v. fr ' jfc ,v ' tl f l Mutt s Work Was a Trifle Lumpy fcy:;.:r.T;r;r.:.. l:.1 .' J. i- JO0. rn VM.QT TO N RICH fN. V " """ ovr op, e jivo, T. TO Mtt HIE BEUEVES "HE'S A WINNER i r r , . t ' HAN KIJANCiaCO. fill., Nov 5, Willie Hltclil'. Run Fninclrti'O'a con-ti-mlf-r In 'tho HlilWi'ltht (IIvIhIoii. Ih mdrnHi"imvlnrril thni nVrr lolay thill'' Ih Hi tlif in(iA(ir'(if Champion Ail'WftlKniit:- Itllfliln t tint Kloutlrt ovitr ihii fnrt Dint tlm Ixml WoHtiiHt nitilil i;)l with Miimlot III N'-w Or limiiH InMt iiIkIu nun ii ilntw, hut hi) fUti'intMl in nlliii'h hit iirKiiniDiil Ii)' roniinrlK III lv" round olaxli with MitiHlot. to U'liliiunt'n mIiuwIui;. IIitd Ih Iiuw Wllllo ilopo It eut: "If yon wvro fli;urli)K out thu loii).on tm tliroti flKhttirii u you would flKtiro out lint niorlU of tliroo (liori' nliout to Htnrt in it rncr ou would hau to mark ynir idutu llkii this: Mtltchln to win. Muudot for phuo nml Volgnnt to wliow,' And hum Ih how you would do It: I nl nioitt tuit Miimlot out In thn ti'iith rouml'of our limit, whllo .Mnuilol had WoIkiuI hnuttliiK "ii nt thu end of hint ulxlitV hou(. I nui wlllltiKi liowiivor. to lot tliluKK tdund on uu uvoii -IihrIk nn hutwiMMi Wolimt nnd 4!yce8UiWa,,ii1!1 J Msv!?ttL; io n iiiiiicii wiiii'iiiin iiihii i. nnn u i t'Vor Ri't hliu In tlm rliiK for n twonty round Imtlli. Ut'lhivc mo, thv novvn- luipcm iii'Vt day will bu fllh'd with tm llf nnd doliiKK of Willie Kltchlo, tint now IlKhtwidKlit chnmidon." 15- L BY i SANTA llAKIIAItA, Cnl., Nov, 5. Uholiludn Uuttrcxx, n IC-ycnr-old Hohool. Klrl, died hero toduy nn tho runult of n hiilhtt wound Inflicted Uy Joo Koxmi, n rojoctod miltor. s 1'oxnn wnu raptured tiftor n Hplrl tcd chitHO. Ho ndmlttod the Bhoot lni; nnd Hitld ho wim vorry and will Iiik to iny tlm piuinlty. t'l wiih drunk," ho wild, "I drank two ijuiirlH of wlilHltoy." Koxon In hold In jnll, nwnltlnu a prolliuliiury honrliiK- JAOKSON, MlM.. Nov. G. I'ro cresulvo londorK uarly today chiltnod thoy would ho iihlo to cut down. tho noruiul duinocrntlc plurality In MIhh IhhIppI today. ' Colonul KooruvoU, thoy mild, Ih hIiowIiij? unoxpectod HtioitKth. Tho vutorn nliio nro pubk Iiik on tho proponnl to adopt tho lnl tlutlvo ami roforonduin lawn. 300 CARLOADS OF SPUDS FOR SALE H KLAMATH KriAMATIf FAWiB, Or., Nov. 5. lv In nt 14 IH ooiiiit.v wuntH ii iniiHiul for YEAR-OLD SLAIN SUITOR IEODV COT DOWN n M iln polntooH. hnt .yonr, for tho first lima iu llio liixtor,v of Hu nnuulry, lliij Hcutioil oxporU'd polulouH, Thlrt ty yonr llioro linvo no jfnr boon uono Hont out, but it is not liGimubo tlioto nro uono In import. A coiiHiirvnlivo OHtiiuiilu Iiiih it llmt Klninntli oounty Iiiih liuryoHtod ut loiiHt 1)00 unvlnmlrt Of pollltOCH in 0X(!0HH of V'llllt tiSI nooiloil to Hiipply tho local iloiuiinil. Culll'oriiin will iiHii a Kiont inuiiy onr IoikIh, lint if tho fuunovrt of Mils hoo ,tion nro to not rid of tlm on tiro yiulil other iiiurkotB vill lmvo to lni found, rotiilmm nro now Hulling in tho local Mttirkot nt 7fi oiuila ii miok. Jinny Of tho prnilni'urfl lmv fitted Iprwo qiiunllllc mill will hold iliviu for tho flnrhijj umrkol. '- " ii" ' WHlMP. r-Lia tt - .nsL.4j " f rM i f ftMfc Of Pftfi, ro Mftvc VHPiftiPLr. vrntwc oncv got ont vjUTTtc SPor-rtuw'iP l OTIjjvoTGC-t THAT IE PUNT fO'BE ESTABI ISHFU M. frS hi j r fU X, w i " f i Ijirgi' flnnin'iiil iutrn'MlH linvo ln-i-n in coiihiillatioii for tin- Mht two wkn wlih llr. Vu Hirriiw, Hf Ho.. vxJn.'rr j'ftM"' f'nt, rvJiii', rcjntirn to tho oi;MlhliM of hcciir "IB W 'WWII ld,oi'k (if (Kt(r in llii .ii'irtliwoxt 'ooiilr.V' fr .lint ni' III the flxntiou of uliiiospliciir intio jii 'for tlto iiiiiiiufnluro of uilrnlOK if MIHoilK ItillllK, III III' tIM'll UN fi-r tilin-rx. Ititwi-iii id.Ollll mid .1(1(1. 000 lioroMivt'r i n'miirnl for n piolltnlilo plant. I'rodiudw of IliU oIuhh nro now inanufiiftiin-.l in Nor way wlioro in iiIiIhIii,1 tun' ulci'trii' plant of 1 10,000 liorHepowcr and mi nthnr plitnl of 80,000 lioi'Kiwtr, which produrif over 75,000 Ioiih of (Milimuu nilrntv cpry vnir. Mr. MorriiiB I'"" nutdi', (lurinj; (In Ifixt lour hiiiauiiT M.WD.OUH, ooiiipro. Iiimihivc Mtuilii'K in the fudil of Hip IMiwur ioHihilii(M in tho vitrioim na tional fori'fl". nnd through th. kiiowli'dun iIiiih ohtiiiui'd, lm forest Horviro won nhh' to furnish imiHi in fnnuntioii in roard o thu larger power poxxilillitieH. WILSON PROBABLY WILL CARRY OHIO COI.UMIUTH, Ohio, Nov. ft. Thnt Woodrow WIIhoii, doiuocrntlc noml noo for proiildont, will carry Ohio, mid tuny pull tho wtnto ticket with hi in nro tho liullcntlniiK lienrtoduy. Thoro Ih roimldonililo hotting th.nl ItooHnvult nlll run ahead of Presi dent Tuft. Tho HOclallHtst expect to poll nhout lUS.pOO votes, nnd tho prohlldtlonlHtH 'J&.OOQ. Janion M. Cox, democrat le candl ilnto for Kovomor, Ih n faorlto In tho liottliiK at odds of 0 to 1. TAFT HAS NO E . M 4 . INSTATE .'i LINCOLN, ,. Nov, f. The concciiMiN of opinion hero today in thiil the rueo between Colonel House, veil mid (lovernor Wilmm for the elnittonil voto ol' XulirftNkii VII h1 eioxe wim t'reiiiientriut rtiiiiiiu i Mior third. Tho di'tnoerutpj fltnto tiokot itiMh uhlv will he eleotcd. The udoptiou of tho initiative mid lofeieiiiliiui Iowa mid four other le-. importnut proposition in conceded, RACE! IN CONNECTICUT IS REPORTED CLOSE NRW IIAVKN','1, Onnn.,1 Nov. H.-j Knily repoitxi fiout iho principal cit ies mid (owns in Conneetiimt iudieut til Hint I ho rneo hetween tho threq presidential cmidhhUch would ho ox treniely close, Tlio duinoerntlo nnd rcpnhlu'Uii nimuiKOm hoth eluimud tho slnlo hy I .',(100 plurality. HEAVY EARLY VOTE IS POLLED IN NEW YORK CITY . . - i ' ' .VHW YORK, NOV. n Vth tho weuthor hrlglit and sunny, a big onrly voto was Jiolled li Now York today, Thorn In appnrontly llttlu Horntohlng of ballots. At leiiHt 15 per cont of tho llowory voto was polled during tho first hour, NOTICE. - I want my former .trlondH nnd patrons to learn that I nm working nt Btiuiiuorvlllo'n harbor shop, oppo site P, O, (SlKiuid) Hilly SoliulR.. , IPl" "" mtmm w 111 """" BEDFORD M7TEC 0?IlTBUNEt tfi..fa . T .ifvvuu ,, u Our. IS MIHBOUl.A, Mont.. Nov. r,, Al though (ho dornormtH nrv clnltnliiK Moutnna by 115.000, a coimorvativo Itilliiinte of their plurality reduce thiH to a,ooo. The roRlNtrntlou Hhowed s '!" fiT relit InereiiMi! over two yenm nKO. The idlent voto Is very Inrno Tin Moclallutu iirohuhly will poll heavily In lliltto mid Silver How county, whlli! HoohovoU, Ih expected to , run far ahead of tho rett of J he prorclTi ticket. Senator Dixon, prolmhly will bo defeated for ro-clectlon. I'rogrcs nlvew and ropuhllcnns alno claim tho utiite but do not give any flKiircu. 3ENTRAL POINT ITEMS .1. T. Wllllnuut and family left for Corning. Cat., Monday uiornlni; to roxldo porniaitHntly. Mm. tl, OIihoii nnd children of Iteitebtirf: nro vlnltliiK Mr. OIhhou'h piireutH. Mr. und Mm. P. OlhRon this week. ' i . ' iA,W.Moon mude,s.afr buolnon trip to'.Oranl Vtwti Monday. Mr. and Mm. Will Hcott nnd Mr. Uerlln of Mcdford npent Monday hero, v Attorney Tofren of Ashland Hpunt Monday hero. 12. It. (Ilea noli of the Herald force npoiil Monday nftoruooti In Medford. Mr. aud Mm. K. M. Amy of .Mcd ford attended tho funeral of J. N. Smith Monday. Mm, It. ,C. Olenaou of Phoenix npent Monday hero. Tho mombors of tho Hpworth LenKiio will kIvo n mllllner'a woclnl nt the V, M. C. A. lmlldliiK this cven lnc. All tho younK ladles nro re- iUtHtod to hrliiK n frame, needle nnd thread nnd the trimming for tho hat and Klvo It to somo Kcntleman to trim. iticsoLirnoxs oi.' tM).ioM:.sci:. Whereas the all wlso Creutor haa seen fit to take from our midst our beloved nnd esteemed brother, L. P. Ulnck. and whereas, In his death Talisman J.odge No. 31, Knights of Pythias bus lost ono of Its true nnd trusted Knights, therefore bu It Rofcolved, that to tho family of tho deceased brother wo extend our heartfelt sympathy nnd wo sincerely mourn with them In their loss which Is ours also, and bo It further Resolvod that for n period of thir ty days our nUai; bo drnpod In mourning out of respect to our de censed brother nnd furthermoro he It Resolvod that ono copy of these resolutions ho sprend upon our ,mln- NEW TODAY TWO STOCK HANOI IKK, .No, 1. 2 to acres in tho Lake crook district, tho Japd nil lnys well, mid Is watered by springs, House, partly furnlshod. llnTn, shoop shed, amoko houso mid otho buildings, 3(i nitres In crops,' sonto enslly cleared, and over u million feet of saw tim ber on part of It. Tho party will trndo for Medford property of equal vuluo, ut'. ?20 por ttcro. No. 2, 18 noros1 six miles north of tho town of Roguo Rlvor, house, nnd tWo good barns and othor build ings, pumping plant for irrigation, und also iO gravity ditch, 45 ncroa now Irrigated. 125 acres cleared. Somu good mixed timber on IK nores. Kino family orohurd, Af laud lays flno nnd wator not bvor 11 fot front Hurfuuo. School on thu plucp. fSfi.oO por ncro. Look thcao ovor, G. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson County Runic llldg, ijxriN PROBABLY OEEEAIED v , i TODffOftflttEClON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,3.012. .$5 a. foOJi.t COULDN'T fcT )i fwojWW " , that iPor dor .or -m ff tt TRVm flNMC "" f L"0 TV 1 ' 4N0 AIM. BOTH W" ' 117 '9 f 0M VUh " . . . ' V m. I J JftliV "f Jm l!0mmf' Ji. It yyt,,. yrs &w - , tNji!T-- ' - Mpcr , I VX J."'- f - cv iiIoh, flliothur copy Ih forwarded to tho fniully of tly ilMeol mid a third cojiy tu ,Kji'H Io tlm pn-HM' of our city for publication. HeHpi-etlvoly. Hiilmiltled, l K. H.y'Nni.Mtfl. k. (i. TitpwnumoK, .m. A. 0. IIUIIBAItl), Comuiltleo. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. roil KXT -FUItXISIICD AITfl. FOH RENT Smith ApU. JIT S. RtT. FOIt ItlJNT UOAltt) AlfD ROOMS ROOM AND UOAKD-At "Tyrrell's" 204 S. Central. 21C FOR tK.Yl-myrjsi FOR RVT 0t our rontnl Hat. Medford Realty & Improvement Co. FOR RIJNTT-Funilabed 6 room cot tago modern, 518 King St. FOR RUNT Fnrnlihcd houso closo In. 00 NorthlOrange. FOR RENT fedora five-room house. M. A.1Udor, at M. F. ft If. Co, FOR RENT 10 room liouic. rear of Farmors & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for btilness, real estato, boarding or rooming honso. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir sU. FOR RE-NT Alt tho down stnlra of hoiiHQ M block from Hotel Hol land. Call at 129 Grape Rtrcct. FOR RENT -Ose 5 room modern. Ono 4 room modern, partly fur nished house. Inquire 714 W Palm St. 212 FOR UKNT FCUM8BKI BOOMS FOR RENT lrgo. sleoplng room, 11.50 and $2 'per week. Modern housekeeping tpartnicuU. $15 and ?1C. Home phono 2G6-K. 222 South Holly. F O It REN T HOUSEKEEI'INQ ROOMS FOR RENT A nlto of four or two nicely furnl&Sed housekeeping rooms, plumbtd, lighted, lower floor. 729 Wet 11th. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, modorn conveniences 234 East 9th, Iternoona. 194, FOR RENT Furnished housokeop Ing rooms! 311 N. llartlett. 3 blocks from P. O. Home phono 219-K. 19C FOR RENT -A ulto of four or two nicely fumlshud housekeep ing rooms, plumbed, lighted, low er floor. 730 West 11 th St. FOR RKXT OFFICES FOR RENT Larfo, comrortable of flco rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam ,bct, ht and cold wnter. ' Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture &. Hdw. Cd? ' FOR HAtfc liATVl) FOR SALE How and two lota W. 10th St., Medford, at n bargain, tonus, Box 2$3. Central Point, Oro, 19G FOR SALE-J list $200 will buy out right 100 acre of land only nlno miles from .Medford, Small house, burn nnd cnlcken j'nrd go with thla 'brirghln. Twonty nonjs havo boon cultivated to'lpiy nnd n run ning uprlg Ii) "car tho houso. Thla Is the best land bargain over offorod.' E, S.Tumy 2Ql aarnutt Corey Bldg. 190 FOR' SALE ISO ftore stock rnnoh nt $35 por acre ,1 lmvo renter now for 10 years nt $500 a year, cash rent. $8,000' down and bnl nnco In 3 years. Terms to suit buyer. Stock, Implements, house hold goods, etc. ges with place. I, C, l care Mall Trtbunoj 198 FOR 8ACB WOUSKH FOR SALR-4 room Souse and lot, ' fUOO.00. "Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth aud Fir. -ii FOR SALE tl roam houso on lot fiuxaoo, closo In, qwner leaving city, goqd nt the price. Only $1000 $200 down, balance tG per month Sou nA at onco. Goo. 0, Qoml tliis, laq'N. Main St., Mnlu CD31. ------ -r- - - - . .. . i I" i FOIl UKST--aHCKVt,nfKOVB FOR KENT hauchem large and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Kay Realty Co. FOR SALE MJSCEbbAKHOUfe) Foir"sAI.E--Helglan Hares. Ureed er of high grade Rufus Red Uel Klang. Ono mile north of Talent on tho county road. Stock for Hale, right prices. T F. Smith, Talent, Ore. Phono 37-1 2. FOR SALE 1C0 tons of hay and pasture, Hclkey ranch, Applcgatc P. 0 D. A. Wood. 133 FOR SALE 1912 C paasongor au tomobile, almost now. Dargaln for enkh. Rex 80, Tribune. FOR SALE Recleaned seed wheat, rye, oats, vetch. Schmidt Feed store, Medford. FOR SALE Good horse, sound, drives single or double. Phone 597-R-2. P. O. Dox 312. 194 FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies, 7 weeks old. Address A. H. Dav enhllle, Talent, Ore. ISC FOR SALE Jersey cow giving milk. Inquire 910 W. Eleventh.' FOR SALE Thoroughbred brown Leghorn spring pulletts and year old hens, $9.00 per doz. S. J. Norman, box If. 2 Medford. 19S FOR SALE Fancy Club seed wheat. be&rdles barley, good grain and alfalfa hay, barley straw, all ' ialed at Regar rnrich, 3 miles west of Medford. 202 FOR SALE Good second hand fur niture cheap, at 737 West Clark street. Must be sold at once. 199 FOR SALE Gentleman's bicycle in good condition. $9.00. G03 S. King. 195 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Or. city proper ty and close in ranch property. C. A. Knight. S01 East Main. 206 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. I have ono fund of ono thousand and ono of three thousand on hand, be sides larger amounts. Call on or address mo at Hotel Medford. 13. L. Dodge. 19 C MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS1. MONEY TO LOAN Have $2500 to loan on city or ranch property on long time ut current interest. E. E. Tinny, 2UI Gnrnctt-Corey Uldg. 19C WANTED SITUATION'S. WANTED Washing and Ironing at 48 North Oakdnle, comer of Cth. 194 WANTKD MlSCKtiliAKKOUS WANTED To rent, single rig by tho week from prlvato Individual. Address, stating rates, Box 111, euro Mall Tribune. 195 WANTED Water tanks, from G00 to 1000 gallons. Telophono Liber ty Orchard, 196 WANTED Canadian prairie land In exchange for well located ranch in this valley, What have you? Box 75. enre Mall Tribune. 199 WANTED To borrow $4000 on pro perty worth $12,000. Box 495. Medford. WANTED To buy. A hay ranch, bottom laud preferred. Address P, T., care- Mivll Tribune. 197 WANTED Riding horse, saddle and bridle. Call at Smoko House. 195 WANTED Confinement eases to nurse, no objection to light house work. Prleo reasonable. Mrs. E. Nnhss, 140 S. Holly, phono 2G0OC. 210 WANTED Competent housekeepor for family of throe. Address P. O. Box 257, Medford, Ojro. WANTED Sawing by tho day or at home, win do moaning, darning or homstltchlna. 319 S. Ivy, Phone 2S0-K. 205 WANTED A good piano. E, T. Noal, Contral point 194 WANTED Good saddle horse. Phono Pacific Gll-R-2, 19G WANTED To oxchnngo a desirable lot In Central Point oio block from pavement for a light rnnoh team, Address Box S3, Central Point, Oro. , 198 WANTED Turkeya and chickens. J, 11. Lyons, Phoenix. , " FOR SALKACKKACm FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property, from JCupar acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Rny Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR KXCUAXCm TO TRADE Unimproved 40 acres In Sums Valley for houso and lot, value 11200.00. Address X. care Mall Tribune. 19C" FOR EXCHANGE Southern Cali fornia property to exchango for 200 acres Improved stock and fruit ranch in Southern Oregon. Address 89, caro Mail Tribune. 19C FOR SAliU OK XSXCHAXGK FOR SALE OR TKADE t boiler return flne.TC h. n- 1 englno (At las) 12 h. p.. In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson' vllle. Ore., or call on Chris Ul rlch, Jacksonville. 209 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono Web ster International dictionary. Bel fueb's age of Mythology, the new Psychology by Wra. VJalker At kins, two Tolttmns of Palmistry for professional purposes by Count D. St. Germain, the best work In existence, all In good condition. "Would trade for a good 38-calI-bre Colts revolver at tho Diamond. Cth and Central streets. 194 BCSINT.SS DJV.ECrtlKX AccOHntaata D. R. WOOD General Acconntanl- Your books audited and kept for a reasonanie llgure; your business aoiiciieo. uince, iaeaiora an Tribuno bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phono G302. AntO Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs is the tempering. We aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our nprlugs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2C North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offico Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jacksou County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building; Medford, Ore. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING crvll Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, bulldlug grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm bik., Medford. Oregon." BUI Fosters VERNE T, CANON Bill roster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, uu Louise E. Hedges, Mechauo-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These Bystems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy. etc., produce results in both acuto and chroulo. diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M, E. church. Hours, 9 a. ju. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mnssnge given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Home 145-K. Mala 7973. Chlncbo Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chjnese medlclnea will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlsoases and all kinds Of chronic and norvous, allmonts. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder' troubles. Bee me at 241 S, Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, .6:30 to 7:30. Residence phone, Main 43. . . i i i i . Notarr l'wMtc HELEN N. YOCKEt nonary pub 11c, Bring your work to mt,at the Ign ot The Mall Trlbuue, v V) -w "i-ii";'" " By "Bud" Fisher ?if) yrrff icji 6r ifAJ ,. nusiNKfifi niKBoromr Den nm DR. W. M. Van SCOYOG DR. G. O VAN SCOYOO Dentists , Oarnett-Corey bldg., suite Sl, Medford, Oregon. Itotfe Phone. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANB Deatlat. Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 8. Mala. Gas administered for extraetio of teeth. Telephone Mala 81. iXttt phone 4432. v Granite Worku ' . MEDFORD BRICK CO. Oeo W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle. Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors amd manan factarera of brick; dealera in pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard. West Jacksoa st. Phone No. 34C1. Garbage GARBAGE Gee yonr premises cleaned np for the summer. Call on the eity garbage wagoas for good service. Phone Main 6251. F. Y. Allea. ' Itaniwles QUAKER KURSERD38 Our trees are budded, not grafted. Otr stock Is not Irrigated. We gaaranteo everything put out. We are not In the trust II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber saop. FrlMers and PuMbiherc MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. Mas the best equipped lob office la sontasra Oregon; book binding, laese leaf systems, cnt paper, eta; etc Fert land price. 27 N. Fir rt. Physicians and Burgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY-i-Phys!-clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phoaa 601, reaidenee phone 62. Office hours 9 a. te. to S p. ta. DR, F. O. CARLOW. DR. BVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 410-417 Carnelt-Cor-ey Bldg., phone 278-K. Ret deace 430 S. Laurel St, DR. STEARNS Fbyalclan and eur geoa. Offico Jackson County Bank Bdg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 55 01: residence 307 8. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home pboae, residence 109. offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD PMyeiclan aud Surgeon. MYRTLE a LOCICWOOD. V. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklna Drug Storo. Offico Phenee: M. 1001, tendant. Residence phone Mala 5712, offico Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgfcon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Byea scien tifically testoJ and glasaee supplied. Office 228 B. Main St. Hours 8;30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E B. riCKEL, M, b. Office Jack eon County Bank. Office saeaa M, 432; Res. phono. M. 583. DR. J. W. J MARION Pbyslelan and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bell 271. Aesldenca phone Bell 273, E. KIRCHGE3SNER. M. D. Prac tico limited to Chronic Disease. Offico Hotel Holland. Wednesdays 10-.3 Both phones, Kel(iease phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Ba'gUPoiat and Rogfq, Rlyer, line. ' ;lf"" HERMANN Vt RATTTu. X. D. Ot flco ovor Medrord Katloaal Bank. Office phone 6701. Ram., v Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D., Prac tice limited to Eye, Kar. Noae and Throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford,' Ore. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physl clan and Surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to. 12, 1 to 4. Phone Pacific 1101. SteaegTRpitem ELLA M, QAUNYAW-rFal'm. bloek Stenographlo work doue qu ckly and well. " -- Traaster EADS TRANSFER ft BTORAOB CO, Office 18 South Fir. Phone Bell 3153; Home 360-K. Frleea right, Servlee guaranteed, tladertakera JOHN A. PKRL-JUHHriiHir Bmbalmer. Orfiea 38 StaHtK lett st. Telephonea;' Day, 471; night, realdenee, M Hpwe179-L. Calls answer or day, Ambulu, i ! mm I .1 v T4) 0 J to U 1 ! ' t J, f . V,