V 3V :K?, Medford Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Womficr Mat. 07j Mhi. 27. Hliowet tonight. ' v.'laRf MEDFORD, OREGON. TU&SIMY, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. r"nrtyiitQii1 Yfur. fonlly Htvmitli Vmr. NO. 194. ft . '. I 1U EARLY REPORTS SHOW WILSON VICTORY te MAIL ;,. Is: wi ft In One Massachusetts Town Wilson Makes Gain of 230 Per Cent Over Bryan's Vote Four Years Ajjo All Reports Are Favorable. Voln over the Nation Is Heavy (or the Most Part Dixon Claims Sec ond Place Only. fr Ni:V YORK, Nov. r,. "t lookH lido (ho greatest land- hllilo lii tho history of thn rou n I ry." old WIHUin .Mc- Combs, clinlrmntt of thudomo- crude national committee nt Wllxon headquarters hero to- ilny. "Advices from nvory where," ho nll, "Indicated that Wilson wn sweeping . nvory state. "Our despatches up to fr noon," ho said, "show our predictions of a glorious vie 4 tory for Wllnon aro bolng liurnn out. Tim onrly void nwrywlinw Is llio hmvlimt f In tliu history of thn conn- try." BOSTON, Nov. A. On the roluniN rrom llio flrftl twelve precinct hennl from In Ronton tlio dcmncrtilie bend ipiiiilcrM oNtimnlrd WilHon liiul car ried IIohIi.ii, thn voto bcinir :iil,000; KihwavpH ','I.OOQ; Tuft 22.000. PLYMPTON, Mass., Nov. ft. llooMivolt ft.V.Tnft III.; Wilson IM. MORTON', Nov. ft.-2l out of 211 precincts ill IIohIoii eivoj Roosevelt l,H0lls Tuft l.r.Dl); Wilson Il.ftOO. In 100H Hit) snmo gave Tuft 11,101; BryAn :i,(IIO. BOSTON. Nov. ft. The democrats busing their finuron on small town repoils, declare Wilson has curried MiiKHuuliusottH by :i0,000 plurality, claiming Hint tiiu rupiililii'itn voto wns split between Roosevelt ninl Tuft. It is claimed Hint Vntm bus been re elected governor by 115,000 plurality. VANOVER, Moss.. Nov. ft.-Com-plcto: ItooMovolt Mils Tuft 128; Wil wm lift. In tilllSt Tuft 2i:; Hryun 18. KIN'ORTOb, Mukh., Kov. ft. The voto of KiiiKHtoii for tlio pri'rtiilouti.il cnniliiliitoH follews: Colonel HmiKovt'lt Oft; Tuft 80s WiUim 8ft. In 3008 Kingston riivc Tuft 2.'10; Mrynn ft8; HiMpon M. NKW IlKDPOUD, Miihh., Nov. B. Flvo out of 25 jtrnclnctii n Now Iloil- (Continued on poro 2.) I HI0ATT1.H, Wnh Nov. ' n. "Itoouuvott will undoubtedly curry tlio Htnto of WiiHhliiKton from 2G.0O0 to CO, 00 majority," Hald Kdgard O. Huydor, ahnlriniin of tho proKriniHlvu Htnto comiulttoo nt uoon today, uttor rocolvluc ruportu from nil pnrtti of tlio Htnto which Indicated that HtrnlKht tickets aro IioIiik voted prut ty Honorally, Spydor takop HiIh to Imllento that tho votom hnvo decided upon it clean bwoup of tho old par lion, Tho domocrata howovor, uro oiliiiilly hopeful thut the clean swoop moans victory In tholr dlroctlou. AhauL U5 per cent of tho voters aro women, moHt o,f the actlvu wbrkurH nmoiiK which aro protsroaalvoa. Tho betting favora JlooBOvelt nt u trlflo hotter than ovuu money ngulnst tho field bo far uu this Htnto Ih concerned. REPORTS FROM ALLSTATESGODD CLAIM WASHINGTON U DISCOVEUIiR OF BLOND ESKIMOS K1ITURNS , bsssssbsbsssM I il J A Ml t It HI .f'.t.Yta,V. lllij tlliutr ttfiiUHkoii, llio ilUcovt'rcr f liiniiil I.NUIuiu' wl0 liiul ui'ViT licforo i-'M u wliIi,- unto, linn rctut L'nl in Viiti'i I 'rt. AlMiiit it llioiioiiiul u( II,.1- iruiiKi1 pi'iiplo Hi'to ilUinVi'iitl liv Mr. Mofiiiiu nuiir ilir uiuiilli of the Mno ''iixlr llhiT. ou I In- nliuro u( (h Arclifl TO BE VOTEO ON POItTLANt), Ore. Nor. 5. Tho proiovlllotiH to Kraut women tho right to tho ballot and to abolish tho upper houno of tho lotslHluturn nrn paramount on thn Orngon ballot. Of hardly lenn Importance la tho rffortuduniiinlillc ntllUleng.prnpol Uuit'rovrdrnRror'' Ilia WtiSTol troot railway oxtoudliiK oulnhtn tho city llinlu mid other urban utllltleii with ouUldo Intoroxtn, by tho ntato railroad commission, limtoad of tho ronpi'Ctlvi! uitinlclpalttloa, Tho hIiikIo tax iiionHiiro for Multnn uiali county, porhnpx, uilcht rank JiiHt bohlnii thl Inn uaniod iropol lion In that It worka a cencrul revo lution In provallliiK tax nchomcH within tho county. Tho ntato grad uated tax proposition nso on tho ballot, In merely an ohiboratlon of tho alnKlo tax nehemo. Thcro baa boon very little nglta tlou on tho proponltloiiH to abollnh capital iiiinlHhmeut and crento tho offlro of lieutenant Rovornor. In tho pornoual contoHt tho main flKht In botwoou Jonathan llourno, Iticumbuiit; Hen SoIIIiik. roRiilar re publican; A. i:. Clark, proKresnlvo, and Harry Laiio, domocrat, for United Stnten senator, llourno, odi:ed nut of tho roRiilar republican and bull iiiooho nomina tion, Rot Into tho rliiR on whut ho termed tho "popular government" ticket. TAR CAST HIS VOIE AT CINTINKATI, Oliio, Nov. ft. -At 12 o'clock today I'ruHideut Tuft cast his vole in the third ward, Product M, here, after iititomobilin from llio homo of bin brother, Chorion 1, Tuft. An unknown man appeared ut the homo of C'hnrles 1 Tuft thlrt innriiiujr mid when tho inuiil miHworeil tlio iloorhell, tried to puidi past ber but fulled. "I Horved.in tlio civil war and wiik never inusterod out," the man ox oluimed. "I'rcHidcnt Tuft can miia tor mo out." Tho man wiih finally ejected by a policeman. Tlio president hlept Into nud pnr look of a hearty breukfiiNt. lie Hooiucit uncoiicoined re;ardiiif,' tho election. The returiiH will be received by Hie proHidrnl over a privuto wiro in his brothor'H homo bore. Strap Strangles a Boy RPAHTA, WiH., Nov. 0. Timnlby KoIh, tho lO-yenr-obl son of Fred FoltH, lK Creek, met an accidental denllt hero. Ho wiih on bin way to tbu Hchool Iioiiho, cuttiiiR noros.s lots, and in climbiup; over u IiIrIi wire fence undoubtedly lost his balance, In falling u Htrnp which enoiroled bin nook caught on n post mid Htrnugled liim. MM MEASURES BYOREGONVOTERS EARLY VOTE IS NY HEAVY IN CITY Rain Interferes to Soma Extent Willi Early Balloting Throughout Coun try Precincts Heavy Vote Being Cast In Medford and Ashland. Interest Centers in Race Between Dunn and' Ton Vellc for County Jud(ic. - t" Tit ufil'nn (kill iC nihil fiij1 " ii r m "in Mini Tt.l ... ..Iiii.lu 117T. intiiu titt.1 " been cunt ut 1 rill) o'clock IIuh urtcnioon. TboHo won irc- cincU hnvo a roxintori'd voto " of 2,200 which iudicntoi that moro than 2000 vote will be "" cnt by nevcn o'clock tonight when the k1Ik cIihc. " At tVnlnil Point, Gold Hill, Talent and KiirIii Point iibout lft ser cent of tho registered " "" voto had been cut nt IrilO "" " o'clock. Thin voto wiik proc- licnlly entirely from the town " people the former not ucttinj; in thi mernim: to vole. I MHMHH Iteportn'aLBoon todayf ronr Jim oiitlyliiKpreclncta .of Jacknon count ty Indicate a light vote but If tho weather nhould clear durltiR tho af ternoon a full voto will probably bo recorded a tho polls wltl remain open until 7 p. in. Ituln did not Interfere with tho polling of a heavy voto In Medford and Ashland. Whlla tho corrupt practice act barred lectlonecrlng friends of candidates remained on deck to swear In all who applied for a voto and were not registered. In dlcatloiiH nt noon woro that full strength would bo polled at Medford and Ashland. Tlib city voto nt Jacksonville, Central Point, Talent, Gold Hill and Hagto Point will nil bo pollod but tho farmer voto Ih hIow In getting to tho polls. Tho race creating tho most Inter est In tho county In tho raro betwoon Frank l. Ton Velio and QeorRo W. Dunn for county Judge Thin ovor nhadown ovary thing locally, Tho returns will bo slow owing to tho length of tho ballot and tho consentient Hlowuess In making tho count. TOOK TEDOY FOUR MINUTES TO VOTE OYSTKIl IUY, N, V., Nov. ft. Colonel Theodore ItooBevelt, tho pro gressive candidate voted hero for tho Koosevolt and Johnson ticket at ex actly 1:25 Ibis afternoon. Hubert Duvnl, nn uttorney who mot tho colonel at tho entrance to the booth, asked : "Colonel, do you think you know how to voto the hull inooso ticket?" "I think I do," responded the colonel with n grin, hut bo carefully inspected bis ballot just tho hiiiuo. Tho nninhor of tho former president' ballot was 20ft, mid bo remained in the booth just four minutes. WILSON A SLIGHT FAVORITE AT BORTON, Nov. 0. With paired weather hero today a record breitkinjr voto was expeulod. Tho progressives nro tho deoidinj,' factors, but Wllnon iippeiu-H to ho n slight fnvorile. It in estimated tbnl approNimntoly half u million votes will bo polled, which is moro than 80 per cent of the registration. on these men depend the results of the present struggle Between thj- armies of turkey and the balkan states gbheeal layoff nazim pamia.. (ttULQAWA i PKINCTOX. N.J.. Nov. ;.-At 10:ftft this moraine Woodrow Wilton, democratic nominee for president, enst ballot No. Hint the fire engine houso hero. As ho was otiunjins from Hie. booth, Wilson mi id. ''Whoever nrraBjed thut Irt'.lot made tho democratic electors us hard to find as posiMc. Th'v niv al most conccnlcd." l'holornpher look simp-hot, of the Koveruor ns b wns entering the election booth nud when he left. As Wilson stepped from the Inn-th Mrs. Wade Mountfort, oi New York, stepped up nud handed the democra tic nominee n rabUt's foot, which be smilingly accepted. Governor Wilson's original plnn not to receive the flection returns -it his homo have been changed. Klab ornlo preparatiou nro now under wny for an election party tonight. E DEBS DIDN'T REGISTER; NO VOTE TKKItK IIAl'T Ind Nov. ft, -As ho foiled to wgifctor, Kugeno V. Dobs, socialist cnmlidnto for presi dent, watt unable to voto today. His failing' to register w"s duo to being nwny every time when" registration was possible. 162 BANDITS ARRESTED AT COMRADE'S FUNERAL ST. PKTKliSHURO, Nov. ft. Ko markiiblo scenes occurred n tho fu neral of tho notorious bandit Kos soky, who wns killed nt Odessa, Moro Hum 200 npnehes, nil of whom woro wanted by tho polico, wished to nlleud tho funeral of their departed comrade, nud sovoral depu tations of bandits also cmuo from other towns. Tho police, who possessed photo graphs of the majority, of the bandits stopped mi milouiobilo containing six of (hem, but the others begged the chief of the secret polico to nllow them to pay the last honors to their dead companion, Permission was granted, hut after tlio interment the polico, who had surrounded (ho ceino tery, affected Hio arrest of no fewer tbnn 102 alleged malefactors, WILSON HAHARD RAIN GENERAL BIG VOTE IN ALt TIME ML FOR OVER Ml; VOTE OREGON HUE M SELFANDMARSHALi REPORTED LIGHT SPITE OE RAIN EUGEN CCOMKAlfDEKrlH-CrnEF OTTOMAN rYWE5) PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 5. A light voto is being ent throughout the state on account of the heavy weather. In central Oregon it is minim; hnnl, demoralizing the rural vote, mid the progressive proponents consider this nn omen of victory. Wilson nud Roosevelt are running neck nnd nock throtichnut, with President Tnfl a good 'third. Thers is no indication yet ns to how the ttourue-belling-Lnno three cornered fight for lnitcd States senator will terminate but Bonnie appears to bo leading; m .Multnomah county. Women's suffrage is polling good in tho more urban centers, but is being- slighted in the rural districts, mid does not appear to hnvo nn over good chance. chafinIastsIs vote in booth 13 TUCSON, Ariz., Nov. 5. Eugene Chnfln, prohibition candldnto for tho presidency, went to tho polls early today. Ho voted at polling booth No. 13, in his homo precinct. Chafln closed the 100th day of hla campaign last night, having mado 54S speeches In nil, which ho main tains Is a record. HEAVY STORM INTERFERES IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA KEDDINO. Cnl., Nov. R.Hun drods of voters wero kopt from tho polls today owing to a heavy storm "which hud not abated at noon. Throughout Shastn, Trinity and Siskiyou counties tho voting was vory slow, Tho progrcaslyca nro enthusiastic, while democrats uppcar Indiftoront. Wife, 17, Seeks a. Divorce KANSAS CITY, Mo.,' Nov. ft. "Mothering" seven children, nearly all of whom are older tbiili herself, was not successful in tbu paso of Pearl M. Harris. 17 voars old. who brought suit for divorce in tio circuit court against John F. Harris, 71 years old, Mrs. Harris mnrried when sho was1 15 years old. She alleges desertion in her petition. Harriet is a Jackson county farmer, PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 5. Hood River. Moro, Mnrsbfield, Eugene, St. Helens, Salem, Pendleton nnd La Grande all report a big vote despite the heavy weather. At Salem 30 and 40 per cent of the registered voters wero accounted for by noon. Itifecburs reports the heaviest vote in its history with n hot struggle on between the "wets" and tho "dry's."' Four Douglas county towns nro vot ing on the local option measure. Grants Pass reinirts thut heavy rains throughout Josephine county will cause a light country vote. Lo cal option is tlio hie; issue there. llourno leads for senator in Jose phine county apparently. In Astoria the republicans claim they will carry the county bv a plur alitv of 300. The stock districts around Ontario aro turiuus: out hi force. NEW MEXICO PROBABLY SANTA FE, N. M., Nov. ft. De spite tho claims of the various chair men, the fight in New Mexico today probably will be between Wilson mu Roosevelt, with tho former leading. Taft will bo n poor third. Thcro are to bo no state officers cers elected. Harvev Fonmson. democrat, probably will bo chosen ior congress. Snake Chokes on China Egg ATHENS. On,. Nov. 5. J. D. Farr of Mlddleton, across tho lino In El county, reports a peculiar caso of sulcido on his farm that of a big black snako. Tho rontllo ended his own life by tho simple but uuusual method of swallowlnc a china nevt egg ho found In foraging through tlio nenuery of Farr. The snako had beon dead for somo tlmo when found. Straight Ticket at Seattle SEATTLE. Nov. ft At noon today voting heavily increased and it was estimated that between J15 nud '10 per cent of tliQ total registration lias been cast. Reports from precincts indicated thaj the great majority of the votors woro voting n straight ticket, as they are remaining in tho booths only a very short time, W00DR0W BALKAN ALLIES MA NOW WA N EA Of HER Czar Ferdinand ef Bulgaria Says. After Turkey is Cenqueretl He WMI Proclaim Himself Emperer si the Balkan Federation. Austria Will Probably Oppflse Any Confederation by a Force of Arms Turks Prepare" to Leave Capital. VIENNA, Nor. 5. Trouble among the Balkan allies with the almost sure accompaniment of European war Ib expected as a result of a mes sago received hero today from Sofia which says that after Turkey Is con quered Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria will proclaim himself emperor of the Balkan federation. ' A federation of the Balkan king doms has long been contemplated, but Is regarded as unlikely, as each of the allied states wants Its own ruler aa emperor. Austria, it is believed here, will oppose any such confederation by force of arms. CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. ft. That the advance of the Greek farces toward Monastir has been cheeked twenty miles .south. of.that'.nlRoolK the wMiouneemeflt-m't"aj;5;byhO Turkish Koverpmept. The ' report states that the Greeks lost heavily, and nre now entrenched. A Turkish victory" nt Scii!ari is also claimed, but this is not regarded seriously. SOFIA. Nov. 5. Reporic nre cur rent hero today thai, the Bulgarian army before Constantinople is on the verge of carrying tho forts at Tchatalju. Latest aeeonnts from Adrinnople nre that n terrific bom bardment of that city is in progress. PARIS, Nov. ft. Turkey, in a col lective note to the powers, today asked thut each send an additional warship to Constantinople) to prevent nn outbreak ngninst the Christian population. v - - v SOFIA, Nov. 5. The Bulgarians nre in possession of the Turkish iowu of Dercos, nnd have cut off tho wn ter supply of Constuntinople. The Bulgarians also hnvo sur rounded a large Turkish force be tween Tchorlu nud Tchatnlja. t i SOFIA, Nov. 5. Tho imperial Turkish Harems and tho city archives wore transferred today from Con stantinople to BritKsu, in Asia Minor, evidently with the expectation that tho capital will full before tho nd vnnce of the allied uroiie, nccording to a message just received here. ' VIENNA, Nov. ft. Three Austriun battleships, a cruiser and two do stroyers left Pohv todny en route to Turkish waters. Tlio vessels nro un der orders to report to the Austrian ambassador at Constantinople. HE FAVORITE PORTLAND, Nov. 5. A full tiiird of tho city voto hnd been recorded by ono o'clock, RooBo'yelt nnd Wilson being neck nnd peek with Tuft show ing up strongly, Suffrage is polling a good but not a heavy voto. In tho outlyipg precincts tho voto seems strongly Wilson, while (lie pro ducts closer in appear to fyor'lha colonel. Senator Bourne appears n strong fnvorito in tho city and coi'til"0!' districts. Wilson to Carry Long leach ; LONG BBAOII, Cab, Nov. . A heavy vote was polM early today, mora than half the full vote blNK, cast up to noon. Wllsen wwwftd ti bo leading then. ? MULTNOMAH i i 4u 1 4.