V ftfGl TW MEDFORD MXID TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, , OREGON, FRTDAY. OCTOTWR 25, ,1012. V IOCALAND L PERSONAL Mr. nml Mrfl. 1). W, Smnley nml Clnuilo do F. Smith, or r-drtland, arb In tlio city Ju th Interests of the It, Oj II, automobile company Those people camn UirotiKh from Portland In! an K. C. H, car and Imvo estab lished RKqilL In several towns alonn the Una. It, 0, Heddson of Hutchinson, Kami., arrived lit Medford Thursday, For Rooitnesa unite, havo II. A. Holmes, the. Insnrnnca tnan write your Insurance. Ho knows how. Or. and Mrs. James Lonsdale of Sauk ftnplds, Minn., are In Medford for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Williams at 520 South Peach street Vapor baths and scientific massage $1.00, for men and women. Dr. R. J, T.ockwood, chlroproeter and nerve specialist, 203 Oarnett-Corcy DUIg. phono Home 145. Dr. F. M. White formerly of Med ford, now located at Khunath Falls, passed through Medford Friday on route homo from a three months' stay In Coos county. S. A. Newell, Indies' tailor, 4tb floor M. F. & H. bldg. Mrs. II. C. Sherwood of Henley vllle, Cad, who- has been in Medford visiting J. U. Wlllekc and family, re turned to her home Friday morning. Oak and harawood $4.60 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. K. E. Ilagley of Ashland was in Medford Friday on business. Glasses fitted without uso of drugs. Dr. Rlckert, over Kent ner'a. L. Pape, of Harney county, Ore., arrhed In the city Thursday. Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. W. A. Messner was In Central Point on business Friday. Try a Vapor bath for that cold. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, Garnet-Corey Bldg.. phone Home 145, Mrs. J. J. Skinner of Griffin creek took train IT. Friday morning for Redding, Cal., to which place she was called by a telegram announcing the death of her brother who resides In that- place. Or. Rlckert, eyesight specialist, over Kentner's. No drops used. Mrs. F. C. Page returned Friday to her home, In Pasadena, Cal., af ter a several weeks' visit to friends and relatives. Dr. Page will remain In Medford several weeksVet,'tir" un til work Is commacoft and well under way on his new opera house. Sirs. Page was accompanied south by Miss Flora Welch of this city who will at tend a young ladies college in Los Angeles. Steroptican lecture Friday night on "Famous Mausoleums of the .world,", by Hon, L. L. Austin of Chi cago, at the Xatatorium. This is an educational lecture of much interest to every one. Mrs. K. S. Forbes and Mrs. D. T. Lawton were in Talent Friday vis iting Dr. and Sirs. D. A. Forbes. Genuine Eastern, Gloucester Cod Fish, absolutely boneless. Schief f el la's Grocery. . " George Clark of Xellgh, Neb., left Friday 'morning for the south after a several days' visit to L. D. Warner nnd. family. These people were old time neighbors in Nebraska. Columbia Pig Sausage. In clean. sanitary packages. Schleffelln's Gro cery. J. X. Smith, a resident of Centra,! Point, aged 70 years, was stricken with paralysis Thursday and it is not expected ho will survive. Sir. Smith is well known in Jackson county where ho has resided for a great number of years, having come to the coast from the east In 184G. He Is an undo of Judge Crews of this city. The Men's' Ault Bible class of the M. E. church is being largely at tended each week and excellent work Is being done by the Individual mem bers of the cluss In Increasing the attendance and in adding greater zeal to the study or topics lven out in the lessons and a sideline , of topics put out bach Sunday by the teacher. The class Is very fortunate in having for Us teacher, II. H. Den nett and its president, E. W. Braln erd. They are energetic and capebiQ In their respective (daces and there is little probability of there being r Jurk of interest in the work so long as they hold thl respective posl- t'.t'hB. According n nints r.Peli have riu'Iiad this cifc Mfim upper Jtosue r'ver, j, F, Hlttsa . rh' f ;if p U;o, who is In the hills to regains his strength following a recent serious Illness, bagged ;i big brown bear one day last week. Jllttson Is expected to letuni to Medford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Stlgall of Mo horly. Mo., arrived In Medford Thurs day and are registered nt tho Med fnrd llek'l,, Mr. mid Mrs. Wt Irving of Us Angeles, arrived in lht city Thurs day, v C, A. Kdmondson and Wtll lJunb of llutlo Falls left Thursday for Portland where they will be govern ment wltnesi.es in the railroad land case. 1L I). Mills, manager of the llutto Palls Lumber company came down from Uutto Fnlls Thursday for a couple of days' hulms stny in the "Hy. Mrs. ,T. Cndsow and Mrs. Riley of Duito Falls too trnln 14 Thursday owning for an extended .visit In New York state. "Mrs. U. D. Young of Central Point visited her sister, Mrs. C. W. Stockhnm In Medrord Thursday, Morgan Schrack, foreman In the Mall Tribune news and Job printing rooms, received "a telegram from Seattle Thursday morning announc ing the serious Illness of his father, E. M. Schrack, who has been 111 for sometime. It was not expected he would survive long, ewing: to his ad vanced age, which Is S4 years. Mr. Schrack, Jr:. left Bedford ror Seattle Thursday evening. C M. Haynes anil family of Pull man, Wash., arrived In Mcdronl a few' days ago and will spend the win ter here, and may decide to locate permanently. Mre. E. M. Hlhbard came In Thurs day from her home In Colfax, Cal., nnd will visit several weeks with her son, Joe Hlbbard. Mrs. T, J. Malmgren nnd Mrs. C, C. Scott, of Phoenix, were doing shopping In Medford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Evans of Port land, arrived In Medford Thursday and will make this place their home. Mrs. Evans Is a sister of Mrs. Deauchamp at 210 West Jackson boulevard. Mrs. R. J. Stewart of Agers Spur, was In the city Thursday doing shop ping with Medford merchants. Agers Spur 4s a small town on the South ern Pacific south of Ashland Ray Gaunyan is enjoying a several days' hunt down on Evans creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. Paulson of Central Point have returned from Portland where they had been spend ing several dnys visiting and look ing after business matters. Sam Pat has bought a 32-acrc ranch near Castle Rock, Wash., which is about fifty miles north or Portland and he and bis family will move there In tho uoar future. WORKS FOR SUFFRAGE , L -, j I .t. ! -f tK3AVH.LlAJrt OUAnTW.CATrt-WW Mrs. William iti.uit Itrowu, of Now York, wan one uf the n.mien who saiV In the bull utoiWe uuive.:iuut a wcdg) for woman Kiiffrnge. She went to the Chicago Convention and Morked hard for the cause. DO YOU ENJOY EATING? Or Does Kverytlilng Voti knl l)N. tiH-.s Vou'.k UNION COOKING BAGS 19c, 2 lot 3Sc Tho only mifhorfcctl "Rriu lor Hoyon pnpor hftf cookofw lilcoiioiiiicalhyMtic, lnbol .snVhijj, liottor t'ootl- piit up M0 bnj?s assorted siwiii1 puckaQ. Spooial for Saturday. 10' pmiUtio, 2 fop 35i WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP Facial,' Crciun, Vtw'ml Powclor, l)ontU Oronin and Tooth Powdoi', 25t oupIi, 5 for T ...$1.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Jackson. SS. la the matter Of the estate or John M. Davidson, deceased. The undersigned, "having been ap pointed by the county court of the state or Oregon, for the county of Jackson, administratrix of the estate of John M. Davidson, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditors or. and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required, by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said May Davidson at her place of resi dence about two miles northwest of Central Point, Ore., or at the office of. my attorney, F. J. Newman, over the Jackson County Bank building In the city of Medford, Oregon. SI AY DAVIDSON, Administratrix of the estato of John M. Davidson, deceased. Dated Oils 23th day of October, A. ., 1012, The datq of tho first publication or thia notice ia October 2", 1812. Expcrtn declare thnt the reason stomach disorders are so common In this country Is dun to hasty and careless habits of eating. Stomach troubles, and run-down conditions al so usunly go together. John Llnd, of Oneonta, N. Y., sas: "I had a bad stomach trou ble for fifteen years nnd became so weak that I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was very poor, and It seemed Impossible to get any relief. Slnco taking two hot ties of Vinol 1 find that It tins al ready Hindu a remarkable Improve ment In my health, my digestion Is much stronger, nnd 1 have gained In weight." Vlnol makes weak stomachs strong because It strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vl nol is easily assimilated by the weakest stomachs nnd Is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle or Vlnol with tho un derstanding that your money will be returned If it does not help you. Sledford Pharmacy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR TRADE 20 acres r'vpr bottom land in Lane Co. r.ear Eugene. 1? acres in cultivation, five acres In hops; two hop houses, barn, dwelling house and cut buildings. Will trade for country property in Rogue River valley, address box 302 .Medford, Ore. ISC FOR SALE Bay horse. 7 you-, old. wt. 1G00 lbs work slng'o or dou ble, woman c m-l handle, price 5-i-O, cash o time. E. E. Morri son. R. R. No J, box 47, Sled-fi-rd. Ore. 187 JERGENS' LE BEAU MONDE and Violet Glycerine Toilet Soap v lOtf eako, 3 for 25 JERGENS' Toilet Soap 1000 cakos full stand ard hand milled Toiler Soap 55 Cake ti IV 10 RIBBONS - HOSIERY All Silk )M Iota Ribbon, wide widths, yard 10 All Silk Satin Ribbon, wide widths, yard . .10f' lloavviVuSilk Taffeta Ribbon, yard. 15 Kxtra'wide, bettvy, all Silk Taffeta Ribbon, Hoys and .Misses' Sehool Hose, 'Joe val., pr. 10( Ladies' Seamless fast black Hose, pair..... ..1,0 Ladies' Hurson Hose, the Purson full standard. Jlijc qualify, pair 25ip 1 lot Hoys' and Misses' 'Underwear, 2He to Jfic value" 25tf 1 lot Misses fleece lined Union Suits . .. .50 Misses, (vctm fine heavy quality Union Suits $1 Ladies' Union Suits, each 75, $1 and $1.50 Hallowe'en Novelties Masks, ,"Kalse .Faces, qtc. A complete new line, tomorrow, each 5 for 25 I ISIS THEATRE . i . i i i . 1 1 i FltfDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SPECIAL "The Money King's" or W Mission of DlplomttcjjV t IX Tiutui: IIIIKLS li How Universal IVikhj wtwtkclnrtMl nml Dm iinprlnrlplnl Heht'inen of jtreed mid nvurlco to prevent It worn ilofontml liy a iriilrk wlttrol jjlrl mill n ilnrlnff nvlntor In hla liyilroneroplmio ' i s J ( t Bltf Sullivnii & ConsitUnu Act DKVKRE & LEWIS NOVELTY MUSICAL ACT Mk Surprise Comedy Matinee Saturday Afternoon 5c and 10c rAilw. 7A cars eathers air i?. conditions ZERDLENE M,f tt thebesauto in the .handiest, can. oil HySSEY'S fnnliit on ZI'?dl(MU In tho orlKhml iiifl,iiui,i STANDARD OIL COMPANY I'OltThANO f Incorporated) H.N KlUXi'lHl'O APPLES APPLES APPLES Do You Wnnt to Soil? What sorts nnd quantities, and what nrlcoT Wo nro not tend erlnR for anybody's fruit. Do you wnnt to coiml:n nnd chnnrn tho tunrkntT Consult u nnd wo will rIvq ym nuutntlouH, In every rnni wo neud tlio pollirrt italo nolrrt. In New York wo titio our own wulo'tiotei, nml do not huvo liptcs told by auction. 70 Park Placo W. N. WHITE.fejOO J; TRm Yorir- jJmJJmJJmJjj W -.NTED T hfiwlsomo jonnR Tvomen to k'l I rtavelt Piojjreji r.'vo standi yr.d umbersbtp et-r-tlflcatcs. A. K. Wore, room 3, Jackson County Bank Oldg. 18C FOR SALE Corn. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 holler return fine, 15 h. ji. 1 engine (At las) 12 h. p.. In good running or der. Address box 24 Jackson ville. Ore., or call on Chris Ul rlch, Jacksonville. 209 FOR EXOHAXOE Modern ft room bungalow to exchange for small tract close In. Ilox 15, phono 1C0-K. 188 FOR SALE .Wood. Ail orders filled promptly. Dr. Helms, 112 S'orth Kir. Thono 287-K. FOR SALE East front lot on Rose ave.. side walk, and paved nt., 50 xHO, above grade, $475. Inqulro 42 Roue .Ave. 18C 10c and 25c Sale AT Weeks &McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Wfkt JPkoMl T. W, Wetka M71 A. X. errM OAKDALE CASH GROCERY Saturday, October 26th I IIm. H'Cfjt AVH'lloeti , ,.., .v....,.10c 7 lb. N-r ("nbhHge 10c 8 lbs. Jlurbank Potutoes lOc 2 Im. Tokny Ornpes 10c ll's- OiiIoiih '. 10r I IIm. Kiinry TmiUo"s 10c 0 IbH. Hubbard SqiiUHh 10c 1 lb. Soda Crackers .'. 10c it Head TetlUce .., : , 10c 1 it. CnuilH'rrJes 10c 1 Fancy I'inoiiH , , toe 4 Fancy Orangey , 10c 1 Fancy ilunaiuiH JOc L Hi. IVcatiH Joe U H. FlIbertM 10c J lb., OyMer Crackern .... lOo 1 pt. Jar extra JlOnry , 25c 3 lbir FHh Xnnlliu 25c -' . Ji f. ( barn Crystal White ..., . ... 25c 1 Itotllo Durkee'fi UtmnlnK 25c 2 CaiiK Choice Toih . . . ....23c 2 Huiitfr uoy Corn 25c a lbs. Carolina I tire ' 25c 4 llw. Xavj I lea ns .'.. ..25c Standard 0c Coffee 25c riulft'M Htandaiil 'itacon ..,.'. 25c 2 CaiiH .Teas ..'....'....l.... , 25c 2 IIolile finyderti CHtNiip 25c .' llottlc Aimnoiila 25c 4 JIin. Ciiiio Sugar 25o .' CimH Van Cntnpft KDup 25c it Cant Hiodei-N Pork and ItemiN,. .25c Klhkljoii and' Applcgato Iluttcr Suiri't l'romium Hani and Huron SATURDAY SPECIALS AT KENTNER'S New Coats and Suits Special at ' $15, $18.50, $20 and $25 m && New Coats and Suits are constantly arriving and we arc making some verv SDecial orices on these 3-4 length Johnnv Coats, new V wirif vfllla TliprfnnHl lnafc nnn nil ivonl srif-in linpH Sprrfp Snif-c priced as low as $15. i See the New Furs Not in years has our display oT furs lieon as coniplcto "nor as reasonably prjtiell n lis season every wanted l'urund jn'ieed rroinv$.T to $75. , ' ' Note These Very Unusual Specials ; We Tay Rent. Accept no charity, po business on a good rlean baslH, Ko reputable firm can do a legitimate business without tu profit, r2oe heavy Oulin- IHiinncl :. i) $1.50 heavy Cotton Blanjcets $1.13 $1.00 Pure linen Table Damask ... ..89 $2.00 Umbrellas, "India',' shapes SI .49 10c Dress Ginghams . St &0l pui-d linen lluek Towels 29 20e Kimonn Crepes 15 $1.25 kitt Gloves, black, while, and colors 98 50o worth;-'WrJting Paper and,.linyeIoppfj...J....iJp All wooHknitted Newport Scarf 50 -Ladies' all wotd Sweaters i-.U.l,...! $1,98 Ladies' 50c Union Suifs :..:.:. 39 Children's 50e to 7flc wool Underwear,..,. ;....9 '10 inch Colonial Drajajry lfabriKs ......'18 1 lot $5 Nemo and Mpnion Corsets $3.98 .15c mid "I2i.e Dress Ginghams ,' JJ'rt' New Corduroy Walking Skirls $5.00 Last's' kiiiticdAVjiatiou fjips ; 9 philrlren's 75e Outing (jlownH.. . JSO Children's 50e fleece lined Ifiidonvcar 25 t V The Big Store KENTNER'S B.S- I a y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y . y y y y y- y t