.,.-, ,..V,, v. U ) nKtt'l i v jTt ft fcfEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MTIDFORT), OttTCOON, MONDAY. OOTOBNH 28. 112. fwsrsi-l i N . M 1 u I I ? : t I 1 kl M l r',t m ! "Hi !. V" ' jf i T ' Medfoud Mail tribune iHMHcr rtawsPAPun VRRY. AFTBKNOON BUNDAr ftY TUB JHD 1'HINTINU CO, " Jpenw.rllo Tlmw, Tha Mcdford MaJt.'Tfes MeJford Tribune, Tha South Oragenlsn, Th Ashlsnd Tribune. rGffti MU1 Trttvune Bnltdlnir, S6-:7-3 Herth Mr street; phone, Main SOU; Home 76, OBOKOB PUTNAM, Bdltorand Manoirer Wnterad ss ftcottt-ina matter at Mffenl. Oregon, nJar tho set of March 3, 17. OKI&lnt Papr of tha City of MeJford. Official ratr of Jackeou County. BUncniPTn?r ratrs. On year, by man. J5.00 One month, by ronll..... .. .50 Per month, rillrrtl by carrier In Metiferd, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point..., SO Saturday only, by mall, per year.. S. Tveekly, per year 1.S0 ., HWORX C1RCUI.ATIOJT. Dally avers" or oven month! end tag November 30, 111. 87I. KiM LeaaeA Mire United Treaa DMpntche. Th Mall Trlbonts la on wile at the Ferry fevrs Stand, San Francisco. Portforid Hotel New fitanJ. Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Ore. n. v. w miner, scaiiio. wasru mmFottn, ohkcost, Metropolis of Southern oregOn and Northern California, and tho fattcst Kroninit city In OreRon. Population U. a eenaua 1310 SStO; estimated, tPll to.000. Flvo hundred thouxand dollar Gravity Wnter System cnmpleto.1, Rlvlnp finest utinply nur mountain water, and J7.S. Bill rs or strceta paved. Postofflc receipts for year ending November SO. 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. runner fruit clly In Oregon ItORtie Itlvcr Hpltaenbtrff Apples won sweep takes prlso and title or MA1 KIr r tttr -n'orld t the National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and ft car nf Newtown won ti Flmt PrUe la WI9 t Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. R. C. ' . rrt Frtss !s 1H .t Spokano National Apple Show won by carload of Ncwtowna. ItoRue Illver prara brought atgheat M-lcea In all markets of tha world dur Inr tho past air yearn. write Commercial Club. IneloalnR cents for postajja for tho finest comrau nlty pamphlet ever published. BYELECTIONLAWS WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S. Dlvorco of politics from business big or lit tle by enactment of corrupt prac tices acts more stringent than any of tho "model" rows now In effect in several states, will bo the demand irged upon congress by tho Clapp committer ot tho senate. As y:t the members have not met to form any specific recommenda tions. Their investigation of cam paign contributions is temporarily halted probably to be resumed after tho election. But it became known today that there would be no parti sanship in their appeal to congress for statutes which would bar from future campaign war chests money tainted with tho stamp ot corpora tions. -. The committee members represent the three great national parties and aro unanimous in their opinion as to the needs for political reforms. There is now no provision or any code re quiring cxposuruo of pre-convention financing. They bcliove that after the rancor pf tho present polUcai fight is past, tho parties will be united this win ter to purgo politics of corporate In fluence. i S. A. Pattison and family left Monday Tor Silver Lake, Castle Rock Wash., where Mr. Pattison has pur chased a farm and will hereafter re side there. Mr. Pattlspu was the founder of tho Central i'olnt Herald, former president of tho Jackson County 1'resB association, and for twenty years a newspaper publisher. IIo still retains largo Interests in Central I'olnt and expects to spend a largo portion of his tlmo thcro In tho future. Col. C. K. S, Wouil, one of the fin est oniioiri anil uiiu of thu ikepont thinker on publiu iicbtiuito in Oro k'oii, will uddrusH Medford vototH up on t'HMunign issues Tuedny evening nt Moohu li till, west IMuin huti'I, Col. Wood lilts been dcelurcd tin amaoliisl, a socialint, u free thinker and received nil tliu epithets in the ronctionaiy dictionary. Hut lie is m)Krot8ivc in till tie iiuuie iuijivH, it doinoonit with a hiniill d, a bocialii.t with a Binall s mid the niiurchy he jiroaolieH in .(ho nuiindiy nf Miopia, whoro Juw is uniiecosunry hecmiw tiVoryoHo oboys tho golden, rule, i MMMMM '"'mm DIVORCE POLITICS Ml BUSINESS QUITS J01UI ion FARMER COLONEL, WOOD TO SPEAK HERE WHY LOSS GOVERNOR MARSHALL oC Indmiin kept busy telling Orcgoninns how they should vote for Unitcl Stutos senator. This was to be expected that is one reason why ho onino to Orejrou. Naturally a denioeratic administration wants a demo cratic congress. It would be a gain to the party, hut What would Oroprou g'un by changing the label and the senator? Ho.irno J t presents tho progressive propog.uum of ail parties. He voted with the insurgents against stand-pat measures. IIo would support. Wilson in his progressive piopoganda and the people haven't much interest in who geis the offices. Ronnie is endorsed by all progressives outside of a few Bull Moose voters in Oregon. The work Of the senate is done by committees. Position on committees is governed by sonority, tho senior member of the administration party being chairman, other mem bers ranking next according to sonority regardless of party alignment. - If the democrats control the senate, and Ronnie is re elected, he will hold all of his committee assignments, fie will lose his chairmanship of the postal coiamitti.e, but will be ranking member. If Bourne is defeated, his committee assignments go to the senators next him in sonority. Oregon loses tho advan tage or lus strategic position. If Lane is elected, he will be assigned to tail-end posi tions on committees, and may get on the bottom of some good committees iT democrats control the senate, but very poor committees if the republicans control. If Selling is elected, he will be assigned to the bottom of committees very poor indeed if democrats control, as seems probable. In either case, where will Oregon be the gainer'? "Why exchange n positive advantage for a known disadvantage Bourne and Chambcrlaiiunake a good team for results. une works with the republicans insurgents, the other with the democrats. Together they deliver the goods. A vote for Clark is a vote for Selling. Clark has no 'possible show of election, but may divert progressive votes from Bourne to elect Selling, if elected, Clark couldn't be any better progressive than Bourne and in six years would not roach the point of vantage Bourne now occupies. The people of Oregon have a lot to lose by changing senators for the sake of'a partisan label to gratify politi cians and nothing to gain. A PROGRESSIVE nnllE retirement of S. A. Pattison, founder of the Cen- tral Point Herald and his desertion of newspaper work for farm life after twenty years of continuous labor as editor and publisher, is a distinct loss to Oregon journal ism for Sir. Pattison always conducted a fearless and progressive paper with higlv standards. Prom Sir. Pattison's advent dates Central Points awak ening. He took the lead in the progressive movements and is largely responsible for the fact that Central Point ij today the best paved, best sewered and best watered i-town ofits size in the northwest. Mr: Pattison has be6u a community builder and in devoting his energy to improving the country has fulfilled the best ideals of journalism. Almost every newspaper man looks forward to the time when he shall have saved mone nilOllf1!! fnmvn mul nnniiifn n fnvm nnA "fv "PofHortti 3s to be congratulated on the tion ot ms dream. FRANK SEYMOUR CONFESSES TO MURDER (Continued started after Hie money belt. 3Iike thought he was comiiijr to and pulled out hw club mid hit him twice. Then I grubbed his cudgel and threw it under the box factory. Then I grabbed George by the heels and pulled him nil iii under the box fnctory but hit. head. I got stuek in the mud and could not go any further with him. 3Iike fctood on the truck otithtdo with hi mouth open. I culled him to help and btqipcd on the cudgel I had taken from him and thrown under the box factory. Jlikc picked up the cudgel and hit George again before I could stop him and then threw ddwn his cudgel. All this time I had George by the feet. 3Uke then grabbed George by the shoulders and pulled him around with his head to tho bouth. Then we ntnrted in to go through him. I started again for tho belt. I got the belt off while Alike was fcurciii'ug bin from the belt up. I opened the belt or paper, uiici went through hia and four half dollars. Mike said he found nothing but the by the heels and Mike grabbed him by the bhouldcrtf and we hud him out if the mud on a high place. I asked Mike where his cudgel was and he told mo that it was in the mud, but he did not know where. It was too dark to see it in the mud, ho I gave him a match to find it. I found the ejub and Blnrted out with it when Alike nuked mo for it. I would not give it to him but I Martcd down the track when 1 tnrned and saw .Mike 1,'oiug hack under. I otitic back and miv Mike bend over. He looked up and fnw me and said "Parker, give me tho club for I must kill him for ho knows who I am, and I have not got the nerve to cut hi throaH" I said to Mike, "Come on, some one it, coming down the track." IIo then cut George's throat and threw the knife to tho north. Tho renboit I took George'w shoes off was bccaiibC I found nothing in the belt. When we left tho place I hud my club swinging to my wrist and Mike find his in liia hand. Ah we turned tho north corner of the factory wax about 10 i'eut ahead of Mike. I turned my head and saw Miko kick a hotu hi the sawdiiHt und hide his club. We then walked ucroiw Fir street to the ice plant. Up the street in front of the ice plant is a stable with a horse trough on .he east. I started )o wash my hands and Mike did thu same, When wo left tlju water, trough we werit one block west ami wo turned and went south. We went about oue-hulf a block and stopped. J asked Mike what he got and he said the watch und chain. I took $1 out of my pocket telling Mike that was all I got, and gave .Mike $2 telling him that was all J had. I got $.'j from George. Wo walked to tho corner of Sixth and Grape. I asked Mike what he was goiu;; to do with thu watch and he told me he was going to bury it. I told him cither to bury it or throw it away u oni'o before ho was caught. - Ho suit! he would throw it away. Wo purled, t'ldi he said ho wan going home. 1 now hud inv club in my pocket wrapped in paper. I went straight south to the further side of Main street and dowu'nthu right side of Main street to the Nush hotel. I went from there to the Seattle rooming house. I went to room eight, toel: off my coat and hut, took the' chain out of inv pocket and thought thu best tiling I could do with it would be to get rid of it. I took the club and chain out to thu toilet and dropped it in. I then threw thu club down under tio stairs, I went back to my room und buw ih'ul my clothes had mud all over them und 1 spent about one hour cleaning them at my room. Signed this 27th day of October, 10112. , , (Sjgned) FIlANK'jSRYMOWR. Witness :.V. A. JONES. ' LOUIS. EATON. ...... FOR A LABEL? EDITOR RETIRES. comparatively early realiza from page 1.) me get him under. Alike ciiini! under and found nothing, not even a piece pants and lound three bilver dollar watch and chain. I .'tabbed George Would Change BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS JiJBBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSk .1. i:. (Ium) llarktlnll Moko llnrkdull, who Is a candi date for rcpTcrtintntlto from Jack son comity. Is out with a statement for a reform In tho assessment lawn that will prevent a mail from hav ing his assessment raised without his kuowiiidgc. Says Mr. llnrkdull: "During the past fUo eara I havo been Instrumental In selling tunny thousands of dollars wortti ot Jack son county real cstnle, and havo found that tho principal criticism of local conditions by outside Invent ors is ot our 'system of assessment, The $2ii0,0,w0,000 yorlh of Iron and steel nudSS.OOO.QOO worth of agrlcnltur.il 'implements exported from tho UnUcd States Inst jenr found markets In practically every part of tho civilized world. Tho International congress on hydrology, clljinitplosy and geology, originally Miniated to- bo hold ' nt Madrid, October If. to 27, of the present year, lias been postponed to the same dates, H'l3. ANAEMIC PEOPLE Xce .More lion In tlu IMood If you arc anaemic, you need more Iron In your blood, aud tho tell tale symptoms are a pale face, color less lips, aslicn flngor nails, poor cir culation, and short breath, and more serious illsnaties arc easily contracted when In this condition. What Vlnol did for Mrs. (5. S. Manuel of San Antonio, Texas, It will do for every nuncmlu run-down porsQtt. She says: "I was weak and nervous and had general debility for about three years. My heijltli watt badly run down and my complexion became sallow and badly affected with pimples. While In this weak ened condition I contracted pleurisy, which made It very hard for inc. I am happy to say thai Vlnol has re stored me to health aain, and 1 havo no cough or soreness of tho lungs at all." Wo ask every anaemic or run down, weal, person In this vlcinlt to try a bottle or Vlnol with tho un derstanding that their money, will bo returned If It does not do all we claim. Mcdford I'harmncy. JOHN W. CAMPBELL A Candidate for Congress, First District, National Progressive PaiUy. (I'ald AavertUoniont.) . Assessment .Laws which rctiulrcs of thu taxpayer a sworn statement of his property and then permits tha assessor to Iguoro this statement, leaving him, In Ig norance of his assessment. "It elected to tho legislature 1 propose to Introduce and urge tho passago of a law requiring written notice to the taxpayer und afford Iiir him n hearliiK before his nsscsn ntont can bo raised abovo the flttnrcs Klvcn In his statement after thnt Mtatetnent hits' been furnished to the nssesHor." LESS BOWEL TROUBLE IN MEDFORD Mcdford' peoplo hnvo found out that A SINOI.i: DOSi: or simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded In Adler-1-kn, tho Gorman appendicitis remedy, relieves consti pation, so'nr stomncit or" gas on tho stomach INSTANTLY. This slmplo mixture nntiseptlclzea tho digestive organs and draws o?f tho Impurities and It Is surprising how QUICKLY It helps, h. I). Ilnsklns, druggist. Stop That Itch! I wilt guunnlaa you to itop UmI llch la two itcuatU. No tcmJ" Hint f havo rvir ioM for r itnui, pKorlasts, nml all oilier illvranrii of tliu skin linn KUen mora thorouch satisfaction than tlio D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema 1 icuarantco this rcnicly MKIU'OIU) I'll.tUMAUV Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, )). C. Public Land Matters: Flnnl Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases, Scrip. Model Bakery HICINKING IlltOS. Props. Ask your grocer for Model llak ery's White Lilly Urcnd aud suvo tho wrappers and whoa you havo Ufi you will ho entitled on payment ot tho small sum or fib conts to n hundriomo pillow top tundo from any picture wanted. nitKAo, pii:h, cakich, pakthy ALWAYS 1'UICHII Home Phono 111: 0(l I J. Main St. Wi; IIANDLi; ALL I Magazine Subscriptions and muut all cut or club rates which aro ndvortlHcd or of fered by any company. Ilo sldeii wo glvo you a special sorvlco which you do not gut If yon send direct to publish ers. MEDFORD BOOK STORE VOTE FOR G. A. GARDNER for COUNTY CLERK ' If oloutod, will carefully ticnitlitUo thu iiouiIh of tho offlco nml umlto any I'lituiltuH that will liolp to syHtcnmlUo tho work, without ininormnmry ex PiMisn to tho county. Dulles per formed according to law. Duo courte sy to nil vlsllorn or Inquiries. Uutd nnss-llko udnilnlHtratlon nnniirod. Itopubllcan iiomlnco aud voluutarlly endorHod by prohibition party. Can dtdato IniH been resident and business man at Talent for several years, serving tho public In various ways. Home voto In April primaries 10U out of 111 voles cant tor republican candidates for county dork. NO. ON OlTICIAh IIAM.OT HO Paid Advt.) Skipping Children TUfas MtVYWH 'sxs aura;, WD&msr. tmnxs when It comes to tho matter of rare for the teeth, Is not ouo of our maxims. In fact, wo pay more at tention to children's teeth than to iidultH, because tho teeth of tho yoiiuit aro most Important. They can very often bo saved altogether where nu adult's cannot. Wo take tho most scrupulous euro with chil dren's teeth, and have scores of them on our books as steady pa trons, Iiily Attendant DR. BARBER Till: DKNTIKT Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phono 2&UK, Home Phono 3T.2-IC SHOE REPAIRING BY MACHINERY 1 hnvo Just Installed n Now Cham pion Stitching Machine for soiling shoes and respectfully Invito tho public to call and see this new ma chine In operation. No nails on welt shoes, Quick work, dlcst material and workmanship. Prices right. Ilrlng you shoo repairing to aUS ANDERSON III Would Fir Street FREE DIRT Rich, Black Loam MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. A SNAP 00 acres, six miles from Medford. good icradod road crosses tho tract, all froo soil, at G0 por ncro. flOOO will handlo, easy terms on balance. Part Is crook bottom land, aultabla for nlfalfa. Sovorat springs on th placo. Timber enough to pay for th tract. No buildings. In tho Orlfttn crook district. W. T. York & Co PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Onrntvoa Prices ItcniotiBbU COFFEEN & PRICE 18 MowsrS.Blook, Sntranos on oth ft j f Soma t. MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all timos to loan on improved ranchci and city property at lowosl rates with "on or bofore privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320 (1 -0. Bids Draperies Wo carry vory complete Una of dratiorlos, faco curlalns, flvturos, etc., nml do till oltiWHcs of unholHterlng. A DDeclul man to look uftor this work oxoluslvnly .and will' plva as good nurvlce ns Is nnsslttlo to get In oven tint laruest clllcs. Weeks & McGowan Co. 'Pi?jmLI23 fWnHBMiiB 8 v3j 1 1. f ; iNrfW I wW J WHERI TO OO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Perfect ventilation anil coinfitit I'Mrnt Appearance of oimvo nro tlroittodt liiuidcal novelty net over lilt tho Pacific coanty A dccldod "hit," eight mii'roHslvo weeks nt People's theater, Poitlaiul. Big Surprise Show Duct by Al Siitlier nml It. D. t'onct Appropriate niiislt' and correct ef fects by Forrest ami Woottvortli. MATINHUS DAILY ADMISSION. 5c AND 10c Coming I'Vututext "I'aleb West," In two reels, No em ber 1 aud 2. "(Juy Manning,' In Ihreo rcls, No vember -I and 5. at Tin: UGO A complete rlinnge of program at tho Pgo tonight. thi: nosii ok .mkhicj Vllagraph. JIM Itl.UDSO Kalom. Tho Prnlrla ilullo on fire. TnVen from tho poem 'written by ox- ' Secretary of fltnto John Hay, thi; i.ivi; wiiti: Weslurn Comedy Patlio. lli:i.l'IN(l JOHN Comedy drama by annuls tor Morwln. KdWon- Tho Harry Cordon musical, sing lug and dancInK act will open a four night engagement at tho Pgo rout meuctUK Sunday, October 27. Music by Miss Iloork ADMISSION Hlc AND 1.1c ISIS THEATRE IMw Flsher'rt Circuit Acts. Tho beta acts to bo obtaliiud. luilupeuiletft acts used, No I tOS.S A" DAI.H Comedy Sinking and Musical Act, l-IU(l PllpTOPLAYd I THi: WHIHKKV ItPNNIMIH A talo of the northwest mounted police, (N. II. Look for a scries of those steries: or tho N. NV, M. P. la Popular Magazine.) Till-! DIX'KIVKIIS Comedy Drama LOOK -HN'rltA I.OOIC Florence Tiiruod mid John Diiuny, America's most popular stars, In TWO OI.N'DKHH HUMP With Keiiuoth Cnsoy and tho Vita. elephant. A story of tho elrcitu. EXCIiLLKNT MUSIC. COMING "Tho Lady or (bo Lake,' tiueo ruolu, Novoinlior 1 and U. WIO WILL MAIL YOU l ror ouch sot of old FuUo Tooth sont us. HlghoBt prlcos paid for old Oold, Sliver, old Wntchos, nrokon Jowolry and Proclous Stonos. Monoy Sont by Itoturn Mall, Phlla. SineUlng t& Ilcflnlug Company UstnbllHhod 20 Yourg B08 Chestnut St., PblbidclplUa, P. To Dentists Wo wffl buy your Gold Filing, Oold Scrap, and Platinum. Highest - - V ------ ---. m ML ' " ' C V