Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i H j
tfrw thin wools, Wilson Drest
Hook at Moo h Co. Bring coupon
frolw thin lmper.
henry Cnllttjhan, who Is largely
litfarettdl In tlio. St. Albans group,
lo?cated'"fn,Bl6liyou copllef belt, iia
Koha, 'tliltlicr vt'o Jo considerable
work onlila ntlne.., Hohwns accom
panied by 'Mrs. C.
Strang brothers4 lmvo returned to
CorvnllU; to remitho tlft) studies at
Oregon AgrlculturnVcollcfce. , f S
Kor goodness wiko, ttoave R, A
Holmes, the Insurance !ni&u. wrlto
your lbsuranco. He knows how.
J. J. Holcotiib. Curtis Manning,
James Owens and Win. Carter of
Vlnicr' precinct were In Mcdford
Tuesday afternoon, on business In
Justice Taylor's cbiirt
Sheriff and Mrs. V, A. Jones
motored to Prospect Tuesday,
Dr. nickort. cyoslght specialist,
over Kcntner's. No drops used.
If. 'J. S. Pearce", Sohn Crump. A. S.
Kllnehanimer; Hollls Parks, X. Pur
coll, M. II. Unck, N O, Hasklns and
C. coiiibcst were among residents of
Applegate and Poorman's creek dis
tracts who have been attending the
meetings called by J. T. Chlnnook,
state water commissioner.
Miss Amanda Helms, Mrs. It. B.
Dow and Mrs. A. It. Thompson or
Jacksonville spent a few hours In
our city Tuesday afternoon.
Vapor baths and scientific massage
$1.00 for men and worawi. Dr It.
J". Lockwood, cblroprocter and ncrvo
specialist. 203' Garnett-Corey Bldg.
phono Home 14 5.
SI Hodges and Is. Jennings of
Gold HH1 were among tho many
from olsowhero in Mcdford Tuesday.
Wes Kennedy and O. Stevenson,
tonsorlal artists, have established
themselves In tho front of Halo &
Lyon's smoko house.
A. At Davis and V. I. Vawter have
returned . from a business trip to
Oakland, Cal.
S, A. Newell, ladles tailor, 4tb
floor M. P. & H. bldg.
C. Kigali of Eagle Po'lnt precinct
and Claude White or Central Point
were In Mcdford one day this' week.
J. A. Lemery of .Ashland, prohi
bition candidate 'for district attor
ney, was among our citizens Mon
day. Lee' Thomas of Merrill, Klamath
county, is making our city a busi
ness visit;
Oak and hardwood $4.50 and f 5.00
$r cord. Gold Kay Realty Co..
Sixth and Fir.
E. It. Hanan. a prominent citizen
of Itoseburg, is In Medford for n
few days.
Mrs. O. Jullen of Llttlo Shasta
VUlley, Cal., and her two daughters
are visiting our 'city unA valley.
Mr. Chllberg df Salem, deputy In
ternal' revenue collector, has been
snaking an official trip through
Southern Oregon.
Glasses fitted without use- of
drugs. Dr. Illckert, over Kent
ner's. Wm. G. Kenney of Jacksonville
returned Tuesday from Josephine
county, where he has been several
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Wel
len were In Medford the forepart of
tho week.
Dr. Morrison has removed his of
fice from the St. Mark's block to
rooms 211-212 second floor Garnett
Coroy.bulldlng. 17C
Wm. E. Budge, who has a flno
younjg orchard a few miles south
west of Medford, will market 2000
boxes of apples this season.
Mr; and Mrs. Frank Cameron of
Applegate spent Tuesday In Med
ford. Oak and hardwood J1.G0 and $5.00
per cord. Gold Kay Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
Dr, See wan it pabscngor on tho
northbound train Tuesday evening.
u. Hodges or j'lioenix, veterinary
surgeon, was In Mcdford Tuesduy
on professional business.
Try a Vapor hath for that cold. Dr.
It. J. Lockwood, Garnot-Corey Bldg.,
phono Home 115.
D. M, Collins, cashier of tho Bank
of Jacksonville, was iv visitor In
Mcdford Tuesday. '
Mrs, Gertrude Norton arrived In
Jacksonville u few evenings since,
f roin "yrofca, Cal., where she holds a
case on tho Union.
Paul Hanson, who 1ms been spend
ing A few weeks In tho Willamette
valley, Is at home again.
Jacob Kllppel loft for Josephine
county Tuesday evonlng, on a visit
to his bid haunts.
It. E. Donne, the minor, Is down
from tho Buzzard group, located In
Elk cregk district, which is attract
ing wldorablo attention.
., 'f? , -., 1- .
(- r i
AVASJHN'QTON, Oct. 16. -Elmer
DoW, rofmer secretary of the re
imbhlcan national committee, tolc
gjthed today to Senator Clapp
from. Taconm that ho will be In
"Washington Friday ready ;to present
his ovldcnco before tho senate com
mittee, on campaign contributions.
Dover Is alleged to have stored In
Ohlcago copies ot all the transac
tions of tho republican committee
during his term of office.
Kinsman Is vlsltlrig
Oh has boon in Med
Mrs. T.
John W
ford several times', lately. Ho Is
Oimrutlng In, Kane's creek district.
Mj, T. M,'AHoWard, who has been
vlsttljtg relatives Jiving In Mcdrord.
tta'rted for' her home in Aberdeen
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Mnry Day of Jacksonville
loft ror tho Willamette valley Tues
day and will visit at Portland and
other points. Her daughter. Mrs.
O. X. Nelson, and her granddaugh
ter. Miss Pearl Dox, accompanied her
us .far as Mcdford.
Rev. Shecrwln'ot tho Episcopal
church loft Monday for Los Angeles.
He will return at tho latter part or
next week.
In order that all who wish to may
attend tho benefit meet at tho raco
track Thursday afternoon the banks
In the city will close at 12 o'clock
tonioriow an'd the stores at 2 o'clock.
,tT. E. WhUler leaves Wednesday
for Roseburg, where he will spend
thu next two weeks campaigning.
M. L. Erlckson Is In tho Big
Butte district on a short buslucsi
trju; ,
Horace Doubleday of Butte Falls
is visiting friends In Medford as Is
J. P. Hughes.
Charles Nlckell spent Wednesday
In the Jacksonville country.
John W. North of Ashland spent
Wednesday In Medford.
George W. Dunn of Ashland was
a Medford visitor Wednesday.
Harry Pellett of, Ashland spent
Wednesday with Medford friends.
B. Cecil Jacks of Central Point
spent Wednesday In Medford on
NEW YORK. Qet. 10. 01.1 in
quumtunccs here of John Sciirimk,
who fired n bullet into Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt's body, tit Milwaukee
Mondny evening, today say insiinity
Jiat? prevailed in the Schrnnk family
for three encrntioiiK. Dominick and
Anna Ffiimmauj;, Schrftiik"d uncle
hikI tiutit, brought him to Auicrk-u in
188K. lie wax failed John Flaiiiinnni:
until Iris uncle gave him a Haloou,
when ho hrgnu usinjr liw own name.
(Continued from page- 1.)
- 'Uii'i-
Weeks &HcGo wan Co.
1.1- 9 rhoM am
WM HM(I T. W, WHkl SS71
condition could not lie he tier ho
Snvt-il ly Spectacle Ctiso
Dr. Wooik Hutchiiiboii, Koohuvclt
luiin mill u writer of note, visited the
colonel thi tnoniiiiXr bringing n inch
snjtQ of wyiupathy anil .good winhes
froin Noiy jork progrehMvcH, Dr,
jrurpliy, DrLumlicrt and Dr. Iliitch
iiison nil agreed that Colonel Kooiu
VH's life was Kiived Ijv the bleel
spectacle eno which deflected thu
'King Alfonso of Spain cabled to
day u note of byinpalhy to Colonel
Roohevclt. The former prcbident niiid
tlmt.lip felt bully.
Klbcrt MarHn, tipureliiry to Theo
dore KooBcvelt, is iiiierccpting all
pnckagcH mlilreriricil to the colonel
containing eatables. Thu aiitliorilie
lit Mercy Ilospitnl uro rofusjin all
other flclii-iicicg.
At 11 oVIiiek M"rs. RoosevcU was
ul hor hubhaiid'H hedsidu. Mrn. Long
worlh uud !Mi.- Kt,licl Roosevelt
throve iibuu tlio city jiaji,autoiiiolile,
(Continued fi-ora v&r,o 1.)
pu baKijH,
tfutUiuwson ,ri, off Wood 1,
biibUri guoiluriiMB, Devore. Le(t
sijs, UuwfYoriz i.'J, HohIiiii ft.
on hallH, off Heiliout (I, off
by M"utliejjvhou -J, by licdient 2, by
Wood 3. UmpircH: O'Loiighlin he-
hind the hut; Rigler on (he bnscH;
hi em in left field, and Evans in right
Kunoral services n- Hie late Klvby
S. Millet wore comlucled at llic fim
lly residence npnr Mcdford yeslcvduy
afternoon, by Dr. Uoo. Uebcc, of the
Tnivoi-sity of Oregon. The oeruee.
wero held nt two o'clock, mill woi-o
nttended by huge gutlioring of Mr.
Miller' friemls uud neighbors. The
imll-bcnrers were Herbert S. l'urons,
Ralph llanlwcll, Paul Jminey, A. l
Rnndall. Alan Hniokinrccd and Henry
Ramssey. Porter Xeff siuij: the fa
vorite hymn of the deceased, "Lend
Kindly Light."
Tho body was sent to Portland for
cremation, in uccordmu'c with the
expressed vilics of Mr. Miller. Cre
mation will take' plate on Friday.
Mr. Ncff accompanied the bedy: he
will be joined in Portland hv a bro
ther uud sifter of Mrs. Miller, who
are coming from Chicago, iwul who
will nccompany Mr. Neff on his re
turn to this citv.
Dr. HcIm'c's Heiuarks
Dr. Ucbcc mi id in jmrt:
"Hum in the border south, and
hnving his eollogo yours at Washing
ton mid Leo uuircrsitv of Virginia.
Where the spirit of Robert K. mid
of the very best of the old south was
nl-pervnsivc, Mr. Miller remained to
the end n southern man in his central
conceptions? of personal honor ami
deep, essential courtesy mnl chivalry.
Ah n young; man he choo for his
vocation the ministry, hccmisc he was
drawn lo it by the deep inner current
of his being, which was not always
guessed by those who saw him in the
vimful bustle mid practicalities of
later years. Hut the key to Mr. Mil
ler's . personality, mid to his whole
growth, is his remarkknble combining
williiu himself ot two 'mental types
which usually are divergent. On the
other hnnd was his nbolule sense
thnt'nt the heart of it life is n mutter
of tho spirit and of spiritual vnlties,
values ethical, cultural and religious.
And on the other hand, the impera
tive need of action tho homely,
everyday action that fills the days of
normal, ordinary men.
Joined the Presbyterians
Perhaps it was the nctive energy of
the Presbyterian type of religious
man which first drew him to that
churclp la his first pastorate, how
ever, in n suburban residential town
of Baltimore, the trail which left its
dccjier impress was his most umiMial
genius, for binding himself to strong
men in enduring friendship. A man
utterly indifferent to mere popular
ity, often briiMpie, and mercilessly
candid in statement, whose motto was
''What I euro is to uet action," yet
Mr. Miller never lived in u community
without becoming, not so much a mere
comrade as a reository of their
lives, a counselor and n tower of
strength to u circle of superior na
tures. .
But the experience of Hell Aire
brought home to him the erccptiou
that sooner or later comes lo every
thoughtful modern mnn, that the good
of the world is to bo attained, not
alone through individual virtues and
pieties, but through social action. So
cial action seemed to him the peculiar
call of our generation. In response
to this cull within himself, ho sought
a freer field in a so-called more lib
eral Presbyterian church in the ncigli
borhood' of"(fiicago. Here he, an
obscure young' clergyman, soon prov
ed his new faith by projecting him
self, singlchnWed, into nu election
campaign against a iiiulli-iiiilliouairc,
come to that community solely for
the purpose of buying himself a place
in congress. Monpy ipiil party ma
jority won the hattlo for the mil
lionaire, but the iiieagerncss of tho
majority left thu moral victory with
the young preacher.
Education as Uplift
Rut during this second pastorale,
too, there was horn in Mr. Miller the
perception of education as I he su
premo instrument of social uplift.
From this time on education may bo
said to have heconio his avocation.
Ho devoured educational literature,
pondered educational subjects, and
mingled in educationul affairs, ft
wns tho objectifying and socializing
of his spiritual interests that led him
Klill again to beck freer church con
nection, whurp the emphasis would he
thrown less on mere personal subjec
tive states, and more upon tho larger
Outward jffo, j ww,i t(, Dufuth, to
thep,n$lorutp of tjic Unitarian ilppx-h
of (hal cit.V.
But Dulutli proved again but n
singe In his unwearied quest. Ho
teU the. need o relief from profes
sion, ami a turning in upon an uu
hampered personal thought. Still
.nore ho toll (ho necessity, not atouo
or social action, but tho homely
everyday action that makes the com
niop lot of tlici uyeiago practical
man. Hence his coming to Oregon,
and leading for, two jeara tho ill
nost primitive lfo .of a small fruit
ranch, and afterwards, In duo course,
with a coal and energy wo all know,
Into the largo orgauUatton ot tho
fruit activities of the Rogue Vulliiy,
and Indeed ot the whole northwest.
Phase c.PKulutlm
All this, from one point of view,
represented a perionnl quest and
pcrfount "growth on Mtf. Miller's
part; but on tho other hand meant
what lie laid eo much store by, nc
tion and results. Mr. Miller never
regarded our peculiar northwestern
fruitgrowers' Ufa and business other
wtso than ns one phase of our na
tional uuw experimenting and evolu
tion. He was wont to say: "It's a
part of the problem of democracy."
Itulcod. no one understood Mr. Mil
tor who did not catch the note In his
convictions that every significant
part of the homeliest, everyday busi
ness ot men la a thing of spiritual
Implication, Indeed the wny ulti
mately to put tho spiritual values
on a sure footing..
In a moment of intimacy, ho used
sometimes to say: . "Personally I
(eel that this turmoil or outer affairs
In which I am bustling about Is a
stage out of which must emerge a
dominant Inner note .1 am still a par
son, and who knows mil some day,
out ot this experience ot the world,
1 may find a now voice and a new
authority to go forth and preach In
soma sort." The preaching he had
In mind was really not that of the
pulpit, but ot tho new. vital, social
and practically human Idealism the
gospel of tho spirituality of the
common-place. Indeed, he had
tie political and social trend.
Vurt In Hn? Affairs
To ..Mr, MlUor'a luflueiu'o, "loro
than to any other porson's, Aviw ilurt
thu Injection Into tho mi-called mill-
ago tax bill campaign, Its thruo larg
est Idciitt, namely:
Flrat, that It should not lie a
more lmiU(dmtc settlumeiit of high
er educational dlfflcultlra, but a
program of tutn,ro development! sec
ond, that tho slnto'a higher educa
tional forces munt bo co-ord hinted
and brought under tho control ot
nun strong bedy: third, that that
body shall have Impressed upon It
tho duty of calling to Its help ex
pert counsel.
By a prophetic coincidence, n
committee of this league, on tho
very lat afternoon of IjIh life, sent
from Portland a long telegram, re
questing his endorsement ot curtain
proposed Important steps.
Action and soarchlug luwnrduess,
these wero tho two sides of this
complex man, If any other trait
marked him, It was Impiitlenco of
subjectivities mid tiuttlinuntal self
consciousness. So far as hls mere
personal destiny was concerned, ho
flowed life like a soldier; his place
was to march In thu lliuv ami Itho
foilwhy, ho fell. Tho Issuos ami
thu last meanings ot U all lay In a
nouiv.p whoro ho could li'Ut tlium.
oruor ThoinuH It. Marshall, tho demo-
urulld cundliliilo I'm1 tho vino liVosW
tlnnoy will umku hill tltrca iinmjellus !u
Cnllfornlu on Ills coming hip, Ni'.l'
Monday Marshall will nponlt tit Huc
rmneulo arriving In Hun FritUi'lsco
Tuosilny. He will leave Intu TuoNtlny
nlght for Portland. t
Tho Unlvorsity of Orogon Oorrespondonco School
of furs, FRICK, with tho except Ion of cont of postngo mi papers uud nmt of tho
UnlvornHy Kxtomilon Uullotln, to CITIZI2N8 OF OKNOON, forty UNI
VBUBITY COURHIW by MAIU Ability to profit by tlm ciiurflfla nnlvoioil
In tho only roniilromont for onrollinoiit n thu Correspondenco Department,
Cournca aro offered In the dPpttiimonU of llotany, Debating, Kconomlcs,
Kducatlon. Hloctrlclty, Kngllsh Mtornturo, Kngllsli CoiiipOHttlod, History,
Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Kducatlon. Physics, physiology,
Psychology, .Sociology and Surveying. Write to tho Secretary of tho Oor.
rospoudenco School, University ot Orogon, Kugono, for Information and
COUUSRS IN' UKSIDDNCIC at tho University prepni'o for tho Profos
INO, Fall nenicstur opens Tuesday, September 17. Address tho Regis
trar for catalogues dcsciiptlvo tf the Collogo of Rnglncortng. tho CoU;o
of, I.lhoral Arts, tlm Schools ot KducaUon, Coiuinfireo, Law, Mdcluo nnd
Man In.
Don't Blame Your
Over Worked Stomach
When your stomach will not di
gest food, thu worst tiling you can
do Is to take a lot of digestive modi
rlnes. True, they gv ttoupornry
rellef( but your stomach ls thu. suf
forcr. Loss or appetite, Indigestion,
dyspepsln and headaches can only bo
permanently relieved by removing
tho cause. In many cases, various
remedies taken to relieve thend con
ditions result lu ruining tho stom
ach and preventing It from digesting
food In a natural way.
If you want your stomach to do
Its own work properly, without re
sorting lo artificial digestives or
predicated foods, tiso Jayuo's Tonic
nl- Vermifuge. Take small doses regit-
ICstabllshed 1878
Incorporated 1004
Commission Morchants
SHU Frnnklln St., Now York
Our Specially
Wo havo our own houses In
Direct consignments lollclted or eeo our Rogue River ropronontatUe.
OHP.IS GOTTLIEB Medford, Orogon
ready begun, not preaching, but nc-ilarly, preforably before meals, lu
tloit ot an explicit sort lu this field. , a little tlmo your stomach will again
Through his Interest lu his favorite j do Its own work and you will eat
region of educ.iton. even tho duties I heartily, keep well and enjoy living,
of a local reboot board clerk wcrojJayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is not a ill
not too httinblo for him: while thoigester In Itself, but It tones up to
weight that hu had come to have In i tho stomnch and Intestines, giving
the larger educational affairs of tho you alt the nutriment and strength
state Is testified to by his election ; from tho food you cat.
last spring to tho presidency of the: .Many forms of supposed Indigos
Kducatlon Reform- Lcaguo of Ore-ltlon are the result of Intestlniit para
gon, nn organization made up or rep- J sites, for which Jayne's Votilc Ver-
Hold Your Applos and Got Bottor Pricoa
AVo can K(on 17 mrs more or fruit. Kates as follews:
200 boxes or less '2w per box for the season. All in
excess of 200 boxes 20c for the season.
Season to April 1st.
Medford Ice & Storage Co.
resentatlvo men from all parts or
the stato, pledging" themselves to
the causa ot the democratic rebuild
ing more especially higher educa
tion, but llkowlHj All education, In
to harmony with our now domocra-
mlfugo Is unsurpassed. Insist on
Jay no's; accept no other. Millions
havo praised It for more than olghty
years. Sold by druggists every
where. Dr. D. Jayno & Son, Phlla'
dclphla. Pa.
Do You Want to Soil?
What sorts nnd quantities, and what prlcoT Wo aro not tend
ering for nnybodr'u fruit.
Do you want to consign and chance tho mnrkotT Consult ut
and wo will giro you quotations. In ovory auo wo send the spIIum
snlo notes. In Now York wo uo our own sulo notes, and do not havo
apples sold by auction.
7G Park Platjo ' . - NowYork'
Children's Sweators
FOR SALK I havo 48 hours to ro
analn hero. I own a beautiful
ranch near this city will ex
change It for any personal pro
perty ami will glvo tlmo. For
Information call at Dr. Helms'
, Veterinary Hospital, City, " 177
FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished down
stairs bedroom, In a now, unode'rn
hotiBo. 2 block from P, O, Phone
Simmons Kid Gloves 98c
Special for this sale only
we include jtour entire
line of the famous Sim
mons Gloves, all colors
and sizes; regular value
$1.25. Special only 98
: h.
1 Lot Ribbon 19c
Consists' of '5.0 piece's of
plain and fancy Ribbon,
worth up td 50c a yaiW.
Special at only 19d
Dress Shields 10
Good washable cambric
Dress -Shields, all sizes,
only 10
2 cards good- nickle
Safety Pins for 5
Hair1 Ncts,vall coloi-s,
with elastic, 2 for 56
Hose Supports 15c
J,adieV J'acl Tfoso Sup
porfcers with' heavy clas
tic web, white and colon
only : 15
Bias Seam Tape 7c
Made from' fine white
lawn, iSros 1, 2, 3, 4 5.
Special, each 76
- '
Fleishora Yarns ,10c.
All colors' W Jfancy
work, Shetland floss,
UcrmaiitowH zephyr,
Saxony yarn, skeiu 10
Children's pretty all
wool sweaters, with mil-x
itary collai-s, biiftoiis
down front, cardinid
and oxfords $1.25
To Every
fit T tf' II I t
Iff Tha Y3 WiHw I '
L iwmmmmtmm fmmmtX?f'
y)' (mi S!
Apt c Mi' r'J?t i -'j i tffn
Urine this advertisement to our
Notion Department not later than
one week from today add rccdVc.
absolutely free, a regular 10c card of
son Dress-Kooks
These poputir new Preti.hookt are not ordinary IkkAi and
cyr fir inaji--iliey will completely overcome your drcis.faitenliif;
dilTiciiltiCi. The free canl sro not (ainjilei but the tame -alnc (or
nhich you itoiiM repjbtly pay 10c.
We make ihh moil unmual ami lllent o(Tcr m we are eonfilent
yo;nvill find Wilwn DreM-liooki llie very thitiR you lave alwayi
nantcd. Tliey can't comd unliookfd or ''op,, ojen nrcldentally.
'Ihey hold iccurcly vriilioiit bulce or pp, thoiiph you ran unhook
them with perfect cae. Guaranteed not trrnut orcrmli In waildn
And IroniiiR, and f ontlajt sny (pirrnent i perfectly flat and never iliow.
Don't neglect thit ojiportuniiy lo try the Wilton I)rei-liook
you luvc vfn 10 widclf advertised in the Icadinj; marline) and stylo
lifxiic?. iJteii ny Msni'inauie women cvcrywlicrg
and endoned by leading drctinukcrs.
Chiljlren's heavy Hough !
NeeK Sweaters, oxford y
ami eardinal. Special 4
price pj. at -
Ladies' Sweators
neck, two pockets, regu
lar price 5.00. Special
today tjttl.50
Ladies' extra
wool sweaters,
School Stockings 15c
Children's guaranteed y
rjbbed stotskings, me- V
black and tan, sizes
from 5 1-2 to !). Special
this week 15
Cut Out thi Advertisement
ami prcirnt nl our Notion )cniilminl. Lnrjo and
imull ilrro, firay, lilnclc and Wfiltn rolnu, Ono doicn
nn n tnrj. e ctn not tlvo rani to any cm' wlm hat
rifelrrcls efl lrr,,(rom any m reliant or tho wllnoii
')JrclwtecV..Ct;4!lu, O, 'Nono clrun tu ctilldrvn,
Womon's silk Hose W)6
'Women's thread silk
Hose with double lisle
garter top,, double sole,
high spliced heel, all
sizes. These wo havo on
jwlo special only 39
Do you know we make up to 'your measurements
man tailored skirts for only 2.00 for the making.
Select from1 largo assortment of new' fall dress goods
and suitings such as wo arc showing this season ut
prices that mean a big saving to you on your next
suit or coat, Write us for samples and prices.
OhildronV "frnjon Suitu
Fine fleeced, medium
weight Union Soils, in
sizes from 4 to 10 ycaiw. X
special this week at
.9iy .' aoc
Union Suits 48S
"Women's I'ino I'leecod &
Unioii Suits, high rioelc,
long slooves, nnd. ankle
length; rogular price 75o A
Spoejal value 48 4
$3.00 niessulinesilk Pet
ticoats in all new bright
shades, iwvii' il deep ac
cordeon pleated flounce.
Special at $1.95
iTmIiT - '