- 't. ff '.' , . P3PSE SIX w b l TODFOTO TOTTO TRTBIJM, TODFOftTF, OKlSCIoK, FTCTTlttY, OCTOBER 25, 1012. i - ' "- L1.1' .L.LJJJH DI VERB AND LEWIS, MUSICAL ARTISTS 4NN4M $ t HARVEST HOME SALE ',''" :ij '.'HH' w t 1 tsijyul s"t .-Er .HSI f ! A fir vM"Ti 'flHHH Glove Specials AT "Women's Cape Gloves in Ian for street wear, $1 grades a pair 69c Women's washable Dee skin Gloves, $1.50 grade, special a pair 98c MANN'S CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. 0. Waist Specials Women's tSillc and Net Waists, values up to sf5, sale price, eaeli $2.39 "Women 'h French Flannel Waists; $2.25 grade. Sale price, each $1.48 SPECIAL SALE FOR NEXT FIVE DAYS BIG BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPT. ... DON'T FAIL TO GET SOME OF THEM Specials in Cloak Department Isis Theatre, Friday and Saturday. LOCAL PROMOTER A JOHNSON Frnnkie Edwards, the local boxing iinjm'ssnrio, bas. Tnllcn in lino with Tom McCnrey, Jas. V. Coffrotb and other promoters and placed the bar upon Champion Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist now on trial for con tributing to the delinquency of a young white girl in Qhicago. When interviewed by a reprcsenla tive of the Mail Tribune this morning Mr. Edwards spoke thusly; "While I have no feelings against the race to which Johnson belongs, I think this smoke is becoming too large, where his hat ought to fit and his audacious statement the other day that he "Could Ret any white wo man he wished," should result in his elimination from the prize ring of Atnerion." $6 RATE ON HAY TO FRSCO GIVEN As a result of efforts put forth by A. S. Hosenbaum, station agent at Mcdford, freight rates on hay from Medford to San Francisco have been reduced from $ll.C0 to $( per ton aud it is expected that there will be n considerable amount of hay shipped out of the valley as a consequence. Hay in San Francisco is selling at $22 per ton but even at this price the previous freight rates made its shipment to that point almost pro hibitive. The hay crop of tho valley this season was very heavy and in all probability a great number of car loads of this commodity will be ship ped to the southern city. t t T t r f T T t COATS Women's heavy winter coats, all new styles, sale 59.98 ' FURS Women's coney sett worth $10, sale price $6.98 SUITS Women's winter suits, all good styles $20 values $10.98 MUFFS Women's coney I Muffs, very special $1.75 COATS Children's winter coats, sizes G to 11, $5 values $3.98 COATS Women's plush Coats, full length special $18.00 Specials in Dress Goods Department GO in. serge, spong ed and shrunk, in navv, brown, red and blade; $2.25 grade $1.89 NEW 12 ineh Charmeuse and Crepe Meteors, in till shades, a yard $2.25 00 in. diagonal and serge suiting in all colors; $1.75 grade $1.48 SILKS 5000 yards all silk Messaline, 75c. grade, a yard 48c 12 in. wool Poplin $u all shades suit able for street and evening wear; $1.25 value, spec, a yard 98c 500 yards wool Dress Goods for skirts aud child's dresses, spec, a yd. 48c Big Specials in Blanket Department CLUB TO MEET A regular meeting of the Greater Medford club will be held in the club rooms, Monday, October 28, nt 3 o'clock. Important business is to be transacted and a large attendance Is requested. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glveD that tho un dersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council Novem ber 5, 1912, for a license to sell malt, splrltous and vinous liquors at 32 North Front street, for a period of six months. M. & E. J. ADAMS. Dated October 22, 1912. Notice To Fruit Growers. Tho Garnott-Corey hardware have the agency for tho Dean Power Spray machines, tho best machine made, and havo ordered a car to como for ward November 1st. They will glad ly show tho working of these ma chines and quote the best prices. Store corner Main and Grape street. New Self-rising Buckwheat and Pancake flour, pure staple Syrup. Bchleffelln's Grocery, Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency C5 acres alfalfa land, good stand, nice large house and all good out buildings, close in, good location, snap at 2C5 per acre, look this up before you buy. .. 49 acres, S room, modern house and good out buildings, 30 acres set to trees, some in bearing, IS acres good alfalfa land, lays in one of the best locations In the valley, price 91G.000. 240, acres stock ranch, 15 miles from Medford 40 acres in cultiva tion, 4 room house and other out buildings several springs, some good saw timber, if sold by the first of the month will sell for $15 per acre. Nice 5 aero tract, close In. on good road, small house and chickens runs, perpetual water right, prlco ?1300. We have some good acreage to trade for city property, If you have some good clear property come and talk to us about It. We have calls for furnished and unfurnished houses overy day come and tell us where your house is and wo will rent it. Employment Girls and women for general hoiiBO work In and out of city. MES. EMMA BITTNEE Phono 4141; Home, 14. Opposite Nuih Hotel TIOOM8 rt anl 7. PALM I1LOCK. t T T T t t T T T T T t CHmXHNaA4 w-ww'w-w-w-w-w FREE Save Your Sales Slips and Get Wm. Rogers' Silverware FREE Full Size Blankets in grey, tan and white, $1.50 grade, special, a pr. $1.19 Our regular $1.25 Blanket, in grey, tan, and white, 98c Plaid Blankets in blue, brown, tan and gray, $2.50' quality, spec, a pair $2.19 Good heavy Comforters; $1.50 grade, special $1.19 Crib Blankets, extra weight; 59c grade, very special, a pair 48c Swastika Robe Blankets special, a pair Big Specials Underwear Department $1.98 Specials in Outing Flannel Garments "Women's heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, very special 59c "Women's Outing Flannel Skirts .very special, each 29c Children's Outing Flannel Sleeping Garments, 48c Children's fleeced lined Vests and Pants, special, each 25c Boys' heavy Hose, all si'.es, special, a pair 15c Women's fleeced Union Suits, elbow sleeves, low neck, ankle length, a suit, 98c "Women's Burson IToso, 25c. grade, a pair 18c Women's fleeced lined Vests and Pants, special oacl six ch 25c Womon's and Children's Hole proof hosiery, u box $2.00 Little Needs at Very Low Prices Colgate's Talcum Powder, 25c can, special, a can 12c Hair Nets, with or without rubber, special, each 3c Fins Good paper Pins, special, a paper 2c AA. JmJmJmJ ?MgM?MgMgM-?"? Established 1878 Incorporated 1904 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants - 801 Franklin St., New York Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our own houses in NEW YOItK, LIVKIU'OOIi, LONDON AND GLASGOW Direct consignments solicited or see our Rogue River representative. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon FRUIT MEN Hold Your Apples and Get Better Prices "We can storo 17 cars more of fruit. Rates as follews: 200 boxes or less 25c per box for the season. All in excess of 200 boxes 20c for the season. Season to April 1st. Medford Ice & Storage Co. a. 5 ? T ? f f ? ? T t t T t T t T t T J ? J ? t t y ? EX-UNITED STATES SENATOR FULTON iji ?' A Republican and one of the best orators in the West will speak in $t ' Medford Saturday, October 26 at 2:30 p. m. on the square opposite the Nash Hotel Gome and hear the political issues discussed by one who knows I X X i V T t t T T t T Y X ? X r T T t t T T r f t I t S i I $&Mf&44W4W'H"W A. '.' 'I - r . '- . .' 1 r , M.';-t !' f KH ftj t f trA . -A AV4.4rt!lt-WMtar4l rwrrrrrrrt