t1A.tM tNvv' MV " k'-S"H-,i'i -- itTliH4i -tw. v V 1 4 ' a PXGJi TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, (XTO'lilOtt 18, 1012. -. -tto ,' I' ,.J ; t B IOGAL AND Mrs. Florence HnUtOuy llnlght will .bIiijc on Sunday at tho First Presbyterian, churchy Tho quartoU? vrlll sing whlfch Is c,ompq9ed of Mr. .and -Mrs. Oeorge Andrews and Mr ami Mrs, IC. 12. (loru. Miss Flora Gray will bo at tho organ. Mr, A. J. Vance will have his orchestra and chorus to nsidst In the service. .Morn Ing nnd evening services, Nevt Sunday tho communion service will be held, at 11 rt. pi. A goodly num ber of members will bo received both A. X. Woody of this city called nil D pwictwon " u py letter, aii tho Malt Tribune office Thursday ' momwn 01 me cnurcn nro rotiuesicu nud (stored. Ho. cast his first fn" t0 be present. Services Harry Footo has left for tho oust Hlid tho local boy DlcyellstK are, grieving as he was their "very good friend", us one explained as he could always bo counted upon to repair their ."wjieola w'hqn they broke. WILSON WINS SAY MARINE BAND BOYS ago ana tor stopnon a uougiaR. llo. Is an nrdont admirer of Wood row Wlhon and Cojonel F. I. Van eilc,v . . , What makes CloveTnnd Waking Powder sell? Quality and price. 3 pound cans, $1.00; 5 pound, Jl.Go. Ask for tho cans with tho screw top and metal handle under regular , coven Arc useful when emply. Polk Hull and non, O. 0. Hull, havo tho frame work up and tho roof on u very flno eight room residence on north Bnrtlctt street, near the Lincoln school honso. O. O. Hull Is carpenter and thus far hns done nearly nil tho work single handed. Sale of Reiner bats nt M. M. store Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ISO Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hart and their Bon, IV. Will Kills 'llnrt, and wife, loft Friday morning for a week's automobile trip to Snn Fran cisco. J An oven tcaspoonful of Cleveland Baking Powder will do as much, or more, than a heaping tcaspoonful of other powders. Ask your grocer for a 3 pound can: which costs only 11.00. ' Someone, presumably boys, re moved thrco burrs from a lumber de livery wagon In tho Trail Lumber coMp.niy's yards Sunday night. Mr Gaynor, manager of tho company, dislike very much tho Idea of prosecuting tho boys but he says he will do so If tho burrs are not re turned. For goodness sake, havo It. A. Holmes, tho Insurance man write your Insurance Ho knows how. J. ,T. Galliger, foreman for Deuel & Weeks at their big orchard tract near WoodvHle, has a beautiful seven room bungalow nearly completed. This splendid home is on tho corner of North Central avenue and Clark street. Ed noberts Is tho contractor who Ib putting up tho building. Mr. Beso T. Baker took first prize as best pastry cook In Jackson coun ty. She always uses Clovcland Bak ing Powder and purchases the 5 pound size from her grocer for $1.63. A. C. Taylor of Central Point. Medford's former footfltter, was In our city Thursday, Oak nbd hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. A. Penwoll was In tho ApplcgaU action, on a hunting trip, a few dajs since. Mrr. Horace Pclton of Sams Val ley ami Mrs. Smith of Gold Hill shopped In Medford Thursday afternoon. District Attorney Mulkey has re turned from an official trip to Grants Pass and was In Jackson ville Thursday. Qra Anglo, a former resident of Medford, was down from Ashland Thursday. Ho Is engaged in thu moving picture business nt that placo na also Chlco, Redding and Kenuct, Cal. Try a Vapor bath for that cold. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, Garnet-Corey Bldg., phono Home 145. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Polouzc and Lemon Charley of Eaglu Point pre cinct were In our city for a short time recently. Tyson Bcall and C. O. Dickey, who live near Centrat Point were Medford visitors Thursday. Judge Nell made au official trip to Central Point precinct Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm arc back from a sojourn at their summer home in Klamath county. J. W. Sllngcr of Lake crook la making Medford a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. P.'K, Nally of Big That the sentiment of tho country along their route on this, trip Is strongly for Woodrow Wilson Is n statement made Thursday afternoon by men bora oC the United States M.-uhu. band, a straw vote of tho baud itoelf. tho same musicians stated, would show Wilson ahead with Roosevelt second. Tho band member havo but little regard for President Tnft duo possibly to the fact that the weekly concerts at tho white houso during hU admini stration have been lengthened to several hours longer thau those dur-1 lug Teddy's terms. J AM along tho route." one of the musicians stated, "we have boon Interested In tho coun try, people and political bltuntlon. Wo find It strong for Wltaoii and most of us pick tho New Jersey man as tho winner " COMMANDS MONTENEGRINS. HAM,, HERE REEHN ll VOTERS , GOLD DUST not only cleans, but sterilizes CROWN PJBMCEDEWL0 f H0MTENEQR0 Crown Prince D.uilIo U commander In chief of the nrrur of Montenegro. wil?fc opened tap war" sgaliMt' Turkey. . H ' i P SENATOR HEYBURN DEAD AT CAPil Senator H. Von der Hellen of Wel len was a Medford visitor Thursday accompanied by bis son Carl. Dr. RIckert, eyesight specialist, over Kenlner's. No drops used. James Kierman ot tho upper Roguo river country Is spending a few days In Medford, Sale, of Beaver hats at M. M. storo Thursday. Friday and Saturday. 130 'frolbrook WUblngton has returned from a trp to Washington. Vapor baths and scientific massage $1.00 for men and, women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, lifVopvocter and nervo specialist, 203 Garnett-Corey Bldg. phone Home 145. John H. Garnett, of tho Garnett Corey Hardware Co., has returned from, a two months' visit to his old homi; in, Missouri, Nifty, stylish and up-to-dato' hats at tho Home Millinery. Reasonable. i' 101 West 9th street. Open even ings. 179 Joe. Smith of Roguo River, repub lican "Bointiico for county cornmls uloucr, Is spending a few days, in Medford. He was formerly a mem ber of tho firm of Smith & Maloney ami 'will spoil a large, voto n hls vicinity. . T ' f. A. Nowcll, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. bldg. Lncolu McCorniJck bus returned from a fljlng trip to Crescent City made In tho Interests of the proposed rutlroad survey about to bo Inaugu rated. Dr J. F. Roddy Is now In Crescent City for the same purpose, .Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. . Postmaster George W. Donnell of Grants Pass was a Medford visitor 'iFriday. " George K. Boos has a copy of the Ulster County Gazette, dated Jan. uary, 4,, 1S00, which U on exhibit 'In ,tho4 Mall Tribune window. It t Glasses fitted without use of drugs. pr. RIckert, over Keut- nor's. W. J. Stanley, who has been in tho,, Willamette valley for some tlmo post, htopped In Medford Thursday. while oulil- wuy to Athland Weeks &McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS 9y Vbom sa7) arickt nuii x. w. w.k t7i A, S. 9ttH ,f.. v ... ,, .,ii mia mwmm . Butte spent a few days In Medford this week. Mrs. J. Goodmanson and MUs Clara Ostrom of Ashland made our city a visit during tho week. AV. I. Mclntyre, Don Cameron and Fred Owen of Jacksonville spent a few hours In Medford Thursday. Eirmln Zana of Gold Hill was among the many visitors in Medford Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. Reeve. Mrs. J. G. Dunning ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Eatou of Jacksonville were In our city one day this week. F. W. Carnahau and D. II. Horrcll came down from the copper belt Thursday. They have slnco returned accompanied by Mrs. Carnahan, who has been hVro several days on busi ness., J. F. Brown, county commissioner, transacted business In Medford Thrus day. Miss .Mollle Towne ot Phoenix, who has .been east for some time past, la expected home soon. , Guy Sadins has returned from Coos county and was In our city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rcamcs of Central Point were among the many who Journeyed to Medford Thursday. R. B. Dow, Harry Luy, B. M. Col lins. H L. Getchell and Win, Eaton were over from Jacksonville Thurs day afternoon. Wm. II. Breesc. C. Ar. Sherman and W. Ilvcsun wero among those from Talent who attended the Sel del meeting. Sidney Dixon went north in tho Interest of-.tho Page Fence company Thursday evening, Wcatonku Council No. 20, Degree or Pocahontas, will hold a hoclal ses sion this evening. There will also bo Initiations. The board of equalization, com posed of the county Judgo, clerk and assessor, will meet In unnual ses sion at Jacksonville next week to correct any errors that may appear In tho usseusmeni roll. T. J. Kcuney and Joseph Apple baker, prominent socialists of Jack sonville, beard Emll Seldel's speech in Medford. Phil Mctschan, Jr., manager of tho Imperial Hotel at Portland, spout a few hours In Medford Thursday afternoon. L. A. Rose, Mrs. J. M. Rader uud Miss Anna Towne of Phoenix wero Medford visitors Thursday. The Rogue River Hallway com pany has given notice of an Increase of fare. After this week single fares will be 25 cents, round trip 35 cents. J. A. Leniery, of Ashland, prohi bition candidate for district attor ney, Is spending tho day In Medford campaigning. Fred Williams and Postmaster Donnoll of Grants Pass are visiting jMedford. George W. Duun and Herbert Hnnna aro spending thu day on the lApplegatt) campaigning. P, A, Hiibsey U off on a abort hunting trip.' Mrs. M. A. Van'Vulkenburgh of Rookfnrd, 111., Is a guest ot her daughter, Mrs, A. B. Schuster. WASHINGTON. Oct. LS. Senator Heybttrn of Idaho, died hero last night after a lingering illness. He was 00 years old and had been In tho scuato nine years. Senator Heybura vah ono of the best-known men In the wet and had a high reputation, for eloquenco and legal, skill. In contrast to Borah, he represented tho old school in pol-l Itlcs and opposed onany of tho so- called progressive reforms. Al though hla vlows In recent years of ten wero unpopular, -lie was true to them throughout and won many friends by his courage and strength ot conviction. Ho was always a staunch partisan of tho north and a warm advocate of tho traditions dating back to the outbreak ot tho civil war. MONTREAL. Quo.. Oct. J Tho twenty-first session of tho provincial synod of Canada (Church of Eng land) convened In this city today and was opened with a sermon de livered by Aha lord blsbop of Huron In Christ Church cathedral, it &e Fry Chicken In Cottolene The best fried chicken you ever ate can be made with Cottolene. Cottolene can be heated to a much higher temperature than either butter or lard, witholltburrling. It fries so quickly that little of the fat is absorbed, preventing the food being greasy. For this reason, Cottolene-fried food is more healthful than food fried in butter or lard. Cottoleae is more econom ical than 'lard goes one third farther; costs very much less than butter. THE IT. K. rAIKBANX COMPANY ENGLISH MMES SPiiT JTO FACTIONS LONDON, Oo IS -f.Cltn.oa exists In the rankamf (he militant auffra gettcs here today following a split over the leadership of tho Women's Social and Political Union. A ser ious disagreement over the policy of tho union between Mrs. Paukhurat nnd Pethrlck . Laurence and hU nna ,f I"vm1. (ho umpire during wlfo I responsible for the trouble. I1"" l,ast Mon "''""'d forever Tho control ot (ho newspaper blacklhited from taking any part In Vntoa For Wm.mn" l xtlM hold i,v ' orgaulxed baseball, according to tho Lawrences, but Mrs. Paiilthurat l resulcHl ,',u'n declare her .faedon will start a nattsp:tpor to bo known an tho "Suff ragette," ot which Mrs. Christobel Paukhurst l ,to bo editor. This, they say, will bo tho official organ of thci union, l.nokini; hule timl hoiuly with li dent uliilitv to keep on Minkin lmiuls uiuelimlely . l lluwloy, reU'ccn tati lu eoiiuiCHS lYtuVt tllin ilUlrict, tun) t'liutlidnlu IW 'fo-oleeltnn spent I'liililV nt MVilfouV gtoelliijj; frieml mid eoiixliluoulw. Mr. lpt'yvlv ll spuud n week in (lie ediiuty. ''I do not niillcipulc- ny tHlTitMiltj' in Ueiiitf re-olcetud," xlalei Mr. Hur, lev, "ib lu light K n iiuit ttne, in pito of tho fiift Hint twor.vthiiiK . ci'fiii" to lie going (U'intx'intic. F0GAL MUST PROVE BIAS BY UMPIRES! NEW YORK. Oct. 18. -Formal charges against Horace Fogol, pres ident or tho Philadelphia NatlouulH, based on his recent assertions that tho iimphcx favored Now York nnd that this year's race hud been fixed for that club to win, wero ordered drawn nt a special meutlng here to day of the National league. Fogel, It was stated, would b given amplu opportunity to present evidence In support of his charges, ,( . ' ' ' - METCHAN SAYS BOURNE WILL CARRY PORTLAND 1'lul .Mi'telinu. jr.. proprietor of the Hotel Imperial nt Portland mill II Mel Josephine nt (Ir.inli Vn spent Tlmrsdny nfternuoii in Medford. Mr. Mctclino, who F un clcelor on the republican ticket, t;ilc- that the in dientiou, uru that Joinitluiii tluuriie. jr., will curry Pirtluud liv n large vote uud that the content iu nil likeli Itood will be 'between Itonrne nnd Lane. Mr. Arelchnu U hopeful for Tnfl, but udin) WilW-s stieiigth. ltccime L. II. Mo.MultJin, o en joined the Crater fike road bill is one of the Bull Aloj.c electors,, ninny local ltooievelt jidvoentes nre phiii uliis Co "neVnVeb JleMnfinn nnd MilistU tute .Mrtclinn no the ballot. If the charges tiro not proven, continued Lynch, then it Is up to the league to prevent Kogel horcafter from representing tho National league club In any capacity. Gold Dust doo3 more than wash tho surface it digs deep aftor gofms and hidden particles of dirt and decay. It purifies and makes everything sanitarily safe. Neither dirt nor germs can live where Gold Du$t has made its appearance. Gold Dust needs little help from you; it docs most of the work alone. It 13 a vegetable-oil soap in powdered form, to which nre added cleansing and purify ing ingredients which get busy the moment they touch the water. Use Gold Dust for all cleansing purposes. It saves time, saves labor, saves backs, and saves money. ..,, tfM C0LD DUST twins do your work" THE N. K. FAIRDANK COMPANY, CliicfltJa The Mop is Mightier than -tihe Board W7J Clarence Meeker was an Ashland visitor Thursday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I'Olt HUNT Furnished room with sleeping porch, hot nud cold water, gas, electric lights lu room. Will rent to young man with first class references, fto nor mouth. "Oil S. Ofikdnlo, Pacific 71. IS I KOIl SALK One Twin Thor motor cycle for sale cheap nt Martin's Dloclo Shop. is l FOIt SALK Muggy, strong and roomy, little used; also single har ness. II U. McCabu. 217 (iarnett Corey Mldg.. phono G571. 1S1 ANTi:n For wood cutting and odd Jobs call Bailey, phono 1 7.S-IC. I8f nBBsiiiiiiiiiiV SKATS ON SALK AT IIASKIVS Sulurdiiy, Oil, llllli (or Siilivtll- er IMniu Sclnirldcr at Hit; Piano. i - . i, i i ,. i 'li -. 1 ., .Mondiiy, Oil. Ut Nt, (..iiiidl .sale PMH'I U.oo H..ti and tjil.no Medford Natatorium Monday Eve. Oct. 28 Mme, Johanna GADSKI WorldV Uwateot llrniontle Soprano Oho t'oncert Ontjr "&&i&Z"lK)l4l ORIENT CRUISE See Rgypt, the Pyramids nud tho Holy Land. A delightful ,crulbu on tho palatial S, S. CINCINNATI. (17000 tons) Equipped with ovory luxury of tho best modern liotola. Leaving New York JAN. 28, 1913 Visiting Funchal, Cadiz. Gibraltar, Algiers. Genoa, VIllo-Francho, .Syra cuse, .Malta. I'ort said. Jaffa, Hoy rout, PIraeaus, Kalamkl, Constanti nople. Cnttaro, Messina Palermo, uud Naples. 80 DAYS S325 AND L'P Send for full Information 4 f Hamburg-American Line 100 Powell St., San Ftwiilf.e, Cal. Or Local Agent, T Y Y Y Y Y ? T T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f t Y Y The New Furs Are Here mm siiiHbyv w These Two Illustrations Show the Style Tendencies Our showing of pretty ami serviceable Kurs this year is unusual ly complete and consists of tho newest ideas in Henri's, neck furs, and l miffs in such furs as black wolf, stone nmrlcu, ojiponsiiiii, river mink, Gorman sable, Isabel hi oppossum, sable coney, I'Yciicli coney, French mole, Jap mink, Arctic fox, black lynx. Vou are invited to inspect this showing the prices of which are very rea sonable and range from $3.50 up to $78 t ,. I X Extra Specials for Saturday s Selling V2iUr heavy Outing Flannels O- New Colonial Drapery Fabrics 18 10c Dress GMnghams . 8t $1.00 Pure Linen Ta-blc Damask 89 73c pure Linen Table i)amask 49 50c pure Linen I luck Towels ...,.. 20 IHc and 20c Kimona Crepes l.: , : 15 V2V and 13c JJress GinghamH V 1.25;,uiul'$1.50 Dress Goods 98c' 73c Fancy Silks ...U..: . ....; 49(s 30c worth Writing Pa per and Envelopes 29 VlVowV u re Linen CJrnsli 9id 73c Leather Hand J3ags. 39i AW 50r Children's 73c and $1.00 Sweaters Children's 73c Outing Gowns G3e and 73c Fancy Ribbons' 39 73e and $1.00 Plauen Lace Collai'H...'....s li)(; $5 Nemo Corsets,' 1 lot 2.98 $0 .Hon-Ton Corsets , '. ;. .....p.50 Children's ('0c and 73c WtiiilvXrmtlirwoni 39 Ladios' 00c Union Suits 39 Children's 30c Pants and Vests 25" $1.30 Cotton lllankels ijJl.13 $7.50 All Wool Cotton JJlankets $4.95 Ladies' $! and $-1.50 Sweaters $2.98 Laili'M $1.23 Kid Gloves t,M .,, .98 The Big Store KENTNER'S The Big Store a f Y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y V t y y y y y V J&Jfc .