,J' fc I 3WTEDTT0TIP MATH TRTBTJNE yfEDTrflTlTI, OttKnON, WPJTOffflA'T. "OT'TOBErt Tfl, Ml (1 PXQT3 OrcTRTTTC i' , FAST Mil AT FAIR GROUNDS V i' ' MAUSOLbUM 10 BE built in mm DANNY O'BRIEN. THE CLEVER PORTLAND LIGHTWEIGHT WHO MEETS DUD ANDERSON TONIGHT. EVENT OF BOXING I & lrSpQ AN I0NIH V if 5kB& V0vk The. -"wr V Tliuimlny nriuriiuon'H iroiriuii at tint fair isroumlH proinlHHH plenty of tuition, "Huiniilhllitf (IuIiik ni: tlio tlniii" Ih Dm hIiikiui (if the niiiiinlllmt, Tint iiroKniiii iieuiireil ho far will luiiltnlii u hiilMnlln lint In tint liar iionh nu'liiK iIIvInIoii. 'I'll In w Imi run In lliinii Imlf-inllti h mil it, nml hi;, tween nimli hoal tlm inillfiw liormu ami wlhl If til )m will liavii their Inn. I iik. Alliln, iiwiiml hy Dr. Ileliim oinl oIIiiiim; l.mly HiinrlMn, owihm! hy .1, K, Waro, urn) llnvlil llnriiiu, ownml by l)r, IIiiIiiim, innlui up (hit entry for (hit liiilf-inlln trot. ' Three t'lilrloii havit heon ttemireil for l tin tiiarlcriull(t riiimliiK nice, Tint coiiunlliiMt, which U cniiiosctl f Dr. Helm, Hrott Wolr and WIr AithiKiln, want to nimure the iiuhllc that HiIh will nut hit n iiolltlcnl meeting, Imi llmlr fi'iiliiro event will hit thtt iroitiiintliil ractt. Tho TitrlfN fur tho ini-tililoiitltt! rni'tt are I'ete llariinhurR'H Jurtmy hull iiiiiuimI lllll Tuft; Wnoilruw WIIhoii Ih a Jitr- tlirtii-yi-ar-olil oyviinl hy U. T I'ayutt ii f I'hoenlx; Kiixenii Helm In ii crowi owneil hy ICil lliinley; Tmltly ItooKttvt'lt, l ho wllttt.m nml MerreM of tint hunch, In ii llulntelu owned hy Dr. IIoIiiih, Ahole & NIcIioIh have itntrrt'il two helrem with vtry llll'ltll lllt!ONtloil, Tli 1 1 men prouiUrH more excite ment limit tho wlhl hurtu race, and wan unit of tint feutureii nt the Pen illoton roil ml -up thin year. Al Pen iIIhIoii tho entry hail hut one hull aiitl two hflfitm, Kach rhlur wlTT nailtllu hi uiilmnl In front of tho KrniiilNtantl, Thtt i-auuty U helnK hunted for outlaw hore, nml J, V. Murphy's home Hilly, who jumped thn fence at Antihunt, July 4, ami Jim I.lnil itay'n liorso nro the Atthlnui ontrlo. Crt-y Diamond, own ml hy (Iiih NIcIi oIh of nagln Point; Clrclo J., otVnoil Ity Doc llolnu; Htttnley Vatinhii'ii Korrul Hilly, anil two inarm from tho ilowanl ranch hnvn (icon Recur tl for thin dlvlnlon. Tim commit tee expect to have many morn hompn for thin event hy thin uvpiiIuk. Minn Katun of Jacksonville, Ml ChaKti from Oklahoma, Minn Norrlit nf Unite, Mont., nml MUx Hinlth of Medford will try for firm honor In tho Indies rolay raco.. Hlxteeu homnH wilt ho run In thin event, which will ho two miles, ami each rider will rhsnr.e horses every half mile. ' A polo team raco nnil a mule raco will complete Hut program. Tho committee guarantee plenty of sport anil no delay. Mmlfonl Ih to havit a coiiiiiinnlty iiiiitiNolouiu ritir(.'Httiitliii( mi Invunt' iiiont of from 7r,00li to f 1 00,00'), I'uiltiiluliiK ilCO to 000 loitilm. It will ho Hllualeil In tlm I. O, O, '. iniiKi lory. tlcorKo Uullihnit ih now In thr eliy mnhliii: final arniiiuiiiMontn uinl ! i-iiircn rumiiriiriiiiii win 1(111! ill llln iii'iir fut tin., Tho Htriictiiru wili In hiillt or niluforcoil convrclo mid dtutii with u tnarhlo lutorlor hy tint ! ort luiiil MaiiNoliMiui rompiiny umlci ,)it IiuiIh of (hit International ,MhiimjIiihii roiiiptuiy, llotwion IAH nml L'On of thitHii hiilltlliiKH will ho ('oiiMriiruxl in tint went, thero holm; 100 now in pniKroHii nf roimtruulloti nml pniiiio t Ion, Tho otact hIo of tho Mr.lforl hiillilluic wl'l dcpoiiit upon tho ii.iiu hor of tomliB nuhttcrlliinl for, IMc. tiircn of tlm propottoil eillflco nro now on illnplny nt Ki'IUikt'h ami (he Mer rlvold Hhop. (I, Trelrhler uiitl I.. W, Zltiuuor liavo tho HiihHcrlptlou lor Metlforil, AhIiIuikI m ml vicinity. Tho hullilliiK will provldo foi fam ily room n rtintalnliiK r or 10 tomb ufforilliiK an Individual inaiiKuluiiui In an omtowed hullilliiK. Thi'tto turn Holt'tiiiiH aru endowed uf(leleniv o takw cant of thu hullilliiK for all Mum, Keitator I.. II, AiiHtln of the In- teriiutluiial Mntitioliuui compiiny ol Chicago wl'l kIvilii nlereoptleon lec ture ot tho Natatorlum on I'ridn) ovfiuiiK. uciouer za ni s p. in , on iiiiuihoUmiiuh of tho world. Seitntur Auittln In well vored III thin inihject IuivIuk madu noveral trlpH alfoa-J ntudyliiK tho ijueHtlun Tho luiturc lll ho froo to all IntereNted, In the Kreut Nclenllfli; departure In n runtier that Iiiih had Iimh itttentloii thit'i ul itioMt any other prnhlem of tho iirk and yet one of tho mom Importance. Thtt netiator delivered nu nddri'M nt Halem lam Wed n end ay htforu a-i ftiidlenco of .150 people. BH HE0 5.000F0R GREATER MEDF0RD CLUB TO GIVE ELABORATE DANCE Tho ladle of tho Greater Medford cluh hnx) planned to ulvo one of tho larKett and mom elaboratu daiicoH of thu neaiton at tho Natator lum tho nliclit of October .11. About :i00 Invitation will bo Ustivd, and for those wlio do not dance cardN will ho provided. Tho hall will ho decorated to convey tho Hnllowo'eii Idea and tho autumn colora will ho particularly In evidence. REQUEST TO CLOSE BY FAIR ASSOCIATION Wo aro unIiir every effort to put on a IiIk afternoon' anitinotiient on Thuriday and would like to have everybody join In and help tut Ket out of debt. There will ho plenty of exciting eventH and )ou will gel' your inonay'H worth. Unco mart at 2:30 p. m, AdinliMlou r.U centM; no charge for Kranditand, auto or biiR kIch. Tho merchant!) have decldetl to clone their Moren from S to f p. in. and It In hoped every place of huxliienA will bo cloned durliiK thlit time. W. II. CANON. Ire. A. K. WAItK, Bee. 7B TWO SHOT BY HOLDUPS IN STREETJJAR ROBBERY I'OHTIiANI), Oct. 1(5 Three rob horit held up a crowded Mreetcar on Firm street, between Arthur and Caruthori, early thla evonliiK, hoot ing and illtthtly Injuring two pan Hcncorii when u nhow of retlBtanco wan made. Tho iioltto attracted the people In tho utroot and tho robberM were frlRhtoned away, cHcaplnc with practically no loot. It was report ed late tonight that tho police have apprehended one of tho mmpectod I robbers. I KINDNESS TO TRAMP 1.08 AN(Ji:i.i:s. Cal, Ort lfi. Heeaime she wan kind to n tramp In IMioeulx, ArU., twolve yearH ago, j Mm, T. M. Nolln of Ontario, Cal., Is heir today to a legacy estimated ntj $5,000, Mrx. NoIIii'h kludness, It In itald, left a latttliiK luipr'BHlou on the man's j mind, causing him to return to his homo In Now York nnd change his mode or life. He told Mrs. !. J Krkstt'ln, his mother, of the good In fluence, nml Mrs. Nolln wax re membered In her will. RECORD SEASON AT CRATERJM CLOSED Tho Mnson at Crntei Uiko ended Irtht week when Crater lake Inn cloned for tho Winter, and Alfred h. I'nrkhurst, niaiinger of tho Crater Lake company, returned from tho lake. Although the iteason was shorter than usual this year more tourists vlHlted the lake In 1912 Tonight Medford boxing fans will revel In tho j;oln;? for one of tho classiest bouts to he Ktagetl around these pfirta In recent years will ho pulled off when Itud Anderson, tho Vancouver whirlwind and Danny O'llrleu of Portland fume step Into the sutiared nrotia for their ten round set-to. These boys hovo hen the bitter est rivals and love each other as a burglar tinea a cop nnd when they get started tonight they will lose but little time In getting acquainted, the Jealousy whlnh exists between them has oven reached other mem bers of their respective famlles for. younger brothers of O'Hrlen and An derson aro going to mix In a six round preliminary preceding the main event. 'Hie first bout goes on promptly At 8:30 p. m. Tho main event Im mediately following. All In all tonight's show should be a hummer ok It has clans written all over It. Let 'er go! only Bahing Powder rain Royal Grane (gamartar. than In any previous season. Sup erintendent W. K. Arant, of Crater Lake National Park, reports that over 0000 tourists registered at park headquarters. Extensive improve ments are planned for the park next year. It Is expected that tho Gov ernment will commence construction of additional roads early In tho Spring, and the Crater Lake com pany Is said to be planning work on a big hotel building on the rim of tho lake. Royal BakingPftwder AbsoIutejyPure Mo Atom No Lisstm PhmmphwAmm h ECHOES FROM PHOENIX I'lioenlx llnppenliifrM Always Interest Our Header After reading of so many people In our town who have been cured by Doan's Kidney Pills, tho question naturally arises: "in this medicine equally Htircpssful In our neighbor ing towns?" The generous state ment of thlit Phoenix resident leaves no room for doubt on this point. Mrs. J. Waterman, Phoenix, Ore, says: "I have no hesitation In reccominentllug Dean's Kidney Pills as I have had ample proof of their merit. Over-exertion or being op my foot for any length of tlmo, caused my back to actio and sont sharp pains through my loins. Fre quent headaches and upells of dlczl ties also bothered mo. I know that my kidneys wero nt fault and hear ing Doan's Kidney Pills highly rec ommended, l procured n supply. I hnenn tittlntr them nml thev mile veil Din illrflf nltleu which lint! n Inm? ' distressed nu." For salo by nil dealers. Prlco SO cents. Foster-Mllhurn Co., Iluffnlo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Mates. Hemcmber tho name Donn's and take no other. Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DBAIN TILE STANDS ALL TESTS , Examine onr goods and get our prices before buying s Elsewhere. Flour? Coffee? Tea? OR WHAT? Anything you buy from us in the Qro-. eery line will be right. Our Bakery De partment ia a source of pride to us investigate. Allen Grocery Go. I have three sworn enemies UK the drunkard, heavy drinker, and the man who craves rough, strong, high-proof whiskey Cyrus Noble U' 7 Bottled' at drinking strength W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland. A T ? y y t y t t y y y f y t T y t y t y t y 14 i 'S TONIGHT Greatest Event Ever ia Oreg 135 Pounds V Vh M Bud Anderson vs. Danny O'Brien 6 Rounds - SPECIAL EVENT - 122 Pounds Freddie Anderson vs. Frankie O'Brien Seats on Sale Nash Hotel First Preliminary 8:30 p. m. sharp DFORD ATHLETIC CLUB tt i - &' ;;hx"K"K y y f ftv- i fcf III 5 tfj r