tJ-r- 7- ' . r ;, -.m-i- ?w i v f.' Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER WrAtlicr Mat. JVX; Hkt. 27. Showers tonight. p tta j if Mi I'lirly.npronit Yir. Dully HhvomIIi Yrnr, BALKANS FLAG 10 FLY . CAPITAL Unconfirmed But Credited Reports Assrrt That Allies Have Captured Tcliorlu and Arc In Position to Turn Last Line of Turkish Defense Powers Must Act Quickly or Lose Chance at Intervention Balkans to Keep What They Grab. V1K.NNA. Nov. 1. -Imliuutioii Hint (ho violorioim HulKiiriuiiii, after only about two weeks fighting, tculiiy, mo buttering on (ho very gain of fun. hiiiiitinoplo touched hero today in de tptittilitfai from tin) front by way of Scinlin, IlmiKiiry. TIiumo mlvit'iw, 5whloh, thoimh iinroiillnnt'il iih yi-l, nri' fully credited, wiy (lint (In Mill guru liiivn itn it n roil 'IYImrlu, iiml IIiiih lire in position to turn tho taut litii of TitiMMi defense, milting in be tween tlit) Mohlmii iiuniei I'lilivnclii'il from Tvhorlii to Soroi iiml lint cnpi till of the Ottoiiinii empire. If llio news from Scinlin U con firmed, it ix probable (lint within twenty-four hours llio Bulgarian will cuter Coi.xlmitinopln or tlmt TurkMi t'oiimiiwitltr Shot , ' Ko fur no confirmation linn been received hero of Sofia Reports (lint Niirliu I'nulin, (ho TurkiHh comman der, has either been captured or hliot In tlio last big clufcli with thu Uulnrw whore hi nnny was defeated and i OVER forced hack (o thu 'lehnrlu borni lino f dofoni. Neither bus I ho re )Mfr( (Inil (ho Bulgnrs Imvo occupied Hoilnftto, (ho port on the urn of Mar mora, through which Turkey has been inuring hor Awian troops to play t heir part in Iho war, been nliho lulely confirmed, hittlo doiiht i t'lituituiiicd hei however, (hat if (tuiioral Suvoff, thu Itiilgiiriun omn inaiiilor, Iiuk taken Tchorln (hat ho has' alfo miiml Kodoxto, ami if ho bhonhl hnvfl iIoiip bo, Turkey' Ahiiiii force practically will ho cut off from Iho struggle ami tho MillunV. only hopo will llo hi (hu nnny now !n Iho field. " Too Quick for I'mwrs Whether Hid lliilgnrH will ha able to color Constantinople bofuro (hi; powers intervene In (hu ipiohtiou whinh nhtmihlng military obsonor here. Austria ami Rusiu nru both tciidy for any oveut utility hut It is Kiirioimly doubted, if (ho Itulgur fhiK OIIIIO St il'lilHJ OVVV (!olll;(ltlllillopll, wluithnr anything t-hoit'of ciiiiiioii would fori'o (ha C'hi'ixtiaiiH iiKiiin to ii:liniiiihh Ihu city to tin) domination of Dm Turk. GIRL OF FIFTEEN Illhi'l DaviHoiii Ifi ynarrt of ni;i', who livort with hor falhur onu raiudi on iippiir Kokuo rtvi'i", i riScoiviiiK Ihu I'liUKiatiilatioiiH of 1'ilciuls l'nl lowing hor hravory in rimiuihiK lor fathor Wodiu'Hilay ovoninj; frnni drowiiluir in a Hwift rapid of thu Kokiio. UiiiinhIhIciI thu ulrl phiiiiil into thu walurH, which aro oxtromnly cold ut thin hoiihoii of thu your, and Hiutiioodcd in ucltlnu' hor Cut hor HHhoro after ho hud fallen in. Ho is par tially purnlizud and (Juiiiiol hwIiii. Dr. DaviHun IIvoh uoar Iho Koito and it in Mb ouhIoiu to uot thu water uHod far family imrpoHuH from it. On Woiluomlay iil'tonioon ho look u hiuikiH and Htartod for thu Htroain, In dippliiK for thu walor ho lost his Imlniioo nud foil lu. Ilirt dauKhtor noticed hla fall and without hertitn tiou ran to a jiolut helow and pluuK i,'d into hn Htriiam. Tlio current in Hwift and deep at that point hut hIio Hiiocoodud hi Ko(tiii(T hor father SAVES DAD FROM DEATH RIVER aahoru iii Biifoty, GREAT VICTORY CONFESSES TO IS CELEBRATED KILLING HEIRESS BY BULGARIA FOR HER COIN Sofia Sceno of Wild Rejoicing Enormous Losses Sustained hy Both SidesTurks Fled From Luleburnas Demoralized. Turkish Minister of War Reported Captured Women Voluntetrlnn as Nurses. HOI-'IA. Nov. 1. llollovlne (hut tlin war Ih virtually over and Hint tlio ftlllcn will dlvldo nuroiunn Tiirl(o)'. tlio populntlou of Hofln In IikIiiIkIiik today In Did wild rut rejoining, Con- oral Knvoff, (ho IlulKiirliia commaud cr, In (ho hero of (ho hour anil pic turcK of hltn (llniilit)'cil on (ho Mtroctn ami In the cafcrt aro coiiHtaiitly rlicorotl to the who, The only iloproHnlaK feature of Iho ultniitlon In the onoriuotnt Iohhoh or (ho lltilj;nrn iiml tho arrival hero of Hovorul thmmnnd woiimlvil taon from tlio front. Tho luiKpltaln am crowded, incillcal Hiippllca urn ox huiiHted, and (hero nru loo few doc torn to attond o tho.noldlors' hurtii. HV6nioii,by"tho"hiin(lrodSi aro vol iinlcorlnK ns lUirRe for tho nhot-torn liorooN from (tin front. It Ih Minted hero that tho Turku tied from l.ulolnirKim after tho lint (Id (hero In a inuxt demoralized con dition; that thoiiHnjicU of thorn woro cnpturoil, and other thotmntidH nhot, tho IlulKarlnnH ciiptiirliit; an onor moim supply of arms, ammunition and fltoroii, ltoporlH (hat Niuliii PaHha, tho TurkiHh inlnlrtter of war, wau cap tureil at l.uleburKiis aru uncon firmed. Tho HiilKurlau foreign office to day In draftlm; a protunt to tho poworH at tho action of a Turkish emitter hIioUIiik a Huti;arlnn IIkM homo at Capo Mine, lu tho Ulnck Sua. BY DEFENDANTS INMANAl'OUS, Ind., N'o. 1. - A different attitude (owanl 11. S. Hoekin, present hoorotary-treasuror of thu International Association of llriilgo and Struetural Ironworkers hy tho '10 other union men charged with illegally truustortiug dynamite marked today's session of (lie court. Tho first hint that thu other de fendants ilitendcd (d abandon Hoekiu itamo at (ho opening of court, when United Stales Senator J. W. Kern, of counsel for Iho defense, asked thu court to instruct (ho jury that tho evidence offered yesterday hy I'M ward If. Hroniiau, an agent for the department of justice, nud .1. A. (I, Bailor!', of counsel for tho National Kreelors' association, should not ho considered against any of the defen dants except Hoekiu, Hoth Uadorf and Itreniiuii caused a commotion among (ho union men by their testimony (hat ovory dofumlant, on trial owed Ins present position lo information given to government of ficers hy llookin. A N10W YORK', Nov. 1, . ltoputod during thu latter yours of hla llfo to ho worth uovural million dollars, tho Into Patrick MeOarron, n power In politics, at ono tlmo, died u hunk nipt, aoeordlug to a statement on fllo today with Surroijato Kotuhum lu llrooklyu today, Tho iiBsuts of McCnrron woro llutyd at fl0,000 nud hla llablll- J tiotl saco.ooQ, HOCKIN MI3DF0RD, NEAR CONSTANTINOPLE Vaudevlllo Actress Admits That Her Husband Charles Conway, Circus Clown and Diver Killed Sophia Slnjjcr by Blow From Door Knob Money Needed for Operation Upon Leu Robbery, Not Death Intended at the Time. CIIICAOO, Nov. J.-JIiiv. Sophio Singer, (ho Itiiltiiuoro hciron, was miirdorod hy Cluulos (.'oinvuy, a dr oits clnwii and profomional liih di ver, iu'1'firiliiiir lo ii confession mado to tho iMilici; lino (his afternoon hy jlleatrii'i) Ityall, Conway's wife. The ' woman made a eon ('onion, it is al leged aflor Mio had hcoti Huhjeeted to a three hourV jjrillin. ; "Conway killed Sophia Singer,' she is alleged (o liue (old (ho dic'. , "llo Htrnt'lc her on tho head with :i lirass doorktioh which ho uxrd as n 'hilly and then tied hor up so kIio I'oulil not ivo (ho alarm." "Conway and 1 had ippirrolled. V woro Imlh aiiurvj. 1 liiiriUy.knc.w what I wiiH iiqintt when ho HiicKled that we idh.MisH SuiKiir. I was afraid to refuse to do ax hu KiiTd. "Conway told mo that ho needed money (or an operation on his Icjr, and that ho did not intend to kill her. I never unw him stuff anything in her mouth. Hu only intended to Mini her and then tin her up m die could uot give tho alarm. We look WorthruVi clothes and, loiuing tho houxc hy (ho hack door, oaughl an iiitcrurhuu car for Hammond, Ind." Mrw. Conway said (hat Mis Sing-Jr and t-onway woro (piarreliug when sho loft tho room. Kcturning later, sho Haid, Sophia was lying on the bed tied, hut that she did not know bite was dead. :Ti NBW YOltK'. Nov. 1 Hut onu fea ture marked tho opening of tho stock market hero today, thai being a two IKiint raiso in Canadian l'aeifie, llrooklyu Itapid Transit gained at tention, however, hy a rise of 1 point ami Heading, Union I'auifio, Steel and Amalgamated recorded fraction al rises. Tho volutnu of business was light. Tho leaders woro forced down for a while hy fractional offerings. The whole market maintained a perfunc tory trend owing to it being a liulf holiday uhronit ami an adjournment called hero out of respect to tho luto Vice President Shoripnn, Call monoy advanced to niuo par cent. Tho market closed firm. Itnmls woro steady. (COPY) I';i""7l". !' L OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1912. v 'pimmiMR post GRAFT CASE AGAINST GLASS . IS SAN FRANCISCO, Cat.. Nov 1. With tho dismissal hero today of an Indictment against Louis Glass, ouco vlco president and general mnnagor of ttm Pacific States Tole phono unci Telegraph company, by Superior JiiiIko William L. Lawlor, tho last ot tho alleged graft cases, growing out of tho Schniltz-Hiief ro glmo Is wiped out. This action was taken at tho Instigation or the dis trict attorney. "My action In rofuslng to grant the district attorney's motion last spring to dismiss tho Indictment," said .Itidgo Lawlor, "was duo to tho dismissal of tho indictments against Kmtl 'I minor and Thoodoro Halsey. Thcso moa I bolluvod would bo Im portant witnesses for tho city. Now, however, that the district attorney tolls mo they cannot bo located, I docldod to wipe out the last vostigo ot tho old graft cases." Olnss Is at present lu (ho Philip pine Islands supervising tho Instal lation of n telephone systom for his company. SALUM, Mass., Nov. I. Whon District Attorney Atwlll concluded tho reading of a pamphlet on tho "history of tho 1. W. W." In tho trial of Joseph Cttor, who, with Ar turo .ftlovauulttl and Antonio Caru so Is charged with miirdor growing out of tho Lawrence toxtllo strlko, tho stnto rusted Its caso toduy. As part of tho state's ovldonco tho bullet which killed Anna Loplczo was Introduced. Tho dofonso ex pects to call at least 100 wltnossos. I! VW.aNw, . wXv-rv. . n ., l . 1 i- DISMISSED UNITED STATES SENATE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Portland, Orogon, October 28, 1912. Frank L. Ton Vollo, K, V. 1). No. 2, Mcdfofd, Ore. Ty dear Sir and Friend: I have lem intending to writd'yon and to congratulato you upon your nouUna (ion for County Judge. Ii tho poopti of Jnckson County approeiato n good man and ono who, I am sure, will look to tho interest of tho taxpayer and tho development of tho County, thoy will give you a cordial and united support. It goes without saying that I want to see you win, hoth because of my high rogard for you and because I know that you will make a faithful and an efficient public servant. "With kindest personal rogards and best wishes for your suqeess, I am Yours vory sincerely, (Signed) GEORGE 13, bHAMBERLAItf. are i ."" ONTHEIRWAy WE'VE ALREADY oAio-UR. NEW YORK, Nor. 1 "Wc have nlrcady won. Whntevor is tho re sult of tho balloting next Tuesday, tho progressive party hng been founded nud put on n lusting basis." This wns the statement mado here today by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt tho progressive nominee for president who is in New York to attend the progrefcbive rully nt Madison Square Garden tonight, at which Oscar Straus, progrcs&ivo nominoo for gov ernor of New York, will bo the prin cipal speaker. Tho former president is not down for any set speech, but it is probable that ho will make a five minuto talk. "Tho old boss-controlled republi can organization," continued Col. Roosevelt, "is a thing of the past; tho dream of tho people for social justice and the rot urn of government into their own hands has been formu lated into a party program nud an organization which will curry on tho fight until it is won. "It is immaterial ns to tho part I piny in this program. If I am nble to servo that is suffiuicut. If an other man can servo hotter that is ccpinlly satisfactory. Tho inuiii main thing h that tho movement go forward to definite results." HAVANA, Nov. l.Althougli tho presidential election is progressing quietly horo today, tho absence of news from tho interior is believed to indicate trouble. Both tho liberal nud conservative elements are confi dent of victory. WON DESPITE RESULT EUROPEAN WAR HAMM AUSTRIA TAKES PARIS, Nov. 1. Fears that Bul garian occupation ot Constantinople, which now seems certain, will pro voke an attack from Austria, repris als by Russia and a consequent gen eral European war are general today among French diplomats. Should Austria strike to maintain her pos sibility ot expanston In the Balkans It Is declared a general war will be inevitable. To dato Austria seems raoro rea sonable than had been expected but It is feared Bulgarian successes are rapidly pushing Austria's patience to tho breaking point Many obser vers think tho Powers have delayed too long and that they should havo Intervened promptly as soon as It was seen the Turks were beaten. Now, It Is said, ttaero is gravo doubt that thoy can agreo upon a program beforo General Savoffs troops en ter Constantinople and It Is posslblo that event will bo tho signal for Austrian demands which tho victor ious Balkau allies will rotuso to meet except with tho bayonet. Russia today Is the only power in favor of a federation of the Balkan States which now seoms a certain ty F BY TURK CABINET CONSTANCY, lioumunia. Nov. 1 Tclcgrnms received from Constanti nople say members of tho Turkish cabinet ro fearful of a massaoio there, not only of foreiguors, but also of tho non-combatant population of Constantinople. They feur that if tho Turkish troops aro driven from the city by tho advancing Bulgarians thoy will kill and pillago on every hund ns thoy flee. MANTLE OF SNOW IN MIDDLE WEST TOI'EKA, Kims., Nov. 1. This section of Kansas U shivering todny ns n result of a four iuoh snowfall. Tho storm is reported to bo gouerul throughout tho fatate. MILWAUKEE WB., Nov, 1. Mil wuiikeo is tqday covered with the first show of the sohoii, .The full w8 very light. MASSACRE EARED NO. 191. E 1 DROWNED Gasoline Scheener Osprey tf WmI derburn Driven by Gale Ifttt Jetty ami Overiw-nWCrtw Parlttal and Vessel Gees lettem Up. Vessel, a New One, Is PtwHM tt Pieces Against Recks Ne Traee ef Lost Men. M M mm MARSIIFIELD, Ore., Nov. 1. Vainly attempting to steer the craft around the jagged north jetty of the Coos Bay bur early this morning the crew of the gasoline schooner Osprey a Rogue river nud Oregon coastwise vessel could not avoid jamming her into the jetty, overturning tho craft and drowniur the five occupants. None of tho bodies have been recov ered, or even sighted. The dead are Gus Johnson, captain of the O-jprey; Chester Johnson, en gineer; Joe Peitsch, deckhand; N'd ? Harving, deck feand;,, Cafrtalu II. Johnson, former master ' ot the steamer Berwick of Ban Fran- I cisco, who was a passenger, and.Ed lir i.. t.i: .i i.. ... .. 2B?,S! Several of the crew of the (Hjt Rescue nearby coutd make out Ih' the dim lights the struggle the Osprey was having with the elements, nud laid to at n safe distance to effect possible rescues. Tho Rescue mun njed after n hard effort to throw ;i line aboard tho Osprey; just before she turned bottom upward, but Cap tain Johnson, acting like a maniac, threw the line away from him, and a moment Inter ho was swallowed up in the foaming waters. Aviator Silas Cbristoffcrson flew' out from Marshflel'l nt daybreak und circled the jetty several times in tho effort to find any of the bodies Unit might have floated seaward. He did not find n trace of a single one of tho drowned persons, ' Tho Osprey was a comparatively new boat nnd was used to tho run between Wedderbnrn, nt the mouth of Roguo River nnd Coos Bay points. She was owned by tlio Wcdderburn Trading company nnd was said to have been one of the stnunchost boats in the Oregon coastwise trade. fl LAYS IN STATE AT COURT HOUSE UTICA. N. Y., Nov. 1. With 2,000 men, representative citizens of Utlca, marching ahead of the hearse I dcsplto a heavy rain, a (lowor cov ered caskot containing the body of t!To lato Vlco President James S. Sherman, was taken from the Slier man homo hero today io tho rotunda ot tho county court houso, whero It was laid In state, and where It will remain for several hours. Thore was no pomp nor display whllo the body was carried through tho streets.' Neither was there any baud or military escort. The march ers wore Just friends ot the .dead statesman. The Chamber of com merce, the Elks of Utlca and the Royal Arcanum were represented In tho line. The body Is to lie la Btato frew 3 o'clock this afternoon until 8 p'etok tonight, The funeral s to be hId tomorrow from the. First PreabyW-' lan church, the largest la" Utl, It was found that the Duteh Rferwd ' church, where Sherman alwayavwor Bhlpped, would be too small fr fun eral purposes. The 8hermu famllytoday rluv tantly consented to a military mH from the hureu to the ea4wy. About 3,0 members eaek front 41m militia ooihmnIw of Utloa will aoav pW I fWrt' . " ,' ,, HERMAN'S l i Vil 'v 'VJ iS" v, I