PTOB BIX MEDFORD MSn. TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, QREOON; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 10.12. ,K i COPY OF OFFICIAL BALLOT Cut it out, mark it and take it to the polls to guide you in the booth ... ' . 'if i" " , i...,.., .. ... i, , , .. .......,..., yt-..,i...i'.-Lj-'--jastjr-Jaasarg- -.: tcu as.- -- -jgav.-tagysstoif1 wtoi-r:;- a! .ja uusamiu.- i JfcfcwajMta - lAtoiMUYliiiitjawaMtaaaWsaatS MAEK BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND THE NAME OP EACH CANDIDATE OR ANSWER VOTED FOR. mm i. , , , For Electbrs of President and Vice-President of :the United States, t Vott for FIVE 12 3T 13. V. Carter, or Jackson Cnunty ..,;.. i . i ! i ii M. J. MrcMhIioii, of Multnomah 14 McKlnlcy Mitchell, of Multnomah 15 Phlt Mctftcttan, ot Multnomah County. ..Tnft-Shermnn 10 John L. Rartd. ot Baker County.. Tart-Sherman Republican I' County.. Republican County.. Republican ) For President Wtl.MAM II. TAFT "for Vlro.-Rrosldont JAMES S, SHERMAN For President WILMAM II. TAPT Por Vice-president JAMES S. SHERMAN 17 Hugh .McLnln, of Coos County ucmocrnuc 18 Will M. Potorson, of Umatilla County. . . . Democratic 1 0 John M. Wall, of Washington County Democratic 20 ,, U. AtTVatson. of Multnomah, Conn to'. . . , .Democratic 2i P. C. Whltton. of Multnomah County Democratic 1T2 A. K. Eaton, ot Union Comity... prohibition 2.'l E. J. Evans, jbf Klamath Cottnty t ....... . Prohibition 24 lllram Gould, of Washington Comity Prohibition i Por fosldent WOODROW WILSON Por Vice-President j THOMAS It. MARSHALL v 25 E. S. Hammond, of Marion County, , .Prohibition 26 Brnco Wolvorton. of Multnomah County. .Prohibition For President EUQF.NU V. CHAPIN Por Vice-President AARON 8. WATKINS Li ." t First Congressional District Officers Fop ItPiH-cwntaHw In Congress. m Voto for ONE 8 John W. Campbell, of Douglas County. . ..Progressive 38 W. O. llawley, of Marlon County Republican 39 W. S. Richards, of Linn County Socialist 40 R. G. Smith, of Josephine County Democratic 41 O. A. Stlllnian. of Marlon County Prohibition DISTRICT OFFICERS Railroad Commissioner, FIft RMrtcL Vote, for ONE fil Thomas K. Campbell, of Lane County. . , . Republican-Democratic 62 Julius T. Vogot, of Marlon County Prohibition For United States Senator lit OniRrevt Vote for ONE 42 Jonathan Bourne, Jr.. of Multnomnh County. .Popular Govornment Candidate 43 A, E." Clark, of Multnomah Countr Progressive 44 Harry Lane, ot Multnomah County Democratic 45 B. Lee Paget, ot Clackamas County Prohibition 40 B. F. Ramp, ot Marlon County Socialist 47 Ben Selling, of Multnomah County Republican I STATE OFFICERS For Secretary of Stato - - Vote for ONE 48 B. Elmer Kennedy, of Multnomah County.. Progressive 49 Ben W. Olcott,' of Marlou Count)' ltepubllcan 60 F. P. Reddaway, of Marion Count)' Socialist 51 John B. Ryan, ot Multnomah County Democratic 52 O. V. White, of Linn County Prohibition For Justice or the Supreme Court. Vote for OXE 53 O. J. Bright, of Wasco County Prohibition 54 Robert Eakln. of Union County .Tltepubllcan 65 R. Jf Slater, of UmatUla County Democratic 56 WTC. Weaver, ot Coos County. Socialist For Oregon Dairy and Food Commissioner. Vote for OXE 57 C. W. Barxec. of Multnomah County ...Socialist "68 J. A. Dnnbar. of Multnomah Coumy ....... Prohibition A. 11. Lea. ot Multnomah County Democratic TV "John b. Mickle, ot Washington County Republican-Progressive Prostvutiujc Attorney, Firit District, JnrkMtn ami Jovplilue count le. Vote for OXE 03 - II. K. Manna, of Jackson County Republican CI E. E. Kolly, of Jackson County ,. Democratic 65 J. A. Itomery, ot Jackson County .Republican Joint lU'iHvsontntlve, Ninth District, JuckMtit anil Douglas Counties. Vott for OXE 66 C. L. Rcnmes, of Jackson County... Democratic 67 A. W. Sllsby, of Jackson County.. ..Prohibition OS C E. Whisler, of Jackson County .Republican COUNTY OFFICERS For !tetrcent(itive. Vote for TWO 69 John Arnell, of Jackson Count)' Prohibition G A.vMorse, ot Jackson County Prohibition 71 J. E. Barkdull, ot Jackson County Domocratlc II. L. DeArmond, of Jackson County Domocratlc 73 J. H. Carkln, of Jackson County Republican 74 John A. Westerlund. of Jackson County. . . .Republican 75 G. R. Sutchwell, of Jackson County., Socialist D. C. White, ot Jackson County. .Socialist For County Judge. Vote for OXE 77 "WnV.H. Breeso, ot Jackeoh Count); . .Socialist f- wr Geo. W. Dunn, of Jackson County'. ..... ..Republican P. L. TouVelle, of Jackson County. Democratic sftCTfrri - - - r- - -e-a-j . i natat.'.at jut For Electors of President and Vice-President of the United Stntos. Votojor FIVE 27 C. W. llanta, of Jackson County, ........ .Hoolullst 38 11. T. Butler, of Multnomah' County Socialist 2;t UeorKo ltbrltx, of Polk County..., HocIuIInI 30 P. I.owIh, of Lltm County,... .HorlullAt 31 I 'V O. Henry Oleeu. ot Columbia County. .... .Hoclnllst I. 1 Por President KIU1NNH V. I1HIIH lor Vlro.Pi't'Hldeul KMIL HEIIIEI. , 1 1 i an A. 8. GoililoH, of Union County, ........ .ProKresslvo 33 L. II. Mc.Mnhnu, of Marlon County Pi-iigiesslvo 34 Lovl W. Myorw, of Multuolunh County.. , .ProKreiwIve 3R W. K. Newell, of Wnslilnitlfin County .... I 3i. A. K. NVnro, of JncltHun Ctninty , .1 roKreHHiye r ' . I ruttrotiftlvo roRroMMlvo "J Por P.resldonl ( . , . TIIEODOUE ROOHUVELT v. . , ,' , Por Vice-President IIIRAM-W. JOIlNHbS' '1 For County (ihiuilvdoner. (Four Vear Term) Vote for ONE '. 50 W, C. LeoVor. of JOckson Cohnly Repuhllrnu 51 (loo. Lyman, of Jackson County .Democratic SI! Itttrvey Richardson, of Jackson County. ... .Socialist S3 Harry II. Tuttlo or Jackson County Prohibition tVunly CommlxMnner. (Tun War Term) Voto for TWO SI W. C. Daley, of Juckson County Democratic. S5, II. Millar, or Jackson County .Socialist SC J. C. Smith, or Jackson County. Republican S7 C. W. Sharp, ot Jackson County Prohibition For County Clerk. : Vote Tor OXE SS C. P. Bowmun, ot Jackson County. ....... .Socialist .. . , , , , SD G. A. Gardner, of Jackson County. . . '. Repuhlicnn-Prohlbltlou 90 W. II. Miller, or Jackson County Democratic For County Sheriff. Vole for OXE 91 W. A. Jones, of Jackson County, , . Democratic 92 Aug. I). Slngler.of Jackson County. .... .Republican 9J P. E. W. Smith, or Jockion County Boclnllsl i 94 S. B. Stoncr, or Jackson County Prohibition County Recorder. Vote for OXE 95 E. W. Bralnerd. ot Jnckbou County Prohibition 9G Fred L. Colvlg, of Jackson County Republican 97 John Rcter, of Jackson Comity. .Socialist 9S Robert L. Taylor, of Juckson County. Dctnnoratlc County School Superintendent. Vote for OXE 99' Amandus Butcher, of Jeckeou County, . ..Soelnllitt 100 J. Percy Wells, or Jackson County Republican For County Treasurer, Vote for ONI) i o 1 Jus. M. Croneinlller, or Jacltnou Coiinto1. . . .UnhUMIrnii 102 John A. Hinltli, or Jackson Comity. MorlnlUl 103 1vIh Ulrlcb. or Jncltsoii County Demonntlc i ii ' ii i i County AwNMir. Vote for ONE t j t : 101 W.T. Grieve, of Jackson Comity Republican HI I I I Ml . I ' 105 Murlln McDoiiflugh, of Jackson County. . . .Democrat jo lOil E. J. Odell, of Jacktion County. , v . . Social 1st t.'ounty Himoyui'. Vote for ONE 107 G. ElkHliat. of Jackson County Democratic. 10S T. W. OskooiI. or Jackson County Republican For County Coroner. Vote for ONE i i ii i i i i ii i ii i i i iii- ' i i i - - 109 D. E. Davis, or Jackson County Socialist 110 A. E, KeltoKR, ot Jackson Comity Republican-Prohibition 1 1 1 W. W. Usshnr, of Jackson County Independent PRECINCT OFFICERS For .In-tlce of the Pence. . Vote for ON'E . i I. . I.,1.'... 112 II. A. Cnuaday. Democratic 11.1 G. O. Taylor..... ; .':.....'...'.'.. .'Republican For IViiMnble. Vote for ONE i ' i1 ' i 1 1 111 Ktuikln Estes. . . .-, , Democratic ' ItB J. 'II. ' HellliiKer RepTibfirnij PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Kauai suffrage amendment, externum; tho rlcht of suffratfo to women. te KS or fr. 300. X Ves. Ml. No. Referred to the People by Legislative Assembly J'or conittltutlonal amendment of Ht-ctlon 8; Article V. for the nur pone or creating the office of Lleutenant-aovernor who shall kct ob Oovernftr Irt caul, or the Imibllltwaf the Opernor to per form his dutlex. und also act as rrtftldent of the Senate, and providing for Hie President pro tern of the Senate to act as Gov ernor In case of tho Inability ot IkjUi Oie Governor nnd Lleiiten-nnt-Oovemor. ond In case of the Innhlllty of the Governor. Lieu-tennnt-Governor and President pro ti of the Senate, the Speaker of the House to act uk Governor. Voto h& or NO. 302. Yes. 303. No For an amendment of Section 1. Article IX. of the Oregon Constl tutlon. providing for a uniform rule of taxation, except on prop erty specifically taxed, providing for til levy anil collection of taxes for State purposes ond for county ond other municipal purposes upon different classes of property, and for tho ascer tainment, determination and application of on averanu rate of levy und taxation on property taxed for State purposes, and for apportioning mate taxes among the Bevei-al counties ns county obligations by reaonalil und eoultalilt, rules. Vote lS or NO. 30. Yes. ann. No For un amendment of section Ti. Article 1. Oregon Constllut on, for thu purpose of permitting .taxes to bo levied upon different classes of proixirty at different rates, but. providing tliat tax ation must ho uniform upon each separate class within the terri torial limits of the authority levying th tux. and shall Ims lovlod and collected for public purposes only, and the power of taxation must never ho surrendered, suspended or contracted away. Vot Yi:.S or NO. sue. Yes. 307. No For constitutional amendment to repeal all of Kecllonla of Article IX. except that part prohibiting poll and head taxes In Oregon, and Instead of tho portions repealed to add u provision prohib iting the declaration of an emergency In uny act passed by the Legislature regulating taxation und exemptions. Voto LH or NO. SOS. Yes. 309. No J'or amendment of Kectlon J of Article XVIt of the Constitution so as to require for tho adoption of any proposed constitutional umendment u mujorlly vote of all the electors voting at such election, Instead of a mujorlty of those voting on tho amendment only. . Voto YKHor NO. 310. Yes. 311. X No For constitutional amendment of Section 3. Arllclo XI. of tho Con stitution, making stockholders In banking corporations liable, to pay for tho benefit of depositors au amount eoual to tho par value of tho stock hold by uny stockholder In addition to having originally paid the par value therefor. Vote YfcH or NO. 313. Yes. 81.1. No Referendum Ordered by Petition to the People Ail act vesting the Jlallroad Commission 'with power nnd Jurisdic tion to supervise und tegulate every public soivlco corporation nnd utility In thn Statu of Oregon, ns lit Uio-udeituacy of tho ser vice rendered und facilities provided. Urn fnlrness of rates, tolls nnd charires to lu, inllnnl..ii ft-nm ,i.A ti...if..r ntul i,Imu 314. Yes, its No PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION A hill for un Act to create out of thn eastern part of ClueUumus County, a now county to ho called Cascade County, providing for itu organisation, fixing tho salaries or Its officers, transcribing and tiunsferrlng records, from thu old to the new county und providing u modo of settling finances between tho two counties. Voto YES or NO, A bill for an Act creating' a single Hoard of Itegeuts for the Uni versity of Oregon and thu State Agricultural College; creating funds for their support by making an annual levy of six-tenths of a tnlll on the dollar on all taxublo property within the stutn and. repealing all other continuing annual appropriations for thu tno fchools, unit Sections irsj to t293, Lord's Oregon Iiws. cre ating the Board of Higher Curricula. . Voto YKrf or NO. i 30. X Yes. 351. No. For the amending of Section 1. Article IV, of the Constitution or tlm Ktate of Oregon so as to require a majority vote of all elect ors voting, at any election to adopt constitutional amendment ami P.1KS Initiative measures, and n majority vote only of electors voting thereon to reject measures referred to the people. Voto YDS or NO. 325. Yes. 353. X No. A bill for an Act authorizing any county In this Stale to Issne bonds for tho construction of permanent roads, providing a mode of procedure by which u special election may In; called within the county to vote whether bonds shull ho Usucd and providing ror the sale or riorum ami tut cxiemiiiuro or me money reanreu veto yi: or w. A bill for an Act prohibiting the employment of County. City or Town convicts by uny priyuto firm, ix-rnon or corporation und nrovldlmi fur their emnlovlnnnt on nubile highways and other works of a public nature, und authorizing county courts to pro- rcrlli rules und regulation In regard to such employment. Vote Vi:s or NO. U.IHs'. X Ye. 319. No A hill for nu Ant entiling u Stutn Itoinl Hoard. uulhorUlna It to Issue und sell Stale bonds, payabl.i In 30 eurs from diil.t of Issue, for building public roads, not to exccd n.uoo.ouo per year, creating the orflce of Htiito lllghuuy Commissioner, fixing the salary nl fsr.00 w-r annum, providing for the cxiend!ture or the funds In the building of public roods, nnd after ten years creating n sinking fund for the Imynnnt of the principal and Interest of said bonds. Vole YDS or NO. 310. X Yes. 341. No therefrom In actual road construction. 351. Yes. a-n X No. A bill for an Act to create a Slate Highway Department, authoris ing tho Governor to appoint a State Highway Hnglneer at .an annual salary of I3C00; providing his duties and making an annual appropriation of not to exceed 115,000 for the mainten ance of the department. Including tho salary of tho engineer und his assistants. Voto YHS or NO. 326. Yes. 327 Nn. A bill to put Chapter SCC, Laws of 1911, Inlo effect December 1, 1915, Instead of January 1, 191ft, which chapter creates Statu 1'rintlng Hoard consisting of Governor, Secretary of State and Slate Treasurer, fixes salary of Stato Printer ut 11000.00, Sec- reiury or ine tioaru at fzouu.uu, wmi no oilier cnmpenfniionN, olions therefor, authorizing printing department to do binding, ruling, etc., and u-oulrcs printer to contract In name of State for nil printing employes. Secretary of Hoard o prescribe style, manner and materluls used. Voto YKH or NO, 338. Yes. 3 59, No. . A bill for an Act creating the offlco of Hotel Inspector, prescribing his duties, appropriating $7000 per uuniim for salary und travel ing expenses of the Inspectors, defining hotels and providing for their Inspection and regulation. Voto YliH or NO, 330. Yes. 331. No. A bill for an Act making eight hours a day's labor In till cases where labor for the State, county, school district, municipality or other subdivisions of the Stato uro Interested, either directly or through any contractors or agents, und providing that con tractors shall give a. bond, providing among other tilings, that rip person shall be employed on such public woik more than eight hour In uny one day, and that no liens or claims shull bit filed against tho building or other structure. ' Voto VJIH or NO, 332. Yes. no' t 333. No, A bill for An Act to protect purchasers of stocks ami bonds and Pro. vidlng for the regulation ami supervision of corporations selling .or negotiating for the sale of corporate stocks and securities, and requiring Statu llcensu prior to any sules; or negotiations theicfor; establishing a sepurato corporation department, fixing tho unnual salary-rif the commissioner thereof at JHOOri dud re stricting thv expenses of thn department. Vote YKS or NO. 331. Yes". 33S. No,. A hill for au Act prohibiting the employment of convicts of the Slut,, I,niit.inf tin v tiir mil' .i.l.'fi.i iii.riiiiii fn .... ..... ...... I ..... . rillil iilirliorlKlfit? flii'lr un,. in iifililln, il..i u.n.A 1....11' tulionii on the reqi toe mate instiiuiii iy by uny pilvalu person, firm or corporation. their uso on public lilgluvayii itnd Htuto lustl- equest of th County Court or Supertnlemlftnt of itlon desiring to employ them. Vote TUB or NO. lor amendment of Section 7, Article XI. of the Oregon Constitu tion prohibiting the Slate from Increasing lis Indebtedness for roud building In excess of two per cent of the luxulil" pron'-riy of the Slnte. Vole YDS or NO. 312. Yes. 313. X No. A hill for an Act nuthnrlxlng the resltectlve counties of the Slate of Oregon to Issue SU.yeur bonds for building rends ttllldn the county, providing u method for extending the money In actual road construction and for calling und holding county elections to vote upon question of Issuing bonds and ullthorlxlng county courts to levy taxes to pay principal ami Interest on bonds us they may mature. Vote YKS or Nt). sir yo. " 34 B X No For amendment or Section 10, Article XI, of the t'nuslHutlon of Oregon, prohibiting counties from voting uny Indebtedness for rouds in excess of two per cent of assessed valuation of nil properly In the. county Voto YiJH or NO. .140. Yes. 347. X No an Act providing for tho consolidation of contiguous In- uiiriHiruii'u i-iiien ami iittvos, .efi'iizinfr cousniiuiitions nereiorore attempted and providing a method for the creation and organ Iwitlou of new count lew, Volu YDS or NO. V bill fur corporal 348. Yes, 349. No X?ft a lllontlmnn t Anllnlll TV i II... r .......... S....t Is.. I I I... I I mi ann uiininn ' f HUH rt "t lilt' 1'M'KUII V Minil 111 lll vy II1IHT1 .un mii'h'iii u nrutivii i. ..... iiik (ur iiiti iiiAuiiuu ill iiirumrn whutever source or sources derived, Voto YKH or NO. 360. Yes. 3. It No A bill On til I for an Act amending subdivision 8 of Section 3 5 fit of Lord's regon Laws so as to exempt froiq luxation till household fund- uinv Huiucsiiu iixiiires, nuuseiiuiu gooos umi ctieciN aciuuiiy in uso tit uomes mm dwellings, nnu nil wearing nppatel, watches, Jeivtlry ami shnllar personal effects actually In use. Vole YifH or NO. 302. Yes. .1-13, No A bill for un Act to (xcmpt from taxation nil debts of every kind, whether on contract, note, mortgage, bond or" otherwise, either wllliln or without this State; public slocks und seourllles, bomlN, wnrrunts and moneys due fiom this Slnte, .or any cduuly.iir other municipal subdivision; slocks und shares In Incoiinuail'd or unincorporated companies, except bank stocks, Hint ten and bunking capital Volu YDS or NO. 351, Yes. 3r.r Nn. A hill for ah Act revising the Inlierllaucii lax laws, umppg other chunges, riel.isrtirylng rnteH slightly iuuteuslug same, placing ndmlnlslratlvo matters mlatlvo thereto with tlm State Tax Com. mission, hut Jeuvlng collecllous to Im mudn by the State Tietis. urcr. ' Vole Y);s or NO. 360. Yes. 31.7. No. r' A bill for an Act fl-'-g (In, porcmituge that freight ratts on less lliun cut iiuifi "' shull bear to carloads umi to eslubllHh mini mum iv "it, ami maxlniuni freights umi piovlillntr , penalties for v'o!.nloiiH of the Act. VOin YDH or NO. For amendment of HWjilmi 10 or Arllel.. XI of the Constitution of the Slate nf Oregon emtiowerlng the roiirt of any county to Issue nnd cell bends or other securities to build und nislnlitlu roads within the county when nulhnrlxe.l by n majority of the voters of the county, nnd empowering the count) court to pre senttlix qilenbm nt uny general cleetlou, or to eallii ieelul elee. Hon for such purbbses and reiieullug nit ctmstitutlunul umend uieuls und nets In conflict with the proiHrii amendment, In. eluding those submitted lit I he people al ihlH election, Vote YDS or NO. 360 X Yes. SSI. No For ubiembuent of Article IV of the Cousttlulleu of Oregon ubnl Ishlng the State Hetmlb, providing lion., but rrglsiered voters be counted mi Initiative, or referendum petitions, Increasing Sinto and .municipal referendum powers; lions. irf Hepr.v.euln lives to consist of ilu elective members, nnd th Governor ami unsuccessful purly candidate for Governor to be cx-nrflclo mem Iters, tlnvernor to Int reduce mi nppruprlntioi) bills, IrRlslaturn lint to increase the iimottnls thereof, four years terms, annual p.-mnnin, .iMijM.ri.ui.iii eirciion or iiieinners. proxy system or vot- bllls, ami those Introduced after 20 iIk to go o thn next lug nu session, control ami revocation or franchise. Vole YDS or NO, 3R2. Yes. 3tn Nlf lor amendment of Section 2, Article IX, of the Constitution of Or egon providing for specific graduated tuxes. In addition to other tuxes, upon all fmnchlscs umi rights or way, binds and other natural resources in excess of flu.oun under one-ownership utid assessing witter power.i In thn coiyitlett where slumps exempt, lug from taxation all personal 1irnMrty "f every kind, and 'In. provements on, In und iiiider land, vxcept a county may enact u county law to tax tho haute. Vole YDS or Nt" 301. Yes, ntn Na A bin fqr an Act lo ubullsh Crtpllul Punishment In the Hint,, of "'''K""- Vole Yl'J4 or No. 3CC .tcrT Yes. No A Mil for an Act prohibiting bni'C'illlhg or nickeling any Industry, workshop, store, place or husfncM or foolery or uny lawful Iiiin' ness or enterprise mid prohibiting enticing, persuading or il templing lo persuade or induce any imtsoii workl ig II "reli from continuing such employment und providing a penallv for viola' tions of tin. Ant. Vole Vl'.S or NO, 308, Yes. 3(10. No. A bill for un Act prohlblilng the unn of the public streets, parks and public. grouiuM In any city or town of iv population of oOoti T, lv' "r I'Oldlng meetings for nubile discussion or sm,,ch. making punmses without a written permit from thn mayor tl",ri'of' Von. YIJS or No. 370, Yes. 371 X No "' Referendum Ordered by Petition to the Peotale A I AM nrfheihrlsiliiK IfT. h(r - i...n.ti ... . 1 . .'.' ' ' ' ,r " - An Afct aithroprlailng 1176,000 for building umi ctiulnnln an admin strui on i mil hi ng nnu extending heating iilnnt to tl , Httnift f the University of Oreuou. ami nim. i.i.i.i ..,.1,. ti..., .1.!.",!:'.,'" sum. of mMMM for'lhe pureh.lHe of'nd on T i ., I .V. Ml ... ,....,.i... iy. ...I iiuiiiiiinii in iiuuinnnui ami, cqitln. ment and aiuwiiatliHi niiildng icpnirs, additions aid In tin"'. irv'i-r pa;y.,'g'v,r' v;;!!iVy,-nf',f,r.i,:n.corr'H,t,,,,,,,'"L, y ktyjuns? Yes, 373 No An Ael apprpprtallng $176,000 for tlm construction, cqulnment nnd furnishing a moiiern flieproor llbtury umi mum nl II ling, ," '" 't',sili"!L0i,.,"f.,lA0 '"'""eg I'laut to the sanus for usi t the UnlVeisliy of Oregon, yiilu YES or No, 374, Yes, i 376. iL PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION hill six lit, ,.1 National for (In Act to appoint tip. treasurer of .liinltsnn cninllv iiimi other electors, iirflcAs and Ilirchl.Vrs. Mi esiaii IsliS? NnflS ,ii...w,i... .- ". i.i.w.1 v,i.uiuy, itrimu , ami lo nm ..i.i.n such liaiK to issue .liicksim County, twenly.f ve.ycar. I on. teri nl.bearlng mmis in the amoma of l,f()ii,ieavgo, nd to d. ..sit tlm saine with the Nut oimi Tieasury i)enir nun t VaHiVl,u ""!i Vlk"!!.". ,u, H r"-'"'' bunk IoIhhuu c i "re ey, N I redeemable Under Dyeiity ycurs, Vo(o VlCS or No, 1. 1. Yes. Wo. 33C. X Yes. 337 jfu" ' 3S8, X Yes. 370. ' ' YeS. 3C9. N(t. .177.. , N','