Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 23, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mtf6D Maittribuni
'The t)mocrt!o Tlmf, Tho Mcdford
Mall.Thft Me.Kord Trlbuno. The South'
era Oregon Ian, The Anhlnnd Trlbun.
Offlc Mall Tribune Bitlldln. JS-ir-St
North Fir street; phone. Main 30S1;
Home 75.
OHOnQK PUTNAM, Rotter nnd Manager
Kntnrcd m second-class matter t
Mcdronl, Oreiron, nJee th act or
March S, 1873.
Official Paper of the City of Merfrord.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
scHscmrcinN hatks.
On Tfnr. by mall , .15.00
On month, ny mull..... . M.t,.... .60
Pr month, flollvcreil ny earrlnr In
Meilfoul. Jncksonvlll nnil Con
tra! Point... ...... ...... 60
Ruturday only, by mall, per year., S.m
Weekly, per year...... ......... 1.B0
sworn cmcm.ATiox.
Dally nvcrK or nlevn months end
In if November 30. 1911. t5l.
Pall X.rmmrA Wlr llaHnl Vrtmm
The Mall Tribune Is n Kale nt the
Ferry New Stand. San Franelco.
Portlanil Hotel New, Stnn.l, Portland.
Bowman News Co.. Portlanil. Ore.
W. O. Whltner. Seattle, Wash.
Metropolis or Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and tho fastest
growlnit city In Oregon.
Population U. a cJ-nnus 1910 S840!
eetlmated. 1911 io.000.
Five hundred thounaml dollar Orovlty
Water Syatem completed, Klrlnjr finest
supply Burn mountain water, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
Postoffice, receipts for year ending
November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19
per cent.
Banner fruit city In Oregon Boicue
Blver SplUenber;; apples won sweep
stakes prlie and title of
"Apple KU of the WorM"
at the National Apnle Show, Spokane,
1909, and a car of Newtown1- won
Flrat Prise la 118
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, FC C.
ly Ad Irewn
A'ilioliijptn man got n divorce be-
cause his wife saM she would rather
, fight than ont. A peculiar thini for
- hint to do, considering the cost of
' living.
At La Porte, Intl., n man named
Theodore Pttffpnff was killed by n
train. ,
) Let everyone concentrate the mind
and seo if there is anyone else to
. whom tho name Theodore Puff puff
,' might apply.
Onr idea of a discouraging even
ing's occupation is to take the list
of electoral votes by states and then
qnnt'cde every possible one to your
j, candidate. Then ndd up tho total
1 ana 'see now inr on ne is iroin elec
tion. Of course one has to be hon-
' est with himself or the game loses its
fine point.
, With no fist fight, divorce, or
broken family IIuk election in Med
ford1 is-pro'.'ing the quietest ever.
Two fellows stood at the Nash cor
' ner nnd nrgucil at the top of their
voices and they barely collected a
baker's" dozen of witnesses.
LH a man .who is known never to
bet advance an oninion and there
will be plenty to shout, "how much
will you bet on it."
4 In New York they mix their Wilson
Jr wilh Suiter that's nil.
"Ren Selling jjays he will enrry Ore
tgon by 15,000 to 20,000 votes. If
that bo true lien will have them nil
Tho horrible suspicion is gaining
ground that Mike Bpanos is partially
telling the truth.
' 'Tis an elusive noliticinn who can
get out of Medford without infonnn
rtion concerning scientific money.
Campaign Poem, Xo. 17U1
I'm n blooming ;oliticinu
And I don't know how to vote;
.This hero muddled up election
lias sure got my nanny goat.
I've marched out to Armageddon
t But I couldn't see the use,
'Stead of battling for tho Lord they
v Were all battling for the Moose.
' Then I read the flaring posters
What told all about Hill Taft
And between the lines I seemed to sco
v. A Jot of bunk and graft. '
Vyo always 1lonjfed to O. 0. .
So it htrilcos mo sprta queer,
But Uncle Dudley casts bis vote
With the Dcmocrnts this year.
"" '-' a ' i
LA CROSSE, Win.,, Oct., 2?.
' Senator La lollntto In a speech hero
tonight said ho would not voto for
either Kopsevelt, Taft or Wilson, Ho
.compared tho suppression of com
petition through tho Growth of tho
,trusts to a huge cancer. tho
uient of which requires great skill.
' "It's no Job for a, Hull Moose,"
Mid La Kollette, . "and Judging the
'- Bt four years it doea not veom to
b a job for au amiable, easy-going
Hiun. The fellow over in New Jer
Mty has been running a hospital with
pretty good success, but ho has not
; treated a eaucer."
& ,
ii ii ir
j. f f. .u .
EOATJSB n Ho travels faster ami CtirHior (htm thu
truth. T answer slanderous and libelous accusations
t,hnfc have been repeatedly "printed and industriously cir
culated for months psist. The charges hi themselves arc
so absurd and ridiculous that they do not merit a reply,
Jt has been charged that I am tho "ringleader" in "the
Medford gang," that I have dominated the county court
for the past four years and helped to "loot" half a million
dollars of the taxpayers' money. Cartoons have been
printed depicting "the gang" shoveling out the shcchcls
and doggerel rhymes conveyed tho same idea, while edi
torials so heavy that they dropped of their own weight
spilled the spleen of the snarling scribbler over the com
My life record is an open book. Neither in the five
yeai that I have lived in JMedford, nor in the years pre
ious, has it been tainted with dishonor or corruption.
T have never been consulted by the county court re
garding policv or work. T have never proffered any sug
gestions to the county court. I am not responsible in any
way for its actions, i am not, and never have been, direct
ly or indirectly, interested in any contract, nor do T own
any property 'that has been benefitted by work done
except as all property in the count has been benefitted.
No one has ever beeiTgiven employment upon my roquest,
for I never made such request.
In five yell's, I have been before the court about half a
dozen times. These appearances were as a public spirited
citizen, nearly all in connection with the Crater Lake high
way, with the turning over to the county for completion
the Flounce Rock grade built by public subscription (for
which T helped raise the money) and with the establish
ment of the convict camp, (winch T was instrumental in
securing). One appearance was in behalf of the Ashland
armory. I did not appear in behalf of the Medford bridge.
The Mail Tribune's relations with the county consist
in being the official paper and printing the court proceed
ings and delinquent tax list, as provided by law for the
paper of largest circulation. The delinquent tax list was
also published in 1911 in the Ashland Tidings and in 1912
in the Med ford Run No matter who comprised the county
court, the Mail Tribune would have had to have the work,
as the paper of largest circulation.
Full detailed account of county expenditures ywas
printed this year the first time the law has been complied
with. "Whether the money was wisely spent is a matter of
opinion. It shows that all parts of the count' have been
benefitted. Uowever, I had nothing to do with it.
As a newspaper man, I ran down eveiy rumor of graft,
without being able to find any. The contractor who built
tho Rogue river bridges became bankrupt constructing
them. An export examined the county books and found
them straight. Could this havo been the case if half a
million dollars had been looted?
Two grand juries, one with Ira Shoudv of Ashland as
foreman and one with R. J. Edwards of Ashland, foreman,
inspected the expenditures and found vouchors for every
thing questioned, spent time in running down complaints
and reported affairs O. K. If the treasury had been loot
ed, wouldn't they have reported it?
None of the moliey spent was spent in Med ford. None
of the public spirited citizens assigned to membership in
this mythical gang" got any of it.
I have been maligned as the arch-cue'my of Ashland. I
have fiven freely time, energy, money and newspaper
snace in Ashland's behalf whenever called upon.
When through the inefficiency and helplessness of
State Senator L. L. Mulit of Ashland, who was supposed
to look after local interests in the legislature, Ben Selling
and others were needlessly permitted to kill the Ashland
Normal school, at the request of the Ashland Commercial
club, I and other Mcdford citizens spent a week at Port-
A Rogue River
This la a string I have been harp
ing on for lo thene good many years.
Could I in justice, say to my wife,
You are not my equal, you can't
A few days ago there was quite
a large delegation three auto loads
of women from tho upper valley
down hero at Ilogue JUver working
in the interests ot men. They called
at tho "Little Inn By tho Way Side"
Tho Waldorf, and registered their
names. This wo consider an honor
and shall keep that page as a sou
venir. Those women had no cigars, no
bottles and I never heard ono of
them swear?? 7 Gentlemen please
take notice -but they wero a very
business delegation, placing posters,
handing out buttons and making
short speeches In behalf of equal
right. They aksd me, was I going
to voto for, them7 and I answered,
yes by -I was going to make tho re
ply very emphatic and I Just remem
bered General Jackson and I said,
yon )y the Eternal.
I heard a bunch of men 1. o. In
the catalogue you knbw as tho Cos
tllllan would say mucho malo hom
bre or as I might say In ray natlvo
language-7-hy-as-ten-as mesocho til
llkum talking on woman sufrrago.
Ono said, no sir 1 don't think womon
ought to voto, another said, tho good
book says a woman should be silent.
That waB the- limit and I said, Temp
ora mutantier, nos ot mutarnitr In
IUIb and for thousands of years
from palaces of the most enlight
ened .Caucauslans to the mud hut of
the Mongollun and tho red eyed hot
tentot that od pernicious barbarous
St, Paul doctrine has been tolerated'
and even extoled and yet as a jn ut
ter of fact it has enslaved more- wo
iiion, been a greater cureo to all wo
' "" ' 503DFORD M23E TRIBUNE
r ) '-"i '
An Answer
Plea for Women
men kind than all elso tho world
has known. Vet n this enlightened
twentieth century wo hear great big
brainy men still advocating this
stupid dodld coercion and didtto, tho
non compusnientus. The scientists,
let .mo seo, well I can't Just now be
exact, but to be conservative I think
It is one hundred and ninety seven
thousand brain cells which may bo
developed, honest I know some .men
who aro strongly opposed to womon
suffraga whom I am quite sure havo
not moro than twelve or thirteen
brain cells developed anil thoso few
not to any alarming degree.
No gentlemen this Is ro revolution
but rather evolution, so let us not
swell up with that old vain glory,
swell after all wo havon't any grpat
to brag of, old Grandpa Chimpanzee
was perhaps a nice old gentleman,
probably did tho best ho could under
tho circumstances, not having had
any more advanced precedent and I
don't doubt Grandma was treated
with moro consideration that the
grandma of today.
Now gentlemen, please lot's drop
that old gag, 'Women can't bo sol
diers, they can't be a man under all
clrpumstanccs," of course not, they
don't want to be, they simply want
to ho on equal footing as far as
right and Justice goes. They want
to holp us men folk to mako this
world a better placo to llvo In, to
reach a higher Ideal, whero frallltles
uarno shall no longer bo women, And
now gentlemen, In conclusion I want
to say when you go homo tonight to
meot that dear little wire who has
been working all day doing all she
could to add to your comfort uiid
happiness and meets you with a
smlo JiiBCt put your big strong arms
around her and say, 'you dear old
bunch, I am ashamed that I havo
H"ffWBM BB223I II I I II I 1 1
to Ananias
land and &alem at the special session of 1909, paying our
own expenses, lobbying and working for ihe resuscitation
of the normal school. That we were not successful was no
fault of em's the damage had been done when Senator
Mulit was asleep at the switch. In recognition the Ash
laud Commercial club passed the follewing:
"Uoaolvcd, that tho thankB of tho Ahhlnnd Commercial Club bo and
harr-by nro tendered to thovn who attainted u In our efforts to Imhirn the
loKlslnturo to.mako appropriation to maintain tho normal hcIiooI of tlu
statu and that wo aro oupeclnlly Krnteful to Oeorgrt Ciiltuun, Hi. J, M.
Kr-piio and J. D. Heard of MeiUnnl, wim so willingly gave t,helr tforvli'tm
In liehalf of the hi'IiooIk. (SIkihhI)
13. T, STAPI.KS. .
President Ashland Coinmorclal Club. '
U. 1 POimAND, Secretary.
When the initiative bill to re-establish the Ashland
Normal was before the people, I championed the measure
vigorously in the editorial colums of the Mail Tribune and
did what I could for the bill's success. The almost unanim
ous vote of Mcdford and this portion of the county showed
the effect.
When Ashlaitd wanted a eouhty appropriation for its
armory, I signed the petition, championed it editorially,
and as a member of the executive committee of the Mcd
ford Commercial club endorsed it and appeared before the
county court in its behalf.
T also signed the petition, and gave editorial support to
the request that the county purchase or acquire by con
demnation and abolish the toll ioad over the Siskiyous
above Ashland.
Does this look as if I was an enemy of Ashland?
This "looting" of tho county treasury of half a million
dollars is alleged to have been done during the past four
veal's. Four years ago the county court was composed of
Judge 0. W. Dunn. Joshua Patterson and the late George
Brown. These men, then, must have been parties to the
In January, 1909, Judge Diuin And Mr. Brown retired
and were succeeded by Judge Neil and .fames Owen. For
the next two years, or until January, 1911, the court was
dominated by Joshua Patterson with whom Mr. Owens al
ways voted. Tbese men must then have also been parties
to the "looting."
In January, 1911, Mr. Patterson retired. George L.
Davis, the first Medford man ever on the board, took his
place. In the "looting" that occurred in that year, Judge
Neil, and Commissioners Owen and Davis, must have been
In January, 1912, Mr. Davis was succeeded by Frank
Brown of Eagle Point, who is also thereby made a party
to the "looting." This year, with no Mcdford rpresentti
tion On the hoard, the first appropriation voted in ten years
for Mcdford, tho bridge, was allowed and enjoined by
Benton Bowel's.
The truth is that all this talk of the "Mcdford gang"
and "treasury loot" and all this outrageous slander, is
campaign clap-trap, sounding brass and tinkling cymbal
to arouse prejudice and enable the coterie of Ashland poli
ticians, who for so many years controlled countv politics
and did nothing for Ashland
around the pie counter and vegetate. To this end, men
who have labored unselfishl' for the progress of tho valley
and who are in no small degree responsible for the rapid
growth and development of the past few years, aro sacri
ficed to slander.
The billingsgate is sluiced through an Ashland paper,
whose editor had not been a month in the valley before he
began the appeal to prejudice and discord. " Upon his
arrest for criminal libel he brags of having been arrested
?.'i times for libeling-people and the admission stamns him
a a mere scandal monger a professional purveyor of
slander fit instrument to accomplish the purification of
daettson county by attempted
lived so long helping mako laws and
conditions so Intolerable that It bus
become nccpsiary for you to nsk mo
to voto for you.'
A Woman's Man,
Itoguo Itlver, Ore.
JuckNonvllle, Oregon ,
(Ballot No, CIS)
ltepiibliciin Nominee for Prosecuting
A natlvo son who stands for vig
orous, honest, economical administra
tion of tho office and Impartial en
forcement of all criminal laws.
General election Nov. C, 1112.
(Paid Advt.)
Martin McDonough
Democratic nominee, for assessor
of Jackson county. IJosldcnco In
If elected, will carefully scrutlhlzo
tho needs of tho offico aud mako any
changes that will help to systematize
tho work, without . unnecessary ex
pense to tho county. Duties per
formed according to law. Duo courte
sy to all visitors or inquiries. Busl-ness-llko
administration assured,
Republican nominee and voluntarily
endorsed by prohibition party, Can
dldato has been resident and business
man of Talent for 'several " years,
sorvlng the public in various ways.
Home voto Ju April primaries 102
out of 111 votes cast for republican
candidates for county elork.
Paid AUvt.)
-11,1,. I,,,. ,...J BB5J-ajBa 1 ..;j-T7Br3ec
or any other section to sit
assassination ot character.
Tho ladles of tho Presbytorlau
church will zlvo au autoniobtlo tour
of tho world Friday ovenlng, Octo
ber 25, Large, comfortnblu automo
biles will bo at tho church at 7
O'clock to convey travelers to tho dlf-
.Many a Mull Tribune Itendcr Will Iks
Whon peojdo read about tho cures
made by a mcdlclno ondorsod from
far away, Is It surprising that they
wonder If the stntomonts nro true?
But when they road of cases right
hepo at home, posltlvo proof fa with
in their reach, for closo Investiga
tion is an ousy matter. Head Mcd
ford otldovsoniont of Bonn b Kjduoy
V. W. Gray, G07 Palm stroot,
Medford, Oro., sayn: "A fow yoars
ago my, kidneys began to bothor mo
uiid (ho trouble was aggravated by
my occupation, which required me
to bo on my feet tho greater part
of tho day. YfUon I bogan work ffi
tho morning 1 felt all right, but af
ter I had beou on my foot for a cou
ple of hours, my back began to pain
mo and at night I would scarcoly bo
able to straighten. In soma way 1
hoard of Doau'i Kidney Pills aud be
gun using them. The cured mo In
a short tlmo and In return 1 ivm
pleased to recommend them,"
For salo by all doalora. Prlco CO
cents, Fostor-Mllbiirn Co,, lluffnlo,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
States. ,
Itomombor tho nomo Doan's
uud tuko no other,
foront coimtrtoH, tho shone ami cuts
tonm of whluh will ha olmorvml ami
Axnliitiuul at oiu'H imrt op hIuimiIuk
plaro, Thoro will ho hU of thoMo
Htopiiliut nlaecN ami nt each Unlit
Vdfri'HhiminlH will lm popved to tlionn
desiring tho. TIcIioIh for tlui tr!i
aro 2fi coiitrt each,
Canada nearly i:i:i.i!) union
ist tt,
A Wonderful Tonic
That Aids Digestion
Thoiitminln aio unahlo to illiumt
certain klmlri of food. In iiiohI
cnROH It Ih not tho fault of tho food,
nor tho Htoninoli. It Ih nrnahln that
tlui Htomnch Iuih huuu alumni. Muity
ronort to ird(Koittnd foods and var
Ioiih klitdK of luodk'liuiH to not rolloT
from d,VHitl, IndlKPntlon and
hoftttliiirii, hut without pi'rinniiitut
iTjour stomach wan In poVfcti run
dltlou you would not iit'iut iudlct.'.iu
to dlitHt tho fooilR you cat. Jayno'n
Tonlo VormirtiKo In n iitomanh regu
lator. It gota tho Htoiuarh In mich
u condition that It will dlKcnt food
without othor umdrttaure. It ovtir
comcti tlu acidity and ittlniulntoR tho
con 1 1 iik or tint tiionmch and Inttmtlm-H
ho that . (hoy will tirojuirly ntmorh
and uanlinttato tho nutriment from
Ilia food onton. Suffororn from dy
ui)Hla and lud!;ot!ou will find
noimuiHiut rotlof In a ithort tlmo af
ter hcKlnnliiK (ho into of tho tonic.
For children, thu addition of n little
itiiKur will malto It moxt imlntahlo,
Many forum of nunnonml IuiIIkuo
tlou aro tho rvrtiilt of lutimtlual para
lto, tor which Jayno'M Tonic Vcr
mltuRo U uttNUriutKtfcd, IiihIhI upon
Jayno': accept no other, .MIIIIoum
havo prnlvctl It for more than olKhiy
yenra. Sold hy drucnlHtn everywhnro.
Dr. I) Jayno & Sou. Philadelphia,
I havo J ut ItiHtallud a Now Cham
pion Stltchluir Maohlnn for olln
idiocn and respectfully Invito tho
public to call nnd xoo thin now ma
chine In operation. No nnlln on welt
jIioch. Quick work, II cut matorlnt
and wnrkmuniihlp. Prices rlKht.
HrliiK you hIioo ropalrlriK to
III South I'll Httrel
Model BaKery
ItKINKINO llltOH. Prop.
Ask your grocer for Model Bale
nry's Whlto Lilly Dread nnd savo
tho wrappers and whon you hnvo 2fi
you will bo entitled on payment of
tho small sum ot f.O cents to n
handMimo pillow top mode from any
plcturo wanted.
iihi:ai, Pins, cakkh, pahtuy
Home Phone. .'U2 (11)0 K. Main St.
Rich, Black Loam
Clark 6c Wright
"Washington, d. o.
Public Land Matters: Final Proof.
Desert Lands, Contoit and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
We Examine Closely
ovory detail of faulty tooth and pro
scribe tho romody quickly, Wo aro
oxports In tho caro and prosorvatlon
of thu tooth nnd well up In nil
branches of Dentistry Krom pain
Iobh extracting to artlstlo crown and
brldgowork our work Is pronounced
faultless by thoso who havo patron
ized us, and wo know that our mod
orato prices havo mado friends for
us ovorywhoro,
Lady Attendant
i Willi lkMwrmurn .
I '"V. V"1 I i
Over Daniels for Duds, raolflo
Phono 2028, Home Phono 302-K ,
Kdw rinliop'H Circuit Aciin.
Tho hoHt iicIn to ho' iihtuluod. No
Independent actK lined
In a uiutilral comedy Hklt untitled,
'I'i.iht on iiinioi.VK"
I'lnrcmo Tnrnec unit Mniirlco ('onIHIo
tho two world'- Biealenl photoplay
' utara.
A comedy i-em that will prove, a
tonic fop (ho Idiiot-
i:xci:u.i:.t music
Tlui Money KIiik," threo reel,
Krldiiy and Saturday. Oct, sr.-au,
"Tito Idiity or Hie It', thine reeln,
N'ovomhur 1 nnd -.
Tin: i-'itc.voii spy
A three-rool VltiiKrnph feature.
This In without doubt nun of (hit
bout feuOirett ovr thrown on n
screen. AmU otir friend.
nirniNG in
1) OK TltOMI.K
I'arcu'coincdy Itfujmipli.
for ooch sot of old I'also Teeth sent
us. HlKbeist prices paid for old Gold,
Silver, old Watches, Broken Jowalry
and Precious Stones.
Money Kent by Hoturn Mall.
Pliila. Smelting .V Itefltilng Company
Established 20 Years
80a Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
To DcutUta
Wo will buy your Gold Pilings,
Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. Highest
prlrcH pnld.
CO acres, six miles from Medford,
good graded road crones tho tract,
alt froo soil, at $50 per aero, 1000
will handle, easy terms on balance.
Part Is crock bottom land, suitable
for alfalfa. Several springs on the
placo. Timber enough to pay for tha
tract. No buildings. In tho Griffin
crook district.
W. T. York Sc Co
Money on hand nt nil times
to loan on improved ranches
nnd city proporty nt lowest
rates with "on or boforo
Phono 3231 ' 320 O -GrBldff.
Steam and Hot Water
All Work Cluiirttntoa
Prices Iloiiionubl
IS Howard Blook, Hutrsnen on fltta M.
atom .
Wo carry a very completo lino of
drntiorlvH. lapn ourfiilns, rlvturos, ote.,
ami to nil oluNmin ot upholstorliitf. A
special mnii to look urtar thin work
nxeliitilvuly ami will ulvs hh rociiI
wtirvlco n h Is iipsMliiio to sot In uvea
tho largust oftlMM.
Wooks & McGowan Co.
, A- &
aWM If r Ar 'Mi