Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 22, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    K STHU ',
IIaIh tonight Mid tomorrow
Ma. I; Mia. JWj Ir. ,11.
t)lly llnvnnlh Yr.
I1 -L 'L .)
L ' J
Qreuon's senior Senator State That
He is Greatly Interested In the See
America First Movement and Be
lleves It Should Be Encouraged.
Is Turnlnn HI? Attention Now to
Good Roads Legislation From Na
tional Standpoint.
"Nfy Interest in tlio improvement
of Cliiter Lttko nnliuiiul park Is nut
due to the foot that It ii sceiitu
point of Interest located lit Oregon,
hut I nut Interested In it because it
Ih oiio of (lie secnlo WOlllll'M of tint
w oi Idnot merely of local or Htute
Intercut but of nniloniil anil interna
tioiuil Interest," said Senator Jonn
lluin Bourne, Jr., thin morning.
"I am n great believer In tlio 'See
America First' jKilky,' ami rritllro
that in order to encourage our own
Moplc to visit tlia plnocH of suenlu
Mtlue in thin country we must make
Mich Improvements its will facilitatu
travel. Hy ho doing we shall not only
keep American tourists at home but
shall bring to this country thousands
anil hundreds of thousands of tour
ists from abroad.
"I do not look upon any question
of national legislation ,r,,n " purely
local stnttdpolut. Unless Oregon
enterprises and Oregon needs have
real merit from n national standpoint
I would not nk n dollar of federal
appropriation for their benefit. 1
dcmitudcd and urcnirfd the nppropri
ntiou of iJSO.OOO and the recognition
of ft tdl'J.pOflu project for Crater
' Latin upon'exnclly tho mime' haul
that I MipMrted an appropriation for
VeltowHtoiin nark. I reeret that the
limine would tint ngrce to my senate
amendment appropriating .ft 00,000
to begin Hi" Crater Lake work.
Alii Kntlre, Nation
"livery appropriation I lmve se
eiirod for the Improvement of Oregon
rivers and harbor has been bahed
Ummi tho value. such impnnements
will ho to the nation iih a whole,
through tlio development of resource
that add to Ihu total wealth of the
"I am now centering my effort)
Umiu good roads legislation, realizing
that an man can he. an expert in all
thing and that in order to secure
desirable results a man must conceit.
Irate bin efforts upon a few things,
miiNtur tho subjects in baud, and
slick to tlio work until it Ih complet
ed. Only by such n policy could 1
have won tint fight for a parcel post.
Mu Make. No Mistake.
"In tho enactment of good roads
legislation It I of vital lniMirttinco
that wo mako no mistake in the ho-
ginning. When tlio government ban
(Continued on Page 0$
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 22. Dis
patches received hero Into today
hlalo t lut t government troop this
al'tcruoott moved into position to at
tack Yoru Crnr wblolt city Ih bold
by Fells Din, thn rebel general.
News of tho nctunl start of tint battle
Ih niomciilarily expected. l.ntcr ad
vices Hay General Dints and bin troops
lut vo left tho BCitport, and aru ud
vauciiig inland to meet tho federals.
WASHINGTON, Out. 22. In an
swer (n (ho icprcMonlntioiiH of tho
United Stales that American pro
potty must bo Biifeguarded in Vera
Crux, tlio Mndoro government linn hh.
Htired Ibis country that steps will bo
taken to protect American Interests.
That a coinhinod attack by loyal
land and naval forces, to rotako Vera
Cruz, Ih expected at any moment is
indicated in privnto dlapntaltrH from
.limn HnnclieM Axcona, Kocretary to
President Mndoro. ,
TIioho doHpaloltoH do not lay grout
HlroHN on (III) importance of tlio DIub
revolution, nsHprtliig that ninny one.
mioH of tlto Mndero 'government do
pot favor It, It is further ntatod that
with u few oxaoptlonH the nrmy and
navy gunornlly aro loyal to President
;."J.1'U.I'-" I1.'
From Greek Frontier to Black Sea,
Balkan Forces Are Victorious
Moslem Line of Defence Pierced In
a Dozen Places.
Fall of Adrlanople Seems Certain
Opening Way for Attack Upon
SOFIA, Hiilgorla. Oet. 22. His-
utr to the Turkish onus all along
their liuu of battle, from the (In-vk
frontier to the Hlaek Sea, wuh offi
cially announced here loduy. The
government repot m declare that the
llitlgariaii trooiiH have pierced tint
MoNlrm line of defence in a dozen
placcri, isolating the detached force
of the Turku throughout the whole
No confirmation of the govern
ment announcement has yet bren re
eehrd from independent onrce, but
if the rcMrtH are correct, and the
HitlgariatiM have overwhelmed the
Turks throughout such a Wretch of
country, it means nit almost irrepar
able Turkish disaster, the almost cer
tain fall of Adrianople, the opening
of the way to Constantinople and a
probable great hattln near the shores
of the DospboriiH in which will be
decided the eoutimianee or fall of
Mohammedan dominion in Kurope.
The reported victories of the Bul
garians, tho absence of reitorts of
any serious setback to the flreckn,
Hervlans or Montenegrins, arc taken
l)i?rn as iiidicntlni; tbnt the quick
movement of tint Cbrutiun allies lias
caught the Turks In n state of uit
preparcilness, from which it will bo
difficult to rally. Willi their first
line of defense shattered by the llnl-
kau allies there is hardly n doubt
that Adrianople. will foil before an
attack in which it will not be possible
for the Turks to attempt a flanking
movement. Hefore tbnt key to Con
stantinople, the allies probably will
be able to mast, nearly 100,000 men,
ami, while its defenses aru strong, it (
Is very oulillul it the fortress count
be sorioiihlv defended against Mich an
attacking force.
SAIiKM, Ore, Oct. 22. Dy a de
cision of the supremo court today
the untondment to thu city charter
of Aitorla, creating a reclamation
and mmttnry commlittlon. Is declared I
In valid bocnttso of tlto fact that a
pamphlet naming tlto commlsslonera
omitted tlto nnmo of fJuy W. Splccr.
'tlio petition calling for tlto election
of tho amendment named Prans
Kankkonon, lint ho refused to allow
hla itamo to ho used, and Splcor was
substituted, Dtit In the pamphlet,'
published In connection with the
election Kotikkonen's nunio ro-
malitod, forming tho basla of tlto
suit. Tho supremo court hold that
tho pamphlot was part of tho offi
cial notice of tho olectlon, and bo-,
Ing Irregular, It Invalidated tlto
election and tho amendment. '
ho believes presidential campaigns
should bo conducted was written to
day for tho Unttod Tress lioro by
Govornor Woodrow Wilson of Now
Joi'Boy, tlto domoeratlo candidate for
president, Governor Wilson's ideas
on tho Biibjeot follew:
(By Governor Woodrow Wilson.)
(Copyright, 1012 toy tho Unttod
Press ABSoolntlou)
"I hope. I hnvo made, it clear how
I think iprosidontlal campaigns
should bo conducted by the way lu
which I havo .conducted any ovyn
campaign. I think It should bo con
ducted and docldod by a frank and
open discussion of tho issues In
volved, tho Interests to bo nerved
and tho avallnblo means of doing
Undying Affection for Negro Heavy,
weight Champion of the World is
Reiterated liy Miss Lucille Camer
on. IB Year Old White Girl.
White Slave Probe Is on In Earnest
and Agency for Sale of Girls to
Negroes Hinted at.
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.--Undying af
fection for Jack Johnson, negro
heavywnlght champion of tho world
was reiterated by MIsr Lucille Came
ron, the eighteen-) ear-old white girl,
the negro is charged with abduct
ing, when she was brought here to
day from Itockford to testify In a
white slavo case,
"I will marry Jack." sho sold.
"Just as noon as 1 get my release.
lie Is a noblo man."
Mln Cameron testified before the
federal grand 'jury, tho government
officials trying hard to connect
Johnson with tho case.
Government agents, 'municipal au
thorities and even men of tils own
race started out curly to make more
trouble for the pugilist today. 3(oro
subpeanoas were served by federal
officers on Johnson, government at
torneys wanting to know how Miss
Cameron was brought to Chicago.
Then came a demand from the Appo
mattox club, a negro organization,
that Johnson explain his statement
that ho "could xet any white wotuuti
he wanted."
iMYt Violated
TTjo police reported today nine
teen violations of tho closing hour
law by Johnson's Cafe de Champion.'
Alderman Oelger also announced his
Intention of introducing a resolution
In tho city council demanding that
Mayor Harrison revoke Johnson's
Kvldonco of a systematic traffic
in white girls to supply tho demand
of rich negroes and Chlnnese is
said to hnvo been unearthed here.
Detectives working on tho Cameron
caso would neither deny nor con
firm the report.
Mrs. Falconer, after testifying be
fore the grand Jury, conferred In
prlvato with her daughter Lucille
Camoron. Tho latter showed but lit
tle emotion whllo Mrs. Falconer wopt
Johnson Is to testify boforo the
grand jury this afternoon. The
government attorneys plan to ask
him no questions that would give
him Immunity should they mako out
a white slavery chargo against him.
Tho grand Jury examined Mrs, F.
Daniels, a whlto woman, at whose
house It is alleged Johnson and
Luclllo Cameron lived for two weeks.
Tho Jury Is also Investigating the
Narcissus club, said to bo composed
of negroes with whlto wives.
Judge Owen today issued a write
directing ntt olnqttlry Into tho san
ity of the Cameron girl. A- bailiff,
accompattlod by a dozen armed mon,
stood outsldo tho fedoral building
prepared to servo tho writ.
This will bo served should Fed
oral Jmlga Carpontor order Ver re
lenso on habeas corpus proceedings.
Six negroes, said to bo Jhonnon
Bluggors, loafed about tho federal
building all morning. Unttod States
marshftlls searched all six, but no
weapons woro found.
what is proposed. Campaigns should
ho rognrded as groat and serious
mutters of national llfo and business,
"Tho effect of personalities tn
presidential campaigns sorves to in
ject bitterness and to obsettro tlto
real Issues. In my opinion person
alities have, no placo in such con
tests. Of course, It is pertinent to
dlsctiBH tlto records of tho candidates
In order to test tho sottnduesu of
tholr position and to jttdgo their ca
pacity to do what they proposo do
ing; tbnt Ib dltforent from Indulging
in personalities, To Incite mora pro
Judtco against Individuals you op
poso shows your owu weakness,
I think tho people look for dignity
In high office, and aro chagrined
and disappointed when they do not
find It,
Democratic Nominee for Vice President of the United State. '
marshaCTwill im min
Thomas It. Marshall, governor of
Indiana and democratic candidate for
tho vice-presidency will arrive tn
Medford Wednesday afternoon at
5:45 p. m. and will address ttie peo
plo at the Natatorlum at once, leav
ing tho city at 6:30 p. m. People
aro expected to gather at tho Nata
torlum In the large hall.
Governor Marshall Is one of the
leaders in the present campaign and
from present indications will be the
next vice president. A largo crowd
be out to greet him.
POKTI.AN'1), Ore., Oet. 22. A
party of prominent democrats of
Portland will leave here tonight and
escort Governor Marshall aeros the
California ntnto line tomorrow.
Tho party will be beaded by Gov
ernor West and llerl lljtney, chair
man of tlio democratic party.
Governor MnrMiallfrwill arrte in
Portland about f o'clock Thursday
OYSTim HAY, N. Y., Oct. 22.
Arriving at Sagamore Hill this morn
ing, the colonel walked to the
hottso unassisted. Ills otforts woro
cheered by a small crowd.
A largo number of persons had
gathered nt tho Oyster Bay station
but woro disappointed upon learning
that tho former president had loft
tho train at Ltosott, driving to tils
homo In an utitomoblle. Or. Alex
Lambert Issued n statement from
Sagamore Hill later, saying that
colonel was feeling tino, and greatly
appreciating the Interest of tho resi
dents of Oyster liny In his condition.
With tho gates of Sagamoro Hill
bolted and visitors barred, Colonel
Itoosovolt took to hlsjbod, with his
wife, as nurse, to obtain a com
plete rest.
George Itoosovolt Issued a stato
mont as follews:
"Tho colonel must havo a weok of
absolute restN If hogots It ho may
bo nblo to speak nt Madison Square
Garden, New York City, October
ATHENS, Oei. 22. Fleeing tn
pnniu from Dlitsiknln toward tbe
Turkish town of Servla, iho Turkish
army is being pursued by Greek
troops, uncording to bcini-oflivtul
stutcuionta Ibstted hero today,
WASHINGTON, Oct.2 2. Another
victory for California, fruit growers
over western railroads In tho inter
state commerce commission declared
unjustified the advance In freight
rates from $1 to 11.15 per 100
pounds on shipments of lemons from
California points to Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho.
The $1 was adjudged reasonable.
Reparation was awarded shippers
who havo paid the higher rate.
NEW YORK. Oct. 22. Although
tho stock market opened somewhat
higher. It was generally Irregular,
Heading and Lehigh Valley gained
one, and Canadian Pacific, recovered
to slightly aoovo yesterday's close.
Conditions In Europe wore re
flected in tho market here. Trad
ing was active during .the early
hours, but tell oft around noon.
Call loans opened at tlvo per cent.
Tho market closed firm.
llonds woro easy.
PES MOINES, Town, Oct. 22. In
surgents in tbe ranks of the Modern
Woodmen of America won their fight
here today ngn'niht an increase, of
insurance rates in tho order. District
Judge Brndshnw denied tbo proposed
inerease, holding it illegal.
Tho decision affects 100,000 mem
bers of tbe order.
11KVBRLY, Mnss., Oct. 22
President Tntt's views ot how a pres
Identlal campaign should be con
ducted woro glvon to tho United
Pross today lu an excluslvo Interview
The president's Idea of the proper
way to elect n candidate for tho
presidency follew:
(Uy President William Howard Taft)
(Copyrighted, 1912 by tho United
Press Association)
"Mr. President," asked the United
Press correspondent, "how do you
personally bollevo presidential cam
paigns should be conducted?"
Prosldont Taft answered.
"In such a way as to bring out as
many votes ot tho citizens as possi
ble. Tho groat dongor to a republi
can government, as I seo It, is the
lack of Interest In politics and fail
Defense and Prosecution Rests and
Arguments Will Start Wednesday
Case Should Go to the Jury by
the End of the Week If Not Sooner
Defense Rested But Justice Goff Re
called Jack Sullivan to Give Testi
mony. NEW YORK. Oet. 22. frith the
defence and prosecution in the cnite
iignmst Poliee Lieutenant Charles
flecker, ehnrged with the murder of
Gambler ilennnn Rosenthal, rented
tins afternoon. The xtate called but
one wiinexs to rebute tbe testimony
of Jack Sullivan, who wn recalled to
the fctand for the defense by Justice
Ooff after Attorney Melntyre, chief
counsel for Becker, bad unnoiinct'd
earlier in lite day tbnt the defense
Arguments of the attorneys will
begin tomorrow, the ease will pro
bably be given to the jury tbe latter
part of the week.
NEW YOHK, Oct. 22. The an
nouncement of tbe "defense rests"
by John P. Melntyre, chief counsel
for police Lieutenant Charles Becker,
on trial here for the murder of
Gambler Herman Ro-enthnl, today
came as n thunderbolt from ti clear
sky to District Attorney Charles
Whitman, nnd Presiding Justice John
W. Goff. It had been expected, al
though Melntyre opposed the move,
tbnt Becker would take the stand.
Justice GofCs eye bulged with
nmazeniem. lie rumbled nevenil type
written sheets lying on bis, and,
turning to Becker's cbef counsel,
"Mr. Melntyre, in justice to tbe de
fendant, I desire the case re-opened
in uo fur as the defense Is concerned.
I desire you to recnll Jack Sullivan
and have him give further testimony
along the lines of the, conspiracy he
says existed. I will have him brought
to the courtroom immediately."
Astounded, Melntyre snnk bnck in
his seut, while tho sheriff hurried out
to get Sullivan.
Becker and all of Melntyre'H asso
ciates were anxious for the accused
man to testify. Melntyre, realizing
that the state was making elaborate
preparations to cross examine his
client, decided it would be too risky
to allow his client to take tho stand.
Sullivan rehashed much of the tes
timony given at his fanner examina
tion, lie declared that "Bridgey"
Webber hnd said to him:
"I know Becker is innocent, but
Rose is running this. He would plant
a frame-up on either Mayor Oaynor
or Commissioner Waldo if he hod to."
Continuing his direct testimony,
Sullivan said:
"Itoso to'd me that District Attor
ney Whitman had stipulated that he
would got them out of trouble if they
framed ft deal up on Becker."
Sullivan then told of. another talk
he had with Webber.
" 'I am the happiest man in the
World', Webber said to me" Sullivan
testified, "'and my wifo is tho hap
piest woman. Rosenthal wanted i"
kill me, but I do not hnve to be
afraid now.'
'Hose, Vallon and, Webber asked
(Continued on page 2.)
ure to exercise suffrage by a largo
number of cltlens. I regret to say
I believe statistics show those who
neglect this important duty are gen
erally Intelligent and capable ot ex
ercising a discrimination in voting
that would mako for the good of the
government, Everything, therefore,
should be done to bring out tho vote
In presidential campaigns.
"The press, ot course, fs tho chief
Instrument In keeping before the
public controversies of the cam
paign j tho necessity for political ac
tivity and tho final act ot suffrage
but otbor methods ot advertising are
coming Into vogue. The use of the
billboard, electric signs and adver
tising panels lu street cars aro tbo
logical outcome of a study of tlio
'('Continued on page a,)
NO. 182.
Garment Now In Dr. Porter's Hands
for Careful Examination and Tests
Pocket Was Washed but Shws
Stains Which Were Made by !((
Sheriff Jones and District Attwncy
Mulkey Made Discovery Mwtday
One more link was forgedtMonday
night in the chain of evidence cor
robprating tho confession . pf , Mike
Spanos, connecting Frank Parker
with the murder of George Deilaska
lous when Parker's coat was sub
jected to a close examination by
Sheriff Jones and Prosecuting At
torney B. P. Mulkey and found to
be blood stained. In the lining of
each sleeve blood, stains were found
as well as stains in the inside pock
et, which phow clearly that an at
tempt had been made to wash it.
The cont is now In the hands of Dr.
Porter for examination. He has al
ready determined positively that the
stain in the pocket was made by
blood. It was in this pocket
that Parker is said to hove
placed the deadly gas pipe after
beating Dedaskalous' head to a pulp.
In the bottom of the pocket is a
lnrge stain of a brownish tint," look
ing like blood which had been wash
ed out. In each sleeve Mood statHs
are easily disccrnable. Dr. Porter k
now staking further tests of other
stains on the coat.
, Sheriff Jones decided tOjHmke a
close examination "of ParW'scjintv,
following the discovery of the blood-:
Btained gas pipe in "the "rear of' thfe
Seattle rooming house where Parker
lived on Monday. With District At
torney Mulkey they visited the jail
and asked Parker for his coat. A
brief examination showed the of
ficials that they had scored one
more ten-strike in the case.
The coat was turned over to Dr.
Porter today for further examina
tion. It will be a day or 'two be
fore the proper tests can be complet
ed. Sheriff Jones nnd Acting Chief of
Police Cingcnde have found a new
witness in the case who will sweur
that Parker made an attempt the
Friday night before the murder to
see Spnnos and Dedaknlous 'alone.
Following this on Saturday nfght
Tom Frekns and Louis Christo saw
Spanos and Parker hold n confer
ence in the park.
The authorities nre now convinced
that they have secured enough evi
dence to corroborate Spnnos' ptory
to such an extent that he ill hq
bound over to the circuit court., Tbo,
preliminary examination will be held
on Thursday afternoon, J
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Oct. 22.
After shotting and mortally wound
ing his wife, George Currier, sixty
years of ago, tired another bullet
Into her heart as she 'lay dying ou
tho floor ot tho kitchen in their
home hero today. Ho then called up
tho police and Informed them, ot hjs
terrible deed.
Detectives wore rushed to the
house and Currier calmly submitted
to arrest.
Currier told a story of how ho had
been attacked by his wife as he was
reading tho paper In the kitchen. He
said his wife had ben 1)1 and ap
peared to be Insane; that she first
attacked him with a revolver nnd
when fie had wrested that from her,
she rushed at him with a butcher
knife and he was forced to tire la
self defense. , ,
The old man coolly told the hor
rifying details ot bis crime. .As tbe
woman fell to the floor she said;
"Now you've got e. Better
make a good job of It," Then he
fired the second shot through her
heart. f
Neighbors deny Currier' state
ment that his wife had been III, s4
declared that he was of a quarrel
some disposition.
V n.,
1 i
i ' Hwyfcrf;
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