Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 07, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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L. L. Andorson, of. Trail, Vas In
Medford. Wednesday.
Mrs. J. A, Elnihurat, who has
been vlsltlnk Medford friends for
tho past three months, returned
Thursday tnornlnjf to hfir homo In
Calgary. Canada, whero her husband
Is engaged In business.. Mr. and
Mrs. Elwhurst were formerly resi
dents of Mod ford. '"
MIm Alelba Ktnerlck loft on. No.
20 Thursday morning for a -visit to
farmer college chums at Kugcno.
For goodness sake, liavo n. A.
Holmes, the Insurance man write
your Insurance Ho knows, how.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Johnson aro
In Portland for a few days' business
William Corlg,, general manager
ot tho Pacific & Eastern left "Wednes
day evening for Portland.
C. II. Hooker and family loft Mcd
foord Wednesday evening for Ia
fjrande, Ore., whero they will reside.
Vapor baths and scientific massage
$1.00 for men and women. Dr. It.
J, Lockwood, chlroprocter and nervo
specialist, S03 Garnott-Corcy Bldg.
Phono Home 145.
Harry Messier is In Portland for a
week or ten days' business stay.
Mayor Casoa left Wednesday for
Portland where he goes to see his
bod. Fay, who was Injured recently
at Sllverton. The young man's con-
dltloa Is not as satisfactory as could
be hoped for, it having been deter
mined that an operation will need
be performed on his face.
. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & ,H. Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. A. fl Brown left on
No. 14 Wednesday evening for Tho
Dalles, Ore., where Mr. Brown has
several week' engineering work to
do for the city.
W. W. Harvey, Medford repre
sentative for the Pacific Fruit Ex
press Car company, returned from
Portland Wednesday.
Oak and hardwood $4.fe0 and $5.00
per cord Gold, Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
Charles D. Hoy left Wednesday
evening for a tea days' buslness,trlp
to Seattle.
, C. S. Lcbo, manager for the Med
ford Improvement & Realty com
pany Is In Portland on business for
a few days.
' Glasses fitted without use ot
drugs. Dr. Rlckert, over Kentner's.
'Mr.'and Mrs. J. T. Cudmore, left
Tuesday for Los Angeles. Thcso aro
tho people from Walla Walla, Wash.,
who stopped off in Medford a week
ago 'because of Mrs. Cudmore's ill
ness. '
, Mrs. G. B. Carpenter left Thurs
day for New York City where she
will, join her husband. They will
spend the winter in Europe.
Coming, biggest hit of the year.
Inside baseball. Watch for big
game between Boston and New York
at Medford Book Store.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Denton of Myrtle
Creek stopped off In Medford
Wednesday afternoon for a few days'
visit with relatives and friends be
fore going to Fresno, Cal., where
tucy will spend the winter.
Mrs. J. D. Cook of Three Pines,
Oregon, is in Medford tho guest of
Mrs. Helen Gale.
Complete line of Pcarsall's Colum
bia Lustrone for embroidering at Tho
Handicraft Shop. 196
Mrs. F. E. Randlo left Wondesday
evening for her old home in Craw
fordsville, Ind,
Miss Edna 8ur, of Grant's Pass,
arrivod in Medford a few days ago
and will spend tho winter here.
Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00
for cord.. GoldRa.y. Realty Co.,
fcixth'and Fir. '
"Jud" Pernoll, one of the best
liked and best known of Southern
Oregon ball players, and ono of the
greatest letthanded baseball pitchers
In the United States, formerly with
tho Aberdeen, Wash., and Portland
clubB, later with the Detroit Tigers,
and now a member of the 1912 cham
pion Oakland team of the Pacific
coast league, accompanied by Mrs.
Pernoll, arrived In Grants Pass a
fow days Blnco and will spend tho
winter there. Pernoll Is a natlvo of
Josephine county and Is well known
to all the fans of this part ot the
$2000.00 or fraction thoroof to
loan on Improved country real es
tate at current rates. Carkln &
Taylor, JackuoU County Bank Bldg.,
Medford. .
Mrs; M. E. Dresser, of Roaoburg,
Is in Medford for' a visit to her
daughter, Mm, Walter KeUur.
Mr. and Mrs. V, B, Oatman, of
Talent, were jn Medford Wednosday
doing trading.
' t
Meat riuwMl T, W. Wa NT
Mr. and Mrs. S. R, Conklln, of
Garrcttsvlllc, Ohio, who have been
up Trail creek way vlaltlng M. 11.
Cuslck and family, left Wednesday
evening foMVIIlainptto valley points.
Mr, Conklln has boon engaged In
business In Ohio for over 40 years
and Is now on the const looking tor
a placo where ho and his wife can
settle down and enjoy themselves for
the rest of their days away from tho
rlgcrous winters of the oast. They
will return to Jackson county.
Dr. Hlckcrt. eyesight specialist,
over Kentner'e. "No drops used.
Mrs. D. Balch, ot Portland, Is
In tho city visiting her son, F. K.
Batch, and family, at 211 West Jack
son boulevard,
Try a Vapor bath for that cold. Dr.
R. J. Lockwood, Garnott-Coroy Bldg.,
Phone Home 145.
Wclborn Bccson, of Talent, was In
tho city Wednesday In quest ot lat
est election news.
Watches repaired. Sco Carl
Jcschko the old reliable watch
maker In room 10 Palm building.
opposite Nash Hotel. 31?
Mr. and Mrs. George McGowan,
of Portland, temporarily located In
.3hland were in Medford Wednes
day looking tor a furnished house to
rent. They were unsuccessful, but
should they find one any ways soon
they will take up their winter resi
dence here. Mr. McGowan was the
founder ot Burns, in eastern Oregon,
having been a resident ot tho coast
for a great number ot years. He
went through this valley In 1S70 on
horseback, en route from Humboldt
county, Cal., to Portland.
Paul Seel1, ot Portland, was In
Medford Thursday. Mr. Scely owns
about 3000 acres ot land on Brans
creek, this county. He Is a promi
nent democrat and was manager of
the Oregon stato campaign tor Wil
son beforo the primaries.
New pack seedless Sultana and
seeded raisins and currants. Schlcf
felln's Sanitary Grocery. 197
Sweet cider tnado from good
washed Yellow Newtown apples.
Boiled cider, pint and quart bottles.
Schleffelln's Sanitary Grocory. 197
J. F. Halo returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Dunsmulr,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellsworth' who
havo been In Medford visiting their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Al Loomls, left Thursday for
their home In Long Beach, Cal. Mr.
Ellsworth being a great sportsman
and hunter hiked tor tho tall tim
ber ot British Columbia while Mrs.
Ellsworth remained in Medford. He
was successful In shooting a caribou
and several moose, the caribou said
to be tho largest ever killed in that
country. Mr. Ellsworth did not say
anything with regard to his prowess
as a moose hunter, presumably be
cause, thcro were so many of them
shot all to pieces In this country last
Mr. and Mrs. Wayno Stennett of
Atlantic, Iowa, who have been in
Medford for a month "visiting A. F.
Stennett and family, are in Rock
Point for a few days' visit, after
which they will return to their home.
J. Percy Wells, county school sup
erintendent, was In Phoenix and
Ashland Thursday.
"Pete" Dcnhof returned Thursday
from a two months' visit to bis old
homo in Grand Rapids, Mich. He
was taken sick on the train while
en route homo and was In a hospital
In Bozcman, Mont., for two weeks.
Sir. and Mrs. J. J. Murbpy, of
Ashland were In Jacksonville and
Medford Wednesday on business,
Mrs. W. E. Meadcr returned to her
homo at Lamolno, Cal., Thursday af
ter a visit with relatives In Medford.
J. H. ninicy left Thursday morn
ing for a few days' business visit to
Kcnnctt, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Burner took
train 13 Thursday morning for Los
Angeles where they will romaln for
sometime. Thcso people wore mar
ried a few days ago, Mrs, Burner
being Miss Myrtle 'Reynolds of this
The Greater -Medford club will
give the first of Its series of card
and thimble parties on Monday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the moza-
nine floor of tho Hotel Medford. All
club members and their friends and
all who aro interested in the work
of the club aro invited to attond.
A chargo of twenty-flvo cents will
bo made.
Tho Greater Medford club has been
fortunate in securing the famous
dramatic interpreter, Madame Luba
dlo to give au entertainment In tho
Natatorlum Hall on Thanksgiving
evening. 8ho will give Percy Mac
kayo's "Tomorrow,"
' I i i . -.- . ..'". i m Mvm ii . n
Dr. J, R. Utillllo was tho first man
to fast his ballot In Phoenix Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. 12, O. Kongo, ot Ah
laud spent part ot tho week with tho
letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mrs. Crawford, ot North Phoenix,
spent Tuesday with friends In Med
Mrs. S. l Copo entertained a tew
of her little daughter Kathleen's
playmates Saturday afternoon In
honor ot her blrthdny,
Mrs. llodgeklss, of Ashland, Is vis
Ittng at tho home ot her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson ot North
Mrs. John A. Gainmlll ot West
Phoenix underwent a serious opera
tion last Thursday nt tho Sacred
Heart hospital. She Is now on tho
road to recovery.
Mrs. W. Harris, of Seattle, Wash.,
was the guest ot John Copo nud fam
ily tho first of the weak.
Mrs. W. Coleman, ot Jacksonville,
spent tho flrt part of the week with
Mrs. Elmer Coleman.
Mrs. E. Grfcex returned to her
home In Montague, Cal., last Satur
day after spending two weeks with
her sisters, Misses Anna and Marlon
Tow no.
Mrs. Laughbridgo and Mrs. Hob
son of Grants Pass were In town
Monday In tho lutcrcsts ot Equal
Mr. W. Carlcss, ot Katalla, Alas
ka, arrived hero Friday afternoon- to
spend tho winter with htn family,
This Is Mr. Caries' first visit to
tho valley and ho expresses httURult
much pleiisett with It,
At tho Lutheran parsonage, two
popular young people of Lko creek,
Ore., Mr. Herman Mnyor, Jr., and
Miss Margaret Tyrrell woro united
In holy wedlock, lUv, 0. Wither, of
ficiating, Immediately atter tho ceremony,
the young couple, 'accompanied by
the hearty well wishes ot their many
Medford friends, dtpartod for Laku
creek, whero In future thoy will mnko
their homo.
LOSjANGKLES, qal, Nov. 7. Un
official figures compiled by the news
paper bureau hero, tompleto from all
but 13 outlying precincts, In Los
Angeles city and county, glvo Uooxe
velt, 73,411; Wilson, 55,0. 3. Roose
velt,' plurality, 1S.35S,
vtjtt. W
n-i ,j uiauiiiLfiBJ-J?
"See That
Bald Headed
Young Man"
"1 know ho Is only 38," snld onu
young lady to another at a social
(unction, "but ho tnokti like 50."
"Bettor soy ho looks llko rtO," ro
piled tho other.
Young men who uao l'AIUSIAN
Sugo never grow bald because tho
hair root Is supplied with plenty of
nature's own nourishment, which
means nt all times an abundance ot
healthy hntr.
Young man, It your hnlr Is thin
ning out; It that little bald spot on
top Is beglunlng to spread, try l'AIU
SIAN Sago. It Is guaranteed by
ChartcH Strang to stop falling hair,
banish dandruff and scalp Itch, or
money haek. CO cents at dealera
SACRAMENTO, Col., Nov. 7.
Tho volo in Sucrmnento city and
county for president: WiUou 0,00.5;
KooBOvelt 7,542; Debs 1,547; CliuCiu
222; Taft 37. Wilsou'a plurality
run i r hi n i h i
FOR RENT Good barn, 3 stalls
and buggy sued. Largo lot and
water. C33 Ceutru.1 avenue N.
FOR SALE Pigs all. kinds, W. E.
BryBou,.GrJff!n creefc, J9 8
Every woman's heart responds to
the charm and eweetness ot a baby's
relce, because nature intended her for
Motherhood. But even the loving
nature ot a mother shrinks from the
ordeal ot suffering and danger. Wom
en who use Mother 8 Friend aro saved
much discomfort and their eystoms
are In a healthy condition to meet tho
time with tho least posslblo danger.
Mother's Friend Is recommended only
for tho relief and comfort of expect
ant mothers, and its many years ot
bucccss, and tho thousands of endorse
ments received from women who
have used it aro a guarantco of tho
benefit to bo derived from its use.
Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre
vents caking ot -- '
the, breasts, and lIHIIilerJi
la every way SScSI
contributes to iT-itfltflsfcilO
strong, healthy ' "'
motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold
at drug stores. Write for our. fret
book for expectant mothers.
Nearly a quarter o a century under the same
Jackson County
Medford, Oregon
It has succeeded because of ' '
Soundness of principle
Xcqnomy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and liberal treatment
W. I. Vawter ,Prcsidcnt Q. R. Lindley, Vice Prcs.
v.aCL Jv McDonald, Cashier
Steel Lined
:mr tonui
ffiranH SStmM
-rtr- nirirji-mrmiTrw luaar . v -
sjsasl JSz?
-'' asssaBsassaBsl
. They're the
Speed Shells
Speedier than the Swiftest
Flying Duck.
In JimMgMi-MS Nitro Club Shells,
the powder charge is gripped in steel. This gives
the exact compression needed to put all the drive
of the explosion behind the load to send it quick
est to the mark.
And Eastern Factory loading gives 100 of speed un
equalled uniformity of patten in each and every shell.
Shoot (ning!on;L!MG Arrow and Nitro Club Steel
Lined Eastern Factory loaded Shells for speed
plus pattern in, any make of shotgun.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
209 Broadway New York City
Wo coutiiutu thu Miiecial wilu of tailored btiitH for llio balance of
this week ami assure you lliero has never liocii.MUuh vnlucM.qffcrotl bu
fore. SizeH arc principally M, 10, !l ami a tow !I8 hIkon. 'Aatualval
uc aro $18.50 to $-12.50, to be sure thoy aro hot Uila'hOiiNOii'ti uewent
suits, but many aro tltta fallV newest inodek c '. '
SPECIALLY PRICED $11,00, $13.06, $10.50 AND $18.00,
All untrimmed shapes at $.".00 and above' including all Heavers,
white, pink and light blue arc uuderprlpcd 14 LESS
C y JZ7rftMBfflIi0
Don't Icavo iilaiitlnj; your litiltm until spring an (w Is tho bent
tlmo. Wo Imro n very InrKa siuiortmonL' ot flntt .chins litilba no
culls la tho lot. ' '
After 2S years' oximrlnnco w" anvo decided whut Is bent to buy.
Conumro thcao with others boforo buying.
(iroanhouflo Home 20-L Offlco llunto 3G
Established 1878
Incorporated 1904
Commission Merchants
804 Franklin Ht., New York
Our Httclnlt
We hare our own housos In
Direct consignments sollcltod or soo our Iloguo Hirer reprewDtatlve.
CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Ortgon
Hold Your Apples and Get Better Prices
Wo can storo Incurs nioro of fruit. Rates na follews:
200 boxes or less 2f3(; per box for tho season. All in
excess of 200 boxes 20o for tho season,
Season to April 1st.
Medford Ice & Storage Co.
"0or Personal Guarantee
to all Skin Sufferers91
1 Medford Pharmacy
W liavs been In bnlnes In tills town
for onm (line, and wa ara iQoklnir to
build up trad by alnays ndvilng our
patrons rlfbt.
8o when ws tell you that we havo
found the eczema remedy and that we
stand back of It with the.nianufaoturer's
Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves
you can depend upon It that we give eur
advlco not In order to sell a few bottles
of medicine to skin sufferers, but be
oauiie we know how It will help our
business If wo help our patrons.
We keep In stock and sell, all the well
known ukln remedies. Hut we, will say
thUi if you lire suRerlnir from, any
Aim! of skin trouble, eczema, psorlaels.
rauh nr tlr. w want YOU to try d full
mJM bottle of V. U. b.. Prescription,
&V If It dots sot do ibs work, this
bottle will cost you nothing. You alone
to Jtids, . .
AKln snd otmln ws have seen how, a)
few drop or this simple wssh appiltd
to the skin, takes away, the Itch. In.
stantly. And tho cures all tm to be
u. u. u, iTeacnpuon ntaaa uy tne
D. I), I). Laboratories of Chicago, ts
ier healing, soothing,
composed of thymol, glycerine oil of
oon onu unmr neuiing, sooinil
ingreuieni,. And U you
wlntergreon and
luit crazv with (toll.
uootheil and cooled, the
wauneu away
tills L). D. D.
Wo havo made fast frleaas
taaa oae family by reonmmem
remedy to a skin sufferer hers
there and we want you to try It
on our positive ue-Dy guarantM,
you will fe.el
Itch almoin (!?
tho moment you applied
of Mora
.llng this
. lK.
i",K .