I . --. TviTOITORP MATT, TRTTTNT), TrTCPrOTtP. OuT.nOX, FnTTVAY, OCTOBER "18, lfll2. PiftlE TTmTlTi! :i V! 'V ,il ,'i fcfc"'" 1., Eh : i I J lw it EXAMINATION OF FRANK PARKER 10 BE HELD SATURDAY Tint prullinlnury Ih'iuIiiis of Kiiink l'urktr, lixld iin a hiihhcI In tlm (Iforjui llmliixluiloiin intiiilur rums, fdllowllIK II riMlfoNNlllll hy ,(( Hiiuiiiim Unit lut wiih iiri'Mi'iil ul Hut lillllitK. mill (liiil I'nuili I'urld-r Imil Ktri(!( (lid fill II I hlliU', WIIH ll)HtIOIHll unlll Knliinliiy lit Din rcqiitml of Will .Miuilrty who Um ln'nii ri'lulni'il Ity I'mKitr to ilM(i)iiil him, Tint hour- Iiik wni rii-Ht Hi't for limirliiK In Jntt tiro Dhx'm court for 2 o'clock thin uttiriiooii, Hid ii)NtioiiiiiHnt com liiti 1 1 in t Attornity .Mciitcy iiiIkIH Iiiivc u clihiico lo wurlt up tlui ilcritiinit. Curlier wn iUchIIoiiciI hy DUtrlct Attorney .Miill.y IVIilny owiiIiik l"t iihIiIh from ilrcliirlnr. I hit t hn I, now mithliill of lint iiiiUI.t mill tlnil Hinuiim wiih lyliiK when ho hronitlit him Into the cnm, ho luul nelliliii: to Hity. .It U itipoili.il howcvi-r Unit IiIh nlllil In fuiilly In t lti evtrnnio. Tint niilhoiiilfn worldnx on the ciimt ilcvlnitt tluit they Intvu tin eiirtheil corrolintlve evlilimi-o nutilum Parker which litKen In romiectlon with Hiiiiiioh' Mtory wllj he Hiifflclent to convict I nrlcor A Ioiir lint of wIiiii'mmhi have tietin MiinniomMl hy lint Htnle, SEIDEL TALKS TO LARGE CROWD CUuJrfATIC CANDIDATE FOH PRESIDENT "SNAPPED" V.ITII W J. BRYAN. THRICE THE PARTY'S CHOICE UPON SOCIALISM PERKINS GAVE $250,000 i. i i (Continued from Chrii One) l.ovwtt, uhtilrninn of tint Union Pa cific mitt Huuiliorii Pacific roailit, re KarilliiR the illnitilMhal of tlm Kovern menl milt lo cancel Innil lenitetl to Hie Central Pacific ami Southern Pa cific wan refuted iy a Hlntenieiit of Attorney Johiii . Call of Han Krnn clttco, ieclal Koveritineiit coiinel In tho lltlKutlon, fllett with the com mittee, l.ovtttt tiwont tlinl tint hiiIU went tlUmliHeil In I SUA lint Call ileclnreil tint initiation occurreil ten onrit Int er, after lite rnlnliiK tiy K. II. Ilnrrl man or 125(1.000 for tho IU0I cuin IiuIkii funil. "If JiiiIkc l.ovett matin xncli ittaiement It wan wholly iiiiwnrruntetl hy tho fnem," Call miM. "The tlU iiiIkmiIh went innde by t'nlted HlnteM Aitorney Itohert T. Devlin In Hun KruncUco In lUOf.. A new null wiu tirouhl with tho Hnrrlin'nn pnrtlu an ilefeiiilantH, they ticlnu nillhpcim nliel purtlen neccuHnry to tllnolvo tint coinhlnatlon hotweon thumt two pur- nllul Much. Tho remiU of omitting thcMu rnllroaiU In tint mercer cane, wiih ii circuit order which mutinied that tint holdhiK ronipnny wan tho lawful owner or tint parallel linen mid therefore decided iiKitlnitt the ,'i. lied Hluleii, holdliiK that no m. preimlon or competition wan rIiowii." WiiiiIn Mullioitit I'miImmI Call mihmllted a letter dated June 27, lUOr., from art Iiik Attor ney (teiieral Day. dlrectlnt; thu iIIh mlxital of two land leuxu hiiIIh ho caiiho It wart "(loiihirul wliulhcr tint Hiiccotufiil outcome, would HttliHorvo liny vury imofiil niirnotio," Call tiKKCMied un Iminlry an to why tint .Southern Pacific find tho Cen tral Purine weio not lucliided In lint mill. Thin action wan heyoml tint JiirlMdlctlon of tint committee, It wiim Muted. The shorter and nailer word wnn iihiiiI hy Mcdlll McC'oriiilck or Chi ciiko, n warm Hiipporter or Colonel ItooHevolt, In rofeirhiK today to ChnrlcN I), lllllen, clinlrninn or tho itipulillcan national committee, CiiIIn Ilillt-H it Mar "It In dirflcnlt," Hiild McConnlck. "for un ordlnury iiiiin, within tho coinpiiHa of ordinary laiiKuaue, to compete with tint toMtlinouy or cliar nclur attHiiHBliiM, llaru, lllto HIIIch, who by rnlNithooiU Incite wciikuitniN oil moil to actual innmHNlniitlou," Houutor Oliver of PeiuiKylvanla do niandod that MvC'ormlcU'H Htntomout ho Ntrlclton from tho record and Chairman Cl'M'P ho ordornd, McCoriuli'lt vcheiiiiintly duiilod that he or iiuy nioinher of IiIh family wiih InlercHtcil In tho linrvetitor trttut. 'I'lien Hut wltuexs launched Into a bitter deniiiiclntlnu of (lovornor Woodrovv Wllnon. Ronutnr Oliver nKiilu olijectcd to tho tenor of Mc Cormlclt'M tcHtlmony. Clinlrninn Clupp ruled that tho wUiichh numt conrint) lilmnelt to known factH, McCo'rmlcl; then went on to toll or IiIh coiitrlliutlouH to tho pi-okichhIvo cauipnlKU nay Iiik that IiIh huIihciIp Hoiih at vi'.rloiiH tlmcH totalled fSS, 000. lleorBo Harvey, editor of Hurpor'u Wooltly', wbh tint IuhI wUiuihh of tho day, Ho riutly doiilcd hooIcIiik fi nancial uld for (lovornor WIIhou ftoni ThomnH - Hyun of Vlrnlnlii or from anyonu oIho, Adjniirninont wiih then ordorod until Monday. N'enrlv Adll ht'iiriTH, nioie limn' hull' nf wltoin were micIiiIUIm ii I tend , eil tint Helilel incelliii; TIihixIi V. nrieriinnfi nl Hie Nululoiiiim luill. !i wiih nil exeellelll xpeeeli I com n p't'il ' icnl hliiniliiil'it( imil elieiletl nun Ii iiiililli) from i'orvone. eeiiitllv when he cluiniclciUcil Hie dilfeieiil puily eiiinllilaliM Tor iiicniiIoiiI. IIh toilriiynl o' ooneveV wiiv ! k (Mi lint IiiihIh wiih llld'ilcil to lite1 inmiiier ol' the "tillage nifiiv iik" linrldiiir nl mi tinltunoliile pnuu lliinuuli Inwii nl it Muh wpeeil. AKii, riling mi iiiNlmiett where Seitlel wiim uppnnteheil hy no ohl pmly pnlilieiun ul Milwiiuliee who Miiil "Set lei, ytiu know lluil every nfliceliohler or poll lleimi Iuih IiIh iniee," "Wh," xuitl Keiilel, "Ihnt Ih rne." "Hut," Hiiid tlm politicinn, "why i it you MociniH lint t m much on lli lionenly of every Mtieimi of oppt.. hIIc fnilli when there is no ilifferenee hetueeu iih for illuhlrulioii if n lui'ue mill mill eorpornlioii wnuleil home Hpecinl privili'Ko lei-inlnlioil, I lie Miciulint ofllee hohler woultl have hi pilee, uouliljie in. I " "Vcm," hiiiil Seiilel, "while home rcpiililicnim woulil iixh for 10110. or Hiiutt tlen ruU for jf'JlMIO or .fllllllll, n snciitlifl in nnkcil wliul he wmiK he ipiiekly IcIU ymi he wuiiIm the whole rnilrniitl." Mr. KeiilelV lime wiii t-o limilcil in .Meilfniil tluit lie wits not permitted in Miy erv intieh in helinlf of Hie n eialiht mluiiuitriition .MilwiiuKee Imd fir two eiirx, us he nrrieil nt MetU ft ml oil the OnuiU l't motor .tl '':'JI p. in., whiilci to Hie N'ntntorium hull, hurried hack to tct on ;t::i'-' triiiu to innke Kctin, Ncvmln ilnte foi IVidnv eteninj;, Oct. 18. Ih. reMrl eil u Inrpt iiinlieiice ut flrnutt I'nt-f Thurttilny morning. Mr. Seiilel U ueeompmtietl hv hi wife who Ih ii prominent Wim-oiimii Miffrnj-ette, mill who frently enjoycil her lirt trip thrtiiitih Oregon uml the UoKtio Htvitr vnlley. MSBmCL TBI Vvdl 4p . . ul id j w 9r IB JsJ , ji i BhBBBBuRt7 Wf jJi if' -tMflK (flTBTEBTlBwiBTflBiBr'v A WIbiTt nBiw i SMHHHBBBaBaBBBKBYKBaBaBflfe -43s Jhil fc COL. THATCHER TO TALK GOOD ROADS i CJol. ClinrleH V. Thatcher, a en I'Miinn who Iuih devoted til life to tho cmixe or good roaar, will deliver an nddrvflK on that Hiihjcci Thursday afternoon, nlaco to hit announced I later, II fi favorx n county liondlnK , iirojionltlon an tho motit practical tnounttro of rnlilriK money for tho purport. Mr. Thatcher lit innklriK a ranvnrtH of tlm Mate, nnd tin- newx papem of Kantern OreKon, where he ' linH In-en working, Hpeak very hlKn ly of nisi ntUnlK. Watch ror further particulars nnd ho nuro to hear mm. L SHOT ON EVE OE WEDDING BY LOVER CONDON, Ore., Oct. IS. Shot dead on tlm eve or her wcddluK to OeorKo McDannel, u yomiK Htatlon nry engineer or (hut. Cal., thu hod) or .MIki Vlri;le Hart, pretty yotitiR Klrl, Hch on a Hint) ut tho uioikuo to day. "Hob" MorKAti, eighteen year old prodlKal, tint kI1'm tilayor and rornier iiwoetheart back In Kentucky. Ih mill nt Inrtut with a IiIk pohho or depuileH In pursuit, lloth the Mart mnl MoiKitn famllifit are uiountaln cor or tlm fitinl variety and further trouble Ih expected (ih a rcmilt of the HhnotltiK- GOVtKNOIt rVIUlON WILLIAM O orcfAf AHD MR. DHYH'St GtlMiO- con, vrruRvitzw" TMccrcrsN home at Lincoln, Nebraska ' liuteriii.r lUuii mi Id ict cut ttitir throiiub thu- Went, tu)n'd off nt t.lu niii. Neli.. mnl paid n tUil lo William .1 ltrau, who ban been the dciuovriiliv 'iiiitllibite hir Pie-lileiit three tunc Tin Coteiuor U here kliuwn with Mr. Ilijiiu und the lutl-rV uratidtoii at Tulnlcw," tlm Itryun boint- at Lincoln. bad RIRL TAKEfi JRV RIRE THEN covered later that the Klrl DRAINS VIAL CARBOLIC ACID ,r," vl,l of rbollc acid. I Connldernblo myitlery Hiirrotinds OltKOON CI'IV. Ore, Oct. IS the ean and MIhs' Johnson l bolnu Vallcre Profit!, fifteen. In dead hero detained to audit, In clearing It tip. today following a joytldo to Port- Tho kIiIb are welljconnectcd here and land with MImk Clara Jnlinnon anil tint trni;edy ban Httlrrcd the entire- two yountt men wIioko iiiuneii tht' countrynlde. nutborltlen are keeping Hecret pend Pioneer Oregonlnn Dies SILVKItTO.V. Ore., Oct. 18. M. Adanui, plonoor Orcuonlan. bank- Iiik their apprehension und nrretit. When the party returned home thin iiiornliiK after beltiK out all nijilit. : .1 the little Profltt girl, riiuulnj; tip tojer and civil war veteran. Is dead hor mother cried;".Mamnia, I am here today at an advanced age. KoIiik to die, i;ood bye." A moment J AdaniH located In Sllvcrton In 18C7 later ho bad expired It was ills- ami ennancd In various enterprises KILL LINES IN OREGON WILLING TO AID SHIPPERS PORTLAND, Oct. 18. fVirlliin.l fhippers todfiy ce n bright liiltin lor their industry n the re-ult of iih niiiiouiiccmeut mmle hy I'reitlent lo-epli U. Voiiiij.' of Hie Hill littOK in Orej-on tlmt hi eompmiy i willinj: to pro-rnlo .f."0,(i0() of the minimi ilefi eil of the Oriental Steamship com puny with tlie Hnrriuinu lines here. VoiiiiK linn hizutei Hie ninoiint be ilivideil between the 1 1 It I mid llnrri mmi tulere-t- in u manner cotnmeit urnte with the amount ht toiinnuc Kupplied the xteiunoliip line by the two interests and the amount of ton nu!e KitpIicl these interest- by Hie ntemnhhip coueeru. The Portland chamber of commerce lin ncreed to stand the $'J5,000 rcmniiiiiifr in the annual deficit of Hie Htcamxhip line. The Hnrrirnan interests will now bo- nppronclied in regard to !!.s matter, llioy nlreinlv linviuc nfrrecil to. pity npproMinntelv ,."i,000 Imvnril the deficit. 9w.O CURES ECZEMA, ACHE.TEITER ETC Vhllo locem.-v, Acne, Totter, Salt Ilhoum, eto., are troublnt) which ftfUtit tho skin, tholr nourco la far deopor titan tho outsldo outiolo. Thosfl nffeotlotw nro caused hy Irritating humors, or urntlo acid In the blood. Stioh lmpurltl Inllamo and lrritato the delloato not-work of fibrous tissue whloh 11m jut beneath tho surfaco of the outer skin, and tho Inflammatory discharge thus re tlnti rrnducod lit forced out throutth tho noros and elands, and la continually kontup whllo tho blood remains Infeotod. This exudation onuses the form' Ation of ncnlc3 and cnists to oftn seen in Eczomn, and when they are scratched olf the flesh is left raw nnd more stisccptlblo to other infeetkm. Itoau very readily be seen then that to produce a cure the circulation mast bo rtirlfled and cleansed. This 8. B. 8. will do. It noes' down to the very bottom, removes nil humors nnd impurities, neutralizes the.exceeslve Bctua of tho nystern nnd In this way romovos tho can so of dlsoaso. Local npplJoa tlons can only sootho the Irrftntlon and aiulst in keeping tho skin clean; they never produce a euro because euch treatment doofl not reach the blood. 8.8 8. restores to the thin, acrid blood all Ha lost properties, makes It puro nnd rich and onables it to nourish tho skin nnd keop it soft, smooth and healthy. Hook on Skin Diseases and any medical advice free to bll who write. THE SWIFT SpCiFiC co,f ATLANTA, GA Kstnbllshcd 1878 Incorporated 1904 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants " 20 1 Franklin St., Now York Our Specialty , APPLES and PEAKS We havo our own houses In nkw voitic. i.ivi-:icioor, loxdo.v and olasgow Direct consignments solicited or seo our Roguo River representative. CHBIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon untH he interested himself in a bnnklns; concern 25 years ago. lie retired about, a year ago on account of III health. FRUIT MEN Hold Your Apples and Get Better Prices "We can store 17 cars more of fruit. I?atcs ns follews: 200 boxes or less 25c per box for the season. All in excess of 200 boxes 20c for the season. Season to April 1st. Medford Ice & Storage Co. A. A. A. AAAA..A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.AA. 2M&IeIIIIeIe Uldu JoIiiihoii Youni lias written n now iiiiihIcuI comody called "Tlio (llrl nnd tho Mlijur," In which Holott Lowell will 'have tho loadliiK part, Thu intiulu Is by Juromo Kuril and tlio lyiicH by Paul Went. ' Teacher Is Drowned PRTALP.MA, Cal., Oct. IS. Pitched licadloni; from a wiikou In which slut wiih rldlUR to ttcliool, ac- compmilcd by (leorKit Uttrbnnk, Kcd fourteen, Miss Mmulo McKay, one or tho best known educators In this dlstilct, Ih dead hero today from drown Inc. A team of you tin horses driven by .lohn Mtillnlly, an employe of the lltirhunk ranch, becnuio frlKhtuned na they were pnKsluK throtiKb a Kate mid bolted, In making a sharp turn tint boy, MIhs McKay mid the driver were thrown from tlm wnitan mid the latter fell Into n Hiuull stream mid wits drowned. Clergyman's Son Had Tuberculosis; Now Well l''.lle "tut liittu CiiiiKiiiiiitliiu nro uftfii flllcil ttllli lirlKln lit)iiN ef irt'uu-ry, enljf lo rciillio Hint liiiiiuMiiitiil In hut tcm torury L'eiiniiiiititliiii In ilit-mlcil y vtvry- OIK-. 'UllKO Willi lull l Ullll llM'll CvL- "til a AltvriitlVti run lftl(y to Un .,'ii.' petal I'fftTlK. Nil oitc mvil tliuilil II -I line lx pli'iiiy of il(Uiuv fnnii live ltnti', llitrttlKiitit tlio rli)liiu. - . .... ., . Aim-iilii, N. V. "(IciitlfiiiiMii Prior lit IVIi., IW. I IlH'Htltl III Itut'llOHltT. N. V.. NlllTlTllIK Willi l.nllrliic. wlilch iltviloiitil linn 'tiiln'ri'iiliihl. My li) ntitiiii Kte mo nu iiiniilli to llu. I hui ImtuiK litrllilo lillfhl HwcaU mnl inlil-ilny I'lillU unit lux Ink Hi'hIi rmilitly, IiuvIiik kiu fnun 1,3 til I'll IHIIIIIllN, I'OIIKllt'lt llllll rillxCll I'tltl- tliiiuttly mnl lni'itini no ut'iik tlmt wiilkliiK n fi'tv frt't iilimintril mc, On my ii'tiiru Imint', my ri'uulitr iiliynli'mu emit tint lit He I'lii'oiiniKi'iiH'iit. My futliiT, whip l ii I'lcriO'iiiiiii, liinnl of LVkinnu'M Allciu. lite mnl tniliiiril mo lo tukt It. 'liir lilutit hw I'll Ik mill ilillU illmiiK'iii', my ihiihIi lu'i'iinic 1'imliT mnl Kruilnully ill iiiIiiImImmI mnl In a tvw iIiijn I iliui'loin'il mi iiiKlll('. I lie Hint In iiiiintlm, I um now la iii'rfcit liciiltli, luirk lit IM llm 1 feel I'lTlulu tlmt I uu my lire to I .' iiiiiii'h Altirnllte." (HlKIUMl) II. II. COWI.IIS. "(li'iitli'iniMit I rmtiiut tlmt woriU to eiliri'Kit my aiirirlullon ut wliul your irmiMly Iuih ilmie for my noli. It t'liuiiKeil ili'HiiuIr Into lion wlllilu two wiflu uricr lie Iii'kiiii inkliiK t, nnil vrlthont miy itoulit In my mluil, It mi ml liU lire. I wlitli to mill my cmlomvint'iil lo every wonl of liU ll'NtllllOllllll." iHlBlinl) ItHV. J, J. COWI.KH, I'HMlur Pronliylfrlim riiurrti, l'.'i'loiiiin'i Altcriillvn l clTi'itlvB In iiron. I'lillU, AHttnmi, liny Kcvcrt 'I'liriml uml itiinu iiuuiHi-M, nun in iiiiHiiiuniir l no H.VHtCtll. ItlU'H llOt CUIltHllI IIOInoIIH, Oplllll'li or Imlilt-foimbiK ilruui. Afk for liooklct It'llhm of ni'owrlc, unit lle lo l.'ckiiiiui l.iilioinlory. riillmliliililii. 1'n.. fur inoroel- ili'me, Tor ali hy nil liudlnij UtukkUIh I t y ? V T t y t V t T t T ? ? t t t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y t y y y y t y y y y y '""" JJJmJcm5iJmJJmJJ Av V K A. A. J A. IVyy.T TrlVyT.lffVTl'.T AA rv A.A fth4ft&ftftjftfcfc.ftfcftfc. Vrirrr'rrri' ir AAAA "VlT I Last Day of Birthday Sale AT Serpentine Crepe oOOO yards of this beautiful fabric, all new choice paf terns. 17p Special Saturday, a yard JLIC MANN'S Outing Flannel 3000 yards extra fine 10c grade Outing Flannel, all good patterns. On sale Oa Saturday at, a yard OC CENTRAL AVENUE NEAR P. O. The Greatest Glove Sale Medford Has Ever Known A fortunate purchase of Gloves enables us to put on sale $5000.00 worth of gloves at almost manufacturers' prices. Be on hand early Saturday morning before the best are sold. See window display. Kid Gloves Fabric Gloves Wool Gloves y.. y y y y y y y T y y y y y t y y y f y y y y y n n 20 dozen Tape Gloves in tan for' Women and children; a regular $1.2.") AA grade. Sale price, : lljfl a pair mvj 20 dozen white doe skin Gloves, washable, we have them in all sizes; a real $1.50 grade. On sale Saturday, a pair 98c 25 dozen Cape Gloves, extra fine qualitj'; all sizes; these gloves are cheap at $1.50 bo sure you get some at, a pair. " uh; iiutiwi,,) , $1.19 Women's Driving Gloves, $1.50 Grade, Special, a pair 98 Women's Automobile Gloves, with strap, a pair $1.25 Women's cashmere Gloves, all colors and sizes. 9l Special, a pr. &v Children's Golf Gloves, all colors, Special, OCV a pair AJWl Women's Golf Gloves, all sizes. Special, Cp a pair UOj Women's cashmere Gloves, kid top. Special, MO a pair TUl Women's fine Golf Gloves, very special, " MOp a pair UV Children's Wool Mittens. Very spe cial price, 4 Qp a pair AFl Just Received - A New Line of "La Vogue" Coats at Popular Prices - Just Received Get Ready for the Rainy Weather Sole agents for Kcnyon's Kain Coats every one guaranteed in all sizes and styles. Special, $12, $13.50 and $18 each. UMBRELLAS liain proof, large size, new Handles. Special, each 98c UMBRELLAS The "India," tho little umbrella with the big spread, ea. $1.50 UMBRELLAS 20 and 2S inch De tachable handles, large size, dfl )r Special ea. $1&0 Bargains in Dress Goods 2000 yards fine AVool Dress Goods in plain and fancy mixtures just tho thing for Suits and Dresses. On sale Saturday Afif only, a yard tOC f y y y y y y y y y y y f T y y y y y y Corduroy, in all col ors, 27 inches wide. Special, MOfi a yard Wt Blazer Cloth for Kiinonas. On sale, special, -i C a 3'ard xO Uobeland fleece for Bath Robes. On salo Special, a yard 25c MONEY SAVERS FOR SATURDAY rp Turkish Towels Turkish towels. 23c grade. 1 0 Special salo lOv Robe Blankets Robe blankets, very special, $ QO a pair vvO COTTON BATTS One roll enough for comforter, 7Ql $1 val., a roll t MONEY SAVERS FOR SATURDAY OHALLIE a(i inch Challie for Comforters, fOl a yard 2t Apron Gingham Best Apron Ging ham. Special, r a yard ,C Outing Flannel White Outing Xian nel; 8c grade, a yard .,. w a' ,i e i i M c? ; & 4 't