"T 1. J-(I tjfcfii Wlj, a.1- ..ttsatWr . w-vf r-fM- IS f iTOWttt' trrtrjtmtOTt:wtigdto, ftfiBa;TffiafixytoflMWyfi5',t:. : OTWI! S 4 I k tJ 4sst-Ms"--slBFslV . . i-n ssr T ;il j. '-lams g W" V ? ?., iv "V y f s V lb 'i ift r4i Jeff Let His Sense of Humor Get Away WitK" His Judgment rfi ' NEARING ITS END HAUUAJIUNTO, Oct. 20.Tio fol ltiwhiR kIvoh uuiiibrr of euro of do cIiIiioun fruit nliliirt from nil point In California for tlm wiol( (7 ). ii ml I iik I'rlduy ovoiiIuk. Oct. lii, 1012: I'ennt: 1 1 cwrit. Tlio itnr move umiit. U how ntinrltK Itn tiiiil. Tlioro will bo vnry fw moro cnr of thin ttrloty to ito, with tlio octlon of itrtttinrliiK lots from th Banta Clara llArlct. Wcnllmr ilurliiK tlio mttt week liai litn nilvr.i to HlillH'lliR. I.ltthl nlioMr full on tlm :3iiit mill atiln on Him 25th. Tlmy will havo no otliur .'Ifrct tlinu to lnttrfro with tins olpmilrti; no of th? Tokny croji. At Ihlii writing Hit! wrathor U plrnu not nmriiltU fair to remain o for nnrnl ta). Couiinratlvc atutoiniint of lil)- ItH'lltM PEAR - .. I MOVEMENT Oct. Ittth lpu loia Cliwlm 2lbJ 2H',4 Aprlrold 22314 JT, il'pnrhvM 20ilU' 1621 U I'lumn latlil 177.. ft ream 22l2i 3lti (IrnpQM ...M .. HMS A0K9H Mmulry Hi 5Vl Immmm Am.w n 1(1683 1302G?' J Itciil I'Miilo Triuiofera. KelxMMiii KiicIfHtoii to .1. I). KlmotiH, et ii x, deed purl, IjitN 1 mid 'J. Highland park udd., Ahlnnd ,m0 Clyde A. I'uyiiu mid Judith I. I'nyiio to Kllvn t'oppouk, et ir. deed lot in bock "C" Ashland 10 (J. K. Trunk lo Lelllo ,M. Tnifk, deed lot (II, I'rm-htV udd. to Axliliiud 1 .Mitrllm I!. Klliull, ot ir. to V. A. Vork, el ux, deed IoIh' 2 mid .'I, M-etion IB, town 111), hmiIIi .of rmiKV 1 i'tiHt W. il. 1U I.illiuu H. Hteu'iittou to V. A. Jtemlei', el ul, deed lots 11, VI, III, 1 1. 1(1 mid 'JO, Nick el Plain addition, Anhlutid.. .10 M. L. Allot d, et ux, lo V. I., I'lurch, dued, norllieuxt ipmr- ' ter Hoeiloii H, (own .'1(1, soul It nnio -J, we'ht V. Al 10 It, Si'liiilor et ux Id VivM CltiU tiiiil oltureb, Medford, deed, i IuIh 7 mid 8, bloek "", Ale-iU lord 10 ". Ii. l-'i inert to Win. Allele, deed, lnlp, 1 mid D, Miction 1H. toWII 'J(l, hUlllll I'llllL'U 1 went V, Af 10 Hnliy li, Kay et ir, to llmriot (Iraliutn, 5 uerert town !I7, Hoiilh rniiRu 'J, went AI... (100 Alia A, N'uwiiimi et ir, to K. H. Frlil, deed, lot 'J, Con Hlniid miilitinii, Con I nil l'oinl JO United Sltilcs to ( Auslin. land In Huetloii in, town III, Huiitlt I'liiiiu 'J eiiht V. Ar...l'aloiil United Stuti-rt In Miiry K. Wil Hiin, lot 'J, KoiitlieiiHl ((iiartor of uui'tlieiiHt (iiuilur ol' went liall' Hi'titioii J 5, town III, Kuittli raiiKii li eaht Y M... Patent Hulieiteii Al. liioo lo ), M. t Intiro ft ijx, deed, Ioh J J. mid l- liluek , (loltl Hill.. 1 . ChiliUu-H et hx to It. IIul Ionic, porlloiiH or lots 0 mid 10, lilouk 9, Park ud)iiuii M Aleill'oiil .,..,......,..... 1 Kllu It. Cliurney o( vir, o It. If. Afouie, yoiitljinrt iiiuirlqt' of HoutlnvoHt ntiuvis-' w'u'llU -i i it M , , i IOWII ilU, KOIllll JIII1UU t WIJ9JI W. At. 1000 IMHMIMMMtll I INDEPENDENT' HEr-UILlbAN GREET WQ0DW0W WILSON PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20.A roiuoiuloua ci-oyvd ftt (ho Academy NEWS . i . I ' I tm"" -"- . " ; , - . r ' , i - s -zj. t WW ? OH, WHAT'S r BtocvcWo TH i " Hill! II JwMTVofc ' ' ' ' ? -v IPNWY op " ( JT T iown Jn a ' loNtntUMWM.K f , p-MQ E ) THE FMDEPyj O ,. ggtJL CAR. TRACK J to pom. vwtiocrfj ill wait ,md " 'vibli I've old con v "p-f ' i- lk JjK KT" of Munic lioro lat iiIkIU paid a tribute to Uovornr.f WIImoii, Tho inoctliitf won arnwir.od and hold undor tho nuNilcf of tho InKiiv of Indepen dent KKpi'ihllcaiiH. Ollbort F. Hoc, hfothiif-lii-nw of Heniitor ha Kol Intto, nnd Iludolph Kprt'rklon of Call fornlit jtrncodod WIUou with Npcech n hU fnror. (lovemor WIUou In n Hpeccli M tho only iiU'tlon before tho coun try wnn whnfhor tho pooplu trimt tlio men who nro now lendlui; tho deni ocrntlo party or whether they con Hldcrod t'lum nKiio vliiloiiarlca and radical rcforinorii. Tho governor declared when Interrupted with erlea of "How about Hooacvolt?" that ho denied hluiHolf tho pluamiro of dlotMilnc Hooiovult this week. 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tor Coroner. Thcroby aunounco my candidacy for tho ottlc of coroner of Jackson county, on tho Independent ticket. W. V. U83HEH, (I'ald Adyt.) SIIKItllT Auk. I). KiiiKlcr Hoptibllrun nomliioo for sheriff of JackNon county. HoKldencc, Huniict Park. AddrcxH, Mcdford, It. V. U.. No. 2. (Paid, Ad vU) II. IC. IIA.VNA JarkMimllle, (rjgou (llallot No.' G3) Hcptibllcnu Noinjuro for rrosccu(liiK Attorney A uallvo sou who utanda for vig orous, honest, economical administra tion of tho office and Impartial en forcement of al criminal laws. General election 'Nov. 6, 1012. (Paid Advt.) COUNTY TltKAHUItKH IowN Ulrlrh UcRUlnr democrat lu iibnUneo for county treasurer. Jnckaouvlllo, Oro. COUNTY AKHHSSOR Martin MeDonouuh Domoeratlu nomfneo Mr nnsessor of Jackson county. Itosldcuco In Medford. RIIKRIFF A. Jimea Democratic nonilneo for shorlff of Jackson county. Ilcsidouco, Jack souvlllo. (Paid Advt.) ASSESSOR V. T. Orlovo Ropubllcnn nomliioo for assessor for socond term. Rcsldonco, Jack nonvlllo. (Paid Advt.) ItlCPRKHKNTATIVH J. A. WcKterltinil Ropubllcnn nomliioo for ro-oloctlon for statu roprosontatlvo ot Jackson county. (Paid Advt.) JOINT UKPUKHKNTAT1VB Clarence L. Rcnmea Domocratlo nomlnoo for joint rop rflHontutlvo, Jaokuou and Douglas counties, ROBldonco Medford. (Paid Advt.) IX)lt COUNTY CLKRK To tho Voters of Jackson County; Qontlomon, tho time is drawing uonr whon you will bo callod upou to una your host Judgment lu so loottiiK from amoiiK your oltUons, competent poiHonu to till tho various offlcoa ot tho county. Iu this I tujto ploasuro lu ottering myself as tjiq domooratlo cuudldato for the of flco of county elork. in nuking tho pooplo ot tills coun ty to Wnor mo with this position I conio pot to you aa a strangor, but uu'ii nutlvo eon, having spout tho greater portion ot my past llfo among you whom I am now asking to sorvo, My llfo record is opon before you for Investigation. I Jinvo no oxoubob to miiko, no fnvoi-rt to extend, except uourtuouu tvoutuiQUt ftllKv (9 you pup- plo from all parts, of' tho county, No nromlms In milin other than If olectod, I will c,lvo rn'y porsonal (lino and attention to tho duties of tho oflco, and will put forth my best efforts to bco that the office Is con ducted accordlm- to law and liin best of my' ability. hpipcctlvcly yours. V. II. MILLER. (Paid Advt.) COUNTY ItKCOHIHttl yryd L. ColvlK Hnjmbllcnn nomlucd for county rccordpr. second'torm. JCxtrnU from rpport of J. II. Wil ton, expert Accountant for Jackson county; "Mr. CoIvIr'h books havo been cxcolfciitly kept. In all my oxperlcnco I havo found but ono re corder's offlco with so good a rec ord." (Paid Advt.) VOll CONHTAIILK John II. Ilellliigcr Republican nonilneo for constable Medford district (Paid Advt.) COUNTY' JUDGE Frank L. Tou Velio Domocratlc nominee- for county Judr.o. (Paid Advt.) Medford Pnntlnc compaay earry hill lln of leI blank. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: Ono cent per word per insortion; 50c the line by tho month. VOn KENT FUKNWma ROOMS yOH RUNT Largo Bleeping room. si.fiO nnd 2 per wonk. Modern housckcQpug apartments, $12 nnd )1C. Home phono 20U-K. 222 Houth Holly. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, lad les only. Call mornings. -122 South Laurel. FOR RENT -Large Bleeping roora, 51. CO and ?2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartmonts, $15 and $10. Home phono 26C-IC 322 uoutn uony. FOR RENTV-Nlcoly furnished front room lu modern homo, closo In. Call afternoons or evenings, 435 N. Central, phone 2082. . 192 FOir"itKNT FUUMSIIKD APT8. FOR RENT Smith ApU. J17 8. Rlv, FOR RENT. FuniUhca apartment now, prlvato hath, hot water heat. Tho llorbcu Apartment, 10 Quince St, cornor West Main. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE One of tho best board lug and rooming house proposi tions In Medford. Address E. J euro Mall Tribune 172 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comtortablo of flco rooms with elovator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Fiirnl turo & Hdw, Co. NEW TODAY A fluo oloso lu warehouse sit S. P. truck now to cornor ot plnuo, lot 75x100 foot, with u tlvo room col tago on tho placo and only $1000. Of). A five room cottage, well built and plauturod, east trout, on North Riv erside, botwoun tho bridges, paving and aowor paid. This lu an Idoul npuitmuut house site, $1275.0. A party with two bonnes on throe acres of ground In Medford, lots ot fruit Tho property la clear, and valui'd at $1000.00, would trado for u good uiilmproYoo( luvol tract nt about $50,00 uu aero. G. D. HOON Hooni 1'J, Ju.vkim County lUmk Uldy, FOB FtKN-I ntrtJ!ll2 FOR RENT Ott our rental list. Medford Realty & Improvement Co. FOR RENT--1 room bungalow, 0 room house, can furnish. Also furnlHhcd 'rooms. 337 West 10th. 13? FOR RENT-rFurnlBhed 5 room cot- lixiii tnAitarn RID If In.. Rt ' tnw -v-,i;f " .", -t FOR RENT Furnished house closo In. 00 North Orange. FOR RENT A nix room modern liouso with sleeping porch. Call at 219 Talent street or phono Roll 1143. 18!) FOR RENT Modern five-room house.' M. A. Rader, at AL F. & II. Co. FOR RENT 10 room lioust. rear of Farm oro & Fruitgrowers bank, inllablo for business, real estate, boarding of rooming bouse. Gold Ray Realty Co., Ctb and Fir sis. FOR RENT Two room bachelor home. 2H West 8tn street Seo White & Trowbridge. FOR RENTilodcrn two story dwelling. Hot and cold water, lawn and (recs. 220 Laurel St. Beo White & Trowbrldgo. FOR REN! Six room nouso and barn.' Jnqulro G03 Clark St. 193 FOR l!NT Seven room houho, sleeping porgh on Oakdale avenue. Seo or phou Col. Sargent. 191 FOR RENT Nicely furnished six room cottage, close In. 129 Sonth IVy St. 7. 101 FOJt IENT -Kurulshcil four room modern bungalow Jlfi.CO with water rent paid or $15.00 without. Call -at Ci and 10 cent store. 1SS FOR RENT Two room house, or will sell on -easy monthly pay ments. 130 W. Main. 192 FOR RENT MISCKLLAniJOCS FOR RENT IS room flat over El fort's tailor shop, 207 West Main. Seo White & Trowbridge. FOR RENT Ranches large and mail, alfalfa and gardon lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnlBhod hotol on percentage. Gold R,ay Realty FOR 8ALK ACRKAGB FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property,' from $5 per acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR SALE A Beautiful building site just east 'of Medford city limits. High and sightly, portcct drainage, tine view of Medford and tho Tralley, building restriction on adjacent property. Throo lota measuring 40,Q00 square foot or noarjy an acre Fronting on Jack son Boulevard which will bo ono of the finest' drives In Medford whon tho now Hear Crook brldgo Is complotod. This property can fo purchased for $500 down long lino am) oaBy terpiH on balance Thts cannot pa pont for a high grada residence location. Address P. O. pox 702, Jiod(oriJv Oregon." FOR SALE 20, acres free soil un improved, close'td city limits. Will take good medium pricou i pass enger auto for first paymont Ad dress lldx 10,RlpTrlbuno, 190 WK 4f--hAl!? V'OR SALE Houst, and two lots W. 10th St., Medford, nt a bargain, tonus. .Box 3GX Contral Point, Ore'. ' " 195 FOR SALB-aiJert9ii fitrm. 100 acros part In cultivation, 7V6 miles from Sllvertoii, Ore.i would consider good'city property as part paymont- 'Price $57Q0.0O. Gbpd uhnnro fbr a dairyman. In- Sfto,? SlU,,-S" T19' ?hlb 18 FOR 8l4-JIOUSK8 . FOR SALE 4 room House and 16t, 5 $600.00. Gold "Ray Roalty-qo.. Sixth and Fir. - ' t( FOl?. SLE Houses, Jlavo a 5 ropm modern eottago and C lots closo In on N. iRlverbldo for $50, $300 down, balaneo Ilka rent. Tho lots ulone. are worth more mnnoy.thuu Is belpg asked for- all ,ot If. Goo. O. Cornltlua, 1H3 K. tfH) Ht.'root. l: 1?1 FOR SAIJEjHouho 'of H0V9U roono, niodornlJdQUuto 'Billot, gbod toll. cM $!?'000;.op,V Offer for nit6k wi)i tt $1lr(i. IClghteou hundroll eaah. balunco llkp rnt- Address E., ca.ro. MU Tvlbuip, FOR BALE UiaVEl&JkStXOVn FOR SALE X $150 Ludwlg piano at $150.00, easy payments, good condition. Leaving' town, P. O. Hox 187. FOR SALE Ticket to San Francis co. 1 on can get on tracu or it at the Mail Tribune. 1881 FOR SALE Fiirnlturo of'an S-room house, all practically, now. Also a Ilaby Grand Fisher piano. Pre fer to sell In a lump, but would sell single pieces. Call at 72C AV. 4th street. 188 FOR SALE Ono milch cow, one double set of buggy harness. Call or phone, J. II. nelllnger. 172 FOR SALE 2 wood stave water tanks. Inquire water department or recorders' office, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE Roll top office desk and typewriter. Call at 204 S. Central or phone 239-L. 172 FOR SALE $5000.00 Jackson coun ty warrants for sale at 95c. In quire at Tribune Office. 1S2 FOR SALE 150 tons of hay and pasture. Hclkey raucb, Applegatc P. O., D. A. Wood. J 199 FOR BALE Disc plow and rubber tiro English go-cart Pacific phone 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger an tomobllo almost new. Bargain for cash. Hoi SO, Tribune FOR SALE Reclcancd seed wheat. rye. oats, vetch. Scbnildt Feed store, Medford. FOR SALE Corn. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Wood. All orders filled promptly. Dr. Helms, 112 North Fir. Phouo 2S7-K. WAXTKD H1SCELU4 S EOCb WANTEl) Hay ranch for cash, bot "tbm land preferred. Box C. J., care Mall Tribune. 190 FOR SALE Fancy Club seed wheat, beardless barley, good grain and alfalfa hay, barley straw, all baled at Regar ranch, 3 miles west ot Medford. 202 WANTED To buy sand. Work hero 12 to 13 hundred. T. B. Neal, Contral Point 188 WANTED Confinement cases to nurse, no objection to light house work. Price reasonable. Mrs. E. Nahss, 140 S. Holly, phone 20C-X 210 WANTED Competent housekeeper for family of three Address P. O. Box 257, Medford, Ore. WANTED Vnshing aud Iroulng dono nt 4S North Oakdale, cor ner Sixth. 18S WANTED Room and board in pri vate. famly, box 40, caro Mall Trlbme ' 188 WANTED To buy, spring chickens, roosters or pullets. J. II. Lyons. Phoeulx. WANTED Sowing by tho day or at home Will do mending, darning or iiomstttchiua. 319 S. Ivy. Phono 286-K. 205 WANTED To trade gray maro about 950 pounds and a good travolor for horso or marc about 1250 pounds for farm work. If a first cliihs nnininl will nnv (llfforencfl. Phono or wrlto Llhorty Orchards. h iVANTED 'Barrels and half barrola for vinegar, any quantity from 1 to 20. Phono or write Liberty Orchards. WANTEIV-To Rent, by family of 3 adults, modorn houso ot 5 or b rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Must bo on payed atreqt and havo n barn. Not too close In, will pay reasonable rent, or would take first cIiibs carp of a homo for par ties who would llko to go away for tho winter, A. P. W.t caro Mall Tribune ' 189 FOR KACUAIVG FOR BXCIfANUV- Modern G room bungalow to oxehniigo tor small tract closo In, Box 15", phono 109-K. 188 FOR EXCHANGE llayo 40 acres uear Woodvllle Will' ako $10p0 In stock, horses, cattle or hogs. Balance $1500 yory easy. 20 acres ot this la improved and has build ings. Goo. C. Cornltlua, 123 E. Main Street- ' ' 191 FOR 'EXCHANGE Small Improved ranch or realdouco for auto, Cark Realty Co. '" ' ' ' 189 ' i" My" FOUND Ladles wajcji aud pin, Jn- quiro ftt'Trlolmo'ilfJso." . n MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY TO LOAN Hare $2500 to loan on city or. ranch property on long time at current interest E. 8. Tumy, 201 Oarnett-Corey Rldg. 191 MONEY TO LOAN On city proper ty and closo la ranch property. C. A. Knight, 801 East Main. 20G MONEY TO LOAN On real estate I bavo one fund of one thousand and one of three thousand on hand, be sides larger amounts. Call on or address me at Hotel Medford. B. L. Dodge. 196 MONEY TO LOAN On city and close in ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3681. MONEY TO LOAN $3,000 to loan on gilt-edged city or country pro perty. 8 per cent A. S. Bliton. FOR SAX.E OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TItADE 1 boiler return flue, 15 h. p. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p.. In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville, Ore., or call on Chris Ul rich, Jacksonville. 209 LOST LOST Saturday afternoon, a child's new raincoat Reward It returned to the Mall Tribune office. BUSINESS UIMEXrrOKX Accountants D. It WOOD-s-Geaeral Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure:' yoar business solicited. Offlco, Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; resi dence pbone 6302. Auto .Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest Use our springs when others talL Sold under guarantee. 26 North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAfiSltAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville. Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phone:, Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WH. P. MBALEY Attorncys-at-Law, Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. ' MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Room3 11 and 12 Jackson County' Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto pulldjng, Medford, Oro, Civil Engineer LUISWTWHlTlSO Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator tilings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oregon- Bill Poster VERNE T. CANON BUI Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly fillod. Room 29 Jackson County Bank b)d.. Bedford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. It HEDGSS. Ul. Louise fcl, Hedges, Mechano-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Sppndylothcraplsts, Those systems', Including dietetics, ciira tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute aud chronic diseases. Consultation free 230 N. Bartlett street, pex.t iloor to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. tn. to 6 p. in. Other hours by ap polntmout. Bell phono 'Main 4171. DR. R, J. LOOKWOOD, Chiropractor, uorvo specialist Rooms 203-04 05 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and'BcIentitlo massage given; advice In dietetics, mod leal gyiu natitica, 'hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. 'Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973.' ' ' Chinese MotUcluea CHOW XtfuTfG!SC"hiWee metRcine 'will cure rheumatism, ' catarrh, colds, gotture, h throat and' lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases aud all kqds of chroplc and nervous allmouls, ' Stomach trouble, constipation," Indigestion', womb and bladder troubles'.' See nm at Ml H., Front ati', Medford Ore, to 4. U;30 to 7:30. Residence Phouo Main 4U,V x ' "' T '" B'Bijd" fr isKP& Busixfl pntKcroitr Deanm DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO 1 DR. C. C VAN 8COYOO ' Dentists Oarnctt-Corey bldg., suite 219, Medford, Oregon. Both Phosea- DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANB Death. Office In Rialto bldg., 123 EL Mala. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 681. Night phone 44.32. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Oeo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick aad lime. Office at their" brick yard, West Jackson at Pbone No. 3461. Garbage GARBAGE' Gel 7our premises cleaned 'up for the summer. Call pn the city garbage wagoaa for good service. Phone Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. -- Jiotatr IfabOc HELBN N. YOCKB1 iNoiary Pub lic Bring your work to me' at the leu of The Mall Trlbunn Tffaraerle QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out We are not In the trust II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. Printers and Piibllsltcre) MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa th beat equipped job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., eta Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians and Btu-geoHa DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppe bldg.. rooms 210-211-312. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. zn. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOWHsteopathle Physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.. phpno 27S-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Bank Bldg.. rooms 17-1S-19. phono 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109. office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyaiclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Ja. D Practice limited to diseases of womfea. Offices over Haaklus Drug Store. Office Phenes: M.' 1001, toniiaut Residence phone Mala 5712, offlco Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physician and Surgeon. Prectlca limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically testoj and glasseg supplied. Office 228 E. Main St Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ra. Both phones. E R. PICKER. M. to. Office Jack son County Bank. Office ' phoae M. 432'; Res. phone, M. 582. r ' DR. J. W. J. MARIQN Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 and 6 Kentnor bldg. Office hours' 10 to 12, 2 to 5, Phone, Bell 271. Acsldenco phone Bell .2J3. E. KIRCHGBSSNBR. M. p. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Disease. Office Hotol Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmor 16xx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River qe. HERMANN F. RATTO, K. D. Of flco over Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res,, Hotel Holland. CLARK B. SAUNDERS M. D., Prac tleo tllinlted to Eye, Ear, Nose sad Throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished whon needed, Garnett-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phonos, Medford, Ore. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Pal block. Stenographic work dose quickly and woll. .ft Traasler EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Of flee 16 South Fir, Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prises right Servjce, guaranteed, UHttertakerB' JOHN A. PBRl UaderWKsV ii wmuaimer. uuice aa powis left -st TfllepkOHSs; 'Day, 47,15 lKllt. rsU)aa, JM Home 17H-L, QhIIs answered Or day.. AU4Uuiue ssrvHja, , ' . .i" m : v , t Al '- .. -'StW t F M -. c & il t al f. 9- i.J -i . a