"Xr 1 H yH Medford Mail Tribune .?. SECOND EDITION WEATHER llnln tonight and tHMurr Mux, ni Mln. IWj pre. truer Ptirty.arflonil Yr. Dully Hnvunlh Ycnr, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, OC'TOBIW 28, 1912. NO. 187. FRANK SEYMOUR CONFESSES TO MURDER i""" CORROBORATES says una cut SENDS FOR SHERIFF AND MAKES CUMMIN6S IS FULL AND COMPLETE STATEMENT AGAIN ARRESTED Admits Ho Struck First Blow After Assisting In Lurlnn Detlnskalous Aliout City (or an Hour Says Spanos Had Club and Continued to Beat Victim's Head After He Was Dead, and Then Not Satisfied, In sisted on Ctittlnu Throat Says Money Belt Was Empty and That Ho Only Got $5 From Pockets Mike Took the Watch. JACKSONVILLE, Oregon, October 27. HU2.--I, Frank Seymour, make this stiiloincnl ill' my nun froo will ufter having been warned Hint it wll be, If semi lit, iimm! ngnhiMt me. On Sunday night, September 22 nt 8 o'clock. l loH tin- Medford hotel niiii wont In tho (hock (Mini nitxu on Fir ftied nnd wont in. I wiih witli Mike Spnnow. When wo wont In tbo lol room the tiutit Miko wiih tolling n.c uhnitl wim not there. Miko wont tn mm Initio nml Mori (.'uuiiiiiiiBx who wn wild iih lo nnotbor. About ftvo miniiloH nflonvariln Urn tlrcek, floorgo )cilukiihiu onnm in with n wntorinolon on bin righl linn. Wbon bo cmno ii, .Miko HHiko lo bint mitl tbon oiuiio over to mo. Wo played olio gutne of pool nml wliou wo got through with tbo game Miko loft tbo wnl room. In 10 iiiinuloH I loft nml nw Miko nt Um cigar Maud on llm corner of Sovonlb nml Kir HtrooiK. Wo walked up to tbo I'go tbontro. 1 akel Miko where bo wiih going lo Inko (lenrgo. Ilo ilid not know, mi wo wmil out lo limit n ptnon mitl wont straight np Miilu utreot to Oakdnio, nonr tho school honxc. Miko wont ilown Onkdale to Ibo niilronit nml I wont from Unit comer across tbo pink mnl bnok lo wboro Miko wiih. From tboro wo. went buck behind tbo school house to Ibo wooil ilo to find n pbioo lo Inko (leorgo. Wo wont from tbo school limine mio block north, tnrnoil ;aHt nml wont two block. Vo worn going o tko bint in by tbo undertaking parlor of Week ,'; Lfi.iii.bul-tcouhLiiof flmVii pbioo," At Onc Mrrol wo purled, I wont down drupe street mitl Miko wonl nflor George. I was supposed (o moot lilm on llmt street somewhere. 1 wont lo Ibo Imintlry on (Impe Mieet. 1 stayed tboro until I pit tired nml blurted np town. 1 got about one Imlf n block nml tbon mot him ntnl George, George Itml n bottlo of wbrnkoy mnl wo nil took n drink mid walked down within two blocks of tbo end of drupe si rod. Miko (old mo to uo mound Ibo block nml mnko George think 1 went niter n girl. I was gone .ibmit 10 minutes and emtio buck on Grope stioct mid went down the Mice! tin-cling Mike mid George nt tbo Month end of Ibo hired. Miko told Oe-irgS t .nt Ibo pit I would bo Ihoro in iibiwt 10 minutes. Wo wnited nbont n Imlf hour mid bud nnolbor drink of whiskey. At Iim pbioo I could not hit George mnl Mike could not ud up courage to hit him. so wo loft tltoto. Wo wont north of drnpo street nbont two blocks .tun tbon lin-tunl cunt o Front sheet mid down Front hlroot lo llm rooming hottho opposite the .Medford drooory compmiy. Wo went to tho buck of this bonne mid tried lo got George to go down between Ibo slnro and rooininir house lint wo could not got him in thoio. I wiih going o give it np an a bad jolt. Miko told mo (but dcorno told bint thnt ho bad all of bin ninnov on bint and (hut ho did not want lo go in any dark holes iih bo wiih i.fiiiid that ho would lose bin I'ionoy. Wo then walked down lo Frank Belcher's pool room. 1 stnrleii lo leave Ihein mid Miko says you live thin way, conui ami wo will go homo. 1 thought Miko wanted In lake another cliauou ho I went along. Wn wont from Frank Belcher's pool room straight across to tho inter Hncliou of Main drool and tho railroad, (ben down tho railroad to tbu depot. Miko (hen naked me for Ibo price of a water melon. Ho told mo thnt ho told dcorno llmt I did not wmil him to upend money ami that I voiibl pity for tbo wntormclon. Miko told mo Hint George (old him Hint bo would go nflor Ibo melon iih I paid for it. 1 walked on down tho track. Alike came and told mo that George was ii long liino onmiiiK mid llm! ho (Miko) would o nml hoc what was tho inn I lor, I wailed for Miko ami deorpi at the platform on Ibo houIIi end of tho box fuotory. 1 dnyed tboro about five iniiiiiti'H when 1 saw Miko mod CIooiko nt tho (Input. IIu took the watermelon from (Icoi'ko mid walked on jiimt mo down the truck, floored ntoppod mid tried to talk to mo hut I could not tttulcrdmitl him hut ho wanted nm to tako a drink of whiskey. I look a drink. Miko called to cmao down wboro bo wiih lint Oeorpi wanted to go down tbo pnvenieut on Front Hlroot, lie finally niiido up Ii'ih mind to go wboro Miko was, Miko had laid llm watermelon down on a board lined lo nut IruekH on fiom llm platform to tho earn. When doortfo nml I got tboro Miko bunded tbo kmfo In deoi;o and jabhored Komothiui; to bint 1 could not uiiderHtaml. (leoruo started in thcit to cut tho melon. dcoro,c was on Ibo ridtt and Miko on tho loft. When doorgo Hloopod lo out tho melon Miko htarlod to hit dcorno with a cudgel ami I wiih afraid (hat bo would piuiibIi in bin bead, fo I jabbed li'm with my elbow nml look out tbo j,'iih pipe I hnd mid struck doorj;o in the back of tbo hoad. donro foil over tho melon, I rolled him over and . - - rCoiitinuo'il oiiPaKo ) TURKS SLAUGHTER THEIR IN MPS THROUGH MISTAKE rONSTANTINOl'liU, Oot. 28. AdtniHsioii Hint onu-tontli of ono on tiro Turkinh army oorpH wiih killed at Kirk KiliuKoh throub (ho climb bo twoou two Turkish dotachmoiitH iih tho result of a nilwlako, wiih mado hero by Turkish offioialn thirt after noon. Tho Hiimo offlolulH, however, hi' Hinted that tho Turku had ruoapturcd Kirk KillsBoh, WARSHIP' SENT TO SCENE OF WAR lMULADKM'IHA, Oot. 28. Hur ried preparations nro boiiiR mado at tbo Leniio IhIiiihI navy yard today for tho immodialo Riiilint; of tho ortti nor Ihtllinioro. Sealed ordera from WaHlilnjiton direct tho vcbsoI to tuko a full Biipply of coal, amniimitioi) and proviHioitH, It in iimlorritood tbu IlaKimnro will flail for Ttirklnb war waters tomor row (o protect Amorlonn julorostH, This report iih yet ia unconfirmed. IS' CONFESSION GREEK'S THROAT Seymour States That Bert Cummlnus and Spanos First Planned Crime and Then Took' Him Into It.' But That Cummlnus Was Not Present When Murder Was Committed. Kvldctntly realizing Hint tho an tliorltlcn Imil liullt up a full and com plete cbho agalnta hlin, Frank Soy moiir, nllnn Parker, hold In tho coun ty Jail for itKiilittlnK nt tho niurdor of (U'orr.e DoduhkaloiiH In HiIh city Heptemhor Z'l, mint for Sheriff Jonon Sunday ovciiIhk nntl mndo a full and complete utatomonl regarding tho crlmo after ho hod boon warned by tho Khurlff that any statement ho irindo would. If noon fit, ho unci! aculnut him. ArcordliiK to Soymour'n confes Mlon, which wdh placed In writing, illtncil and acknowledged by him, he Mtruck tho llmt blow ami felled Do- (lanknlouif, natlnk that ho desired only lo stun htm. Ho then stated that Snnnos In a ntHrderotiB frenzy InaUted In licntltiK tho iiitfortunato man's brains out and then, not sat isfied, cut his throat. Seymour or Parker, unllko Spanos docs not attempt to sldestop tho mat ter, stating frankly that ho struck tho blow which foiled (loorgo Dcdns knloiiM. rinnniMl Wwk In Advance Seymour HlatCH that tho crime was planned n week In ndvanco and that they planned to murder Dodoska lous and got his money on tho night of tho electric parade In Medford but could uot got DedaskalottR away to a secluded spot. Ho states that llcrt CummlngH with 8panos first planned tho crlmo and that later thoy took him In on tho Job. On tlili state ment Cmumlngri was again taken Into custody Monday morning after having been arrested twlco boforo. Seymour states that Oummtngs was not present at tho ttmo when Dodos kalout was murdered but that It was Cummlngs who first planned tho Job. CttmmtugH wan placed under ar rct today and tnkott lo Jackson ville. It may bo that ho will ho held for complicity In tho crlmo. Kind KNinos' Club In corroboration of Seymour's testimony Sheriff Joaea Monday morning visited (ho box tncti.ry lt thlH city and In a hug Ptln of saw diiBt found another tapowrapped, bloodstained gas pipe, which Parker says Spanos burled Immodlatoly nf tor tho crlmo. Ho states that ho also had a gas plpo and that It was tho ono found lu tho rear of tho Seattle rooming Iioiiho hid .Monday morning, Tin ffiullng of this club la strongly corrobatlvo of Seymour's confession in which ho does not try to escapo full blamo. Ho states that ho Is roady lo sPtnd trial, pload guilty and "tuko his ntodlclno." According to Soymour Dodaska lotis did not have tho money on him when murdered ho was supposed to liuvo, Seymour states emphatically thai tho holt was empty. Font Kor Sheriff The lonfosplon came entirely voluntarily on Seymour's port. On Sunday ovonli-g about seven o'clock ho called Louis Raton, tho Jailor, to hint and stated thnt ho wanted to soo Sheriff Jones at onco on Import ant business. Sheriff Jonos was spending tho evening with his pnoth or. Mr. Kototi telephoned htm and us noon as ho ronchod aiV6onvlllo ho wont to oio Soymour, 'lite prlso l e stated Ihit ho wished to t ako a full 4tatomen( rOgnrdlng tho crime and ho did so. His confession was reduced to writing mid tbon signed by Soymour. II COMMON SCENE ON ' 'r-rONTENEGFTIN TROOPS READY TO VE PRFSDENT IS AT Ei UTICA, N. V., Oct2$- - James S. Sherman, vice presTdm of the United States.' Is In ajcritlcil condi tion, and the outcome of his case cannot be forecMtdyJlsJlmeac conlliiR to adinlBslon made hero this afternoon by his physician. Dr. P. II. Peck. Although tho physician denied that he considered Sherman's case hope less, ho mado no attempt to mini mize the seriousness of the vlco presi dent's Illness. Sherman is suffering from a com plication of ailments -which have caused heart weakness and difficulty In breathing. Vice President Sherman has been III since last spring. It was thought, however, until recently that he was recovering. , Sherman suffered a relapse a week ago when ho went to the polls and registered. He seemed much hotter Saturday and was abto to walk about the-house. Ho suffered a bad night last night, but showed some Improvement this morning. Dr. Peck announced this afternoon tho vlco president Is resting com fortably and that lie hoped for fur ther Improvement NOW TOTAL 6477 County Clork Coleman has com pleted tho list of registered voters for Jnckson county for tbo general election Xovomber S. ' Thero nro 0477 voters on tho roll which Is 1200 moro than wore registered lit 1910. Tho two prlnclplo section of tho county oro Medford and Ashland. Medford's nlno precincts' " have a total registration of 2403 whllo tho fivo Ashland precincts havo 120S. Tito county clork Is now preparing a list of voters by precincts. T WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. -When tho supremo court resumed its hcssion today, pfliiHiiloriiu; a number ot' onnes of. national iniportmiceno op'nions wero rendered. Amonjr tho cures to ho considered aro tbo "KeadiiiK Caso'l .omolimes milled "The unthniiio an trtu-t''; tbo Southern Pacific merger with the Union Pacific; the P.ittbn indictment, and ninny others. CRITICALLY UTICA 1 REGISTERED VOTERS N JACKSON COUNTY THE TURKISH FRONTIER MIT TEDOY LL; TO SPEAK BUT THIRTY MITES OYSTKK BAY. X. V., Oct. 28. By orders from his physicians, Col. Theodore Roosevelt's speech at Madi son Square Harden next Wednesday evening will. o- limited, to thirty minutes. "'"jMfnoii,;!! lli,-"fo-nier'pfesl dent Is rapidly r-c;cr!iig from tho effects of Johr Scr.-i.nks bullet!, j the doctors fear tho U.x of his strength, shou'd he Mieuk longer, I Colonel Itoosevclt cn.oyed another walk out doors today. It was an nounced that 'Re fever president still suffers occasional pains from tho wound. Colonel Itoosevelt asked permis sion today to motor to Xew York Wednesday, but the doctors denied the request, fearing that tho Jolting of the automobile would re-open the wound. The colonel then decided, to make the trip In a private car. Tho former president spent thir ty minutes this morning rambling about the grounds at Safamoro Hill. IlKIUil.V, Oct. 28. Fears thnt the balloons entered tit tlto international balloon race for the Gordon Dennett enp would bo swept over tbo North Sea wcrq dismissed today when a shift in tho wind occurred and tho balloons were seen hero thin nfler tiooit headed for linsstii. It is be lieved that all arc still in the air. The United States is represented b two balloons, John Kerry's "mil lion Population" and 11. K, Honey well's "Undo Sam." Gonnany, Kel pium and Italy each havo lwo I'Vanco, Austria nnd Switzerland caon havo throe mid Kngland mid Denmark each one. With" tho exception of John Watts' Kansas City II" exploding mi hour boforo tho start, tbo race was liexuu under favorablo conditions. E PIIOKKIX, Ariz., Oct. 28. Tito Franklin car, driven by Ralph Hamlin today won tho Los Angeles to Phoe nix race. Hamlin arrived hero at 2 o'clock this nftoruoon. Hamlin's timo was 18 hours nud 4o minutes. Hnmlin said bo experienced little difficulty with (ho roads and thnt his car was in condition to turn around nud race back to Los Augclos, Fred Fuller In a National car fin ished third. His ttmo. which has not yet computed, probably will put him in socond place, as ho started later thatl did Sottles, In Cadillac No. y, who canto In second, AN EN HllKIA in GRAB GOP DURING PRESENT lifl, ADVANCE ALL CANDIDATES CLAIM XEW YOBK. Oct. 28. The worth lessness or political predictions vas exemplified here today when- the state leaders of -the three big par Ue McJi.cJalraed .Xew ..York state for tbelrrespectlve presidential "'candi dates. The prediction of William Barnes, leader of tho Taft forces, caused the most comment. He announced that reports from up the state Indicated that President Taft would carry tho state by 50.000. Chairman Palmer of the democra tic state committee was even more optimistic. He predicted that Gov ernor Wilson's plurality would ex ceed 100,000. Chairman Hotchklss of the pro gressive force took exception to Pal mer's prediction, claiming that Col. Theodore Roosevelt would carry the stato with at least 50,000 votes to spare. The silent vote In Xew York this year, it Is believed will be enormous and it is generally expected that the result will bo In doubt up to the last minute. AFTER ROUMANIA LOXDOX, Oct. 28 Tho great European war which has been feared ever since tho Balkan allies attacked tho Turks today Is believed bore to be an Imminent danger. Austria this eveulng threatens to Invade Xovipazar and Russia's heavy concentration of troops on her southern frontier Is believed to In dicate that tho Czar plans to grab Roumanla, It Is rumored that the British war and navy departments are pre paring to mobilize. The European markets aro very tineapy. INFURIATED YOUTH KILLS EIRE FAMILY SHEDOYGAN, Wis., Oot. 28 In furiated because bis wife's parents gavo their daughter refuge at their farm house near hero Alviii Roeltr, aged 211, it wits learned today, shot and killed Philip Otf, aged foity-fivo years, (lie lutter's wife and Fred I la tit, aged eighty-throe, yours, Mrs. Ott's father, last night. Then Rooitr went into tho woods, and bunged him self, His body was found today, Roehr nnd his wife hcparated re-cently. W YORK BY BIG MAJORITIES NOVPAZAR CZAR TURKS CUT Off THROUGH LOSS OF Bulgarian Troops Capture faint Six ty Miles Southeast ef AtkliMfk and Hundred Miles Frew CwistJW tinople In Confrol ef Ralh-Ml. Desperate Battte Rajing With Rfht inp. Line Nearly Hundred Miles In Length. SOFIA, Oct. 28. Official eonfir-, mntion of the report that Bulgarian troops have captured Eskibitba, sixty miles xouthenst of Adrianople, was received here today. Eskibaba U but 100 miles distant from Constantino ple. 'Tito capture of Eskihnba means that Adrianople is cut off from nil communication with Constantinople, the Bulgarians having complete con trol of the Oriental railroad. Tho Turkish troops which comprised tho garrison ot Eskibaba are retreating in the direction of Constantinople. Official dispatches from the, Bul garian battle line nt Adrianople nnd news, dispatches reaching here today from Constantinople both declare that a desperate battle between Turk and Bulgarians is raging over the whole territory between Adrianople anO- the-Jllaclr Sen, arfistfitijwHrie,, ui nearly iuu nine. inn SirilgJJIC, dispatches agree, has been in pro-' gross since Wednesday. Latest nccounts from Adrianopio here are that the cit.v tiil holds out, rain having greatly hampered the op-. eration.s of the besieging Bulgarian forces. ' Scutari Captured ROME, Oct. 28. Queen Helena of, Italy, who is a Montenegrin princess, was today advised positively nnd un qualifiedly that the Montenegrins have captured Scutari. VRANJE, Serviu, Oct. 28,-Tele-grnms from toe Servian front today say that a Servian forco has occu pied Mitrovitx, in the Sanjak of Novi bnzar. tho terminus of u . railroad running northward from Salonika.' This gives tlto allies a strong stra tegic point To their campaign against Salonika for the isolation of western Turkey iu Eurone. , BELGRADE, Oct. 28. Dispatches here from the Servian front declnro, that the allied forces have captured Prist inn, Usktib nnd Istib and plan an nttuck within a few hours on Sa lonika, which they ore rapidly ap proaching. Allies Aro VIetorlus With a Orcek army moving on Salonika from the southwest and the combined Servian ami Kulgarinu force nppronching from tho north the second portion of the allies' -phm seems near its climax. Tho capture of Salonika will mean that all of the rContlnuod6nPage 3j , DIAZ MUST DIE E IT MEXICO CITY. Ool. 28. General Feiiz Diaz, father of Mexico's latest revolution must din nnlnt.9 llm Hit. prcmo court of Mexico ruloa that tio court martial ordering the execution ii illegal. This much was made cor- tain bore today when Preident Frun Cisco l Aladcro tlatly reruseil to heed tho rcrpiest of a committee repre- . senting the (lormnn, French hhi! Spanish colonies, which recpiefcled that the death sentence be revoked, The (nniinitteo exulnindd that wlillu tlioy bad no desire o interfere -with iuu suuriiiiii;iii, "IB nenuutnHt 01 iwtt V vast majority of the popeWxii nnd foreigners alikiTHfkwUWly was against Diaz' eaeenHoji, . , FSKIBARA UNLESS SJPRFM SAVES 11 A & ,H O . -1 SV ' 4 tl