Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 29, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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"Sunny Jim" Sherman Reported Dying
UTICA, N. Y Oct, 20. Although
n slight Improvement wan announced
this morning In tho caso ot James
Schoolcraft Shnrman, vice-president
of tho United States who la crltlcal
)y III at his home hero suffering
from brlght'B disease. No forecast
as to the outcome of his disease
from Dr. F II. Peck, Sherman's per
sonal physician. The bulletins to
day Indicated that, although there
was some change for tho bettor, tho
death of tho vlco president at any
time would not bo surprising.
At noon Vlco President Sherman
was resting comfortably, whllo his
physicians hold a consultation as to
his case
Ex-Sennlor Cliuiles W. Fulton ml-
drcsscd a crowd of i!00 on Hnymar
kct square in tins vity last Saturday
nftcnioou during which lie pled fur
the re-election of President Tuft nuil
for the repudiation of Senator Jon
athan Bourne, Jr., independent can
didate for re-election. Mr. Fulton
poko in the opcu air nnd at some
Mr, Fulton devoted the creator
portion of his remarks to Senator
llounie whom lie attacked bitterly.
He used the stock arpumouts of the
nnti-Hournc forces throughout.
(Continued from paga 1.)
Tho whereabouts ot the money Is
proving a stickler in the case. Sey
mour declares that when the three
of them were at tho south end of
Grape street that Dedukalous ap
peared to be afraid of him. "Every
tlino I would creep up on htm he
would get on his feet," he declared
Monday afternoon In going over the
ground accompanied by the officers,
"lie would not let mo get close
enough to hit him. MIko didn't
have tho courage at that place.
Again he was afraid to go Into tho
dark hole on South Front street
with Mike saying that he had too
much money. It's a good thing he
didn't' for I went in first and was
laying for him with my club.
IlrgalBcd Ills Courage
"After he had loft mo for a few
moments near tho depot he seemed
to be no longer afraid of me," con
tinued Seymour," and this led mo to
believe that Dcdaskalous cither gave
tho money to Mike or cashed It
somewhere Ono thing is certain I
didn't get any money out of the
Spanos Insists that ho did not have
a club with him and that Seymour,
alone had a club. Seymour states
that the club found by him In the
rear of the Seattle rooming house Is
his and on Monday he told tho offl
ccrs where to go and find Spanos'
club. Spanos previously positively
Identified tho club found at the
Seattle as Seymour's but failed to
say anything regarding his own.
Tills was probably due to tho fact
that ho claims that Seymour did tho
killing whllo ho was forced to as
sist. First Degree for Tvo
Whether tho authorities will be
ablo to convict Cummlngs as an ac
compllco or not Is a question but
Spauos and Seymour are almost cer
tain to be convicted of first degreo
"I realized tho Jig was up after I
had my first hearing," stated Sey
mour "and I made up my mind not to
let that yellow Greek get away so I
told tho truth of tho matter. I am
willing to tako my mcdiclno but I
don't lutoud that Spanos shall make
uio tho goat."
WW--1 sHiiil:' H
l''"""'"""'""1"""" ! II HI I. .11
Ihtmtilln river, do nrrniiK''l us) to
oofuinnunlnto till tho truvi'l Imlli u
vohielcs or on fool for thoy huvo
wide pussup'S for l'ootmvnt oil ouch
side of llu nuiiii hvitluo. I thm't
know ns 1 otiuht lo try to sny iiii.n
hii willi tvgunl to io Ktiuml-un
n 1 wits not her nt tho lime hut
from wlml I vnu learn il wiw not
only n lUnind-up hut a hohl-up hh
well for I tun lolS Unit Mccpiin;
phu'os were so xenrco tluit nnythiug
like u lied would t'oiuinuud a price
from one dollar up to Us hijh ti
live uoiuirs a iurm, iiimi lit some
instiuices men pniil ns iniu'h n om
or two ilollnrri for I ho piivtho of
sloopinjr u the floor. The inornl of.
fect'of tho Houutl-up is niiio.t tho
oitv for it is looked uhii us u ron
doiivous for all of tho toughs, anil in
conversation with tiovernl of the
hiisincss men w:m tohl that while ih
Itound-up broiiKhl a vast nmotint of
money lo tho city, that tho reaction
is hflini: felt ami thoy seem to doubt
whether it will eventually holp tho
city. Hut I must close for this time.
jTho no.xl time will tell about my trip
i to Pilot Rook and a Rcnernl descrip
tion of the country.
Pilot Rook. Oct. 1'., 1 1)11!.
atod at tho end of tho railroad track
at tin otovatton or 1810 toot, having
raised, la traveling nluotcon miles,
?l feet, It Hcouin to bo a thriving
little vlllugo or town and thoro
Hcouied to ho consldoriihlo IiuhIiiokh
going on an there was eighty took
dinner at tho hotel whoro wo ate
ana at tho other hotel thoy woro
crowded with guests, hut nt thld tlmo
ot thn year thoro Is a great uumher
of pooplo hauling grain to thn depot
and wiirctiouscn us I am now In tho
grain bolt of Oregon. They had a
fire hero about a year ago and It
burned up quite a number of tho old
wooden buildings and tho result U
tliiit many of tho buildings present a
neat, clean iippoarancn, Thoy huvo
una saloon and I saw a sign Near
lloer an a delapldated shack that
looked as though thoy wero about
out of business. They have a neat
frame church building nud arc also
hul'dlug another of stone, but I did
not loam what denominations woro
hero, they havo two general nior
chandtso storca and a hardware
store, n drug ntoro. 'incut inurlmt,
blacksmith shop, food ntablc, two
hotels, etc., nnd arc putting li n
water iiyslcni, nud nro also building
a largo two story brick for n liter
ciiutllo oHtnhllahtucifU Tho town hint
n thrifty uppoiunnvo and Is surround.
od by a Holt farming country, Hut
1 find that I am at tho end of my
allnted spare In writing and have
not told of my trip out to my pres
ent topping place. Hut will, In my
next try to toll of tho country around
horn and out oast of Pendleton In
tho neighborhood of Adams,
Pilot Ilock, Ore., Oct. 1H, to IS.
Our Correspondents
Mrs. Sltafcr of Jacksonville is vis
iting her son, Henry Shafer nmi i';hm-
Mrs. Frost and sun. Mulcom. left
Friday eveuine; for Seat tie.
C. T. Payne hns rcutll, his form
mid will move to Ashland for ihi
Mrs. Kmery Morso left at week
for her new home in Mnrysvillu, Cal
ifornia. C. L. Retimes of Mcdford snout
Friday with friends in town. Mr.
Rennics is a cnudid-i'c fr joint, rcp
rcsntntivc. Mr. Realties is ns-o a
champion of voles for women.
By A. C. llowlett
The last lime I wrote I promised
to tell the readers of the Mail Tri
hune something of what I sow and
heard in Pendleton. I iirrived in
Pendleton on fhc'cvciiiiig of the llth
of October after cnjoviiiL n delight
ful ride from Hood River, a partial
description of which I "ave in mv
last. On my nrrival at Pendleton the
first lltiug that greeted my ears was
a call for passengors to ride to the
different hotels in the city, but I had
my mind made up to o to the How
man, so paid little uttcntion to their
w , ... : . . r , :...:i..i: , ..... n ..
r. rurry, ,i. cjmi'ii nuo i-otus i us hhiii 10 uiko a tree ride to a
vcr arc all m the lulls liuntin- deer stojiping place lor the niphl. After
before the season elo.-os. scetmiig a room mid calling in mv
Mrs. ReaniP-s i-j iiiovin,' into the daughter, Mrs. Lewis, on the photic J
Coleman cottngo .m Pueifie high- blurted otif lo .sec the city. Pcndle-
way. u is a tnnving city of about live
11. L. DoAraond and Dr. liar- thousand inhabitants, situated on the
graves were in town I-ndny. iniauiia river at an elevation of
Tito ludies of the Woodcraft Ci- 'll0 foot and is the comity seat of
ele will give a cafet.ria supper Unmtilla county, mid one would think
Thursday evcuing. to see the throngs of men on the
Tho W. C. T. V. ami Suffrage sheets that it was a city of at least
"Mt ?il I. t t . .. .t in.. I..... A mt . ..
vino win iioiii n jji.u meviiiig .it tut " uih--hiiu. mere seems to tie a
home of Mrs. Ibw .Moore Wcdues- vst miioiiut of business done hero
day afternoon. . I s it is situated in the venter of one
Letters receivej from Mr. mid !f I he 11net grain belts on the coast.
Mrs. Robert Orr ttnte tl.n; they nro
pleasantly located in the suIiuiIh of
Anaheim, Califir.ita.
Mr. and Mr. Bert Hover left the
first of the week for their new home
in Rockport, Eastern Oregon, where
they have taken a homestead. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hover will be much missed
in town.
Mr. David and Mr. Kdwards of
Voungstoivn, Ohio, came here recent
ly and are guests of the Pratt house.
The gcnlcmcn came with a view of
investing in the valley.
The progressive party held a
meeting in the V. O. N. hall Satur
day evening. It was addressed by
several prominent members of the
jtarty in the county.
there are short railroads run
Emil Laiigo of near Mcdford spent
the first of the week with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Lango in
this city,
H. A. Pattisou and family left
Monday evening for their now home
in Cnsllo Rook, Washington, follow
ed by tho bc&t wishes of their many
friends here.
lieu II. Charles of St. Louis, Mo.,
spent a few hours hero Monday eiv
cuing with his uncle, J. H. Holmes
and family.
Mrs. Fjuni Tucker of Oaklund.
California, is vi&iting Mrs. W. E.
Price in litis city.
Hugo Lnugti left Monday lifter,
noon for Oakland, California, to at
tend mi inslituto there,
Mr. and Mrs. Ilroadbent, Miss
Hluokford, Miss Cora Smith, Mrs.
R. Ji. Wilson, Mrs. Qoffe, Miss Hub
bard, Mrs. J. K. Herring, R. C.
Rcattie, Howard Duiilup, Paul Lake
were Hinoug tho passengers on the
Irahj i'rpui hero to Medford Monday
" Mrs. ,L, pj Reoiiio of ?ledford
sjjent Smi'diny with her f.on, R, C.
ujd Mr. Kiae, lu this eity,
R. C. Washburn finished picking
apples on Saturday and will begin
packing today, Monday.
Potato digging has been some
what delayed ou account of rain.
This community will havo perhaps
seven or eight thousand sacks.
The Washburn orchards will prob
ably pack from 15,000 to 17,000
boxes of apples and the small or
chards together will pack around
2000 boxes.
Mrs. G. E. Walling and Miss MkikI-
allne returned ou Saturday from a
two weeks sojourn at Klamath hot
Two Tablo Itoek boys emptied their
guns at a buck on Sunday morning
at a distance of about fifty feet and
then tho deer walked away, Thoy
tried to set their dogs on It which
resulted In a savago dog fight.
A good slzeu crowd gathered at
tho school houso on Saturday even
ing to listen lo a prohibition lecture,
but tho speaker failed to put In, an
appearance. One of tho school girls
took tho. stage and kept the houso
roaring with laughter .for half an
hour with stories and puns,
Mrs. Harriet Loft who spout part
ot tho summer with her winter, Mrs.
O. E. Walling of Tablo Rock, writes
from her home at Williams Ray
Wis., that she encountered heavy
snow on her Journey homo and that
sho did not know how to estimate
Oregon till sho loft it. She will dis
pose of her property which amounts
to considerable and will return hero
to llvo as soon as possible,
Wo hear that Mr, S. O. Collins bus
sold a part of his ranch to Chicago
pooplo. '
There will ba a literary program
at Table Rock Saturday oveulug,
from tho citv in several
different directions. In addition to
that there are hundreds of teams
coming in from almost every direc
tion loaded with grain of all kinds
for the fanners do not confine them
selveh to raising wheat but there is a
vast amount of oats and barley rais
ed here, mid some of the land is very
productive, yielding in some instan
ces us high as one hundred bushels
ot barley to the acre, and on a part
of the Umatilla reservation the wheat
yield averages forty htihlicls to the
acre, but I will havo more to say on
that HitlJject when I Kivc my writeup
of my Irip to Eastland. Pendleton
is emphatically a wet town or city.
The first door I came to on my nay
to the hotel wan a saloon, mid on in
quiry found that the city had only
twelve saloons in it Hint beats
McdWrd for if 1 remember right
Medford has twelve miIooiik and ten
thousand inhabitants, while Pendle
ton has only five thousand. Hut
while they havo twelve saloons they
also have several fine churches and
schools, u woolen mill, two large
louring mills, iron foundry, two dif
ferent railway systems and several
other branches of industry that help
to keep up a city. Tho streets are
hroud and Jn. fine condition and tho
business portion of the city contnins
some very line buildings and every
thing in and around the city shows
that it is in a prosperous condition.
I was fold by one of the advocates
of thu saloon Hint they aro strictly
regulated, that they are not allowed
to have any chairs or tables, no back
entrance, no screens, not opened
over four feet above the sidewalk
ah it is in Medford, but absolutely
open for the inspection f all passers
and are required to vtyso at eleven
o'clock at night and ko-it (dosed from
Saturday night to Monday morning,
aim unit flic saloon keepers would
not sell tiny liquor nl nil On Siindav.
but I took (hut part with a gruiu of
They also havo a fino hrmpilal in
the city that is said to compare with
any lit the state. Thoy have a flour
ishing Catholic school (hat shows up
lo good advantage to passengers
passing along Jh rmlroud. Thoy
uavo a very wide steel bridge across
When 1 closed my last letter to
the Mall Tribune I promised to toll
something about tho town ot Pilot
Hock and tho country surrounding
It, but before I commence to tell
about the town I wish to say some
thing nbottt my trip from Pendleton
to this place, for at this writing I
am at tho farm ot my granddaughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
L. McGowan, slttintod about five
miles from Pilot Hock. The train
that I was to tako on Saturday morn
ing Oct. IS, from Pendleton to Pilot
Hock was about an hour lato nnd
during that tlmo I had nothing to
do but simply wait, the most under-
slrablc task I havo to perform when
I am traveling, but finally every-
thins' was In readiness and I started.
The first flvo miles on tho route
was a retracing of the route of tho
evening before so there was nothing
new to noto, simply going down a
coolcy, that Is the name given to
the deep hollows in this country, thoy
arc simply ravines and aro generally
bounded on each side by rocky sides
giving a solid foundation for the
railroad track, nnd I discovered
that most of tho railroads aro built
on theso places on account of tho
general soil being so soft that It Is
difficult to mako a 'solid road bed.
After passing Pilot Junction we
started on the branch road that
leads to this placo and wo soon be
gan to see some sihall farms, but
thoy appeared to bowery productive,
for lu addltloon to' tho Immcuse
stacks of hay I could see from the
car window thcro seemed to bo a
bountiful Bttpply of fruit and vege
tables of most alt kinds. Tho train
is llko the Pacific & Eastern train,
an accommodation train, and will
stop wherever otic wishes to get on
or off so that I had a good chance
to seo about all thcro was to see
along tho route. There are but two
stopping places on tho tlmo tablo be
twocn Pendleton and this placo, a
distance of nineteen miles, but thore
are several small farms on tho route,
any they show that tho country lu
quite productive for tho houses have
the appcaranco of neatness. The
reader will notlco that I did not men
tion anything about tho barns for
they aro generally, not so Inviting
for whero thoy havo any at all, they
aro simply makeshifts, shacks that
will protect tho work horses from tho
Inclemont weather, and tho hay
stands out In tho weather and Is
covered with chaff to keep tho rain
and snow from penetrating tho hay,
for from what I cau learn In this
country tho winters aro clear nnd
cold with but little rain. On my ar
rival at tho station I found my
daughter, Mrs. James M. Lewis,
waiting for me and wo wero soon ou
the road to tho hotel for dinner.
Tho town of Pilot Hock Is situ-
Health Is the foundation ot all trood
looks. Tho wlso woman realises this
and takes precaution! tpjrne.r.Jaor
health and strength throuch tha re-
rlod ot child bcarlnr. She remalna a
pretty mother by aroldln at tar aa
poislbla tho suffering- and dancers of
such occasions. Thla erory woman
may do through the use ot Mother's
Friend. This la a medicine for
Mtemal application and so penetralia
In ita natura as to thoroughly lubrlcato
very muscle, norre and tondon In
volred durlnir the period before baby
comes. It aids Datura by expanding;
too smn ana tissues, rellovea tender
ness and aorenest, and perfectly pre
pares tho system .
for natural nnd CY?Xful
safo mothorhood. lyw
.rsvrurun;) 35Wend
stores. Wrlto for free book for ex
pectant mothors, which contains much
valuablo information.
Notice Is hereby given thnt tho tin
dorslgnod will apply at thn regular
mooting of tho city council Novem
ber K, 1013, for a license to soil
malt, sptrltottn nnd vinous liquors nt,
32 North Front ntreot, for n period
of six months.
M. & E. J. ADA'MS.
Dated October 32, 1013.
I)r, J, r RedJy
Pass Motuliy.
wan In 0 mnl i
Don't Envy
a Glorious
Head of Hair
Your hair tuny not bo as heavy an
other women's, Young Lady It may
not radiate I tit Ittstronn splendor; It
may not ho fron from ilituilriirt! hut
that's no ransou why you nhoiild
In Paris all women who cure havo
fnHdnutlng hair; In America nJI wo
men, young ladles nnd glrtit who
know about PARISIAN Hugo have a
wealth of brlllluut hair and give
credit whoro credit Is duo; to won
derfttl, delightful PAKIHIAN tinge,
tho Ideal hair tonlo, grower, dandruff
romnvor nud bonutlftor.
Hold by dealers everywhere for
only 50 cents. Chns, Strang nolh
It on unfit oy back pion. It slopti
Kslp Itch Instantly Mid pronorvo
tho tin turn I color Mid beauty or tho
Is Your Wife or Mother
Do you dosiro to go" on rcford ns umiiitniuiiur. Hint
your wife or mother is not Htiffieiontly intelligent to
now whether the people of your community wish
pure or foul food and water, clean or filthy HtrcelK,
good or bad sehool.s, IiouchI or dishonest laws, tem
perance or intemperance, pence- or war, corrupt or
incorruptible legislator. .If your wife or mother can
judge for themselves in these mailers let them have
tho elmiujc.
Vote X 300 on the Ballot
(Paid Advt.)
Portland Equal Suffrage League,
-Mrs. Solomon Jlers1, Pres.
T T f Complete Change of $
U VJT KJ Program Tonight
The Coming of Columbus
The world's most elaborate and most- expensive motion picture. Three reels,
Selig's greatest masterpiece, IJOOO feet. More fine costumes, more people, cost
more to stage than any three-reel fentu re ever made
Two Big Cemedies:
Jn a complete change of Vaudeville to night. Don't fall to see this big feature.
Try This HornMade
Cough Remedy
CoU Mlllf, nut Dim Ike Work
Uulekljr, or ilonejr Reloaded.
November 2nd, A short locturo will
bo Kiveu by Mr. Davla. Admission
Tho weekly concert of tho Tablo
Hock symphony club wau held at tho
residence of Mr. and Rfrs, S, C. Col
lins on Suilduy evoiiluf.
Mir one pint of granulated sucar with
pint of warm water, and stir for 2
mlnuUjs. Put ii'j ounces of Pincx (fifty
cents' worth) In a pint botUoj then add
tho bujfar Syrup. Tako u. tcaspoonful
very one. two or llirco hours.
You will find that this almphj rem
cdy Ukcs hold of a cough mom quickly
than anything clue you ever used. Uhu
ally ends a deep mated cough Iniildo
Of 'i hours. Snlcnilld. too. -for whmn.
liuf cough, croup, clicsi pains, bronchi,
tit and other throat troubles. It fltlm
ulatca thp appetite and Is slightly lax
ative, which hclpa end cough.
This red DO mnW mnrn nn,1 lutlioa
cough syrup than you could buy ready
jnado lor 2.00. It keeps perfectly and
vwuvw fivHouniijr
Plnex is the trout valuablo concen
trated compound, of Norway whllo nine
extract, and Is rich In gualaool and all
the natural pine elements which are so
healing to the membranes. Other pien
aratlons will not work lu this formula.
This plan of making cough syrup with
Tlncx and sugar syrup (or strained
honey) has proven so popular through
out tho United States and Canada that
It Is often Imitated. Hut the old, sue.
ccsiful formula has never been enualcd.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction.
pr money promptly refunded, goes with
this recipe. Your driurirlsfc has Pinex o
SIIIPA ,fc Sf ',"' " VoiJ a Tt
,uv w7 v, HHJTJty IBOy
'-c'At-' r -
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.''.-" '' ... Vf'-'7
, : ;
xx , V.t-.'.
., ,:'.'- '-.V' .is ,
. . :. . . "- .'''
Skfii-&t"PJt1lf 'Sup '
w r
Ay ,'
Wliy Do Such Artists as
Mmo. Gadskl Uso Stoinway
Hocuuhq thoy huvo tho ublllty to
rccob'itlzo auullty,
Wo uro factory roproHontatlvos ot
nil thu plunou wo carry and can huvo
tho jiurohasor f 100 whnii quality and
workniaiialilp aro conuldorod,
'I I