(HAt,, -it-, r J-- " - w .. ' Ji M i , - w. t-a - J-swiM' ji tttomomim WEDirom) mate TRmums, otdotip, ouisaoy. monday, ooroiusirsi, loiii; vr W l"J.LL .. js. -u j. 1.1 . Kjmammmptimmmmm " v i. i 4 t . 4n , Jt i i - V t 4 , , ONLY PEAKS LEFT K EASTER HE HAOltAMMNTO. fJitl,, Out. 20. Tim following; KlVi'n mini her of emu of diicliluoiih mill xlilppml from all pulitt In California for tlm woitu (7 iIiih) endltiK Ft May evening, October lHtli, III I a. Pears t ni rlitM. Voir lltilit In the lino of wlnlm pears now roninln In thu hi A(i) except Hauler Itnltri. These (ie ii in it ro exceptionally good this your, holm of film nUo, nml, owing to'tlio IoIik. ilry fall, tiliunlinl I)' well ilpcnoil. TIiIh liimr linn been HlOIUlllV ItrOWlllK 'III IKIIMIItlltV dill' Inn tltt last two or threo ycnri unit In leeonnmul uy tin) iniilu nil ono of tho licut for MtqrnKd. Weather itnrliiit tlio punt woel: Iiiih bcell good," At tlio tlmo ttilH litttor Ih lining written tlm nky Ih overcast with iloiulii nml rnlti In threatened. Should It count tlio Tokuy season would tin liroiiKlit to un nlirmlt cloito, lint no damage. Ih Anticipated to Coriilclioim or Emperors. Comparative statement of ahlp IIIHIltH. October 12, toll Ohrrrlofl 210 i AprlcoU 223 H 1012 sii'i io.-.h 1C21U 177CV4 no ens, 12 i I'OBflltJM J'lUIIIH .. Ponra ... Grapes , Sunday , 2011 inin,i 2348K 3901 12 U 10039 1 1366 H CATTLE MARKET I'UitTliANl), Oct. 21. Itereipln for On! week ncro J2U'2 cnlllit, .1:1 ciiIvcm, :i():i:i )kk, GSHO ttlivvp ami ' borne-:. Thuru wan hour' lit tin tliflWlico of ii)inIoii iiniotit; buyer uiul M'llur iix to whether or not I hit niltlu miirkot wax itH high (lih week as any tinu: iliittiii; Iho lall. There huh an undo niable Hlffcuhii in jirU-c-H tm eoni pn ml with tho week previous tuul it wuh uoiiernllv nniriMlcil that the market miik full roller ninl In nouu parllcnlar)4 Iilliur (liun IiimI urelr. A izlnui'o it tho Mih'ft will Miow ttlrvrx tit $7 anil court at fU.oO. Tin hg market wiw htrnit to l(Jc liikher IliU vivk. Uuyoix htiiletriliat tlio ailvaiico in prim mm duo to tlio I'Xlmim iiiialit of tlio itrToriiijr. Tlii'ro lias nut liocii a cu'nl ileal of (piality to tho lin; that have huoit ot'ferrd thix fall. (liouorH have not taken thu tiimlilo to liiiinh thi'lr ho, nif itiJhoiii into market in only u fairly fnt'coitilitioh. Thin IiAn IiimI ii ti-u- ileney to rvfleot on the prioc. Tlio uliocp nuirkct wax fully Htnm tliroiiKlioiit. GRAVE CREEK WATER FOR GRANTS PASS (IUANT8 PAB8, Ort. 21. That tlio (Jrnvo creok water proposition U n fcnnttilu ono In tho roport niado by KiiRlueera UoIimoii nml Ilnll, who recently miulo lnve.itl,ntlon of the, roiircex of tho water supply, and tho oiitflnoorlilK featuroH Inrolvod In lirlnliiK tho wator to rirnutn 1'uhd. Tho oiiKlui'urn dcoldod that a point on (Irnco creok, In noctlon 0 of towimhlp ti, In JnckBon comity, offered tho in out avallablo slto for iluinlnliiK tfio croak, and that the ilralimim area lion within Hint por tion of tho Itogiio mountains nlouK tho divide between that Htrenm and tho liondwalum of trlbutnrloH of tho Houth Uuipiiun. Tlio elevation of tho water Hhod In from 2,500 to fiOOO fuel nhovo the hcu level, where tho precipitation U tho maximum for the coaHt district. Tho plan advanced Includes tlm coiiNtructlon of tho dam, tho build JiiK'of ditch and plpo linen, or IrrU k'atlon ciiiiuIh, and Htibuequeutly of tho dovelopmont or electricity for IlKht uud power. COOPERATION CREAMERY AT APPLEGATE PR0FITA1LE Tho Vnley I'rttlo oroainory, u en npurnlive iiiHtilulion in the Appli'ttutu miulo during thu tifrft hall of the JiruHitut month 4000 pounds of but ter, for wlihili it 1'iiulH ready mar , ket nt 70 eenla per two pound roll, Duller fill Ih ul prqnent brlnjr !I5 iielitH per pounil with lim proHpeu! tliht it Mill atlviiiico in H7 12 coiiIh Wltlili) 11 few (1ii.yh, with 11 coitoh pouiliiii; uiivuucu ju (lie price of but lor. How- profitable IIiq fnViuerH of the Applctfuto uro fiui)iil tlio dulry Industry Ih proven, by the vxprtdnao iif I'lttook HroA., wlio'JiuvuU fnnn on Hiiiubiif ovook. 'From ovbiitipv tlmt uru run 11H 11 bldo lukUioto the plbbr funnliii? rtpnniUon butteV ft btittmniiiiR In .tl),:i5 vin hoM ilnriuti ilie m nioiilli, ID TRENGTH 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. I'or Coroner, I horohy 11111101111611 my 'candldncy for tho office of burounr 6t Jaokitoti county, on tho Itidopmulftnt tlokot, W. W. U0BIII9K. (rld Advti) . HIIKItllW W. A, floiwa Democrntlo uotulnno for sheriff of JacIihoii county. KchIiIviico, Jack onvllla. (Paid Advt.) . 1 u Auk. I). KliiKlrr lldpiilillftaii noiillmtu 'for nhorlff of Jaeknon county, Itoxldtmco, Hutmet Pnrk. Addnn, Medford, It. V, 0 No. 2. It)U COUNTV CMiltK To tho Votorn of JAekeon CoUntyt (IdntleniPii, thn tlmo In ' druwtiiR 11 un r wlnni' yon will to called upon to uno your bent judKinont In sn lectltig from niuonK your " cltlroiiB, competent pornonn to fill tho vnrloun officon of tho count)1. In thU I take nioflnUro In ofMrinK mynclf a tho democratic candidate for tbo of rice of county clerk. In aikliiK tho puoplo of thU coun ty to honor ino with this noidtlon I come not to you an A ntranKor, hut m a native non, likvliiR itpcnt tlio greater portion of my pant llfo amoiin you whom I am now nnltliiK to norvo. My llfo record In open boforo you for lnvttetlon. I hVo no cxcuien to make, no favors to extend, except courteous treatment alike to you pco pie from All parti of tlio county. No prowlto to innko other thnu If otectett, I will kIvo my personal tlmo end attention to tho duties of tho office, and will put forth my beat efforts to mo that the otflco In con ducted according to law and the beat of my ability, Itcupcctlvely youri, W. II. MILI.CR. (Paid Advt.) AKHKHBOlt W. T. Cirirv-j liopubllcnn nominee for attcaior for second term. Itealdcnco, Jack uonvllle. (raid Advt.) COIINTV IlKCOHDHIt l-'ml h. t'olvlR HepUhtlcnii nominee for county recorder, ttecoml term. Kxtract from report of J. H. Wll kon, export accountant for Jackson eomltyt' ''Mr. Col"vlf'a hooki1 Itave been excelUtn'tly' le$l. in nit my bxpcrlcnco lTiavo found but ono ro corner a oiiicq wiin so koou a rec ord." (Paid AdVt.) JtlCPItlvHKNTATIVK J. A. Wcnterluiid Hopubllcan nominee for ro-olectlon for state reprotoulatlvo of Jackson county. (Paid Advt.) JOINT ItKPItKSKNTATIVB rfatvnce t. llrames DoUiocratlc nomtneo for Joint rep reientntlve, Jackson and Douglas counties. Itcsldonco Medford. (Paid Advt.) COUNTV JUDflK Frank L. Tou Velio Democratle nominee for Judgo. (Paid Adyt.) county I'OH (.'ON'HTAItM: JoIih If. Hettinger itopubllcan nominee for coiiBtnblo, Medford district. (Paid Advt.) NOTICE. Notice In hereby Ktvon that tho uudornlRnod will apply nt tho special incetliiR of tho city council Ootobor 21, 1912, for n license to soil malt, splrltoiiH uud vinous liquors nt 22 North Front street, for A porlod of six months, 8i:USUY & KENNEDY. Dniod October 0, 1012. NEW TODAY A party In Portlupdi wIbIiIuk to tnovo to Medford, ofrors ha (tood cIuho In homo there for a homo in Modforifrajind. vlu6a tho ' Portland, place at $4000,00, Call early It IntoroHtud, . f It you iinvo a bomo in Utodterdt Portland or Seattle, yotl can ox ohitilRo It for Reed unimproved 120 aero tract near Table Rock, val ued At 13000.00. Giill and fefet pat tlcnlaro, aa this U a bargain nt that price. 1 1 i I hftvd sumo oholcu ' Vunolies at Ilroliwuvlllo, In tho Willamette val ley for'snlo, at' attracllvo prices, and Home tor exchnnfeo1. ' ; -f - - ' A few bousou and apartmenta for rent. C.DHOON looH lk Jackspji Cow.ly ttyttk WO t ( - "w ' " ' - 1-. '(ik .C3 J" Ca .it'i. ' ' " mmmma ---ji-a-rMaM-M-a-i--iiM M-ttin. to A. 1'. rU. MWHO uIiick Men. First rwulA-r ' racclln. Morcl.Anta' aHtoclatlou Monday ovcnlug, October 21, at Odd Fellowan hall, llanquet Horved by Indies of thu .Mothodlnt church tiuuth promptly at c 30, (So rlRht from your IiiibIiipjih K. N. WAUNCIt, President. 76 JOII.V CAlllCI.V, Becrutttry. Mrrrliant AKtoclAtlim' Meet In, Tho Mcrchunts' nsnoclatloii will hold Its monthly meeting Monday ocnliia In the M. K. church South. llanquot itt C:30 followod by huidness 1 lueollliK. roK HHSitiorttm FOU JIKNT Two houses to rout, furnished or unfurnished, close I in Kent lor ono iiouso 8.r,u pur niontu. Itupiire at llu Geneu - avenue. I.. It. Wnrnor. IS 1 FOH IIHNT 0 room modern houso, Kas and electricity, screened Bleeping porrh, cast front, fine Hhade, close In. Owner 31S I,au rol. 183 FOU ItBNT Three room house, 2 blocks from lmved streets, cement sldo walk. Inquire 905 South Central avenue. 184 FOH RKNT Sovon room house, Hlooplnjc porch, on Oakdale ave nuo. Hoe or phono Col. Sargent. 182 FOR RENT Furnished C room cot tapo modern, CIS KIiib St. FOR RKNT Furnished houco close In. 00North Orango. FOR RENT Furnished house with all modorn conveniences. 730 V. Eleventh St. FOR RENT Modern five-room house. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room lions reRr of Fnrmora & Fruitgrowers bank, sultabla tor business, real estato, boardlnc or rooming bouse. Qold Ray Ronlty Co., 0th and Fir sta. FOR RENT Two room bncholor homo. 2H West 8th stroot. Sco Whlto & Trowbridge. FOR RENT Modorn two story dwelling, Hot and cold water, lawn nnd trees. 220 Lnurol St. Boo Whlto & Trowbridge. FOR RENT FurnlBkod 3 room houso, $10, wntor rent paid. In- quiro (I-, nin stroot. FOR RENT six room houso nnd barn. Inquiro 503 Clijrk St. 193 FOR RENT FurulBliud houso, rout reasonable inquiro of. Dr. Seely or J. W. Rprlun. 181 FOR RENT FUrulshott bungalow, $20,00. - Shiull house, $g.G0. Modern bungalow, $20.00. Closo In east Bldo. Humphroy, 815 E. Main. FOR RENT Fivo room !ioUso, with gas rango, lad Bt. modorn 71C W. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, cdm:ortable of flee rooms with elevator serv'lco, Atetpi heat, hot and cold Vator. LbW rates. Apply Medford Furni ture ft Uw. Co; FOR Hr$Nl MJHOKWANHOUS FOR RENT 16 room flat over El terfa tailor shop, 207 'West Malu. Bee White ft Troyvbrldge. FOR RENT anphwi-) large and mall, alfalfa aud garden lands. I Oel Rky Realty Co,, thaiU Fir, FOR UENT 30 room turnlahcrt hotel nn porcontugo, Qpld Rny Realty Cq, IS THIS SITTING ON MY From Sp"h by Woodnw Wilson ' FPU REVJP yUftXlSHKD AITS. lK0H RtSNT-SaiUb Apt.. 317 8. Itlr. L VOn IlKNT Fprnlshec apartment now, private bath, hot water heat. Tbo llcrben Apartment, 10 Qulnco 8U, corner "West Main. POM ItBNT yUKMMKCb BOOSfH FOH HUNT- Nicely furnlahcd down Htnlrs bedroom, In a now, rnodorn house. 3 blocks from P. O. Phone 3721. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, lad Ilh only. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT UtrK sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 per week. Modem .housekeeping apartment. $15 and $1C. Home phono 2C6-K. 222 "South Holly. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, 604 West 10th nt, two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Com. FOR RENT A largo bedroom, with prlvllcgo of bath. 319 S. Ivy. phono 2SG-K. , FOR RENT- Two furnished rooms with or without board. 326 S. Central, Phono 3393. FOR RENT-Furnished room with slcoplng porch, hot and cold wator gas. electric lights In room. Wilt rent to young man with first clas-s references. $10 por month, 700 S. Oakdale, Pacific 71. 184 FOR RENT - Two furnished rooma with or without hoard. 623 S. Central, phono -3303. 181 FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE- Lots In best residence bccllon In Medford, $75.00 uud up. Address Owner, caro Mnll Tribune. 181 FOR HALtt ACKRAGa FOR SALE 20 acres free soil un improved, closo to city limits. Will toko good medium priced 5 pnss ongur auto for first paymont. Ad dress Box 10, Mnll Tribune. 184 FOR SALE Handles, ucro tracts, town property, from $C per acre, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Rny Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR SALE A beautiful building slto just east ' of Medford city limits. High and sightly, porfcot drainage, fine vlow of Medford and tho valloy, building restriction on adjacent property. Threo lots moasurTug 40,0p0 square feet or nearly un aero. Fronting on Jack son Boulevard which 'will bo one of tho finest drives In Medford when tho now Hear Creek bridge 1b completed. This property can ho purchabod for $500 down long tlnio and easy. terms on balance. This cannot bo. bent for u high grado residence location. Address P. O. Box 702. Medford, Orogon, FOH BAldV-LAm FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment, Good improvements, good stock raugo, Jackson county uoar Hilt, Inquiro or F. R. Lunge, Hilt, California. 182 FOR BALK 1IOU8SM FOR SALE Houso and two lota W, 10(h St., Mo'dford, at a bargain, tonus. Box 253, Central1 Point, pro. 195 FOR SALE HotisoB. 5 room mod urn cottage and '.r. lota only $950. Good location on N. Rlvorblde. This Ib an excellent buy. Goo. C. Cornelius, 123 E, Main street. Phono 6031, 187 FOR SALE Fine. home, torma samo na rent. Prlcohtdov cost, Ad dross owner careMuI Tribune, CHEST" FOR SALE HOUSES. FOR SALE Beautiful 9 room bunga low, hard wood floor and modern throughout, must be seen to be ap preciated. Will sacrifice on ac count of leaving town. Mrs. O. B. Brown. 436 N. Bartlctt, phono JMaln 75G1. FOR SALE 4 room nunrt and lot, $600.00. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Blxth and Fir. tf FOR SALE Boarding bouse In good location. Good terms If taken at once. SI I East Main St. 185 FOR SALE 8even room houso. new and modern. Well located. Largo lot,' sizo fifty by three, hundred and eighteen rect. Deep, rich soil. Twenty-two fruit trees from two to three years old. Cost $2550.00 will sell half cash, half llko rent and price thn place at $2350.00. Address Box E., care Mall Tribune. rOR BALK MJSl.KtiLANKOCM FOR SALE 10 brood sows, extra good stock. Also one Jersey Red malo hog, A fow thoroughbred Jersey Red pigs for breeding .pur poses. To appreciate their value they must bo seen. L. B. War ner. 181 FOR SALE 20 Whlto Orpington hens,, young stock, very choice. S cockorels, very fine birds. L. B. Warner. .181" FOR SALE Good sound horse, drives single or double, phone 597-R-2. P. O. Box 312. 181 FOR SALE For your pressing needs. Bring your barrel and wo will fill It witn clear, sweet cider for 12 ceilts a gallon. Get your stock for your own vlucgar now. Bagley Canning Co., Talent, Ore. 1S7" FOR SALE 150 tons of hay and pasture Helkcy ranch, Applegate P. O., D. A. Wood. 199 FOR SALE We. hnve a few stand ard sewing machines to close out at cost. These machines nro guar anteed and will bo a bargain to" those who get them. Garuelt Coroy Hdw. Co. FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tiro English go-cart. Pacific phone 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 C passenger au tomobile almost now. Bargain tor cash. Box 80, Trlbuno'. FOR SALE Gralu hay ton. C. W. Isaacs. $5.00 por FOR SALE Handsomo chestnut colt. Electloneor hloot. Was bred apd raised In California aud la ono ,ot tho richest bred trotting colts In tho world, safo and gontlo 'aud not afraid of autoij. Can bo, seen rtt West Side Liven-. "Bargain for sgiuo one. A. K. Ware. 182 IT - - h I I FOR SALE Seven thoroughhred golden laced Wyandottes, 8 Burrod Rock hens, 2 flshols Whlto Hock cocks, extra flno. Also 1 :iM Inch wagon In oxceltent con dition with wagon bod. Apply 621 Palm St. 183 1 111 1 11 FOR SALE -Good sound work horfeo cheap, Phone 539-J3i 183 FOR S.LB A good bloyclo. $12.00 owner leaving city. Box 532. 181 FOR SALE Recloanod seed wheut. ry'o, outs, vetch. Schmidt Feed store, Medford. FOR SALE BUggy, strong, and roomy, little used; also (single har noaai B. R, McCabo, 317 Clar;iott Coroy Bldff., phono G571 H FOR RALE Ouu Twlu Thor motor cycle, tor sale cheap at Martin's Blelo Blioii. 181 FOR SALE corn In the dAv, k P. HKU WAJITKD FTsMAl WANTED Olrl for general house ! Itt I Ifllll HI l( IVm WVIft. UJ JfcW.. K-, ....O. 11 ,l Budge. 1RD WANTED SlTOATlOm WANTED Experienced Japanese farm hand wantp position on or chard or ranch. Tnlcphono Main 3361 or reply to Ray Macdn, 227 8. IVy St., Medford. 1K1 WANTED For wood ctittlnK and odd Jobs call Balloy, phono 17H-K- 191 WANTED Position as bookkneper or Arcountant, steady, experienced tiion, pnst thirty. References. C. A. McLomoro, General Delivery. Medford. 1S2 WANTED nv man and wife ivUh- out children, who are experienced, thoroughly competent and tellable a position on aiocK, nay anu grain ranch, as foromatl and houso- kcencr. First class reference. Ad dress C. II. Halbcrt. Tolo, Ore., or Mrs. Emma Blttner, Medford, OregoJJ. WANTED MWrETiliASrKOUS WANTED Lady who la employed or two school girls to room ann board Tvlth lady as companion. References wanted, C13 West Second or phono 7342. 160 WANTED Land. Will pay cash rnt for 80 to 160 acres In tbis valley. Prefer something partly In' alfalfa. Will purchase later. Address Geo. C. Cornell ua, 123 E, Main street. Ig7 WANTED Several hundred fet,S to 14 inch slln Joint pipe. 1. 0, n cars. Slceply Hollow Farm, Rock Point, Ore. WANTED Clean rags at the Mall . Tribune office. . 1 WANTED To buy, spring chickens, roosters or pullets. J, II. -Lyons, Phoenix. ' , L 1 . - 11 11 1 WANTED Loan $6000, first mort gago on real estate. Address No. 10, Rock Point, Ore. 184 WANTED Sawing by the day or ,at home. Will do mending, darning or hemstitching. 319 S. Ivy. Phone 286-K. 205 WANTED To lease modern house cast of railroad, between Jack son and Main. Clark Realty Co. 182 WANTED Two good milch cows at once. Liberal milkers preferred. B. L. Dodge,, Hotel Medford. 185 FOR EX.CHA5TJ TO TRADE Nice hotel, rooming bouse at Santa Cms, Cal.. paying $1800 not. Will trade for farm pricing $3500. Address 433 -S. Fir, Medford. 181 TO EXCHANGE The use. of ladle saddle horse gives for good care and feed. Phono 4771. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOANV-$2000 or por tion at 8 per cent on country. Clark Realty Co. 183 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. I havo ono fund of one thousand and ono ot threo thousand on hand, be sides larger amounts. Call on. or address mo at Hotel Medford. Jl. L. Dodge. 19 C" MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 36S1. MONEY TO .LOAN $3,000 to loan on gllt-odgod city or country pro perty. 8 per cent. A. S. Bliton. FOUND. FOUND Near "Happy Camp" small Fox Terrier. Jack Hlckson, Ring wood Orchards. 1S2 liOSt LOST IUiificr bicycle, at M. E. church. North, corner. Return to Mall Tribune otflco. 183 BUSINB68 IMMK0TO1.Y Accouataats D.R, WOOD General Accountant Your books audltod and kept for a reasonable llgurel your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg: phone 6611; resi dence phone 6302.. ' Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret iu making springs is tho tempering. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant la the Pacific northwest, use our snrlngs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North 15th Btrcet, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa Clllc, Main 33. O. L. BEAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor, PORTER ,T. NEFF. WM. X MEALEY Attorneya-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflcebldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett- Corey 'bldg. MULKEY ft CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W.' CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 13 Jackson County Bank bldg. ,1 W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rlalto building, Medford, Ore. ' ' Civil Ksuitnew, " LWilCWiTrTINtJ Ctvft inglnaer and Surveyor. Water filings M Irrigation work a srwlaltys. snr veya, subdividing, bulUlaf grade-), cuy engmeenng, aratting, seer ucnigu, iuhuiuih wurx, iiurnp anil canui systems, koou i, vtm bile MUW'U V(iUtt ' ? Mil futek n Distributor. All ertitfs frromafly tilted. Room 29 JmIumhi Coaly Bank bldfC, Medford, Orfra Clilropritctonl - j DR. A. R. nEDtlKB. Jf, tionUe Hedges, Mecbario-TherapistH, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. The systems, Including dietetics, 'cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thera(iy, etc., produce rsu)ts In both acuta and chronic disease. Censul(Atlln free. 2 3D N. Dnrtlett street. RKt door to M. E, church flours, 9 a. m. to p. m. Other nour by ap pointments Bell phone Jalti 4171. DR. R, J. LOCKWQOD. Chiropractor, nerve speclftllst- RooAm 263-84-05 Oarnett-Corey Uldf. Vnpr baths and scientific massAg give; advice In dietetics, medical gyaa naitlcs, hydrotherapy, Lady At tendant. Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973. Clilnec MiltclHi'it CHOW YOUNG'S Chtutse medicine will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and luag trouble, deafness, paralysis, private disease and all litnds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, wemb' and bladder troubles. See HM,at 241 8. Front at., Medfoi'd, .Ore.,. to 4. 6:30 to 7:30. Kealde&se phone Mala 42. xi TYfHtCMMat D!C W. M,yANJ8C0Y00 iirDR. C. C VAN &CQX i ' Deattets Garaett-Corey bide;., rait Sit, Mcfbrd, Oregon. Both Phones, t DR'i'ARTBMUB W. DKANB DftStlst. Office in Rlalto bldg.. 123 B. Mala. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 81. Nlgkt phone 4422- Ortt Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prfddy, O. D. Nagle, Oeo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manii factarers ot brick; deaMn In IHresMd brick and lime. Offke at their brick yard, West Jackson st, Phone No. 3461. OartM GARBAGE Get your premises eteased up for. jUtesuamer. Call nt 'thi city garbage wagons for good serjrlee. Fkoae Mala 6251. F. Y. Alls. - Notary rsMIe HKLSN N. YOCKEY TSotary Pub lic JJrlng your work to me at thu alga of Thn Mall Trihnn nsweiiefl QUAKER NURSERIES Oar tree are budded, not grafted. Our stoek la not irrigated. We guarantee everything put but; We are not la the trust II. B.. Patterson. Offlee removed to office, Hotel Nash, Is side entrance next to barber shop. t Prlaten ad PaWfehcrs MBDFORD PRINTING CO. has the beet equipped job office in southern Oregon; book blading, loose leaf systems, cnt paper, eta, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir at PtiysfriHBS and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Pbysl ciaas and surgeons, Taylor; sad Phtppa bldg., rooma 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. b. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 41G-417 Garnctt-Cor-ey Bldg., phone 278-IC. Resi dence 420 S. Laurel St. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur- 'gcon. Offico Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-1S-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician andSutgcon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklna Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. loot, teudant. Residence phone Main 5712, offico Home 145. DR. J. J. EMM32NS Physician aud Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically testoi and glasses supplied. Office 228 E. Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phone. E B. PICKEL, M. to. ortlce Jack' son County Bank, Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 682. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooma B and 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Aosldence phone Bell 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3, Both phonttti. Reeldenee phones: Farmer 16xxS Kagle Point and Rogue River line, '' HERMAN F. RATTlvK. D. Of fice over' Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. 8AUNDER8, M. D., Pras tlce limited to Eye, Ear; Nose and Throat, Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished, when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd fleer. Both Phoaee, Medford, Ore. sHeHogMnera rt- ELLA M, GAUNYAW Btenographlo work aud well. -Paira block, done quick)' Xrafcgfttr EADS TRANSFER, BTORAOll C. Office 18 South Fir, PhoM tK: Prleen BeU 3162: Home 350. right Service' guaranteed. IJa4wtaHw 11 ' mi 11 11 hm JOHN A. l'KRL UderteJier ICinbalww. Otftoe ig, & 1 lett; st.t Teiephftnaajl Day, 471J night 'M a "nrw m f Wa WiaJ tpCalsnnnasnnBnanjl M' day..AwiU,rYla, , tr q .1 o I il!l 7bl H il m 'i i i "i !l 1 1 Q