Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 21, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    41 '
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ItBDFOItO mail twbuni
yi JtiMnf4lfttTWngTh MMfoi
KalLrto Mfatr.J TrlttUtttvThft South
ern rtMH une.Ajmiana TriBuitn.
Hwth Fir trt; phone, Main tozi;
Mama 76.
MOKRrUTNAM.Kttorand Manager
, i ii .ill y . ii
Entra a ifteoMclaM matter at
Medford, Oregon, nUr tfca Ml .or
maron 3, mm.
Otttotftt Pier of the City of Medlar
Official taper ftf Jaekaeti County.
sumtcntpnax rat..
On yrnr. by main
Aaili...... .......
nr month, delivered by oarrlej- In
Modfonl, Jacksonville and Cen
inn it. ..,...
Point. CO
Saturday only, by mall, per year.. I."
per year.
worn GtHrtfi.ATierr.
Daily nviraB or !mmi months fcad-tna-
November S0.l!li. S7R1.
FbH IaneVI Vlrt Valtt rreM
The Mall Tribune Is on Ml at the
rrry New Stand. Ran Kranctsco.
Portland Hotel New Stand. Portland.
Bowman New Co, Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney, Scuttle. Wath.
Metropolis at Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and the faateat
KrnwinK city In Oregon.
Population U. A renaua 1910 SM0;
eitlmntrd.' 191110.000. .
Five hundretl thousand dollar Oravliy
Water system completed. Rtvlnc finest
aunply pure mountain water, and .17.3
nlics of atreet paved.
Postofflce receipts for year ending
November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19
per cent
Banner fruit city In Oregon TIor-uo
River Spltxetiberjr ftpplea won aweep
stakes prise an.l title of
AjMe KM the Wll"
st the National Aenln Show, Spokane.
1909, nH a car of Newtown won
. FtrM Prtae t fat .
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver.!. C ,
Mm fta mi
at Spokane National Apple Show wen
by carload of Newtowna,
nogue Kiver pears otobkiii Rigneai
price in ait tnariccis oc
inr the past air year
Icen In all markets o taa werld dur-
Write Commercial Club. IneJosInir C
cents tor postage for the !tseat camau
' p"1"' evS PU"Pe-
) ly Art BrswR
Games birds are to be raised at
the state prison. There are a lot of
game 'birds there now.
The Chicago Tribune is rhyming
and otherwise featuring a certain
"ntrna, the baker of Baraboo."
Tls a name -to conjure with.
Alderman Schmeer of Portland
threatens to bring suit against a
real estate man there. The. . still
will,- of course, be docketed vas the
Schmeer case. .
- J
The giants and he Red Sox
''Have.KOBe'aboahtkelrscways. -
And qoV,tkere'BHaogatrbut poll-
To fllKour drearr day6.
M.Uncie-Epp says bo would be a bull
moose if hecotild talk loud enough.
. -We. stand at Armageddon and we
battle for the lord knows what.
In Turkey those fighters -who do
not belong, to the regulars are called
. Bashibaspuks. How's that for &
1 new name, for the bull moosera?
A Portland school principal en
tered a lower grade the other day
and announced, "Children, in the
name of a great American states
man, "lend mo your ears."
Say Jim, .
Jley, Jlmt
Won't you please come down
Sort of lake a look about
The valley and the town.
Lay a little line from here
Over to the sea; '
A- lot of rails and cboo-choo cars
A nifty sight would be.
So. Jim,
Oh Jim,
Won't you please come down
We would like a Jim Hill road
Running through the town.
Artist Henry Hutt draws pretty
Klrln,i but his. wife has drawn the
W. O. Hawley paid Medford a
visit Saturday. Ab usual he brought
Mcdford's now post offlco with him,
J Twiorcmr) piWcmNo co., ,
The Pacific Outlook, published at
Grants Pass has suspended, the sub
scribers being cared for by the Cour
ier. In 1S95 the Oregon Mining
Journal was started In Grants rasa
by Judgo John L. Chllds of Cres
cent (City. Attorney Wado secured
coufrol) ftoou, utter the birth of new
Journal, unci Arthur Conklln became
associated with him and a littlo
later assumed full management
which he continued till two years
ago, when Win. R. Drower contracted
tor, the plant and conducted the
bHslnees till last week, when the
paper' was discontinued and tho
- jbJant turned back (o Mr. Conklln.
1' For the first twelve years of its
'uritiNtoe tie paper Was published!
TM a Wising journal, anil lor a wuiu
t'tke rAfrtative .fnjnlng pub
UuUm at the state. It later left
"Uh Jtot ?' publlcatlDuo,. bow.
i&?Pte lt nahie to
SOUTHERN Oregon feels
jiot oulv for his work for
ton, hut especially for bis successful Work in securing the
first tf50,000 installment of the $700,000 appropriation for
the improvement df Crater Lake national park.
the mmrovement df Crater
The history of this appropriation is well known. In
troduced ny senator jjournc
SUOO.OG0 and linsscd. it was
amendment by Bourne to the civil sundry bill, it again
passed the senate, only to be slaughtered a second tune
m the house. When tlie bill came to tho senate conferees,
Bourne again nincmled the measure to include the Crater
Lake appropriation mid held up the bill ten days until the
house conferees agreed to compromise on $50,000 for the
park the only measure of its kind that passed at the last
session of congress.
The fact that Senator Bourne was on the appropria
tions committee and that he was influential enough to in
duce the senate conferees to stand pat with him, secured
the improvement of the park. In order to secure the
balance of the $700,000, it is important jhat Bourne he re
elected. Oregon would be very foolish to sacrifice such an asset
as Bourne has proved to be in the senate to gratify the
spleen and animosity of disgruntled politicians. It would
ly) business folly to retire him for an unknown stranger.
Senator Bourne will hold an informal reception to
meet the people of Mcdford at the"Mcdford hotel tonight
and learn their desires. He should lie greeted with a large
attendance m appreciation of his efforts.
AN important office which has been largely overlooked
in the present Campaign, is that of distinct attorney for
the first judicial district, comprising tTackson and Jose
phine counties.
This is an office upon which depends the enforcement
of the law in the two counties and the protection of citizens
from lawbreakers by the prompt and vigorous prosecution
of offenders.
It requires an attorney of abilit) of extended exper
ience, a good jury lawyer, a man of backbone and stamina,
who will discharge the duties of the position fearlessly and
The people of the two counties cannot afford to edu
cate 3'oung attorneys at public expdnse. They should uot
select men who have never conducted a criminal case nor
addressed a jury. It is not to the taxpayers' interests to
leave the moral and social welfare in inexperienced hands
- no matter how engaging the
Among the candidates for this office, by all odds the
best qualified, is Judge E. E. Kelly. He hasdemonstrated
Jiis ability as a criminal lawyer, having bad tlie bulk of
tlie criminal practice in Jackson county for the past few
years. A man who can successfully defend the crook, and
thoroughly understands criminals, is the best man to
Judge Kelly is of the good-natured, witty, fighting
Irish type. He is utterly fearless, morally and physically.
He has no corporation affiliations, is as honest as men are
made, and if elected, there twill be an inipartial enforce
ment of the law. t
This is the kind of a prosecutor we are in need of.
Judge Kplly should be elected.
Orginal Contract for Medford Bridge,
Built by Jackson County WithoutProtest
Before Jacksdn county constructeHu'constnictlon of the Bald bridge to be
the Medford bridge in June, 1902,
some question was raised as to the
right of the county to build it. The
county court referred the subject to
A. E. Reames, then district attor
ney, who in an exhaustive opinion
gjven in September, 1901, held that
It -was wlihln the province of tho
county to build the bridge.
The contract, was let by the coun
ty court composed of Charles Prim,
of Jacksonville, county Judge, Irwin
S. Butler of Ashlnnd and Thomas
Riley of Eagle Point, county com
missioners. There was no protest
In the part of any taxpayers. Tho
following is a copy of the brldgo
llrldgo Contract
"This agreement made this 18th
day of June, 1902, by and between
the county of JaekBon, state of Ore
gon, by Charles Prim, county Judge,
G. S. Butler, county commissioner
and Thomas Riley, counyt commis
sioner, acting for Jackson county,
Oregon, the party of the first part
and, George Rldlnger tho party of
the second part, wlttleBBCth,
That tho said party of tho sec
ond part, for and In consideration
of the sum of tho fivo thousand
nine hundred and nlnety-flvo
(15,995.00) dollars agrees to con
struct in a good and workmanlike
uanner a steel bridge made of gen-
ulno steel across Dear creek In the
city of Medford, Jackson cpunty,,
Oregon, the said bridge to consist of
two" spans of 110 feet each as shown
in tho specifications attached here
to and roado a part hereof, and the
said bridge to be constructed In th0
mannor as shown in the specifica
tion hereto attached.
It is further agreed by the said
party of tho second part under tho
above consideration that ho will
make the fills required at each end
of the bridge when constructed to
the present dirt road leading to the
bridge, said fills to, be 18 feet wide
ou the top the fills to havo the
slant they would nuturally take In
dumping tho material thereon ilscd
In making the. fills,
Tho materials to bo used In the
grateful to Senator Bourne,
the entire state at Washing
Lake national par
in me scnaie caning
defeated in the house. As an
as specified in tho specifications at
tached hereto.
It Is further agreed on tho part
of the party of tho first part that
when all of the material to be used
In the construction of said bridge
according to the specifications and
plans hereto attached shall be de
livered on the grounds In the cliy of
Medford, Oregon, there shall be paid
if demanded of the said party of the
second part a sum not to exceed
14,000.00, to tho said party of tho
second part, said sum so paid to bo
deducted from tho entire amount of
J5.905.00 under the terms of this
contract. .
It Is further agreed on the part
of the' party of tho first part that tho
sand and gravel to bo used In mak
ing tho fils and In the construction
of tho piers shall be furnished by the
said party of tho first part.
The amounts to bo paid to the
party of the second part under the
terms of this contract to bo paid In
county warrants.
"It Is further agreed by tho party
of the first part that tho said party
of tho second part Is to have tho old
brldgo now standing for the sum of
50.00 provided that tho new deed
ing on the said bridge is to be re
moved by the party of tho second
part and placed within tho city
llmitH at some place to be specified
by the party of tho first part, said
decking to bo the property of the
part of the first part, and tho old
brldgo is to be removed by tho suld
party of tho second part, freo of
cost to tho said, party of the first
Died III Medford, Oregon. Octo
ber 'i, 1012, John Fninkliii Lindley,
son of Jfr. mid Mi. Geo. F, Liiulley,
nged one month mid live dnyn. Kun
orul BerviccH wilj bo held nl the iei
dence, corner West Tenth mid Mintle.
too stieels, Wediiesday t 10 o'clock
a. in. Ilev. flouhlor officiating, Mr,
Lindley, father of tho child, is a
member of the Medford lire (lepitrl-mcht.
Wr " f n& JBaBiHEHHBnrflHH
Unitt'l States Sonnlur .Itwntli.ui
lliiuriH', Jr., will nrrno m MrdTiirtl on
Xtt. lit tonight and will hold :m in
formal rt'vt'jitioii i t llio Mt'ilfurd
hotel luriur the t'Vt'inujj, l inwl
(From tho Spectator )
The announcement that Johanna
Oadskl, tho great Wagnerian soprano
of the Metropolitan opera house,
Now York, will he In Portland, Is
received with dollRht by all 'outialc
lovers. No ono statuls higher In
tho world' of arFtbdaT than OadsKI.
Her glorious 'rolco so admirably
adapted to splendid outbursts or Im
passioned omotlnn and tenilernrsft,
which characterize Wagnerian opera
Is at Its heat. '
Year by year Gadskl has developed
now power as an rtrtlst of supremo
and consummate genius, Her Druii
hllde, half goddess, half woman, Ih
a mnrvollous study, moro Impressive
In lis heroic dignity of outline and
poise than any Wagnerian soprano
has gHen tho world. Gadskl has
caught tho spirit of those grand old
Norse legends and Into the mesh
breathes tho flro of pure and lofty
genius. No singer of tho day holds
a loftier place In art than Gadskl.
Mmo. Gadskl sings lone concert In
Medford ftt the Natntorlum on Octo
ber 28. Scats at HaBklns' now.
Fears Standpat Candidate.
Kiddle, Ore, H, 1012.
To tlyi Kdiler:
The end of the campaign ' Hear
ing. J hne inkwi little interest in
mntterH locally hut hnviug been in
Dotiglits couiilv coiiHiiIonililc Muring
the jutHt mouth, I.linu inleienied
mysplf n Jittle iullio' joint reprc
hcntntivu ciiiiiiiiign. The two can
didates ure riuiipuigniiig this county,
find botll being irom Medford 1 b
liee niyHcIf eiipiiblc of imihiiig
Hclcetion. J believe 'tluil in eluding
men to legislatures, wo 1iiU1 fleet
men to ieiret-ent 'the pcoplf, not
Htniidiinltei-B wlii'jfon't belie; o in
people's rtde. Wo wont men who
me broiid' enough, to conntriict luuh
in conformity uitli tho wihli'es of iho
people 'us. thev expresH tliciimulw
from time to lime through the luillol.
I liao watched this particular cam
paign mid coiitimmlly see- in print
mliclch fiom llioptyi of I'aiididuto
WltWIer Inking decidedly iegitlic
stand on two of llui measures which
the pi-oplo will decide on Nininbsr
fith. Should the' people decide in fa
vor of.llifM) ineiiHiiies and WJiisIor
be elected I frnnlfiiU bin Htnhdpnt
ism would miileriiilly liniiijicr tho
people in geltilig wluit they voted for
if by tho piiHHiigo,of ojhor Iiims op
eifttihn could ho.n'iillifloil of deiiyed.
It don't iniiko nuy dlffoicnc'e to iue
what either Mr,' tWhisJer or Mr.
Heiimes thinks idjoui- singlo tax orj
woliuurx biitnnge.-. J urn going io
voto iho way I huliep mid nuithor of
Iho two gentlemcfVw volci. will coimt
any more thiui mine,
10(1 1'iiKt 12th Hi,, Medford.
Medford Printing company carry a
ull'liui of legal blank.,
llnurm, Jr.
JfiMlt'onl penplu niul It a it tlti-ir
winluw. Senator ltotmit' will iil
Jui'lvotiiMlle, (Vnlrnl l'oinl niul Kncle
I'onil loiimrrou lunl m the eein'i
tlu-re will he ituullicr reeeiitmu tit the
I iutrsit dull room.
higli gnidc free milling ores.
The Hoiiiciliike Is opened up by
four tiiiinoK nil run in on the vein,
cxMHing n body of ore from one
foot to four feel in thickness. Souio
idea can be formed of the specimen
rock from the tact tluil from "fl
pound jtf iht .Briuil pn?riv"H'hleh
ciiine out with llui sjiecimen off.
0.1 1 win nhtitiiieil.
T'e ii. nil-. tnl. mtiio ( Siibiion
river, 2iski.oit county, hits nguiu
furticlied a Hiirpti-e for tlio.-e in
leielnl in the iniiiiiiu iiiilinlrv.
On Monthly, October 7tlr, the im ti
er brought to Yrekit two ieiiiiiri.uhK
xpccimuiis of ftee gold oie, the larg
est specimen weighing 17t pound ,
mid the smaller one 1()U ihiiiiiiIs;
both cveeediugly licit ill course gold,
mid each expuHii u ultimo of the
jellnw inetul more thiui -ix inches
wide. These specimens nte said to
be the finest ever on exhibition ill
Siskiyou county nlrendy noted for
its specimen ore. They arc now on
exhibition in tho uiiulou' of tho Sis
kiyou Comity Unnk nt Yrekn. Well
informed milling men place the vnltte
of the gold in the two pieces nt
fliOOO. It will be'lcciilled (hut Sis
kiyou county took the gold mcdiil nt
the Yukon mining fair it few ycurs
nxo hccmi-tc of (he lUxlubilioii of
sjtecimeii ore from the smiie mine.
The diHtrict is it mu district mid
but little (lcclopincii woit his ,e
been doic "
There are several ilch milies
opened, nottllilv the Migllliiiiil, Over
ton, Taylor l.nke, Advnucif, Cub
One Dose Makes
Indigestion Go.
All Stomach DUticss Quickly I-'udcd
With "Pope's lihipcpsln."
You don't want n slow roniody
when your stomach Is had or mi
tuifoitnln one or a harmful ono
your stomach Is too vnliuililo; you
muutn't lujuro it with drnutlo drugs.
Pnpo's UlnpopKln Is noted for it's
speed In giving relief; U'h harmlcss
noss; It's cortnin niifitlllng 'action In
legulatliig Hick, 80111, g:iKy 'utoin
ncliH. It's millions of 'tiros In In
(UgcHtlou, dHpopsla, gnstrltls mid
qther stonuich trouble has nuido It
famous the world over, '
Keep this pel feet stomach doctor
In yojir homo keep It handy got
a largo flfty-cont'citso from any drug
Ktoro and then If miyotio should oat
something which doesn't agrco with
thorn; If what thoy dat lays like
lead, forinonts mid sours mid forms
gas; caiiHos headache, dizziness mid
nnusoa! eructations of ncld and uu
dlgestcd food romonibor as soon as
Pnpo'a niapopsln cpmes. in contact
.wftli tho utoniach nil such dletresB
aiijHlios. It's promptness, cortalnty
arid citsa In ovorcomln? tho worst
Htomach (llsordors In a rpvolatloji to
lU'iiv niul Mmnolulu nil HlinwHur
llils i Uih jwk. The iIImIiIM l at
trHliiK JliP nttonlloii m' milling iiumi
owllitf 10 tin' ri'iiiut'klililo HlttiwttiK I"
Candidate for (1ongrc.s.s,
Kirat District,
National Progressive Barly.
(Paid AilvortlHoinont.)
for each sot of old Knluo Tooth tent
us. Ulgheat prices pah for old Gold,
Silver, old Watches, Llrokou Jewelry
and Prcrlous Stones.
Money Bent by Ilnturn Mall,
t'lilla. Hoicltlitg .V Itcfluln Compaa;
KstnbllHhed 30 Ycurs
803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
To Dontista
Wo will buy your Gold Filings,
Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Highest
prlroa paid.
i i
Model Bakery
Iti:i.KIN(! ItltOS. Propx.
Ask your grocer for Modal link-
cry's White Lilly Uread and suo
the wrappors and when you have, 35
you will bo entitled on payment of
the small sum of 50 cents to a
handsome pillow top mndo from any
picture wanted.
llltlMI), PUIS, f'AI'IX, PASTItY
ALWAYS 11(1X11
Home Phone :U! dim IC, Mnln St.
Steam and Hot Water
All Work anarant4
Prices Itcasonabla
t9 Xowara Blok, Satraac oa eth It
Wnma .
00 acres, six mlloa from Medford,
good graded road crones tho tract,
all frco soil, at 150 per acre. $1000
will bandlo, easy forms on bnlance.
Part Is crook bottom land, suitable
for alfalfa, Bovontl springs on the
placo. Tlmbor enough to pay for tho
tract No buildings. In tho Griffin
crcok district.
W. T. York & Co
We Examine Closely
every detail of faulty tooth and pro
scribe the remedy quickly, Wo are
exports In the enro and pioHorvntlon
of tho tcotli- mid well up In all
brunches of Dentistry, l-'rom pain
Iosh extracting to artlstlo crown mid
brldgdwork our work Is pronounced
raultlOHs by thoso who havo patron
Izi'd us, anil wn know thai our jnod
eratq prleoH have iiuiilo frlouiltf for
us everywhere, i
Lady Attciiihiut
Ovor Danlols for Dtliln. Pacific
PllQliO 2528, Home PhonO .1C2.1C
Mpnoy on band at all times
to loan'on'iinproved rancbes
and city property at lowosj
rates wilb ''on or before
Phout8231 320a,-C,Bldg,
Ll "'iii
IMw KIMiorV C'liTUll .Vets.
Tho himt at til In bo iililiihied. No
Independent iieltt nneil.
M:o niul lll'.ltTin Al.liKN
In u tiiimkul einiiiiil)' nidi nnllllml,
" (a)oi)..VATt'iu:i vikim
t'oit tiii: i.evi: oi' , onth
lloumntle ilritiiin
ttiitlvntliiK nl oiy of the olitiloora
wood, Hold niul iiImuiiii.
tin: i,i'i'n,i; w,Niti:iti:n
nxcuM.KNT Muaia,
"The .Money Kliius," llirco rl"lti.
1'ilduy mid Snttirdity, (Jul. 25-20.
"Tlie Irftily. of Ho Lake-," tljice reels,
Novinuher I mot 2.
tiii: pIjAci: to go
Completo chtiiiKit of progiaiii at iho
t'go tonight
winrri:v i.v tiii sand
tiii: nov and tiii: iuti
Drnniu IMInou.
tiii: inviTciivirs
Western story Pnthc
Till: Itl'lt.NT come
In a complete change, singing, talk
ing and dancing act.
, . tiii: two Hyorrsakr m . ,
In a lilgh-clasa tumbling, linuil-ltnt-nnrlug
mid acrobatic act.
Two lllg Vnuitctlllo Alls
And 1000 feet of llceiueil plrllircs.
o I Alv
TliO Only Heal Phntojilny "Theater;
i i i
tiii: he.mi: oi PUATUiti: Imioto
A lllg Two Jteel Hcmllliicr
"Tin: whim:"
A powerful military feature, pro
dticed by tho famous lllson "101"
"Tin: iii:di:mitio.v'
It's a gripping story right through
"AT '11113 ,,OOT (!' Till: LADDiat"
Today'ii fiiiiny film -
Duet by Al Knlher niul It, D, 1'ouc.t
You know our Miinlu niul KffeelH aro
" v I I
Coming I'VaOiirsi
Tho onorino'itt thren-reel production
October 25 mid 20
cAiii'ii wi:ht
ConiplotQ In two rentu, NQoml)cr 1
5 ' J t,'.
Clark Sc Wright
Publlo Laud Matters! Final Proof.
Dfluort Lands, Contoat and Mining
CaBe Scrip.
. Wo carry a vory comnloto line, of
druperlos, Itico ciirfalnn, flvturnu, etc.,
niul do till olassvn pfiupholuterlitK. A
special In tin to look aftor tills work
Bxelynlvoly niul will ulvo as kooU
ixirvlco nM In noNslblo to gut In even
tho lurKUMt oUlos.
Weeks & McOowan Co,