rr-VV--HH3V''r's'-r , ,. w A,i . 4 Art i , . . lJ '. t a -1.,u.Mt.k..itfc,-l-,'iaLjfWj:JJi -.-f,M '......,... . .. .. in. . t'H.lH, TMV'.v ,.,.,,, -n," V "-" '.V ."- 'V V --T ,-,'' r'Wl-rT-- -, ,- " t '-'"' -.. "' '' ' . ! t J : . PAG1 T!A IIEDFORD JIAIIj TRIBUNE, MElWOtm ORKGON,TnURSnA',NOVI3Antl8ll7,l!))2. mammmmmimimmmmm s :: A. , "' i s r t 44 J X I I f Mil i.i lrS4 The -pmoert! ,Timw, Th Mertford Mall, The Mplforit Trlbnnn, Tho South-, ni'brirnuii;'Th'Aitriftfid'Triliuna.' CWfla' Mull, Tribune mtlldlrtff. 8S-27-: HsrtH-riftreet;' phone, jnuin 4ui noma in. OKOnoBrUTKASjUfitfttorwnc) Mannger 5 ? ' fllerea ft scftnd-elA. JnAttfcr? At MtSfiird.pOregon, n Jet 7 tho at of March 8, I8.. Offlclalf rapfi of tfce. Cltf V 'Mcdfort. OMKifrl Ifepcrof ' Jackym Countr. BUBSCHiimrW HATK.V One year, by !.". 1V.I5,50 One ffionth, by mntl. ....... ....: .50 rermnnth, 'lellvereil by carrier In MMnXftrd: VJaCKgonvHIe.and Con- "Ural l'MntttititixM'" R0 h.-.t. hhIw 'w mnlt? r r year. :.o fc.r'Ak- 4.ir-. ::. ci 1.50 V f IB Ml jx." J" t I -Y , . SKaTTLK, Wit., Xov. . -While the first rctiinit giving Roo.'.evclt su overwhelming plurality in the state nrcbcii)g confirmed by Ibr, oFfinal rctnni$ being compiled ben?, it is ap parent thnt the rest of the. progres giVe ticket has been slashed unmeroi- , fullii It is bnrcly poshiblo that tbo tr conRresHinen at larjro may be uro- gressivcff, and tbnt Dan ltuuljii. pro gressive, may defeat Will SI Ilmn phroy, republican foi tlic fir.t con gressional district. Krnest Lister, dcutccrntie, is pro bably elected for governor. With the exception of Byron Phelps, progres sive for auditor, and Ed Cudibce, democrat for sheriff, ibc county ticket has gone republican. The initiative, referendum and.re - call amendment'": u tin stac consii-' tiitioa carried easily. C0ULD41 COLUMBIA FOR FAR MORE tRAFFiC PORTLAND, Ore., Xov. 7.- That the Upper Columbia river could float much more traffic dosplte'the necessity- of- straightening out certain places with locks, Is tho opinion of Brigadier General William Herbert Blxby, chief of tbo corps of engineers, 'Uaited;8tateB ArmyVbois In the district on a tour of Inspection today. He stato that the Celllo and Cas cade locks arc similar to those at Louisville, Kentucky, and are per haps as efficient. v This is General BixuyVs first trip to the. Pacific Coast, and ho will makei & study of conditions at Coos Bay and elsewhere before returning to Washington. 'fV Ifi rJj, U -ii!,W OHIO ,G? 1351000 v.-COLUMBUS, Ohio,. Nov. 7. Late returns from all sections of tbe state today, wbllo still Incomplete, indi cate .that Wilson's plurality will . reach 135,000, -wbllo President Taft's total .voto wlll-be about 00,000 above Koosovclt's. The plurality of James M. Cc-Xt democrat for governor will bo about 10,000. M . Mm AUSTRIA FOR PEACE - -IJUDA PEST, Nov. 7. Anxiety for ' tho restoration of peace In the Balkans- was expressed hero 'today "by Emperor Franz Josef, "My government," ho said, "will lib ready to participate In any' action of tho great powers having as Its aim tho restoration of peace. An early re turn of normal conditions Is urgent- jy uesiraple, L hh i A jVi f IOWA ft (111 II BY 15,000 PLURALITY i s fcjt 'I . ', ,' v:i-H Tras imaffn . mini; me ANXU --DBS MOINES, Iowa. 'Not. 7. -With' returnM missing from only ono county President-Elect Wilson's plur- ,, -.Hfy over Colonel Itoosevelt In Iowa .today stands at 1C.000. Tho repub lican, state ticket Is elected by plural- ,fltl8 rtuiglHK'from M,p00 to 6,000.' Wf LiDNIi i.lO LEAD 'V, 7 VIH TAFT'S OWN STATE &XiVDHW8r Ohio, Nov, 7. Com jk, rehirp? today from 7V of th? mmW Ul M. rosident Taffa 4 pi0 itooseyalt, J8.020. JACKSON COUNTY TIIM cjQctiqn oyiikvU 'Jjou Ycl'ns county judge i$ evidence epnehisiyd tlit Jackson enmity is still n pro gross jie eqininnnity uud yill,go steadily fanvavd instead of backward durmj the eomintrCbur veal's. lore than this, the election is n public repudiation of disreputable campaign methods, of mud-sliniriiur and chai"- tictei nssussimition-T-of a prolonged and desperate attempt to divide. .the equntyjigainst itself of ,n dispfonblo attempt to pvt?jUUtH aiullppisqnthe people against. the euuiity'a mo.it . enterprising tii ty. "." t The election ends a yeais effort on the part of Ashland tOiHuud-bag Bradford, and haltl)iogre.ss in .luckson (eVMt.y. Bi ledford wts not ready to be, sand-bagged and the progressive citizcus of the county rallied to her support. Ashland was. giveji.a dose ofthe same mpdieino she has neeii tianuing uie rest ol ute iieouu(i voreti.ainipst soimi to proteex nei-eit. Ashhutd is without representat ion m the county court, and has only herself to blame, ller political leaders re jected all attempts made on the part of Bedford to give nirr a vunuiussstoiiej';. .it was eonmy jlKlgQ or llOlUlUg. As notliing could be truthfulir said against Ml. Ton Voile, the attack was shifted upon the Mail Tribune, its editor and his friends. The only crime the Mail Tribune committed was being guilty of supporting progressive policies and candidates, but as. the spokesman for Medford it was singled out for vituperation and slander. The re turns speak for themselves. As long as the Mail Tribune is true to the best interests of Medford and Jackson county-it willmerit the confidence and inflneucQ.it exerts. WILSON TO TAKE TO PRINCETON'. X. J., Xov. 7. -The pcr&onoueJ of President-Elect Wil son's official family vlU bo made up during a voyage to Bermuda. It was announced hero today that Gov ernor and Mrs. Woodrow- Wilson will sail from New, York, soon to be gone about two weeks. A. private yacht has been placed at Wilson's disposal and th.trip will bo made In this vessel. While at sea Wilson will make up his mlad regarding all political ap pointments and may give out tbe se lections for his cabinet Immediately upon his return. Governor Wilson's immediate con cern Is over New Jersey. Ho plans to present a program of reform legis lation after New Years, and this is occupying much of bis tlmo. -- ThA' vtmalff At.frAl.s. nlnnV 1t., day, but planned to spend a- good part of the afternoon, answering messages and letters of congratula tions. N BROTHER IS INSANE CHICAGO. Nb.r. 7. Jack Johnson negro heavyweight champion of the world, in determined today to make his brother, Charles Johnson, -.uffcr for testifying against him in the case in which the pugilist is charged with abducting Miss Lucille Cameron, n white girl.'Recently Jack bad Cileries urrcfitcd, on a larceny charge, and now asks tliat the latter pe eiainined VIENNA, Nov. 7. It is retried here today that 20,000 Kurds aro marching to tins assiistuucu of Con stantinople. Sofia telegrams bay tho Hiilgariuna arc furiously attacking the TcJiatuljn forts, the Turkw' Inst line of defense outfeide their imperil led capital. BALANCE OF POWER CHICAGO,- jNov 7. practically complete returns' today show tho 'democrats, aro twelve votes short of controllings, the statq legislature, and the 'republicans twenty votes short. As tho 'progressives elected twenty eight mombors, they will bold tho balance of power In tho legislature which will' elect twji senators. LORD DECIES MULCTED BY HIS ARCHITECT, LONDON, Nov. 7. -Lord UccIch, who married, Vivien Uould of Now York, ih out $m,im today, the amoiiut, tiled, for by an uvejiitoct for hurry-iip .impovem.ents madii at Kefr ton Park just prior to his inurnngo to tio Americnii heU-css." I)e6ies daim I'll the diarge wus exprb(tunt but the courj, rujud UKuiusl hiW W mm w: Jii I Jr-itl' if KURDS MARCH TO ; SAVE CONSTANTINOPLE PROGRESSIVES M - A. A -a f ' STILL PROGRESSIVE, .. .. . V eonnr.y lor twentv ywivs wuen TAFT THANH WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-l'rti-dont Taft issued his thanksgiving proclamation today. One paragraph, which possibly there is a reference to the. election, he said: "The year now drawing to u close has been notably favorable to our fortunate land. At pence within and without, free, from perturbations and calamities afflicting other peoples, rich-in harvests So abundant that 'the overflow of our prosperity has ad vantaged the whole world; strong in tho steadfast conservation of the heritage of self government bequeath ed us by the wisdom of the fathers, and firm in the resolve to transmit that heritage unimpaired, but rather improved by good use, to our chil dren and our children's children for all time to come, the people of the United Stales have abounding rcnuse for contented gratitude." : t : r-r ' f FROM TURK CAPITAL CONSTANZA, Roumauia, Nov. 7. Refugees arriving hero today from Constantinople report that Chris tians are fleeing from the Turkish capital and. all foreigners aro send ing their wives and children here und to Athens. Thoy report forty thou sand wounded Turks in Constantino ple,, and that all the mosques, hotels and public buildings arc filled with dead.and, dying,.. iBBfe: THREE IN ILLINOIS CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Tho progrcH sives oiecicii nirec congressmen in Illinois Thompson in the tenth dis trict; Hiuuebnugh in the twelfth and Edwards in tho thirtcnth. They nIo caused the defeat of Cannon, Mc- KinTcy, Rpdenberg and Koss, nil re publican whecIhorscH, Twenty Illin ois congressmen arc democrats and four republicans'. ,f t UNCLE JOE LOSES BY: 1:500 j DANVILLE, III.. Nov, 7. Demo cratic leaders here today' estimated that 'O'Halr, deniocrat;dofcatod for mer Speaker Joseph G. Caiiuon, for congress by 1,500 Tho republicans will- not concedo that Co'nnon is bbateUr declurlng1 that missing pre cincts are atrongly for 'lJncIo Joo." Vote buying hr charged against tho Canuou men, and warrants' for four persons have been 1ssu6d, NEEDHAM DEFEATED IN FRESNO DISTRICT 'fUKSNO, Cab, Nov. 7.-J.imu Neodluiui bus been defeated for re election to 'congress in tho Seventh district by Denver' 8,: Church, demo crat, 'by 000 or (100 votes, according to tne latest returns. Wjlson curried 'Pesiip county over Roosevelt by ubout 100 vot,csy OVER IN t. I CHRI SDK LEE PROGRfMS r si ft TO CKM With tlitf .ttrriNl of I'Ccddii) t!d' belt who Is lo box -ihul .Am1e.i'-m b- teu who in to hk iiiiu .flmn!rm i "oro. the MtjJCtuM Athljti eluli on icxt Tue'diiyJhjii ovvrytlmig U in tutimiMt lr xhKi niipenrH to be n for next ixtutimiMt tor whAi 1 great boxinggl i;jl(; for the bvil Inns, Tho omiii bout will mnrV Antler son's sixth contUsl, in Medt'ortl, Utid having wn JiUnit five in a spet tacular uiniinor. lU omning opponent Cvbett in sniil to bo n nltogolhcr different tyj f a riugt umn than Hud's fast viftims Corbet t being more on Anderson's own type of mil ling, and if that is the ease there ! sure to be something doing at tho Home of Quarrels next Tuesday nigit. :, In the six tyuiul special eveitt tVeddto Anderson who like his. older brother Uttd hat) nil the vnrnmvltH of a comer, will meet "Yoiunr Te:rv MeOovern,' a newcomer who is sold t bq able "to go Mune,' TO TALK CABINET TATTLE NEW YOKK, Nov. 7. Asked by telegraph today regarding reports that ho would occupy an Important position lu Prcsldcut-Eloct Wilson's cabluet. William, J. Bryan replied: "No ono -is authorlted to speak for me. 1 would not dlncusa thu subject at this time." Tboro is no doubt In the minds of well informed political sharps that Drynn will bo WlUon's secretary of state. 4-CtHi H SPECIAL MEETING COMMERCIAL CLUB , On Wednesday, Nov. 13, at the City hall, a full attend ance of the officers and mem bers is urgently requested. Dusincss of lhcmot vital im portance to the city of Med ford is to ho .considered. WM. M. COLVIfl, 1'reaident. Hvfa&ioAAiMktitteito . MICHIGAN DELEGATION IN CONGRESS MIXED DETKOIT, Mich., Nov. 7. Latest avallablo election figures here today show that Michigan's delegation In congress will conilst of eight repub licans, three democrats and two pro pre gressives: 2 Tired. Feet With But a Single Thought-TIZ l-'or Aching, Ulhtcrctl, Itiiiiloucd, Chafed, Tlml, Hwity Feet Get TIZ Scml for n KrcoTrhil I'ackugo Quick You needn't ruhbor to sco foot misery,; it Is forced; tojyqur attention every day. But there Isn t na mucli I of it as there used to be. TIZ ban educated us to foot comfort. TIK works on a new principle goes Into tho sweat glands of tho feet, forces them to exude all those1 ac)ds and poisons that causq,foo troubles. 'Tl'A softens corns, calluses and liunlomi, thoy shrink and fade away. Foot pains cease at opce. Thoro Is noth ing clsqtnowntahsolutely nothing else to take, thoplaco of a Tl'A foot bath. Get a 25 cent box from any drug store, department or general store, or, If f.you Vant to'pr6vo if, write tqday to Wjritr Luther Dodg"o & Co,, 1223 B. Wabash avenho, Chl cago, Il for a free trial package of TIJi. Ono Tl. feot bath nd your feet will novor want anything but T1ft.i t't ( M Uf x y GARAGE . GASOLINE, OIL AKP SUPPLIES Will go any placojo repair your car, CarBtfdr Illro i Repairing Phoenix,. Ore., Phono 81C-F-4 CORBET UADn REFUSES .!" . v fc.- jtjs' ' - i iHk 'BB- - h ik. Pmtt S w'A PC 1 36bmt V WYOMING ClOSEr , WILSON LW rilHYKNXK, Wyo., Nov. 7. Ho Intod lolurns fituu tho ruralMlistrletH today developed a seo-saw rneo bo tweeu yft mtil Wilson for. Wyo ming's t'luulovul vole. , At midnight tho roluniM uavo Taft t lo,ad of li")0 votes, but Intel" figmes glVd Wilanti it plurality ill' 200, Holla tho ilciuooratiQ mid roimbliOnn man agers admit these figures may chango any inomcut, lint each sido olnlnis victory. Tho official eoiini may be reqitlivd ti delenntUo the v suit. KiHtftevcH in hopelessly opt Of tho ruinuug, but it Is inmnimucd that it is nnybody's rncu fio far an the other two oandldales aro oonoernod. V. W. loudell, republieaii. lint) been re-elected to congress. The tight for control ol thu state legis lntura is in doubt.- Don't Wear A Trus! . After Thirty Years Experience I Hav Produced An Appliance for Men, Wouta or Childrea That CutM Rupture, XfeadUOaTrUl. If jon hT trieil mot rtrjiMu elM.rom to m. Whrnhr tlU whom bva tuKrlt mti- sG4 tlf bra ttt"on w jj lad I will Xlto kltnvp U C. K, llrtth, Invrlilor ut 111" .tpitllnnr., whurtimt lilni.rlt anil wlut lis, Imi rurlnc othrr" fur r 30 yrar. If rupliirvil.nrltn lilm titny. yen fr mr IllaitrtUil book oa Itnpinrn tail II egf, ihowtpc rnf Appllnii q.1 stvlns jo Frio d nion of tnnir IxotiUwhl bit Ul4 II niw.r carthL lllMltt,uolrrlI'flallMhrt fIL tmmbr I dm a mItv. bo tttn. na Hr. ' Io4co UUliopnK I T Uur. You r Ui JO'UnJow blo urn tuf Hluitnll book s4 r4 It joo UI ba M rni&uUUo lit mr banJrtJ of lUtnl hn ltlr jon cts tin ittiL nil oat fms nmpon bctuv ts4 mail t3f, Jtwll wutib jour Umobtlirrouli7 biy Arpll inea et not. mCC INFORMATION eUPN a K n'rwki aa Rut irrl. t,r,hll. Ulcru l'lu itai m er man la puta wrfhi- )m: lllairu-i tnwu J fall lnIrnilloit lUwt fuur Arpn,oc far lb cr of rupture. V, Cly ...... SUM, Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 2 to aero stock ranch, .'IS acres In cultivation, several good springs, good littlo Iiouho and barns, 100 acres of saw timber, clone to school, price only $20 per ncro or wH tr'ado for some good, city property, li& acres alfalfa land, cloisf lu, nt a vary low price, come and let us tell you about it, 100 acres, 2 miles front Phoenix, all In cultivation, 20 acres In hay, 12 acres In fruit, tho rest lu grain, large house, barn and othtr build ings, 9LMS per acre. ,, Wo have somo small tracts closn in nt tho right price, como up and toll tin when you can go to sco thorn. Wo still huvo Home good acroago to trado for city properly. Toll us whoro your vacant liouao Is and wo will get you a renter. Kiuployiiiciit Girls mid women for gonerabhouiio work In and out of city, Don't forget to call Mrs. Ulttnur when you want liojp. MBS, EMMABITTNER f i rhqim nom,M i. ,; -1 ? OpiHlto NaMlrllotcl -' IIOO.MH (I ami 7, 1'ALM 11LOC1C. Clark 6c Wright LAWYE7.3 WABiirNfVrorf, n; o. Publlo Land Matters; Final Proof. Desert Lands. Contoit and Mining Cases. Borjp. Drap Wo carry ft very comptetn line of laco curiauiH, riviur,, olq,, IK. A work gooa nrv posslblo to 'get even ItlO UrgC'Ht CUt. Weeks & McGrowan Co, BBBBHkBB7 Bf i hiIm)' lil i k M BEBBJBfluJBB PJBjiJBjPJBRVJBJIJIJIJPB aruperies, ana uo an, oiuwieq ni unnomioni peclul man to took after thl Mciusivply.aiw wn KlV j en in im domuiuio ta'aret in Th Quickest, Simplest Cougk Cdnt' i r.r una; Chfmdr Miifle l Itomts" 8vifi Vo f4 Tlil recluo mukon ft pint, of cough yrui eiHiiigh ti hint n family, a luK tlnuv. Yon couldn't liuv much' or iu gxl cugh Myruti for tiM. SlmplQnt it U, It gives nluiost lnrfJk ndlid and ununlly (m Ihe mrtt. lti' natn cough In JM hour. This, U lMirtly duo to tho tdct'tlmt It U sllghlly1 Inxa tlvo, stlmnlrtteit tho uplxlU mid. has an rxcrllout tonio rffect. It l plwwant to take- eldldien like it. Au excellent rcm cay, too, for, whooping cough, croup, oro luiiud, asthma, thront troW,, to. noillllin, I IU "II HiniiinTi w.w. ono pint of granulated sugar with t of :vrtmi water, and iitlr for a . lut a 15 oimevs of I'liH'X OlflY Vj.plat miniiio!), cfiit' worth I In a pint ltth o, mm nun in Miimr vNvriin. it kroim jierfcotiy. Take a tenNitoondtl overy one, two or tliivut limim. hl.aftiu j - i'lae U ono of the oldest awl . bM, knovnx rcmcdlnl agent Tor too v1'1..1 membrnlu". Pinet li tlu mot valunMo coneimtrtttcd cinnound of Norway whllo plno vtrnot, and In rleh lu hwiUcoI ami all tho othrr naturn healing elements. Other prcjuiratlons will not work In thU formula. . ... , , Tho prowpt rcMiHa from this wclpo havo emleared It to IhnuimnilB of hou"v wive In tho irnlted f?tftc and Canndn, which explain why. tho pln h beon imitated often, but never nccessfully. A gunrnuty of ahi)uto entltifnetlon, or money prompllr refunded. gie with thli mlp. Your druggist Ime Pinex, or will get It for wu. if not, scad to 'lho riacx Uo. l't; Wayne, lud. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES 70,000 npplo, 23,000 ponri 2000 cherry, 2000 walnut. 10,000 prima, extra heavy heavy KradflB, ono year old trees, loading vnrlotleH, true to name, drown without Irrigation. Oregon. Adresa N. II. Harvey, Mllwaukoo, Satisfaction guaranteed. Huud fqr our list before placing your order". Will comparu with tho best tree to bo found anywhere. I'rJwm low, WvV flllllMBIIIIIMIfllll V. BOOKS If you tloii'l kuo lho book' in the whitlow i you want cotnu in I and nsk;for ; Txi i MERRIVOLD ! SHOP I1HMMMHH1IH1HIHI wi: ilvndli: ALL Magazine Subscriptions and moot nil cut or club raton which aro advertised or of fered by any company. llo sltlm wo glvo you a special service which you do not gut If you solid direct to publish ers. MEDFORD . BOOK STORE FINE TEETH MAKE A PAIR FACE lHt-n.A.K hut flhiipolctfs, iiuovon, or biuckonod tooth hjioII tho prottleat fciituroH. M'vory girl should taho tHD groutont euro of her toolli--thoy will bn part of hr bounty' (Hiulpmont whon alio grows to ho li woman. Wo uiuho u specialty of "trulnfng thp tg)lh" from ohlldhopd up. ami'nlso do oory lli)d of Diuita! woric In a auporlor maiiuor, hilt at very louuoiutbfo prlcou, , . , i .-, , . Lady, Attendant, i , DR. BARBER THM'NKNTIB'IJ VTvl tmvo V VIIUNI HVIW ..rhonf'as,' Hmp rbfiuo'Sca-ic imfram. tMUkJIl wBmvr JL yjWP I j - lM: M WEESft SO OO TONIGHT, ISIS THEATRE Vautli'vlllo ami I'holoplnyH McdUATII utiil PAtU'J "Comijily ijfiitorlalnors. l'holoplnya IN TIIK NOUTII WOOIIH A fnsclnnttug lllonraph prodiiotlou of tho Northland' Horo'fl a Thriller: COItO.N'KTM AND 1IKAUTH A Vltagroph story of iiniiMUnl Intor- cut .1 NN, MY PANTKI rntho 1000-foot comedy, mid ovory foot of It a hiimmur. nXCKLLKNT MUSIU AT TUH UGO ALWAYH A (500l 8IIOW The licit Ventilated Tlifnlcr In Town ' Tin: oiitii itcroitTHU'H 111(2 H.'M)i, Another one or Kaleiu'a lutorostlng pictures of newspaper work. IIKTTY AND Til 11 ItOSliS Lubtu. Jtlsl us refreshing mid pleas. , lug as ino title. Till: HAM IIUILIICK I.MUon. A story of modern lime.' A. battle between ecluiicti and Ignor ance. I'Olt lll'.lt UHtll I'atho A lalo of thu French ro- public. Tin: l,vit. iiAituiiri' guijinvH FLHUIT ACHOSS '11115 ILS'didHII CIIANNHL The world's greatest woman aviator In bar Inst fllRht buforu her tragic death a short tlmo ago. ADMISSION flo AND ltlo STAR THEATRE Perfect ventilation iihiI comfort 1110 PIIOTOPLAYH "Til 13 WANDKItKIl" lt'a u Flying "A" Western TIIM WlltCLlMS .Ml It ACM' Au Interesting Itomanco With a Froiih Klttmtloit i, 'TIIK FADK-AWAV (JlltL" A lllch and Laughablo Comedy "TIIK TIK liTKILVAfi' Powerfully Convincing "A ItO.UANTIO KIIIOIDK" A Comedy Full or Hu! lla'iil and Ilol llo'H AL HATIIMK In Hong It. I). Fnm'xt II. L. Woidwoi til I'luiilHt Driitua and ICffuctn ADMISSION, 5c AND 10c Coming FttaturcMi Klugn In Kxllo," a master film, dual lug with thu Froaoh rovolutlou, In' two rculu, Nnvomhor 8 and 0, "UNDINi:" A marvel adoption of Ohnrlint Itoudo'H famoiiH rvcrtdd,o climulu, gor goouflly portrayed by tho Thiui hntiHur Co,, In two 'reels. ' PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Hoqtlng All. Work Qusrsntwa Prices Jtoasoiisms OOPPEEN & PRICE tS.Vowsra Blooki Sntrauea ou ata Nt, ow ti, i i y ' b ,f o .9"-J! r- 'j fc" irtit fi