Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 23, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PA01 TW6
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It. IC. Illgdon, of Butto Tails, left
Tuesday evening for a business trip
"MIssm Lillian ami Klin Muiltn, of
Jacksonville arc Visiting Medford
JfrionUs for few days?
f' Mt-s. Fnnnle Richardson, of Van
couver, la In Mod font for a few
days a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs1. J.'E. Wbodrutf.
All good Irish entsat Ireland Fri
day' evening, October 25th, while
taking the auto tour ot the world.
Mrs. Gasnard, of San Francisco, ar
In Mcdtord
few weeks
Tuesday evening
visit "with her
for a
,ilBtjphrvr XIIra 1nnt!nn.
, Mr. and Mrs W, J. Thompson, of
Olympla, Wash.. wero guests at
Hotel Medford Tuesday.
Mrs. L. E. Enyart returned Tues
day afternoon from a visit to her
mother at Glcndalc.
Only SO cents. Rural delivery
reRHlatlon mall box with name
painted on, at M. P, & H. Co. Only
80 cents. 1S3
Mrs. D. Mnlr visited Central
Voint relatives and friends Tuesday.
"Mr. tind Mrs. J. II. Turner of Ash-
"7,!and were In Medford Tuesday,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Young.
"Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Barker of
Butte Palls were registered at the
' Holland Tuesday.
For goodness sake, have It. A.
Holmes, the Insurance man write
your Insurance. Ho knows how.
Mr. and airs. U. R. Gilbert or
Dttnsmutr, Cat., arc in Medford for
a few days visit
Be sure to sec the presidential
candidates Friday evening, October
25, whilo taking the automobile
tour of tho world. 1S3
Gorman Bonner of Derby, was in
Medford on business Tuesday and
Prof, and Mrs. r. J. O'Gara, of
Bedford and Mr. and Mrs; Ht E. Oale'
of Merlin, Ore., returned Tuesday
evening from a several days outing
at Pelican Bay, the guests of Mr.
and tin. A. C. Allen on their house
boat. The hunting Mr. O'Gara states,
was hardly uu to the average, how
ever, there were enough ducks and
to spare to supply all table needs.
Vapor baths and scientific nassage
-' 51.00 for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, cbiroprocter and nerve
'specialist, 203 Garnctt-Corey BIdg.
phone Home 14a.
Chas. Skyrman of Trail creek was
a business isltor Tuesday.
V. K. Prices who has been spend
ing some time in tJde section, look
ing after his real estate luterests
near Tolo, will leave for hts borne
near Albany Wednesday.
JJr. Barry, of Portland, special
agents' for the Home Fire Insurance
Company of New York. 4s looking af
ter, the extensive business done by
' .that corporation In Medford.
S., A. No well, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. &H.,bldg.
, Col. R, C. Washburn or Table
.Jlock, and R. II. Parsons of H Uteres t
were business visitors in Medford
vv R. E. Smith of Gold Hill and J. C.
Aitkin of Rogue River were. In our
city Tuesday.
Assessor and Mrs. W. T. Grieve
were over from Jacksonville Tuesday
, Oak and hardwood J4.G0 and f 5.00
per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
W. W. Usshcr, Independent can
didate for coroner, has been Inter
viewing tno voters or tho county
during tho past week.
Tho rain btorm 'which has been
prevailing In the valley, has damp
ened tho ardcr of tho festive candl-
W. It. Brewster, a prominent law
yer of Portland, inlul 'his wtfo have
bee,n making Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hop
"kins of Snowy Butto orchards a
P. Mealey and E. E. Kelly
were At Jacksonville Tuesday morn
ing on professional business.
Dr. Rlckcrt, eyesight specialist,
over Kentner's. No drops used.
K, H. Helms of Jacksonville 'has
returned from a trip to Pprtlaud atfd
Harry Helms Is In Medford again.
Mr. and .Mrs. Fletcher Linn of
Portland and Miss Corn l.lnn of
Jacksonville were Medford visitors
J. C Mitchell, a stockbuycr well
known In this county recently bought
6S3 head of cattle of the Tulc Lake
Stock company of Klamath county,
paying $17,000 therefor. Two
steers brought 4? 100 a piece.
Deer are moro plentiful In the
mountains of Southern Oregon than
for years past and many hunters re
port success in hunting them.
An engineer's report to tho coun
cil or Grants Pass hhows that for
the probable sim of $500,000 a sys
tem of water might bo obtained from
near the headwaters' of Grave creek,
not far from the Jackson county Hue.
Mrs. C. Ulrlch of Jacksonville was
In Medford Tuesday on tho return
from a visit at Phoenix.
Wnu Scltcbcio and J. L. Wilson
were down from Griffin creek a few
days slnco.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson of
Trail creek are In Mcdfdord on n
short business trip.
Harry Allen has returned from a
business trip to San Francisco.
T, E. Pattenger. Frank Amy, Will
Stewart, and Harry Maury returned
Tuesday from an extended hunting
trip on Elk creek and across the di
vide on Piatt creek in tho Ummiua
country. They got eleven fine deer.
tho head of one which they brought
homo Mr. Pottcngcr Is now havln?
monnted. There are six poluts on
ono side of the head and seven on
the other.
W. T. York was In Ashland on
business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Curtiss, of San
Jose, Cal., who have been in Med
ford lor a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A.
Hall, returned to their homo on
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ford ot Al
tnras, Cal., are among the recent ar
rivals In the city. They expect to
locate here. Mrs. Ford Is a trained
AVhitcomb Field, who Is develop
ing a big land proposition near
Roseburg, is in our city.
Ex-Senator Fulton of Portland
will deliver speeches at Ashland and
Grants Pass on the nights of Octo
ber 25 and 26 respectively.
Messrs. Linn and McKay ot Port
land, who own a fine orchard .not far
west of Jacksonville, are in this sec-,
tion accompanied by their wives.
Mrs. Daisy Bodgo ot Ross Lane,
made a trip to Medford Tuesday
Mrs. M. A. Pryco of Gold Hill was
In Medford and Jacksonville Tues-
llJ ROSE ; MMERMA . j f 1
Here are shown wu of the Important wlutt'cs fur the Hint who refilled ni tin' irlnl r Clmrlci Becker,
who I charged with the murder of llernmu Uicmtlul r ., ure: Auli: Glfttiicr. n MtT nf Mrn. "Jack" Itone;
Miss Margaret Rose, a nure nt one lime tMiiplovetl ut Hit liiuiif of "Jm-k" ltu-i itlili.nn.-U nut Muttd to hint; Mnry
istorr, who Iuih bwu employed In the home vf" i;.te fur tuo jeur, Itcru.ird Kudluer, n wnller employrd Ml
the Union; Square Hotel, and Mr- ltoniitilil nidim if in" iii-hi fur ulnwn dwil' Bit Kit wim put on trlnl.
(Continued from pago 1.)
' Glasses fitted' without uso of
drugs, Dr. Rlckcrt, , over Kent
ucrs. C. B. Hamilton, a civil engineer,
who is interested at Crescent City,
Cal., is in Medford.
Miss Nellio Albcc of Douglas
county bus been visiting lu our city
Misses, Leila Prim ani Mary Wct
teror wero among tho many over
from Jacksonville Tuesday.
aTkynd hardwood 4.C0 knd $5.00
pe?'cardf. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
R. L. Burdlc and V. A. Dunlup
wore down 'from Talent Tuesday.
'4Mr, and Mrs. O. W, Barker or
Butto Falls spent Tuesday and
jWedncfday In Medford.
Try a Vapor bath for that cold.' Dr.
IL J'. Lockwood, Garnot-Coroy BIdg.,
phono Home 145.
7 M. M. Taylor, T. L. Dovore and
Geo. E. Noubor of Jacksonville) tar
r)ud a sliort time in our city Tues
day afternoon.
Weeks &McGowan Co.
Fred "Luy of Antelope was In Med
ford and Jacksonville the fore part
of the week.
Frank Madden of Central Point
precinct transacted business In Med
ford Tuesday afternoon.
George Blgham, a pioneer resi
dent ot Medford and Jacksonville, Is
vsltlng his sister, Mrs. l.. Klippel,
and other residents living In our
city. Ho Is located at Oregon City.
Mr- and Mrs. F. W. Carnahan,
who have been In Medford for a fqw
days, have returned to the Blue
ueage. incy were accompanied as
far as Elliott creek by D. H. Harrell.
3Irs. W. W. P. Holt and daughter
of Eagle Point, were In Medford
Mrs. II. Sprague and mother, ot
Eaglo Point, left Wednesday for
Portland, where they will reside, Mr.
Sprague having recently sold his
lumber yard interests at Eagle Point
to tho Big Pines company of this
Rev. W. S. Holt, of Portland, has
been In Eagle Point visiting his son.
Dr. Holt and family.
At a regular meeting of tho mem
bers of tho W. p. S held Tuesday
evening plans w,ero outlined Tor , a
campaign for now members. There
was an unusually largo attendance
at' this meeting, many being pres
ent who hayo not been especially
active in camp work for a number
of years. The present campaign
promises to bo very fruitful of re
sults in a greatly increased mem
Herman Wise, former mayor of
Astoria, was among Medford visitors
Wednesday, Ho was one of vOrO'
gon's delegates to the Baltimore con
vention and camo to Mqdford to
meet Governor Marshall, democratic
candldato for vice-president.
Mayor Xf. II. Capon returned
Wednesday, morning from Portland,
where he had been at tljp bedside of
his son, Fay, who was Injured a
fow days ago by an explosion at 811
yerton. Jlo stated that hts eon was
still in pretty bad shape bul that he
would recover. His uoso Is badly
broken and there are several doop
cuts on his cheeks, but ho does not
think hlB fnee will bo badly dlsrig-ured.
INDIANAPOLIS, ln.l., Oct. 23.
A eruslitn-r blow wns dealt the tlc-feiu-e
today in the cjuo of the forty
seven members of the International
Association of Bridge nm! Structural
Ironworkers, elmrged with illegally
trmutporttu;; dynamite, when United
States JikIkc Anderson, over the
strenuous objections of the union
men's counsel, jwrmitted the govern
ment to introduce testimony of dyna
mite explosions. The court also ruled
that any evidence by which tin overt
net could be s-ltown, would be proof
of n conspiracy.
The defense attorney nro furious
over Judge Anderson's rulimr. They
argued Unit the defendants nro mere
ly charged with illegally? transport
ing explosives, nud that the introduc
tion of evidence of dynamiting
would he improM:r.
Willium lliddle, superintendent- of
the Lucius Construction company at
Bellevue, Pn., was then called. He
testified- thai material belonging to
the com winy wni simultaneously de
stroyed at different places, Dee. 31.
United States Ditrict Attorney
Jfiller estimated this afternoon that
the trial would last until February
1, ncJtt.
SALEM, Mass.. Out. '2.'l Prosecu
tor Atwill, who if, appearing in the
cases- against Jonctih Ettor, Arturo
J Giovaunitti and Anlnne Cumin.
growing out of the killing; of Anna
Iopizzo during the recent Iiwrciicc
strike, announced today that fifty
more state witnesses are to he exam
ined. A
Policeman Thomas JfcCarthy tc
tificd tojuv that Hie Lawrence .strik
er were responsible for the rioting
there. Street cur men, witnesses,
described tho stoning of street earn
duriiiir tho troubles and other Law
rence citizen described the rioting
which ofciinvd bufotc the Lopizzo
woman witfs fclwr.
Senator Jonathan Kouino, jr., last
evening sent tho following telegram
to tho chairman or tho meeting held
in Portland In honor of Mrs. Dual
way; . "Kindly express my regret nti Ina
bility to participate personally In
celebration. In honor or Mrs. Abigail
Scott Bimlwny, whoso unselfish dc
votlou to a righteous cause Is an In
spiration to ail laborers for tho gen
eral welfare. '
Xotko. To,,Frn;i Grouers,
Tho Garnott-Coroy hardwaro hayo
tho agency (or tho Bean Power Spray
machines, tho best inachlno mndo,
and have ordered a car to como for
ward November 1st. Thoy will glad
ly show tho working ot these ma
chines and quote tho best prices.
Store corner Mali and Grape street.'
isc the hnhuico at the rule of $100,
000 n year.
"My position on committees is
uiiirpio mid cannot he affected by
nuy ehnugu in ndmiuitrutioii. If the
democrats should ctintrol the next
senate, instend of hoine chninnnn, I
would ho ranking senior member. I
would still retain all of my committer
nssiginnentv which are held !y son
ority. My committees arc pcrhnir
thc mo-t important ever held by mi
Oregon senator nnd. from the stnud
IHiint of appropriations more im-
IHirtnut than those held by nuy other
member of either branch of coitgrc.
I nm chairman of the committee oti
post offices and nost roads nnd n
member of the ollowhts cemmittees:
Appropriation, commerce, public
buildings nnd grounds, fi.therica, rail
roads, transportation routes' to the
seaboard and woman suffrage. If
re-elected I will retain meinburshio
on nil thc-e committees as my mnu"
L- o high in seniority on tho coti.
niittces that uhcthor the senate be
republican or democratic I eaimot br
displaced except by retirement from
the senate. I nill still be one of the
three senate conferees on all WIN."
A. E. Kennies and W. I. Vawter
welcomed tho senator voicing tho
club's appreciation of his work for
Crater Lake park. Judge E. E.
Kelly also made a short addrois
while Judge U'lthington and Whit
comb Field contributed to the nn
tortnliunent of tho evening.
Senator Bourne spent Tuesday
meeting friends at tho Hotel Med
ford the inclement weather Inter
fering with his plans to travel to
nearby towns. ,
On Monday evening Senator
Bourne addrcsued the Medford Mer
chants' association outlining the
purposes and features ot the parcohi
post law and so clearly did he dp
tlits and -with such affect that ho
won many to his way of thinking
although they had opposed the now
law heretofore.
WANTED Competent housekeeper
for family of three. Address P.
O. Box 257, Medford, Ore.
SEATTLE, Oct. 'JX Students r
the 'Uimor-it.v of Washington who
hae entered u vigorous protest
against the acceptance of tho $I'J,
000 chimes from Aldcn J, lllethea,
on the ground that it was a "tainted
gift," nrc hipicd today.
President Kane mid the board of
regents shoued them their absolute
IMiwer. and last night the oliimos wctv
tormnlly accepted. The Unixm-Mly
Daily, which hud been susendcd for
two thiVH, will again be issued today,
bul will hnvc Ho reference to the
cliiincs controversy.
Editor Eldred hail been suspended
yesterday but was reinstated last
night, the authorities having con
vinced the students that tlu have
arbitrary power to expel any student
they wanted. Seattle commercial
club ii night appointed u commit
tee to take up the question of reim
bursing Illutheii the amount of Ms
Will Find
FOR. SALE Fancy Club seed wheat,
beardless barley, good grain nnd
alfalfa hay, barley Htraw, nil
baled at itcgar ranch, .') miles west
of Medford 202
FOR RENT Three room Iioiiho,
with water and sower, rout $10,
water rent paid. 703 W. 13th
street. 183
Notice Is hereby glvpD that tho un
dersigned will apply ut tho regular
meeting, of tho city council Novem
ber 5, 1012, for a llconso to bell
malt, splr)toii8 and vinous liquors at
32 North Front street, for a period
of six months.
Dated October 22, 1912,
FOR SALE 23.1 acres, 'JO ucrps
Cleared balance light brush, .good
buildings, inula ,roqd, close to
school, fine locality, fenced, good
spring Tor stock, plonty of wapir.
AH stock and Implements go with
place. For (julclc sale $50 per
acre. ?C000 will handle. This
Is A snap, Call room 204 over
F. & F, Bank. J80
Helpful .Suggestion
Thin Letter
- Overworked, run down "fagged
out" women who fool as though
thoy could hardly drag about, should
profit by Miss Rlchter's experience
She says: "Lnst wliily I was com
pletely run down and felt fagged out
all the tluio, was nervous nud had
"Ono of my friends advised inc. to
take Vlnol nud4t 1ms dene mo groat
good. The tired, woru-uut feeling Is
all gone and 1 am strong, vigorous
and well. Tho stomach trouhlo mooii
disappeared and now I cat heartily
and havo perfect digestion. I wlvli
every tlrud, weak, nervous woman
could havo Vlnol, for I nover spent
any money In my life that did me
so in u oh good as that I spout for Vl
nol." Marie Richtor. Dotrolt. Mich.
Thousand!! of women and men who
wero formerly weak a(id sickly owo
their prftHout rugged health to the
wondorful htrongth-croatlng effects
of Vlnol. Wo guarantee Vlnol .to
build you up and malo you strong.
It It does not wo glvo back your
money. Mod ford Pharmacy.
Catarrh Sufferers
, Astpnished
Booth' HYOMKI, the .Soothing, Ileal.
log, L'ciiu Destroying Alt'
Olvcs Insluiil Relief
Thursday Specials
15 inch Stninpt'tl Pillow
Cases, (Qn
n pair ..r. Jvv
Heal Cotton Oliallio
a yard
Outiiur. Flannel, reg. 1Q'.
value, Thni'sday, 0
n yard
Cotton Halts, piiotujh f(r
a ctnnloi'tei', t AO
.$1.20 I'ade
AVonien's (Jape
$1.00 values,
OoUou lllankol.i sfV-W
values, $1 10
a pair vv
Curtain Scrim, 'JOc val
ites! 'rinu-sday, jfl
a vard Atv
and figured,
a yard
Persian Pellieoats,
values, Thursday fift
each .. ..
Clood heavy Comforters,
Tlnii'sday, $1 10
each $llw
Oulin" Flnnnol Petti
coats, Tlnn-sda', 90
"Women's and children's
fleeced Vests and OCa
Outiiur llannel downs,
Tluu-sday, CQp
Cotton Hlankcts,
a pair
Cotton Hats, 2.V rolls,
Thui-sday, Qi
Hui"son'H 'Joe Hose, our
special, . Cp
a pair Xtll
AVouicn's Head Scarfs,
up t $l.o() val- (JA
ues, each
Tho cnuiw ot all agin diseases can lo traced to roino humor or nchl hi
tho blood; the cutloto in ntwayH healthy where thn circulation in free from
ImpuritlflB. Wlien the blood ii In footed with acrid or unhealthy iimttor IC
cannot perform its natural work of nourishing tho akin, regulating lu tom
pornturo and preserving Its normal softness, pliability nnd htmlthfulnoM.
Instead It Irritates nnd inflames Uio dollonto lib res and thuntos around the
pores and glatula and produces sonio of the many forms of nltln dlMnto.
The (tolling and stinging so often accompanying skin affections are produced
by tho doposit from tho blood of tho norid liumoni with which It U llllod,
Into tho sensitive mombranous floah lying Just bennnth tho outer covering,
nnd surrounding the counties nerves, pores nnd elands. Tlih nxpUIns why
scratching tho outer skin affords no relief from tho Itching and burning.
8.8.8. cures Skin Diseases of ovory chnrnotur by purifying the blood, IC
goes down into tho ciroulatlon nnd removes tho humors or acids whloh nro
causing tho trouble, builds up tho weak, norid blood, ml iwrmnnontly curo.i
every norloty of skin affootfon. l,ooal applications can only iioothe; thoy
sever chro because thoy do not roach tho blood. B. 8. 8. roos right Into tho
circulation, reaches the trouble and cures U by removing tho cause, lloolc
on Skin Diseasoa and uny modlcal advice free to nil wlio write.
Anything you buy from us in the Qro.
eery line will be right. Our Bakery Do
partment is a source of prido to us
Alien Grocery Co
LOST Two Alrodulo (Iokh. -One lu
very timid. Oroy namo of other.
Doth tiuvo rollartf. 201-11. 3. Mr.
'Ira Dodge. 1811
roil SAIH Ticket to San Francis
co, for a!o, You will ho put on
truck of It at -Mall Tribune of
fice " i8a
WANTED A loan of kIx thousand
dollara on t'oodfranch of 240 acres
for two to throo years. AddresB
Ilox U. C care Mall Trlbuno. ISO
If you already q,.i u l.'YOMKI
hard rubhor inhaler you can Kot a
botllo of HYOMKI for only no cents.
Tho complete outfit, which (IioIikIoh
Inhaler, in 11.00, and Is Hold by
ChuH, UtratiK on mouoy back plan,
With every hottlo ot HYOMKI
comes a sniull booklet, This hook
tells how easy nud simple It Is to
kill catarrh germs am! end catarrh
by just breathing Into tho lungs
over the catarrh Infected mombrano
the powerful yet pleasant untlsuntlc
air of Kucalyptus from the Inland
forcutu of Australia. This hook tells
about the HYOMKI vapor treatment
for stubborn catarrh, croup, heavy
colds and soro throaty nnd other In
torcBtlug facts,
'' i-. -.'
Vote for , Suffrage
Amendment No. 1
300 x
As It Appears on the Ballot
Medford Suffrage Olub, Gladys Hourd, Soo'y,
(Paid Advt.)
t'jjA: '";.. ??: - ..- ,.,.,, . vn fmt-