Ji) o"j w PGJI TWt rt1. atEDITORD MAIL TRTBTTNE, MEDFORD,, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1012. rr WCAL AND -IMPERSONAL A Mr, and Mrs. A. A. I-athrop of Hoifina, Montana, have arrived In Medford with the nnoso of remain ing during tho winter. Mr. Lathron, for more Uian twenty ycara, has been connected with tho Montana press ariil.KofiOR to enJ6y a season of rest lnk MArifarrfa flmiitnl ' wlnfnr nltmittn In.1 Medford's gonial' winter climate, ' Mrs. ,1.. C St. John, of Portland, who has been In Medford several days visiting Mrs. Wallers on S1b klyou UelghtsJ relumed to hor' Koine Thursday. ' For goodness sake, have Ti. A. Holmes, the Insurance man write your Insurance." He knowa how. - H.G. Stoecknian -was down from nutte Falls 'Thuraday. Mr. Stoeck man la a civil engineer and It at the tfrcfeent' time engaged In ' Installing a water system at Butte Falls. ' "J. 11. Cochran look Iraln "No. 20 Friday morning Tor Roseuurg, Eu gene and Corvnllls, to be absent sev eral days on business connected with his lire insurance company. Vapor batns and scientific massage $1.00 for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chlroprocter and nerve specialist, 203 Garnett-Cdrey Bldg. Phono Home 145. Work, is progressing on the new Page opera house foundation, as rapidly as is possible with n large crew of workmen. The concrete foundation will be built on lied rock and the excavation down to this solid base Is being made. Pumps are necessary to be kept going constant ly to keep the Inflow of "water from Interfering with the men while at work. If not in, push the money under the door. 10C X Front street The cheapest store In the west. IS" The rain of Tuesday undermined some of the supports to the tempor ary bridge across Bear creek and these supports have been replaced with concrete blocks. Should a fur ther raise of water In the creek make It necessary contractor Perham will elevate the temporary- structure so that traffic will not be interfered with. S. A. Koweli. ladles' tailor, 4 th floor M. F. & H. Bldg. Considerable East side traffic is now .being carried on over the Jack son boulevard bridge, that thorough fare having been made passable by grading and graveling the -boulevard from the-eaet'b'rbtftet approach to the pavement f - Mr. and Mrs, M. Donkol, of Oak land, Oregon, are In Medford for a tew days' stay and are guests nt the Hotel Medford? ' Mr. and Mr'sR. NV. Teifer returned to "KugctiP Friday morning after a couple of weeks' visit tri Medford with relalhes nhri friends. Oak and hardwood M.fiO and Ifi.OO per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Royal left Frldity morning for Tacomn, filmer Coleman was' In frtnn Phoe nix Thursday. ?r. Paul Kruitter was" In Tolo Friday visiting her son, Paul, who In S. P. section foreman of that place. ' ' Blnnels bought and" sold nt 106 N. Front street. Tho cheapest store In the west. 19? Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Vrotnan left on No. 20 Friday morning for a visit to friends 'In Moscow, Idaho. The Medford Realty & Improve ment company commenced work Thursday morning on tho new four- story warehouse which they will put up at the corner of South Front and Twelfth streets. A basement, the full site of the building, which will be 70x100 feet is being put in and it is the excavation for this which U now in urogress. $2000.00 or fraction thereof to loan on improved country Teal es tate at current rates. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford. V Ed Van Dyke arrived in the city from Portland Friday morning, hav ing been called homo by the death of his father, J. G. Van Dyke. A postponed regular meeting of the city council will be held tonight. Only routine business will be handled Mayor Canon was called to Portland a few day ago and will not be In at tendance. All friends of woman's suffrage are welcome to the -banquet to be given at the Hotel Medford at S o'clock Saturday night. Tickets at Hotel or from the suffragist committee. Walk a block and save 2.00. 10G X. Front street. The cheapest store in the west. 197 J. C. Tucker, of Eaglp Point, left Thursday for a visit to Chico, Cal. A. C. Allen and fatally returned Thursday from a several weeks' pleasure stay at their summer lodge on Klamath lake. Mr. Allen has a large houseboat on the lake and it Is in this that many pleasant days are enjoyed with their1 friends. Dr. Rtckert, eyesight specialist. over Kentner's. 7Co drops 'used. Frank W. Cotterlll manager of the Metirfota PlasflblBK company- has ,YJ?jr covxsnr, Jtfcv.nxrn to aid t " " " , -"' ' ' "r:ss"7x' U MLMBOCV m JMHt?MK . V MHimMLl r;, be . i,, .immmewr raaaacw ftT fix I ; 'S .mfttMitiKm jWwi vjf i i,;m m.mmmm. . In w (W$s& W ft M ill mmss ' m m IPa 1 Wi I usMaBr JUL fwi II v 1 " ! N W PBX t"11 ' rrr-i . " jSWv )) 5 A ft ' y 110 BIS men ?' I Ml ySCkfEPH-A fflAV Joseph A, Sliay has ltee.ii retained to lm John F, .Mclnfyre as. rounel In prcseutlui; the caiu of Charie llecKer. who w&i round kuIU,? of the munler til Herman Itoseuthal, before the Court of Appe.kW. Althniisli .Mr Mclut.vrv will continue to net as senior counsel, lie will mime prlnelnnllr t' t'l" fni-t it me cae. whllesMr. Shay, in nlstln him. will nraue on mll of law Miwrv Mclntyre and Shay were nsoolatel in the defenre of the lfi!ne limtlier. opened a shop in Riddle. Douglass w. &. uarnum, president or tne county. A partnership was formed Rogue River Valley railroad left with the proprietor of the Riddle Thursday for a business trip to Port-1 land. Lest-you forget we say It yet. The cheapest store in the west, 106 N.: Front'street. 197 'Mrs.1 J. 'Percy Wells is visiting Ashland friends. Dr." Sawyer of Ashland, was in Medford Thursday on professional business. Oak and hardwood f 4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and-Fir. Manager 'McKeaney of, the Pro ducers Truit company, has received telegraphic Information from London, England, to the 'effect that a carload of Cornice-peara in half boxes from the D. R. Hill orchard, near Med ford, had recently sold In that mar ket at a price equal to ?2 per half box In 'New York City. A. A.' Davis left Thursday for a business visit to San Francisco. Halfway between the depot and town, the cheapest store in the west. 197 Mrs. A. Fred Stewart and Mrs. Ralph W. Thompson, of VoorhleB station, were doing shopping In Meo ford 'Wednesday. S, A. Carlton, of Ashland, passed through Medford Thursday, en route to his farm home, near Wellen. ; Glasses fitted without use of druKS. Dr. Rlckert, over Kentner's. The Men's Adult Bible class of the M. E. church will give Its second an nual banquet at the church Tuesday evenln of next week, November 12th. The banqmct will bo served by the ladles of the church, which fact alone Is a guarantee that its quality will bo excellent and tho supply abundant. A splendid program is being arranged and It is hoped that all members of tbo class can ar range to attend, and that they may be able to Induce some of their friends to Jon them for a good so clablo entertainment and spiritually profitable evening. Tickets may be had' by calling upon Dr. Lockwood, chairman of tho entertainment com mittee. ''Coming, biggest hit of the year. Inside baseball. Watch for big game between Boston and Now York at Medford Book Store. Weeks &HcGowan Go. - 'UNDERTAKERS y Vim MU MfM roMi T. W, WhUi WIX i fcABT Al AW Hardware company, Messrs. Marsh and Bullwrlnkle. The new firm name being the ''Riddle Plumbing and Sheet Metal Co." Harry Pearce who for several years has worked as a Journeyman plumber becomes part owner of the Medford Plumbing com pany, which firm I doing work in Medford and Rogue River at pres ent. Mr. Cotterlll expects to divide his time between the wto shops. Try 3 Vapor bath for that cold. Dr. R. J. Lockwood.Tiamett-Corey Bldg., Phone Home 145. A barn on the ranch of C. G. Rush near Ashland was destroyed by fire Thursday morning. Virgil E. Rush, bis son, was .badly burned In getting out one of the two horses. The other animal perished. Loss $700, Insur ance, $300. Ralph Yeoman and Albert Down ing of Lebanon, Oregon, arrived in Medford Friday morning for a visit to O. V. Myers and family, Watches ropaired. See Carl Jeschke the old reliable watch maker In room 10, Palm building, opposite Nash Hotel. 217 Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Manning and Miss Cedella Lawrence arrived in Medford Friday morning from Harri son, Idaho, and will make this city their homo. Mr, Manning bought the Wonder Store a few weeks ago. They will reside at 720 Welch street. Miss Ora Adklns returned from Portland Thursday, having been called home by the Illness of her father, Dr. B, F. Adklns. Mr. Adklns is seriously III at his home south of Medford, and two' physicians are in attendance. Mrs. Adklns is in Port land and hIic, too, Is III, but will probabl) be nolo to return to Med ford within a day or two. New pack seedless Sultana and seeded raisins and currants. Schlef felln's Sanitary Grocery. 197 George Kolbagen of Roseburg, a well known stockbuyer, was In Med ford this week. J, C. Pendleton, Ed Carlton and M. M. Root were over from Table Rock Wednesday. S. J, Swennlug, forest ranger, an rived from Klamath county Thurs day. Sweet cider inado from good washed Yellow Newtown apples. Boiled elder, pint and quart bottles. Bchieffelln's Sanitary Grocery. 197 Frank DeMoe and II. L. Herring ton of Siskiyou county, Cal.; were among the many from outside of the stato who were In Medford during the week. Frank- Noll -of Derby was in Med ford Thursday,- en route to Jacksonville, Mr. and -Mru. E. C. Potter, who have been spending the summer nt Steamboat, where they having min ing Interests, returned to Jacksonville Tuesday. They will not reopen tho Poodlo Dog but will leave for Cali fornia soon. Mrs. Clara Brown of Grants Pass made our city a visit Thursday. W. I. Mclntyre, A. T. Lundgren and A. Gangwlsch of Jacksonville, the miners, had business In Medford Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. P. C. Garrett of Ashland were in Medford and Jack sonville. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Helms of Tal ent are visiting in Medford. J. E. Fenton, an attorney of Port land, whs on the northbound train Thursday en route home from San Francisco. Mrs. F. H. Madden and Miss Hub bard of Central Point precinct were among their' Medford and "Jackson ville friends Weduesday. A. J. Grimes of Grants. Pass was in Medford and Jacksonville Thurs day. Miss Pearl Dox of Jacksonville has becomo a temporary resident of Medford. C. J. Siy is down from Hutton. California. George Beale of Central Point went to Jacksonville Thursday. Eugene Thompson and his family have returnod to Jacksonville after a few months' stay at Marshfleld. The Sterling mine, ono of the fam ous gold producers of the Pacific coast which has not been worked for several years, has ben leased by S. W. Dullls of Olean, N. Y who will rehabilitate and operate It. It is expected that operations will be resumed thero on a largo scale In due course of time. A boy living with W. It. Garrett, postmaster at Uuncom, Little Apple- gate, was fearfully Injured by the explosion of a cap used for setting off dynamito, to which he applied a match. He will lose some of his fingers, whllo his face and breast will bo permanently disfigured. That ho escaped Instant death Is marvel ous. J F, Brown and James Owens, county commissioners, were In Med ford Thursday, on their way home from Jacksonville, where they were In session two days with Judge Noll. Miss Marlon fTowne, formerly de puty clerk. Is at her home In Phoe nix, after a protracted absence from Jackson county. Miss Towne was at Ann Arbor, Mich., -forborne time and took a law course 'F. J.- Flavin of Nome, Alaska, has been In Medford for a few days. Joseph Fetzner and C. E. Rynn of Grants Pasu transacted business in Medford the forepart of the week. Thosmas D. Ross and John Welch of Central Point 'wera in Medford Wednesday. Robert Boyd and John W, I'ornpll pf Applcgato were recent business visitors in Medford. LYNCHES WIFE SLAYER STEELE. N. I)., Nov. S.- Taken from his cell In the county Jail at Kidder, George D.iker charged with the murder of his wife and father-in-law, ThoniUK Gla, wufs lynched to day by an Infuriated mob. This la the first lynching In .North Dakota within a decade. Returning to Dawson, N. D., from California n week ago liaker entered tho home of his father-in-lnw, where his wife was living, and shot thorn both dead. 110ISE. Idaho, Nov. 8, It will i'o qulrti the official canvass of tho vote of Idaho In decide whether Presldont Trtft or Prealdout'Kliict WHhou hart carried tho state. Tho margin will hu 1mm than A00 xlthor way, and us roturns Hhow coiisldurablu difference In the votn glvvit from the dUtilrls, ll In poftMlilu that the vote wl bo split. Uetiirnit received fluid fur liuvu been unoftlrlltil, tuul were compiled by newspapers. From one source Taft Ih glvmi n load of G00 nud from umilhor WHhou U accredited with a almltur lead, LA FOLLETTE SAYS PEOPLE CALLED WILSON MADISON, VK. 'Nov. .8. Keirn. lor Robert M. Lit Kollelte, HHuikiiijr llirau)h the culumiH of liw wcokl.v liiiixikxiiic here tuiluy M'.vs the elee Hon of Wood row WiNon In the preHi tlt'iicy whk n call from the rom-o-h'ivos of the country, "who wore op pressed mill hciU'Uicl;, uml ilfiuniuled the plain, simple justice, uml who nre slrivinir for nil educational, in dustrial niitl M)liit'iil tlemoerncy." BLUDGEONED TO DEATH IN OPEN ROADWAY BY 891 FOR' WILSON CIIKYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 8. Com plete reluniH from 18 counticrt ;ive Wilson 12,414; Tuft 11,."89; Hoohi velt 5,471. The other three counties fitill incomplete show that Wilson lends by (JO votes. The totnl Wilson plurality in the .state is 891. ' -f tt -f t f- f 4--t- ? WOMAN SUFFRAGE' WINS MICHIGAN DKTHOIT, .Mich.. Nov. 8. Willi only five cnunlicH yet to he heard from, woman niif frao in Michigan has a ma jority of 1,710, und it in en eritlly believed the coimtitu lioinil miieiidment has carried. SOUTH DAK0TAN BUYS EIGHTEEN BUILDING LOTS 0. V. Walter, of Arlington, S. I)., has purchiiht'd from Dr. W. II. Kbnr Iinrd eighteen lots in Onkdulu furl; udditiou und will at once erect n fine residence thereon. Mr. Wnltorn wns an old neighbor of Dr. Khcrhnrd in the DukotiiH und decided to locate here after visiting nil oilier weclions of the wchL WEST TURNS OVER VICE CRUSADE TO TOM WORD SALEM, Ore., Nov. 8. -aovomor West today directed H. M. Katerly, ledal vice pronecutor in Portland to discontinue nil further uiventigu tioiiB in Hint city und I urn his evi dence over jo District Attorney-Klcot Kvuntf uml Kheriri-Kiect 'Join .Word. He wan instructed to push' to it conclusion the cufces he lins on liund lit the prespnti time. West helicvys hbterly'H ovidenee will fthtw many places where llio prevailing vice luwx may he strengthened PASSENGERS LAND SAFELY FROM STRANDED STEAMER Ql'tfUKC, Xov, 8. All punscngorx on tho hfemner llpynl George which went on llio rock In Hie St. Lnwrcuce river, have arrived hpre iiono tho wor.o for their experience. I'onipiiMy officials hope to xnvo tho vessel nud lielieyo it will be removed from the rocks willi hiali tide today. TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY . FOR BALKHomestead relinquish ment, 3 miles from Jacksonville. ' Improvements. Addross A. Il caro Mall Trlbuno. 202 RKOINA, Sn.k Nov. 8.- One of tliu most cold blooded umrdcrs ier iorii't rated in the citv wn commit led curly lust evening, when I'riinlc S. Zutowski, a real estate iiitiu nud for mer itniicy com t niterpreier, wiih hludgeoued to denth in tho oH'ii rond way nt the corner of .Montreal .tivet and Tenth avenue. The crime wns wiliiKed by nn onlooker, hut ut too great u ditnncu to identify thv three assailants oT Die murdeivd man, who, after striking down their vii'lim, made off. GOVERNOR WEST SAYS HANGING WILL BE ORDER SALKM, Ore., Nov 8. .Inferring Hint tho present election is Honicwlint of u commentary on the humniiltnr Innlsni of tho Oregon electorate, Governor West today Issued tho fol lowing statement: "It hns been made plain from tho election returns that the pcqplc of Oregon prefer hanging. 1 havu no complaint to make- against the vo tors' decision. I nm opposed to cnp- Ital punishment as a matter of con science, and always will be, but I will abide by the decision of tho Joo ple and hnnglng will bo tho rule In this statu fromnowon. "December 13 will be n rod lottor day In Oregon for thoso who favor capital punishment. I regret that tht seating capacity In tho denth chamber is so limited that many of those eager for a hanging must bo disappointed, but we'll do tho licut wo can undor the circumstances." It Is evident that tho wholesale hunglngs will chuho ns much nation wide comment ns the notorious hnug Ing or a fpiiutnt in Chicago u few months ago. ' It is expected that despite the edict of tho polls on election day, u statewide, nud perhaps n nation wide movement will bo started against tho hangings. More thnn five hundred canes of Industrial accldonta havo occurred In California under the compensa tion sldo of tho liability law during the Inst few months. AH A.) of h. niilloilul tnumiior tutlon department, lu Include llio minora, mill oiul men, freight liund lurs, oloVliH, lonRHhoromnn, tentn- slorH, tugd'int nml llglttur mnn itnd Hit. uilloi'H, In to bo iiuuiiuuuiuHmI lo tho A ! wf L. coitVUItlluli ut Roche' tor, N Y. MON13V TO LOANOn 30 or' CO , days time. Ono to flvo hundred dollars. AddronH DoxW. C, enro Tribune, 198 FOR SALE Horso at first houso west of Snyder's Dairy Vcst Main St. John Oil nor t, 200 WANTJ5D To let contract to clear 10, or 12 acres of land. A. 13, .Hull, box 56, R. I". D. .No, 1, Med ford. 1 202 FOR 8ALI3 .Fine leather couch, t crjst I0B.00 'o for 30'.00i 804 ' Kust Ninth street. 108 NO MORE DISTRESS AFTER EATING It's nufclim stihplu! matter Jo hot rid of stomach' distress 'that Its great provaleuru can only bo nccouniod fur by carelossncKH, Keep a few MI-0-NA Stomach TahlotH with you all tho tlmu auTI take one with or after mcahi. Thuy will Hiiroly provont furmtmlallon, heaviness, sour noss or any utoihnch distress, No matter how long or how severe ly you havo miffer"'' frnn Indiges tion, GuHtrltls, Cntbrrh .f tho Stom ach or Dyspepsia Ml-O-NA Stomach Tablotfi If taken regularly will 'ond your mlsory and put your stoinaah In first class shnno, or monoy buck. Largo box for GO cents at Clinrlcs Strang's find druggist ovorywhoro, Freo trial treatment from Dooth'K MI-O-NA, Uuffalo, N. Y. SATURDAY SPECIALS Saturday the Last Day of the $10 Tailored uit Qale .' i ! i k TIh'ho nro lit liKi?i'st valnw ovit oITchmI in Jl'nlloroil Suits- nmtoHnls niv Hromlfhiths, Mi.vtmm Soj'kus, Woi-rftoils A good lino of t-oloi'H Hia pi'indpally 1-1, IK. :i(),'ii fow 118 Hizt'j vhluW to &V2.W SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIAL !? !0.() NEW GABARDINE RAINCOATS .NEW RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS Specially priced $11.95, $13.05, $10.50 nml 18.05 CHILDREN'S COATS Saturday is Chiltlivn'M day till CliildrtMi's Toats are reduced over one hundred lo choose from 10 to 25 ft Reduction. SILK WAISTS $1.98 One table full of Silk and wool Waist h, hlaelc and most till colors; vi ues to .$9.50, spec. 1?t.OS CHILDREN'S RAIN CAPES $2.49 Children's Itain ('apes, in navy and wine; rt value $M&, spec. $2AQ TRIMMED HATS Triiunietl Hats at reduc tions of 20 to 'xi i:i ALI.UNTRIMMED SHAPES 1 l OFF All niiji'iuiiiK'd shapes at $.".(H) and ahnve in cluding till I ifa vers, in white, piulc and iihl blue arc untlerpricetl 1-4 LESS 35c LADIES' HOSE SPECIAL 3oc Ariuour 'Plate I low jn lisle, fleece linwl nud wool; regular rifle vnltie Specinl 25t A-full line of sizos in the much wanted imvyfbluo '.Pailored Suits in MtMi's vwiivsM7ITur?2(l) C Millinery Sale iMy regular iirices as low as others' sale prices. A sale on now until all are sold. CHOICE OF ANY HAT OR SHAPE ijKMM) DRESS HATS if.1.98 AND JJ52.00 Home Millinery 1101 West 9th St. Open Evoningfl. NEW FIRM JO. l. Peek & (Vi. has purchased the Wesf'Shle Meat Market and are now in charge, They carry tho CHOICEST AND BEST ' ' ',' MEATS, POULTRY, ETC. That can he hat! on the inark(t, guaranteo satisfac tion and make prompt deliveries, (live tho new firm a trial order. UolljpllUnes, West Side Market L.' IH- . ST INDIES ultW PANAMA' CANAL 2 CnlMi.liulM.MW, ORUAM 14 dor. h-l35 u4 up, $,,J fir WuMtiiJ Mtft . . lUmJ'Ur;AH'"lcu " ICQ Lowell St., San Francisco, Cal,, or local acout, The Standard Oil Company nays: USE fl mr k B '"" " W 1 M III Mil , bJ UiiU.Ji.J "It1 Is the beat automobile oil we know how to mako, ,mm STANDARD OIL COMPANY . URTLANU (liniorjioraivil) rr i NAN I'KANOISCO i ..