if ' .1 'h , ,. , . , r 1 i ' ; This Must .fill ..-. , , Ll , GiO .iVe tfAA ... "W-AN&fiLfiCTiM, pa. E OF ID APPLES Tim KiikIInIi mnrkotn, nn per rallied JilMt rualvoi1, ilnnil hh fciltou m: Llvorjiool Niiwtowii I'lpiiliiH Vnt nunvlllffi 4 tli'P, 0-fi. Nawtuwn IMpplm Wntsonvlllo, 4 '.4 Ucr, r(:o, OruKnii Nowtown WnlionvllJo, 4 (tor -y to !i. .1. OroKoit N(wlowii WiiiBoinllli-, i tier, 8 lo U. .Mritnrn I,. Connolly & Co. en bio a kooiI do in u ml for Orogoiif, but not for CnllfornlnH. London, Wiitnonvlllti Nowlownn, 4 llur, 7,, W'ntnonvlllo Nowtownn, i Yt tlvr, 0. Hood Klvor .Vowtowim, I tier 0 to J01. ItoRiio lllvor NowtoMU, 4 tier, 71C to SU1. W'ttMliliiitton Hpltsi'iibcrK.i, 4 tier, 101 to 111, Tito export from Nw York lotojy liavo been Inunoifiii!, October 13lli, I.lvorttool, 12,000; Lomlon, 20,000; CIIuikow, 4000; Con tliRMit, .1000; total. 30.000. ' October lKtli. Liverpool,, 10,000; Jomlou, 10,000; (llai?ow, CU0O; Continent,, lfi.OUii; totnl, 80,000. rl3ontlbnJ" 3f,000; ainHKOw, K000; uoniinciit, ta.uuo; total, i&.udu. Tlinto npplrn raino from nil ovur tills roiintry, it tlio srent bulk of tbm -wore red nppleH fiom tbe north wont, owIiir to the i.roiU difficulty In iOhcImk- thum nt nuy nntUfaclory lirlceit. 7S per cunt of the barrel np ploii In Medford nro MnldwIiiR, Green Iiik", etc., nnd urn ncIIIuk around 92.00 per barrel, while the other -'.', wr cent of detlrnblo hurd winter keeping tipple, noli ut f2.C0 to 3.00. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS ' TO MEETN0VEMBER 12 An Inter-denotnlnntinunl Sunday hcIiooI Innlltutu will bo held In the l'renbytorliin church next Wod non day and Thuniiliiy, November 13 snd 14, both day nud uIkIU. Workers of nil the churched will (uitlat In tho work. Tho work la to bo douo.ln tho Prcttbytorlim church becnuuo that Ih centrnl, Tho followltiR U tho corpH of worKern: Iter. J. L). HprliiKrtton, I'll, ft., lluptlnt educational director for tho North. 1'nclflo rot. z hov, Mllon II. Fiahor, CoiiRrcKn tloriuI educational nccrouiy fur the l'ielfk cuaat, ltuv. A, M. WlllluiiH, l'roubytorlan dlKtrlct educational sttporlntoudont ; Tor tho I'uclflo northwoHt. Hov, V, 15, UollliiRton, profoniior In ISiikouu lllblo uulvuralty. Hov, II. II. Smith, CotiRroKutlonnl ' Hundny Rchool Huporlntondunt for Oregon, Hov! .1. V. MItllKiiii, O. n Proby- terlnn Hundny uchool Huporlu(oudont for OroRon. Rov, O. A, I'lilppri, aocrotnry Ore Kon Hunduy School nnnoclutlyii. Tlio. Siiiuluy uqhoot nuperlutond ontH of thii different Hunday hcIiooIb In our city nnd tho teuchorH and all church, people aud uthuiu uro urged to " tJo preflent. Tho afternoon awlou will com- inciico nt -;110 mid tlio uvoultig sos- Hlou will coiiuiioiico ut 7:U0 for cuch duy, 4 1 I !t I WPDDING BELLS I U L. -J -- Hoi' Ablinolu nnd Don iiik Itudoi .woroinarrlotl at tho I'rj.Hbytoiut limtuip by tho ltov. W. K'Bhlolda on AVodn'oMdny, Novombor U, at HjllO p, tit, Tlie8o young people uvo if ISiirIo Point antt ufq promluou In that UUtrlot Mr. Ashpolo In a nloi'o of ,Ioo Hador of lMiouulx nild lior RraudnUithor Hvuh nt 1 05 NortU Qakdttlo, tlia city, Thept, yooujr poo. liio wilt make tholr homo In Kaulo Point, whoro thoy nro woll known 'iui' JijKhly I'OHpected, nnd oycry quo wIbIioh thoin groat Joy lit tho UtiHbim fore thorn. uw EX1 Have Been Finne'gan Jeff Tackled X I i i . I " I - - - " ' T-- ' -" ' ''" ' '""i ft rON,M0fACNr,0lr, X WOK. OAfCK, THROUGH WiTQRY, ; ' - , fl ' j Oi00THTCHtt TOVOYG ! ' .'M0CN 6rc. TMe fSJO&HTJ YWi DON'T MOW TR06 MC8 A.H.SjH, tSBS.IWG - ' . . -x ,. - "'WM S fT THAT'S TMt KIND Of MCN ro TV, COUNT VITH 7 Know MOW SJSiV aW60rVOU M0viO f T WOOI.D f , ' MTR, WW YOU , . OULlOTi.-ToUfcUTYr, " .J YOU VOU FOU SIR, BUT I'M K . cwfci-ere . ' . v ' , fauni aowat cmu. . t ano ca,t town. ., -- BK if, . V E. 10 APPEAR HERE Mine, Harriot Lnbndlo, dramatic Interpreter of piny In to appear In thin city on November 28th ut tho Xnntorluru In nld of tho Orcater Medford club. .Mine. Lnbndlo will prvftont "Touiorrpw" by Percy Mnr Kaec. nio entire play, with full cait of chnrncterff, wilt bo rIvuii In the form of n dramntlo luterprctu tlou. Mine, lnbndlo In ncknowlodRO by crltlcn an tho best In her Una iduco Mri. Scott SjddonM and Charjotto CiiNhiuan of glorloun memory. 8ho lui devotcil her life to dramatic work and Ih tho originator of this particular form of dramatic Inter pretation which hIid lit using for tho production of the plays In her re pertoire. MniQ. Lnbndlo In a member of the National Ocogrnphlc society and of tho Drowning society of Philadel phia, tho largest and, probably the most Influential, lltcrnry society In America. Hho In an associate mem ber of tho Drnnnt League of Amor lea, uud representative nt largo of the American Pluygoerii Association of Now York. Tho Drama Luaguo of America ,ls recognised nn,dtappro)'ol by tlio load ing theatrical producers, dramatic critics, nud actors of thin country, many of whom nro membern of tlio league. Tho object of the league, to Htimulnto an Interest In tho bust iiramu and nud to uwnken. tho pub lic lo thu Importance of tho theater nu a social force and to Its grcut ed ucational value If malutnlncd on tho high level of nrt and mornts, Is cur ried out by Mine. Lnbndlo In her drnmntlc Interpretations. NATIONAL GUARDS HAVE PBWriOS SHOOT SUNDAY Twenly-flvo picked men of tho Oregon National Guard will go to Ashland Sunday to practice on the range for tho nhooU to bo hold on Wcdnpmluy, November 13, Tho com panion of Oregon will ahoot for two trophies tho Hankers' tropliy, which is kept In circuit, throughout the different i-ompauleti each year, aud if won by tho snmo company three j earn In uucccfwlon It wilt re main purimuiont; tho Coast Artillery trophy, which will remain perma nent to tho company which nialn talua.tho highest acore. lndfvldunt niedal will also bo awarded those- vyho imnlntnln the highest Hcores of tho respective tennis. Knch contestant will bo given his choice of nuiKoa 500 yards prono, or lying down with ros,t, und l!00 yards standing, shooting offhnnd, Xpll-p tojUy Pulille. Tho public Is horoby notified that tho undorslgnad, F. Blnger, bus pur chased, and Is now In possession pf nud, Jiiunnnlug the UgotThcntor, lo cated on West Main street, Medford, Ore. Tho foromoero owners of said theater nro to pay .nil outstuudlng Slitlls incurred prior to my taking poa- BeHton. Nq bills Incurred after thin dalo will bevpaid'tinlbBsmuno nro or dered oro Incurred 'btf tho uuiliir nlsiiofl. Ilatud thlq 7th day of tNovotubur, 1012, FHliJI) SINOMIt, Owner and mauuger of the Ugu Thu- tttor, tMedford, Oro. NOTHJI'J OF HIIKHIFFH nl(li, Hy vlrntti of nn oxo'oiitlpn and or der of sain duly Issued by the clerk of tlio circuit court of tho county of Jackson, stato or Oregon, dated thp Slid day of NovoinbQr, lp!2 tp a eeitatu tuition In Uia circuit court for Bald county ind state wherein Thom as McAndrow "h plaintiff ropovorod JudgmoUt ugvlii8t B, 'M. Savago for tho biiiu of bIx thoiiBnud eight Hun dred (10,800.00) dollars with lutot esr thereon frpm tho 2Ct day of October, 1012, at tho rate of 8 per cent nor annum and- flvo hundred MM H l(Wi"9- U9ilavy uUarnvOB ana "", OTDfrQRT) MIL TrcnWNJS, thirty-six (130.00) dollars ceU nnd dlsburHonicnts on the 20th day of October, 1012. Nollce Is hereby given that I will on the 1th day of Doromltor, 1012, nt the front door of the court house In Jacksonville In said cpuuty ut It o'clock In tho foronoon or said day noil ut public auction to tho highest bidder for cash tho following de scrlbod real property, to-wlt; Lots 2 mid 3 of section 22, or (ho Hotith half of tho northwest quarter of section 22, except that portion of tho nnld south half of tho northwest quarter of section 22 occupied and Included In tho W. O. Tvnlt claim, said lands being part of tho George II. Andrew Donation Umd claim In township 30, south of rango 3, west of the Willumotto nmrldlitn In Jack son county, Oregon, containing C4.1C acros. leVs tho amount of laud sold ns shown in abstract, leaving GO. 46 acres. Taken and levied upon ns tho pro perty of thp said K. M. Savngo or so much thereof an may bo necessary to satisfy said Judgment In favor of Thomas McAndrow ngalnatftald 13. M. Savago with Interest thereon togeth er with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, November 7th, 1012. W. A. JOXDS, Sheriff. I)y It. 1). DOW. Deputy. netici: of kiikkiffh h.lk. Hy virtue of nn execution duly Issued ly the clerk of tho circuit court of tho county of Jnckson, state of Oregon, dnted tho 10th day of Octcober. 1912, In a certain action In tho circuit court for said county and state wherein tho First 'National Hank or "Medford, Oregon; corpora tion, us plaintiff recovered Judgment against Hoguo IUver Canning aud JCvnponttliiK company, a corporation and h. F, Lozler, William Frldegar. 8. T. Howard. Junior, N. J. Wiley and W. II. Hamlin for tho sum or three thousand four hundred and ninety-two and D2-100 ($3402.92) dollars nud tho further sum of ono hundred twelve and 25-100 ($112. 2G) dollars costs and disbursement on the 8th day of July, 1011. Notice Is hereby glvon that I will on Friday, tho Cth day of December. 1912, at tho frput door of tho court houeo in Jacksonville in said county at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of snld day noil at public auction to .the highest bidder for cash tho following described real property, to-wlt: Hqglnnlug ut tho southeast comer of lot four (4) In O. Harbaugh's sub division in Donation Land Claim, No. 70 in township 3", south of rango 2, west ot tho Willamette meridian, ac cording to tho official map or plat thereof and running thenco north along thu westerly line of street or DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS Many Medford pooplo who linvo chronic appendicitis, which la not very painful, have doctored for years for gns on tho stomach, aour atom nch or constipation. L. n. Hasklns, druggist, atatcs it thoso -peoplo will try simply buckthorn bark, glycerine, tc us compounded In Adlor-I-ka, tho Gorman nppondlcltls remedy, thoy will ho surprised ut tho QUICK bono flt. A SINQLK DOS15 relievos thoso troubles INSTANTLY, NEW TODAY TWO STOCK ItAXCHKS No. 1. 240 acres in tho Lnkp crook district, tho laud all lays well, and Is watered by springs, IIouso, partly furplshod, nam, nhoo shed, umoko houuo and otho buildings, 35 uorofl In crops, somo easily cleared, nnd over n million fpot of saw lim ber on part of it. Tlio party will trado for Medford property ot equal vnluo, (it ?20 per noro. No, 2. 184 acres six mllos north of tho town ot Iloguo Itlvor, houso, and two good bnrna and other build ings, pumping plant for irrigation, and also a gravity ditch. 4f aores now Irrjgutod. 125 acres olearod, Some good mixed timber on 15 acroa, Fluo family orehavd, All luiul lays .fluo uud water not over 11 foot from Hiirfaco. School on tho place. ?D5,U0 por aero, , Look tlioao ovor. G.D.HOON ltooui 1'ri Juktjou Cotiuty Uauk Uldg, MTODFOTl OUTgOON, rrTnmSD'AYt.NOV15'MBT3R70J2. ' ', road 100 feet; thence went 2215 fef, thenco soulli ISO 'tout, thenco oast 220 feet to the placo of beginning excepting and reserving from the foregoing a strip of land DO- ft, wide across the nouth jilfto of the aliovo described premlw Included in tho rlgbt-of-way of the Iloguc IUver Val ley railroad. , Takon anu" Jevlcd upon on the pro perty of ttip nboVo named defendants or so in u fib thereof as may lio neces sary to satisfy said Judgment In favor of William IL Hamlin asslgneo of said Judgment against said defend nnta with Interest tbcrcon together with nil costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Jackionvllle, Oregon, November 7th, 1912. W. A. JONES. Sheriff. Ur It. B. DOW, Deputy. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: Ono cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. I'OK ItENT FUKM8HKD AITS. FOR HENT SaaJth Apta. 217 8. RIt. FOR ItKXT HOARD AND ROOSI8 ROOM AND I10AUD At "TyrrcU'e" 204 S. Central. 21C FOR RMNt HODW FOR 1U3NT Gt our rental list. Medford Realty & Improvement Co. FOR RENT Furnished 6 room cot tago modern, S18 King St. " FOR RENT Furnished houso clpao in. CO North Orange. FOR RENT Modern Xlve-room house. M. A. SUder, at M. F. & II. Co. FOR RENT 10 room liouso rear ot Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir sts. FOR RBNT All tho down Btalra or houso block, from Hotel Hol land. Call at 129 Grapo street. FOR RENT Ono 5 room modem. Ono 4 room .modern, partly fur nished bouse. Inquire 714 W. Palm St. 212 FOR RENT rUKNISHXb ROOMS FOR RENT Largo Bleeping room, $1,50 and ft, per. week. Modorn housekcepingApartmenU, $15 and $1C. Home phono 2GC-K. 222 South Holly, . I'OR R K N r HOUSKKEEllNa B00M8 FOR RENT .Vsulto or four or two nicely furnkhod housokcoplng rooms, plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 729 oit'lltti. FOR RENT Fjrnlshed housekeep ing rooms, ,311 N, Durtlott, 3 blocks from P. O. Home phono 219-K. . 19G FOR RENT A sulto ot four .or two nicely tarnished housekeep ing rooms, ptymbod, lighted, low er floor. 73 West 11th Stj FOR RENT Throo Hght houso kcoplug rooiM, 22Q S. Grapo St, 196 FOR RIJJiT OFFICES FOR RENT Urge, comrortabl oN flco rooms with elevator service, Btoam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates, Apply Medford Furnt turo & Hdw, Co. t IfQK RENT MIOKI.TjA1HOU8 FOR RENT Ranches large and email, alfalfa' and gardon lands. Gold Ray Roilty Co., 6th and Fir. FORJtENTr-30 room turntsliod botol on percental. Gold Ray Realty Co. , FOR SAOS noVSHS i -w FOR. SALE 4 rooa noose and lot, $60000. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth aud Fir, , FOR SALE Equity1 In u good houso with largo lot xlDO, houso has six rooms, pastry, bath, etc., lago front and sltt porches, outhouses, Htpro house, tnblo, -wood houso aud chlokou hpuso, Como soe It and snvo agent's cpnuulsslon. Hal lanco pit easy, terms. Streot will bo pavpd nt 'Sluing. It ' you want a bargain como to 401 King uiwuit ' 1"i M. FOR SAIit bATO FOR SALE Just $200 will buyout right ICO ucrca of land only nine miles from Medford. Small house, barn aud chicken yard go with this bargain. Twenty acres haVo been cultivated to hay and a rnn nlng spring is near tho house. This is the best land bargain ever offered. E. S. Tumy 201 Gamott Corey Dldg. 19C FOR SALE 480 acre stock ranch at $35 per acre. I havo rcpter now for 10 years at $500 a year, cash rent. $8,000 down and bal ance In 3 years. Terms to suit buyer. Stock, implements, house hold goods, etc., goes with place. I. C. D., cans Mall Tribune. 198 FOR SALE MI8CELTANEOUS FOR SALE 150 tons of hay and pasture, Ilelkey ranch, Applegate P. O., D. A. Wood. 199 FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger au tomobile almost new. Bargain for cash. Box 80, Tribune. FOR SALE Rccleaned seed wheat, rye, oats, vetcb. Schmidt Feed store, Medford. FOR .SALE Fox terrier puppies, 7 weeks old. Address A. II. Dav cnhlllc, Talent, Ore. 19C FOR SALE Jersey cow giving milk. Inquire 910 W. Eleventh.- FOR. SALE Thorough-bred brown Leghorn spring pullctts and year old hens, $9.00 per doz. S. J. Norman, box 452 Medford. 198 FOR SALE Fancy Club seed wheat, beardless barley, good grain and alfalfa hay, barley .straw, all bated at Regar ranch, 3 miles west of Medford. 20 FOR SALE Good second hand fur- " nlturo cheap, at 737 West Clark street. Must bo sold at onco. 199 FOR SALE Gentleman's bicycle in good condition. $9.00. 503 S. King. 195 FOR SALE Eight placer claims located In Josephine county. Five good water rights. 1100 feet 11 inch pipe. No. 3 Giant. Call at Moore Hotel any time after 0:30 In evening. F. C. Claflln., 200 x OR SALE Wood sawing outrit al most new, cost $312.00, will tako $175.00. Geo. F. Dyer.tho au- tomobilo man, 1114-lllu '.ortit Central Ave. 19C FOR SALE One II. P. gasoline englno complete wltu.pump, jack, batteries, etc, ready to run. Phono 807-F-12, 19S MONEY TO I.OAN. MONEY TO LOAN On city proper ty and close in ranch property. C. A. Knight. 801 East Main. 200 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. I havo ono fund ot one thousand and ono ot throo thousand on baud, be sides larger amounts. Call on or address mo at Hotel Medford. B. L. Dodge. 19G MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS1. MONEY TO LOAN Havo $2500 to loan on city or ranch property on long time nt current, interest; E. E. Tumy, 201 Garnott-Cqrey Bldg. 190 WANTED MlSCEMANliOUS WANTED 'Roof loakT I ropalr leaking roofs, rain or shlue.- Phono 112-R. W. II. Smith. 221 WANTED Wator tanks, from 500 to 1000 gallous. Telephone Liber ty Orchard. 19G WANTED Canadian prnlrlo. land in oxchnngo tor well Iocntod ranch in thts valley. What Jiavo yo'u? Box 75, earo Mall Tribune. 199 WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro pqrty worth $13,000. Box 495, Medford. WANTED To buy. A hay ranch, bottom land prpforrod. (Address P, T caro Mall Trlbuno. 197 WANTED Confinement cases o nurso, no objection to llgljt house work. Prico reasonable. Mrs. E. Nahss, 14G S. Holly, phono 2G6-X. 210 WANTED Sowing, by .tho day or at home. Will do moudlug, darning or honiBtltchlug. 319 S. Ivy, PJiouo 2SG-K. ' 205 WANTED To exchange a desirable lot, In Contra! Point one block from pavement for a 'light roiicdi team. Address Hnx'83, Central Point, Oro, 19$ WANTED Turkeys aud chickens. MMWMMi w??V HELP WAXXKD MAIM "WANTED -Thoroughly practical grocery solicitor. Give reference in reply. Address S. W.f care Mall Tribune. 19G FOR BALK ACKM&tm FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property, from $5 per acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th.and.Pir. FOR KXCHAXGB TO TRADE-2-Unlmproved 40 acres in Sams Valley for house and lot, value $1200.00. Address X, care Mali Tribune. 196 FOR EXCHANGE Southern Cali fornia property to exchange for 200 acres Improved stock and fruit ranch In Southern Oregon. Address 89, care Mail Tribune. 196 FOR EXCHANGE $400 worth' ot machines and county rights, also some lots to trade for horses, stock or implements. W. E. White side, Central Point, Ore. 19 E FOR SALK OK KXCHAKGB FOR SALE OR, TRADE 1 boiler return flue, 15 h. p. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p.. In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore., or call on Chris Ul rich, Jacksonville. 209 BUSINESS DIKBCXCKX Accoaataat D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford. Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6811; reel deuce phone 6302. Auto SappJIes. LAHER AUTO SPUING CO. Our big secret in making springs la the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest.. Use our springs when others fall: Sold under guarantee. 2G North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attoraeys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffice bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building, Medford, Ore. Civil Rngtnccr LOUIS W. WAITING crvll Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm bile. Medford. Oregon. 1)111 I'osten. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jacksoa County Banlc bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGEc, ur. Louise E Hedges. Mochauo-Thoranlsts. Chiro praetors, Bpondyletherapl&ts, These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronlo diseases. Consultation tree. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E, cburcb. Hours, 9 a, m. to 5 p, m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phone Main 4171., DR, R. J, LOCKWGOD. Chiropractor, norvo specialist, Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Corey Btdg. Vapqr baths and scientific massage given; advice in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at7 tendant phono Home 145-K. Mala 7973, Chinese Medicines CHOW YpUNG'S Chtaeso medicine will cure rheurantts'm, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung troubledefne38. paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ot chronic aud nervpua allmonts. Stomaqh trouble, constipation, indigostlop, womb apd' bladder troubJw,, See mo at 241 S, Front st., Medford; Ore., to 4, G:30,to 7;30, Rldeat phone Main 43. ' ' . Notary Public T HELEN N. YOOKST leiary Pubt lio. Bring your Work to me' at the g o pi Xfaa aUU'IrlliUM. mi n in i jiWjipjiiiiii'i" Rv "I.Vl FisMf '-" J -.,..., - BUSINBSS DIRECTORY Dentist DR. W. M, YAH SCOYOO DR. a C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., sslte Sit Medford, Oregon. Beth F1mm. DR. ARTBMUS W. DEANE Deattet. Office in Rialto bldg.. 123 K. Mala. Gas admiatetered tor xtraetiefc of teeth; TelepheM Maiv $1. Nfcht pheae.4432. OmaKe If erka1 MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Gee. T. O'Brien Contractors aad masti fact arers of brick; dealers la pressed brick: and Ume. Office at their brick yard, West Jacksoa at. Phone No. 2461: fc WWffOj GARBAGE Get yoar premise) cleaned up for the summer. CaUx ob the elty garbage wagoa for good servioe. Phone. Mala 6251. P. r. Allen. TIstfser QUAKBR NURSBRIES Our trees are bedded," not grafted. Osr stock Is not irrigated. We guarantee everything; put oat. We are sot in tho trust.' SH, B. Patterson. Office removed to office' Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber sfcep. Maters aad FabUrfiers , MEDFORD PRINTING: CO. ha the best equipped Job office lasoathera Oregon; book binding, looee leaf systems, cat paper, etc., ete. Pert laad prices. 27 N. Fir at. 1. 1. . i , , - i, i PhynlelMM aael thurgeoiw DRS. CONROY , CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor aad Phippa bldg., rooms 210-211-212, Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hoars 9 a. Eft. to 8 P. nt. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. BVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.. phone 278-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physlolas. aad. sur geon. Office Jackson Couaty Bank Bidg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phoae, reeideaee 109. office 130, DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE 3. LOCKWOOD," M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskias Drug Store. Offico Phenes: M. 1091, tendant. Residence phoae Mala 5T12, offico Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Byes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 228 E Mala iSt. Houra 8:30 a. m. to S p. auBoth phones. E B. PICKEL, M; it. otflee Ja"ek sos County Bank. Offlee ylut M. 432; Rea. phone. M, 582 DR. J. IV. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlee rooms 5 aad C Kontner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12,, 2 to "5. Phone, Bell. 271. Aesidence phone Bell 273. E. KIROHGB89NER. M. D. Prac tice limited to Chroalc Diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays "10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Bagle Point and Roguo River line. , HERMANN F. RATTia, M D Or fice over Medferd National Bank. Office phoae 670L ites... Hotel Holland, CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M.- D Prac tlc,o limited to l?ye, Bar, Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. DR. MARTIN C,l DAUBER Physi cian and Surgeon. Offico Palm block1, opposlto'Nash Hotel, Houra 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone Pacific, urn, . Stesogratifeera'' "; ELLA M. QAUNYAW Pl hlock. Stenographlo work done quickly aad well. tPnawulrtU EADSTRANSFJSR STORAaal CO, Office Ife Sleuth. FJr.' Pbaw Bell S152; ifa'sia-X. rtUm right. Service guaranteed. "' Undertakers i t JOHN A PJritt?-Wartrtarv 4 Ismmbjser, , ptflM Bt dft- . lt, at. Tttlepheiws: Day. 1MI stum. asMbsajv., PC'fftij, kvpiw'Mwjr fKt w ' - V tJ ! ! J 1 .1 .a . fe h, o a, i ,4 a !J! , 1 . V fl 4 H-