Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 26, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    iftn " ."llln 'IVr;nn,HHl,ftlfrf,Mr,M A .VrVJTW -..
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I'UBMwiwJ) nvr.iiv aktriinoon
The Democratic Times, Tlin Mrdford
Mall, The MoJfonl Tribune. Tho South
ern Oregon Ian, Tho Ashland Tribune.
Office Mull Tribune nulMlnir. J5.S7-:
North l'lr streets phono, Main 3021;
Home 76.
QKOllOR PUTNAM, Kdltorand Munnirer
Rntertil n second -class matter t
Meilford, Orrffon, n.ler tho act of
March 3, 187.
Official Paper of the City of M Ml ford.
Official Paper of Jnckson County.
One yenr, by mnlt. ...... ...... ...f&.AO
On month, ny mail.. .... ......... .BO
Per month, delivered hy carrier In
Medford. Jacksonville and Con
trat Point. 50
fliturday only, by mall, per year., 2.e
Weekly, per year............... I.SP
svToitv ciuruiaTii.
Dally averaKP or Steven months end
Ing November 30.- 1811. 2761.
full I.rn-rrt Wire t'nllrd Pre
The Malt Trltmnn Is on sale at the
Ferry News Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel New- Stand, Portland.
Howmnn News Co., Portland, Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wmh,
siKDroitn. ounnoN.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon anil
Northern Cnllfornla. and tho fasteit
Browlnc city In Orejron.
Population U. R census 1910 S8I0;
ettlmated. 191110.000.
Five hundred thou-and dollar Gravity
Water System completed, Kivlnp finest
supply pure mountain water, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
JPo-toffleo receipts for year endlnK
November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19
per cent.
Ilanner fruit city In Oretron Hokuo
River Spltxenber npples won sweep
stakes prize and tltlo of
Apple Klnar of thr World"
at the National Apple Show. Spokane,
.1909, and a car of Newtowns won
Hml Prise In 14IQ
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver. B. C
Tint rAn la 1911
at SpoVano National Apple Show won
by carload of Ncwtowna.
Rogue River pears brought highest
firlcea In all markets of the world dur
nc the past six years-
At the Churches
St. Mark's Episcopal
Rev. Joseph Sheerln, Priest in
Sunday services are as fallews:
Holy Communion S a. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; service and sermon,
11 a. m.; evening prayer and ser
mon, 7:30 p. m Seats aro free and
all aro welcome. Services are held
in St, Mark's Hall, corner of Main
and Holly streets.
Zion Lutheran
At Zion Lutheran, C16 W. 4th
street. There will be German service
at 11 a. m. English service at 7:30
p. m. Topic, "Home Missions."
Bihlo school (English) at 10 a. m.
Come and worship.
Methodist Episcopal
Tho musical numbers at the morn
ing service will include the anthem,
"I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,"
by Benj. Cutter. Miss Hlnman has
kindly consented to sing for the of
fertory "Fare to Face." At the
evening service Shelley's "There Is a
Holy City" will he sung with Miss
Coffin and Mrs. Phllbrook as solo
ists. Mr. Clarence Meeker will sing
Gounod's "Forever With the Lord."
Services In the Baptist church
Sunday an follews: Sunday school
9;45 a. m.; Men's Bible class same
hour. Preaching 11 a. m., sermon
by tho pastor. Junior service 3 p.
m. Young People's meeting, 6:30
p. m. Tho evening service will be
a "Tuberculosis Service," City
Health Officers, Dr. It. W. Stearns
will address the meeting. All are
Invited to these services. A. A.
Holmes, pastor.
Free Methodist
There -will ba quarterly meeting
sorvices at the Free Methodist
church at 8 p, m. tonight. Love
Feust 10:15 a. m. and preaching 11,
a. m. and S p. m. Sunday, by Elder
Smalley. Come and welcome. J.
V. Sharpe, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a, m. with tho
usual musical help. Preaching at
730 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.
m. Prayer -meeting at 7:30 p. m.
on Thursday each week.
Methodist Kpiscopal
j Corner of Fourth and nartlott
streets, E. Olln Eldrldgo pastor.
Services Sunday as follews: Preach
ing, 11 a, m, and 7:30 p. m. Sub
jects, morning, "Tho Gospel ot
Health' evonlng, "Idolatry In Med
ford." Sunday school and Men's
Bble class, 9 ; -ID a. in.
Epworth League, CMC p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing, 7:30 p. m, Theme, "What Is it
to bo a good church member,"
'Fine music by tho choir under tho
djrectlon of F, C, Edmeades.
You aro cordially Invited.
First Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday morning sorvlco at 11
o'clock, subject of lesson sermen:
"probation After Death." Wednes
day ovoning meeting at seven-thirty.
jU aro welcome Sunday school at
ten, all under tho age of twenty aro
' ieadlng-room house, two to fivo
p, in, dally, oxcept Sunday, Church
ed(flcia "North Oalcdale.
IT is quite tho fashion to nutko Standard Oil llio soapo
goat. JihoTiirboll .started it, by her exposures. Tom
Lawson shoved it nloncr with Frenzied Finnnoo. Toddy
boosted it by labeling it, a bad trust the only one to bo
prosecuted. So that nowadays Standard Oil is a oloak to
hide a multitude of sins.
Perhaps Standard Oil is to blame for laok of gas in
Medford two days this week. The Oregon Oas and lOloetrio
eompany try to shift the. blame. Hut the ehanees are the
gas company ordered an inferior grade of oil to experi
ment with and see ifan economy could not be effected at
public expense. It is inconceivable that a large consumer
would purchase without stipulating tested oil of required
standard either that or defective apparatus at the gas
The Standard Oil company has no franchise to supply
gas to !Medford. 3ut this branch of the gas trust has,
therefore the management of tho concern itself is at fault
not tho Standard Oil company.
nut the standard Oil conmanv is obtainimr monov un
der false pretences in Mcdford by polling a cheap distillate
as gasoline and demanding gasohile prices for it. The
uenent ot trust management
(rated. The price has been
gallon in the past few months and a
palmed off.
It is remarkable, but nevertheless a fact, that the dis
covery of oil in California, and the annual output of mil
lions of barrels, has never cheapened tho price of kerosene
in-jr.iMMiiu- in mi' iiurmwi'sc. uu was lormcriy transport
ed from Ohio and Pennsylvania bv ail across the conti
ncnt. Xow it runs in pipe
rennery on title-water. Hows
nas water transnortation. Tho monov formorlv lviid mil
roads now goes into Standard Oil pockets as increased
The Standard Oil company is a fair example of the
trusts increased cost to consumer, decreased cost to the
producer ot raw material, m this case the independent oil
producer and an adulterated, inferior product. Roose-
clt would perpetuate by legalizing such monopoly. Wil
son would destroy it by restoring competition by elimina
tion ot tne special privileges
A LL Oregon joins in congratulating Mrs. Abigail Scott
--JJuniway on tier seventy-eighth anniversary.
Mrs. Duniway is original champion of equal suffrage
in Oregon for half a century the undisputed leader in
the cause.
For many years, Mrs. Duniway stood almost alone.
Defeat had no terrors for her, she never knew discourage
ment. No sooner had one battle been lost, than she began
plans for another.
Mrs. Duniway has lived to sec her cause triumph in
many states. She has lived to see it universally acknow
ledged as a righteous one. Par in advance of her time,
she has lived to sec the times catching up with her.
The birth of every new idea, its growth and develop
ment, is attended with as many pains, as many dangers, as
many vicissitudes as a human life. Mrs. Duniway has
guided the destinies of the new idea of the political equal
ity of the sexes with all the solicitude of a parent. Her
indomitable pluck, her untiring energy, her wonderful
enthusiasm, has brought the new idea to the verge o
victory in Oregon.
All honor to Abigail Scott Duniwav, the grandest
woman of Oregon.
Tf VERY voter should secure a sample of the ballot to be
--'voted at the general election from the county clerk,
study it, mark it as he intends to vote and take it to the
polls with him.
The ballot is long and confusing. In the haste at the
polls, one is apt to vote for the wrong measures and
iiguwsi me j-ignt one. With the voters pamphlet to study
at home, the making of the ballot becomes an easy matter.
The law is defective in that it dno nnf. niwiiin iv,,.
voters being sent sample ballots as well as pamphlets.
Individuals, can, however, remedy this bv sending to the
county clerk for the ballots.
The measures upon the ballot must be studied to be
voted upon intelligently. That is what the Oregon system
,js lor to iorce people to become fit for self-government
by study of public problems.
Given proper study and there is no question but that
the collective judgment rendered is far superior to that of
the individual and less likely to bo iu' error
Only Five Libel Suits in
Jackson County in Fifty Years
(From tho Valley Record, Ashland. J
Tho friends of Frank L. Tou Velio
had hoped that IiIh successful ef
forts at Initiating a clean campaign
In tho contest for county judgo be
tween himself and Oeorgo Dunn
would continue to tho day tho polls
closed. Each candldato was out
looking after his fences In the coun
ty and in this line of campaign, Mr.
Dunn hud whatever advantago thoro
was in an extensive personal ac-
qualtanco aud tho experience ac
quired in iioveral campaigns of the
county. Hut Mr. Dunn's campaign
managers could not seo tho cam
paign go to Its vloso In a clean, sane
manner. It grow IrkBomo. Several
"strong arm" stunts were pulled off
for the purpose of Influencing the
voters In fuvor of Mr, Dunn. The
effect of tho stunts Is problematical
and Just who tho candidate is that Is
to realize from these efforts is a
matter of grave concern to eoino of
Mr, Dunn's friends, who sincerely
and, monopoly are thus i
raised from 121 to 2G ecu
Mits a
cheaper substitute
lines from the oil fields to the
by gravity into oilslnps and
that make possible the
bolievo in tho valuo of a fair cam
palgn, and havo in tho past wit
nessed tho folly of attempts at mov
ing tho people an maaso hy publish
ing tho people en masse hy publish
any basis of truth that disclose the
bald fact that tho author doesn't
know what ho Is talking about.
The Oklahoma editor announced
that "No sooner was Ton Velio nomi
nated than ho issued Htrlct orders"
to his newspaper friends to keop
rankling personalities out of hlu
campaign, That "Tou Velio was u
masterful politician and knows what
hurts as well as does good" and
that "Tou Vollo has proven hlmsoir
an ahio dlpomatlst" In framing up
his campaign at such a hlgji stand
ard, Spilled III PmJhoii
Tho mart' from Oklahoma had
brought with him tho political dopo
used by tho "strong arm" dopaters
of that now Rtato famous for Its
nasty battles over changing Btato
capitals, removing county sent, oto.,
and ho saw his opportunity for m i 1 1 -lint:
his poison on Jackson county
cttlxt'iiK nllpilnn a way whim ho tils
euvorod that Ton Velio hud mtuh
Haheil niid tmforml a iltwnt cam
paign Initwooii hlmxuir and Mr.
Dunn, The editor could xtnmt It no
lnmi'T and dnllltrnUly and without
inovocatlon,! hcmtii hlu i'utiimnu or
slander, viu Justifying tho hooch
Rlly of tho assault for the ri'iison
Ihnt Tou Vollo had boon Huocossful
In luaiiitulnluit a high oIuhh cam
paign. in two hours after ho road tho
Oklahoma odltor'n criminal llhol von
vornliiK himself Tou Vollo swore to a
complaint that will compel tho edi
tor to either prove bin nttsorttniiM or
confess his intvhlltty to do so and es
tablish htmmdf on tho record lis a
wanton and Irresponsible xcrlbblor.
Mr. Tou Vollo Is a candldnto for a
Judicial off too and la under ovory
obligation to arrange his course of
action with thu dignity of tho law
In vlowv
ItolloH on tho Law
Mr. Tou Voile htands six foot two
In his stockings, weighs 220 pounds
and is endowml with strength and
athletic experience sufficient to
clchn out nnythlng loss than a pro
fessional pugilist HooldoH liolug
blessed so handsomely he oujuyed In
his youth tho benefits of n Christian
training aud along with It tho full
course ot the Cincinnati l.ivw School
grounding him with a knowledge of
his legal rights and tho moans to go
about It to obtain tholr protection.
Under tho criminal procedure under
which Mr. Ton Voile has placed his
action after tho warrant has boon
sworn to the, case rests entirely
with tho state of Oregon and the
control of the proceedings rests out
side of tho hands of both parties
concerned. 'I lie enso must ho dis
posed of nt tho preliminary exami
nation or go to tho grand Jury which
body must either Indict or find "not
a true hill." Mr. Tou Vollo has pro
eeedod along the proper lino, his
well ordered mental processes dic
tating on the Impulse of tho moment
tho true aud honorable course to pur
sue and at tho tamo timo again
calling attention to tho high minded
manner In which ho inaugurated his
The Cost of Trial
His reckless assailant complains
that tho proceeding inaugurated
placed the costs of tho trial on the
tax payers, that tho proceeding
should have been a civil action for
damages. The proceeding taken by
Mr. Tou Velio whv the proper one for
tho reason that It. removes tho op
portunity for the privileges of tho
courts being abused' hy any party
who might wish to Institute a fake
proceeding as a campaign "bluff tho
civil suit always being under the
complainant's personal control and
disposition, to oboe used to suit any
purposo the exigencies of the cam
paign dictate, allowing for compro
mise or dismissal beforo or after the
election or remaining on the calen
dar until thu public had forgotten
it. Under tho criminal procedure
the contest Immediately opens when
tho hat goes Into tho ring nnd the
fight Is to a finish.
N'owspajior Libel Karo
Newspaper libels havo been rare
in Jackson county, the oldest habitue
of tho court house at Jacksonville
declares that the total since tho es
tablishment of thu county in pioneer
times could he counted on tho fiu
gors of one hand. They wero all
defended vigorously nt every point
in the game and two wont to the
supreme court. Theso cases In ovcry
Instance came by surprise In the lino
of duty.
This Oklahoma editor so recent In
Jackson county and tho stato takes
tho public Into his confidence with
the information that during his
career he Had uoon sorved twenty
two times with sulta for llhol and
that most of them wero dismissed af
ter tho election. Comparod to tho
record of events in Jackson county
this discloses a propensity for slund-
erlng that simply goes beyond human
belief and It arouses wonderment and
surprise at a personality that boasts
of such a vulgar record.
Complete Change of I'rogram at, tho
Ugo Sunday Night
Tho Dond of Music Vltagraph.
Jim H udeo Kaloni. This Is a
beautiful story of tho I'ralrlo Hello
on fire, taken from tho poem Jim
Illudsoe written by ex-Secretary of
State, John liny, ,
Tho Llvo Wire A big western
IIolp John Comedy drama by
Hannistor Merwhi. Ellison,
Tho Harry Ourdon company,, mus
ical singing and daclug act, will open
a four night ciigagomonl at Tho Uro
commencing Sunday, October 27.
Admission 10 and in cents.
Notlco is hereby jjlvon thnt tho un
dersigned will apply at tho regular
mooting of tho city council Novem
ber 5, 1912, for a llconso to soil
mnlt, splritous and vinous liquors at
32 North Front street, for a porlod
ot six months,
M. & E. J, ADAW8.
Dated October 22, 1012.
Democratic Candidates
I Furnished hy llonioojalle t'tiuiity
(Vititral ('oiiiinllloo)
Tim ticket by the
democrats of Jiioltson county nomtn
no coiniuout. Each and ovory one
of tho candidates uio moll well
iiuntlriod for tho positions I hoy
sook. They aro all good, vloan
iihmi and when elected will wlvo
Jiu'Iihuii county n nou economical
business administration. You will
uinko no mistake In voting for thoin.
II. I.. lloArtnoud, who nsk, for
your vote for Representative I
rising young attorney from Mod
ford, who liait never been mhod up
In any political deals, nnd who Is
capable of representing Jackson
county In an able mauuor,
Can you find any poimlbh) reason
for not giving Wilbur Jones jour
vote for Sheriff? Wo think not, be
cause you cannot find anything In
his past rorord to Justify It. lie hmi
at all times looked after the dutlcrt
of his office In a capable) manner.
Ho has surely attended to buslne.
and will bo rewarded by tho largest
vote of any candidate on the ticket.
lion. C. L. Hoamori, our candidate
for joint Iteprosotilntlvo from Jack
sou aud Douglas counties, Is a law
yor of recognized ability, lie Is a
fine orator and will ie a credit to
Jackson county. Ho has always
boon nn ardent booster for Jackson
county and has spent considerable
Unto aud money In boosting tho vir
tues of Southern Oregon, lie will
carry this county hy a largo major
ity aud his many friends In Doug
Ins county predict tho same result
When you look over tho ballot aud
sou tho name of J. 15. Uarkdull for
Representative don't think It Is
some strangor to you, for It Is
only the proper name for our
old friend, "Mose." You nil
know "Meno" and If you havo been
in this county any length of time,
you havo surely heard him boost for
Jackson county and when ho goes
down to the Legislature he will make
the "old timers" think thnt Jackson
county Is the orglnnl site of the Oar-
don of Eden and entitled to Just a
little moro notice than any other
part of the state. Ho hart never
emtio beforo you for public office, but
has alwa)H been nn ardent worker
In thu ranks. He is one of tho most
pleasant men you over mot and that
serious look on his face Just grow
there and don't mean anything. If
you think ho don't know what Jack
sou county needs, Just ask him and
find out for yourself.
Lewis Ulrlch, for county treasurer
Is tin honest, clean, upright and call
able young man, who asks you for
the first time for your support. It
elected he will conduct tho office In
a business-like manner and you will
never regret your choice.
Judgo Kelly seems to have every
thing his own way, and from every
section of the county wo hear noth
ing but words of commendation nnd
tho party Is to bo congratulated In
having (or Its candldnto for Prose
cuting attorney so able a man. Ite
member when he Is In otfico the
stato cases will bo handled right,
from making out the complaint un
til It rests with the jury.
How about Tou Velio for County
Judge? Have you ever met thu gen
tleman? He Is tho best single
handed campaigner you ever run
across and he Is trying to meet
every voter before eloction, nut in
case he don't find you Just tako thu
time to hunt him up and see for
yourself if ho looks like a man that
would piny fast and loose with thu
county funds. Tall: to him ami find
out his Ideas ns to bow that office
should bo conducted. Look up his
record slnco he has been in Jackson
county. Send back to his old home
and see If ho Is not a good business
num. After you havo investigated
his record you will agreo with us
that this county Is exceedingly
lucky to havo a mnn like Tou Vullu
administer Its affairs. Don't let tho
little petty quarrels ot rival towns
Influence you In n matter n Im
portant as this. Do your own think
ing aud size up thu situation thor
oughly nnd we have no doubt of the
Everybody knows Hob Taylor, our
candldato tor Recorder and they all
1 IK-o him and aro going to give him
a big voto becauuo they know tliolr
IntercstH will bo served In a thor
oughly capable manner. Your voto
for Hob will bo cast for tho right
Wo don't expect the entire county
to voto for W. II, Mlllor llko Oold
Hill Is going to do, because ho Is
going to get all tho votes there,
and If ho wero as well known all
over tho county as ho Is thoro ho
would get jlieni ovorywhoro, bocauno
thoy know him to bo a good, clean
man, well qualified to fill tho office
ot County Clerk,
Mui'tln MoUonough, tor assessor,
Is well known In this locality, hav
ing formerly been ongnnod In liusl
nous mid bus iiiimv friends who are
malting. viiIoh for lilln oMiry, day.
Oh, wolli whal's Urn iiho of boost
Ing our vniundatoH anyway. You
can't find anything axulnut any ot
Ihoiu, can you? Now, bo holiest
about It, and when you are alone In
tho booth on election tiny, with noth
ing between you and Ood, except uu
ludollblo pencil, Just stop and think
It over and deoldo lo vot tor tho
best (untitled man for oauh purlieu
Inr office, and wo will wager about
two and oue-hnlf dollam agatimt a
Teddy button thai the entire Doiuo
eiatle ticket will bo elected.
(Paid Advt )
1 have Just Installed a Now Cham
pion Stitching .Machine for soloing
shoos and respectfully Invito the
public to call and rteo UiIh now ma
chine In operation. No nulls on wolt
shoes. Quick work. Dost matorlnl
aud workmanship, l'rlces right,
Itrlug you shoo repairing to
III Soulli Kir Sh.'.l
Will go any place to ropnlr your car,
Cnrs for Hire Kopalrlug
I'hoonlv. Ore. Phone SlC-r'-l
if elected, will carefully scrutlnUo
the needs of tho office and mnko nny
chaugoH that will help to systematlzo
the work, without unneroHsary ox
ponso to tho county. Duties per
formed according to law. Duo courte
sy to all visitors or "inquiries. Husl-uusM-Uke
administration assured.
Itepubllcau nominee and voluntarily
endorsed by prohibition narty. Can
didate has boon loslduul nnd huslness
man of Talent tor several yenrrt,
serving thu public In various ways,
Home vote In April prlmsrlea 102
out of 1 1 1 votes cast for republican
candidates for county clerk,
Paid Advt.)
and moot nil cut or club rntos
which are advertised or ot
tered by any company. Ile
sldoa we give you a special
service which you do not get
If you send direct to publish
Clark & Wright
Publio Land Matten: Final Proof,
Desert Lands, Contest And Mlnltii
Cases. Scrip,
Rich, Black Loam
CO acres, six miles from ttodford.
good graded road crosses tho tract,
all froo noil, at $50 per aero, 11000
will handle, easy terms on halauco
Part is crook bottom land, suitable
for alfalfa. Bovornl springs on the
placo. Timber ouough to pay tor the
tract. No buildings, In tho Qrifflu
crook district.
W. T. York & Co
The Home of Feature Pliotoplti)
Sensational, Cnlosaal, Historical
MIMtary Production
"(T.STUI.'K LASTI'Iflin" '
In Throe Keels
The moht Ntuprlidous production ever
iionitelveil, coming a fortune to make.
Reproduction of the most hoiihii
lloual Incident In the V, H. iirmy, In
which lout) Indtnuiuiiid I Olio soldiers
ougiiKod III u battle to (ho death, In
which I'uster'a troopn wero com
pletely anulhllaUil,
N'nl one man escape! from tho ill
clo of ilcntli
In nilillllnii, 1 000 Feel or Clui)'
Ciiiiiedy, fully up to the Hlur Kinii
ihnil . ,
A In Popular Song lilt
Correct Muslu and Effects,
Coming Font ore!
"Caleli West," In two reels, Novoui
Imt I and 2.
"liny .Manning,'' In three rols, No
vember I and f
A couiptelo change of plcttirort nt
tho Ugo tonlHht
llelng tho second story of wlnt
bappeiird In many, produced In col-IhIioi-.iIIoii
with tho Ladles World.
Thla story appears In the September
number. Thoao wishing to keep up
In this story must remember, itm
numiinr wri appear one uignt only
at the Ugo, Saturday night,
AN AKKOI'IiAM: love affaiu
A western story Lublu.
Alkali Ike tu the greatest wosteru
coined)' riot of tho ago. This Is un
questionably tho seroamlost, breeze
lent western comedy of the day. Thu
film that has turned the photoplay
world topsy turvy.
tor each sot of old Falso Tooth sent
us. Highest prices paid for old Gold,
Bllvor, old Watches, llroken Jowelry
and Precious Stones.
Money Bout by Return Mall.
Plilla. Smelting .V Defining Company
Established 20 Year
8K1 Clicfttuul HI., Philadelphia, I',
To Dentists
Wo will buy your Oold Filings,
Oold Scrap, and Platinum. Highest
prices nnld.
Steam and Hot Water
All Work QunraniMd
Prices Itoaioimui
IS Howard Blook, Xctranot on till It,
Worn .
Monoy on hand at all times
to loan on improved ranches
and city property at lowest
rates with "on or boforo
Phono 3231 820 O -C. Bid
'Wb carry a very complete line of
clruixirloM, dico curtains, rlvturcs, etc,
mid do ull cIuhhoh of upholstering. A
epuclul man to look attar this work
exclusively and will ulve as good
srvlco as Is possible to get In even
tho largest cftlua.
Weeks & McGowan Co.