V . tf ? Ctty Had V;4 Medford Mail Tribune i SECOND EDITION WEATHER Shower -Mm. Wj Mhi, 42j Tr-;p. .. - '6 o nr,f- lr " I'orty. c('(iin1 Tear. UllyMviuith Yar. BALKANS WIN MING TURKS KIRK KILISSAH HOKIA, Ocl. HI. An offlvlnl do- npntch o u new ttftoiioy hum thin nftornooii announce Unit Kirk Kills sob Iiiin fallen into tin' hands of the Hulgnrinii unity. No ilittnlla aro given. hi i ir LONDON, Ocl. 21. Dispatches from Hofin to thn Kxnlinnuo Tele graph hero today ny thnt the Bul garian forces have, ilirl Kirk KIIIkhiiIi. No ooiiflniirttinti of the r'ori hnH yet boon wed veil from iinv Ot mr, source. V.i).lt tint iKrlH tlm t Klik ..,M . .. KHIhmV i lilt frtllrti prove I run, it (lorn not inoiui the owl f tint groat hut lit near Ailrinunplo, which atlll intixl be taken before Ihu way to Coutautl itople W open. Report of tho fighting aro -fltetlng. One despatch from Hoftti says that a Rulgnrinn aviator flow over tint forest Of Adrinnnpln at a height of 1200 ft'i'l, avoiding tin rifle fire ami seeming tht plana of tint defense. Despite the Constantinople claima that tlm Servian have been touted, ilfspatttlifH from Rolgrndo dcejare that tho SkiIw aro Hurrotiudiug V kith ami linwt Ijpoii victorious every where. Greek rcMii(H (lint they have rout oil lint TuricH to which lltoy wore op posed near Sorvio am unooiitratlit'totl. Messages received this evening from Iho Hiilciirititi llnca nay tho troops n( (hn front aro rejoicing over the fall of Kirk Killh. Tho office force of County Clttk Colomnn I att III engaged In clonln tho regl'trotton books of tho county hut owing to tho largo number ot registrations received on Unltinluy night and Sunday from notarv publico th'nughout tho county tlm work It erc slow and It will bi ttmornl days before tho I lit a aro romploto and tho number of registered voters In ouch precinct of tho county -tnnwn. Tho number of registered voters thin year Mil exceed 6200, n gnlu ot neurl) 1000 oor two yiara aga t tho nl.no oloctlon. In 1010 thu totul num'ior of regis tered votorn In tho conn y w.u U."Xt tH number being considerably In Cleaned by tho number sworn In on oincllon day. Thlit y!ur thr regU ta'i tUt will exceed ii200 mid with tlioito who Are sworn In on election tluy probably C100 or C')0 votus will boTottt In thin county. According In tho reaU'.Mt'on Hula tho nlmt Mod ford products should cast In tho neighborhood ot 2200 votes, Tho Ashland vote will bo In tho neighborhood of 13M). It will bo tho flrat ot next week be fore tho county clork will have tho IIhIii complete and It will ho povalblo to tlotorinlno tho nuibor of reglHtored voters In ouch precinct. LATEST DREADNAUGHT REGISTRATION FOR GENERAL ELECTION 111 EXCEED 6200 BRAIN CHRISTENS ntiVONRIURR, Knglaml, Oot. SI. Cluisteiiotl by Lady awtunlolin Churchill, Bijtlor of Home Soorolary Wiiifllon CHiu-oliilli Ihu Morlhorougli, fli'cut llritliiii'8 littost thondnauRht, was liumolioil here todny in tho pren fliieo of a (liHtlngtiiRhod gathering of naval, militia mill civil offioinlH. Tho Jrinhoiough'"originnlly wn to linvo boon ohrlHtoiiod by Hio DucIiosh of MnrlboroiiBh (fonuorly Misa Con Hiiolrt Vnndorhilt) but owing to the Intloi'a illiioss (ho honor was (rniifi forrod to Imuy Churohlll. Tho original Holootiou of tho Diioli . itNH n Hpniipor for (ho fillip woh of parjioulur Inlorost to Hooiety, for In , Holcoting tho American duuhoHH (o chrifitiun thu great wnrHhlp, mimed after her IimhIxiiuVh fninoun anocHtor, thu udmlniUy, and Indiieotly, (ho court virtually ghvo potino thnt tho dnohnns a piiHiniroliod by her marital troubles, ALLIED ARMIES 10 CONVERGE AT U GAPTAL VM'.NNA, Oot. 'Jl.hocltod in a death grapple, out on tho outcome of which hangb tho fato of llnm in Kurope, MohIoih Turku and ChriHtians nml llulirnr contiuiioil todnv their Imttln for thn fortroBH of Kirk Kllift- Hchf thn fall of which, it in admitted, will tunc tln wnv lii Adrinnoiile'N fall, iho iilthnnto nnptiiro of CotiHlnn- tiuople and the proliahlo expulsion ot Iho .Mohammedan from Kurope. Kwooping in from the northeast, lint Itiiluarlnu armv linn cleft il ay almost to Iho wnlln of Kirk KiliM'h, ami, Hprcnd out in a wide orcxcciil foniitilioit, In Hloadilv puridiiiig hack the Turku to tho vorv walls of the forlrcxH. Vaslllkit nml Tirnnwi have nlrontlv been tutcupiod by the Cliri- liaiiH. nml, their atlvnnco rnrcot nl immt Miiirottnilinir Kirk KillMseh. they arc ileupcialoiy battling for Its fall before piiHhiug on to Adnanoplo, only nboul twenty milo west. 1 leading Ii!h 4vnlitint rnouiitiiineerw, King Nioholnt of Montonogro in known to ho gaining victories over Iho Mohlcm in thn wildrt of Albania. On tint Montenegrin frontier the Chrixtinn arms have mot with no nor tout repuNo. Btrikiuc a( Tuikov from tho Mtuth, Iho Oreok forco under Crown Prince CoiiNlautino, havo captured tho Turk ish town of Son In, and hold the bridge over tho Aliaktnon river. "Nowb in nlnioKt entirely tidings of Christian ictory. Only a iiowire de feat for tbo allien nt Adrinnople, ap parently, con check the allien, which, from tho ennvorging lines of their aniiiott, it in hourly growing more certain !x niiuod ut ConHtnntinoplo itnelf. NEGRO TRAFFIC IN WHITE S CHICAGO, Oct. St. Spurred to action by evidence of a nation wide organUatlon which reaps an cnor motiH profit by supplying whlto girls to wealthy nogroes, Chinese, and Jnpnnee, govormnont officials In ovory Important city of tho country toduy received orders from Washing ton to tako stepit Immediately to stop such traffic. Kvldcnco produced In tho federal grand Jury Investi gations hero of u whlto slavo caso, In which Pugilist Jack Johnson and Lucille Cameron, a whlto girl, fig ure, makes It almost certain that such an organization oxlsts. A iteoro ot Instance wlioro whlto glrltt had boon shipped from statu to stato to negroes, Chinese and Japanese wore given to tho Unltod ProRH lioro thlfl afternoon by Arthur II. Parwcll, president or tho law and order league. HEAVY REGISTRATION L 8ALEM, Ore., Oct. 2I.Ninu couutioH in tho atato havo mndo their final registration returns for tho No vember election to tho secretary of Matu. Tlioy nro Columbia, total registra tion 2211); Sherman 778 Ornnt 1515; Lincoln 1328; Klnmnth 2711; Mor row 1)82; Hcnlon 2151; Ollliam 718; Umatilla .102!). Hegiatratiou was heavy throughout (ho Htoto, running somowhoro over 15 per cent of tho number regifilorod be fore Iho primaries. AT IS ATHENS. Oot. 21, King George of Grcoco la today being put forward hero ub iv candidate for (ho presi dency of a permanent alllauoo of tho ltdlkaiiH fitatofi. Crown Prlnoo CoiiBlnntlno (olo- graphod this iiftorunon (hat Mho Orook vlotory uoar Soj-vio ia com ploto, and (hat tho aotithom Tnrklah unity is in full flight. GENERA ELECTION REEK VICTORY SERVO COMPLETE MEDFORD, WOULD-BE ASSASSSIN'S BULLEY LOCATED BY fjSpjjj5S555Sj55555 IiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' .BslllHHflHiHSkAsBSkfeliBBIsillifl liS ivjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpSs a j iBV BsjBapaBaBaBaBBapaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBi&z vtispjpjpjpjpjpi 1111111111111111111- J MT r AlllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllSkllllllSlllS I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihF'.bI 'AilsliiiiiKSkliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiH LiiiiiiiiiLiiiiUkiiV''. - tMKMKx X-I2A' PHOTOGRAPH TAKEW THE TO ONE SAN rKANTISl'O. Oct. 21-I.oci betting on the election tint .begun in corneal and huge iuhiih arc pouring into tho t'oinmifteloucr' boxc. Tton Corbelt. who bundles thounandh of dollars on overv election, oxpeets the election on November 5 to bo ono of thn henvicHl bottiiiK nnipositionft in years. Ip tins presidential fiphl Wil- (.on in n Htroug favorite, lux iitlmirer offoring a to 1 that ho will bo elect ed. Tho revcree fignrea obtain intho rnscM of Taftand HooqeVclr. On' tlm Htnto, oven moncv in offered that Roosevelt will carry it by 20,000, and 10 (o 7 that ho will bo top man, without any figure- being named. A number of combination bets have been recorded, the ono most favored being that Wilfon will bo first and Roosevelt aecond in tbo cenornl result. 7 to 10 being offered on thin .proposition. Other combina tion beta are na follewa: WiUon first, Tuft fiecond, 3 to 2; Wilson hocond, 7 to 2; Tuft first, Roosevelt second 8 to 1; Roosevelt first, Taft second, 10 to 1, nml Roosevelt firl, WiNon second, 4 to 1. OF RAID MEAT SHOP HERLIN, Oct. 21. llccnuse 2000 women raidod a butcher shop in tho Wedding district, demolished fho pi net; nml looted it of meat, nil the other butcher ghops in that section hero ttlobod today and barricaded their door. Tho demonstration was due to tho "dear food" riots. The manager of tho shop was ser iously injured during (ho attack. E L Tho Evans orook section of Jnolc sou county ia acknowledged to bu ono of tho most fertilo spots to bo found and (hero is nothing planted in its soil which does not mature into u product worthy of more than casual mention,, Aa a posi(ivo demonstration of tho fortility of thia section Lewis Sivors has sent to tho Medford Commercial ttliib u sack of nunuuda onions which nro tho largest and best onions ovor exhibited nnywhero, Tho average weight of tho individual onion ia two pounds. They may ho seen at tho Commorcinl club exhibit moms. RECORr) BREAKING HOP SALES IN WILLAMETTE PORTLAND, Oot. 24, Record breaking hop sales nro reported from all points in tho Willamette valley, Four thousand bales, sealing from twelve to twenty cents a pound have boon dlsposod of so faf, ninety por cent of tho business being for tho account of short Hollera, who are i'orood to deliver by tho last of tho moutlu ELECTION ODDS FAVOR WILSON WOMEN VANS D'S BIGGEST ONIONS OREOON, fJiriJSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 3912. OF THEODO3E. ROOJTE.VELT5- "WOONDED CHEST. SHOWING BUUET. NEGRO BRANDS CHAMPION AS 1RABLE CHICAGO, O.'t. 2l.Jack John eon, negro heavyweight champion of tho world, todny tnnd partly axon oratcil in tho eye of the Appomattox club, n negro orgunirniiou. which at a meeting hif-f.K night considered IoIiiisoiiV nllegc'ii frentment of Lu cille Cameron, nX white girl. The meeting favored (ho champion until the nnme of Ro'oler T. Wa-bington was mentioned. Johnson who wan present,, denounced the educator. Major John lyich,t n fonner up-, gro po'grosiflaij$uwiui' tbo tonly xenkor (o oriticu-o Johnson. "Thin man Johnson." he shouted, "ia phyMcally strong but mentally weak. Some have been proud of him na n fighter bat never a-? anything elhp. I Imtc regnrdeil him as an un desirable citiren. Johnson doc not have, and never can command the respect of tho decent and intelligent men of his race." ''Vou wouldn't dare to sav that if you were a younger man," hroku in Johnson. "Oh, ye, I would," calmly nnswor ed Lynch, continuing his denuncia tion. SALEM BLUNDER Itocansp someone blundered a great deal of extra work has been placed upon tho county clerks of tho stato according to County Cleik Coleman who received night lettergram from Secretary Olcott this morning call ing attention to n mistake in tho title of nu initiative measure to be voted uon November f. Tho title of the measure as it now appears uwn tho ballot reads ",") For tho amending of section 1, article 0, of tho consti tution" when it should rend "for tho amending of section 1, nrlielo 4 of tho constitution." As tho ballots have nil been printed throughout the statbit will necessi tate going over every ballot and sam ple ballot with a pen making tho cor rection. As there aro 22,000 of theso in Jackson county alone it gives somo indication of tho amount of work tho county dorks must "do to rectify tho matter. SALT LAKE MURDERER IS SHOT TO DEATH SALT LAKE CUT. Utah. Oct. 24. Walking with steady tread into tho prison yard,, James Riley, convicted of tho murder of Ge6rgo Fassell, n grocer, in 1010, allowed himself to ho blindfolded, and strafmed to a chair and legally shot to death nt tho stato pomtentinry hero loduy. AN IDES MAKESEXTRAWORK FOR OUNTYCLERKS The Mail Tribune is issued under dif ficulties todaylack of gas preventing the setting of much type. X-RAY PHOTOGRAPH IUTAUTY OE WIFE'S SUICIDE NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-More light wns thrown on the alleged brutality and depravity of Jack Johnson., the negro pucilist. here today by Mrs. David Terry, mother of Mrs. Etta Duryen Johnson, the negro's white wife Who committed suicide n few week ago. Crushed in .spirit nnd broken in health, nnd with a physi cian constantly In ultendance, Mrs. Terry told of the hard life her daugh ter wnj. forced to endure with tho ginnt negro..,.. , m "If my. daughter's sulfide" fob bed Mr, ferry, "will serve as a war- nini: to other girls and if I thought it might t-nve someone else from a similar fatr, my own crushing bur den of sorrow might bo easier. I would feel that her death wns not in vain. "It would be wrong for me (o tell what ought to be done to Juek John son. It is not for me to judge. God must do that, but every night' I pray to God to punish that negro as he de servos. ' "No one can ever know how cruel that negro wns to Etta. Ho bent her so badly she was forced lo go to a hospital. She wns mortally afraid of him nnd ran away once, hiding in a hotel. I havo seen my poor child with her eyes black nnd her face bruised, lleforo she went to Europe with him she told mo she would rath er die than go."' fUAWG DAV ' NEW YORK. Oct. 24. Further ir regularity in prices was noted at tho opening of tho stock market today. Hill stocks nnd Canadian Pacific were down about a point, but tho me tal issues nnd somo of the specialties made slight gains. Trading was dull during tho early market but picked up gradually. Republic Iron and Bethlehem Steel wero particularly strong. Tho maiket closed strong. Roods were steady? WEST OFFERS REWARD OF SALEM, Ore, Oct. 24. Governor West today issued a proclamation of fering n reward of $100 for infor mation lending to tho arrest nnd con viction of nny owner, lessor or lesseo in tho state of any building conducted ns a disorderly house. This startling edict, although expected for somo time, is expected to send hundreds of porsons against whom it is directed scurrying for eovor. NERO CAUSED COUNTY E E COQUILLn, Ore, Oct. 24. At a mooting hold bre tho permanent or ganization of tho Coos County Good Honds Association was perfected, with A T. Morrison, of Coaulltc, as presi dent; J. K. Norton, of Coqullle, sec retary, and George P. Topping, Ban con; K. E. Johnson. Coqtillle; Dr. Itar tlo Xorth Ucnd; Dr. Johnson. Myr.Ie Poinl, and D. C Oreon. of Manshflelt a vfce-presldentH. Tho membership fee of the organization was placed at ft and at the meeting over 30 mem bers joined the organization. The principal object of the organ ization Ik the fostering of good roads throughout the county, with the first preference given to a hard surface trunk road from the Douglas county lino, on the Middle Fork road to Myr tle Point, thence to Conullle, and branching there to continue through Murahfk'Iit and North Dead to Sun set Day. the seaside home ot Mayor Simpson, of North Bend; the other branch to proceed from Coquille down the Coquille Klver to Bandon and thenre down tho coast to the Curry rounty line, near LangloU. Endorse Home Kale Bill In the course of the deliberations of tho body the matter ot enabling acta was thoroughly discussed, with the result that the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote of the organizatien: "Resolved, That the Cooa County Good Roads Association endorses and recommends to the voters of the coun ty and state Initiative measure num bered 360 and 361 on the official bal lot at the coming election as the best measure pertaining to the beading ot rountieos for the hulldlar ot perma nent roads, "Mi tf mart ttiig,it- slgnated as the county borne rule constitutional amendment." In furthering the dissemination of this resolution of the body, a com fittee of three -was named with in structions to communicate with the various poltlcal and civic bodies ot the state asking their support of thtg measure. In support of this request the body has given as reasons for tf.'i lu'icge ot this bill the follewing: Arguments ia Favor First That It is the only proposed law which tvlll enable Cooo county to ittlse a sufficient fund to build Ji6 necessary permanent roads. Second That, under the provisions ot this measure the matter of the amount ot the bond Issue Is left whol ly to the judgment ond discretion of the county in which the tax Is as sessed and the fund expended. Third That, while In some counties a 2 per cent bond Issue may be ade quate, and that in others a 5 'per cent bond Issue may be needed, In Coos county and some others ot the Btate neither ot these maximum limits will bo adequate for the building of the necessary permanent roads. Fourth That this maesure. If It bo- comes a law, will not, in any case. work a hardship upon those counties where a small bond issue is ample, but that It will enable those needing a larger fund to raise the same. Fifth Wo contend that tho amount of the bond issue should bo left whol ly to tbo people of the counties lntr ested and that the state as a whole should not sot a maximum limit on tho bond issue upou Individual coun ties. HIT IN EVHE INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 24.. Business correspondence which passed between himself and John J. MoN'amara, was produced at the trial hero today of tho forty-seven mem bers ot the International Association ot Brldgo tnd Structural Ironworkers charged with illegally transporting dynamite, by Henry Pohlman of Seattle, financial secretary and busi ness agent tor the Ironworkers' local union. These letters will bo read to the Jury later. Judgo Carver of Trenton, N, J., described an explosion at Polham Bay, N, J., aud J. T, Lone of Clove' laud described ouo which occurred there. James Wurts ot Philadelphia told of two explosions in April, 1908, which wrecked the elavated structure erected thoro by the American Bridge Company, N OM RULE MM NO. 184. I"'"I-J"J" BECKER'S FATE OF TRIAL JURY NEW YORK, Oct. 24,The fato of I'llico Llotitcuant Charles Booker, charged with having instigated tho murder of Gambler Hormnn Rosen thal, now rests with n jury. Justice John W. Goft'a charge wa conclud ed nt 1:55 o'clock this afternoon, and the jury Immediately retired. Rockor lounged Idly In a chair dur ing' Iho reading of the court' in structions (o the jury. ed interest in Justice'! when the court, before! the jury to delibern1 which meant so much 'if you find thai Jack Rose, Wd Rosenthal killed while acting nbr instruetiona from Rocker you mnst find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree." Justice Gofr.w chnrge was lengthy. In outlining the case ho said if the jury found that Booker told Jack Hose that he wanted Rosenthal kill ed, nnd that if Rose acted upon sucli instruction and killed Rosenthal, they must find Beokor guilty of mur der in the first degree. Becker was dissatisfied with Jus tice Goff's charge to the jury. As ho was on his way to tho Tombs ha characterized the jndge'a instructions as most unfair. OIL 100 POOR TO MAKE GAS FORUM) :wr y-w'tf' f - y'fe,a'f ' - . Because of the poor nasbty of li IXurnished by the Standard Oil com pany, Medford, Awtland ana other toVns' of the Rogue Rivet? Valley are practically without gas. Scarcely nny pressure obtains and the Oregon Gas and Electric, company stnte that the reason is that the oil is so in ferior in quality that gas cannot bo made from it. At the same time all auto owners nnd garages are loudly complaining over the poor quality of gasoline tho Standard Oil is furnishing. The gasoline hns evidently been adulter ated with water, as wuter is found in no small quantity in it. The local Standard Oil agent says its the fault of eastern oil, the last shipments having been made from the east instead of from California,, where the demand has ba greater than the supply. Thia however dood not account for the difficulty at the gas plant where crude oil Is burned. Evidently tho Stnndard Oil la taking- advantage of its monopoly to adulterate all of i(s products; Tho gas company stato that the oil is part water and so heavy that it cannot bo pumped. New cars nro on tho way, but thoro 19 no guarantee that the product is any bettor and tho conditions nro likely to Inst sev eral days or longer. All gas ranges are out of commis sion and restaurants nnd hotels bad ly crippled in service. SERVIAN HOSPITALS FILLED WITH WOUNDED BELGRADE, Sorvin, Oot. 24. Tho hospitals here aro filled with wounded soldiers sent homo from tho front. Sqores of prlvute residences havo been pressed into service to care for (ho injured. Thero is n constant succession of funeral processions along the sireoU. SCARCITY OF CATTLE EXISTS IN NORTHWEST ii nn PORTLAND, Oct. 24. For' the first time in tho history of tha north west u scarcity of cattle prevails. In tho interior of Orogou and Washing ton, aud the packers there are coiw polled to replenish (heir supplier from , tho Portland markets. The Walla .Walla Mtwt and Cold Storage company ptrohujd two tnr loads here today, the first time iu lk history of the local market that uwtk a transaction has occurred. .Port land 'drawn on Montana for tlw NOW N HAND H&.aiuarVfUdw- w VnmdJB 3 I (J rHH MM B h 1 . W-l a it .. c m Hi . k