f-m, ir--'- , 4 ? V-..W ..,. it f . . ( f. trtirwo 4 ! r rt.. . . & -J ' " c v . 4t rf M (.vvyivlllil-W' I!!2HI "a L t Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER ltftln tonight mul tomorrow Max, fJH; Mhi. Uf)j pre. tracn rorlyni,noiii Ywtr, Dully llvniitli Yfnr. MEDFORD, OmWON. WBIttJKKDA V, (XTOKIOK 30, IDIL NOf 180. DEATH IN ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR BECKER ,M T V TO S 'VICE-PRESIDENT WffiSTli IN BIG BATTLE Manure Reports From Front Say Tldo Hns Turned In Favor of Sul tan In Fl(ht on Erkene River Allies Victories Say Other Reports Duluarlan Attack on Adrianoplo Is Postponed to Await Arrival of Re inforcements. VIUN.SW, Oct. MO. llonorlN liim iviutlii'il lirm louiKlit llmt lliu Tiirkn inn winning in llit liiir liitttlt! on llit1 Krkfim river nml AiiHtrian ofrinialh liitlinvo (lint tlif title til liiNt hnH turn nl in fnvor of Hie hiiIIiiii. Oilier iliHi:iteliei nrrivinj; wlnte llmt llie .Montciiecriii, (Intel; ntitl Ser Imii viclorioH lire eniiliiiiiint; lint Hie KeriiiuiH iiiiint leinforee. the Miiluur iium liefoie Ailrliinol tliiix wenkon iiik' tlieir own t'oreeH In Alliiiniii unil Muunloniit. CONSTASTIXOIM.K. Oet. .'10. (lunenil Niuint 1'in.lia (tlojxriilul the KiiNeriiiiiuut luilny llmt a reut Imltln Willi lie lliilpiriiuiN lieuu lliln huh unit: veil t I.iiIiIhiiii. One hundred mid fifty llmiisniiil lrmiw are eii(,MiKi'l. LONDON. Oet. :I0.--A orrieinl ileoimleli to lie Turkish eiiihioHy li ASSERTS RUMOR ! -JJKy TlJi P Uirttllift Tiirkw icihi rl the IlnlKiirinilM nl Vin lit it hnltle IiimHiii; from early .venterilny until IiihI midiiluht. It xtnlen llmt 800 TurliM ueie killed mid the llulunrimi iiMitiillitK were far InrKer. ATIIKN'H. Oet. .MO. It wuh ,rfi einllv nniiniinced here lodnv that the Oreekn Imvo onptui'Pil Verria, tin im IMirtant (nun n the railroad hetweeu MoitiiMlir and Salonika. It N lie lieved the Turkn put up a dewperate eHiHtatiee, and that the loll of dead and wounded will he heavy. K.MLIN. HuiiKiiry. Oet. :10.--Iul-Ciiriau attaek on Adrianoplo has heeu popoued until Servian reinfoiee inentM arrivo, aeeonlin" to a denpnteh leeeixed here today from .Sofia. Thin ii helioxed to mean that the Talk lui'.e eheeked the llulKiiriaii ndviiiiee. and that it has heeu neee miry for the Itulnaiiiiiis to iihU for itMMHliiuee. TRIED TO BRIBE F ALHANV, Ore.. Oet. III). Aeeued of offering OliieC of I'olieo Klliw DiuiKluirty $750 to permit him to sell liiiior in the town, lluiherl V l'eu-ruck-, Alhnny liveryiniiu is under nrrerit hero today. Aecordlnjr to ho ohicf'H htatement PruciK'k fil'Ht mitilrt the offer Hop teiuher '-T and the chief told him ho would think it over. He returned to iho Hlalilo the next dav mid muuiiKcd in Kuoruto two of liiH offieei-H in. n jilaeo whero they could hear Peacock lenow IiIh offer. Tlio liveryman did ho, and wuh promptly ariPHled. IliH hondri were placed at tf.ri()0, ami heiuu' uimlilo to Hiipply them, ho reinaimid in jail. Several ollior criminnl casen are ))PiidiiiK apiiiiht Peacock for like of feiiHOH. I VI10NNA, Oct. ,10. An undor iitaudlng on Jio Ilalkon question be tween IIiihhIu mid Austria Iiiih boon runohod according to announcement In tho Noun Frl proas, u nowsnnnor. Mho nntiiro of tho nfiroomont Is ox peototl to bo fortHconiliuf hooii In an official aiiiioiiiicomout. ALBANY'S CI MA AUSTRIA AGREEMENT IS UNCONSCIOUS! tMii m sift , ! SLOW DYING! jHR jriftMSBP lntine Cnlin nlnrrt I CliAfntntt I ntirail 4XIII1-9 UltllUlbl llll Ulllllllllll btlllSki) Into Comatose condition and Death i Momentarily Expected- Last Hope of Recovery Is Shattered. Lato This Afternoon Vice President Is Still Alive Out Gradually Weak eiiliifl. U'NOA, N. V., Oct. 30 At lf o'clock lliU afternoon Vlco Irmlilent Hlierintiu wnH IihIiik Kept nttvu liy froo iinii or uxyKon. IIIm death U helleved hut n (jueMtlon of nilniili'it now. UTICA, N. V., Oct. HO. .lauieH .Schoolcraft Klicriiuui, vice president of the United StnltH lapxed into a couiiiloMit coiidiliou (hi afteriiiHin mid liiH dentil may occur at any mo ment. Thin wai announced after a for mal hulleiiu had heeu Untied MiMin; that Sliurniiui'rt condition wan des perate. The l.t hope of recovery win shattered when the patieut'H kiilnev failed to rehxiud to treatment. Hypodermic medication wan em ployed today to eafo buffering and this produced complete uucniiM'inii iit'M. Dr. Peek lliii afleruoou iiio up all hope for Sliennn'iiV n-covery, ulli'it he me I fd the follow iujr lliilli" tin: "The vice president Irt gradually fnilini;. He may die at any moment. The end may come tonihl, tomorrow, or it may he twenty-four houre hence. Sherman practically lino heen uncoil neiou hinee yeMterday afleruoou when he went to (deep at l o'clock. He Iiiik hcen in a comatose condition xiuce." At 1! :l 0 o'clock t !- afternoon Dr. Peek stated that Sherman was Hti1; inu' rapidly. The heart action iudi calcd, he miid, that the end wax not fnr off. Mra. Sheminn and her three nous were In a room adjoining the nick chnmhfiH wailing o he Miimiioncd. At It o'clock this afternoon Slier man xlill was alie with no change in his condition except that he c gradually weakening. oakunolsTo PAY FAIR DONATIONS SAN FRANCISCO. Oet. :il).-The report of ltodncy S, Durkee, comp t roller of the Panama Pacific c.po.M I ion. handed to Picxidciit Chart. C. Monro today, hIiowh that hut .f2, ll'J.'i.HOl of the signed Hiihseriptions pledged for financing the exposition have, heeu paid in. This is just a little over 118 per cent of the amount promised. Although the expenditure of the liiiildiug and grounds commit tee Iiiir heen in oxeoss of .f:i,000,000, there ulill remains a halance in the lieasiiry of .f 0110,0 1 1. .Special attention is called hy Comptroller Durkee to the fact tlu't of the $1,00,000 pledged hy the city of Oakland not one cent has been forthcomhij. --- s-i srs NUNS LOSE' LIFE SAN ANTONIO, Texas. Oct. H0. Ilravcly going (tj their death that their little charges might bo saved, tho lives of six nuns, (mielukoru of St. John's orphan asylum here, weio Haciifiited early in a fire which do Htroyed tho building, Two children also polished in tho flames, Up to noon thu bodies of thieo Bisters and those of the two childro'i had not boon recovered, Tho fiu stalled at ltllO this morning from an unknown ciuiho and Hproad rapidly, Tho dond mum nro Sisters Fiwuota Poslour, Pclora Slovens, Loaood'.a. Noliiu, Monica Monesso, Mary Knla-i mm jmLM .P""1 s iju'si s. tf ws&esmi& mmam f7 .va s o "n y- wkmsmLjmmMs Ii'HKBK ll'lilr I - f ANNOUNCEMENT OP tmeAEQOVCT biggest warship" tBBnBll j JSP.NAffi iULlELAi TdFazI DIE; " 10SEVELT TO CHRISTENED TODAY SOON TO WED MADERO REFUSES I PROSECUTBFRAUDS vo,c. ,, ,, Ml I Epr DOnE Tfl IMTCDITDn NKW YORK. Oct. HO In the presence of President Tatt, Seciv liry tffythiv N'nvy, .Meyer, Umernor Dix, fayrtr Oayiinr nml high ri eials of the army and navy the United .States hntllcnhip Xew York, tho new est of American dreadnaughtH, wes Hucei'ssfully launched today at "the Ilrooklyu navy yard. The new hen lighter Ss the utroiigot of L'ucle Siiiu'h war chcIs. She will go into commission May Jl), lDKI. Tho Xew York was christened hy Miss Klsie Cnliler, tho eighteen year old dnnghlor of Congressman Cnlder, with Catlileeu Fitzgenihl, tho nine your old daiigliter of Congies-man Fitgerald, acting as flower girl. Tho launching was a success in every wny. llolh Mis ('aider mid Miss Fitrgcrnld had praeliecd throw ing bottles and hotpiels at marks and today's ceiemonies went through without n slip. Tho lauucliing oecuried at flood tide. During the ceremony all traf fic on tho Hast River was closed. The battleship., Utah, Delnware, Wyo mjng, Arkansas, Florida and Connec ticut, and tho president's private yacht Mayflower stood bv as the grent vessel glided into tho water. More than 12 l-'J tons of grease was silica red on the ways. The New York's main armament will consist of ten 1-1 inch guns. The contract calls for a speed of 21 knot. The vessel will carry a force of 1000 men. EDNA GOODRICH DENIES STORY OF ENGAGEMENT TORONTO, Out., Oet. !10. -That she is not engaged to Ralph llerz, the comedian and does not intend to marry him is tho emphatic assertion hoio. today of Kdna Goodrich, the latest divorced wife of Nat floodwin. "Why, I'm not oven sure that I know Mr. Her, by sight," declared Miss Goodrich. "I can't possibly understand how such a htory could have been stnitcd." SAVING CHILDREN mid Mary of the Cross, mother su perior of the institution, who gave up her life in n i'utilo of foil to save a child. About ninety boys and g'rls, whoso ages range from 2 to 12 yours, were housed hi Iho orphanage. Tho flames spiead so rapidly that they weio cut off from thu Jive escapes, A wild rush for iho win dows and stairways wis nindo, the Bisters heroically attempting to save thoir charges. Firo nuts, wore sprrnd, tho sisters forgetting themselves en tirely urging (ho ciiililwi to jump. More than a sooro of them ir.'cncd in this wav. As the last child was lenv. lug tho building; tho walls c lnnid, I SCENES 1ST CONCLUSION HMjii'i - j . '-f-vV? .4&i yx&s XsmrrYW a 'T,wmm-si j . h r, I II II I I III llllll III 111 I I 111 I III UUWUVUU I IIUI l I VI II1IL.I1I MIUI PHINCKTON, X. J.. Ot 30. Ru mors current a wet,c a&o that Mm. Orover Cleveland, widow of the for mer urcildonl of iho United States, was engaged to marry l'rofossor Thomas Preston, head of the depart ment of arehneloR) ami history of arts ot WoIIb College, were con firmed hero today. The dnto of the marriage Is not yet fixed. Mrs. Cleveland, In an nouncing tho engagement, declaring It would be made, public soon, Mrs. Cleveland's maiden namo was Frances Folsoiu and she was mar ried to President Cleveland In 1SSH In the white house. She Is a grad uate of Wolla Collego, of which sho has been a triiBtec slueo 1SS7. Professor Preston Is SO years old nd Mrs. CJovoland 4S. ON BATTLE FED IlKLailADK, Oct. no. Victorious Servian troops, after tho battle at ' Kumanova, piled 6,00Qr Servian and TurklBh corpses Into a gront heap. Bonked thorn with kcrosouo oil and then sot thoin on fire,. according to a mesaago received bore today from tho front. Tho same despatch stated that tho Turks had used tho corpses ot their comrades as breastworks In tho brittle of Kumanova. HEAVY LOSSES OF 11UDA PEST, Oet. 4;i0, llelgrade despatches received hero today ad mit that -1,000 Servians Imvo been killed and 7,000 wounded in the fight ing to date. Military 'oxperts hero figure tho Servian losses, at easily doublo tho figures admitted. The Bulgarian officials so far have pub lished no figures of tlieir losses, but it is estimated hero thoir killed ami wounded will veaoh 2.",000. ADAM BEDE WINNER CAMBRIDGESHIRE STAKES iiMittitnr.nm rv.l 1 r.i on ir, iiAuur.i i, migiiinii, we i. .hi. Adam llede, owned by Louis Wi iinns, tho American horseman, won (ho Cambridgeshire stakes bore to day. J, San Miguel's La Hohemo II was socond and G. ! Ytirdth Drill more third, Thoro wore twenty star- iVIO. OP FAMOUS BECKER iu. , MEXICO CITY, Oct. 00. That General Feb. Diaz and his associate concerned in the rebellion at Vera Crur., will be executed at that place in accordance with the decree of the court martial, is the positive asser tion here today. The prisoners are now confined in .Tunii De Ullo.i prison. Foreign Minister Lnsctirain declar ed today that President Mndcro will interfere no further in the case. The entire matter is now in the bauds of the supreme court, he said, which will discuss the question of jurisdiction. After escnping during the confu sion of (In; battle at Vera Crux, Gen eral Felir. Diaz is now in jail. SUFFRAGETTES' PLAN PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 30. A hip banquet, calculated to attract na tionwide attention on tho closing night ot tho campaign and many other features nuvo been planned for the closing week of the fight for state equal suffrage, by tho Portland Equal Suffrago I-oaguc. The ban quet will bo similar to the Salem affair, which Is already reaching largo proportions. Tho plana for tho banquet will bo decided on do finitely today. Tho quoustlon of having women supervise tho polls Is also under con sideration and will bo settled later. It was stated that mare than a, mil lion pamphlets under twenty head ings are being prepared at Eugene for campaign purposes. E LITTLE FALLS. X Y., Oct. VA Hriital clubbing of women tho firt to mark tho strike of toti!o workers here, today led to u bloody battle between polieo and strikers, in whb'h Policeman Michael Haley was shot in the tliiL'li. John Kenned v stabbed -., . r - in tho bnek and to tho sovero club- bing of Police Chief Long. The trouble was preeipittitjj when a force of mdieo with dmwii dubs attempted lo disperse a bodv ot men and women engaged in picket duty at tlio mills, tjio pieuoters touglit lincK the polieo ignoring sex in an indis criminate use of clubs. A lnury-cnll for reinforcements was sunt to tlio BANQUET ro MY TIL IN H YORK ELECTION DAY OYSTER BAY Oct. M. It wa n minim rod litrv imhiv thai fan it or ' riithtrint AffrtrtiAt -Tummo t Vi York bat. been detained to prosecute any persons neensed of ballot frauds on Tuesday. Colonel Roosevelt said: ''We intend to prqsecute all frauds to the limit. We will not tolerate any repetition of what took place at the spring primaries. Those attempt ing frauds must deal with Rums de tective and iu Rums we have the best man available to prevent illegal voting. "Instead of the old parties watch ing each other, as formerly, they are nut to work in concert. The question of Jerome's politics was not consid ered, Wo want the best prosecutor so we got Jerome." Colonel Roosevelt declared be "feels fine" today. T LOS Ange'.es, Oet. 30. Former City Prosecutor Guy Kddie was ar raigned again today in tho juvenile department of the superior court on the ehnrgo of contributing to the de linquency of Miss. Alma Jones, n De gress. Charles Jones, a railroad porter, husband of the complaining witness occupied tho stand during tho morn ing session. It is expected that the prosecution will concludo its easo to day and F.ddio will tako the stand in his own behalf. Tho dofenso has numerous witnesses, many of them negroes, by whose testimony they will attempt to impeach the leputa- tion of Mrs. Jones. police stations and in the general fight which followed Haley and Ken nedy were wounded and scores of men and women strikers sent to (ho hospitals with broken heads. After tho street rioting bad sub sided, Police Chief Long led u score of his men in a raid on the hcudqiiari tors of tho Industrial Workors of (bo World. Tho strikers fought back, tho polieo finally lodging a score of tho union leaders in jail. Chief Long was struck over the head with ft club and is in tlio hospital suffering from conoussiou of tlio brain. Long charges tho strikers started tho riot ing by stoning tho police. A DATE SET FOR IN 10 Becker Shows No Emotion During Formal Proceedings But Wife Cot lapses Defense Files Notice of Appeal Which Stays Execution. Doomed Police Captain Rushed ta Sing Sine's Death Cell Wife Will Visit Him Frequently. DECEMBER NEW YORK, Oct. .10 Police Lieu tenant Charles F. Becker wni sen- ' fenced today by Justice John W. Goff to die in the cleclric chair somn time during tho week beginning De cember 9 for (he murder of. Gambler Herman Rosenthal, who was shot down before the Hotel Metro pole hero by gangsters instigated by Becker. Sheriff Ilnrburger announced he would start at once for Sing Sing prison with the condemned man. Mrs. Becker, the doomed police official's wife, it was announced, will accompany her husband to the 'dor of the death cell. Shows No Kmtttion ,. Becker showed no emotion during the formal proceedings. lie stood alone before the bar. Ids wife not he tng permitted to stand with him. Mrs. Becker waited unxiously in the sher iff's office for word of her husband's fate, and when told that he must die, she collapsed. counsel, was unable to attend cnurf. as he is confined to his home heart- " broken as n result of the trial. Immediately after sentence was imposed Sheriff Harbhrger rushed Becker from the court (o tho station nnd stnrted nt once with him for Sing Sing prison. Justice Goff ruled that the prisoner might remain in the Tombs for ten days provided-' the sheriff was willing, but Ilnrburger decided against this. Rtisheil to Slug Sing It was ten o'clock wben Justice Goff arrived at the court room, which was crowded, Becker entered the room with (he sheriff, very pnlo but smiling. A motion by Attorney Hart that the verdict be set aside, was denied by the court, as was nUo n motion to arrest judgment. Justice Goff then passed sentence. As soon as he had finished, Sher iff Ilnrburger fumbled nervously with his handcuffs, ready to snap them on Becker's wrists. For this , he was rebuked by Justice Goff, who curtly ordered him to wait until tho formalities were concluded. Then the death warrant was signed by Jus tice Goff and the court clerk. On the journey to Sing Sing prison Decker was accompanied by his wife, who intends to take a houic at Os sining in order that sho may visit her husband frequently. The defense filed a notice of ap peal. This automatically acts as a stay of execution. CHICAGO. Oot. 30. No trace has been found up to noon today ot Charles A. Conway, formerly well known as u professional high diver, and his wife, a vaudovillo singer known as Beatrice Bynll, wanted by tho police horo m connection with tho alleged murder of Miss Sophiu G. Singor, nu heiress of Baltnnoro. A man alid woman unswering tho de scription iof tho oouplo called at n hospital in Minneapolis yesterday. The police are investigating this clue, Tho Singer woman and hor tiance, William Worthen, had occupied Ml apartmout hero together. Thoy were. to Imvo been married today, upd indl, planned to start immediately for Ilal- tiraore, Tho body of Minn Singer..! ' wns found on ConwuY'i bed, hi , had beep killed with n doorknob ini-- provfsed into a "billy." Worthen believes that robbery ivagj the motive for tho murder, i NO TRACE FOUND OF GUILTY COUPLE -i t --1 v !- (I V & m ? I ) , i ' Jl '. it- fe i .... .