STmv ", V,tiimi,kMi.jr, . . 4. . , , . r . 1 f'' MEDirOTlD MATT, TUTBTWE. JfFiDTOBW.TOHEnON, WEDNESDAY. OH'OnKR 30, 11)12. PA'OE TUB I If - 1 "U w rr V CLOSE DENVER a X GATEWAY DEC .1 J'OKTLANI), Ous, Oel. :i.-l)u. ccinber HI Ih tilt) ilnln thed lor (ho iijoftiiiK of llie Denver uultiway liy ilin 1 lui'i littmi Hindu nuiitiml I ho MIh Willi 1'nelfic, Unek ImI, iiid, Kiiiitit IV mill Miiilluutoii idiilcH, H Ih Ihi. inobahlo the new In ill I' will In placed mi Ilin bcl'otn December I. Accnid Iiik In It, II. Miller, tint'llc iniiiuiKiu' if tin) 0..-W. It. mill .V them Un'l iuioukIi IiiinIiii'm iiiuvliiir lu Denver to JuMIfy llm four mulch tiflVittril In i ctrl n It'll i it; u complaint. Tint llurrliunii ullonit'.H decline (hut Hid proponed Mni h Iftfitl mil iiro illxiMuiiilliiu: miv ideu of a content before llm liittii'Htnlti coiuinoice coin lllirtttlHI. Tin) Hock Ihlmiil Iuik aiiiintiuerd a retaliatory policy of reutlni: Hk Ore una mnl WiiHliliiutni 1 in flic from Portland, In SI. Paul ami Ilin Hill h.MtllMIIK. It U prnhuhic lu Itiiilliiulon w tit V'lllt' fill Dl'llUT mnl IIIIIIlIK to l'oitlmtil. ORCHARDISTS ARE AFTERS.P.RAILROAD A Mioitime of cam for tin1 nhip ineiil of fiutl to llii 1'iixt Ik Immhk experienced In Medford, I'liiiflilmnhlt' i'oiiiiliiinl lii'iau lii'iuil from niclwrtl IIk it ho mIuIi that t litv ait' imiililt) to Kt't ear t'lionuli to hainlli' their out put. Audit lloMmhaina hax been af ter limn hot mnl hciuv hat to dale Iiim Mioi'iM'di'il in retiuvlue; the Mttui lion hut little. Mr, Itoxcuhnum Mated today that the nhortajrr extended throiiuhoat tin norlhui'ht'lii all of the fruit diMrirtK lit' Iiiim succeeded ta jiiHt gelliuj; 1") rnr which will In' here Thiinolay. t S .wini iiiii i ii n i w m mm wmnmmm m "? j i ml iimi mi i tmtttmmmm I 'HP i vw . Nra . vmrj&tmz&wsm:$'zrB awa 'j ET IRONWORKER'S INDIA N'AI'UI.IS. Oft. :tt. Iiull Ration thai llm forU-Mnni union iiit'ii on trial la Hit' ft'tli'rui rourt horn for lllu lraafHiitittloa of ilyiminltf, jvill have to htmitl trial mi oilier rliuruo in tliu cvtMit of ai'iialttal on llm prcM'iit t'liaru) wnn u'nt'ii ltr Iwtliiy hy I'lilti'il HtatfH Diftrit-t At tonii'V Clmrlfi V, MilU-r. TliU hial t'liuii' ulit'ii a fiii'inl axkitl llu' proM' t'ultir for oin of thi' t'lfi'tiit' flock an a Mtiivt'iiir. Miller suitt all t'vi tli'iii'i' ntuiixt llu' tluft'iitlaatM whk to In pivhoni'd, iatiiiiatiui; that tin iuiiou moil pntlntlilv would ho trii'tl in (hi! Hluto rourlH for laallaloiiK ilo Hltui'lioa of property ami rlaiilar of fl'IIHl'H. Ilarrv Woivhrr. a hmiihtiitluu ex htI, Idilav nlt'iitltietl I'xhlhitH whieh lioiti no Muiii'tiiif" I ri Nil IKU t IC 'I? KCATTIiK, Wii.. Oel. an. -Tin eiiho of ln) uot'i'iiaii'iit auaiiixl I'd wanl l Mt'.M'r, founurly ehief olerk in llm hrml hlornkeepiir'ri ofl'iee at Hie uay yanl at Dieineiloii. on the rharun of ahettiuu " eoiihpiraey to tli'l'ruiii! the uovuriuaeut, hi'uau loilay. kllm jurv hehiK unpmieleil ami Hie 1st net attorney tlartiuu liix opeuiuu Jlilri'HH. LMeyer ix rlwruetl with eo-operal- Uth .1. A. Kelt iiM am V. .1. feeler in a eoiihpiraev to ilefiinel in mvi pui'tihiihe of uovoiiiuieat "HP jilieitliat font tho unveriiiiiont K)0t 01)0. HARRIED, Johli C Hunter ami Miaurvu I'ul- nitir Ivtirti ninrrloil hy lluv. W. !'. HlileliU at the. PrcHliytoiiua imtutii) TutitKliVy ut a o'clock, Mr. Hunter Ih ono of Olio iniHieroiiH Ininlncim iudii of Myrtle Creek, noiiulitH county, Or t'Koii, w.imru hu will tulio IUh hiiilo. MrH, lliutur Ih n tlaiiKhtor of oat) of tho ohl fnnilllfH of JackHoa enmity. Him Ih f BlHtcr of Mra, (1. I. Sillier niurliurti of CM North (Irnpi) Htruet, thin eltv-. Their iiiiiay frlumla wImIi tliein ulj liHiiplacHH, Mr, ami ti". A, A, Duvll, Mr. mnl Mm. H. 0. Trow uililKo, lrH. Kaiinlo Mulkoy mnl MIhh Alu Naylor wuru preBiiiit at tho wodtliiK. . t NOTiCJU. Notlcu U hereby glvou that tho un iluiHlKneil'jWlll apply at tho rogiilftr mootlnu of tho) city council Novoia hor C, ltY&f for a llooimo to soil iijult, splrltoiis anil vinous liquors at ,12 North Front utroot, for a uouod nf bx inontliB, M, & IS, J. ADAMB. Dtttoa octobor'aa, iota. KJ6U COST Of LIVING IS ARRAHGy) BY PIWUC IWDERSTAKDiNG" WOOOROW WIUOH , totlav al Ailler Sanitoiiiiiii, where "lie , wan taken alter the -hooting. The ph.Mieiatih removed a tortiou of her Ukull. found that the linllel had taken ti, t'tl'.'lllil i i.hiiii. mill iliilnriil tl Iwiih ifiit'rililt for it to hae been fired hy iinvono hut heielf. The SAN rilANt'lSCO. Oet. .'10- I'rae-'operation miih proiiouneed a complete ING WIFE tieal exoneration from all Minpieion in coiiucetiou with the hhootiiiiruf his beautiful )ouuu !" eiiiuti to W. I'. MeromiiH, n wealthy niiiilnir onuiiu'cr here today with reporU of pliyxiciitiih who opornted on the woman, who in now conceded to hiiwi nhot hernelf in the McCotaaa apart tni'iitx hurt) yee lerday after a tiuurrcl with her lnin haiid, which wat the liuale of an all uiulit tour of the heach rcnurlti. Dr. Wallace Terry and Dr. Htuherl Merrill oterated on lli.l Ll I !'--! I I. MiffcK and Mrs. McComu now i tleclared to have excellent chaneett of recovery, althouuh ! prohahly will not rrj-niu conhciousnext for nt lenxt forty-ciuhl hourp. MILITARY AVIATOR FALLS T OH IS DEATH MUNICH. Oct. :iu. While luaneu K'rinjr an the military aviation field hern .today, Lieutenant Ilnuihuru?r Mr. McComn fell from Iiim biplane and wax killed. TAFT AND ADVISORS IN POLITICAL CONFERENCE NKW YOIIK. Oct. 30. President Tuft held one of the last poltlcal con ferences of the campaign here last nluht. Charles P. Taft. Henry Taft, Chairman Utiles and Senntor Crane of MmuiachiiKCtta discussed the po litical situation at "dinner. Af.tcr wards many republican leaders met tho president and talked over condi tions. It was said tonight the dis cussion was confined to tho general situation and no change In the plan or campaign is contemplated, rrcs Ident Taft canio to New York to witness tomorrow tho launching of tho dreadnought NcW York. h mm m BUILD IN VALLEY Tliu k fruit crop of the Hfij-uc riinr valley Huh hcumoii uh attracted the attention not alone of (Iiomc w!,o tlcirt) to purchiiHe traetM of laud up on which to grow fruit, but Mcu'inl of the larue cominixHioii ilruiH of in eoattt. lime been eanliiiK covetous eycH this way ami it U now aniiouiie ed that the hitf coiiimiHHion finn of I'iiikhmn & MeKcvitt, with lieatl flliartent at Sacramento mill Iix An Kt'lcH, have, declared their inlout'oiu to build from Ihreo to five reiwiviuu and packinu IioiibCH in tho valley next Hpn'iic and another fall he in jK-Hltioii to enter into comiK-litiou with the eoiummsion hotihCM all em! v eHtiiblinli ed here for the purcliane of fruit. of all kind. HERE IS A REAL DYSPEPSIA CURE '1'iioh OIah.Iii" Kettle Hour, Up het KIoiiincIii In Kite MIiiiiIch Medtord PriBUnBcatpti7 emtrf a fall Una of leas I blaaka Do sonic foods you cat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause u sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now. Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic jot this dewn: I'npo's Dlapcpsln digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely nulek, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stom ach Is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strength ens nud regulates your stomach so you can cat jour favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief sometimes they aro slow, but not sure. Dlapcpsln Is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery' won't come back. You feel different as soon as Dla pcpsln comes In contact with the stomach distress just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undi gested food, your head cleans and you feel fine. Co now, make the best investment you ever made by getting a large fifty-cent case of Papo's Dlapcpsln from any drug store. You realize In fivo minutes how needless It Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any-stomacn disorder. - MgH$M2MgMg y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y T y y y y y y t y If Business Is Dull ADVERTISE And Make It Better ..M. 'I, Advertising is Ilin foundation stuno of the niodurn successful stove. Itjius created1 tho .Wanuaiuakers, tho farshall fields and all the other retail merchant princes of our ora. -that is the reason of You will notice that tho hj city merchant keeps at it every day iii tho year- his success. . . . Jlc has Koiiioiliiug to syll--some store news worth imparling to tho public, sonic bargain to offer or some one thing to interest and' attract purchasers. i T Ho makes his name a .topic of household conversation. His slorqXiiows is read as eagerly as any other news. His store is thronged wilh'buyors all seasons. Ho does it by advertising -not oifco a week or twice a week but bvory day. Tho Mail Tribuuo reaches practically overy homo luMcdftml and surrounding territory. If you are in business and want customoi's, use its columns and increase your business. If you are a con-" sumcr, read its advertising columns and find out where to trade. - '. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN The Mail Tribune ALL THE TIME 1l LB iHrTtAsw t HtMOH ROYAL Baking Powder AbsoIuTelPure The only Bakins Powder made from Royal Grape Cream qjf Tartar Read the Lab el Alum Baking Powder will not maKe nealthjul rood CTssPlslBlEfsBrsUsWslasflsHWisV mmVmmmF&9immmmmM tl L ftkssissssWssHv NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Three months ago' I purchased the OB. & C. CASH STORE located at 225 "V. Mam street. I am sole proprietor and manager of the store and have no connection with any .other business enterprise in the city and no other business institution or person has any interest in or is connected in any other way with' tills store. 1 have cuioved, a nice trado for which I' -' thank the public. I sell the best of-everything in groceries, vegetables, fruits, china ware and glassware; will be pleased to see vou if .vou .are not already a customer and will guarantee you a "square deal'1 at all times. . - GEO. T. FOYES. Hotel Holland "Which is Different" Wo wish to announce to our patrons in particular and to the xublic in general that our kitchen is now equipped with a modern ten-foot brick set French range. Our dining room will open permanently and wo shall uso our best endeavors to maintain, if not excel, tho reputation for an unexcelled menu, dainty and efficient service and moderate prices which the Holland has earned in the past eight months. THE HOTEL HOLLAND DINING ROOM "WHICH IS DIFFERENT." Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DRAIN TILE STANDS ALL TISTS Examine our goods and get our prices bofore buyiug:- IDlsewhero. v v T 1 'I tm m - i f n I I.: t'-s ra- KTI . " m m M rsi i i a v-i wn ti it 1 ) A i