" " . Anybody Knows -It Doesn't !! - III I HM.!....! IHIlMW.i...llllll1Wllll.llllll I I 111W.II ' ! ' " Ml. I ';'" -I ! I I I! !!.!.. ).-MM.I 1 I - 1 1111 - -J) 1 1 ' '-" - "- ' j conliir'n offlco wihftO good n rcC-IFOB HBNT rVHMrimCfc NOOM8 FOR SALS XISCSUjAXXOUS FOR KXCWAWOB I BUflLNBWfl DIRKCTOKY 1I1IRI1I UlanlRRR Mill! finHUUHLLHLn I d. I firil " I .... -.- , .. ....-. ... . .n. I nMmm. . km-wi ra i-ra rpm.1 Advn CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. .Mr Charley nucl MUn Myrtle. Iliiil len, Mr. Adam, .Mrn. l.un.v Wll liiinm, Mr. cif iI .Mr. J. T. William, Mr. Ki'iiii.'lli Heche mill htalcr Dotix, Mr, (loo. l'niik.'.v, MIh Hurr, Minx Hlnokford, Mi.N Marguerite Ijnluuitf, MUh Olntlyn Holme, riiwnce I'nn liny were nuioiiir the niiinv of our i-illciiH tlinl khiiI Saturday itl'lcr in.. hi in Mc.ir.iKl. Miirlt I'urry of Alilninl, vWli-tl J. K. Smith niul fntnilv Itixl of llu wi't'k. V. l 'liil.-ni,l. i.f IMrlliiihl vmi I lik moilicr Mr-. It. M. Wliil.wi.l, iiii.I lilu lirothor K. (1. Wliilol.lo llic firxt of thin mi'k. V. II. N'JiriritMH niul .1. K. Itokwolt Iiiivii H'liirtii'tl from llii'ir hunt on upir Klk Creel;. II. II. i;ilt-vor(h mmlc n IniHitiehs trii inutli tin firM of llm wwU. Tito Mi-i'M IChllior mill IVitrl I'mi key npftit Siimlny with friend- in tho north (ml of tint (oinitv. l lu l'n rrn . (tfi, hinly mill Dill Piinkov tiro nil it limit on niMwr I'viida itim'U thin week". i I-Vcil l'n rrn, I'loyil Hiihh mid Mr. Sinilh, ilr., left Smnliiy inornln for it limit in the vicinity of tlirt ity uf ""UttStio'lflvrr.,' " ' ' - -t - t llm nmv rrPMiyU'rinii rinirrli wiih (leilictilt'il h'r Suntlny. A liirpi' iiiiiiiImt of our cttirriiN uurc ment u( tin ilc.licntion. . Tim lm.v' I'oiifcriMiCP which was hciil hell' tho Inst of lln week irovuil to lio it (jirnt Mivri'Xri. Mnny hoys fnnn tlm near (owiim wen hero in nt tomliim't'. Tlif l.utlifh' Auxiliury ilo Murvii much uicilit in thu way tlu'y niiiniiKi'il thix nt I uic. A nniHH incot inu' for ohlcr hoyx mih hclil here nt tin IluptiM churcli Sunday after nn.iii mill wax attomlcil hy a luro ilclcntinn of our own citizen nml tn vUitinu Imi.vh of tho coy con frM'iH'o wlui much iipiirci'inU'il tht ailo mlilrcsH of I. It. IIIkmIcx, Hlato Mfcrclar.v of tins Y. M. C. A. Deputy (laum anil Kin!i Wiirilmi Sum Samly npent Sunday afternoon hen. Will Swill of Mwironl ami Lester hiltlellelil of Talent went Sunday iiilurrt heie. . Many of our inioplo took mlvaut iifjc of the pnd weathur Sunday and spoilt the iitlcnioon in Medford, Dopnrlmeut Aildwl to Mwlfonl llwil ty .V Improvement Co, ,, OivIuk to tho rapid Incrcaso ot v htiHlninm tho Metlford Itealty & Im pravouiQiit company Iiuh decided to open a elty real catato depnrtmont. , Thu comimny htnrtod two yonrs uko wth a capital or $2C,000 and Iiuh Ipillt homu of Modford'a moat Uuniitltul hoini'B. Tho InrKo volumo pf himllioxH nccPsnltated tho iloub llnj; of tho cotiipuny's capital to 150, 000. , It In now owner nml innniiRor of Queen Anno Addition, Hluhcroft Ad dition, fliimmltt Avonuo lloluhtii Ad ltlon, nH well iih aovoral othor Hcat torlim pIocoh In tho city. Work will coiumouco thlB week on tho erection of a fonr-atory brick wnrohomui at tho corner of Twelfth and Front BtreotH, ixnh Medford will bo tho proud poHDCHMir of ono of tho moBt uioderii fireproof warohoiiBOH In tho otatu. , Tho company haw oaBlom conncc tloim which aro roiuly to Invost whenovor a foaHlblo proposition Ih Bliown. Dan J.obo hn roturnotl from San FmiioUca to tako oharfio of rtintaln niul, liifluranco, alHttiiK "In brothor, '9harMm a. Lobo, who hn,a ably nmn nitoil tho conipnny. Notlco' To Fruit nrowow. Tho OariiotUCoroy linrdwaro lmvo tho nKonoy for llm lnn l'owor Spray nmohlnoB, tho boB$ machine unulo, uud lmvo ordered a car to come for rurd Novomber lat. Thoy wjll Ifla-i-ly allow tho working, of thoBO oua ohlnoB and ijuoto tho boat prices. Btoro comor Main nncj arapo irtrppU For Coroner, ""l"horohy announce my candidacy, for tho offlco of coroner of Jackoon county, on tho Indeimnilont tckot. " W. W, UBSIIKIt. (Fold Advt.) HIIKitlFF Aiik. D. SlnKlrr Itopublleun no pillion, for nhorlff of JucltHon county. Jtculdouco, Hiinset Park. AddrcBN, Medford, It. F. I)., .o. 2. (I'nld Advt.) 11. K. II ANNA Jnrknuuvllle, Oregon (llnllot .No. a:) Itcpiilillran .Noiuliiwi ror l'rouecutliiK Attorney A uatlvn Hon who ntnndu for vIr oroiii, houeit, economical adinlnlstra tlon of tho offlco and Impartial en forcement ot nil criminal laws, (leneral election Nov. f, 1112. (Paid Advt.) COUXTV TUKAHUIIHK ImIh I'lrlrti HeRtilar ilemocrutlo nnmlueo for county treimurer. JnckHonvllle, Ore. CXUSTV ARSTSSOll Martla MclktaoURli Domooratlo nomluco for saictior of JacktoR. county. Jtealdence - in Medford. , SIIFRIFF W. A. Johcm Domocrntlo nomlnoo for sheriff ot Jackson county. Residence, Jack sonville (Paid Aiivt) FOll COU.NTV CMCUK To tho Voters or Jackson Ceunty: aentlemen,- Jhe tjno U drawlnR near when you will bo called upon to iiso your host Judgment In se lecting from unions your cltlsons, competent persons to fill tho various offices ot tho county. In this I tako pleasure in ofrering myself as tho ilemocratlo cnndldnto for tho of flco of county olork. In asking tho pcoplo ot this coun ty to honor me with this position I coino not to you ns a stranger, but, as a native son, having spont the groator portion ot my past life among you whom I am now asking to servo. My Ufa record Is open bofore you for InvoHtlgatloni I havo no excuses to make, no favors to extend, except cqurteoiifl treatment nllko to you pco plo from all pnrts of tho county. No promises to inako other, thau It elected, 1 will give my personal tlmo ami attention to tho duties ot tho office, and will put forth my best efforts to soo that tho Offlco Is con; ducted according to aw and the best o( my ability. Respectively yours, W. II. MILLER. (Paid Advt.) ABSKHSOU W. T. Orlovo Republican nomlnoo for assessor for second term. Residence, Jack sonville. (Paid Advt.) HKl'KESKNTATIVH J, A. Wcstcrliind Republican nomlnoo for ro-eloctlon for statu representative of Jackson county. (Paid Advt.) JOINT HKI'UKSUNTATIVH Clarence L, Ileumcs ' Domocrntlo nomlnoo for joint rep resentative Jackson , nud Douglas countlou, Healduuco Medford. (Paid Advt.), COUNTY lUiCOltDER Fred 1. Colvlg Republican uouiluoo for county recordorK second torui, Extract from report of J. II. WH- ttnn nrnnrl HrenilnlutlL for JackBOU Y"I l'" -..... .- .-. -- ceunty: "Mr. Colvlg'a books have peon ex,cellentiy jcopt,. jn numy ox'porlonco I have fouud hut oho re- MEDlTOItD MOTJ TRIBUNE, Cost a Dollar to FOll CONSTAIIM8 Joint II. lU'lllnger Hopubllcau tiomlnfo for coustubln, Medford district. (I'ald Advt.) COUNTY iimtlK Frank L. Tou Velio Democratic uomluco for county Jndgo. (Paid Advt.) Medford Printing company carry a full linn of lens! blanks. FOR hUZXl HUTJ8I FOR niONT-lwl our rental list. Medford ltejlty & Imiirovemi'iit Co. FOR IIKNT 4 room bungalow, f room houHe, can furnish. Also furnished rooms. 337 West 10th. 199 FOR RKNT C room modern house, gus and electricity, screened HlcupliiK porch, east front, fine shade, close In. Owner 318 Lau rel. 18V FOR RKNT rFurnlshed 0 room cot tngo modern, G1S King St. FOR RKNT Ftirnlshod houso closo In. GO North Orange. FOR RKNT A blx room modern , houso with, sleeping porch. Cull at 219 Talent street or phono Ret! 1H3. 189 FOR RENT Modern five-room house, M. A. XUder, at M. F. If. Co. FOR RENT 10 room house, rear of Farmers Frultgrowors bank, suitable for business, real estate, hoarding or. rooming bouse. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 6th and Fir at. FOR RKNT Two room bacholor homo. 214 West 8th street. Sco White & Trowbrldgo. FOR RKNT -Modern two story dwelling. Hot and cold water, lawn and trees. 220 Laurel St. Sco Whlto & Trowbridge. FOR REN! Six room nouso and barn. Inqulro G03 Clark St. 193 FOR RENT Seven room house. Hleeplng porch on Oakdale avenue. Sco or phono Col. Sargent. 191 FOR RKNT Nicely ftirnlshod six room cottago, closo in. 129 South Ivy St. 191 FOR RENT Furnished four room modern bungalow $10.&0 with -water ront paid or 1 15.00 without. Call at C and 10 cont store. 188 NEW TODAY SlOO ACRK FARM IN JOHNSTON COUNTY, KANSAS Locntwl nt DtsSota, UO Mllw West of KniiNaN City, Mo. Do Soto, Has a Population of 1000 On main lino of A. T. & S. F. Ry., and two and n hair miles from town. Electric Hue building within u halt mllo of tho farm. Tho Farm Thrco hundred acres, of grain nud stock laud. 200 ncres In crop, and tho remainder nvoodod pasture, nil grass, and on a deep creok, no- overflow. Deep rich, black soil, C to 8 foot deep. 75 acres of corn this year will go GQ bushels to tho ncro. No crop failures known. Houso ot G roomB good houso. Darns, uhedB, corn cribs, granary. Good family orchard of apples, pears nud poaches, and Vi ucro of groped, Ik rented thin yoar on shares, and will net about $2750.00. Price $31,000.00. Wilt tako $19L000.00 worth of loRuo Rtvor Valley orchard, nud lot 112,000 run for five years nt C per cont, Tho now electric lino now bolng J u I It, wilt almost double tho prlco ot thlB lunch.. G. P. HOON Room IS, JncksoH Ceunty Hunk llldg. MHiDFOBD, OKEgON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 3912, Goto Union Hill FOR RKNT Larj;r sleeping room, 11.50 and .J2icr week, Modern housekeeping' apartments, 112 and 115. Home phone 2CC-K. 222 South Holly, i FOR RENT Furnished rooms, lad les onlj, .Call mornings, 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT harp sleeping room, si.iiu ami sz per weoK. .vioaorn housekeeping BpnrtmonU, $15 nd $1C. Home phone 2C0-K. 222 South Holly. FOR IlKXTFUflMSIIKD APIS. FOR RENT Smith Apis. 217 8. Rlv. FOR RENT Furnished apartment new, prlvato bath, hot wator heat. Tho liurhen Apartment, 10 Qulnco St., corner Wet Main. nUSI.NK.1S 0PP0RTCNITD38. FOR HA L1C One or the best hoard ing and rooming house proposi tions in Medford Address E. J., euro Mall Tribune. 172 FOR KBNTOFKJCE8 FOR RENT Largo, comrortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENTts-msCKHAHBOCa FOR RKNT1G room flat over EI fcrt'a tailor shop, 207,Weat Main. See Whlto "Trowbridge. FOR RENT Ranches large and small, alfalfa and gardes lands. Gold Ray 'Realty Co., cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR BULK ACItEAQB FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property, from $5 per arro, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR SALE A beautiful building slto Just east ot Medford city limits. High and sightly, perfect dralnago, flno view ot Medford and tho Valley, building restriction on ndjaccut property. Three loU nicoaurtug 40,000 square foot or nearly an acre. Fronting on Jack-. . son Boulevard which will bo one ot tho finest drives in Medford whon tho new Bear Creek brldgo Is completed. This property can, bo purchased for $500 down long time and easy terms on balance This cannot bo beat for a high grado residence location. Address P. O. Box 702. Medford. Oregon. FOR SALE 20 acres trco noli un improved, close to city limits. Will tako good medium priced 5 pass enger auto for first payment. Ad dress Box 10, Mall Tribune. 190 rOK 8AI sjANI) FOR SALE House and two lots W. 10th St., Medford, at a bargain, terms. Box 253, Central Point. Oro. 195 FOR SALE ICO acrer, stock and al falfa ranch, ample water, 90 ncres flno bottom land, $50 per acre. ICO acres, 80 acres tillable 20 acres bottom, $050. 20 ncres at Yoncalla, buildings, 15 acres flno bottom, trado for city or ncrenKO, valuation $3500. Clnrk Realty Co. 20G Phlppa Dldg. ISC FOR BALK HOUSES FOR SALE 4 room House and Jot, moo. 00. Gold Ray Realty Co., 81xth and Fir. FOR SALE Houses. Havo a 5 room modern cottago and 5 lots closo In on N. Riverside tor $950. $200 down, balance ltko rent. Tho lota alone aro worth more monoy than Is being asked for all ot It, Geo. C. CornltlUB, 123 E. Main street. 191 FOR SALE Sovon ruom nouso. now and modern. 'Well located. Largo lot, sire fifty by threo hundred and olghteon foot. Heop, rich Bell Twenty-two fruit treea from two to throo years old. Cost $2550.00 will soil halt cash, half ltko rent and prlco tho place at $2350.00. AddroBs Box E.,'caro Mall Tribune FOR SALE Houses. 5 room mod- orn cottuge and 5 lota only $950. Good location on N. Riverside. This Is an oxcellont buy. Goo, O. CoriiotitiB, 123 E. Main streot. Phono C031. 187 WANTED SITUATIONS., WANTEU Position of boiho kind by mlddleaged man, havo had exper loncQ In gonoral storo work and know how to handle tho people, can do most any kind of 'work. Phono 14-K. 187 FOR SALE Ono milch cow, one double et of huggy harness. Call or phone, J. H. Relllnger. J72 FOll SALE 2 wood atone water tanks. .Inquire water, department or recorders' office, Medford, Ore, FOR SALE Roll top ofHco dek and typewriter. Call'at 204 S. Central or phono 239-L. 172 FOR SALE $5000.00 Jacknon cdun ty warrants for sale at 95c. ' In qulro at Tribune Office. 182 FOR SALE Fqr your, pressing needs. Bring your barrel and wo will fill It wltn .clear, sweet cldor for 12 cents a gallon. Get your stock for your own vinegar now. Uagley Canning Co., Talent Ore. 187 FOR SALE 150 tops pf hay and pasture, Helkey rartch, Applegate P. O., D. A. Wood. 199 FOR SALE Wo havo n row stand ard sewing machines to close out at cost. These machines are guar anteed and will be a bargain to those who set them. Garnett Corey Hdw.. Co. FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tire English go-cart. Pacific phone 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger aut tomobllo almost new. Bargain for cash. Box 80, Tribune. FOR SALE Reclcaned seed wheat, rye, oats, -vetch. Schmidt Feed storo, Medford. FOR SALE Bay horse, 7 yei-i old, wt, 1600 lbs work single or dou ble, woman c"i-J handle, price '0, cash o time. E. E. Morri son. R. R. No J bpr 47. Med-f-rd, Ore. 187, FOR SALE Corn. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Wood. All orders filled promptly. Dr. Helms. 112 North Fir. Phono 287-K. WANTED M WCKLlA NBOTJB FOR SALE Fancy Club seed wheat, beardless Parley, good grain and alfalfa hay, Parley straw, all baled at Regar ranch, 3 miles west ot Medford. 202 WANTED To buy sand. Work here 12 to 13 hundred. T. E. Neal, Central Point, 188 WANTED Confinement cases to nurse, no objection to light house work. Price reasonable. Mrs. E. Xahss, 146 S. Holly. 21p WANTED Compotent housokcepor for family of threo. Address P. O. Box 257, Medford, Oro. WANTED Washing and Ironing dono at 4S North Oakdale, cor ner Sixth. 188 WANTED Room and board In prl vato family, box 40, caro Mall Tribune. 1SS WANTED To buy uomo good busi ness, groceries preferred, have? some good city proporty to trade and some cash. Address T. B., caro Mall Tribune. 187 WANTED Land. Will pay cash rent for 80 to 160 acres In this valley. Profor somethiug partly In alfalfa. Will purchaso later. Address Geo. C. Cornetlus, 123 E. Main streot. 187. WANTED To buy, spring chickens, roosters or pullets. J. H. Lyons, Phoenix. WANTED Sowing by tho day or at homo, Will do mending, darning or homstltchlng. 319 S. Ivy. Phono 286-K. . 205 WANTED To trado gray maro about 950 pounds and a good traveler for horso or maro about 1250 pounds for farm work. It a first class animal will pay difference. Phono or write Liberty Orchards. WANTED Barrels and halt bnrrols tot vinegar, any quantity rrom 1 to 20. Phono or wrlto Liberty Orchards. WANTED To Ront. hy family of 3 adults, nnodorn houso of 5 or G rooms, ftirnlshod or unfurnished, Must bo on paved street aud have a bam. Nut too closo In, will pay reasonable ront, or would take first class enro of a homo for par tlos who would llko to go away for tho winter. A. P. W cara Mall Trlhnno. 189 FOR BALK OK KXCUANGK FOR SALE OR TftADE boiler return fluo, 15 h. p. 1 euglno (At las) 13 h. p., In good, running or dor. Address box 24 Jacksont vtllo, Oro., or call on Chrla Uli rich, Jacksonville ' 209 FOR EXCHANGE Modern 5 room bungalow to exchange for small tract close in, Box 15, phone 1G9-K. 188 FOR EXCHANGE Have 40 acres near Woodvillo. Will tako $1000 in stock, horses, cattle or .hogs. Balance $1500 very easy. 20 acre of this Is Improved and ban build ings. Geo. C. Cornltlns, 123 E. Alain street. 191 MONEY TO hOX. MONEY TO LOAN Oa city proper ty andelose in ranek proporty. C. A. Knight, 801 East Main. 200 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. I have ono fund of one thousand and ono of threo thousand on band, be sides larger amounts. Call on or address me at Hotel Medford. B. L. Dodge. 19C MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A'. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3681. MONEY TO LOAN $3,000 to loan on gilt-edged city or country pro perty. 8,per cent. A. S. Bllton. ucmt LOST Saturday afternoon, a child's new raincoat. Reward If returned to the Mall Tribune office. BUSINESS unuKKtmi- Accenataata D. R. WOOD General AccoHHtaBt Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; yoar btuiaeea solicited. Office Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phons 6611; resi dence phono 6302. AatovStippIiffl. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs la the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific, northwest Use our springs when others fail. Sold under guarantee. 2C North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Pbo&e: Pa cific. Main 33. C. L. R GAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and ?. Postof flee bldg. A. E. REAME3, LAWYKR Garaett Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. FT MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, RIalto building, Medford, Ore. Civil Knguceg iToingiYTWjiTtlKo Civil EBglaeer and Surveyor. Water tilings aad Irrigation work specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, Bewer design, concrete work, pump aad canal systems. Room B; Palm blk., Medford, O reran. " . BUI roatem VERNE T. OxNpN Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly tilled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chlroprmctora DR. A. R. HEDGES,. bt. LOUtBO K. Hedges, Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. Those systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. ni. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phone Main 4171. DR..R, J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, uerve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garuett-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, modical gym mastics, hydrotherapy Lady at tendant. Phoua Home 14B-K. Mala 7973, Chinese Medicines , GHOWYQUWS Chinese medicine will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments, Stomac trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. 8m me at 241 S, Front st., Medferd, Ore, to4, 6;30 to7;30. Resideae phone Mala 42, PXGE HY1 By "Bud" Fisher r DR. W. M. VAJTNOYOO DR. C. C VAJf.SCOYOC Deatkto. Oaraett-Coray bW.,Vwite 310, Medfert.'Oregox. Beth Phones. DR. ARTEMU8 W. DEANS Dentist. Ofoee la RIalto bldg., 123 E. Mfiiff. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 681. Night phone 4432. GraattAfVerk MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. PrIMy, O. D.t Nagte, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors aad manu facturers of brick; dealers in preesed brtek aHd'Ilae Office at their brick yard. West Jackson st. Phone Np. 3461. OARBAGR Get your premises cleaned' op for tae,umer. Call on the city garbage wagons for Koed'serviee. Pfeone Mala 62S1. F: Y. AJJeiu. " r?TeM7FMMIe HgLBtf N. YOCKET aeiary Pub lie. Bring your work to me at the stxa of The Mall Trlbusa Hnertee QUAKER NURSERIES Onr treea are budded, not grafted. Oar stock Is not Irrigated. LWe guarantee everything put out We are not la the trust. H, B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, la sMe entrance next to barber shop. i i MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book; blading, loose leaf systems, cat paper, etc., ete Port land price. 27N. Fir nt. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms. 210-211-212. Office phone 601, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. DR. F. Ot CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Cor-ey Bldg., phono 278-K. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. & A, LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 00l, tendant Residence phone Mala 5712, office Home 145. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. .Eyes scien tifically teste J and glasses supplied; Office 238 E. Main St. Hours 8:30 a. la. to 8 p. a. Both phones, E B. PICKEL, M. to Office Jack- son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res, phone, M. 683. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 6 and G Kentner bldg. Office hour 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bell 271. Aesldence phone Bell 273. i E. KIROHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tlco limited to Cbronie Diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones; Residence phenes: Farmer lfixxS Eagle Point and Rogue River line. " HERMANN F. RATTH, K. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank." Office phone 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M, D Prae tlce limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed, Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor; Both Phones, Medford, Ore SteHograpners ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done' a.utkly and Veil. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 16 South Fir. Phone' Bell 3152; Home 350rK. Prises right Servlue guaranteed. Under lakers '" f JOHN A. PERL tteJemkar Ewbalater. QUI H Bonth BarV lett st. TeUnhoms; Dy, Rett 471; night, rMe, Be sTV Heme 17-L. Calk aasWMsH s4 or 4ay. Aaibuteae servke. ' ; 4 7) s r. "! l l "t m "M .