u V 1-N'J T ran oun MFiIYFCmfl WATT. TRTBUNfl, MEm?Oim QKRCIOK FRIDAY, NOVllMBimft 1M2. H "1 M I. ik , "! ri 1 MroroRD Tribune DrxNDrft AFTBnNOON BY TUB SUNDAY np D-PKINTINO Cft erlo Tlnips, Tho Medford Jffirrt TrlbunA. The Rotith ern rronln. ThaAthland Tribune. lMaJI tribune Kulldln i. 26-ST-tJ Main soil; arm irip ainati tinntan uumv b QBOKOS TtJTS AM;MUor and Manner 'Bt-rd ns MamtMtM miliar at Mcaroni, Orofnn. n.loh lbo xi nr Marsh , 1R7. Official Iajer ef th City of M'flferd. wiioiai i-apor or jacKsoti county. KltRSCHlnTmV ttlTm one fonth,,by mall ,t. ,50 ' wiwtii, iciiverei iiy earrirr In Medford, Jaekionvllio and Cen tral X'olnt ro gjtunlay only, by mall, pr year.. S.' Weakly, per year. , l.so RWORW CIHCWI.ATIOX, Dally avers k or leren month end Jnir November so, lm. jtsi. Pull I.rairri Wire Vattrd rreaa DlnpatcTir. The Mall Trlbuna In on sale at the rerry Newa (Hand, San Francisco, -Portland Hotel New Stand. Portland. Bowman New Ce., Portland. Ore. w. j. wanner. Keaitia. wasn. WfHIPORO, ORHfiOY. Malropoll of Southern Orejron and Northern California. nd the fastMt KrOttinit ,rlty In Oreftan. Population O. R, ecmu 1910 SStO: ettlmated. 151110.069. Five hundred thouMnd dollar Gravity Wotr Sylem completed, Ktvlnf: finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. Postotrlce receipts tor year ehilfntr .November SO. 1911, show Increase of 13 per cent. Banner, Trait city In Oregon Romia Klver Spltzenberr apples woa aweep takea prtxe and'tltle of AssleXlac f the Wrtt at the National Annie Shorr, Spokane, ijw, im a ear nr Newtown won Ftrat Print" In 1418 at Canadian International Apple Show, anepuvcr?l.C. j v,j at, Apokane Nntlonal. Apple Show well by-earloart of Newtewn. .Roirae niver pears brought highest firlcra In all markets of the world dir nur the past alx year Write Commercial Club, tncloatnir Cent a for postajre for- tha finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. JOLTS AND JINGLES ly Ad Srewn Tlidrcls little dobbt about the fact that this column carried the county for Wilson. Which Is the more admirable a good loser or those who rub it In? - ' ' 1 Someone says "Slttglcr's name should be Plural. llush, little suffragette, Don't you cry; They'll get 'em counted By and by. So far no Jackson county man has . askedfor t ajplace';on"3Vll8on'a cabi net.' ; ' Once agalu Kelly lost, Hko Kelly did.1 While you arc congratulating win ners why overlook Shorty Garnctt who made an Interesting statement regarding bounty warrants. Suggestion to fair management; why not pull off a race between Kel ly, SInglcr and Clarence Iteames at the next fair? GOVERNORS ELECTED Colormlo Ellas ar. Anliuon.s (Democrat.) Connecticut Kiiucuu E. Haiti win (Democrat.) Delaware Thomas JL (Democrat.) Florida Park Truinuu MntlUKllilU I (Demo- crnt.) Idaho Jat'iicri '11. llawley (Dvino oral.) lllinoLs Edward F. Dunne' (Dem ocrat.) Jmliium Siiinucl !M Kaliston (Duuioqral.) Iown- 0. Dunn (Democrat.) KiiiiKitH Arthur Cupper (Kcpub licau.) jrussuclmsetts Euene N. Fosh (Doinoerut.) Sjiclilgnu-T;Woo(lbriij;c K. Ferris (Democrat.) Jliiinosotttr-Atlolpii O, Ebcrbnrt (Itepublican.) Jlissouri Elloolt W.- Major (Dem ocrat.) Montana Samuel V. Stewart (Democrat,) Nebraska Samuel If. Morcbeud (Democrat.) New Hampshire F. Worcester (Republican.) , New York William Sulzer (Dcm oimittK '.' North Citroliun Louko Cruitf (Democrat.) Ohio James M, Cox (Democrat.) ltboilo Iblaud Aram J. Pothicr (Itiipublicaii.) South Carolina- Colo L, Illciibo (Ddiuuirat.) South Dakota Frank Uyrne (Hc jntblicau,) Teiinuhsoo Benton McMillan (Deul .uuritt.) Texas Oscar 11. Colquitt. (Deino 'ornt.) ,!- UtNb Joliu F. Tolton (Dcmociat.) ,WibiiiKtqnT5Knii'i LUter (Dein ,opnil.) , -IS ,Wet VirKinia W. II. Tlihmlisoii (Deiuonrol.l w VisQonsiif-lV E. McOovern (Hoi feublif DU.X .., vrf v WVaHi jkscwt jl HpUfTIB WILSON'S OPPORTUNITY. WILSON'S election was m nearly iiimiuiitous us possi ble to lmvo it it result that never was in doubt since ilic l'cpubliiiiui party split into two faction and the Uemo orata named a true progressive. Woodrow Wilson should make an ideal president. uSTo man in many years lias been so well fitted by education, t miningi experience and temperament for the position, ft is iH'obablc that his administration will be one of such material progress and wisdom that opposition will bo kept scattered and ineffective. At least he has such opportunity. Woodrow Wilson as a believer in fundamental democ racy, will be tho people's spokesman at AVnsliington as he was at Trenton. Tho democratic party will probably, un der his leadership, appropriate the nteritoriotis humani tarian planks of tho progressive and socialist platforms and enact such legislation as the welfare of the nation demands. Readjustment mid revision downward of the tariff, criminal prosecution for trust magnates, restoration of natural competition and destruction of artificial monopoly are among the measures the democratic party is pledged to enact ami iailurc to lultill promises to the people will destroy the party as it has the republican party. For the first time in his career, that child" of fortune, Theodore Roosevelt has met adversitv. Sweet are its uses. ...wi:4.l 1 ...; -rt ,i, .imi, it aiiuum npen xxoosovoti-'s cnaractcr as it nas uryan s, submerge tho egotism and make him a prophet of altruism and educator of the masses rather than a mere office seeker. The socialist party shows a healthy growth and occu pies a useful phiec. its propaganda makes people think and acts as trlenvcning power in the politics of the nation. y nen tnciueas it promulgates get sufficient popularitv, they are appropriated by the. parties in power and enacted into law, thus achieving bv evolution what is inmoHsililo to accomplish by revolution i'ouscrvativa.jf '.,. THE SENATORIAL ELECTION. 'pHE defeat of Ben Selling for United States senator was a coiisunmtion devoutly to be wished. Harrv Lane is a true friend of tho people and will alwavs be found championing their wuise. With democrats ih complete conti'ol of the national administration, and with two demo cratic senators, Oregon will not suffer in the senate though badly handicapped in the house. Tiie defeat of Jonathan Bourne, Jr., is greatly to be regretted, as ho was one of the most useful senators for the nation as well as for Oregon. He has left his mark in tho parcels post bill and other legislation. His defeat ut the primaries by the republican partv was a great mis take. It cost the party a senatorship. 'it was due to his own absence front the state at a time when his enemies had combined to slaughter him. Selling was nominated to kill Bourne and to Jcill off Selling also a double mur der, as the result plainly showed. Had Bourne not run as an independent. Selliner's defnnt wmilrl lmvo lmn v,. "whelming. .Bourne proved a true friend to southern Oregon at a wiu iviiuu jjjuiuismp was uaciiy needed. It would have been rank ingratitude not to have shown appreciation of Jus efforts. Because he had made good, the Mail Tribune jujjuiicu mm. Ifc is evident that the people of the state as a whole regarded his candidacy as a menace to the spirit of the mm I'liiir '-x ma r -. -a. ..oi.- ""' yf i.mar- anti ror tins reason lie met defeat. 10 LARGE ESTATE LOS AXGELES, Nov. 8. Infor mation it) tho bonds of the police here todny roveuls the fact tbilt Mrs. Pansy Lesb, wlio confcbcil Just week to bavins: poisoml two woinun in Mis souri; is heiress to u Jarsc estate near Jucksouville, Mo, A letter to Chief of I'olico Sebaft thin' brought forth by published ac counts of Mrs. LcdiV confesfcion iii custcrn papors inform bim that 3rrs. Lesb is wanted to settle up tho cdntc of her reut iiuele, W. I, LuttrelF. No mention is made of tho oxtcnt of the estate. Mrs. L0M1 is held pend iiitf the arrival of offieers from Se dalia, 3fo. NELLROSE LAUNCHED -AS FASHIONABLE COLOR NBW YOKK, Kov. 8.I11 honor of Preflldont-Klect Woodrow WllBon's daughter, Eleanor, a largo depart ment storo here today launched Xell Uoao as a faHhlonahlo color. At tho time of Colonel Hoosevolt'B olectlon to tho presidency Alico blue was tho fashion In honor of tho colonel's daughter, now Mrs. Alice on tho ballot, Iloosovelt carried five i J QUIT JOBS RATHER THAN MAKE THEIR BEDS SI'OKANK, Wu., Nov. S. -A bun ilred or more members of a eouti act ing isma at Hooper are stratffjlinf; iiito town today loohiuc for now jobs us tb6 rohUlt of u slribe uaiiiht'ba- inu to build their own fires, eurry their owp wiiter and wood and inaLo their own bunks at the toutractiiuV r eanip. The trouble arose when a "bull cook"' was' fi'red and the men werb. udvised that berea(lir lluv wnliiil liiivo toO'tliolr ott'll t'lmlilbotiftilji work, . ', ... -.-. . nnnOKKi ainoncr a ucoiiln nntnrnllv 1 - . KENT ELECTED TO SAN FKAXCISCO, Nov. S.-Ite turns received today from sixty of tiio bbtfy-FCvvu preeiuets in lruiu boldt county tirat'ticalJV assure the re-election of CoUfjicssnian Williiim Kent oer Judge iuiuwult, democrat, 111 the first district. These returns tfivo Kent y,070 and Zumwalt 2,020, With only a few precincts missing Kent lends by 1200 votes.' RUSSIA IMPRISONS ;t BERLIN, Nov. 8.-H is feared here that Watts and Alteiboll, loiluy, Amcrieah aeronauts, in tho balloon DusHchlorf, the Oeriiian entrant in the Gordon Dennett international race, are bclne; held prisftners In Russia. No word has been received from tho American pilots sincu the ifirot ilnnoullecmcnt that they had landed safely about -10 miles from Moscow. KOTIG'K. Notlco la licrehy given that tho undorslgncd will apply at tho regular meotlng of tho city council Novem ber 10, 1912, for a liconso to noil beer and mult products only In fitiuntltlcs of not less than twelve common tpiart boor bottiea or It's equivalent to tho consumer from 109 B, 8th street for a period of six months, PUItlTV nOTTM.VG & 8UUPLY CO. Dated Nov. 8th, 1912. XOTICK. Saturduy ovoulng, Nov, 9, all mem bers of Woatonka Trlho No. 30, I. O.' II. M are rerjucstcd to meot In now building on Apple streot, bo twct'ii 5 Hi and Oti hIicoIh. U. 8. COLLINB, J. of It, CONTESTANTS Analysis of Jackson rnttbiNCT, .-!. i Miiifortl North worn ... StuiUvwost North Control . South Control . North .Main ... South Main .... Oakdnln Northeast Southwest ., .. 1. ........to. ,..,. I.................. ..A.. ........ ...,. ..fc,..,..,M4 ..........fr...... ...... Totnl ftcoTord Ashland Kal West South Central noutcvurd . , . V-'"' Total Ashland County lrcclnrt outitldn Mrdfortl nnil Aalilnnd . . .. Total voto In comity ? 132,000 PLURALITY (.'(Hil'MItCS. Ohio, Nov. 8.-Cuu-plctc uitofficint rot urns for Ohio 011 the presidential context tmlay jU'u the follovvin figures: Wilson -tOXM; Tuft i.'i'J.S.lT; Koocvell 210,201. The socinlUt candidate polled about 80,000 miIos and tho candi date! oC other minor purtiet nbutit ao.ooo. SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A sermon to the young people by the pastor. This sermon is one of the illustrated sermon, and the Hun day school and tile congrcgntion will help in its development. It will be interesting to you. Tho nitwit' for tho moraine will be a? follews: The orchestra and chorus with the regu lar hymns; tpmrtette, Hniietus by Gounod, the sjiiL-ers nro'Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews, and Mr. mid Mrs. E. E. Gore, with Miss Horn Grny at the organ; violin solo, "Nottnrno'' by Mendelssohn, and played by Mr. C. W. Janes; soprano solo, "Come Unto Me," by Coeueu, and sung by Mrs. George Andrews. Tho evening jk'nieo will. be differ ent but""iio"Je'sirifui,rcstilig!1 Some special features in the evening that we nro not able to announce yet. The Presbyterian church welcomes aitv citizen of Medford to its services nud also tho stranger that may be in our city. Evangelistic Meetings. A series of evangelistic meetings will be held in the building on Main street recently occupied by Snyder's fountain beginning Sunday cveuln, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p. in. Subjects of Interest to all will ho contddorcd each evening. Kvcnts Hint nro now agitating the public will .ho disentitled from n Bible standpoint. Tho Illble Is tho most wonderful hook In the world and It teaches that wo hi-e living In tho most wonderful period of the world's history. Considerable time will ho Hpent In tho stiuly of Prophecy'. Prophecy Is simply history written In udvanco and is God's method of revealing to us tho present and future. It Is Interesting to know what will ho tho outcome of tho struggle be tween capital and labor. What means tho unrest In society, the vast preparations for war, tho Ilaguo Pence Tribunal, tho liiiHcttlod condition of tho nations, tho -Turkish war, etc.? Tlio Dlblc answers. Tho first throe subjects are: Bun day, "Court Week fn Heaven." .Mon day, "A Prophetic Picture of tho World's History." Tuesday, "Hlblo cartoons of the World's Pour Univer sal Bmplrca." A cordial Invitation Is extended to tho public. ytTftttttTf1? ? I"? T ft BOOKS If yoil floil'i 8(3(5 tho book in the window you want come in and ask for it. ... THE MEKRIVOLD SHOP WON County Vote Shows Interesting Features of the Recent Contest rrotddont. U, H, Snnntur ,1'lJi JlldRO w o 3 I 5" r 7 a :u 1 a r.? ;ta 39 ir 8 id ao tin 7 a H SO Ul 711 00 at an 107 7 IU7 8 3 UK1 r.t; nr. r. m ao ua no 71 40 a 1 I 7 at 1 a 18 1 a .IB no la ta WS :i:t l'ji l7 17tl 108 i a iia a 7 jr. at u "10 0 0 "m. Tfiir fTCs TfTI Tfia m u Hi 0 no 17 Till 5)7 7a aa tao at 11 Hll (t!l I8S 182 -III aoa 103 70 18 110 la 10 13 "rt S7 11 '0 10 n 10 aau mm m Hfit'tatT .112 JT'XS s?t asy son 09 t 2 oau a7S laaal mmms? m' aaiminnnni UNCLE JOE CUSSES WHEN TOLD OF DEFEAT DANVILLE, 111.. No. 8.- "Damn" wits the only comment offered by "Uncle Joe" Cannon here today whuu advWed tlmt bis political milliliters bud nhiimloiiod hope for bis re-election to tMtiigri'fh. Official figures from the eighteenth district give O'lluir, democrat, a plurality of H73 over the former Micukur. Although Cannon refused to com ment on his defeat, closo friends say bo is very much broken up. The People's Market Not in the Trust Medford 's Best Southern Oregon's Largest Grocery Store is Cheaper BEACOM CO. . Telephone 2091 401-403-405 E. Main Corner Riverside Everything Sheriff, - a P. ffi 'i 1 ,r a a a a r r o I L an 40 SIM 171 aao 187 aia 131 1 an 17 an 110 ON 104 07 IKS OS 01 TOT 13 at tan 00 tmi 100 no no na ITS at as 81 10 100 7fi 101 40 mtt aa a a 100 78 in a a na 03 na 87 tin 7.1 38 "uTir an ao 185 110 aaa IUH till 81 811 rvrmr no 78 84 OH 111 Tfirr TMR 83 30 '"7 TftT &a in 0 70 ao ToT.' 08 44 7 83 2 1 Na 83 at too 40 77 8 a at 154 41 "alt 81 no 18 too ao Til 101 110 at a 00 IM tvsa 81.1 oir 1105 irrminn? IF mI'iiT" a,"'i' lifrftrr'' MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 70,000 npplo, an.OOO ponr, aooo cherry, 3000 walnut, 10,000 prune, c.xtrn heavy heavy graded, otto year old trtnm, leading variolic, truo to iiiune. drown without Irrigation. Oregon. Adrosa N. II. Harvey, Milwaukee Satisfaction guaranteed. Bend for our lint before placing your ordorn. Will compnro with tho bent trees to ho found nnywhora. Price low. Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, . O. Publlo Land Matters: Flunl Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining CnM. Scrip. Draperies Wa carry K very compUU line of drnpflrlo. lco curlnln. flvturca, eta, unit do all cltmnf of iinhotatarlnK. A nnitolitl mnn to look after lltl woric nxnlualvsly unit will Kly Kooa to cot In ven mtrvlco A I ;vtlt)o tho Urgoat iiii. Woeks & McGowan Co. .. t-'.. WK HANDLH AM Magazine Subscriptions and meet nil cut or club rates which nro advertlnad or of fcrod by any company. llo sldm wo kIvo you a special service which you do not Kot If you Bend direct to publish ors. MEDFORD BOOK STORE FINE TEETH MAKE A FAIR FACE Vl?1)! hut BliupiilitHH, unuvoii, or bhtchuued teeth Hpoll tho prottlent featilros. IJvory i;lrl Hhntild tako tho Kreatcnt euro of her tooth thny will ho part of hor bounty eaulpii)out 'when hIiu crowa to hu a woman. Wu inaka a Bpeclalty or "tralnliiK tho tooth" from uhlldhood up, und also do ove'ry hind of J)ontn! work In a superior manner, but at Very reasonable prlcoa, Lady Attendant DR. BARBER TIIH IM'JNTIH'ff Oven Danlolfl for DikIb. Paclflo , Pluino ISR28, Home Phono 352.IC PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating AH Worfc durant4' rroes llottsauabl COFFEiSN & PRIOH S3 Xowsra look, Xntrs&ea oa Sh i , ... momm'Mt, HuprOHontntlvo, PW)-S -X. whiri to ao TONIGHT AT Til 10 UGO AliWAYM A (IOOII SHOW Tho lU'Nt Ventilated Theater In Town TIM? (UUli ItCPOIlTKK'H IUH HWMI . Another nun of Kalem'H Intnrosttllig plultircrt of uuWRpapor wortc. IIK'ITV ANI Till! IU)MI I.utilu. JiiHt M rfroHliliiR mid iloim liiK n tho title. tmi: i.m mm.ncii Kdlson. A tory or Inodoni tlmoa. A battle helwotm itclonro nnd l:uoi- II u ce. roit nun i.omi Pal he. A tutu of tho Kitnieh ro publtc. Till! lATK IIAItltll.T IUIMIIV'H PliHUIT ACUOSS Till K.NtililHIl CHANNHIi The world's itrentetit woman aviator In her hist flltiht heforo her tniKlo death n fliort I lino nKU, Pon't Pall lo Hear MAHTKK MUtK.NW) HAMILTON In HonR nud Dniire tonight. AP.MISSION flc AXH 100 STAR THEATRE Perfect ventilation and comfort .10110 I'eel tr I'llni .1000 lll TwifUcel l-Vatiirt Twlny KiNcs i.v r.Mi.i: Here's a nerlotitt. dlKiilfled nion arclty nxposor, not nuarchlstlc, hut (rented rather from tho iiiikIo or lovo anil prlufoly Borrow. Tho overturning evil of title jnurry title. Al,li POIt .IIM Powerfully cnuvluelut: HAWI.KY'M TltlL'.MPH All coined)'. Ah HATIII'.K, (ho HIitKer ADMISSION, fio AND 10c ComliiK IVuttirei "UNIHNi:" . miirvol adoption of Churpii Heado'H fuinoiiM rlvvrMldo rlasslo, uof KcoiiHly portrayetl by tho Than hoiiHor Co,, In two reels. ISIS THEATRE Vautlevllln ninl Photoplays I- -II10 PHOTOPI.AY1J.I Tho best Photoplays properly pro. smiled with perfect projection. No "oyo strain" to 'Hn" tho- pictures. Tin-: iii.vnoo'K (UJiim; lt'K it' Jewel, A snorod onn stolon from thu forehead of a Hindoo Idol. It brliiKs iioiiiHii of venueuiicu to tho v ' iiihii"WIio ltol6 It." A Itl'JMIOT ('OPUTKIIIP Aniifo'cUro Tor Idiiert (potlthJill) TU n MANii'AcrrpitH or hapi:u (Maine) luditHtrlal. ljxcullont photos or n bl uinlurtak- .ilnif. " , i II IH PIIIHT Al'TO (loInK douio, Hood Mimle Hp'iKilul MatlnooH Sut, ami 'HrrtU' jlJlfiitlijujoprb' $ lUidkVhqjinlK, i .j -j---.i .i .n, k-iln Model Bakery ItlUNKINCJ lIKOHi PropN. ,. Ask yoitf Brocgr for ModoPDak ofy'H Whlto Lilly nread 'and aavo tho wrapporH and wlipicyoit hnVo 2n you Will ho entitled on -paymont of tho Miuall Hum of GO ueiitH to" u 'liaiidHonio pillow top made from any plcturo wanted. n IIKHAI), PIK8, OAKiCfl, PASTUV AIAVAYH FHK.SII Home I'liunu O'i ..(J00 U, Muu Hf ( t 0