
ono can take I ho cur in tho'moruiim
uud go to Portland or INtieudu,
hjieitd tho day Mtiue; or shopping
uud return in the afternoon in timo
to do up tlio chores before night. I
arrived at my iliuiKotor's on Friduy
evening uud ou Snturdny routed uud
Sunday went to fliuich and hoard Dr.
Mentz of Fruitilrtlo lecture on tho
Mtbjoot bf tuliercnloMH. Tho looturo
wan not ho interestinj u I hud ox
pcutiHl hut after ho hud finished his
looturo tho Proobyteriuu minister,
Nov. Tliomason, envo n very Inter-
obtin talk op the uuhjeot, tnk'uif; his
text or stui line point the case of
Nnuimiii, (lie lejicr, lis teeorded in
'J Kiiig, f elmptcr.
Hpenknit; of the church hero nt
r'ninirw it iiipeum (hat the Icudiii
iiieiiiliem have urniuge to eoiioslidiile
the M. K. ehureh with lite I'resby
leiiaiiH so tliul lliey will lierenlter lie
one otgutilr.u(ioii, ultltough (here !h
ii lads' who eomcH mil I nun I'ortluiHl
nbout uery (wo weeks and conduct
services in the M. K. Iiuililint?.
After dinner my daughter mid I
look the cur mid went out lo tie
county f ii rm, or what is culled io
most places the ioor farm, hut if
Hint it a poor farm I would like lo
know what there is poor nbout it, for
the buildings look more like pulaccH
(limi like nnylliiiiir poor. The Iioiimck
are of brick, Meno and concrete, two
storicK high nud I lie roomy are lare
and airy. The bedrooms are well
arranged and in some of them tljo.v
have several bed but in that case
the roouiH nre very large and well
lighted aud ventilated and everything
we saw hhowed that everything that
could be done for the comfort of the
iiiiiiuti'M wim done mid they all seem
ed to bo happy and contented. They
Imve a large m-xcuiblv room m ar
ranged iih to accommodate i-evcral
hundred pen-miK where htey can
have ntitiitetiicnl, religioiH hcnicM,
etc. While wc were there tho IJrititli
consul nnd liw daughter came oul
from Portland mid conducted (he
service of the Protectant
church. There wuk cpiite a yood at
tendiiuce, and it was good to hear so
many of those xtr, old dependants
siiif.'. They seemed to enjoy the ning
iii! very much. They have every
(hing nrnnged very coiivcnicntly.
They ge( their water from a large
sprius on the hill above the fa no and
that furnislic-i the farm with all the
water (hey need. They have their
own power plant aud do about nil or
(heir work (hat can be done with ma
chinery by electric force. The laun
dry is supplied with n wa-hinp ma
chine (hat will wash one hundred and
twenty sheet nt n time, and these
are placed in a wringer that squeezes
the water all out. They are then nm
through a machine that dries nud
irons them and the heaviest articles,
sueh ax underwear, outside heavy
VUli EXCHANGE J1000 Overland
car for city. $1250 cast side for
west side. $1700 Ashland for au
to. 12300 Uungalow for auto.
13000 Portola, Cal., (or acreage,
$3500 Income ror acreage. $4000
Santa Barbara ror acreage. $4000
Los Angeles for acreage. $0000
Los Angeles for city. $11,000 12C
acres Willamette. $20,000 233
acres Willamette. $12,5000 JIG
acres Willamette. Clark Itcalty
Co.. 200 Phlpps Bldg. 198
paying business, best location In
the city. Box W. A-. care Mall
Tribune. 203
FOU SALE Spltzeiiburg und New
town apple culls. 50 cents u box
nt Laurel's ranch. Phono F-21-323.
FOR SALE Three sections dlobe
Wernecke bookcaso, ono largo li
brary table, china closet, buffet,
Inrge dresser, chiffonier, two beds,
complete, largo wardrobe. 227 E.
Sixth. Phone S01.
FOR RENT Furnished hotiso oil
Woodstock street. Will rent rea
sonable. Seo Dr. Scelyor J. W.
Borrlan. 201
WE luivo u customer who wishes to
Invest $8000 cash In alfalfa land
or small stock ranch; aUaUa laud
preferred, uud not too closo In.
orrico Mcdrord Hotel.
Sold in 35
Last Monday wo sold six quurt
aluminum kottles tor 50 cents each,
nnd thoy ull went lu a little over half
an hour.
at 10 o'clock
wo will placo on sale, several barrels
SIhSTAU cut glasses
worth $3,00 n dozen,
For 10 Each
$(..:) per do,cu
Not over ouo dozon to u customer
and will not bo sold ou account or
rosorvod by telephone. Call lu per
son. Medford Furniture
6 Hardware Co.
sliirls, elcs,, ate hum,' on nick and
run into a dryer where lliey am dried
in a few minutes. In the culirmry
cpnrtuiciil ewrylhiii! looked clean
and iip to date and from the appear
ance of things the Inble U supplied
with a great plenty. In speaking of
the place, in niiiny iiislaiici'M it h
spoken of as "The Palare." The
farm i managed oil wcicntifie priori-1
pies mid the soil id ho rich that it ,
produces an abundant crop. Along
the walk from the railroad Htation to I
the building the volunteer grain that
came since Imnest stood two and a
half feci high and ni green im could
Hut I find that I am getting' this
tiler too hug, but the next time will
trv to (ell something of the produc
tiveness of this part of thd county
nnd what I saw on tny way from
Fairview to this place,
Dnmusfu-, Ore., Nov, G, 1012.
DAWSON, Y. T., Nov. 8. One
hundred passengers, Including ten
women, aboard the steamer Vldctte,
loft here four daya ago for White
Horse, will he forced to mako a
twenty-eight mile Journey across tho
Ice to return to this city, following
tho stalling or the steamer through
the closing of the Indian River by
The largest trade union In tho
world, composed entirely of women,
Is said to be the Cotton Operatives'
union or Lancashire, England, which
boasts or a membership of 80,000.
Health Is tbo foundation of all good
looks. The wise woman realizes this
and takes precautions to preserve her
health and strength through tho pe
riod of child bearing. Sho remains a
pretty mother by avoiding as far as
possible the suffering and dangers of
such occasions. This every woman
may do through the use of Mother'?
Friend. This Is a medlclno for
external application and bo penetrating
In Its naturo as to thoroughly lubricata
crery muscle, nervo and tendori In
volved during tho period beforo baby
comes. It aids nature by expanding
tbo skin and tissues, relieves tender
ness and soreness, and perfectly pro-.
pares tho system
for natural nnd CflUXUWflA
safe motherhood. ','!rVVr
Mother'B Friend &! MOntl
is sold at drug JlWltV
stores. Write for freo book for ex
pectant mothers, -which contains much
valuable Information.
ORADfinj) FECUUTOR CO.. Atta. Ce.
Parties wishing to subscribe
renew their subscription to
The Saturday Evening Post
The Ladies' Home Journal,
The Country Gentleman
Please notify C. A. DeVoo, 418 W.
Main. District agent for tho Curtis
Publishing Co. Back numbers al
ways on hand. Phone 5GU.
Will Make Small
Automobile Owners Attention
Corner Eighth and Bartlett Sts,
Do first class automobile repair work and tfiiaraiiteo
it. Wo employ the best mechanics in tho city llavo
a completely equipped machiuo shop and make cust
iiigs aud boariiujs of all kinds
Our garage is open all the timo and our i'loor men
competent and courteous. Cheap storage rates for
tho winter. "Why lot your car stay out in tho rah:?
Seo us about our new and convenient gasolono propo
sition, it is a saving to tho owner. .
AVo will soon have in a full lino of tho 1013
Cadillac aud lhiick cars, the best cars on tho market
for tho money.
Bear Creek Motor Car Co.
Not in tbe Trust
is Cheaper
Telephone 2091
401-403-405 E. Main
Corner Riverside
llcltublo Home Treatment
Tho OIUtlNE treatment tor thu
Drink Habit can bo used with ahso
Into confidence It destroys nil do
biro tor whlskoy, beer or other, al
coholic stimulants. Thousands havu
successfully used It and have huoii
restored to llyca of sobriety and uso
fulnebs. Can ho glvon sccrotly,
Cohts only $1.00 por box. If-you
fall to got results from OIHIINE af
ter a trial, your money will bo re
funded. Ask for freo booklet toll
ing all about OUItlNE, Leon B.
8 i'l
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1 1
nv-wA'- -11