,JB a 'I IS o 0 ii f j T t yb j J. 4 I. V J, -ft v f w. "4 5 A-1 f s 4 i s m Tut 3 n i' rrrr Jeff Certainly Has a Mean I11 ' ' .mi " "" " I' " " "' ,""; ' r'l ,' l1 in- ii ii umii . ! ' ', i ' ' r " ' '"' ,!. -J .. i t i, ' r)f ' ,.. I ( j r- x afw ,ocpr, i (van l fZ J rouu you a?' 1 I coout you lgnd ve 1 L, cut, tti MoLtiM Yh " ,- - HAM8 70O . . i SSwcP flS& ' "" 1 Wp BUCK I ' '"' ,l4' '(' YOU? ' - ; r y -kJ- .. ..- v - V v , ' l & ti . yL.f A .,o.l . Ta ffc....,.. 1 !!lLv ir 1 2fi.a I 5 ? .. .?? .... j ' ' J -J ' ' riWW ' I Ii - -1 I I . . -n I I I - I I l-IM II I..II 11 - - Ml I1IHI I I 'I I . I Our Correspondents -4 ,- II1 EAGLETS ABROAD. Jly A. C. HowMl ' At UiIh wrlliiiK I "t" ' "0 1ikI Ioi'm, Mrx. 0. II. Khaw, litivme rmli. I'd lioio JiiRt Kritliiy. ami I nii r inlmli'il (lint I iiroinim'd in my lnt (o lull Hoiiu'lhinu "if uluit I mv mill liminl ntivr my iilrivjil n( Pilot lUu'U. On I'limliiiyj llm kImIIom I foiiiitl my iiuiKlilcr, Mr". Jiyno M. I.vwIh, v'niliim for mi mill l)rh ;irominl wilh h riir s wito mooii on th wny In tin; Iioiihi of ir mii-iii'lliw, .Mr. I,. .Mi(lmvmi, mill hiimiiii; llii' fir) lliltiK" I noli I wo Mm IivIkIiI l ll" lilll wit litiil o clluili Id Kitlnnl tf Urn ri.iili'.v, nr lioltiiw in wliirli tin Invx'ii U hIIiiiiIciI, fur it npponrM In liu litiilt i-ilit in the liriul Ol' it holly v, nml I miik umuU'rlnu how thry would t'Vi'r eft mil of llnn. with a train of nr IniL I liuvo mciii m ninny im pOHillililil-H ill tlllll lttH'S OMTl'Ollll' Kinco I havo lii'i'ii Iravelinu that I linvd i'oiiiu to tin t'Oiiclnnioii that niilroiul (Mimiutni.'K tntijIi nt tlm idon nl' iiiiM).Kiliilitii'n mid jiint p rlplit nlonir. Afr w' n-nrltod llio lim of tlm hill wi had ii film view or Hit Miirniluidiiif; ronnlry. II U n pniirio t'onnlry i'ovt'ri'd wilh Ha hninli, hut Mry hilly, in furl ilun i Ki-arcolv idwi','K?!ilIi.,,H',J',ul,iU!'liiIl IIIMIHI' Oil t'V'('IIIK 1110 IIIIIIKH III III" dry orwlw or nwrloli, lor llu foun Iry in almost dovoid of rimuiiij: a lor. On in v arrival at tlm honii of our riinildmiL'hli'r and hr hiiHhand I fniind tin-in wiiiliin; for dm, mid iiIho my kiiiiiiIhoii, Kddio Lcwix, nmv a full umtwi man. Hinidav nttcrnonn Mr. .McOownn hltcliml it i mid took IK, Mr. IiwIh nail IiIh wlf.i nml your corronnondout mil to wo lli country. Wo Htartud out la n wimturly direction nnd trav lid on mid on for porluip two mid a linlf or three iiiIIob nml enmu to n cornfUdd mid ncattnrcd nmoiic tlm corn wait u lot of h in nil yellow Mounith and. off ijulto a ilUlmico wo unw n honuu thnt tiicarud to tin Inhnbltod. 1'amliiK on In n little whllo wo t annul iioutli for two or tliroo inlli'ii nnd cIIh rovurod nnothur honm, hut It noiimod to Im ualahahlti'd, Httll trvollii ovor, n raw, hilly lirulrlo. mid ulthoiih nil of tlm land nouiueil to lie fviicod Wo foiiiul thnt humlrods of ncroa was Ht tl In ItH wild atato, covorml with miko lirimh. TaruliiK OKnlu In n wt'Htorly dtroctlou wo travolod on inllo aftor mllo nccaalounlly poo,liiK Iioiiho off la a rootoy hut with llttlo HlKit of lUu nltlioiiKh qnlto u lurnu (iiiantlty of tho In ml hud boon oaltl vatoil mid In noma liiMtunvcH tho tUtibblu on tlm Krouud would Indlcnto thu( (hoy hud had a fair crop of Kraln. Hut tho acnrclty of water nil nlong tho routo In fnct nil ovor tho country wait dimply wonderful, and tlm Idea of a man llvlujj on u farm and hav Init to Ijaul wnlor ho upon for nl piirponoH war no far from my Idon of IIvIiik that I could not lie roconollod (o tjio lliouisht. Voll wo lintl trnv oled around through tho fnriiiH nnd piiHturou rur nhnut twenty in I Urn nnd wo caiue to a neliaol Iiouho, liut whoru tho children camo from, vh a ques tion In my mind wo alao found near tho Hulmol houno a house rontnlnluu a family and tho woman appeared ho Klad lo nee my dauKhlor mid Biaml dauishtor, for to hoo a woman thoro would almoat ouro tlm noro oyoH. I omitted to utato that wo piihboiI oao place whoro thoro wuh nlto r Kood Hlzod orehard, Tlm principal pro duct In that country la whont nnd hurley. ,Tlmy fnrm thoro on n InrKo Bcalo iih tho farniH contain from aao to an lilRlt iih. 2000 or 3000 ncroa and they Holdom uho Iobs tlinn fllx lioros or mujea In ft tomn, Konornlly ( ciKlit In a tomn, thoy uho buiii; plows throe In a Kftuu and tho three cut Blxtoon InchoH each, thoy Biimnmr fol low about ftll thoh-Jtiiul plQWlni II; up In tho lnttor Jmrt of, tlm winter 'nnd Hprlnn and ijmn oultlvatolt t knop tlm woodn dqyi ,(o' l'y ft"8 iroiiblud With thvoo itluilB of woeda CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I Mr. ami .Mr Thoiiian Simlh ro- luriied In their home in 1,'duewoodj (.'aliforiila, WVtliiciilny inoiiiiiiK. t. W Turpiu jtpvnt Wednesday with frienilh here. Mr. and .Mrn. Ilntner l'uatlof .laeksoinilie Hpent Uednejiday lieu1. Jiiitv'O llollirool; Witliine,tou v-pi'iit part of Wrduivttilny afternoon hen. ('. W. Wliiln'.v Iff I on Wednesday iiiiiniinc on n viwit lo bin hrol)ier at Merrill, Oregon. Mr. mid Mr. ). W, Myen, A. 1, Diiulap, W. ('. Ix-ever, Mr. Maimer iiiKi Mrx. (!liiitaiu, Mm Kdvard, Mr Chirk, J. S. Harnett were ainniiir the Central l'ointerx in Med ford Wednejday afternoon. The-elei lion exeiteuieut Iiiik qtiU't i'il down here mid everylhiuj; i" p' iiiu aloiiL' Miioothly. ltox Kline uf Kos Jmm wn traiiHiiellntj hiptinesfi here ThurMlay afternoon. I. W. Myen. made it hiihinoMn trip to .laekbonvillo Thiirxdny moriiiii. Verne I'endli'ton of Table lloek wan a TJititxifiy visitor lien. Mr. T. .). O'llara fpenl pail of tliiN week with her dnuejijer, Mrn. Martin Howerx in (lold Hill. I'ankeyTHpv. 1 f? fNV Aldriih were ThurMlay afteriiiMin vinilorn in Med-', ford from here. ' Manv of the Jadii1' here were d lihll'nlly entertained at the home of Mr. Itov. Ilcurst Wt'diiecdny after noon. M. Hhcrman of AhIiIiiihI ii here viitinjr her pareiitx, Mr. mid Air, floorer lli'MMilKnivo mid jylhor rela tivcK. hero In particular, that completely nap the Krouud ti ulcus they tiro kept down nml In many luKtuncuit floUU bad been neklected nnd then thoy have to o over the Inud with n kind of rnke, mndo of n ittlck of timber, Mix by olKht Inclica nnd tliU bna har row tenth about n foot Ioiik drove In It every alx Inchea nnd they hitch olr.lit hortieH or muleu to HiIk nnd dniR over tho Inud, bavins n plank (aataaed ot It no iih to have tho driv er Mtnud on It nnd whua It Kota fult ho will Jump off nnd then It will turn ovor and unload lUelf, and after Coins ovor thu Inud In thla wny thoy have to bunch tlm wooda and burn them. Hut I Hee thnt 1 am netting thla lattart too Ioiik nlrondy but I must mnko mention of thu. donth of my old neighbor and friend J, J, I'ryur, boforo 4 cloao It. I received n copy of the Mali Tribune yeator day, Sunday, morning unuounclMK bin dentil, I wnH not surprlacd to lenrn of hlrf denth for wbon I loft homo on tho HOth of Soptombor, h waa feel Iih: quite poorly In fnct he him been rnllliiK qulto fast for tlm pnat year. AlthoiiKh ho mm well 'advanced In ukq ho nlwayn Keouted hopeful until tho pnat few moatlia nml then ho would my when naked how ho wuh nettliiK nlonK. 'O, 1 atu Just drifting uloug, no ypcclal objuqt, Ian view, Ho had reullxod'hla hopes with regard o Kaglo I'olnt, ImvliiK lived to hpo It grpw (o be a flourlali lug railroad town, for tho growth of Knglo I'olnt and development of tho country around It HComed to bo hfa longing dealro. Aa ho' wna n pro groaalVo eltlnm lib neceaanrlly bail Home ouomloH but hU friends, wer.o numbered by tho Bcoro. Ho will lm mlfiHod by hla old uelghbora for ho waa alwaya entortalnlng and aoolablo ylth all. Falrvlow, Octobor as, 1012. BRYAN'S WARD ATTEMPTS TO TAKE HER OWN LIFE 'GtfAlfA. Neb., Nov. 8. Hoenuw of alleged htfldoHly on llio pari oV her, liiibjituu. Mr Kdytlm Kllio wnt'il of William .J. Hr.van, nnd a dridiMU' loss than ft mouth, 1h in Ihp li(flptal,luu:o today, aflor ftllemptinp Huleido, Slio will recover, ! MEDffOtfD MAIL OTITBUNE, Disposition DAHO FOR TAFT BY HOIHB, Mnllo.'Nov. - fi la' cer tain thnt PreHldent Tart una carried Idaho by lehB than 1.000. Tho heavy Mormon vote In reKpoimlble for tho preiddenfa lerfd. John M. llayea, republican, carried but ono county ouUlde the .Mormon Nectlou, but linn won by about the mtiiie plumllty aa Tnft. Tho repiibllean Inglnlntlvu ticket wna endortieil by tho progressive or finulialloa. In aplto of tlm fact tbnt there were no progrenalvu electors the ballot, Uooaevelt carried five counties, and hm a big lend In HoIho. . llurton I. French and Addlaon T. Smith, both republican, wore elected to congrcHM. E OPPOSES SUIT CLUBS 1'OIITUANI). Ore., Nov. U.Tbe Ire of tho entire city la aroused' to day ngnluat the proprlotoni of many Ho-rnlled "ault clubt" on account of ndmlfiidoiiH made on the witueas Mtnud by Hen Keiiiylo, bead of one of the clitba nnd ninny women cua tonieni of the organization. Bemylo atntvd tho arrest of tlio ault club men wax due to the activity of .lake Ketwler. reataurnnt roirle tor, who had bills outstanding agnlunt tho alleged swindling tail oring eslnbllshmeutfl, nnd suddenly decided to foreclose on them by hav ing nil their proprietors arrested, It was held tbnt tho cnao should properly go to the circuit court, and Semylo was fined $2fi In order to have an opportunity to nppenl. STAR OF MADAME SHERRY TO WED A MILLIONAIRE 'SKW YORK, Nov. 8. -To iiirvluiMi n troseau, M.iH Virginia Kollr, fir mer tdnr of the miisieal comedy "Madame Sherry" and it nieee of At torney .Samuel M. Slinrtridge of Kan Fraueiseo, i heri. today. When seen at the home of a friend, Mis KoHk eonlVhed that the man involved is Leslie It. Martin, u Low Augcle mil lionaire. Tho wedding in eiieduled for November 'JII, Xotlco to tiro Public. Tho public Is Ueruby notified thnt tho undersigned, P. Singer, has pur chased mid Is now In possession of mid managing tho Uga Theator, lo cated on West Main street) Medford, Ore. The foromoero owners of Bald theator are to pay all outstanding bills Incurred prior to my taking: pos sesion. No bills Incurred nttor ibis dnto will bo paid unless snmo are or dered oro Incurred "by tho tiudor slgned. Dated this 7th day ot November, 1912, FltMD SINORIt. Owner mid mauagbr ot tho Ugo Tiro- ator, Medford, Oro. NEW TODAY , Just ono propo'sltlon 'today? Horo la your chanco to farm, and farm right. 200 acres six miles south of Kla math Kails,- buildings nnd fences, Half now umlnr Irrigation ditch. Tho real ffuo bucb grass pasture. Tlm placo ralsea prlsso wheat ( thla your, mid only x $'(!&, 00 por acre, $2000.00 cash will bundle It, and parry would tako noino more of tho nrlco In Modfqrd. proporty., C.D..HOON ltoour tU, JackKOH County Ifauk Hldj;. 1000 MAiORTY MEDFOni); OEaoy,,CTTDAYt NOVEMBER 8, .1912. , W t , i I'OHTJ.ANl), Ore, Nov. 8. A pnrado headed by a brass band and made up of. over 1100 employes of the llnrrltmin wn In this vicinity will bo n feature of the session of tho northwest land products show on the afleVnoon of Wednesday, Nov, 20. Tho clerks In the general offices here, and ns ninny of the other em ployes ns can be liberated without hnuiperliig the service ate today nd lseil that they will be a Klven a half holiday on tbnt ocraxlou. They will be expected to turn out for the pnrado and It will lj their day at tho show. The Harrluinn lines wilt have one of the biggest exhibitions in the dis play and will donate two handsome trophies for other exhibits. SAI.KM. Ore.. Nov. 8.--A tonpo. raCji in tho uitc land board- today iih the result of. State Treasurer Kay mid Seeretarv of Stale Oleott li'l'ils iuj; to sanction the apimiiitment of II. M. Kstorlv by (Jovemor Wit ; special eouiiM'l in the uiattnr of o.in eellatiou of deeds to public Ja-icK .said to liave been fraadulenlly te eured in the Hason-Hyde laud trans action'1 Both Oleoli nnd Kay strenuously inaintniu that the attorney general i Lhe proper uirty to handle these ease. and the liirinjj of special coun sel is n sheer wasfe of money. Ooernor West'' declares he wrote to the attorney e'nernl a year ago in regard to the matter but the latter took no cognizance of Ium imMvo. MIIAYACKEK. Vis., Nov. $. Ptxident-elect Wilson's plurality in this state today is placed at 47,000. (lovernor Moflnvern is re-elected by 1000 plurality ovof )ii nearest op IMiiient. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. FOll ItKNT UOARD AM) ROOMS ItOOM AND IlOARD-r-At "Tyrrell's" 204 S. Central., 21C FOR UKN1 RUD8K8 FOR RKNT -Oct our rental, list. Medford Realty & Improvement Co. FOR RBNT FurnUhgd C room cot tago modora, BIS King St. FOR RUNT Furnished houso closq In. CO North ,Qrungo. - FOR RENT Modtrn five-room. ' hcruBO. M. A. iUdor, at M. P. & II. Co. FOR RKNT 10 room, liousu rear ot Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable- tor business, real estnto. boarding or rooming houso. Gold Rny Realty Co., 6th and Ftr sta. FOR RBNT-r-AU tho down stairs of houso Vi block from Hotel Hoi Uludt Call at 12'Jj Qrapo atroot. FOR RKNT Ono G room modem, Ono l room modem, partly fur- nlslicd houso, litqulro 714 W. I'aim.qt. aia FOR RI-5XT ii room houao and barn. Iiuiulro GOII Clark street. aoi FOR IlKNTr-FURjaSinOh AOOMii FOR ' RENTiIirR sleeping room, ?l,ri0 and 'i por'.weok. Modern housekeeping npnrtmonts, $1C and II 0, Home phono a0C-K. 233 South Holly. ' FOIl nENTBmlth Apts. 217 S. HIT. FOR HEX T HOCSEKEKl'ING ROOMS FOR RKNT -A suite of four or two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 720 West 11th. FOR RKNT A suite of four or two nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, plumbed, lighted. low er floor. 730 West 11th St. FOR RKNT -Furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern, lO.t 3. Oak dale. 130 FOR RENT OrFlCES FOR RENT Largo, comrortabla of- iico rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT MIHCKLbAXEODS FOR RENT Ranches large and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR RENT Good barn, 3 stalls nnd buggy shed. Large lot and water. C23 Central avenue N. 108 FOR BALE HOUSES FOR SALE 4 room nunse and lot, 3C00.00. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth and Fir. FOR SALE Equity In a good house with largo lot S2xl50. house has six rooms, pantry, bath, etc., largo front nnd side porches, outhouses, store house, stable, wood house and chicken hpusc. Conio sec It and save agent's commission. Dal lance on easy terms. Street will bo paved next Spring. If you want a bargain camo to 401 King street FOR HALE liAfD FOR SALE 4S0 acre stock ranch at $35 per acre. I havo renter now for 10 years at $500 a year, cash rent. ?S,000 down and bal anco In 3 years. Terms to suit buyer. Stock, Implements, house hold goods, etc.. goes with place. I. C. D care Mall Tribune. 198 FOR 8ALK ACUKACHB i ii. i i i i - J FOR SALE Ranches, aero tracts, iowu iirojiurio, iruiu u jiur ui-m, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Gth and Fir. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 150 tons of hay and pasturo, Helkey much, Applegate P. O.. D. A. Wood. , 199 FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger au tomobile almost new. Bargain for cash. Box SO, Tribune. 4 FOR SALE Recleaned seed wheat, ryo, oats, vetch. Schmidt Feed store, Medford. FOR SALE Jersoy cow giving milk. Inqulro 910 W. Eleventh. FOR SALE Thorough-bred brown Leghorn spring pulletts and year old hens, $9.00 per doz. S. J. Norman, box 452 Medford. 19S FOR SALE JFnncy Club Boed wuoat. beardless barley, good grain and nlfaUa hay, , barloy straw, all baled at Regar ranch, 3 miles west of Medford. 202 FOR SALE Good second blind fur niture cheap, at 737 West Clark street. Must be sold at once. 199 FOR SALE Eight placer claims locatod In Josejihlno rountyv Flye good water rights. 1100 feet 11 Inch plpo. No. 3 Giant. Call at Moore Hotel any time nttor G:30 in evening. 'P. C. Claflln. 200 FOR SALE Opo H. P. gasollno engine complete with pump, jack, buttorlos. etc., ready to run. Phono 807-F-12. - - 198 FOR SALE Corn. Clancy. Inqulro Dr. FOR SALE-J-PIgs all kinds, W. E. Ilryson, Griffin creek. 19S FOR BALH Oil .EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 boiler return flue, 15 h. p. 1 englno (At las) 12 h. p., In good running or dor, Address box 24 Jaokson vlllo, Oro., or' call ou Chris UIt rich, Jacksonville. . 209 FOR EAC1IANG. FOR EXCHANGE Improved ranch tributary to Medford for proper ty In-Loa Angeles or! vicinity. Ad dress 70, oaro Mall Trlbuno. 203 WANTED Roof leak? 1 repair leaking roofs, rain or shine. Phono 112-R. W.H.Smith. 221 WANTED Canadian pralrlc land in exchange for well located ranch in this valley. What have you? Dox '75, caro Mall Tribune. 190 WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro perty worth 12,000. Uox 4flo, Medford. WANTED To buy, A hay ranch, bottom land preferred. Address P. T.t caro Mall Tribune. 137 WANTED Confinement cases to nurse, no objection to light house work. Price reasonable. Mrs. E. Nabss, 14 C S. Hotly, phone 2CC-X. 210 WANTED Sowing by the day or at home. "Will do mending, darning or hemstitching. 319 S. Ivy. Phono 28C-JC. 205 WANTED To exchange a desirable lot In Central Point ono block from pavement for a light ranch team. Address Dox 83, Central Point, Ore. 198 WANTED Turkeys and chickens. J. II. Lyons. Phoenix. MONK TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On city proper ty and close In ranch property. C. A. Knight, 801 East Main. 20C MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. SlcArtbur. room 3, P. O. block. phono 3G81. " BUSINESS wmBxrronY Access taate D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phono 6302. Attorney C. L. RKAMES, LA.WYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F: MUL- KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building, Medford. Ore. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING urvtl Engineer and Survoyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur vvoys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drattiug, sower design, concrete work, pump aud canal systems. Room 2, Palm blh., Medford. Orecon. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bin roster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGED, iru Louise E. Hedges, Mechano-Therapists, Chiro practors, Spondylotherapists. These systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next, door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a, bi. to 5 p, m. Other hours by ap pointment Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nerva specialist Rooms 203-Q4-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor hatha and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973, Oduese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Cmncso medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, doafnesa, paralysis, private diseases aud all klnda ot chronic and norvous aliments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb aud bladder troubles. See me at 241 8. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:S0 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO, Goo. W. Prlddy,' O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and mann facturera ot brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick ynrd, West Jackson st Phone N,o, 9461.' t . - , pxgb mm By "Bud" Fisher !y t kuK Ui YLiJ t ? . '" ..ijj . j. BUBINH86 WIRHCrrORY Itmttmm DR. W. M. VAN SCOTOO DR. a C VAN 8COYOO TJinf fftf ft Gernett-Corey bid., nite S19, Medford, Oregon. Both Phone. DR. ARTEMUS W. DKANE Deattet. Office In Rialto bldg., 123 B. Mala. Gas administered for extractloa ef teeth. Telephone Mala (81. Nlatv phone 4432. Gartmge GARDAGE Get your premise cleaned up for the sumsaer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 6261. F. Y. Alles. Notary VaWtc HELEN NT. YOCKET notary Pub lic Bring your work to me at the slcn of The Mall Trlbunn QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, sot grafted. Oar stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are not la the trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash. In side entrance next to barber shop. Printers and PiiliUflhers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job of flceia southern Oregon; booh binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir trt. Physldaiw awl Httrgeen DRS. CONROY & CLANOY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office pharos 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. a, to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physlcjans, 41C-417 Oarnett-Cor-ey Bldg., phono 278-IC. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St DR. STEARNS Pnyslclaa and snr geon. Ofrico Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19. phone 5501; resldenco 307 S. Dakdate, phone 7171, Home phone, .residence 109. office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. K. D. Practice limited to dtseasee ef women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Storo. Office Phenes: M. 1001, tendant Residence phone Mala 5712, office Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Bye scien tifically tested and glances supplied. Office 228 E. Main St Hours 8;30 a. m. to 8 p. ra. Both phones. E B. P1CKEL. M. Of flee Jaek- son County Bank. Office sheas M. 432; Res. phone, M. 583. DR, MARION Physician and Sur geon, Stewart Bldg., corner Main and Bartlett, office phone, 271; house phone, 273, E. K1RCHGESSNBR, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offico Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3, Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Bagle Point and Rogue River line. HERMANN F. RATTHi, X. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res., Hetel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D.i Prae tice limited to Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat Eyes scientifically tested aud glasses furnished when needed. Garuett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. 3 d?l DR. MARTIN C, BARBBR Physi cian and Surgeon. Ottloe Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phone Paelflo a 1101. DR. n. W. CLANGY Physician aud ourjjuou. mono, ouice, aui; resi dence, 7241, Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to S. fckoHograpfeer ELLA M. OAUNYAW Pal hlock. ttenograpnie work dene ,utekly and well. True titer BADS TRANSFER tc STORAQB CO, uruce us ouiH Ftr. Phone Bell 3152; Home 3KQ-K. Prlees riRui. romce guarantee:. ' flu- UHthH-takw JOHN A. PHRL TialariMMar - --T- '-. - ". i"T".T--T. -w Kmbaimer. ORiee 21 aHtk BH lett st Telephone; pay. tji 47 li .night, rM,f m,1 Home 17 -L. Oalls mwuA 4ft f 4ay. AphiMiMs'BrvhB, tf -' j , i i -vil l c ; tf st' Cb W- 5V' l m