& 8 OTDTOnp irATL tribune, mxwoxix), onrccioN, i?nrr)AV, November 8, 1012. 1 'nil r1 P7TOT3 THUTIK TRAVELS ACROSS OCEAN TO PASS ON AUTHENTICITY OF PAINTING f GOLD DUST mm W0L6AS TIRES "i . y 1 1 J ?v t H -3 ." REM HARM ' CJIIK'AllO, Nov. N,--Tliut the KOVlll'lllllltlll llllH Hlirrlclnllt UVlllOllUli to try .liteli .loliiinou, neurit piikIHmI oii-idhl inrntii rliiirKvn Involving IiIm lelitilnuit wllli wlilto Klrlu, Ih tint luillmrllatlvo nipoil hro tudiiy, TI10 Kovcrntmuil iiroiiuciilorH do cliii'o (hoy (nil piovn ,loliiinoii hiip purled 11 liaiuiii In 11 WiiIiiinIi nvnuuu limine, vvhloli lio muted for Unit pur Ihihi), lli'.lc.klir.'llicr, lliay nnlil, wuh IiIh fnvorllu aiiioiik four whltti Klilit ho Kujl thorn, .loliunnu nppcariul In .Indue l.nu din rotirl luTiiiilimnlrd liy xlx blurk frloiilH, lilrf white valol ami hl hoc 1 alary, Jikii1i ,(vy, unit naked (hut III $.10,01)0 linnil 1)0 lowered. "Your honor, I'm hero as I prom ised ami I would Ilka to hnvn my bund ludtlClllM' MltUI JdllllHOII. .Indue- I.ihkIIk nifiiMut to rnnalder tho matter until (ha ileum's itttor uiiy appeannl. .IoIiiihoii nut down In tho t'ourt 100111 lo wait anil full iutH'p, lit hum iiwukeiiml by, hU at turmo'i Tim tattii f (unity wufit over. RUMORS OF EXTRA NKW YOIIK. Nov 8. - With prleoii Kmiernlly lower at the opciiliiK or tlw slock marliot here today, Cnundliiu Pacific lout a point and Houthcru Pacific, HI Caul, Lehigh Valley were down rouiddoriilily. What tdctidcr Ralnit went ri'tordfd were- limited lo uufuiporlniit atotikN. iKhiullonal recover leu worn re corded later and tho market took on a rrar.llouary trend duu to vurlotm minora of 1111 tutrn Mention of con- Tim market Honed ntroiiK. Iluud wtro i;iy. ) '! , , 1,. ....,. SAN DIEGO .ELECTS DEMOCRAT TO CONGRESS HAN DIKUO. Col., Nm-. H. Willi 11 plurality ofiuiiiv (liau .1111)11 Willinin Ivettner, iletuoerul, lUr ilefeale.ii S. ('. Kviiii, pru;ruwiu', for coimrvsH ill. Die eleventh ditliit't. Sail Oiri;o county, KeltiierV home, khvo Hie ileuioerutle mtididute it plurality ol tuoii) (tin 11 80(11). WECK'AND'NECK in 1 , 1 , CTirr?. . . " ' im ' VKaSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBaSBBa wIbIbbIbbIbbVbBIbbIbBb ' 11 1 'J WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY TO PA3S ON THE AUTHCNTICITY Or THI3 DISPUTED flEMBttANDT D. MOFSTCOC DC GROOT HAS COMC MEflC r?OM COfTOPE wr nuiHUfie iij unioi. nuiinirny uii i(rmiiruii and thv early liulch nmaloni, l now In Mlnorapoilii, wherr be " '" !'":? "." ,,, """leimeiiy or -rim wonniii 'I'ukcii in AuUllery." ono of liembrandt's Mainlines. Ur. lit (Uioi Iimr T".t n" '"?. w1y '"'r'.'"') ,ll(' Allanlle lo vlw Kit- dNpuied ranvnu. The picture wnu bouchl by Tbouiak II Wnlker. I"" for h r NoMede Do llri.ot. nuilnirliy uii llcuiltrundt and t hv early Dutch niaalora, la now In Mlnorapoilii. wi on the aiilhentlilty of "Tho Woniiin Taken In Auillery," ono of Ilembrandt's palnllnj,'s. Dr. Dr Ore- II IIIC Wliy UlToiK Hie Allanlle 10 VlW llir dUllllled Olinril. Tlio Itlplurn wrm Imnrlil liv Thnm.k ft . t, i"iH2!"l!.",l .fr"1". ""' 1lill!.,!f "?, of PihK who Iwiicht It at the Welwr talc In UnnburR lat February r ll.ia. Ilil prl e. which U exlranrdlnnrlly low for a Itrmhrnndl. wna due lo the fact that the authenticity of News and Gossip of Nation's Capital (Continued from pi.ro 1.) nu'ijln-! eaelt uii'uMire itppeniius on (he hiillol. .Ionian will lieuiu talinliil liiu llit'oo leluriH Irom Hid eouuliec an boon a Hie I'iiM oiicm unive. lteMU(H from iiiili'pi'iuloiil i.'oiiiihi lor of eleetion leluniK ill ('ulifoiuiu thin ulleriiooii here idiiimt'il Hint Wil xou liml won Hie slain from Itooriuvelt hy uliout Kill plurality. ' 'Jj.''" vuiitiit iiimI eouflieliiik' reMirti oit The n-MilU of Ihe eleetion in .oh Aiijrj;eleH eoiiulv leml iih lo lielieo Hint we ure lieiin;, jolilieil down (here mill I have eonimiiiiieitteil with our liiv'.erM mill nrunitmtlioii men in (ho m;uIi lo niiike n HioioiikIi iuu-Htign-(loll anil have Ihe count ualelieil very enrefully." That vvtiK tho ctaleiiu'iil nuiilo to ilny liv Cliuiimaii .1. (). I latin of Hie luuioeintie .'laic edit nil eoitiiulllee. WASIIIMITON, Nov. .- The Miuirreln in (lie White IIoiim- kiouihK ore uelliiij; ko luiiie (hut iktmhih Iiiiv iui; liiihiuvMH in Hull pait of Wuxliiii- iu mi' eApeeuiiL' 10 M'lt uieiii Hit moht uuytliiiiu Hint iiiij well iloineHti eateil iiuiiuul mlylit do. Tliey run Heron the iirexiilent'rt front Mtre!i whenever tliuv feel liko il, paying no utlenlioii (o (hu ixtliccmcii (here, itur row in uiiiitl (ho preMduul'H ueruif iuuiK, play with eaeli oilier ulmit Hie driven, feed out of (he IiuihIh of well iliHMiheil perfoiiH, mid on (hu whole neeiii to enjoy life iniieli more than iiiiv oilier liviuir lliinu: in Hie-vieiuity. Their lateht ntuiit in lo eliinlt Hie iron 1'ieeiriu iikiii poien nutl Ml on top of the kIoih (.'lobe. To date no report Iiiin eoine In tf their turniiiK on the lihti. Heeoutly a lti fat (uirrel uot on top of an eleetno HkIiI ole unit made it ureal imUe. u if in dilrecx. A Brmnrrof onlooker nuiilo Itoth ni lo what wax tho Iniuble. Koine aiikuck iIoiih wero made for lieliiini, Mr. Sipiirrel out of lilo xiiphim'I predion uieiii. J us when Hyuipntliv wits ruu niiic hlulieht (ho Mpiinel jumped from llio pole five or t.i. feel to Ihe branch of it iiumliy Iron mid vunihli ed. U'l.al.. If ..!..! II. .1 ' iniiitu iiiiiciaiN pay nine attention to Hie MpiirroN. They are fed inonllv liv vi-ilorx. Ten lnr t'lerku Seerelnry id the TreitMiry Mae WiikIiV new (en room in (lie treas ury, Mieeiully ilrhiuiii'il to neeom- inodnli) tho women clerk fu Hint de-1 parliuent who tlchiro lo Itrew (heir own ten dm int: (he lunch hour lum met wilh it mixed fnle. Fonuerly (he women wore ullitueil In brew (heir own tea in (heir own offices but Kurxeoli (jenerul IJlue i'ouud (hut thin wa not unultiiry, mid tit thu heere larv tt diheoiitiu'uu it. The room U eipilpped with hot water mid locker for (he ten tn. K i upcn for y.'t uiinulex cncli day anil (here i no ban u ohipinc. Whether the women didn't like I lie rent umount of imlilieity that was Kivcn the room ur whelhe'r uuoffieial lea drinking U doomed to failure, eauuot lie tletormined, hut tho fuel team ins (hut (he ten room isn't' pop. iilnr, Seereturv .MuuVensli will j-o the plan a utfod trial mid if it meetK wilh no more Mireem than n( present will probably cIomi tint room up uiitl devote t lo nllicr tmrposi;. iF$f!!U yireUvi Kerlf Tho "Oeciui Uller," i new deriv ed virelokh (elrKriipli service, is (he I .i.;.. ?. . ........ Humi iiiinir hiuetv i. yrus rieia laid the llit Iraiis-AHantie cable, in Kpeedy eoiiiiuiuiieutiou between (he two eoiituienlr.. I'tnisul (Jenoml.A. M. Thaekam. tit Merlin, in n report to Ihe venule depnrtment ilvteriliCK (he new KyMciu which .Iiiin beciv in nuuraled .by the Telefuukeii Wire less Teleruph eitmpany. Tho meth od in as follews: An outbound traveler on it fSenunu CMel, uihint; to commuuieuto wilh friend or huhinens couiiectiouh -it home, writes it letter of III) words, or more which is trmiMiiilted liv wire- let.. fnm u esel on which the trav eler it to tho uuarent homevvurd hiniiid CJennun venhol, where it is reduced to writiilj,', pluiYd in an en vclopti mid mailed when Ihe vensel liil reaehcK port. The herviee with ,firit tried on the tenmerh of the llmnburK-American line pl.viiiK to mid front South Amer ica, The cliorKO in ifl.19 for the 1lrt thirty vvoidh, mid two ami one-half cent for each additional word. There i u further chitruo. of 12 cents for postauc mid coiivcni(t'c. riipular rollitnina There' u uood Jonkintr iolieemnu on clutv nt tho White House who h, very popular with newly married eouplen. The cause of his popularity in a follews: Mont of these couplets come tinned wilh ko'dnk and cam era., and Minifliot'cvcrjthiiti; in the Kimiudt from Ihoj fiitiilim to the iiArttntfiillt'leVeortlnurb (AVtf adorn front und rear o the exeeulive iniinsion. U Rt'iicnilly occurs to Hie bridegroom lo uet n hiinpsbot of the bride, direct ly in front of (ho mnitsiun. When Hut, ih done tho policeman i hurriedly Munitioned in as n hnek'i;roiiud. Iu nMtiiich an it relieves tho monoto'iy of patrol duty ho never fttil to re spond, and how could- a perfectly jwntd louktui; policeman "'neglect to display Kiilluiilrv wheii n 'good look inu' bride wishes it! When the young couples ;o home they Kenenilly send tho policeman n photograph. This jiolieemnn has re ceived such pictures from all over tho country. SCOTTY CONFESSES TO BRYAN AND WILSON E Tn - Ktnt irom Varlt, . liaHaDIIBllK -'i vlB I.OS ANllKI.KS. Nov. K. Waller Scoll, better known us "Death Val ley fcJeolly," in no longer n man of myrttery, following his lemiiuony be fore Superior Judge l-'mnk It. Willis, in (ho (rial of !'. ('. (loodiu, seere tury of the Dealh Valley Scully Min- iug mid Duvelopmeut company, for perjury. Scull v told hin life story from his beginning, us u cowboy, in Nevndu, up lo ihe prcMint lime, lie le(ilied (hut Uootliu wiis (lie pruuioier of the alleged 1'ruudulcut company formed to purchase a mythical mine yu. vutlu, owned by Scully, mid that he, Seolty, had signed u receipt for ij.'J.'i.. 00(1 tin a lirnt payment on the mine, whureiiH ho only received WOO and expected no more. WaWBM I I II II l I BM.1I t 442 ELECTORAL VOTES (Continued tiom pnr.o 1.) TO VISIT PORTLAND V.uCiriH. Mill W ! nn, nt. h It Brait nmmit ttlVfHHH, Uom corrtclly ulloril, thl ecru Timor euat tnrt taatuhlnf iklrt itrlptd wlt(t ff'en. Not that (li uliort tltava has Ihrat ac nrlal cufflfa.f-tMalton Amy Uoker. lug vote In cuHii of a tie. Tho dumo orata, hovvnvur, hopo to got 'two or three additional tiuntti, muking Mar Hluiiru voto unnucoaKary for' control of tho BOIlHtO. Tho control of tho statu IokIbIu- ttiron In IIIIiioIh, Mlehlgau, TtunioH- aeo, Wyoming and Oregon la In doubt, but thu dumoeratH kooiu cer tain of victory In TenuoBBoo and Orogon. Tho progroHHlvoa will flgr tiro prominently In Home, or tho Htatu legislatures, holding tho haluuco of power In Illinois. Hovoral bull mooa era woro vlotorloua In the leglalaturo fight In 'Michigan, and t hoy, may com bine with (hu ilomoeratH to provont tho ro-olooton of Sonutor Wllllum Aldou fjtnltli, .. 1'OKTl.ANI). Nov. 8.- "W.uldV Chiistian eilisciisliip conference, I'orllnud, Oregon, June 'JO to July II, MUX Principal Speakers President a Woodrow Wilson mid William Jen iiig Hryau." Thlij i(5 the aiinouucenieut that the local voikei, for (ho djufetenee are preparing o' isstio as "tho result of tt pledge made by Wilson mid Mrytin lo Dr. Henry Collin Minion, prenideut of Ihe National Keform ussociution Hint thev positively would attend Ihe Portland conference irrospeelivn of the resull ot tin iiutiipiul eleelibn. With the tierluiuly of-having Ihchc two uolubles piesonf, l'oiHuiid will prepaiv mkih lo tuuko elaborate pte parnlloiiM for (heir reception. PROGRESSIVE ELECTED TO CONGRESS FROM TACOMA TACO.MA, Wn.. Nov. 8. Kevised mid eorreeled i opart troiti (ho vuu lles ctMinuising (ho socuiul eongie.s sioiial district of thu Htuto, at noon today show Congressman Stanton Wui burton of Tacomn, nvogrossivu uundidalo for represe.u()i(ivt), eleeled t.yer Albert Johnson, republican by !I,'J78 voles. Wnrburlou received U0, "o:i, Johnson tr.rJri: TURKS MASSACRE AND BURN TOWN IN SILIVRI SOFIA, Nov. 8. Heonuso (ho puo plo resisted tho huiiiuro of food by Turkish troops, Hut latter inashiterell too iiiuaoitauiti m ino (own l stllvri and (hen set fire, to the oily, Thu populutiou of SHivri is 8,1)00, kA m E TO WASHINGTON, Nm 8. -llesi-deuls of the national capilol every fall enjoy a rare treat at tho hands of (he department of agriculture, when the well known chrysanthemum ishow is opened to the public. The annual chrysanthemum exhibition which has just closed has attracted flower lovers ami bolantMs from afar and incidentally produced several now types of this fhwor. The stel lar exhibit tlis year vras toe "Christy Mhthowh'on," a husd whito bulb of beauty. K i a recent creation of A. I). Smith, of Adria.it Mioh., Tho "Manhattan" and tho ''Htnnan Gold" tiro wonderful blooms of delicate pink and rich yellow respectively. There worn, over ICO varje,tioft of largo blooms on exhibition, iindll 1JI smaller ones, thu hiltur knovn lis tho outdoor vnrielj. An, innovation at the "Mum" show this year was (ho introduction of every variety of eat nations. OF H AM E MILWAUKEE, w., Nov. 8, "I mil thoroughly dlhgiiHlcd with the gnmc. Kvcryhody wuntn lo n'c me whipped. J (in vii been criticized from one end of the country to the order." This is the plaint contained In a letlcr from Champion Ad Wvlgant lo u friend here, in which the light weight title holder state that ho will retire from the ring soon and tfclllc down near I,o AngeleH, (Jul. He ay that hi wife demand hi retirement. Wolgawt Htale further in (he let ter: "I have gol nil the money I need, and have made no foolish invest ment. Why should I continue fight ing T I am in en most. J will not say when, but it will not lie long. May be, if Willie Ritchie whips roe this mouth, PI) nuit then." The champion added that if he Itcnt. Ititchio he probably will take on Joo llivcr mid Joe Mnudot before retiring. ED ROOT SHOWS PARTY HE IS WORKING FOR digs deep after germs Kd Hoot is proudly displaying in a market basket, seven little black pup presented by hi famous dog Snider. "Purty 1 am working for" say hd. LANE ELECTED SENATOR (Continued from Page Ono) lag the clarification of property for purpoaca of taxation appear to havo carried. This laat amendment la tho only scheme out of a maaa of tax propositions presented that stood the fire of tho heavy balloting, and came out to tho forefront. Single tax in Multnomah county, and practically all of the features of tho statewide, .tax schemes wore ac corded an enormous negative vote, and no estimate given now can ade quately predict how badly these measures wero beaten. Tho U'Ucn amendment for abol ishing the atato senate appeared weak from tho start, and tho anti-capital punishment measures loses out gen erally by a vote of two to one. W. C. Hawicy, republican. Is re elected to congress in tho first con gressional district by a plurality ot more than 10,000. A. "W. Latter ly, republican, progressive, has a lead or C000 in tho third district, whllo Sinnotr. republican, baa a com manding lead In tbo second district. Itoad 1UII Ilcalcn Concretely tho measure falling in tho election were: Majority rulo on amendments: ma jority rule on bills; formation or Cascade county front a portion of Clackamas county, Grango road bond ing act, state printer's bill, hotel In spectors, harmony stato boudlng act for roads, tax exemptions on moneys and credits, inheritance tax law, Southorn Orogon road act, abolish ment of tho state senate, slnglo tax. capital punishment abolishment and two university referendum measures. Tells CtHMptlvei low le Gtt Well Tuberculoid li said to be curable by alrnplr mine lo the open air and laklos an abundauce or freab egg aud tallk. I ndoubtcUly, tome persona are beneated In I bit way; but the appropriate remedy or loniutuptlon It Kckmaa'a Alterative. Do all jou possibly can to add to strength uu iucivkc weigai; rai nnoitsome. nour ishing food, and breathe the cleanest and purest air then, to the sensible things of rUcbt lUlnir. add the tonic aud benedctal .,r,., ,of groan's Alterative. Head what It did In this case: , 403 B. 0th Street, Wilmington; Del. ''Gentlemen: lu January. 1U08. I wat taken with hemorrbaRes of the lunjra. My physician, one or the leading practitioners, said that It wat lung trouble. 1 took tee and milk In quantities, but I got rcry weak. The doctors said I would not gain In weight aa long as I stayed In the store; but I kept on working and prayed each day that I might get well. I believe- my prayera were answered, for Mr. C. A. Lip Plncott. my emnloyer (Mnplncott tc Co., ePrtnent Store. 9M to 3H Market street. Wilmington, Del.), had learned of a rem edy called Kcknmn'a Alterative that had done great good, and upon hit recommeti. datlou I began taking It at once. This was about Juue, IMS. I continued faith (ullr, using no other remedy, and Anally noticed tba clearlug ot the lunga, I flrmly believe Kckmaua Alterative saved my life. I sent my spittle later to the State Hoard of Health to be examined for lulsr culojls bacilli, and noue were fouud. My mother died from Consumption when 1 was about two years old. "I make this statement so that otbera may learn of the wonderful merits ot l.ckm.iu'n Alterative. I regard my recov ery as bring miraculous." (Sworn AtUdnvIl) JAS. 8QUIHF.8. Ki-kman'e Alterative Is effective In llron. chttls. Asthma, Hay Fever: Throat and I.ung Troubles, and In upbuilding tbe system. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habltiformlitg drugs. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, and write to Kckman laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa., for mora evi dence. For sale by all leading druggists Katabllshod 1878 FRUIT Incorporated 1904 D.CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants 804 FraaldlB St., Now York Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our Owb houses In NKW YOBK, L1VKRPOOL, LONDON AND GIjABGOW Direct conslgnruouta solicited or se our Rogue Iliver representatlTo. , CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon y Soap merely wdshes over the surface, leaving a greasy film behind it. Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insure! absolute purity and sanitary safety. Why not sanatize your home, as well as clean it? Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dtttt does rjU the hard part of the task without your assistance. Gold Dust is a good, Another National Caxnpaigm honest, vegetable-oil soap in powdered form, to which are added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor ously and without harm to fabric, uten sils or hand. Swat the Dirt" X i5Wt l "Ut th COLD DUST TWINS m yomr mark THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chica CATARKH , BLOOD A polluted and impure condition of the blood causes irritation and In flammation of the different niucousmcmbrancs of the body, and wc call it Catarrh. The early stages of the disease arc characterized by such symp toms as a tight, stuffy feeling in the nose, watery eyes, ringing1 noises ia thecars, irritation of thcthroat, and often hoaracncssantldifficnltbrcathing. If the trouble is not checked it invades the stomach and other portions of the body and becomes a dangerous disorder. Antiseptic washes, sprays, etc., arc beneficial in removing accumulated mucus from the nose or throat, but such treatment can never cure Catarrh. S. S. S. is the one real de pendable remedy for Catarrh. This great medicine cures the disease be cause it purifies the blood and thus destroys its cause. S. S. S. goes Into the circulation and removes the last trace of catarrhal matter, and thea the blood jicrforms its work of nourishing the membranes aud tissues instead of depositing impure matter into them to irritate and in flame. S. S. S. cures to stay cured. If you have Catarrh in anv form take S. S. S. and cure it as thousands have done. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who write. S. S. S. is sold at drug stores. WE SWIFT STEOF1C CO. ATLANTA, GA. , J ? k) t "Say Bill, we're not very good at puzzles; You'll, have to give it to us In plain English." "I m disappointed, ain't you Fritzy; It started out like it was goin to be something with the word 'good' in It." FRUIT MEN Hold Ycur Apples and Get Better Prices "We can storo 17 cars more of fruit. Rates as follows:- 200 boxes or less 25c per box for the season. All in excess of 200 boxes 20o for the season. Season to April 1st. Medford Ice & Storage Co. Nearly a quarter of a contury undor the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon - f, ' ' ":' i4A It has succecdod because- of Soundness of principle Economy of management ,9 Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment 7" CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000:00 W. I. Vawtor .President G. R, Lindloy,-.VicotPrei. ? i . h 0. W. McDonald, Cashier i -. v ""i 1 I i i (7 t ' -l'i H 4 . ' "WOM X ' Jk-